Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 792: It doesn’t matter if we don’t have a girlfriend, we still have Sadako (?·?...

? At the mouth of an iron fence ventilation shaft in the sewer where cars go, there is a flower about the size of an adult's palm, 20 to 30 centimeters long, and with small fluffy thorns. I don’t know if it is. The flowers of some plants are stubbornly sticking out from inside the sewer, breathing fresh and free air by the streets where cars go under the night, appearing extremely tenacious

It looks like only five thin yellow petals, a few twisted styles, a cracked flower room, a strong flower stalk and a thick torus, and it is roaring in traffic and pedestrians. The turbulent flow of the disturbed air as you walk by is swaying slightly

There is no doubt that it is a strong flower

It can survive in such a harsh environment, in the dark and polluted sewer, and it can grow stubbornly and vigorously, and finally a light yellow flower blooms outside, which is enough to prove it.

However at this time,

In this night, a little girl in a black suit, black sunglasses, and small black leather shoes that rattled and rattled while walking, did not show people's astonishing gaze, and appeared alone. By the side of the street at night, and walking all the way to the side of the sewer, standing next to the iron fence of the ventilation shaft, looking at the shivering little flower, tilting her cute little head, I don’t know where it is. Want to do something.



"Jia Fei, if you keep being like this, it really embarrass me."


After watching for a while, the little girl squatted next to the trembling yellow flower, stretched out her white finger and pulled it.

It’s a pity that the flower was so strong and stubborn that she did not succeed in pulling her out, so that many passers-by who noticed her behavior breathed a sigh of relief, and finally saw Xiao Xiao After the girl gave up the cruel action of pulling flowers, she left here briskly and continued to walk to where they work or live.

As for the little girl talking to the flowers, they did not take them to heart, because it is just a normal thing, as long as a little girl stops doing the kind of stubborn behavior of pulling flowers, That’s okay. As for why the other party ran into the street at night, that’s the parents or policemen who are also wearing black suits and black sunglasses in the distance of the other party. They should worry about them. They don’t want to talk casually. Nosy



"Their uncles in black clearly said that they only let you move around the subway lines d, e and r. But you can see how you came here now."


Undoubtedly, this little girl who had to squat aside and ask the flowers after the failure of pulling flowers, she is the famous special policeman organized by Anne b.

"By the way, what line is this?"


Then, after asking, Xiao Anni herself seemed to have forgotten which subway line this place belonged to. So, she was a little stunned at the same place, although she wanted to go to the distance to ask those alert detectives. Members, but they can’t hold back

Anyway, she would never admit that she was a road idiot, and then forgot which subway line it was on.

 ̄ ̄



"It turns out that this is above the intersection of lines d, e and r"

Soon, the little flower she interrogated, the little flower named Jia Fei, shook, as if to answer her question, she couldn't help exclaiming in embarrassment.

"That one"


Now, Little Annie is a little bit troubled

She seems to have come to enforce the law, but now she suddenly realizes that she doesn’t seem to have any reason to continue beating this alien worm, or catching it out and beating it and playing for another day.


"It is said in the agreement that you can only hide under the subway line and eat trash, and you can't show up in front of people. But look, you leaked this little flower on your head, so you are fouling."


Facts have proved that the law enforcement is always in the hands of law enforcement officers.

When the enforcer wants to punish a certain person, even if there is no reason, the other party has not violated the law. Then, as long as the enforcer wants to do that, he can always find all kinds of unnecessary reasons. Now, Xiao Anni is Is deliberately making excuses to punish a bug that has come out to cause trouble, even though the other party did not violate the law in fact

"Say it"

"You are obedient now, and accompany me to the sea for a whole night of surfing, or do you want to be beaten by me first, and then have to go"


This little bug, Jia Fei, is very funny. The other side is very big, just like a long subway train, and he is also very good at drilling holes, and also very good at surfing. Anyway, the last time Xiao Annie rode his head out to play Very happy, so this time, he was idle and bored, he came to find this guy who was caught by her again with an excuse

Now, no matter what, the other party must succumb to the majesty of her Queen Anne. If she dares to say half a word, she has to grab it, turn it inside and out, and then throw it on the earth. Go to the hot desert, let it eat sand every day and then be dried into insects


She was about to stretch out her hand and continued to grab the trembling little yellow flower and teasing little Annie. Suddenly she found that her own contact device was ringing at this time. So, she was a little impatient, so she could only Puffing his lips, he directly pressed the connected button.



"What is an alien who pretends to be a ghost in the island country. It has existed for decades. No one has ever been able to catch her really that powerful?"




"Okay, okay, I see, you guys are really wordy and I will go there soon, if I know you are lying to me, I will definitely let Jia Fei eat you up"


"Goodbye, Jia Fei"

ヾ ̄ ̄byebye

"This time you can barely count that you didn't foul, but next time, if I get another chance, you will be finished."

v hey

Now, thinking that she went to an island country to find a creature of anomalous dimensions that hadn't been successfully captured by the agents in black for decades, she decided to give up making fun of the terrified big bug in front of her. , First go find other more interesting aliens to play.

and so,

She stood up, and under the surprised and inexplicable eyes of many passers-by, she stretched out her feet and lifted her feet firmly towards a certain flower, then snorted, and turned around proudly in the eyes of everyone's puzzlement. Left quickly, and soon disappeared into the night


"How is it, is Annie willing to go?"

"She went, haha, great. Hurry, hurry. Since she is willing to go, that mission must be no problem. Come, come, boss, let's fight for another hundred rounds. I don't believe it anymore. Today, our brothers I can’t win those **** chess pieces"

In this lounge of the staff in black, Agent K just hung up the phone, and the one sitting opposite him had taken off his black suit and tie, with his neckline open and his sleeves rolled up. Hurriedly urged to his partner and boss K.


The task just now was asked by the two of them to deal with it, but since they are very busy now, they had no choice but to call and transferred the task to the highly praised Agent A. So that the brothers can continue to deal with these difficult things in front of them

"That alien has killed another person"


Having said that, K, who turned off the communicator, sighed and shook his head. 35xs

"That alien is a bit weird. It is said that he is not a person of our world dimension, and has some mental misleading ability to create illusions. We have always been using her and there is nothing we can do. If Little Annie can really solve the big problem this time. , That's God bless"

"J, you may not know that what we people in black hate most are those aliens with different dimensions. They are the most troublesome guys, because so far, we have not had a good solution, even It’s impossible to isolate the other party."

Black-clothed police detectives are not omnipotent. They are not able to deal with and solve all the aliens who have smuggled to the earth. Those who are beyond their black-clothed police detectives’ ability, as long as they are not too harmful, they can only continue Just let it go, and pray that the other party will leave after having enough trouble on earth


There are some troublesome anomalous beings. After the other party came, they kept leaning on their earth facelessly. They were struggling to deal with it but there was no good way. For example, this time he transferred to the one in the hands of Little Annie. The task, that really has troubled ib for decades

"All right"

"K, hurry up, you're down there, I'm staring this time here, we must win them"

When the chess pieces on the chessboard in front of them quickly returned to their original state, J loosened a button on his neckline again, and stared at a certain red, invincible chess piece.


Ants, between you and my strength, there is a Great Wall as long as the distance

Seeing that two stupid people on the earth still didn’t give up and wanted to challenge their authority, the handsome chess piece in the red side drew his long sword out of the scabbard in one swagger, then he looked up at the sky. Being lonely, he didn't care about the screaming words of a certain wild Xuanyi at all.


"After the boss wins it, I must throw it into the dangerous goods melting furnace"

j Although today is not the first or nth time that this small smart chess piece composed of nano-robots in front of him has been mocked, but, I don’t know why, he is always a little bit of anger in his heart. I want to win once, then raise my eyebrows fiercely, and finally tell the other party to throw them all into the smelting furnace, turning them all into a lump of iron that will not move.

Because in the whole afternoon of today, he has been scolded countless times by the red man, such as those ugly 嬬侥, savage Xuanyi and Kunlun slaves, etc.


K didn't pay attention to his partner's words, but gave a hand. When the red side allowed himself to go first, he made a two-for-two move and wanted to see how the other party reacted before making plans.


Guardians of the Qin Dynasty, there is no life

To the surprise of j and k, the red side did not play the horse or the like, but directly let a small soldier take a step forward.

This unprecedented play made the two chess novices stunned at once, and then had to settle down, and began to rack their brains to think about countermeasures and study the other party’s conspiracy.

At this time,

In an alley in a certain Pacific island country in Tomisato, Chiba Prefecture, a small stealth banshee slowly landed in the courtyard of a dilapidated wooden house. It was caused by two invisible turbofan engines. After the gale blew away countless dead leaves and garbage in the yard that hadn't been taken care of for so many years, the feet of a little girl in a black suit finally stepped onto this decadent yard land. And with big blue eyes full of curiosity, he looked at all the ruined surroundings.


I don’t know why, when she jumped from the Banshee fighter plane, she felt a bit chilly. It seemed that there was a strange feeling of hairy back but anyway, there is no doubt that this is her Queen Anne. The destination of the task temporarily assigned by two bad guys


"Excuse me, is anyone here?"


The crisp voice of a little girl began to echo in the courtyard of this cold and dilapidated wooden house

However, after yelling, little Annie stood there for a while, and looked left and right. After waiting for a long time, except for a few unknown wild birds in the courtyard, she was surprised by her voice. And quack quack flew away, she found nothing, and no one responded to her.

Moreover, it seems that within a few hundred meters of this courtyard, there is not even a household in it.

Here, there are only the withered and messy weeds, the cold and gloomy courtyard, the decayed wooden boards in the thick dusty corridor, the window papers of the peeling windows, the decayed pillars, and the dark paint, which seem to have been for many years. A broken house where no one has lived

Of course, behind Xiao Anni, there is a hidden Banshee fighter plane, which is the vehicle she flew here, but now it is hidden and the engine is turned off. Everyone except her must be Can't see its existence.




"Since that guy refuses to come out, let's go in and find him now."

e` alas

If it was according to Tibbers’ wishes, it would have been burned out a long time ago

Anyway, there is no one around here. This broken house is not very valuable. It burned and forced that guy out. However, since his little master wanted to go in and have a look, it had no room to speak, just Being able to be held honestly by the other party, planning to go to the rotten house that looks very dilapidated, bleak and swaying together to see what happened

Woo woo woo


At this time, without waiting for the little girl to take a few steps, a chilly wind blew open the wooden door in front of them.



In this situation, a little girl’s thoughts about kicking or pushing the door open with her hands were completely lost. After tilting her head and looking into the dark room, she had no choice but to take out one. The flashlight of the man in black caused the bright and white beam of light to shine into the dark house, and then took her little bear and walked in quickly.


 ̄ ̄;

This dilapidated house is not big, but, I don’t know what’s going on, here, except for the thick dust, it is kept quite intact. Let a little girl walk in all the way and walk to this place with tatami and In front of the old TV cabinet and an old-style kinescope, the wooden floor did not collapse in any way, but only left footprints.


"Tibbs, there seems to be nothing else here, let's set fire to this place, and then go back."

The air here is not good, it’s full of the smell of mold, and it’s cool and shady. Anyway, Annie definitely doesn’t like to stay in this kind of place. So, I went around in this small house. , And walked into this hall, and still did not find an alien described in the mission, she suggested to her little bear with a bit of annoyance.

Of course, it doesn’t really matter if you really told your little bear.


Woo woo woo


Another gust of wind blew, and after making a piercing sound, the strange wind blew the door of the hall where Annie was directly closed.


At this time, the TV set in front of the little girl, obviously not plugged in, turned on by itself

First of all

It was a white snowflake. Obviously, I learned a lot of scientific knowledge when I was in the Kepulu region. Little Annie, who had excellent grades in science and engineering, recognized at a glance that it was a tube after it was powered on, because there was no image data transmission. Normal phenomenon caused by 35xs


Surprisingly, a picture of an ancient well appeared on the TV. What made Little Annie even more surprised was that amidst the permeating music, the dark ancient well crawled out of a disheveled, dressed Little sister in white nightdress

Woo woo woo

In my ears, the cool wind continued to blow, and when it penetrated the cracks in the wood of the dilapidated house, it made strange sounds that made people feel uncomfortable.



Amidst the exclamation of Little Annie, the young lady who crawled out of the ancient well, dripping water drops all over her body, crawled out of the TV slowly, and continued to let her hair cover her face, so low. Hold your head and stand in front of the TV set a few steps away that has turned into a snowflake



"Aha, I finally found you. It turned out to be a half-latitude life who smuggled into the earth. Please stand still for me. I will take a picture of you first."



A strong light flashed

Unexpectedly, just bluffing the other party and threatening to burn the house, the other party actually came out. This made Annie quickly take out the ib man in black instrument, and first opened a holographic registration information form for smuggling aliens. After that, I clicked and gave the other party a standing photo with disheveled hair, and then I quickly filled out the holographic form.

"Hello alien, let me introduce to you first"

t ̄︶ ̄Please see here

"Well, I am a police detective in black from the ib headquarters, you can call me detective a"



"After that"


After taking a photo of the other party and filling out a few columns on the form casually, Xiao Annie began to organize the language and give the other party a formal official announcement from them in black.

"The half-dimensional aliens who invaded the earth, I now formally inform you on behalf of ib that you have violated the relevant laws of our earth now. I won't say how many items, anyway, I can't remember it myself."

"That one"

"In short, you are now suspected of illegal immigration, malicious intimidation of ordinary people on the earth, illegal occupation of civilian houses, pollution of public land, misappropriation of electricity and energy, malicious creation of an atmosphere of terror, illegal stay on the earth, no visa or expired visa, and pollution of water sources to spread disease. Wait for charges"


"So now, please come with me."

Annie looked at the wet footprints under the opponent's feet and the stinky carrion odor from the opponent's body, so she didn't even think about it, so she checked the column of the crime of polluting the water source and spreading disease.

Undoubtedly, because the other party just crawled out of the well in the TV under her eyelids just now, so there is nothing to say, the other party's crime of polluting the water source and spreading the disease is definitely not gone. Denial Also no use

Anyway, no matter if the other party actually pollutes the well, as long as Queen Anne sees it and says yes, then there will be, and there will be no.

o`o hum

If the other party dared to resist or deny and arrested, she will have to fight the other party so that she cannot take care of herself.

Because she's not joking

The alien half-dimensional life of the earth woman with black hair covering her face was stunned for a while, she seemed to be a little confused about the situation in front of her, because in the past, after those earthlings saw her like this, they had long been I was so scared that I was lying on the ground, and even ran away panicking because of my fart.

But now, the strange little girl in front of her, not only did not run, but also threatened her in reverse. Therefore, this weird situation caused her brain to almost crash, and she had to calm down and think. a while.

I'm Sadako, aren't you afraid of me?

A gloomy voice rang directly from Xiao Annie's mind

Obviously, the other party must not use voice to communicate with her, but use some kind of strange fluctuation of the soul level. However, Xiao Anni dislikes it because the other party's soul fluctuation makes her feel very uncomfortable.

"Why should I be afraid of you"

Annie is very upset now, she is very upset

Because ah, the other party didn't want to talk to her properly, but pretended to use that strange voice, like the kind of nasty tone that makes people tremble when the nails scratch the blackboard. Communicate at the soul level

This kind of thing is really unreasonable

Woo woo woo

My hair was very long when I was drowned

After that, I found that the hair of an alien Sadako who had not played the card according to common sense stretched directly from the length of her hair to the length of her waist to the ground, and even, they were still alive, slowly spreading to Annie’s feet. Side, directly invaded all the ground except where she was standing

And if it weren’t because Annie didn’t show the slightest fear, I’m afraid, those long hair must have spread to her.



Little Annie silently looked down at the other person’s long hair that covered the whole room, and then used the flashlight in her hand to illuminate the other person’s pale nightdress and the pitch black ink covering her entire face. Long hair, and the hall of this run-down room and the TV with snowflakes.



"Well, I saw it, your metabolism is very strong, the ability to regenerate is very strong, and the growth rate of hair is more than ten times that of ordinary earth people."


Since the other party has shown the other party's abilities in front of her, although she is a little unhappy, Annie can only continue to reach out and register on the holographic interface.

For these alien smugglers, when arresting, always record the abilities of the other party and what they have said, etc. Although she is not willing to do that, but think about the guy in front of her. For decades, no black detective has ever caught a powerful guy. Since the other party has scared many detectives crazy, they have to be erased by a memory eraser and sent back to the world of ordinary people. I had to register a little more rigorously, so as to save time when I caught the opponent, some guys said that she acted recklessly and did not follow the procedure, causing unnecessary casualties of the aliens.

Hu Hu Hu Hu Hu Hu

The wind and some strange sound still rang in this quiet hall of the house. Here, there is only a tall woman with a disheveled hair, wearing a pale nightdress and a flashlight in her hand, letting the bright white light shine. Light up the little girl in the whole hall.

Of course, there is also the old CRT TV that has been lit up with snowflakes, but is not still flashing with dark and dim pictures of the ancient well.


As the atmosphere between the two parties became a little embarrassing, the alien named Sadako didn’t understand. She couldn’t figure it out. She was like this, why this strange earthling hadn’t been stunned by her. In the past or scared away, difficult to bring, the other party is really not afraid of her being called a ghost

Hu Hu Hu Hu Hu Hu

The gloomy wind around me became more pronounced, but it was a pity that that kind of useless sound couldn't disturb a little girl with a big eye. She was still diligently filling in something on the holographic form.

I am so uncomfortable

Finally, after thinking for a while, Sadako, who found that the current tricks did not work, finally revealed her face, with terrible blood and tears flowing out of that eye, and that pale and pale face and flushing addiction. Bloody eyes

She is Sadako, the most terrifying existence in ordinary people’s legends. She has scared to death those timid earthlings in the cinema, and even made countless people afraid to get up from bed to go to the toilet in the dead of night.


. vv.

"The blood flow will not stop"

"Ha, I know it may be thrombocytopenia, severe malnutrition, lack of necessary vitamins, or blood coagulation disorders. Of course, it may also be hemophilia or the food of the earth is not suitable for it, etc. That's right, It must be like this"

"Above, it is recommended that the agents of the Alien Hospital carry out a follow-up comprehensive examination and corresponding symptomatic treatment."

Little Annie blinked and blinked, cute and cute, with big eyes and looked at the other person’s pale and blemish face for a long time, then tilted her head and brewed for a while, thinking about some professional terms on the earth, and then consulted a little bit. After taking a look at Tibbers Bear, his koo-headed sergeant, he started to write down the description of the relevant registration and his own inference on the holographic panel again.

She didn’t care about the other person’s use of all kinds of ridiculous behaviors to scare herself.

Because, she has seen a lot of all kinds of terrible undead monsters or demons, and even certain demon gods from **** will be caught by her for a good meal and forced enslavement. Such a pretending to frighten ghosts Human half-dimension alien life form, how can it scare her

 ̄ ̄

Hu Hu Hu Hu Hu Hu

"I'm so cold"

The cute big blue eyes and those terrifying blood eyes looked at each other for a while

After discovering that the little earthling girl in front of her seemed to be a bit more difficult than she had ever seen before, Sadako could only stretch out her pale-skinned hands, revealing ten terrifying turquoise nails. At the same time, she grinned strangely, letting the pale face with bloodshot teeth appear in front of the little girl.


She stepped on her wet feet, and stepped on wet footprints on the dusty wooden floor, and step by step amidst the scalp-numbing moans of the decaying floor. He walked towards the little girl who was a few steps away.



"Oh no"


"It seems that the nails have not been cut for a long time, they are dirty, they are still growing moss, and gums are bleeding. It must be a severe calcium deficiency, a severe lack of love, and a severe lack of vitamins. They must usually be picky eaters, and they are definitely not good. Alien"


Blinking his big blue eyes, looking at the other person’s terrifying pale face, blood pupils, fangs, long black hair and cyan nails, step by step, they are coming towards him and are planning to move towards him. After taking a glance at the pale hands stretched over by her neck, Little Annie nodded clearly again, and began to alter the holographic registration page again.

She firmly believes in her inference, because Anne’s mother, Amorim, used to tell her that picky eaters are not good children and are prone to bleeding gums, dull skin, hair loss, black nails and lips, etc., so the same applies. A picky eater will definitely not be a good alien, and you will be able to catch it later.



Before the other party’s very dirty and ugly claws were about to touch her small black suit on the neckline, Little Annie, who had already registered with the other party on the operation page, suddenly raised her head and crossed her own. With a small waist, he yelled and threatened the opponent with an unkind expression

"I'm a black-clothed police detective from ib. The senior agent code-named a. If you dare to lean towards me with your hand, you will immediately be charged with assaulting a policeman, and you will be charged later. I will regret it, I want you to promise"


All in all, the half-dimensional alien girl Annie doesn’t like it very much, because her body is really too dirty.

Check it out,

The other party actually only wore a white rag blouse like pajamas. Fortunately, because of the long-term living in the well, the skin was soaked blue and white, and the nails have not been trimmed for many years. Now Moss

Such a guy dare to crawl out of the TV

Don’t you know if that would cause the line to accumulate water or short-circuit? In that case, can you electrocute the other party. Annie doesn’t know. But accidentally, if the old TV can’t be turned on again to watch snowflakes, people will do this How can the owner of the house use that old TV to change kitchen knives and stainless steel washbasins?


Therefore, this half-dimensional alien called Sadako is very wrong about living in a well, polluting the water source, and crawling out of the TV. He deserves the most severe criticism and condemnation.

Also, if you are caught back, the first thing, the doctors in the alien infirmary, must be to cut a short hair for the other person, otherwise, the other person will spread their hair all day long. The house is not a way

Woo woo


I'm um, I'm so cold, hug me

Although he heard the other party's warning, after stiffening for a while, Sadako walked forward regardless.

Soon, she walked in front of the little girl Annie, and used it at close range, almost face to face. Her pale and blue dead face looked towards the little girl’s white tender and ruddy face and blue eyes. After a short while, she resolutely stretched out her hand and continued to hold it towards the little girl's face with her own pair of pale skin and mossy nails.

She doesn’t know what an ib is, nor what a black police detective is, and she doesn’t know why the little earth girl in front of her reacts so slowly. However, she only knows that the other party broke into her territory. And don’t run away after seeing yourself.

Although, she doesn't think that this little girl can stay here with her for long, but she has now decided to leave her behind until the fragile little life on earth decays before her and transforms into Dead bones

Of course, it may also be discovered one day, and then those uniformed police officers will come to collect the other’s body during the day.

"I am angry"


Finding that the other party really dared to attack the police, Xiao Annie was finally a little upset

Because, there has never been an alien who dared to be so presumptuous in front of her. There was no one but those who were fat and dare to be presumptuous. Now they are either in the highest prison on the back of the moon preparing to sit through the prison, or they have been taken by her. Beaten to death


So, of course, Little Annie, who was about to fight back, took a bear leg of Tibbers bear in her hand before the opponent’s hand with only black nails touched her, and raised it high. stand up



"I let you pretend to be a ghost in front of me"



A strange noise

Without releasing Tibbers for a while, Little Annie knocked a terrifying alien named Sadako to the ground, and let its **** grimace face directly I slammed into the wooden floor with tatami mats unique to the island country, and fell a dog to eat shit.

"I let you smuggle to the earth casually"


In the second time, Tibbs Bear’s seemingly floppy body slammed into the opponent’s body that was about to get up again, and beat it back again.

Ah ah ah ah

A ghost cry

Sadako's head turned directly to the back of her head bizarrely, and uttered a scream that accompanied her penetrating face to a little girl who had attacked her.



"I make you turn your head to scare people"

o ̄ ̄o


Sadako's screaming head, which was twisted at 180 degrees, was smashed by a certain bear's body and turned back one hundred and eighty degrees, and fell heavily to the floor.

"I will let you play on the TV"



Sadako, who was about to get up again, was smashed back by Xiao Anni again, and could only helplessly use her long black and black nails to grab them on the dusty and rotten wooden board. Deep mark.

If the TV is broken, you won’t be able to replace it with a kitchen knife or stainless steel washbasin in the future, so this time, Xiao Anni was playing very hard

"I make you like living in a well"

╬ ̄ware ̄


It’s not a good place to live, but I still live in a well, and my whole body stinks from soaking. I must have pooping and peeing at the same time, so how can others fetch water in the future?

So this must be hit, hit hard

"I let you grow your hair"



The teacher said, those who have long hair are all second-rate, bad girls or something, long hair is enough to reach the waist, but it is good, how can it grow to the foot? When it walks, it is not afraid of being stepped on by others

"I told you not to cut your nails"





After smashing the opponent with her little bear for a round, she smashed her body into a twitch on the spot, and even the groaning and groaning gas was gone. Little Annie still held her little bear high in a little bit of anger. And frowned slightly, seeming to be thinking about what excuse he should use for his next blow

Okay, master, don’t fight anymore. She has passed out. If you fight again, she will die. I don’t know, but I only know. You must be looking for a needle and thread again. The small trouser leg

Uncle Tibbers Bear said that the skin of its bear legs is a bit cracked, and if it is smashed down again, its legs may really be broken.

Although, tearing off a leg will not have any effect on it, but in the end, it believes that when a bad little master is sewing and mending, he will definitely put all the blame on itself. On his body, beat it up badly, and then let it bear all the unjust charges




"I let you dare to attack the police"



Little Annie, who was still a little puzzled, looked at the half-dimensional alien named Sadako on the ground. It seemed that the vitality of the half-dimensional alien on the ground was very tenacious. After appearing that he could not die easily, she stepped forward and kicked her big ass. After a while, I patted my pretty nice black suit in a comfortable mood, carried my little bear, walked aside, and picked up the flashlight that I had just dropped.

mock up

o`o hum

A half-dimensional alien dare to come in front of her omnipotent great master of arcane arts, Queen Anne, presumptuously, and pretending to be a ghost, really tired and crooked. If he doesn’t move his hands and feet a bit, give this alien guy named Sadako Look at the color, it really thought she, the well-known hot-handed agent a, looks good


"Tibbers, you're done, we can now go back for business"


Seeing that the alien Sadako on the ground finally stopped pumping and passed out motionlessly, Annie clapped her hands contentedly, holding her little bear in one hand, and the other's long black hair in the other. He dragged it on the dusty floor, and walked outside the single-soldier stealth aircraft that she had taken when she came. Now belonging to the man in black.

It is one of the stealth aircraft supported by her Hero Federation to the man in black ib, but it is now being used by Xiao Annie for missions, because it is very fast and convenient, with little movement and stealth, and there is no need to worry about being used by others To discover.

 ̄ ̄;

Tibbers silently mourned for a certain half-dimensional alien called Sadako in his heart. He knew that with this severe beating this time, the other party would definitely leave a shadow in his heart that he would never forget.

"La la la"


"I caught a happy little frog"

Now, Anne did not want to comment on the alien half-dimensional life body Sadako who was dragged away by her hair on the floor, because she had never thought about this kind of pretending guy.

Think about it, let alone the fake ghost of the alien behind her, even if it is a real resentful spirit, if she dared to provoke her Queen Anne, she would have burned it over long ago, and the other person could not live life. Take care of yourself, or suspect that a ghost has been born

Under the raging fire of her omnipotent Queen Anne, let alone the ordinary ghosts and wraiths, even the demons in the hell, the **** demons like Mephisto, come to provoke her. Look, see if she burns to death



. o

Little Annie took out her contact device and connected to the number of Agent K who seemed to be still busy at the headquarters.

"Uncle K?"

"I'm Annie, the alien you just asked me to catch. Now it has been captured alive by me. Yes, it's not dead. I promise I didn't kill it, really."


Look at the long black hair of the other person you are holding in your hand, then look at the other person's face mopping the floor and the long human figure left behind on the dusty wooden floor. Dragging the trajectory, Little Annie assured herself on the phone.

Although the opponent was beaten miserably by herself, she was sure that an alien named Sadako was not beaten to death by her. She just taught the opponent a little bit and told him not to come out again in the future. Frighten her cute, lively and cute little girl.

"OK, good"


"Uncle K, you had better prepare the doctors in the infirmary to frighten me because some guy pretended to be a ghost, so I was afraid, so I accidentally played a little bit badly"

"Really only a little bit"

Turning his head again, UU read and turned towards a half-dimensional alien named Sadako behind him, who now can’t even pump, and looked at the beating marks on his body and his big ass. After hesitating for a while, little Annie assured the foot prints on her.

Because, as long as the other party was not beaten to death by her, then it must have been beaten a little bit, just a little bit, she promised that she kept her hand.




"I will go back now. At most half an hour, I will be at the headquarters. You can let them prepare. That's right, it is a half-dimensional life. Please watch it carefully. Don't let it escape from the TV.



"And Sadako, let's go back."

Soon, a little girl carrying her bear and the hair of an alien named Sadako ran into the courtyard of this ruined house, and rushed into the banshee fighter's deputy. After being in the cockpit, under the gust of wind, an invisible fighter took off quickly and disappeared.


The night is getting deeper and deeper. For various reasons, this part of the island country had to be abandoned by its owner. The sound of ghost crying and wolf howling after the air currents rubbed against the cracks of the dead wood and the windows began to be heard intermittently. , And spread farther and farther in the middle of the night

Annie who does not vote to see the pirated version has sent the courier Sadako to deliver a midnight delivery, please remember to answer the phone and open the door.

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