Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 826: Cuiping Mountain, Nezha Temple!

According to legend, Shan Hai Jing has this record:

There are beasts living on the top of the clouds, running like electricity under the wind and thunder...

Although the origins of the Primordial Cloud Treading Beast are not small, it is not only born with supreme supernatural power, it can run wildly on clouds, and can be faster than lightning. At the same time...At the same time, its skin has ancient charms since its birth, and it is naturally nourished. Not only is it hard to damage with swords, but it is also invulnerable to lightning and external evil! Moreover, the attack power of the four corners on its head is even more shocking. According to rumors, someone has seen one of their blows and can almost knock over a huge mountain in one fell swoop?

But no matter what, its cloud-walking beast is still dead now, on the small fist of an evil little girl who eats food, and when it charges angrily to kill its enemies with its horns. A punch on the Tianling cover, killed on the spot!

Later, it was opened and bloodletted and sliced ​​by a more evil robot named'Xiaobai', and the best front and back ones were the most fragrant and waxy and melted in the mouth. The best meat is made into a delicious steak...

Of course, the steak is currently being made urgently, and it hasn't been ready yet.



"Hey! Xiaobai..."


"Is it so good? It's been so hot for so long, my stomach is a little hungry..."


Originally, Xiao Anni’s stomach was not too hungry, but in her cute little nose that was constantly stirring her nose, she could smell the scent, and she never smelled the kind that can lure people to constantly drip down. After the taste came up, she finally couldn't help it anymore!

In short, she wants to eat meaty now, she just wants to eat meaty, only delicious food, the kind of "zizi" that is being roasted by Xiaobai, and the deliciousness dripping with grease can fill her emptiness. And fragile mind! !

"the host!"

"It's very soon. There are at most five minutes left and this is all right. Please be patient?"

This spaceship was originally a part of her body, so now Xiaobai is using her supercomputing power to precisely control the oven that she has transformed with her own power, carefully grilling the semi-finished steaks wrapped in tin foil , Patiently waiting for the best baking time to come.

Because, according to the recipe description in its database, it seems that the only way to have the best taste? And she just changed a few tiny probes and pierced those steaks. After sensing their changes, she basically confirmed the correctness of the recipe...

Anyway, it says that in its database, and it doesn't make mistakes if it does the same and fine-tunes the time appropriately!


∑(??△`)? !

Suddenly, Xiao Anni sucked up the Harazi who was about to drip, curiously turned her head and looked to the other side, looking in the direction of the big living room of her interplanetary yacht.

"who is it?!"

Xiaobai robot was a little late, and soon found the enemy!

After that, it left the kitchen directly, jumped directly to the junction of the dining room and the living room, and blocked the front of its little master and head Anne, before reaching out, letting the living room be removed from the wall one by one. , An independent area surrounded by electromagnetic rifles, laser weapons, plasma shields and other things on the floor.


A little kid with two bunches of soaring wands, a fire-pointed spear in his hand, a hot wheel on his feet, a haunted satin, and a circle around his neck suddenly escaped from the ground and appeared there. In the very center of the living room, it happened to be besieged by the individual weapons that Xiaobai had transformed.

"The monsters and monsters from there are so courageous, they dare to invade my little master Nezha's Cuipingshan Dojo...Huh? How could it be a little girl fairy?!"

Since half a year ago, after Nezha obeyed the decree of his fat master Taiyi Zhenren, and asked his mother, Mrs. Yin, to build a temple for herself in Cuiping Mountain as a palace, he enjoyed the incense for half a year. He basically regards Cuiping Mountain as his own territory, and is responsive to those believers who go to incense!

Anyway, no matter if there is a monster, or a ghost, or begging for rain, or something else, he will all be responsive! Oh, wait... he doesn't care about the kind of "begging for a child", because his little master can't control the kind of reincarnation, he just cuts the demons and eliminates the demons, and protects the peace of Chentangguan forty miles. And to ensure that the weather here is smooth, nothing more.

But today, the reason why he came here was because he felt that there was an abnormal mana fluctuation at the highest peak above the clouds of Cuiping Mountain. So out of curiosity, he found it and found it. A strange palace... Nezha swears that when he passed by here yesterday, he had never seen this strange flat water drop. The other party must have sneaked here in the morning! !



"You're a fairy, you undead boy! There is only a soul left, so pitiful, he dared to run around, be careful I will throw you out later and let the sun kill you weird fellow! !"

o(`^??)o Humph!

Little Annie looked at the other party up and down a few times and saw the details of the other party clearly, knowing that the other party was just a heroic guardian of ancient kings, but after being protected by several powerful magic items, she curled her lips in disdain.

Now she was waiting to eat something delicious and didn’t want to deal with undead creatures that didn’t look like bad guys. So, after seeing the other side clearly, she turned her head again, stared at the big oven in the kitchen and motioned to Xiao Bai hurried to prepare.

Because, the countdown on that oven is about to return to zero. At present, she will not waste time with a little undead who jumps out inexplicably. She just wants to hurry up and taste the cute little animals in this world. 'Is it really as delicious as the "Shan Hai Jing" says?


Xiaobai hesitantly looked at the very threatening enemy in the middle of the living room, and then at his little master Anne, the head of state seemed not going to pay attention to the opponent. After thinking about it, he finally revoked those defensive measures and changed the big one. The living room was restored to its original state, and then silently walked to the kitchen counter, and took out a delicate steak made by the'Treading Cloud Beast' from the oven without fear of being hot, and carefully brought it to its owner In front of.


ψ( ̄~ ̄)ψ chew!

"Very delicious……"


The great experience that smells pleasant, tastes crisp and smooth, and leaves the lips and teeth after the mouth, makes Xiao Annie's eyes suddenly round!

Then, she no longer cared about the little bit behind her who inexplicably rushed to her house, ignored the other person, and ignored the hotness, throwing away the super troublesome and time-consuming knife and fork, and reached out and grabbed it. After he opened his mouth, he chewed with big mouthfuls of meat.

"Hey you……?!"


Realizing that the two people on the opposite side ignored him, Xiao Nezha just wanted to get angry and show each other a bit more, forcing each other to leave the range of his dojo, but... before he also raised his head, he was cautiously filling the whole place. After smelling the alluring fragrance in the air in the living room, he was also taken aback.

Then when he used the fairy method to escape here, he saw some of the unprocessed flesh of the cloud stepping beast outside. His eyes also widened, as if he realized something.

"smell good……"

"Quickly, give me a taste of Nezha Young Master! As long as I am happy to eat my little master, I will cover you in this plot from now on, and I promise that no one will dare to bully you!!"

Seeing that the other party was not hostile, seeing that the little girl fairy didn't seem to have the **** karma that made people feel uncomfortable, and felt that the other party shouldn't be a bad guy's Nezha, she quickly put away her flaming spear and hot wheels, and directly He ran forward with his feet, regardless of whether the other party agreed with him or not, he jumped onto the chair opposite the dining table and squatted on it. A plate of flat cooked beef had already been placed on the table. I grabbed a piece in it, and then regardless of the hotness, he opened his mouth and bite!

After only one bite, Nezha decided that he could allow the little fairy in front of him to temporarily live on the peak of his dojo, Cuiping Mountain, but he could not stay for a long time and would not harm the people of Chentangguan within a radius of forty miles. It must not affect him, let alone grab his incense! !




( ̄~ ̄) Chew!

Staring at the undead little boy who is sitting on the opposite side of him, who has no more food than himself, and then sees that there are a lot of that kind of beef on the plate on the seat, after thinking about it, Xiao Anni feels that she should be satisfied now. The mouth and stomach are more important, so there is no need to drive each other out for now.


After eating for a while, it seems that it is not good for you to eat other people's food for nothing, or you want to have a relationship with the other party and explore the other party's bottom?

Anyway, after eating one piece and picking up the second piece, I saw that the little **** the opposite side was busy chewing the meat slices while staring at herself with warning eyes. Nezha was a bit embarrassed. , He began to speak in a jealous manner:

"You must be a monster, am I right?"

"But don’t give up on yourself. I was treated like a monster! In fact, there is nothing wrong with being a monster. It’s free and easy, free and unrestrained. You don’t need to look at others’ faces or be asked to do it. Well, how good is it?"

Although a little embarrassing, Xiao Nezha started to eat the second slice of beef and felt that the rich spiritual power contained in it was very good for his own astral body. He grabbed the third slice at the same time. A little embarrassedly persuaded the little girl who was staring at her with cannibal eyes.

The opponent's extremely disgusting and angry little eyes are of no use to his little master Nezha, because his face is thick, as long as the opponent does not open his mouth to drive him away, he will assume that the opponent has acquiesced to his behavior! After all, this was the first time he had eaten the meat of this kind of cloud treading beast.


[Choking] (*⊙~⊙)

Little Annie was frightened by the other party's speed of eating, so after hurriedly swallowing what was in her mouth, she hurriedly reached out and grabbed another piece of meat, and then stared at each other angrily!

"You are the monster, your whole family are all monsters!!"

o(??^`)o hum!

It doesn't matter if you eat your own things for nothing, and you dare to call yourself a monster, but if you weren't busy eating right now and didn't have time to fight, you might have beaten the opponent out with a fist! !

Of course, it is also possible that there are so many meats on a so-so-big-spicy Tayun Beast. There is no need to worry about being eaten up by the other party, and there is no need to worry about not having to eat it, so just ignore it temporarily?

"You are not allowed to scold my parents, or I...I'll beat you!!"

Nezha angrily raised the chubby little fist of his own spirit body that was still a three-year-old child, and when he saw that it was full of grease, he quickly retracted.

Because, Xiao Nezha suddenly discovered that he has eaten good things from other people's houses for nothing. If he still wants to beat others, it might be a bit unpleasant? Such a thing, if his master and his old mother knew about it, he would definitely be scolded, right?

"Obviously you scolded me the monster first!!"


Annie thinks, the other party came uninvited and ate her own food. She was very polite just before she beat the other party out immediately, but the other party was good, and she called herself a monster first, and now she still thinks about it. Rake upside down?

Anyway, she is already thinking about whether or not to punish this weird looking little guy, so that this unaware undead knows that her Queen Anne is absolutely absolutely absolutely...the existence that must not be provoked?

Of course, now she is eating the food she ate for the first time and is in a very happy mood. It seems a bit difficult to be irritated... But if it is usually when she just wakes up or is in a bad mood, she does not know this If the lifeless little undead dared to run in front of her, one punch would be considered light!


(● ̄(??) ̄●)

(Tibbers said that it is not interested in the quarreling behavior of two children playing house...It is now considering whether to wait for the day when its little master is asleep, and run out by itself and grab one. That kind of cloud stepping beast, and then swallowed it in one bite?

Because the spirit beast that contains magical power and is gifted with magic is better to swallow raw, it will not be as troublesome as its little master, and it needs to be made into steak before eating! At most, it removes its head and tail, and then chews and swallows it. It must taste like chicken! ! )


Xiao Nezha stopped, frowned and looked up and down.

"But, isn't a blond and blue-eyed guy like you a monster?!"

Relying on the snow-white snow-white skin, long golden hair, high nose, and those very nice blue pupils, the other party can run to his own Cuipingshan Taoist Temple in one night without knowing it. If you settle down here, there is nothing to say, the other party must be a monster that has changed into a human form!

It's just that he can't see what the other party is changing, is it that kind of ‘blue-eyed golden beast’, or some kind of blue-eyed bird that he has never seen? !

"Whoever tells you that blond and blue eyes must be a monster, you guys are really unreasonable!!"


Little Annie doesn't understand. Who is the obstacle of her hair and eyes? Why does this little boy in front of him dare to be certain that he is a monster from these two differences?

She is not a monster!

Moreover, in her opinion, a little boy on the other side, who looks so weird, is still an undead, that is a real monster. It is good now, but he is going to beat himself up, what a heinous guy! !

"They look different from our mainland China and the people of the Shang Dynasty. They are either barbarians or monsters!!"

"You must be able to come here without telling me with spells, then you must be a monster! Hmm...This piece of meat from your house is so delicious..."

Little Nezha said confidently, and at the same time he did not forget to gulp the meat slices in his hand, his eyes were still staring at the plate... When he saw that the big sister brought more again, he should see After I had no food, I temporarily put out the idea of ​​grabbing a few more yuan.



"Don't think I don't know, you guy is an undead monster with only a soul left. In my opinion, you are a monster..."


Although it was not the first time that others were treated as monsters, but, for some reason, Xiao Annie still disliked others calling her that way.

"Forget it!"

"My little master, I don’t want to talk to you as a kid! Come on, let’s continue to eat! Don’t say anything else, the dishes made by your sister cook are really delicious, but better than the guy in my previous house. too much!!"

"It's a pity, she is just a Taoist puppet, otherwise..."

After speaking, Nezha smacked his lips, sighed and shook his head, and didn't even continue to say anything else.

"She is not a messy Taoist puppet, she is a robot, a silicon-based life, a Transformer!"


"We are in her belly now!!"


Yes, Annie’s Xiaobai is a Transformer transformed from an entire spaceship, and she is indeed in someone’s stomach now...Anyway, that kind of thing, as long as you don’t deliberately think about it, There must be no problem.


"A robot and a puppet... is there any difference between them?!"

Dao Fa puppets and device spirits, Nezha said he had seen many of them!

For example, the seven-foot-long Huntian Ling on his body is not only a magic weapon, it has the power to automatically bind enemies, change the length, lift up everything, and overturn the sea. Even if it is cut, it can be repaired automatically. At the same time, it also has the existence of the spirit, which can perfectly fight the enemy on its own, or follow its own orders to do some complex binding things.

"Of course there is!"


"However, I won't tell you so much now! And ah, you are a little kid! How old are you, and you look like a squat, dare to say that I am a kid ?!"

??(ヽ`д′)╭?? Short! Frustrated!

Annie was so angry that she stood up directly from the chair. It was obvious that she must be much taller than the other person, so no matter how she looked at it, she was a little bigger than the little kid in front of her!


"Don't think I am short, but I was born in the second year of the king, and I counted three years in the mother's womb. I was three years old when I died, that is, the king was five years old. It’s been six I’m full of calculations. Nezha is almost seven years old this year. I am eight years old. So, I’m definitely older than you!"

Staring at the other party for a moment, think about how the other party seems to be very compatible with you. Nezha is absolutely, the other party's age shouldn't be that old monster? So, if you count it this way, Nezha thinks that he, who is eight years old, will definitely be a little bigger than the other party? !




(ˉ▽ ̄~) Cut~~

"I was eight years old many years ago, but I just don't want to grow up, so I must be older than you! Hey, come and call "Sister" to try? If your sister is happy, I will give you meat! !"

<( ̄︶ ̄)↗█←Hey! This is meat!

Annie thought how old Dufang was. It turned out that she was just a poor little devil who was eight years old, seven years old, and only three years old when she died?

It sounded pitiful, so Anne felt that today’s affairs depended on the other side’s being too pitiful and bypassed the other side for the time being. Her Queen Anne has a large number of villains, and she does not care about the other side scolding and robbing herself Things to eat! !

"Many years ago? Don't want to grow up yet? Did you eat any genius treasure?!"

Nezha couldn't see the reality of the other party, so he was very curious, why did the other party not grow up? Could it be that he ate some strange treasure? He only heard his master Taiyi talk about such things. As for eating, he must have never eaten it!

After all, during the three years he was alive, he had been fooling around near Chentangguan, and he had never wandered too far away.

"What is'treasures of heaven, material and earth'?"


Hearing the other party talking about eating, Xiao Annie suddenly regained her energy.

Although she had just been eating this kind of thief’s delicious beef that would step on the clouds and fly... But if the other party knows there are other delicious things, she doesn’t mind writing it down in advance. Then go for a big meal at the right time?


"Forget it! Let's not talk about those for now, come! Eat, eat, let go of eating, such a delicious and precious cloud treading beast, it would be a shame not to eat more!!"

After seeing that the other party’s reaction did not seem to be what he had imagined, Nezha, who didn’t plan to waste time on such small things, waved his hand and grabbed two pieces of Yunyun Beast’s meat again, eating that kind of not only Super tender, and there is something strange.

He felt that if he was left open to eat while he was still alive, he would almost be able to eat several plates?



"What are you doing so generously? This is obviously my family's stuff, do I need you to greet you? Also, you are obviously just a spirit body, and you can eat so many things!!"


Ann is very annoying to be generous to others, to be generous to others, especially when she is still the object of being ‘generous’, that’s even more annoying!


"Please don't be so stingy. I don't mind if you come to occupy the highest peak of my Cuiping Mountain. What do you want? What's so great, why don't you just eat a few pieces of your beef? Anyway, you eat it all by yourself. Endless, such a big cloud-walking beast, it will stink if it sits for a long time! My mother said, it’s not good for children to waste food!!"

Nezha glared at the blond little fairy.

The fact is the same. The other party didn't say hello or said hello, so he rashly came to the top of his own dojo, Cuiping Mountain, and kept saying that the sound transmission had occupied a 300-mile radius here. Why was she?

Has she ever asked his little master Nezha, or did she ask his father Li Jing, who is the general soldier of Chen Tangguan?

You know, the radius of this place is three hundred miles, but the entire Chentangguan and a lot of sea areas are completely included. Why does she occupy such a large area by herself? Therefore, in Nezha's view, the most is that he generously give up the mountain above the highest and largest cloud layer to the other party for cultivation, and under the cloud layer are the traditional sites and dojos of his Nezha and his father Li Jing. It's not that the opponent can easily occupy it!

Also, this meal is treated as the other party's money to buy land.

Today, since his little master Nezha ate her meal, the ones above the clouds belong to her for the time being. If she has more delicious things in the future, he might as well take the top of the mountain and the ones below Give her all the mountains? Anyway, Cuiping Mountain is so big, this place is far away from Chentang Pass and the road, where there are many poisonous insects and wild beasts, and monsters often haunt it. !



"If you can't finish it, I can put it in the refrigerator so that it won't stink, and you don't need to worry about it!!"


"But, those ox offal, horns, ox tails, ox heads, ox butts, etc. can be given to you for free! Just so, I don't bother to burn them, you take them all!"

??(??????~????)╭?? Here! They are now out there!

For this kind of bad guy who is self-cooked and eats and drinks, Little Annie is not at all polite!

In short, the kind of'little animals' that she has struggled to catch, especially the unique ones she is eating right now, are full of magical energy, eat light and healthy, but at the same time make the mood happy. She doesn't want to share too much with strangers who are not too familiar, but not too disgusted!


The opponent is not a normal person at all, just an undead creature of a spirit body or soul that has been stabilized by a spell!

What's more, what made her feel a little unpleasant was that the other party obviously didn't die from starvation, so he still had to come and eat his own food! Although the other party is the one who uses magical refining after eating it, the magical energy in this world is so strong, why can't he absorb the air by himself like her list of conferred gods, which has been playing carefully all day long? Those energies floating around in the middle? !

"What is a refrigerator, a box for ice...?"

Although, if Nezha knows that there is an ice cellar or a spell, putting the meat in a box with ice can indeed store it for a few more days, but the ice is too precious, even if he knows the spell, he cannot use it at will for ice making. Tao Fa, therefore, the method of preserving meat in the refrigerator is definitely not advisable.

However, at the moment this mountain is very high and very cold. Even without ice, the raw meat can be kept for a period of time, but it is not fresh and tasty after a long time.

"I'll eat these first. Also, your chef sister is really delicious. As for the offal...I can pack them back for the stew later! There are these, you definitely can't eat them. When it's over, I will take some back!"

Nezha is now a spirit body, fighting or something, definitely can't beat the monster beast like "Treading Cloud Beast"...

Although, when he was still in the flesh, even dragons might have been able to fight, but, like the one in front of him, he was struggling with infinite strength, extremely resistant to fights and able to fly, and was faster than lightning. , Under normal circumstances, he can't help it, let alone the time of this restricted spirit body.

Therefore, these meats are still very precious to him, and the strength of the little fairy in front of him seems to be not bad, and he can barely make him treat him differently, and it is enough to be half of his little master Nezha. friend.


!? (??''????)??

Annie never imagined that there are such shameless people in this world...No, it's a ghost. It doesn't count as if the other party ate it, but she really wanted to take it away? !


"How do you make this kind of meat? Why is it so delicious?"

Nezha is very curious, because in the three years he was in Chentangguan, in his memory, he had never eaten such a delicious food!



Little Annie, who originally wanted to get angry, was distracted by the other party’s problem...

However, as a snack food, Annie, where does she cook? So, of course, she could only ask for help, turning her head to look at the kitchen that was still on the other side that was transformed by her Transformers Xiaobai.

There, after seeing that the invading enemy seemed to be in no danger, a certain robot maid was already at ease into its work, working hard to prepare food for two snacks.

"Report to the master!"

Obviously, Xiao Bai must have been eavesdropping on the words of the two of them, so it directly replied:

"These steaks are sliced ​​with tenderloin of the Tayun beast that looks like a cow, sprinkled with sea salt and black pepper powder on the surface, and then marinated with olive oil for 15 minutes, and then placed in the oil spill. Fry it in a frying pan until it is eighty mature, wrap it in tin foil, put it in a little of the kind of grass from the mountains nearby, and put it in a 70-degree oven for twelve minutes and thirty seconds to get the best taste. It's..."

"When you eat, you can use some lemon, pasta, French fries or tomato sauce to make a reasonable match."

Xiaobai is not actually a professional chef, but, at any rate, its database stores a large number of human recipes from the Hero Federation. No matter how much better than a little girl who can only roast frogs, it just Naturally, the meat of that kind of stepping cloud beast was made as beef, and now it seems that under her experiment, the effect seems to be quite good?

Of course, it is not clear whether it is the food or the meat of the strange flying monster that is too delicious.

"I don't understand..."

"But, it always sounds like it sounds terrible?"

In this era of barren information, the way food goes back and forth is just a few, it is nothing more than roasting directly on the smoking wood fire or putting water in a large pot and a large kettle, and then putting some fruits and vegetables in it. The pot is just simmering. Is there any other more detailed method?

Therefore, it is rare to eat and hear this kind of magical and lofty cooking, and Nezha always feels great...It seems that it is even better than the ones eaten in the dojo of his master Taiyi Jinxian. Want to be more delicious?

Anyway, what the other party said, except for ‘Tenderloin of Treading Beast’s Tender Meat Cut into Pieces’, he didn’t understand everything, and he had never heard of it! !


"I haven't officially introduced it to you yet! Listen carefully: I am Nezha, the son of Li Jing and Li Zongbing in Chentangguan. Most people here were afraid of me before! But now I am dead and I am still being mastered by me. Order to be a mountain **** here at Cuiping Mountain, protect the people around here, and enjoy some incense by the way..."

"What about you? What is your origin and what are you doing here?"

After eating now, Nezha is ready to go!

However, before leaving, he must first understand the specific origin of the other party. Otherwise, if something happens the other day, or what the other party has done, he can’t find anyone. Master smells it. It’s not good to just say what you don’t know.



"My name is Annie, Annie?? Hasta!"

"I come from other places far, far away. Of course, I came here to have fun, and to find something delicious!!"


There are so many delicious things in this world, and I caught such a delicious cloud-walking beast on the first day after coming here, and there are countless species in the scripture of the mountains and seas... Therefore, Xiao Anni has secretly decided that she is in Before I have eaten it again, I will definitely not leave this world easily. It is useless to persuade anyone! !


Nezha was stunned. He looked at the other party's eating look, then thought about the dismembered Cloud Stepping Beast outside, and then nodded clearly, as if temporarily agreeing with the other party's strange statement.

"I'm full. In short, I'm very satisfied with the hospitality you gave me today!"

"Well, in the direction of the Cuiping Mountains below forty miles close to Chentangguan, there is a Nezha Temple on the halfway of that mountain. It is now my residence, which my parents made for me. Next time, you can go to my place as a guest. Although I don’t have any good things to entertain you, I can ask you to have some incense to satisfy you!!!"

Nezha, who was full of food and drink, patted his little chest and said generously when he stood up to say goodbye.

He thinks, incense worships such things, generally only fairy gods have the opportunity to enjoy it, so now he shares a little with this little fairy, he will definitely be able to repay the favor of this meal! After all, mortal incense should also be a good thing for the monsters to help cultivation, so he generously let some of it to the guy in front of him.

Of course, it's just a little bit, not too much, because his master said that incense is very important to him, and it matters whether he can return to the sun as a ‘living person’ again, so don’t dare to be careless!


∑(??△`)? !

"What is incense, is it delicious?!"


Little Annie, who was eating the "beef" of the Tayun Beast, heard the very curious name of "Xian Huo", and immediately felt that it should be something good, so she asked curiously.

If it's that kind of delicious food, it doesn't seem to be too bad for me to entertain each other today?


"I don't know how to tell you, anyway, you'll know when you go to see it. Goodbye, Little Monster Annie!"

After finishing talking, Nezha’s escape spell disappeared immediately. The next moment, he appeared outside the strange water drop-shaped building. He really planned to pack the leftovers of the cloud stepping beasts, and then return to Lichentangguan Si Nezha Temple, ten miles away, go back to his palace to cook soup?


"You are the monster!!"

o(`^??)o Humph!


"Master, I am a monster, free and comfortable, what's so bad about being a monster?!"

You are not monsters or something, in fact Nezha has long since looked away...

In short, in his opinion, whether humans or monsters are qualified to live in this world, even monsters are divided into good monsters and bad monsters, and people are divided into good people and bad people. Of course, gods are almost the same. For example, the Shen Gongbao he had encountered before who wanted to harm him?





"It sounds like UU reading really seems to be something delicious..."


Annie didn't know what the other party was talking about "incense", but she decided that tomorrow, she must go down the mountain to the vicinity of Chentangguan and take a good stroll in this world, and then go to the Li Zha Try some incense in a temple 40 miles away from Chentangguan to see how it tastes.

It's just that she doesn't know what kind of thing called incense looks like, is it delicious, is it a delicious fruit, or the meat of a small animal that she has never eaten before?

Of course, if it is a drink or thick soup, she barely can accept it! !

In addition, she must first give her Xiaobai later, to cast some permanent protection spells and enchantments on this beautiful spaceship that she regards as her temporary home and residence, but she can't just let some A mess of souls, ghosts, or other weird things came in! !


(● ̄(??) ̄●)

"Hey! Tibbers, do you need some? It's delicious!"


(No! Thank you so much...)


(Tibbers now only begs the other party not to continue rubbing **** its fur with that kind of greasy hand, it will be content, and dare not ask for more...)



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