Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 826: A cloud treading beast came out?

Somewhere in the Shenzhou Continent, a golden light was like lightning, suddenly cutting through the space and appearing on a mountain top, and began to slowly descend from above.

Underneath, is the undulating, majestic, and misty mountains...

The trees in the mountains are strangely shaped and tall and majestic. The thick and knotted roots are tightly entwined between the rocks in the mountains, but the branches and leaves are extremely luxuriant, looking lush and dazzling.

Looking from the highest point of the mountain to the surroundings, except for the lush pines and cypresses or other unknown ancient trees that are stubbornly living in the harsh environment of the icy mountain, everything else is white. The vast sea of ​​clouds!

It should be early in the morning. In the distance, on the edge of the sky, a red sun is slowly revealing a little hazy shadow... and the sea of ​​clouds, red and purple glowing under the changes of temperature and light, is changing rapidly. ......Some of them are like a galloping army, some are like a **** cow and a deer fighting in a gladiator, some are like a fiery red phoenix spreading its wings, or a **** bird and a red bird spreading across the sky...

They became a large area until the end of the horizon!

Therefore, here at this mountain top, except for this place that breaks through the clouds and enjoys the first rising sun, the green mountains and green sea full of the supreme morning light are dotted with a hint of green color for this vast sea of ​​clouds. Besides, there is nothing else.


It may be due to exhaustion of energy, or it may have consumed too much power to break through the space to come here. Anyway, the scroll that braved the golden light, after breaking through the space, came to this world. , Before it had time to hover, the golden light on its body became increasingly dim, and after the last two stubborn flashes, it had no choice but to turn into a simple and unpretentious scroll of parchment. At the same time, it was floating down lightly, and it was about to fall into the cliff and clouds beyond the mountain...

"Ha! I caught you!!"


When something like a dim and light-looking parchment scroll was about to pass by the wind and fall into the sea of ​​clouds on the top of the verdant mountain, suddenly, a blue gate of light suddenly appeared on the edge of the cliff. , And then a small white hand stretched out from it, grabbed the parchment in time, and stretched out another small hand to quickly roll it up, and finally pressed the middle part of it. A group.


A cute little red dress, a little red hood on his head, and little red leather shoes on his feet, with golden hair and blue eyes, plus a very delicate but The little girl with a little baby-fat face jumped out from the dissipated blue light door happily, and'stands' out of thin air beyond the cliff, not caring about the sea of ​​clouds beneath her feet. , Can not see the cliffs on the ground.

Of course, she is the omnipotent and most powerful Queen Anne!

Just now, she passed by in another earth world.. T's nuclear power gundam, after the freedom Gundam, Justice Gundam, Shenyi Gundam, Flaming Jean and Eternity's latest MS special transport ship , She gave her a little bit of strength for the Conferred God List she obtained by accidentally being'given for nothing' in that world, and then she came to this world with the help of that Conferred God List.



"It just gave you a little bit of strength to help you lead a way and find this strange world, but you still want to run by yourself, who do you think I am?!"


Obviously, a certain ignorance of current affairs and a gadget called ‘Fengshen Bang’ that does not recognize reality clearly, the other party seems to have been activated by his own power, so after gaining power, he still wants to sneak?

Then, of course, Xiao Anni grabbed the opponent without mercy, and walked back to the edge of the cliff step by step, jumping and volleying at will. She also pulled up a weed and was being caught by her at any time. In the middle of the'Feng Shen Bang' rolled into a roll, a knot was tied viciously!

"I think you dare not run away in the future!!"

??(??????~????)╭?? Sample!

Obviously, this enchantment list picked up by her Queen Anne must have its own spirituality, but it fell asleep due to a serious lack of energy, and was accidentally activated by her just now?

But anyway, the things in the hands of her Queen Anne, before she is not tired of playing with herself, it must be impossible to slip from her palms! !



"I'll let you run! I'll let you not be honest! Look at my little bear Tibbers, who has been so honest for so many years!!"

ヾ(??`⌒????)?? 彡???? Boom! Boom!

She seemed to be uneasy, or she wanted to teach the other party a little lesson, Xiao Annie directly grabbed one end of the other party, and after viciously hitting the rock by the cliff several times, the other party seemed to be taught by her. After the fall'fainted', she clapped her hands and threw it onto the stone that was a little smooth due to the sun, wind and rain.


(● ̄(??) ̄●)

(Tibbers wouldn’t tell his family’s little master or the list of gods, it’s not that it is honest, nor that it doesn’t want to run, but that it’s scared of being beaten and really dare not run...Of course, I didn't dare to think about it, because the harmless and ignorant blue eyes of a certain messy little girl had already been cute (pronounced'fiercely') staring at it...)



"Tibbers, look at it, the magical energy in this world is so rich, it's so comfortable to breathe here, and the scenery here is so good, I really want to live forever..."

(*????╰╯`??) I really like it here~????

After taking a deep breath of fresh air, Little Annie was suddenly surprised...because she felt that this place didn't seem to be worse than the nascent land of Ionia in the world of Runeland? Anyway, after wandering in so many worlds, it was the first time she encountered something that made her feel physically and mentally happy like today’s world. Therefore, she kind of wanted to put her home here, and never wanted to go back to the past. To take refuge in someone like that, and then merge into the world!

Because, there is no one here at all, and she has no need to find someone to seek refuge, such as those guys like Aunt Kate, Aunt Xu Jiaorong, or Uncle Coleson! Now, she is making her home here, even if it is good here, even if there is no one here, even if something terrible may appear here at night, but she is not afraid at all, nor is she alone! After all, she has her own little bear with her all the time, no matter where she goes! !


(Dear little master, the energy here seems to be a little bit better than magical energy, but that stuff has long been useless for you! And the reason why you can breathe and feel comfortable is only because the world seems to have no factory emissions Highly toxic exhaust gas, no deforestation, no discharge of chemical poisonous water, no smog and dust, this is just a primitive magical world?

(● ̄(??) ̄●)

——Tibbers doesn’t believe the other party’s nonsense of “live on forever”! If there is nothing delicious or fun in this world, it believes that in less than three days, the messy little master of its family will definitely leave the house!

Do not……

It may not take three days, but at most two days! It's almost like that after waking up and discovering that there is really nothing else to do, and then having to get out and go to other worlds? )



"Tibbers, this world is so big, people just discovered so many interesting things!!"


Just hurriedly looking at the edge of the cliff, Anne unexpectedly found a group of strange underwater creatures with long bodies, deer-like horns and four claws on the horizon, somewhere deep in the sea below the sea of ​​clouds? Moreover, they look so delicious, but she doesn't know if they taste like fish... or snakes?

If it’s like a snake, then she’d better not eat it...because, it’s said that there are many, many disgusting bugs in the snake’s meat. Even if she burns it to death, it will make her feel A little bit uncomfortable! !


(Little master! The younger one wants to make a small report! Your confession list is secretly absorbing the magic power of this world. The kid must still want to escape?!


——Tibbs is likely to be completely planted on the little master of his family in this life, and he will definitely not be able to escape...So, I can't see others' good, I can't see that others are freer than it, let alone others It had a chance to escape, so it made a decisive decision, and when the other party's "prison escape" plan was still budding, it flagrantly reminded its little master and said "Gao Mi". )

At this time, the Conferred God List, which was **** by Annie with a green grass leaf, was frantically absorbing the kind of magic that she just called magic power, but it was actually a good thing of spiritual power. It seemed that she wanted to work hard to restore it. To escape from a little girl’s disrespect for it, or achieve some ulterior purpose?

Anyway, even if it has been reported by a certain bear, at this time, it is still greedily absorbing the spiritual power of this world. It doesn't mean anything to hide it, it's so blatant!

"I know, Tibbers, let's not worry about it for now!!"


Little Annie glanced at the crumpled Conferred God List, then quickly turned her head, and began to overlook the world under the sea of ​​clouds from the top of the mountain.

However, she only watched it for a while and didn't watch it, because Annie discovered that this world seemed a bit similar to your world in Qiantang County where she had been, but it was a bit different? And more importantly, there seems to be too much temptation here. If you look further, she can't help it, so...

Hey hey...



(● ̄(??) ̄●)



"By the way! People remember that there is a good thing in the space pocket, where is it?!"


Suddenly, thinking of something little Annie, she reached out to her little pocket and searched hard.

After a while, about three to five minutes, she reluctantly took out a thick book from her pocket and turned to the first page excitedly. Vaguely, a certain bear only saw There are three large golden seal characters written on the original hardcover hardcover paper above.

"Eh heh heh..."


Little Annie turned the first page, and then unconsciously, her slapstick began to flow down...



There was no one on the left or right anyway, so the curious Tibbers moved directly by himself at this time, got into his little master’s arms in three or two steps, and leaned in front of the book and read it:

The first of Nanshan Sutra is called Mountain.

Its first name is the swaggering mountain, which is located on the West Sea and is rich in glories and gold. There is grass Yan, which looks like leek and blue and white, and its name is Zhu Yu, which is not hungry when you eat; there is wood Yan, which looks like a heart and blackness, and its flowers are four photos. Its name is lost and not lost... …There is a beast yan, which looks like a yu with white ears and walks on a pedestrian. Its name is 狌狌. The good food walks... The beautiful water flows out of the Yan, and the west flows into the sea. Among them, there are many yupei, admiration. No ailments.



"What kind of messy Zhuyu, wouldn't it be leeks? I don't eat grass... There seems to be no shortage of wood for the talisman."


"Then it's up to you. How do you read this? Hyun? Yu? A live beast? Or a gorilla? A white-eared gorilla?"

(??⊙ω⊙`)? ?

Little Annie is very curious about the strange little animal described in this book. Moreover, it seems to be said that as long as people eat it, they can be strong and fit and run fast. Then, there is no doubt that it That kind of white-eared orangutan is something to eat!

"Okay, it's you, then, the first goal of the recipe for the stupid queen!!"


Snapped! !

After seeing it correctly, little Annie suddenly closed the book amid Tibbers' doubts, and almost caught the bear head of Tibbers! !


(● ̄(??) ̄●)

(Little master, where did you get this "Shan Hai Jing"?


——Tibbers said that he was very, very puzzled...because it seemed to be the first time he discovered that in the space bag of his own disgusting little master, in addition to food, drink, clothes, money, toys, and Apart from those powerful'two kicks' big Ivan, it was the first time that it saw such ordinary books. )

"Of course I bought it from a bookstore on the earth, what's wrong, Tibbers, do you have any questions?!"


In Xiao Anni's view, knowledge can not only change her destiny, but also allow her to find and distinguish delicious things. Therefore, she didn't think there was anything wrong with her collection of such books.


(What did you buy it for?)

(● ̄(??) ̄●)

"Of course it's for eating!!"



(What to eat? No, you want to eat a book?!)

∑(????`)? !


!? (??\'\'????)??

"You just want to eat a book!!"


"The reason why they bought it is of course to eat the kind of delicious little animals or delicious fruits on the planes of these books!!!"

o(= ̄﹃ ̄=)o

Although Annie didn't know whether the animals were small or big, fat or thin, fishy or smutted, she only knew that they would definitely not be able to beat her, and then she would definitely eat them!

(How do you know that there is such a thing here?)

(● ̄(??) ̄●)

"People take a look and see, there are many strange creatures in this world, and that kind of oriental dragon?!"


"Okay, Tibbers, let's start looking, visit those little animals, I think they will welcome us!"

(??????╰╯??????) Hehe...

Yes, Little Annie can’t wait to chat with those'little animals', talk, exchange some cooking experience...Of course, before that, she may need someone better than her. Qualified chef?

(Welcome? That's not necessarily...)

ε=(????`●))) alas



However, Little Annie, who was about to act, stopped suddenly, not knowing what she was thinking.

(Little master, what's wrong with you?!)

(● ̄(??) ̄●)





"People don't want to explore the world all at once, but if you don't do that, you don't seem to know the way..."


That's right, now, Annie doesn't want to open up her super perception and spirit all at once, and then directly control everything in the world in her own hands, because in that way, life will become nothing new. Feeling, and then there is no fun in life!

Anyway, she definitely doesn't want to do that kind of thing, she just wants to slowly explore this interesting world, of course, and those interesting delicacies...


(Do you think that the small one will recognize it? Moreover, the current earth may be a bit different from the earth in the future, it is much larger...)

(● ̄(??) ̄●)

"Then what shall we do now?!"








"You don't need help from a bad guy, people can do it themselves!!"


After finishing talking, she planned to make her home here first, but she was afraid of trouble, so she directly released her drop-shaped deformable spaceship, Xiao Bai, and changed that beautiful ship into milky white so as to blend into the mountain. The spacecraft in the top environment landed directly to the top of the mountain.

From now on, this mountain, and its three hundred li radius, is the chassis of her Queen Anne! As to whether there was a master here, or whether the original master was happy or not, she didn't care! !

Because, no matter what world you are in, when people with bigger fists are speaking, they are not only straightforward and strong, but also, with the cheer of Xiaoquan, what they say will make more sense? And if there is no such thing, all you need to do is to make the opponents surrender physically!



"Go, grab me a delicious little animal and come back to cook it. I want to add a meal tonight! You must have a full meal!!"

<( ̄︶ ̄)↗ Yeah!

Soon, when the drop-shaped spacecraft that looked like a house opened a door, and then came out a big sister with a delicate face, little Annie faced her housekeeper, maid, additional spaceship pilot, etc. The position changed into a little white robot whose appearance was almost the same as the real person and ordered!


Xiaobai didn't say much, he walked directly to the edge of the cliff, jumped directly, and then accelerated instantly, began to break through the clouds, and flew down the mountain...

It has to follow its owner and follow the orders of the great heroic federation head Anne to catch a larger and more delicious animal back! !


Then soon, in less than five minutes, Xiaobai didn't let its Master Anne wait too much, and it flew back again with a ‘swish’!


|??)??? Empty-handed?

"Little Bai, what's the matter with you? Where's the delicious little animal?!"



"Report to Master Anne!"

"I just lost the fight, it was chased back by it..."

Although it was a pity, Xiaobai Robot still honestly explained the reason why he came back so quickly!



Soon, little Annie was not allowed to wait A head that looked like a cow, but had many mysterious and weird symbols on its body, and four big hooves, a strong body like an elephant, and a strong four. The hooves are still full of tendon meat. It looks like a delicious bull-shaped monster. He stepped on the clouds, spraying white mist from his nose, angrily rushed up from the mountain top and the clouds, and suddenly it was small. The white robot smashed into a splash of broken metal parts!

Unfortunately, although the Xiaobai robot is not high in force, it is not easy to be injured by physical attacks, so...the metal fragments that fly away will soon be behind its Master Anne, behind its head of state. Converged into the humanoid robot with the appearance of a maid without surprises.

"Moo~! ! ! ’

Now, the bull-shaped monster stepping on the cloud became even more angry! Therefore, after it roared and spewed out bursts of foul air and roared loudly, it brazenly stepped on the clouds and rushed towards the weird man and the little girl in front!

It wants to give that strange human who dared to attack it while it is sleeping a good look! !



"Xiao Bai, you brought back a fat cow..."


Sure enough, Xiaobai can do things. Even if it can't beat the opponent, he will bring the opponent back. It will save her the trouble of running down to find the other party, so she is not like a dumb bear who is delicious and lazy. He knows all day long. When I was idle, I didn't do anything, and when I was thrown out to fight, I was squeaky and unwilling! !


(● ̄(??) ̄●)


(*????╰╯`??)?? New World Ticket?? (????╰╯`??*)

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