Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 791: Little Annie's car started! ?*??(???*)...



"How can you be like this, no, please forgive me, little sister, have we never been good..."

(,,??????,,) Hmm!

In the office of the staff in black, a little girl’s cheerful laughter suddenly rang. Then, Agent J and Agent K, who were passing by after going out on a mission, had to stop because of curiosity. Some curiously listened to the sound from the iron door.

Now, it has been several days since the earth has recovered its calm and reopened to aliens. After those aliens began to return to Earth in large numbers, of course, various vicious security incidents involving aliens have begun to occur frequently, so much so that K The two of J and J have become busy again in the past few days, and have to travel between cities on the earth, coordinating the cooperation matters of the men in black divisions around the earth and working together to combat those who return to the earth. Star scum.

Today, they have just finished dealing with an aquatic behemoth that had been smuggled by an alien from the southern part of the Pacific Ocean, and it took a lot of energy to kill and clean it...

Because it attacked a cruise ship and brutally attacked and ate all hundreds of innocent Earth tourists and hundreds of crew members on it!

That method is very cruel and bloody, which makes people look at it...

In the end, they had to characterize the ship as a ship that suffered severe weather and turned into a shipwreck and sank... Then, when it was announced in various news media, they opened the sea valve of the cruise ship and sank it. In the Mariana Trench, hundreds of innocent souls of the earth were buried.

And Agent K and Agent J, who just returned from the South Pacific, haven't heard the cute and cute voice of a little girl that can make people forget the worry.

‘No! ’

‘Little guy, I won’t be fooled by you this time! You hurry up, otherwise, I will eat you! ! ’


‘You must hurry up, or I will really eat you! ! ’

When J and K were a little curious, the voice of a woman who was equally crisp and different from the little girl’s, but also sounded young, rang, so that K and J couldn’t help but feel a little unclear. Glancing at each other.



Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

Immediately afterwards, Agents K and J, who were standing outside the door, were puzzled and heard the sound of heavy objects beating from the lounge...

"Hey hahaha!"



"Immediately kill!"


"Hey! You are fooled, I won! Get in, cart, go to smash her ass, and eat her female general to this handsome!!"

<( ̄︶ ̄)↗[My car?? Finally going to start!]

'Humph! ’

A humiliated cold snort and footsteps rang from the lounge.


Just when two eavesdropping men looked at each other and didn't know what was going on inside, a shame-faced female agent with black hair and black eyes flushed with a pretty face, and angrily lined herself The bulging chest pushed the door violently and walked out, almost hitting the arms of Agent K and a certain dark-faced Agent J who were standing outside the lounge, which scared her so much.


"You? You...Hello! Agent K! And J..."

"That... Agent Anne is inside now, if you have anything to find her, you can go in now!"

She was shocked as soon as she left the house. The young female clerk, who was barely able to stand up due to her agility, after seeing who the two outside the door was, she finally calmed down and hurried to them. After saying hello, he hurried away to the other side of the corridor without looking back.



Looking at the flushed face, K and J, who didn't know what they were playing with a little girl just now, looked at each other, and after seeing the puzzled and puzzled look in each other's eyes, They both nodded tacitly, spread their hands, pushed open the door of the lounge, and walked in.

Anyway, now that they have just returned from a task, there is nothing big for them to deal with for the time being, so they think it seems good to chat with a little girl or something?


The two people who walked into the lounge were the first to see the little girl who was holding a bag of dried fruit snacks and nibbling on a table!

And in front of her, there was a chessboard at this moment, and there seemed to be a group of moving little people on the chessboard?

The moment the two of them walked in, a horse-drawn two-wheeled chariot was charging on the chessboard at high speed, and immediately hit another villain who was holding a dagger and was planning to take the stubborn resistance. It became fragments and was twisted directly under the car, turning it into a pool of poor scraps.


"Wait! This is..."

"My God, is this a chess piece made of tiny nanorobots?"

Originally thought it was a lawless little guy who caught a group of aliens to play that **** and cruel chess game for her, Agent J was watching the messy chessboard with the same curious and curious boss K. Seeing that there was no flesh and blood residue of the small aliens they had imagined above, but seeing that they were once again assembled in an instant to restore their original state, and walked back to the positions where they should stand, it became clear. After a glance, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Whether it's J or K, the well-informed ones probably recognized what the chessboard in front of them was at a glance! It’s just that they are a little unbelievable, when did this little alien girl learn this kind of chess on the earth, and she also made such an interesting and vivid chess piece to play?

But no matter how the other party made it out, as long as it wasn't for her to catch those aliens and play this terribly cruel game for her, that would be fine! To be honest, when I just came in, seeing the chariot strangling the little man under the steel wheels, it really shocked the two of them.

"certainly not!!"

( ̄ー ̄)

Little Annie didn't even think about it, she directly denied the other party's words, and then continued to retract her position, put her little hand into the paper bag, grabbed the dried fruit snack that had been opened and ate it.

"What's that again?"

It seems that the thing in front of me is a pile of moving chess made up of countless tiny nano-robots, so J was puzzled with K, and once again raised his eyes and looked at some little guy curiously. , Hope to get the accurate answer from the other party?

However, no matter what the thing in front of them is, both J and K can see the gap between alien technology and the earth! This kind of super technology, which has involved people's livelihood and the field of children's toys, is no longer something that people on earth can easily imagine and catch up with.

"It's magic!"

"They are actually the magic oriental chess that I just conjured by magic just to play with that little sister. They are not the chess you mentioned!!"





Hearing that, Agent K and Agent J couldn't help but glance at each other with some face-to-face, and tacitly held back a certain smile... Obviously, they would definitely not easily believe the kind of deceit of a little girl. People's nonsense, let alone believe that there will be such things as magic!

Because the other party often teases them with the blinding techniques of some technological items, such as those "forgetting nothing" similar to amnestics and some small alien lighters that emit fireballs?


In any case, the chess pieces in front of them, which are at least molecular-sized nano-robots, are really interesting. This is the first time they have seen this kind of alien entertainment equipment related to things on the earth.

So, soon, Agent K and his partner Agent J looked at each other, and then exchanged another glance, as if he didn't intend to argue with the little **** such meaningless trivial matters.

Anyway, the two of them will definitely not think that this kind of deceitful thing is a kind of magic! This kind of thing is definitely the kind of realistic little robot that is piled up by the countless nano-robots under the control of the powerful brain, just like their human being is composed of countless cells and can speak. Will it move the same?


"Are you so idle these days? Why, now you have time to come to the headquarters to find those young ladies to play chess and entertaining? I remember, there have been many things in the headquarters recently. It's not good for you... "

"Those **** and alien scumbags who have just returned from alien planets, many of them smuggle or carry private goods. We have been very busy lately, but you are good. You can eat, play chess and be beautiful here. Chicks play and chat together..."


Smiling and sitting next to the chessboard, while talking enviously and hatefully "prompting" a little girl who only knows about eating, drinking and having fun without working all day, J also stretched out his hand and grabbed a **** on the chessboard. ?? Want to get in front of yourself and take a good look?


Soon, he had to scream, and then threw away the chess piece he was holding in his hand! Because, at this time, his finger had been pierced severely by the spear in the opponent's hand, and in an instant, a little red blood flower appeared from his fingertips.



Little Annie's mouth was stuffed, so she didn't speak, just pointed her head.

"what do you mean?"

After shaking his finger and seeing that he was just pierced, and there was nothing serious about it, J first gave a threatening look and was thrown to the ground by himself. At this time, he was climbing hard. At the table, after running back to the boy standing on the board again??, he looked at a little girl who was chewing something.

A little chess piece dared to do it to himself, J’s heart has already decided: when a little girl no longer remembers this chess pair, maybe he can throw that **** little soldier into the high temperature enclosed environment where dangerous alien creatures are melted In the incinerator?


ε=(??ο`*))) alas

"I'm obviously still an eight-year-old kid, you guys don't work **** your own, even if you don't want to shamelessly want a kid like this to help you?!"

o(??^`)o hum!

Actually, don't even look at Annie these days, she has always been idle, but she has done a lot of things, and cleaned up a lot of dishonest aliens. It's just that most people don't know about it, and she doesn't bother to go. Just showing off!


(● ̄(??) ̄●)

"All right!"


"Anne is right. We have to work harder. We can't always expect others to help us deal with all the troubles."

Before J was about to say something, Agent K shook his head and patted his assistant on the shoulder.

Let’s not talk about how much the cute little guy in front of you helped them, or the identity of the other noble alien princess, just those things and age that the other party has done for MIB and the earth. It is indeed enough to make them feel ashamed.


"Annie, can I take a look? Shouldn't they also use weapons to pierce me?"

Agent K doesn't want to discuss those work matters anymore, because they have just returned from the tragic murder scene in the Southwest Pacific. He just wants to take a good rest and slowly heal the wounds in his heart.

Even, he once used the "amnestic device" to make himself forget the tragic scene, so that he could feel better? But in the end, after thinking about it, he gave up that tempting idea, because he knew that the'amnesiar' always had some side effects, and it was not good for people to use it too much!


∑(??△`)? !

"If you don't play chess, you can't just reach out and touch them, because they will be angry!!"


"Ah! You guys wait!!"




At this time, Xiao Annie's own MIB liaison device lights up. It seems that a black-clothed staff member of the Police Intelligence Command assigned her a task?



She doesn’t want to go out now, and she doesn’t want to leave the comfortable sofa under her, so she quickly presses some of the function buttons above, and with the help of the MIB headquarters database, she quickly finds and calls out an alien At the same time, the person’s ID card dialed the other party’s contact number.



"Alien bad guys, you can come to MIB headquarters and surrender yourself within two hours. Otherwise, I will blow your head!"

"Now start timing, um... there is still one hour left!"


Just glanced at it, and after confirming that the communication was normal, she directly sent a voice message to the alien who committed the crime in her own name, and then turned off the task prompt, and just planned here. Continue to chat with Uncle K and a certain J Shu, continue to kill time or something.

As for the fact that the good two hours suddenly turned into one hour, she didn't care at all. Anyway, she didn't think the alien would dare to delay the time!


"Annie, does this method really work for those alien bastards?!"

After knowing what the other party was doing, and seeing the little girl's actions and responses, J couldn't help but be a little dumbfounded...

Recently, after some aliens have returned to Earth, they have seen a lot of those cases, but generally speaking, don't these kinds of cases require black-clothed detectives to go and arrest them personally? Why now, when I get to this little guy, a mere voice message thinks everything is done?

Those stubborn guys, how can they be delivered directly to the door? !

"Of course it works!"


"That's impossible! Little guy, I must have no fewer cases than you, and I know more **** alien scum than you!"

J is very aware of the inferior nature of those aliens, most of them are greedy and ignorant...

Even if they have fallen to the earth and become refugees, even if their national planets have been turned into ruins in the interstellar war, even if they themselves are not much noble than the people on earth, they always think that their own race is the first !

They never face their own situation squarely. They rarely work. They always wait on the earth for MIB subsidies and aid funds, just like a group of beggars, just like the earth owes them, and never To be grateful...

Therefore, J doesn't believe that a message from a certain little girl can make those aliens whom he hates to be obedient and obedient here on earth! If that were the case, I am afraid that their MIB organization, the people in black, would not be busy dealing with vicious cases involving aliens for decades.



"People have always done this. Most of the villainous aliens who received information from others have honestly come forward..."



"Also, it's really okay, are you sure? But which ones haven't come?!"

The puzzled J reached out and opened the contact device placed on the table by the other party. Then he quickly discovered that it seemed that many tasks were the other party sending out all kinds of threats like just now, letting those **** foreign Star scums reported to MIB headquarters themselves?

This kind of thing made him feel very unbelievable. Anyway, they had never encountered any honest aliens, not a single one, let alone let them run to surrender!



"I'll get a glass of freshly squeezed iced juice, do any of you want it?"

"I'm telling you, the new aunt in the staff cafeteria is broken! If we don't stare at her, she will use the kind of coloring and powdered sugar that are harmful to the body if we find it troublesome. Blend the juice directly to fool us!!"


Annie didn’t have time to explain too much to that J Shu. She didn’t even wait for the two of them to answer whether they wanted fruit juice. Anyway, she just jumped off the sofa and wore her little leather shoes. Run to the corridor outside the wide open door.

Because, she just asked casually just out of politeness, how could she still help these two strange uncles with hands and feet take drinks?

Even if they really wanted it, she would pretend not to hear, so she wouldn't come back with so many things, it would be troublesome to think about it! !


"It's not fair!!"

Seeing that the little girl had run out and disappeared, J, who was very unbalanced, complained to his partner who was still studying the chess set there.

Because, every time they go on a mission, they have to work for most of the day. Even if they find the aliens who have committed the crime, they will deny it in every way, and when they meet those grumpy guys, they have to be honest. In a gun fight, how can they be like the other party, one sentence can make them obedient?

"There is nothing unfair!"

K raised his head and glanced at his still-nearly assistant.


J puzzled.

"Because, anyone who didn't come forward was either shot directly by her, or played so bad as to die..."

"Otherwise, J, how do you think the title of'Hot Hand Agent A'came from? Annie, she is never merciful to aliens who commit evil deeds, because they are afraid of her, they can't beat her, and run away. Keep pursuing her..."

K shook his head with some complicated expressions. The expression on his face was a little relieved and a little ashamed...

After all, this kind of work was originally the business of their people on Earth, but now, they actually need to rely on an alien child... and more importantly, that little girl is just doing it while playing. In just over a month's time, he has faintly surpassed Agent K, who has been working for 40 years. How could he not feel sorry?


"Really? Oh! Really came to surrender, my god..."

Under doubt, J used his portable device to read out the location of the marked alien suspect, and then he couldn't help exclaiming! Because, he really saw that light spot was driving towards their ‘Bridge and Tunnel Administration’ at high speed. It seemed that he really planned to arrive and surrender within an hour?

"But it's useless!"

"J, our job is still very serious, but Annie is only one person, she is in vain..."

"In most cases, we still have to repeat the previous boring and tedious task process. There are some things that we can't deal with unscrupulously like children, because we have scruples and can't let go of them?"

"Those aliens..."

"Forget it, let's not talk about them. Now it is our rest time. Don't waste such a good afternoon."

After hesitating for a while, K still had to sigh. He didn't intend to talk too much. Instead, he stood up and stretched out his hand, poured a cup of black tea into his cup, and then continued to sit back and study what little Annie had left. An interesting and moving chess.

K feels that it seems necessary for them on earth to study the nano-robots and intelligent control programs that make up this chess pair. There will definitely be some effect?


"Boss K, those aliens, why do we MIB give them so much preferential treatment?"

"Look, when they came to our earth, they didn't bring us any benefits except to mess around with us... But we have to provide them with shelter and send money... But as a result, Look at what they have done?"

"Fighting, drunkenness, gangs making troubles, and some ordinary people who even attacked our planet... It's only a few days before the end of the Xilelong and Aquilon incidents, but they are starting to make trouble again..."

Thinking about the vicious incident involving aliens attacking a cruise ship in the Pacific Ocean that we had to solve with K and other agents in the morning, J's mood was a little depressed.

"I do not know……"

"Maybe this is where the cultural differences between the earthlings and the aliens lie?"

Shrugging his shoulders, Agent K said that he was used to this kind of thing, and he had become numb.


That started decades ago?

At that time, it was the first time they came into contact with aliens...

Later, with the establishment of MIB, people in black have always felt that those aliens are tall...because their weird-looking guys are indeed more advanced in technology than the people on earth, and their creatures in outer space Being able to cross the universe and come to the earth, civilization is of course considered better than the people on earth?

Therefore, the policy of preferential treatment of aliens was decided at that time...their people in black MIB grant all the travel, residence, study, refuge and certain financial subsidies to reach the earth, so that they can have a worry-free life on the earth. Live with anxiety, and then continue to the present, before finally becoming the big situation in front of you?

"Boss K!"

"According to me, we shouldn't give them so much money to the **** aliens. Their staying earth subsidy is almost higher than our one-year salary... The'twins' gave me back what they said. Most of the people when they were aliens were alien scum, gangsters, robbers, smugglers, psychotropic drug addicts, and its **** violent scum!!"

"Look at it!"

"We have only rested for a few days now. When the battleship of Xielailong left, after they came back, various vicious incidents began to occur frequently!"

"Except for those who are law-abiding and those who are friendly and helpful to our planet, and for the others, we should expel them all!!"

J cursed and said, for the MIB's strategy of preferential treatment of aliens, Agent J felt that those clichés could really be changed, because the times have been changing, and the earth decades ago Can it be compared with the current earth?

Besides, now their MIB has almost squeezed out their use value from the alien scum, obtained those advanced technologies and items, and established corresponding channels to contact aliens. The utilization value of the dross that came to the earth has been reduced to the freezing point. When the harm outweighs the benefits, it is time to cruel them!

And J’s method of dealing with those aliens who ran to the earth to make trouble is actually very simple. They only need to cut off the subsidies for all aliens left behind by the MIB organization in black, cancel all preferential benefits, and compare them with ordinary earthlings. Look at it together, and then it won’t be long before those alien scums can’t get rid of the earth, they will surely roll back to their own outer space by themselves, there is no need for them, these black-clothed agents, to be as they are now. The sky is busy with all kinds of alien security problems and vicious events...

Just think about the terrestrial people who died tragically under the hands of aliens, those innocent terrestrial people who were persecuted by aliens, and the families of the last victims who had to be forced to accept the cleaning of the "amnestics" of these black-clothed agents. , Completely forget the existence of those victims, his agent J couldn't help being full of that kind of evil guilt.

He even felt that in the future, he himself would be cast aside by God and thrown into Satan's **** to suffer, right? Then, when it is time to confront the angry souls of the countless victims, they, the black-clothed police detectives who are accomplices of the aliens, don't know what it will feel like?

Of course,

Aliens who are beneficial to the earth like Little Annie or the "twins" are still good, just as he is not disgusted by the headquarters providing the little guy with a large manor castle villa to live in, free board and lodging, and even Provide various conveniences?

"Ha! Blow their heads?"

"Speaking of J, you may not believe it, but I often do that myself..."

K shrugged indifferently, not commenting on the complaints of his new assistant.

He has been a black police detective for almost forty years. In these forty years, he has overcome several crises that are enough to pose a fatal threat to the earth, and he has also seen all kinds of aliens, and knows Now that they are just like the people on earth, there are good people and bad people, so he doesn't mind the extreme thoughts of his assistants too much.

"That's different!"

"Don't think I don't know, the guy you often hit is called Jack. It has a strong regeneration ability. You won't get into any trouble if you blow his head!!"

As for boss K's deeds and his usual manners, J now knows better.

The other party is really ruthless for those alien criminals who have smuggled to the earth. They should be caught and killed... However, for those aliens who enter the customs with proper procedures and stay on Earth to learn to live or travel. People, the other party is just like yourself, there is also no other good way, always need to follow the rules.


"J, there is nothing we can do, you can't deny that aliens are better than us..."

K sighed and looked at the cute little girl next to him who was ‘sucking and sucking’ a large glass of freshly squeezed watermelon juice and ran to him with her brows bent and drinking.


∑(??△`)? !

"Hey! Uncle K, what's that? Has your spacecraft crashed to earth?!"


Annie came to sit next to the two of them not long ago. Suddenly, with sharp eyes, she saw a spaceship that was dragging a fast flame and falling to somewhere in the city directly from the fake window in this lounge that simulated the scenery outside the window. Meteorite.

It must have been accidentally captured by a camera above the headquarters simulating this window, and then happened to be seen by her.

"Do not……"

"Our flying ships landed at Frank Tower, Snider Airport, Sloan Wharf, Atlantic City, Barrio Station, Three Mile Island, Staten Island and other places. There is no interstellar wharf in other places. There are many aliens. People can only take the underground magnetic levitation vacuum super subway system to the General Administration of Customs in Manhattan for inspection and entry."

"So, that definitely won't be our spaceship..."

Reaching out and manipulating it a few times, after freezing the scene of the ‘meteorite’, K frowned slightly, and finally shook his head, saying that the spacecraft would definitely not be any spacecraft registered by their MIB headquarters.

"Whose is it then?!"

ヾ(????Ω??`)??? ?


K gave an answer that everyone knew.


"Then what are we waiting for? Let's clean up their mess that broke into the earth together!"

Hearing that aliens had sneaked into the earth again to cause trouble, J stood up enthusiastically, planning to find the trouble of those aliens who just drove the spacecraft to break through the atmosphere, pretending to be a meteorite, and plunged into the surface of the earth. .


However, a dark-faced agent with big lips discovered that his partner, Boss K, just shook his head with a wry smile, without even thinking about moving.


Suck! Suck!


A certain little girl, Annie, was also ‘sucking’ her iced watermelon juice, and at the same time she blinked and looked at him with big eyes, and she didn’t mean to get up to trouble with aliens.


"What the **** is going on with you, we have seen it, and aliens have smuggled in again, shouldn't we go and see?!"

Forget it for a certain little girl, the other party has always been in that kind of attitude that doesn't matter to her, or she won't participate in things that are not fun? As for his partner, J couldn't understand, why he was so indifferent after seeing him?


"No! J, you may not know that almost every day, there are aliens coming in here on our planet... Don’t worry, there will be special agents who will deal with it. Before we determine the threat of the other party, we There is no need to ask about everything."

Since they have seen this with the naked eye, it is impossible for the MIB headquarters' detectors to catch it! Now, presumably the large group of MIB agents and detectives have already brought equipment to the spacecraft’s crash site. Why do they need senior detectives like them to rush to join in the fun?

If things change, someone will naturally inform them, so K doesn't plan to do anything except shake his head.



"This earth is so big, you are exhausted!!"


With the sound of the troublesome tasks that she needed to solve for a while, Xiao Annie's face quickly collapsed again. She didn't want to deal with the badass aliens all day long, because they were not fun at all! !

"Come on, J, let's take a break and play this interesting game of'Witcher Chess' composed of nano robots?"

After K's research was clear, he smiled and sat down on the red player's position, and motioned to his assistant partner J to also sit at the opposite blue player's position.

"But, boss K, you know, I won't!!"

J spread out his hands and looked at the chessboard very innocently. If he sat in the position of the chess player, there must be no other way besides staring at him.


"It doesn't matter, sit down, because I won't..."

If it is chess, K said he is very good at chess, but he is also a novice at this kind of chess, and he also knows nothing! !


Since K said that there is no need to worry about aliens smuggling, after thinking about it, J can only sit in the position of the opponent's opponent.


!? (??\'\'????)??

"Don't know how to play chess, what are you doing here?!"



"Yes, is there any problem?!"

K and J pointed innocently at the chessboard that had been chanting quiet slogans and moved.



"You two guys will be laughed to death by my chess pieces later!!"


"No problem!"

"Left and right are just some functional won't be true to them!"

K said to a large extent that he has a very good temperament. No matter what kind of things he has seen, he must be unaffected by a somewhat novel chessboard. After all, this is just entertainment.

"Forget it! I still don't care about you!!"


Seeing that a guy with a black face and big lips who was ahead of the red side actually moved the handsome man forward, Xiao Annie instantly lost the desire to watch these two novices play chess.

She can imagine it now, and later... certain two guys will definitely be scolded miserably by those chess pieces who are particularly shattered, speak awkwardly, and anger the chess player if they disagree. ! !

and so……

"Play by yourself!"

o( ̄ε ̄*)

"People are going to catch a big funny bug now!!"

After a quick operation on her contact device, she found something that she thought was more fun than watching two idiot adults play a novice chess game, and Xiao Annie once again'crunched' outside the lounge door. Run, don't want to pay attention to two guys who don't listen to their own advice!

Because, she can imagine the ending of their two stupid guys now! So, now she might as well go outside first, find the trouble of a certain funny big bug, and wait until the other party is resolved, then come back to see the pitiful look of certain two guys?



(● ̄(??) ̄●)


??*????(ˊ??ˋ*)????*???? Ask for a ticket????*????(ˊ??ˋ*)????*??


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