Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 790: ?Recovering the peaceful earth and the little girl who has never been quiet...

  ‘Ding Dong~! ’

  ‘Attention, alien travelers, please enter the customs at the customs inspection gate No. 023-027. Please maintain a good queuing order and cooperate with the customs staff. Thank you for your cooperation...’

  ‘Ding Dong~! ’

   ‘Attention, alien travelers...’

In the working hall of the General Administration of Customs on the ground floor of MIB headquarters, a group of aliens with different appearances are being guided by the broadcast, queuing in orderly from the 023-027 checkpoint, returning to them once again. People like this earth.

As the battleships of the Aquilon Empire died down and no longer appeared in the orbit of the earth... With the orbit of the most powerful super-fleet of the "Evil Lailong" clan between the earth and Mars, the nearly ten thousand most powerful super fleets The entire army was wiped out in between, turned into a pile of cold metal fragments, and no longer dared to shout the slogan of "Evil Lailong has a grudge against him"... With the earth, the advanced civilization in the galactic universe After the asteroids that belonged to the ignorant and backward existents in the planet were restored to their peace... Those who had temporarily evacuated to other planets due to the proton weapon crisis of the battleships of the Aquilon Empire and the revenge incident of the'Evil Lai Dragon' fleet. As expected, the aliens have returned to Earth, a planet suitable for living and vacation.

After all, in comparison, the various functional facilities are extremely backward, and the armed forces are not strong at all. For those alien refugees, smugglers, thugs, fugitives, merchants, interstellar pirates, etc. An excellent place to live and hide!

And now, since the crisis here has been completely eliminated, and the environment of this humble planet Earth in the solar system seems to be safe again... Of course, those on other planets must not be mixed. The alien scumbags returned here again in gang again, and lined up at this hidden customs entrance in the underground of Manhattan, waiting to be checked and passed.

For these aliens, this primitive, ignorant and backward azure planet could be intact in the crisis of the previous few days without being broken into pieces or blown to barren land by anyone, that’s true. It is a thing worth celebrating! Therefore, the mood of the alien tourists at this time is still quite happy, and there is no vicious public order incident such as the uproaring, arguing, disturbing or strangling that the staff were originally worried about.

'Hey! ! ’

  ‘Kuilang, you stepped on me! Don't take it back, be careful we break your toes! ’

  ‘You idiot, that’s not his toes, that’s his beard, they Kuurang have no feet at all! ! ’

  ’! ! ’

'what? Yes, sorry...’

At the front of the customs line, the four worms holding salutes shouted at a Querang who almost stepped on them, making the famous good-tempered and humble guys in the universe have to wave their hands. He apologized and removed the beards of the'toes' under the body.

And as soon as his a little big Querang moved, it caused a lot of strange appearances behind him. When shooting horror or science fiction films on the earth, there is no need to find special effects and makeup artists for a while. The position is commotion.


   "Please show your credentials! Then, please hand over your belongings, animals and plants to be inspected by us!"

"thanks for your cooperation?"

When an alien with a few one-eyed heads in front of the four worms successfully passed the inspection and passed the customs, it was finally their turn to these four guys who had been languishing for a long time, the customs lady The prosecutors still reminded them with a smile without a smile.


   "Also check documents and articles?"

"Hey! Little girl, are you really sure? We are just like you. We are all members of MIB. It is not a good habit for you to make things difficult for colleagues like this. We don’t believe that you are newcomers, so we don’t know we?!"

   This attitude of the other party can’t help making the four bugs who originally thought it would be easy to get through the game feel a little surprised and incredible...

   They don't understand what it means for the colleague in front of them to make things difficult for them? Because, in any case, they are always a member of the MIB Men in Black Organization. Although they only exist in the lounge, kitchen and some departments, they are undoubtedly this organization. One of them!

As a rule, when they enter customs, they just need to check it randomly. Checking items or something is definitely not necessary. After all, they are all part of the organization. They usually carry something into the customs to make a difference. If you don’t bring that kind of dangerous goods, no one will be nosy because that’s normal! Therefore, they are now very dissatisfied with the conscientious behavior of the female customs inspector in front of them!

   "Look at it? That's all of our stuff, shouldn't we need to check it?"

   So, one of the bugs approached the MIB female customs prosecutor and whispered to the other party with the low voice of the thief's eyes, indicating that the other party should not break certain rules?


   "There is no problem with your credentials, welcome back to Earth!"

   "But... your items are suspected of being illegal. According to the provisions of Article 1362, Paragraph 8 of Our Earth and Galaxy Interstellar Customs Act, they are now confiscated!"

   "Okay, you can pass now, I wish you a happy life in the earth?!"

However, the female customs did not even pay attention to the other party’s words if they pointed out anything. Instead, after the testing equipment detected the problem, she reached out and took the other party’s items which were obviously full of private goods. The package was snatched and dropped on the conveyor belt indicating contraband.

   "Remind you!"

   "You are no longer employees of our MIB because you have all been fired!!!"

   Regardless of the stunned expressions of the four bugs, the decent beauty customs inspector gave each other a knowing sneer before beckoning the Kuilang behind them to come forward to accept her inquiry and inspection.


   "No! It's impossible!!"

   "We worked so hard for MIB, why did they fire us?!"

   "Yes, little girl, please double check our documents. We think something must be wrong with this!!!"

"There is mine, you can take a look? I also think it must be impossible. They won't do that. We are very familiar with Agent K and Agent J, and we also know Boss Z!! "

Finding that the other party actually confiscated all the items they carried, the four bugs finally got a little anxious, ignoring the impatient urging voices of the aliens behind them and the female customs whose face gradually became cold. With a sullen look, they all crawled or jumped directly onto the desktop and instruments of the customs inspection table, and protested loudly against a customs chick who had just treated them unfairly.

  Looking at what they are like, it seems that you still want to grab their belongings and go beyond your authority to check the staff database displayed on the holographic computer screen in front of the other party? !

   "Huh! Stop it, you guys!!!"

"Hey, little bugs, she didn’t make a mistake just now, because you four damned guys were indeed expelled by our MIB! If I remember correctly, the date of the notice should be yesterday, on Earth Before the'foreign' customs and ports were reopened?!"

At this time, I did not wait for the four bugs to continue to make noise, nor did I wait for the female staff member who was a little surprised by the other party’s arrogance to press the siren for help, a slapstick and a little gloating sound, just four. There was a ringing behind the bugs.

   Then, when everyone turned their heads and followed the direction of the sound, they found out that it was the big-lip and black-faced Agent J who was wearing a black suit and drinking a cup of coffee?

"Oh, right!!"

   "It's also fortunate that you were fired. Otherwise, maybe I won't be too relieved while eating or drinking?"


   Raised the steaming cup in his hand and gestured to the four bugs, a certain black-faced agent grinned triumphantly again.

Agent J would not tell the four bugs that they were expelled, except for the angry boss Z, who was reluctant to share more information with those who left the MIB at a critical moment and escaped alone. In addition to the retaliation and liquidation of the alien employees, more are actually the result of the divine assists of Agent J at critical moments?

Because, he was just taking advantage of that opportunity to send an anonymous report letter reporting bugs polluting the cafeteria and staff lounge, to the four bugs’ friends who once made him feel embarrassed by Agent J. 'We came for a beautiful lore?

In the end, I don’t know if it was the contribution of Agent J. Anyway, the four bugs, along with the other alien employees who fled, were all added to the list of immediate and unconditional dismissal. Any reason and explanation, if they want to join MIB again, it will definitely not be so easy.


   "J? What you said is true, didn't you lie to us?"

   "We have helped the organization so much during this time, and we even grind coffee for you every day to make salad dressing, how could you fire us?!"

"Damn it……"

   "We strongly protest against this kind of behavior of you earth people MIB crossing the river and demolishing the bridge. This is inhumane. We need to explain and compensate!!!"

   "The point is compensation..."

   "That's right! We want compensation! Return the few parcels that have just been confiscated! The things inside are not contraband, that is our family property, that is almost half of our family property!!!"

After hearing the appearance of Agent J confirming that they had been expelled from the MIB organization, the bugs began to express their grief and indignation, and they stood directly on the customs inspection table and protested loudly, regardless of how they were affected. One of the female customs glaring at them and the alien travelers waiting in line to pass.

   It's a pity, they soon understood a cruel fact, that is: their protest is useless!

Because, in front of them, one is a customs inspector who has no rights. The other party definitely can’t decide where they go, and even the confiscated items have no right to take them back and return them... and the other person , It’s Agent J, who hasn’t taken a long time since he became a regular employee. The other party’s recent performance is very poor. It is notoriously useless and useless in the MIB organization. If you want to count on the other party, then it must be hopeless!

   In the current situation, not to mention the Z boss in the headquarters, maybe at least like the respected agent K before they can be recruited again?



   was about to say something or continue to protest loudly against the messing bugs, and soon found a small figure passing by, unconsciously stopped the noise, Qi Qi looked at the other party.

   ‘I’m so happy today...’


   "Hey hey hey..."


Soon, the bugs reacted and felt that someone in front of them was carrying a stuffed bear, humming an unknown ballad, and passing by a little girl who seemed to be in a good mood. May be able to solve their problems?

  Because, during the period of refuge on other planets, the four bugs have heard about the rumors that happened here on the earth.

   is like:

The battleships of the Aquilon Empire were first driven away by the ships of the “Evil Lailong”, and then, the battleships of the “Evil Lailong” people were said to have come from somewhere in the Milky Way, and were killed by the mysterious Kepulu region. The heroic Federation Fleet surrounded and annihilated them, and even frightened those'Xie Lailong' guys to have to abandon the main star. I don't know where the news is that they are hiding now for refuge?

Of course, I heard more, and the little girl Agent Anne, who is said to be from a member country of the Hero Federation, and invited rescuers to save the earth and all the tens of billions of people on the earth at a critical moment?? Hasta, this'spicy agent A'with a reputation in MIB? !



   "Hello everyone! Well... you continue to trouble you, please ignore me!"


I found that some people were making a lot of noise, but now they suddenly stopped and watched themselves when they saw me passing by. This made Little Annie a little curious in her heart. She also used her cute bicolor After saying hello to the black scorpion and the four worms, he continued to walk forward.

   Originally, she thought she would be able to watch these alien bugs make a fuss here today, and then she was arrested and repaired severely, but who ever thought that they would stop now?


   "Please wait! Hello? Please wait!"

"Detective Ann, Anne, I heard that you were dumped by your dog? So now I have to work pitifully at the customs house? How about, think about it, and hire us to be your assistant. , And then we can go out for field work with you!!!"

After learning some bad news, knowing that they are currently'unemployed' and found a new target, they quickly jumped off from which customs checkpoint and ran toward the one they thought More valuable new target characters.

   "We promise to be your best partner! Can you think of us as four or just one?"

   "We only receive a salary, and we will never leave you alone and run away like a dog..."

   "We are very familiar with all tactical actions and can skillfully use various firearms!"

   "We are not afraid of death, and fearless!!"

   "We can go to Antarctica with you to roast those protected animals and eat penguins!"

   "The largest ancient stone pyramid spacecraft that can help you go to Egypt to grab aliens..."

   "Or to grab those Mayans' underwater paradise?"

   "Wait! Didn't the Mayans have been annihilated for some reason? What underwater paradise is there?"


   "What kind of things can't be said nonsense..."

   "Then we..."

Soon, the four little worms started to make a noise in front of a certain black-faced little girl, and they no longer went to the black-faced agent J who was talking to them before. Put it in their hearts.

  Because, they got relevant news. It is said that...MIB and the hero federation signed some secret agreement, and then, this little girl seems to have gained a lot of rights or conveniences? Although, they don’t know much about the details...but they only know that the little girl in front of them can definitely hire them again, so that these four “alien” bugs will once again become the four under the MIB organization. Alien employee?



   "You stinky, disgusting bugs, you were dumped by the dog!"


   "Also, people didn't do miscellaneous work here at the customs. They just waited here to see if there is anything interesting to do. It's not what you think. Don't talk nonsense!!!"


Strictly speaking, it should be her agent Anne who was shocked by that one. Seeing a little alien spacecraft scared him to run away first, agent Frank expelled from the bad alien dog. It was not these bugs. The kind of thing people take for granted that she was dumped by a dog!

   There is also that, besides waiting to see if there is anything interesting, she also waits for a certain stupid dog to come back, and then scorns and beats the other party fiercely?

However, it is a pity that although she has encountered many face-to-face or familiar aliens in the customs hall so far, she also encountered the four little bugs who were expelled from their posts for escaping...but ah, The bad alien dog named Frank has never appeared. I don’t know if he will come back without a dog face, or hide somewhere to avoid the wind?

   But anyway, her Queen Anne is not as miserable as these four guys said!

   There are so many things she can do in the past few days. If she says it all, she may be able to scare to death these few monsters and insects who don’t know the so-called and look like hairless mice!

   "So, are you really alone now?"

   "All black-clothed agents need an assistant. Otherwise, it means insecure when going out, and you are no exception! So, please choose us... or I will be your assistant?"

   "Hey! How can you do this?"

   "Either choose us or me!!"

   "No! Choose me!"

   "Pick me!!"


Soon, the four self-righteous little people of the alien worm race quarreled in front of Annie, regardless of whether she was willing or unwilling to let them be her assistants, and let them return to MIB's embrace. ...

"you guys……"


   She was just passing by. Annie didn't understand. When did she say to look for an assistant? In the past, that bad talking alien dog had already bored her. Now that the other party finally ran away on her own, how could she still choose these bugs that can be trampled to death as her assistants? ?

   Besides, she is so happy to play alone now, and where would she hire them to get in the way? !


   "Little Annie, you can't pay attention to these bastards!!"

"These bastards, they ruthlessly abandoned our MIB at that critical moment and ran away on their own, without even reminding us. So now the headquarters and Boss Z have decided to kill. I never intend to continue to hire them, and you must never let these bugs get mixed into our MIB again!!!"

For some alien employees who are negligent in their duties, as well as those aliens who escape from their posts at critical moments and have not fulfilled their due basic obligations of reminding and warning MIB, it is not just him that Agent J is angry. Most of the senior executives, including boss K, were extremely angry!

  Because at that time, their MIB almost really put the earth on the brink of destruction due to insufficient intelligence...

   So now, J kindly reminded a certain little detective.

In short, he just didn’t want the four guys in front of him to continue to mix with them in the MIB organization in black. He definitely didn’t want to see these four in the staff lounge anymore and would just eat, drink and play, and make the rest area. Smoky bastards! !

   It's not that Agent J is not affectionate and disregarding friendship, but that the four guys in front of him are really unscrupulous! Moreover, since they left their jobs and fled without permission because of the earth's danger this time, who can guarantee that they will not continue to do so next time?


   "You! You black-faced guy, how can you do this, you are a bit unsympathetic, right?!"

   "We protest!"

   "Yes! We will also complain to boss Z, the incompetent J who will only mess things up!!!"

   "The black face J with big lips, a person's appearance can often reflect a person's soul, about this, we can now see it from your skin..."

   "Your shamelessness cannot even be restrained by a black hole!"

   "Your incompetence cannot even be pushed by a powerful solar storm!"

   "Your existence makes your earth full of oxygen feel suffocated..."

   "Your words, let..."

The bugs who were upset because of their dismissal and confiscation of smuggled goods, after discovering that their good deeds had been disturbed by a black-faced guy, they were very unhappy and moved their targets again and abandoned a certain one. The little girl who didn't seem to treat them very much, turned around a certain black-skinned guy and began to'verbally criticize'.

Although doing so will not allow them to "reinstate their official duties", nor can they allow them to retrieve the "precious" smuggled goods that have just been confiscated from the anti-smuggling office... But at least this can at least make them worms. It feels a little better, isn't it?


   "You, you bastards, you..."

   Obviously, J now only has one mouth. He must be just cursing the bugs who have four mouths and cooperate with each other! Therefore, besides trembling with anger, trembling with conquer, and wishing to use force, he has nothing to do with the four bugs that are surrounding him.


  (ˉ▽ ̄~) cut~~

  Anne has no time to play with a group of aliens, especially these alien bugs who can't eat, and are not fun to play! So, after curling her lips, she planned to continue doing what she planned to do before!



   was so troubled by these alien bugs, as if she accidentally forgot something she wanted to do before, and then she couldn't remember it.


  (● ̄(??) ̄●)

   "Ahem! Alright, you can give me enough!"

At this time, the bugs were making a fuss, just as Xiao Annie decided to go to another place, just as Agent J was considering whether to arrest the four bugs for a while on the charge of sex-seeking trouble. When confining them or simply prosecuting them, suddenly, a deep and full of magnetism sounded behind the crowd, directly ridiculing and threatening the four fellows of the Zerg race.

   "This is what you asked for. It deserves your expulsion!"

   "You know what you did at the time, and it was your own choice! So, if you don't want to be deported again and never return to the earth, you'd better rest a little bit?"

  'S voice moved from far to near, and then, a figure in a black suit, black tie and black leather shoes stepped loudly and walked quickly behind everyone.





   Hearing someone retort themselves, the bugs turned their heads almost at the same time, and then, after seeing that the person was Agent K, they had to silence again and languish...

   Obviously, they dare not be as casual to K as they are to J, because they are indeed guilty of conscience and are really worried about what the other party just said, and they know that the other party can indeed do that.

   After all, everyone knows that MIB's Agent K is not so nice...

They can make a fuss with the agent J in front of them, and they can make a noise with the little girl next to them, but in any case they dare not to be stubborn with the serious-looking K, because the other party is sometimes comparable to a new "hot-handed agent A" 'Much more fierce, especially when dealing with certain aliens?

   "That...we just made a joke?"

   "Goodbye K, and J, and Agent Anne..."

   "Please don't mind, we really just wanted to make a joke just now, really! The God of your earth people can testify to us, although He doesn't channel us bugs?"


There was Agent K with a stern face. The bugs did not dare to continue to be presumptuous, so they could only wave their hands away from Agent J who had just been'besieged' by them. While explaining, they quickly turned around and ran to the customs exit. ...They now don't dare to think about their positions and smuggled goods anymore.


  K didn't speak, but still kept his face straight, watching the pitiful and ridiculous back of the bugs fleeing in embarrassment.

   He will not feel sorry for what happened to them, the Acheronian and the ‘Ele Dragon’ incident, the MIB has not been abandoned and has been providing help. Will they be respected and reused, just like the ‘twins’? And if, like those four abominable bugs, those who just run away at the critical moment will all be expelled!

   And, in a short period of time, they obviously have no hope of being hired again.


   "There hasn't been a big deal here in the headquarters recently, why don't you go back to your castle, but instead come here to hang around?"

After    sent away the annoying guys, K looked at the little guy who hadn't seen him for a few days.

Today is the time when the customs at the Earth Headquarters reopened, and the aliens who fled are beginning to return to the earth. Therefore, correspondingly, due to the events of the previous period, the number of aliens on the earth has decreased. As for the relative improvement in law and order and the drastic reduction of sudden incidents, Agent K has been free for several days...

   There are no aliens making trouble on the earth, so naturally there is nothing about their black police detectives.

   Therefore, he was a little bit curious about a little girl who didn't go to the city or play in her castle that was regarded as a new home, but went around the headquarters. You know, in the past, the other party often arrived late and left early, and it was rare to see the other party here several times a month.



   "I actually just came back from'Outside', so I just dropped by here to take a look..."


   Anyway, Annie is not as idle as the other party imagined!

In the past few days when the earth has calmed down, Queen Anne has always been uncomfortable without making a noise a day. How could she stay honestly in the small castle of her own manor or here at the headquarters? Hang out?

   What she has done in the past two days, she can almost really scare the serious Uncle K and Mou a meal in front of them, and they are pretending to be a serious black-faced monster!


"That's right! Annie... Your federation just now supported us with a batch of advanced individual weapons, like the CMC armor and ghost agent suits, and a lot of weapons and equipment. They said you are familiar with them. , Can you please demonstrate to our agents?"

Now the MIB Men in Black Organization has basically abandoned those unreliable aliens and turned into the arms of the Hero Federation of the Kepru District. Therefore, after the Z boss and the others signed the relevant contract, they began to expand. Part of the close cooperation, and obtained the assistance of several advanced small stealth military transport ships and stealth military aircraft from the Hero Federation and related individual military equipment.


Now the assistance is in his hands, but the instructor has not yet come... Therefore, K raised up the idea of ​​the little girl in front of him, because they had seen the other party skillfully use that cool invisibility Equipment, powerful kinetic energy weapons and that advanced transforming Viking fighter!


The fighter plane just flew up at that time and didn't have much height. Before it had time to exert any combat effectiveness, it was beaten down by the aliens of the'Eile Dragon', and it fell directly into the sea and exploded, leaving only one set burned. The skeleton?


  (* ̄△ ̄*)

   "I don't want it! You won't read the manual by yourself? You all know the words in the manual, don't want to lie to me!!!"


   Without even thinking about it, Xiao Annie directly rejected the opponent.

   Because she is not interested in going to help explain the equipment or anything!

   Moreover, she doesn't think those things are difficult or dangerous. Even if they are screwed up, they are at best just blowing up this underground headquarters. So, she didn't want to be an instructor for these dumb guys!

   She is really busy now...

She hasn’t eaten her lunch yet, she hasn’t slept for a nap, and she hasn’t figured out what she’s going to eat for dinner... So, she really doesn’t have time to help these people who are so big. Unashamed adults who want to trouble her as a child! !


  (● ̄(??) ̄●)

   "Well then..."

   "It seems that we can only temporarily read the instructions and instructional videos by ourselves, or wait until they send instructors..."

   The instructor might not be there anymore. Now even their MIB doesn't know where those fleets have gone. Anyway, they can't be contacted temporarily.

   However, the complete instructional video and a holographic simulation device were sent here together. If they study it on their own, it will take a little time. Sooner or later, they can figure out how the equipment is operated and used, right?

But K himself feels that those things may not be of great use. After all, they are military equipment, and the men in black usually have to face some alien mobs in their missions... and they only wear black suits. By the way, they are more than enough to get some powerful individual weapons when facing those aliens who are also not too armed!

Furthermore, it is really unlikely that their MIB agents wearing armored combat uniforms will go out and wander around the city and go shopping with those aliens... If that's the case, then you have to follow a large group of people responsible for timely The'cleaning team' that cleans the memory is not allowed!

   That kind of thing is a bit too labor-intensive, it's not as convenient as they continue to wear black suits like this!


"and many more!!"

   "Ann, Annie... how come there are so many "Milky Way"? Where did you get these things?!"

At this moment, I was about to follow my boss K’s request to go to the equipment area to see the rare J. Suddenly I saw the small sac in Annie’s other little hand, and a lot of it. 'Marbles?

   And, looking at the size of the bag, there are at least dozens of them? This made his Agent J feel even more incredible. He really didn't understand, where did the other party get so many such dangerous goods?



   "You said these marbles..."

   "I was bored just now, so I ran out of this plane outside the galaxy to fight with an alien, and then I got them!!"


   Regarding the fact that she just sent out a ‘Milky Way’ a few days ago, and now he has snatched back many ‘planes of the universe’ marbles, Little Annie herself also expressed a headache...

   Because, for a while, she didn't know how to deal with them!


   This time, they really have to be thrown in a corner of their own space bag, and then take them out when they are bored and play with marbles, right? After all, when I first snatched them, I was quite proud, but afterwards... it seems that they are of no special use except holding them very much?

   "The outside world?"

   was stunned, K nodded if he was enlightened, as if he understood a little bit what the little girl just said.


   "Why did you go outside to fight aliens and get them? Who did you fight with? Why did they give you so many ‘Galaxy’?!"

  I don’t know if those marbles are the ‘Milky Way’ J, anyway, he seems to think they are almost the same, but he is really curious and shocked about what aliens can have such a big bag of things!

Think about it before, for these similar little things, the prince of the Aquilon Empire was murdered by a bug, and he almost caused the earth to be bombarded with proton-like powder by the Nayakiron battleship with proton weapons. ...And now it's okay, this little guy, who hasn't seen him for a few days, brought back a big bag? ?

   "You are so stupid, J Shu, of course because I defeated them!"


   Here on the earth, those with money and power can do whatever they want, but in Little Annie, those with big fists can do whatever they want!

  Unfortunately, her little punches are obviously stronger than those weird aliens who play with universes as toys? Therefore, after winning the opponent, of course, as a trophy, she reluctantly accepted these marbles.

   And as for what the subordinates are going to do...

   Then I'm sorry, she really didn't think about it, she just looked it fun, so she grabbed it easily. As for the next thing, she won't think so much!


  J didn't know what to say, and he was a little dumbfounded. Because he still doesn't know what kind of existence is that has so many "galaxies", and really let the lawless little girl in front of him **** it?


K did not speak nor presumptuously commented on the little girl's affairs, because he did not understand many things like J, and did not understand how the little guy got to the world'outside'. In the world.

In their black-clothed headquarters, there is indeed a door to the outside world in this'Bridge and Tunnel Administration', but... if you go out, in the eyes of those aliens, they are like ants. It's as small as they thought of the furry people with tentacles on their heads in the locker?



   "I won't tell you anymore, I have something more, Uncle K and J Shu, shall we see you tomorrow?"


Suddenly remembering an important thing that she had forgotten before, Little Annie was suddenly excited, and then she ignored the two uncles in front of her and continued to talk, so she directly ran to a certain elevator position. Just turned the corner of a certain passage, and disappeared...


  ??*????(ˊ??ˋ*)????*?? Friendly reminder that two days are holidays


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