Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 789: Why the Milky Way is not broken? ?(ψ·ˇ?…





"Um... this, it's really weird..."


In a lounge on the n-floor basement of the Bridge and Tunnel Authority building in Manhattan, the man in black mib is squatting on the sofa alone, thief holding a hanging in both hands. Chuan, put it in front of his white, tender, handsome, and a little fat face, and looked at it energetically.

at this time,

In her big, bi-colored, beautiful, talking eyes are full of surprise and emotion... It seems that she has been to countless worlds and seen countless magical things, even Even the creation **** Iluvita has seen her, but for the first time now is she curious about such a gadget that can't be eaten or played?

It is precisely because of curiosity that she will be like this, almost always put her little face in front of the pendant, so she can hardly put her whole little person into the pendant to see clearly. .

"Hey! Tibbers..."


"Tell me, this rare gadget, this little thing called the Milky Way, how did they and the Aquilon aliens make it? They shouldn't have made it!! "


As the saying goes, laymen watch the excitement, experts watch the doorway...

Anyway, the omnipotent mathematician and layman, the self-taught great scientist (pseudo) Xiao Annie in the Kepulu region now feels that the ‘Milky Way’ pendant necklace she holds in her hand is very rare! Because, to get a cosmic plane of the Milky Way into such a small thing, it is because she is currently incapable of the omnipotent Queen Anne!

Asking her to actually take a shot and package a certain unfaced world into such a marble and then take it away is indeed something that makes her feel embarrassed.

Speaking of which, apart from seeing similar things and grasping and playing with each world from the appearance of the plane barrier, this is the first time she has seen someone in a world move an entire galaxy. The plane of the universe is stuffed into the pendant of the necklace, and can it be used as an energy source?

This is really amazing!

So now, Little Annie really wants to send it to the Milky Way in the pendant beads of this necklace to see, to see the earth there, and what kind of world is inside? Anyway, in her eyes, this "galaxy" is equivalent to a new plane world, which is equivalent to the world of Azeroth and the sanctuary world she saw when she was in the barriers of the plane. The world in the Kepulu zone and other worlds are almost the same anyway!

However, she had never thought that when she was not in the chaotic cracks of the barriers of the plane world, on this earth, she could still see this kind of thing... and this is why she is curious now The real reason for the reconciliation.

In short, she couldn't figure it out, why did the aliens in this world have such an ability?


(Respected little master, these aliens should be made out of speculation... Isn’t this world a chaotic and diverse world? Do you remember... the one you stole home not long ago has many small tentacles Is that iron cabinet in the human world?

(● ̄ ̄●)

For Tibbers now, it is nothing more than a fan of the authorities and a clear bystander...

Anyway, although Tibbers doesn’t know about magic or other messy things about space, it knows that if the entrance to an extra-dimensional space the size of a cabinet is reduced to the pendant-like beads of this necklace If it is a big thing, it will definitely not be difficult for any high-level mage! So, let alone a little master in his family who can only eat, drink and have fun, who is not doing business all day, but is very capable!

For a bad arcanist, that kind of thing must be super simple, but maybe she never thinks about it, or doesn't do it? )



"Yes! It turns out to be like this, I think I understand..."


"But, Tibbers, that iron cabinet...I didn't steal it!!"


"It's locked there, and there is no owner. Why can't I take it down and play it for a few days? How can it be considered a steal? Besides, after people get tired of playing it, it has been given to Uncle K to get it. This mib headquarters is kept here, I obviously did a good job, I didn’t steal it!!"


After her own little bear Tibbers explained, little Annie finally realized it herself...

Because, she seems to remember, this world seems to be different from other single-faced worlds. In this galactic universe, there are many, many, diverse worlds, and the worlds even include or combine with each other, which is very complicated anyway. That's it!

When she first came to this world, she also tried to analyze it a bit, but she quickly became impatient at that time, because that kind of thing had no meaning at all except to burn her brain! In comparison, where can it be more comfortable than eating, drinking and having fun? !

(Yes, yes... The little one just said something wrong. Master Anne, you will always be right. How could you steal the tin cabinets of Central Station? There is nothing like that...

(● ̄ ̄●)

Tibbers is not going to argue with a arrogant little master now, because everyone knows that no matter who is right or wrong, it must be Tibbers himself in the end! After all, the little master of his family can never make a mistake. It can only be someone else, don't bear, or the whole world that makes a mistake? )



After understanding the cause and effect, Little Annie once again brought the pendant to her eyes, and began to observe carefully...because this kind of plane of the Milky Way is also mixed with another plane of the Milky Way. Things are really rare, anyway, this is the first time she saw...

Therefore, her little brain is now thinking, in this galaxy in her hands, is there another or more smaller galaxies? Or, outside of the galaxy where she is, are there countless galaxies with a larger relative space? !

And under such repeated cycles, is this entire plane world just the kind of super world with infinite loops and countless dimensions?

If this is the case, when she thinks about the countless unfaced worlds of the Milky Way or other worlds entangled, she feels her brain hurts just thinking about it...

Because that is really too much trouble, she is not willing to waste her brain thinking about things that have an infinite loop! !


Although, Anne herself has the ability to freely shuttle through the plane, and she can easily shuttle to the outer galaxy or the galaxy universe as small as the marble in her hand, and will not be affected by the size of the body’s “relative space”. Any restriction, as long as she is willing to go in, she will still be the size of a little earth girl inside!

However, this kind of boring world, which is obviously infinite loop, can never be seen through endless identical or similar parallel planes. She definitely does not have much interest in exploring, because it is too cumbersome, and it is meaningless. No!



So, now Annie, in addition to continuing to look hard, continue to look inside, explore the inner world of the Milky Way, and use that huge mental power to sweep across the planets, roughly distinguishing the inner and outer worlds. Outside of the difference, she did not take any more action.


(● ̄ ̄●)

(Little master, what's so good about this, if you really want to, then let's go in and have a look? Anyway, this is a difficult thing for others, isn't it a small thing for you? ?

(● ̄ ̄●)

Seeing a certain miserable little master looking at the pendant beads of that necklace, looking and looking, looking and looking, looking reluctant, Tibbers finally got a little impatient...

Therefore, it persuades. Because in its view, playing in any world is not always playing? And if you really want to, then just run into this ‘Milky Way’ bead and have a look, and it’s no big deal. )


e=(o`*))) alas

"forget it!"

"It must be another galactic universe, and the same earth, the same human beings. At most, the time, creatures, scenery or ages inside are not the same? Anyway, I won't go in anymore. I'm here now. pretty good!!"

ξ (>)

If you count it seriously, most of the plane worlds that Little Annie has been to are parallel planes with the Milky Way, the sun, the earth, the moon, and human beings? She had long been tired of seeing the earth in different worlds, and she didn't want to go to this world of beads to play! !

Instead of that, she might as well run to the outside of the "Galaxy" world where she is now, and then catch the aliens or earthlings who are playing with them in this world, and then take away the other. A "Milky Way" marble!

But think about it, the outer world has even more outer worlds. Under the endless cycle of this multi-chaotic universe, there is definitely no way to grab it, so just let it go... she will continue to be here. Stay in the plane world for a while, and then go to other different worlds when you get bored, so that you won't have to struggle with the messy galaxies! !


(Then do it as you like, the little master, please be happy...

Tibbers just mentioned it casually. Anyway, it didn't take it seriously, and it never took care of those things! )



However, even if I said that I would no longer go in for wandering, I also figured out why those Aquilon aliens created such a "galaxy" that was "sealed" in a necklace pendant, but a little girl still His little face was in front of the necklace pendant.



The original inattentive curiosity in her eyes gradually became excited?


(Respected little master, what are you trying to make?

You don't need to guess, Tibbers will know that some bad little master must have come up with some messy and bad idea again! I just don't know, who will be the unfortunate one this time? ! )


"Say it……"

"If... if I shake a few times like I do now, what will the ‘Milky Way’ in it look like?!"


Little Annie, who always thought of doing it, would ever think about the consequences of doing that?

So, under the stunned bear eyes of her little bear Tibbs, in this black-clothed staff lounge where she was alone, she first smiled evilly with her fingers and smirked the "Milky Way" in the necklace. After picking out the marbles, he viciously grasped it in the palm of his hand, and lifted the "Milky Way" from the necklace pendant beads, like the cramping bartenders in the bar. Out of the strength of her breastfeeding, she vigorously shook the beads in her hand frantically.

Look at her small eyes narrowed with excitement...

It seems that you are really addicted to playing and have a good time, and it is impossible to stop for a while? I just don't know, is the Milky Way in the marble, as she imagined it, is shaken evenly, or the stars and planets are starting to collide with each other?


(● ̄ ̄●;)


!? (\'

"It's damned! These tattered beads are not fun at all!!"


It shook and shook for a long time like a convulsion, until her little hand was a little sore, but as a result, the "Milky Way" in the broken bead was not at all scattered by her own shaking as she imagined. Or is it a mess and collided together, but still looks like that beautiful whirlpool?

It turns out that any vibration in this world is not visible to the "Milky Way" in the marble, because the other party is in another plane world and is completely unaffected by any physical laws in this world... So, look. When this was the case, Xiao Anni was angry and threw it aside bitterly, making her blindfold! !


(Tibbers no longer wants to comment on the nonsensical and evil behavior of a certain tragic little girl... And fortunately that kind of evil behavior has no effect. Otherwise, the entire "Milky Way" would be turned upside down. , And then are the creatures going to suffer a great deal?!)


"Hey! Hey! Wait!"

"Boss K! How's the conversation going in the conference room? What did the representatives of the tribes of aliens, protoss and Zergs and our boss Z say?!"

When the door of the meeting room opened, when a black-clothed agent k in a suit and leather shoes walked out with a dead face on the floor with no expression and sadness as usual, because he was not old enough, his level was not high enough, and he was reluctant. He was so shameless as a temporary apprentice, with big lips and black face. Agent J leaned toward his officer and partner with a hippie smile, and then asked in a low voice while rubbing his hands.

The representatives of the three tribes appeared on time in the lobby of their black-clothed headquarters half an hour ago in a white light, and directly passed all the protective facilities of their'port' and quarantine station, allowing all of them to be present at the time. The black-clothed staff, agents and agents all felt very shocked!

Therefore, now J is so curious about the messengers who are said to be from the Hero Federation, and wants to know more.


"It's okay. Boss Z, other high-level agents and ministers of various branches just discussed some conditions with the messengers, and the two sides signed some agreements..."

"In general, the results are quite satisfactory, right?"

After k glanced at j who was by his side wanting to inquire beyond his authority for a long time, he said this indifferently.

There is no doubt that the level of this assistant of oneself is definitely not enough, and it is definitely impossible to learn more. If the other party does not want to be cleared by himself or others with the'amnestic device' due to violation of discipline, it is best The choice is to ask nothing, don't come to yourself or other senior agents to inquire about anything?

"Oh! What agreement was signed?!"

The curious J naturally followed the other person’s question directly, and then, the answer to him was the expressionless dead face of K’s boss and the cold eyes, which scared his originally grinning black face and hurriedly again. Retracted back.


"K! Okay, I know this is against discipline, okay, I just don’t ask, don’t look at me with that strange look... Then you can tell me, where are you going? Haven't the negotiation been finished yet?"

J, who has already fully understood the relevant confidentiality agreement in the Men in Black organization, saw the look of his boss, knowing that it must be no show, he touched his big nose, which was injured only today, and continued. Follow the other person, want to know what does the other person want to do instead of continuing the meeting?

"It's over..."

K said this nonchalantly while continuing to move forward.

"Done talking?"

"After talking, where are you going? Hey! Slow down, wait for me, is there anything that needs to be so urgent?"

I found that my partner was ignorant of myself. I couldn’t help but follow the other side at the same pace, wanting to see which negotiation room the other side came out from at this time. Do something?

Of course, if you can follow the other party into the conference room later, and then see the Protoss woman in golden armor and the upper body with a human body, the lower body is indeed the insect queen, then it would be great!

Seriously, if you don’t look at the other person’s lower body, j will almost be fascinated by the ‘woman’ who is said to be just a common ruler queen among the Zergs...


"It's nothing, but before they leave, they want to meet the little princess from the kingdom of'Gray Order'!"

Until now, whether it is K, the leader of the Black Man headquarters, or the other negotiating members participating in the meeting, all of them do not know the true identity of a little girl, and they take it for granted that the other party is the heroic federation joining the country' The little princess of Grey Order too!

Anyway, whether it is k or z, they think so at present!

In their view, the cause of the matter was that the little princess Anne from the kingdom of the powerful Hero Federation, who liked to run around, was threatened by the aliens from the "Evil Lai Dragon", so after receiving the distress signal For the safety of the princess, the Federation of Heroes resolutely dispatched a powerful combined fleet to the solar system, and completely annihilated those unparalleled'eile dragon' fleets?

So far, K himself knows only these, and more, the representatives of the three ethnic groups who came to visit and negotiate did not say much, and their mib did not dare to ask more.

"It's really the rescuer she invited..."

"Tsk tusk! It seems that the identity of that little guy must not be simple, at least, her parents must be quite high in that federation?"

A little girl’s distress signal is definitely impossible to mobilize a country’s huge army, but the other’s family members are not necessarily impossible!

Therefore, in J's view, the little guy Annie must have sent a signal to her parents at that time, so certain people who are eager to love their daughter will let those who are between the orbits of the earth and Mars in the shortest time An expedition from the huge combined fleet?

Of course, this is his own brain supplement, although it may not be all right, but he believes that it must be inseparable.

"Don't guess, you will know right away!!"

After speaking, Agent K, who had already walked to the staff lounge, shook his head, directly opened the folding steel door in the corridor, and then strode in.


It seemed that he had stepped on some hard object. K, who was about to walk in, stiffened a bit, almost staggered, and almost fell to the floor!

However, as a black-clothed agent, he definitely didn't say the physical quality, so he easily maintained his balance and stabilized his body, then bent down and took it from his feet. A ball the size of a marble came out.

"this is……"

He took the orb in front of his eyes in a puzzled manner, and found that it was the energy source of the Milky Way that he knew very well. K's arm had to pause again.


"Hey! Little Annie, how can you throw it away? If it blows up, our entire planet will be finished!!"

Curious J squeezed into the door, took the ball from the hand of some dazed boss K and took a look at it, and had to blame a little girl in shock.

That was the pendant of the'Milky Way' necklace that the two of them desperately snatched from the bug cockroach that killed the prince of Aquilon. However, there are no necklaces and pendants now...because this bead was used by the little girl. Picked out from the pendant.

What makes j a bit dissatisfied is how can the other party just throw it on the ground casually? If it were to explode, this powerful source of energy would definitely not be weaker than the terrifying proton weapon that could annihilate the earth in an instant when the battleship of Aquilon threatened them before?

"Huh! It won't blow up!!"


Annie jumped off the sofa, then swiftly walked towards the two people at the door, and grabbed the marbles she had just had a good time with from the hands of a dark-faced uncle. Went back.

This thing has been hers since she followed the other party back to the headquarters of the man in black! Although Annie also thinks this thing is a bit unfun...but, even if she keeps throwing it in her space bag and pressing the warehouse, she will definitely not return it to these two strange uncles again!

When you are in a panic, it is actually good to play with marbles, but playing the entire galaxy between the applause, is not it?


"How do you know it won't explode?"

"What if it really explodes? Let me tell you, kid, that's no joke! If you have enough of it, you'd better return it to us. Let us seal it in the headquarters vault. a little?"

Seeing the little girl Jin actually throw that thing in her hand, she didn't care at all. The j's fragile heart that has been ups and downs recently, which has been a bit unable to bear too much stimulation, is about to mention it in her throat right now. Up.

And he believes that the boss next to him must think the same as him, but the other party is a boring gourd. He has been a black agent who has been working for decades. Under normal circumstances, he is a little bad at communicating with people?

"Do not worry!"


"I just used it to shake, throw, throw, and smash it. It is still useless at all. It will definitely not be easily destroyed!!"

Yes, Annie did try it herself just now, but she found that to some extent, unless she finds the right method, otherwise, no matter how she does it, she can’t destroy this interesting little marble. , Because it is basically another plane world, where can the general violence be shaken?

It's like an ant on a piece of paper, no matter how it climbs, it will never be able to climb on another piece of paper that overlaps with each other...Without special methods or equipment, no one can destroy it or use it. The kind of powerful energy in itself.


Seeing that little girl seriously talking about those terrifying things, I was a little bit startled to close her mouth from ear to ear...Look at what the other person said, that kind of attitude, how can agent j feel relieved Come?


"Okay, that stuff already belongs to Annie, let her handle it..."

When his assistant and partner J wanted to continue to say something, K stretched out his hand in a timely manner and patted the other party's shoulder lightly, indicating that there was no need to continue arguing about this matter.

Because, their mib organization in black can’t preserve the marbles of the Milky Way. If they really dare to do that, next time I don’t know when, those people from the Acheronian Empire or alien bugs They will definitely come back, and no one of them can imagine what terrible things will happen by then!

Therefore, that thing is now in the custody of the little guy Annie, and someday in the future, when the opponent leaves, it is the safest choice to take it to that powerful heroic federation country! Of course, it is not impossible to return it directly to the Acheronians, but K has no good feelings about the alien empire that threatened to break the earth into protons.

From this incident, it can be seen that most of the aliens who are ‘friendly’ to them and the Earth are unreliable! Those bastards, what they care about is always their own interests, they are all selfish guys, and they have never treated the earth as an existence that can talk to them on an equal footing!


Detective K himself felt that those bastards, did they regard them as the indigenous policemen who helped them manage the resort of Earth? And this may be the reason why they unanimously decided to sign a related agreement with that hero federation in private to ensure the safety of the earth!


"The three messengers of your Federation asked to see you. Do you know them? If you can, they want to see you in the conference room now?"

K is here to invite this little guy to the conference room, but not for the guy who doesn't know how serious it is to quarrel with each other! Therefore, he directly held on to j, who was a little excited, and planned to lead the little girl to the conference room.

In any case, they must not allow the messengers of that powerful combined fleet to wait too long, because it might appear that the earthlings do not understand etiquette?



"I'm going to see them..."

"I don't want to see them. They are not fun at all, and they are so awkward, I don't want to go!!"

o(^`)o hum!

In fact, what Little Annie wanted to say was: she didn't want to go to any messy meeting room to see the messengers of the Zerg or Protoss.

She had already seen it through. Those guys knew about meetings all day long, all day long they knew that they would ask her for all the messy things, and ask her to sign and stamp them. Every day is the kind of boring thing. It would take a whole day to report, anyway, she didn't like it at all!

Think about it, how many planets and things are there in the entire Kepulu region... As long as those guys are willing, they can always find all kinds of things that they think are important, but in Xiao Anni’s opinion It's completely unimportant things bothering her! !

Therefore, when she heard that it might be troublesome things again, Annie's first thought was to refuse, and then her eyes began to roll around, and she was trying to find an excuse to slip out of here.

"Haha! Please don't bother you so much, because we came here by ourselves!"

"Two, if it's convenient, would you please go out?"

Just as K was a little entangled in what to do, suddenly there was a hearty laughter behind the two of them, and then they turned their heads and saw the three standing outside the door claiming to be humans and stars. The messenger of the spirit and the queen?

Afterwards, without waiting for the two of them to say something, the human and the Protoss walked directly to the staff lounge, and then rushed them out of the corridor without waiting for them to reply, so that they could only follow the huge one. Yes, the queen who doesn't know her name stays in the corridor with big eyes and small eyes, not knowing what Ou said.


!? (\'




"Hello, Dreyus, and Sister Thrandia..."


The queen outside the corridor who couldn’t get in due to her size was too big. Annie said she didn’t know her. After all, the breeding ability of the swarms was really too powerful, and the queen was a commanding high-level bug. There are also more and more, except for the Sarnagar named Kerrigan, she seems to recognize no other...

However, the Dreyus who was grinning at her in front of her and the aunt Celandia with her very deep image of the horse face, she said she knew very well!

Therefore, after changing her face several times while changing her face, Little Annie finally had to sigh, her face collapsed, and she was ready to deal with the two guys who had to come to her.

You know, the reason she called these guys to come was just to let those unruly villains "Evil Lailong" aliens know that Queen Anne's hands are no less than their counterparts! And now, since the nasty bad guys have been wiped out, why don't these guys do their own things, but bother her?

"Meet the head of Anne!"

"Salute to the great Master Anne!"

When there was no one else in this staff lounge, and after Dreyus and Serendia were sure that it was not monitored, the two of them were sitting on the sofa in a sorrowful mood. The sulking little girl saluted.

at this time,

The space war between Earth and Mars is over, so they are here!

It was a silent and cruel war, but now it ended with the victory of the fleet of the Hero Federation, and the fleet of the Federation has withdrawn to further orbits, in those orbits between Earth and Mars. Above, only the remains of thousands of warships and a small number of corpses from the "Xie Lailong" alien fleet were wiped out...

Perhaps, after countless years, the remains of warships scattered in the deep space of the universe will gradually be captured by the Earth and Mars, and then decomposed and burned, and then fall onto the two planets of Earth and Mars, forming meteorites or some precious buried underground. Of mines?

"Okay! Okay!"


"You are really annoying, don't know it all day long! You may not know, people are very busy these days!!"


That’s right, Little Annie is busy with some important and meaningful things recently, so she has no time to worry about what these guys are doing or want to do... That’s the business of adults like them, and Queen Anne is still A child, then do something that a child should do!

As for children or something, when she doesn’t need to go to school, nor does she need to do the kind of homework that can’t be done forever and tuition classes that can’t be done forever, eating, drinking and playing is definitely the most important and meaningful event. ! As for managing the country's major events or saving the world, it will only be considered when she is free.





"Sister Serendia, I have no use keeping this funny little marble, so I will give it to you to play! Then, if you don’t have anything particularly important, don’t bother me. You can do it by yourself!!"

Little Annie tossed again, and then the opposite one was agile, and launched the high-level executive officer of the star spirit who was able to cut down at least a few thousand bugs. He also caught the one she had thrown firmly. Weird little marbles.

Now she just wanted to hurry away the two guys in front of her. She didn't want to see the big horse face of the female star sister Ling, and she didn't want to see the serious face of the uncle Dreyus. , She just wants to play her own here on this earth, take a vacation by the way, play alien entertainment or something...Anyway, as long as these guys don’t come to earth to make trouble, don’t be like that kind of Acheronian If the battleship threatened to blow up the earth like that, she would definitely not care about what they wanted to do!


Serendia was puzzled. She didn't know why their little head would suddenly give her something. However, despite her doubts in her heart, she still subconsciously took the little thing in her hand carefully to her own. Come forward and take a closer look.


"This is... a powerful source of energy, what a strange thing... it seems to be... a shrinking galaxy?!"

Serendia was stunned for a while, before she came back to her senses...

She possesses powerful psychic energy and is stronger than ordinary life forms, but she knows better than anyone what the little thing in her hand is, or what it means!

Therefore, she directly raised her head in amazement and looked at the front face that didn't matter, as if she really had sent a marble-like little head of state.

"what is this?"

"A toy? No, it's definitely not a toy..."

At this moment, Delaeus on the side saw Thrandia’s drastically changed'face' and the unnatural'tone', he was curious, and approached him, and began to look at the opponent's hands carefully. That humble little thing.

"Now it's given to you, you can take it back and study it yourself, don't thank me!"


Anyway, it's not my own thing, and I'm tired of playing with it, so it won't hurt at all that Xiao Anni sends someone there!

Sure enough, the generosity of others is a thing that can make people physically and mentally happy!



(● ̄ ̄●)


"Aha! Serendia, close it soon, this is a good thing!!"

At this time, Dreyus, who had been studying for a long time, also reacted, and then he probably understood a little bit of what his companion was holding in his opponent's hand!

Now, the Kepulu region has benefited from the gift of a little girl’s space gems and certain space knowledge, plus the addition of the protoss, so their research on space has become more and more advanced. Go deeper, and they can even travel freely through the world they have been to without the help of their little heads of state...

Therefore, for the definition of the plane world, space, and the size of the space, he Dreyus has read a lot of related papers and reports published by the Capital Federal Academy of Sciences of Haven Star, although he does not understand these things. , But he is definitely not too strange!

This is like the principle that ordinary people on the earth don't know how to make mobile phones, but they can definitely understand and use them?

So, now Dreyus just looked at the small marbles in Thrandia’s hand for a while, and he quickly realized that this time, they got such a gadget, it is definitely worthy of them to come to this world. One trip is absolutely nothing in vain, and even a big profit! !

He believes that if this thing is brought back to Haven Star, it will definitely cause a huge sensation to the space science of the Federal Academy of Sciences and break through a series of space science bottlenecks, and drive another round of space science industrial revolution? !


Serendia did not say anything, neither thanked nor refused, but after receiving the things, he treated the little girl in black suit who was sitting on the sofa and didn’t have a good attitude. The solemn etiquette of a Protoss was performed.

Sure enough, what Dreyus said before was not wrong...

It seems that their heroic federation has not expanded to the outside world. They are just following in the footsteps of the great and omnipotent Master Anne, so that the federation is not too far behind? And the head of state, who is like an ancient prophet, does things that they can't speculate with the simple and obscure life body.

Look now, in this world, their little head of state has once again made the Federation a great harvest! !



"Okay! Alright! You are really annoying, I said no thanks, anyway, that thing is not mine!"

"By the way, I'll tell you, the thing was originally a group of aliens called Aquilon, but they didn't take care of it. They were snatched by an alien bug, and then the alien bug was taken by Uncle K. They were beaten to death, and then, it fell into my hands..."

( ̄ ̄")

Seeing that these two people liked that little marble so much, Annie reluctantly introduced the other party about the origin of the thing... Actually, she also wanted to tell the other party that there are many similar things in this world, such as a certain The iron cabinet that was violently torn down by her?

However, after thinking about it, she felt that those things were too troublesome to explain, and she didn't plan to talk too much with the two guys in front of her for the time being, so she could only suddenly extinguish that idea. Anyway, if these guys continue to stay in this world, they will definitely figure it out later, she doesn't need to talk too much nonsense.


"We know how to do it!!"

Serendia respectfully saluted the little head of state sitting on the sofa.

Regarding the small issues such as the ownership of which beads, she did not pay too much attention to it...because, what they have in the hands of their hero federation is their federation! If not, wouldn't their templars mind using the psionic blade in their hands to make those who disagree admit it?


"If it's okay, you can go back now!"


Seeing that she has nothing to explain, and then, seeing that the other party seems to have something to do, Little Annie hurriedly made a look like "I am very busy now, you guys leave quickly, I have no time to talk to you". It abruptly blocked some words that Dreyus and Thrandia wanted to say.


(Tibbers suddenly's that called... By the way, it's the adjectives such as'crossing the river to tear down the bridge, unloading the mill to kill the donkey, the bird hiding the bow, the rabbit and the dog cooking', it seems Now it can be used vividly to describe a certain miserable little master in his family?)

"Goodbye! Don't give it away! Go out and remember to close the door!!"




Originally, Dreyus and Serendia, who were still going to say something more and reported some important military and political affairs, when they saw them, the little head of state Anne was still very impatient with political affairs like before. After sighing dumbfoundingly, he retreated obediently...

They just wanted to explain the plan of the Federation in the universe on this plane and the related agreement signed with the mib organization in black. According to the current situation, they can only find another opportunity... .. After all, the two senior generals cannot stay here on earth forever.

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