Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 793: The Umbrella company that studies alien cells?

   In the past few days, MIB headquarters is still calm...

When certain lawless alien scums were severely hit by an even more lawless little girl agent and dealt with a large number...under the terrible threat of the little girl with extraordinary background After the smugglers, smugglers, alien scum, robbers, refugees, and unpredictable alien tourists from outer space, they found that they could no longer use threats to deal with the people on earth, they finally changed again. It's a lot of honesty, and at the same time, it makes the work of MIB staff and agents all of a sudden become idle.

   So that, in the past two days, many agents and agents in the headquarters, and even ordinary staff, have been given rare vacations... Even the time and number of days to ask for leave have become relatively free?


"my Lord……"

"Boss K, take a look, this is really unfair! The two of us were still busy outside yesterday. It took a few days to grudgingly solve the alien, which is considered to be a smooth completion of the task... But look, what about the little guy over there? Well now, she still has time to come to the headquarters to play games in public?!"

  Although he just got out of the elevator, Agent J saw at a glance a little girl who was occupying the computer of a black-clothed employee who might be on leave and was playing some kind of gunfight game on the Internet!

   Moreover, the other party didn't even wear the headphones, and blatantly turned on the sound effect with the speaker. From time to time, bursts of ‘duh!’ came from there toward the entire staff hall. Tuk! Tuk! ’’S footsteps, and ‘huh! Huh! ''clatter! clatter! clatter! Gunshots like ’?

   So, of course, after a few days of busy work, J was almost exhausted. Seeing this situation, I immediately felt a little unbalanced...

Although the other party is a child, it is normal to have some privileges or exceptions occasionally, but, he thinks it, it doesn't seem that the other party can stay in the headquarters for leisure and entertainment, but their other agents have to go to the field to be tired. Excuse for life and death! !

  Since the opponent is so powerful, he should go and do more work, and then, a little bit easier for their slightly less capable agents?


"J, it's not that I want to hit you. You have to know that Annie's tasks and accumulated achievements are almost beyond the forty years of hard work of my old agent... If you can surpass her, no matter what you do If you do, no one will dare to accuse you!"

   "Furthermore, although she is an alien, she is indeed a child. It must be normal to be a little bit playful. Why are you so jealous?!"

   After finishing speaking, look at the little guy who was having fun with that powerful holographic screen in front of a certain employee's computer for a while. K himself sighed and shook his head dumbly.

   The other party’s leisure and entertainment, which is carried out when this kind of thing is not too busy now, he will definitely not object to it! However, this is one of the important office areas for MIB black-clothed employees, not in the staff lounge, but the other party puts the same equipment in the lounge and does not play, but instead goes to play in a crowded place. , Is this a bit bad?

Of course, although I feel that the little guy is unruly to do that, but since Boss Z has not been in charge of this kind of thing, his K is naturally too lazy to take care of it... anyway, as long as the others around are working The staff in China didn't oppose or protest, so let the little guy Annie go messing around!


   "Boss K, don't mention this to me anymore, I really have worked very hard... But, that little guy is a freak, God testifies, we people on earth are definitely not comparable!!!"

   Thinking of the infiltrating scene in which the half-dimensional alien named "Sadako" was beaten up by the opponent and dragged back to imprisonment by his hair a few days ago, Agent J couldn't help but feel chills...

That little guy, she was really a bit cruel at the time, and she really beat a good female ghost to that miserable appearance, and if it weren’t for a strange half-dimensional alien creature, I’m afraid It won't be as simple as a minor injury and insisted on being dragged back to headquarters.


   "Don't complain, if your life makes you feel unhappy, it can only be that you haven't worked hard enough?"

  K sighed, then shook his head again. He didn't intend to continue to talk or preach on this issue, but directly led the other party to stride forward, ready to hand over the related matters of this field mission.

   This time the two of them were ordered to go out for several days. In addition to solving the troublesome alien, they also recovered a dangerous small black hole weapon, which must be properly kept as soon as possible! Otherwise, when it breaks out again or starts accidentally, God knows how many big pits will the earth gnaw at?

   "I have worked very hard!!"

   "Hey! Boss K! Wait for me first, hello..."

   Amidst the grievances, J only protested a little bit. He saw that his officer did not listen to his complaints. After walking forward, he had to greet him in a hurry, and then hurried to catch up.

  ‘Sir K is back? ’

'Hello there! K, got a lot of sunburn? ! ’

  ‘Sir K! Hello! ’

'Hi! K, welcome back... We have just heard about it, you have another beautiful big case in South America, and you repaired a **** alien scum? ’

  ‘It’s nice to see you coming back alive, our Agent K, and of course... Agent J? ’

  ‘Hello Sir K! ’

When two dark-clothed police detectives walked out of the elevator and reappeared in the office lobby of MIB's headquarters staff, whether they were passing detectives, employees, or busy at the reception desk The'twins' who know or have a good relationship with each other are friendly towards K and J, who are said to have once again shown great power and solved an'alien black hole bomb' incident, and cast their kind eyes. Say hello.


   "Hi! How are you guys..."


   Seeing that someone actually started to say hello to him, instead of ignoring his existence as before, J finally stood up with a bit of ambition and gave those who looked at him a friendly smile.



   "Sir K, there is an emergency here that needs to be investigated as soon as possible. It may be important! However, I have not found suitable agents. Are you interested now?"

   However, J soon discovered a cruel fact:

Those black-clothed staff or agents who greeted themselves were just out of basic politeness, because they quickly turned their heads and ignored him... and the staff who took the initiative to join in , He directly approached his partner, Boss K, and left him alone, making his active response look really embarrassing!


   bastard! !

  This situation makes J feel that he must continue to work harder?


  Let's take a look, now they ignore him Agent J, there will always be a day when they can't afford it!

At that time, people here will definitely look up to Agent J like adoring Boss K or a lawless and reckless little girl Annie, and he will be jealous and jealous of him every time he returns from a mission. Hate the attention gift?

I believe that it will not take long for Agent J to be promoted and raise salary, surpass boss K, catch up with the little girl, become a senior black agent, serve as the head of the headquarters or a certain branch, marry Bai Fumei, and finally walk into life. The pinnacle of enjoying the worship of others?

   This kind of thing, just thinking about it can make him a little bit excited and excited...


Under doubt,   K took the task brief that was handed over by the other party and displayed it on the tablet terminal computer, and began to read it at a glance.

   It's just that after he finished reading, his brows wrinkled tightly, and those cloudy eyes were a little uncertain, not knowing what he was thinking.


"Forget it, if you can, you can give it to the little Annie... We just saw her playing a computer game? So, she must be free, but we just came back, maybe at least we need to first Rest for two days..."

   "Well, let her handle it first. If she really doesn't want to, we can only take a day off at most, and think of a solution tomorrow?"

  K glanced at it, pondered for a while, and felt that maybe it wasn’t something too serious, or maybe it wouldn’t worsen too serious?

Therefore, after thinking about it a little bit based on his rich experience of forty years, he hesitated and rejected it after all... However, he was cautious by nature and planned to let a little guy who was idle to take a look. See what it is? In that case, with the means of the little guy who has never made a mistake, he must be able to easily handle all the troubles, right?

   When the time comes, it's not their MIB that should have a headache, but those **** alien **** who might be hiding behind the scenes! !


   "Yes, sir! I know what to do!"

After receiving the terminal introduced by the incident that K handed back, the staff member nodded clearly, and planned to follow Agent K’s idea to turn around and look for someone who is openly in the staff office area of ​​MIB’s headquarters. Little girl playing games in full swing.

   However, when she was just about to leave, Agent K behind her stretched out her hand and pulled her arm back...

   "Hey! Sorry! I want to ask you..."

   "Regarding that female ghost, that is, the Sadako who was captured a few days ago, what is the situation with her now?!"

Since I left the MIB headquarters for several days, I have never paid attention to the situation and things at the headquarters. Therefore, K has regards to the "female ghost" who was captured by a little guy a few days ago, the half-dimensional alien The current situation of Sadako Ren is very worried!

He has always been very curious and jealous of the special life form that exists in this world but does not actually exist due to dimensional reasons... Otherwise, the previous "Sadako" could not be there. The ruined house and ancient well in the island country have been stranded for decades!

  Before a certain little guy was dispatched, the other party's existence made them have no good way.

Therefore, I suddenly remembered the guy who was arrested and locked up a few days ago, and was still making all kinds of horror phantoms and howling sounds at the MIB headquarters of the'Bridge and Tunnel Administration' during the period of registration, interrogation and inspection. He K The agent is very memorable!

   Therefore, he had lingering fears and doubts, so he hurriedly asked about this matter immediately.

   "Report, report to Chief K!"

   "She... That Sadako, after a few days of rest in the medical room at the headquarters, she basically returned to normal!"

About the first two days of being locked in, it has been noisy. Even in the middle of the night, the mirror in the toilet, in the sink of the toilet, on the computer screen, in the small black room, etc. changes in a scary way. The **** disheveled female ghost'Sadako' who has caused a lot of trouble, this staff member knows that it is still a little lingering...

  This situation can be basically seen from the tablet terminal device she instinctively held in front of her chest with her hands and the strength she used! Because, including herself, the men and women in their headquarters must have been scared by each other! !

   "I mean..."

   "That Sadako, how is she feeling now?"

K asked about what he cared about the most, because he didn’t want to wake up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom, and from the water tank or the mirror behind him, there was a disheveled person standing motionless, without saying a word. Female ghost! !

   In that case, maybe he has to accidentally nurture himself?

Although, to be honest, the one named Sadako likes to use her special ability to go through walls or crawl out to scare people because of her special existence. There is nothing remarkable... compared to those. For human-eating aliens or aliens who destroy the world and the earth at every turn, the female ghost who has stayed in the cold and dark broken water well and broken house, and has not left for decades can be It's so much better!


   No matter what, scary people are really scary, let alone a ‘girl ghost’ alien who likes to drill everywhere!

That’s why Agent K asked him about it at this time. If the headquarters continues to be “haunted”, he will have to go outside, find a hotel or apartment, and take refuge. How many days to rest?

   "Report sir! She is in a stable mood now, everything is normal!"

"The day before yesterday, after the'friendly' Chief Anne cut her hair, cut her nails and rinsed her with water, it is no longer as scary as before... Also, she accepted the registration job from our headquarters and wears it'voluntarily' I got on the monitoring device and I am still applying for a job here at the headquarters. Now I am a new trainee hired by our MIB!"

I remember that the "girl ghost" Sadako was forcibly used by their agent Anne to cut her long hair short with a "special instrument" that can interfere in half the dimension, and she forcibly stripped and washed her body. After the MIB agents' standard black suits and the pitiful look after their hair was cut, the staff of the Logistics Intelligence Department could not help but bend a breathtaking arc at the corner of his mouth.

It’s also fortunate that the little Chief Anne did that. Otherwise, she might not be able to stand it, and then quit her job and accept the irradiation of the'amnestic device', and then ran to the ordinary people outside to go to work. And life, you can't leave MIB this "haunted" headquarters far away!

   "Very good!"

   "She can accept her new identity and life, then we can rest assured... It's OK, now it's okay, you can go ahead and do your job, remember what I just told you..."

Hearing that the female ghost Sadako has been subdued and has become a miscellaneous alien hire staff here at MIB headquarters, K's heart that has been a little hanging, she finally put it down... and decided at the same time, In these two days, you can have a good rest with your partner J at the headquarters, and then you can continue to the lounge, and continue to fight against the chess made of nano-robots and the chess pieces on the chessboard for three hundred rounds. , Or the decisive battle till dawn?

   "Yes, sir!"

Seeing that Officer K had no other explanations, the black-clothed female staff member of the Logistics Intelligence Department finally stood at attention and nodded, no longer paying attention to Officer K and the agent J who turned away and planned to turn around to find a little girl. She, the kind of'Da' that came from the side where she heard her destination! clatter! clatter! ’And ‘Bah! Huh! After the gunfire, she couldn't help but hesitate for a while.

   For a long time, she finally had to bit her ruddy lip reluctantly, then turned and walked to her office...

Because most of the staff here at the headquarters know that in this situation, when a little girl is having fun, if she really dares to quarrel with the little girl who is having fun, It must be unpleasant!


   That stubborn little guy, it is very likely that he will refuse any tasks assigned, go on strike for several days, and then put all his faults on himself?

and so,

After thinking about it again and again, she resolutely turned around, took a cheerful pace, and walked quickly to her office...because she had already decided to assign this matter to a newcomer, and she was very unaffected by her. Do you see the messy guy?



At this moment, a certain little girl is sitting at the desk of an unknown big sister, manipulating her game character, holding a gun, and squatting trivially in the grass behind a small box, motionless, And pay close attention to any sounds and gunshots coming from the surrounding area, and at the same time watch the kill messages on the screen.

  ?? Please note that the signal safety zone will be reduced after thirty seconds......??

  ?? Please note that the signal safety zone will be reduced after ten seconds......??


  ?? 乛?? 乛??

   "Hey! A little sample..."

  ?? (ψ??????ˇ????)??

   "You will be left in the end. This time, the circle will be reduced to the last small circle. I think where else can you hide?!"


As the aperture gradually shrinks, the character in the game is operating, holding a PP19 Bison submachine gun, and hides trivially on the edge of the narrowed aperture solid line, hiding behind the box, waiting for the enemy in the distance to suppress himself. She couldn't help but rushed out, ready to enjoy the baptism of the metal storm, sitting on the office chair just like that, smiling with a keyboard in one hand and a mouse in the other.

   In Annie's view, the guy who didn't know where he was hiding in the bushes and crawling forward must be gone now! After all, now the aperture has shrunk to a very small range, and only the two of them are left, even if the other party keeps coughing up medicine, they definitely can't hold on.

The guy who is more insidious than himself, that annoying, and possibly auspicious Voldemort, he (or she?) In addition to standing up and rushing through the muddy ground in front of him, There must be no other way, even if the other party's bag is full of life-saving medicine and Coke, it is useless! !

   Now she is condescending, and she has a box that can serve as a cover, so the other party must have no other better choice besides brazenly running out! In the same way, this time, the victory must belong to her Queen Anne!

   "Aha! You finally came out!!"


Seeing that a guy in auspicious clothes had to jump up and charge up before the safe zone was about to shrink, Little Annie cheered and decisively controlled her character and stood up from behind the box. The muzzle and front sight of the weapon in his hand were aligned with the head of the green Geely suit who was holding a grenade, pulled the tab, and was about to rush over and threw the grenade to blow up his Volde Demon!

Annie dared to use Tibbers’ ethics to guarantee that before the opponent threw the grenade and bombed her own game character, she would use the powerful metal storm of the PP19 bison in her hand to instantly end the opponent’s dog life, even if It's useless for the other party to wear a tertiary head! !


  !? (??\'\'????)??

   However, plans can never keep up with changes...

   Suddenly at this moment, when the grenade had left the opponent's hand and flew into the air, when Xiao Annie was about to click the launch button of her mouse to understand the other party, her holographic screen suddenly turned black?


  A pale-skinned woman with a long ponytail and a black suit appeared on her screen? !


   There is no doubt that the guy who made her computer black and appeared on the screen is the new ‘female ghost’ employee at their MIB headquarters in Men in Black, and the new bad guy named Sadako who has come as a messenger! !

   "Ah ah!!!"


   "You! How can you be like this?!!!"


   Seeing that I am about to win in the next instant, seeing that I can beat the opponent before the grenade explodes, and dance fiercely on the enemy's corpse, pick up the opponent's auspicious clothes, and see that I can enjoy the joy of victory...


   At this most critical time, but the female ghost named Sadako in front of him ran out to make trouble, and would undoubtedly cause his own game character to die tragically under the cunning and insignificant Voldemort's grenade?

This huge gap caused a little guy to immediately become irritable and furious... So, the anger came from the heart, and the evil to the courageous Annie, stretched out her little hand, A dark, long, straight female ghost on the holographic TV screen was dragged out and slammed on the cold floor of MIB headquarters!

"Ah ah!!"

   "Ann, sir Anne, what are you doing, I am here to pass on the task to you...Ah!!!"

Seeing that a certain young officer with a violent tendency and a dark history used violence against himself again, the "girl ghost" Sadako had to exclaim, and while protecting his face with both hands, he explained loudly. Write.

   But, it's a pity...

   Before she could finish her explanation, she was kicked back by a little girl who was in a furious state! !

   "I let you disturb me!!"

  ヽ(ヽ`д′)┌┛★)`з゜)y slap!

   "I ask you to pass me a mission at this time!!"

  ヽ(ヽ`д′)┌┛★)`з゜)y 嘭!

   "I told you not to learn well, so come to climb my TV..."

  ヽ(ヽ`д′)┌┛★)`з゜)y 咚!

There was no chance to explain to the other party at all. Little Annie directly waved her small fist and small feet in black leather boots, and began to beat her hands and feet together on the other party's body and on the big round ass. stand up……

She clearly remembered that when she was putting makeup on the other side two days ago, she had just taught her a severe lesson and ordered her not to use the toilet, potty, mirror, walk without sound and scary behind her back. , And even more can't run into the TV!

   But look now, the other party still dare to commit crimes, and once again ran to his own'TV' when he was about to be the happiest. What is it that is not begging? !

  ヽ(ヽ`д′)┌┛★)`з゜)y slap! Snapped! Snapped!

The more angry little Annie thought about it, she couldn't help but kicked the other's big round **** fiercely, making the other's beautiful black suit have several small white footprints... …


  (● ̄(??) ̄●)

   (Does Tibbers never say to outsiders casually that its nasty little master is actually jealous of a female ghost's cocked butt?)

'what happened? ’

   ‘Sir Anne is beating that female ghost Sadako again...’

'what! What's wrong with her? ’

  ‘Don’t ask me, I don’t know...’

The fact that the little girl beat the'girl ghost' Sadako again, of course, caused many black-clothed employees around to stand up from their seats, and then cast a curious and surprised look, and whispered. Began to discuss.

   "It's really hard..."

'Hey! What is going on with them? ’

  ‘Where do I know? ! ’


   ‘I didn’t say anything, it must be the female ghost ‘Sadako’ that provokes Chief Anne again, right? ’

  ‘Good fight! ! ’

  ‘That’s it! It's time to fix her severely! Don’t you know, the night before, I went to the toilet in the restroom of the second staff lounge on the 30th floor. The **** Sadako, she walked out of the mirror with a disheveled hair, and walked to mine without saying a word. Earlier, I was so scared that I had no desire to defecate for two days...If my mother couldn't touch her half-dimensional life, I would want to beat her severely! ’

  ‘That’s right! I was brushing my teeth this morning. As soon as I looked up, I was so scared that she was standing behind me with a disheveled head and stabbed my throat directly with a toothbrush...’

  ‘I think Chief Anne must have used some super technology that can interfere in the half dimension, so she can touch the female ghost Sadako? ’

'Probably! It’s just that we don’t even know what it is or where it is sold? ’

  ‘That grocery smuggler, Jack, should have it, right? ’

  ‘Hush! Don’t talk nonsense, it’s a serious violation of discipline to buy smuggled goods from him. Anyway, I dare not go...’

  ‘Oh, may God bless that Sadako! ’

   ‘hiss…...It’s not good for Chief Anne to do that? ’

  ‘It’s not so good, I think, if you hit like that, it might be too light, maybe you can change me...’

  ‘I’m happy to help too! ’

  ‘I heard that your constipation was scared by Sadako? ’

  ‘Haha! ’

  ‘Is there anything else? ’

  ‘You guys can really make a joke...’


Soon, many black-clothed employees and those black-clothed agents who were scared or watched by a "female ghost" named Sadako in the headquarters, which left indelible trauma in their physiology and heart , They all pointed and gloated and talked about it, and no one was willing to go to persuade or pull away the little girl who was venting her fists.


   Some of them are clamoring and clamoring around, seeming to want a little girl agent to hit harder?


   "Uh...fortunately, I didn't go by myself..."

In a window seat in the office of the Logistics and Intelligence Department, a female staff member who had just privately assigned the task of relaying to the miscellaneous female ghost was slapped her bulging chest with lingering fears, and was struggling hard. After taking a breath, he pretended to be calm and nothing happened. He sat back to his place with a serious expression, and plunged into the intense work with the other internal intelligence staff in the office. .

   "Okay! Let's talk!!!"


   "You just came to find me, what is the important thing?!"


at last,

Little Annie, who was a little tired and felt that she was out of anger, had to stop unconsciously, and shouted aloud to a "female ghost" alien Sadako who was squatting on the ground holding her head and sobbing. Write.

  If the other party doesn't give herself a reasonable explanation, maybe...she will catch her breath later, and she can't say she can't take her own bear to slap her again? Otherwise, God knows this hateful female ghost, next time when I watch a cartoon, will suddenly make my TV screen black and get out of it?

   "Yes, some..."

   "This, this is the latest task just assigned and assigned to you by the Logistics and Information Department, I, I..."

Sadako, who was beaten up and spread out, and even the black long and straight big pony tail was a little messy, found that a lawless Agent A had stopped, no longer adding his hands and feet, and finally cried a pale white. Dead face, timidly stretched out a computer terminal in his hand that displayed the task, and handed it to someone who was unreasonable and playful, didn't want to go to work, and openly played games in a public place like the employee area of ​​the headquarters. Bad girl...

If she had known that she would be beaten up even if she ran, she would not rush over immediately...This matter was obviously the female employee of the Logistics and Information Department who asked her to be served as soon as possible, and she was in a hurry. Drill down the TV!



   "It seems... really something serious?!"

  (* ̄△ ̄*)

Little Annie, who originally thought it would not be a big important matter, was refreshed, and after reading the task brief at hand, after a moment of thought, she quickly realized the severity of the situation, and then she reluctantly Nodded, it was considered to have approved the practice of this female ghost Sadako who had drilled on the'TV' in a hurry.


   Approval belongs to approval, and a severe beating is definitely indispensable. Who makes the other party so upright and refuses to wait for a second? Therefore, this guy in front of me deserves it, and if he is beaten, he will be beaten in vain. Her Queen Anne will certainly not admit her mistake, and she will not apologize! !


   Next time...

   If the other party dared to drill her TV or mobile phone, she couldn't say that, she would have to continue beating the other party again? !


  (● ̄(??) ̄●)


   task introduction:

According to the latest news returned by a senior MIB agent who was missing for half a month, a secret underground base of the Umbrella Company (;) in Raccoon City has been secretly studying a certain kind of dangerous cell of an alien creature, which is extremely dangerous. ! Therefore, the agent who is required to undertake this task must investigate the basic situation of the company’s secret research base in Raccoon City within three working days...


Umbrella Company (also translated as Umbrella Company) is suspected of having a close connection with aliens, and has always resisted various investigations by the federal or MIB, and the company has a pivotal role on the earth in terms of politics and economy. At the same time, the company also has a large number of hidden subsidiaries and a large number of highly trained security forces to protect the military group, including rescue, reconnaissance, counter reconnaissance and auxiliary military operations. Wait for the ability, so the agents who go to investigate must be cautious?


  (= ̄ω ̄=)

   "Umbrella of Raccoon City..."

   "Hey! Tibbers, tell me, how are we going to investigate this time? Should we fight the bad guys first and then go in... Or mix in and beat down the bad guys?!"

  (*??︶??*).. .:*??

In a street side dessert shop in Raccoon City, Little Annie, who was wearing a red dress and no longer wearing the conspicuous black suit, was licking a glass of ice cream in her hand while looking at the distance one kilometer away. A vehicle from outside enters and exits the well-defended Umbrella company base, which is the umbrella company!

   She knows that the other party’s company, behind and underground, has a secret and huge base, which is not inferior to MIB’s huge base in Manhattan’s ‘Bridge and Tunnel Administration’ underground facility! However, for a while, she was a bit helpless, wondering how she could successfully get in.

   If it was before, she would just go in with a stealth and teleport.

   But, not now!

  Because, she is now a senior police detective in black. After the mission is completed, she has to write a report when she goes back... At that time, can't let her say that she actually changed into using magic directly? In that case, it is a foul, and the people like Uncle K can't understand it! And if she asked her to make up a lie or something, she didn't bother to do that, because it was wrong! !


  (● ̄(??) ̄●)

(Respected little master, then things are going to make a big mess. It doesn’t seem to be a good thing, right? You see, it’s a'big company', MIB doesn’t want to use force against them without evidence? Besides, MIB’s The force seems to be not very good. They have too few agents, so they are only suitable for confronting alien criminals who are not organized and armed!


  ——After Tibbers thought about it seriously, combined with the description of the previous mission briefing, in the end, he dutifully advised the messy little master of his family.

  Although, it and its little masters have never cared about this kind of multinational corporations of the earth people, but if you still want to play according to the rules of the game here, it is best to restrain yourself a little bit?

After all, the Umbrella Company is an international super-monopoly "large" company. It also covers most of the high-tech industries such as pharmaceuticals, medical hardware, defense industry and military products, etc. It is a huge, even MIB dare not wantonly The great forces coming in disorder! And until there is no conclusive evidence, even people in black can't just casually kill them like this. At that time, even if the other party really has a problem, I’m afraid it’s not clear...because everyone knows, people on earth The bureaucrats of China are the best at turning black and white! )



   Little Annie, who doesn't quite understand, agrees with Tibbers a little bit. Anyway, when she doesn't want to use her brain to think about problems, it must be right to listen to Tibbers!


And even if it’s wrong, it doesn’t matter, because... when the time comes, as long as you beat a certain bad bear Tibbers severely, and push all the faults to the other side, it will be fine, no problem at all. No!



  Little Annie is thinking of a way...

But it's a pity that she thought about it, thought about it, thought about it, and thought about it, but she still couldn't come up with one that can get in without force, without magic, and without being cute and not too noticeable. A good and effective method! !



   "Haha! There is it!"


   "Tibbers, let's use that ‘amnestic device’ to modify the memory of one of their important personnel, pretending to be their family members, and let those bad guys take us in for a look?"


  As long as the brain is still there, you will never be suffocated by difficulties!

So, after taking a few bites of the delicious ice cream in her hand, the sweet taste comforted her taste buds, and after the sugar provided enough nutrition and energy to her Queen Anne’s brain cells, she finally became In a short period of time, I thought of a great way that no one would easily come up with!

   And, when the time comes to write the report, I can barely fool the past, and no one can single out anything wrong?



   (It sounds good, but you have to ask someone to establish a legal identity for you first, and then look for a Umbrella employee whose position cannot be too low?

  (● ̄(??) ̄●)

——Tibbers, who felt that there might not be any major problems, also promptly made up for the omissions, and picked out some problems that need to be paid attention to for some innocent and sometimes a little clever and mischievous little master. Mentioned. )

   "Since Little Bear thinks it's okay, then this matter is decided happily!!"


Under limited conditions, the omnipotent Queen Anne even thought of the wonderful idea that has plagued many people in black. Therefore, when she was happy, she opened her belly and started to eat. Eat up!

   She decided that today, she will eat an entire afternoon in Raccoon City plus an evening sweet, and then find a place to sleep Meimei, and wait until tomorrow morning to perform her task?


  (● ̄(??) ̄●)

   (Little Master, since you have come up with a way, don’t you want to act now? It’s morning. If you hurry up, you might be able to get in when you go to work in the afternoon?


  ——Seeing that a bad little master didn't even move, and didn't mean to ask someone for help, Tibbers couldn't help but ask curiously. Because if you start to act now, including making fake documents and searching for targets, you can get everything done by night at the latest! )



   Xiao Anni stopped suddenly, and then cast a threatening look at a certain bully bear.



"People flew here early in the but now they are very tired... Moreover, people have the energy to work only when they are full, and only when they have enough food and sleep can they have energy. Think about the troublesome tasks..."



   Little Annie has already decided that no matter which Umbrella or the alien cells that the other party is suspected of studying, it is something that needs to be considered tomorrow! After a while, she will communicate her wonderful idea back, and then, before tonight, whether it is to find a target or make her identity, etc., everything will be solved for her!

   When she is full and awake, she just goes to the base with the guy who went to work in the morning. This thing is that simple! !




   (Well, everything is up to you...)

  (● ̄(??) ̄●)


  ????(????`??)???????? Ask for a ticket????(??﹏??、)??


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