Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 839: Jiang Ziya, who was successfully demonstrated by the disciples of the Izuun Peak schoo


"That thief Taoist priest is so powerful?!"

"Second Sister, Junior Sister, we have to work harder, we must clean up and obey him as soon as possible!!"

Ordinary Taoists should be seriously injured even if they are not dead under the kind of serial offensive of the three of their senior brothers and sisters, and let him successfully complete the mission of the division... But now, seeing the other party is not a big problem, yet Having spare capacity to resist the leaf attack of the second senior pine tree spirit, and daring to walk towards their senior sister, the giant salamander could not help but exclaim.

After all, the other party seems to be in their 70s or 80s, so a large number of human races, even if they are cultivators, shouldn't have such a good physique.

"What a wicked animal!!"

"God has the virtue of living well, and you don’t want to wait for concentration in the mountains to cultivate, hoping that one day you can get rid of the demon body and rank in the immortal class. Instead, you dare to go out and attack the poor roads? Humph! Tian Xingdao, once again I will wait for you!!"

The series of attacks by the opponent's ambush and the combined sneak attack hit Jiang Ziya, who was so embarrassed. At this time, he was disheveled and clenched a fist with one hand, and one hand was pointing to a sword, slowly from the woods that had just been beaten by the tree monster. Li walked out slowly and snorted sharply.

He was really irritated, and had a murderous intent on those monsters who sneaked on him in places like Chaoge in broad daylight, and planned to punish the three evildoers here today for the people. Kill! !


"Dare to come to our Kunlun monks presumptuously in front of our Kunlun monks?"

I found that the three-headed giant tree monsters, who were directly transformed from the giant tree by the tree monster’s demon method, were walking toward them with a powerful and awkward awkward pace, and they moved to the side of the road. After several big trees were overthrown or trampled off on the spot, letting those branches and leaves and sawdust fly and keep approaching him, Jiang Ziya coldly snorted again.

He didn't pay attention to those tree monsters that had been spawned by inferior demon methods, but secretly locked the two tree monsters and squirrel spirits who were the most threatening to him in the distance.

Of course, disdain to disdain, cold hum to cold hum, but seeing three so big that were spawned by that tree monster using the magical changes, the tree monster came towards him, if he doesn’t respond, wait for the other party. With one foot stepped down, it wouldn't be said that Jiang Ziya would have to confess here today, and he would not wait for the time when he was ninety-three years old to give Hou Baixiang.

and so……

"Thunderbolt, eager like a law! Give it to me~!!!"

Jiang Ziya's clenched fist suddenly gave out bursts of lightning flashing light, and then, as he suddenly spread his hand, he moved toward the location of the three giant tree monsters in front of him. One push!

This kind of spell that directly uses his body as an intermediate medium to guide lightning strikes will have a great load on the body, and don’t look at Jiang Ziya’s performance now, but I’m afraid today, he can only issue this last one or two times. The powerful minecraft! Therefore, of course, he first targeted the three giant tree monsters that were getting closer and closer to him.

Next moment!

Following Jiang Ziya’s curse, the sky over this forest suddenly suddenly changed. In an instant, a small vortex formed by rain clouds appeared in the sky. Then, in the vortex of the electric snake, it suddenly split. Several thick thunder and lightning came down, accurately and continuously exploded on the three giant tree monsters controlled by the pine tree spirit.



Rumble~! !

The three huge tree monsters, although their movements are slow, but the tree monsters that resemble the behemoths of the wild, seem to be really as insignificant as Jiang Ziya said? I saw that they were just smashed by the lightning that came and went fast, and they groaned together, the branches and leaves trembled and fell down with smoke, and now Just motionless, seems to be dead?

Obviously, Jiang Ziya's judgment was correct, and Lei Fa's restraint on monsters was beyond doubt!

What's more, the three monsters present from Izumo Peak of Cuiping Mountain, whether they are pine tree spirits, squirrel spirits or giant salamander spirits, they are just three little-known monsters that are everywhere in the great wilderness of this world. The little demon in the mountains who is simple and simple, the kind of little demon who can't get on the table, in his eyes Jiang Ziya still can't get on the table.

‘Zizi~! ! ’


At the same time, after those few lightning strikes on the three giant tree monsters, because their own tentacles have been connected to them, and then under that terrible lightning instant conduction, the three giant tree monsters While the tree monsters that turned into trees smoked and fell to the ground instantly, the pine tree spirits that controlled them were also struck by lightning on the spot. The hands that originally turned into vines pierced into the ground are also emitting smoke and fire. .

'puff! ! ’


The seven orifices of the pine tree spirit turned into human form were smashed by thunder and burst into smoke, and then the vines that turned into her hands were instantly scorched and disconnected by high-voltage lightning, her own eyes As soon as it became dark, the hands that had been re-formed had been burned by lightning, and the bark was cracked and sparking, and they immediately fell forward to the ground, without knowing the life or death...

"Yeah! No~!!!"

A sad scream sounded at the same time, and it was obvious that it was from the squirrel spirit who was a little surprised and at a loss not far away.

"Old tree? You...I...I burned you to death~!!!"

Whoosh! !


Seeing that his beloved tree elder was hurt by the enemy's lightning, and he was still full of smoke and sparks and fell to the ground, the squirrel spirit, who could see his canthus, rushed to look at the other party. He threw the fireball in his hand at Jiang Ziya, who seemed to be planning to continue casting spells! !


"Good come! What a fierce squirrel spirit, it seems that you can't keep you now!!"

To be honest, it was the first time Jiang Ziya saw this kind of rodent spirit, which should be of wood or earth properties, cultivate and emit a terrible flame that is no less than the real fire of Samadhi! Therefore, he saw the fierce fireball coming and did not dare to waste the last thunder to counteract the attack. After thinking about it, he had to rely on the three giants that were knocked down by thunder and died in smoke. The trunk and branches of the'tree monster' defended.

boom! !

An explosion sounded, almost completely relying on the original and single mental power to lock the attack. The fireball that did not have much tracking and evasion ability, after Jiang Ziya hid behind the huge torso of one of the fallen tree monsters, it took it for granted. It ran into the huge trunk of the tree monster, and it exploded and ignited a whole big tree. It also engulfed Jiang Ziya and the chaotic forest into the blazing fire...

"Old tree?"

"Old tree! Old tree? Are you going to wake up soon?!"

After throwing the fireball and seeing that the enemy was successfully submerged in the sea of ​​fire, the squirrel spirit didn’t bother to check if the enemy was burnt to death. He just rushed to the pine spirit for the first time and shouted each other. Switching to the other side, while supporting the other side anxiously, he began to check carefully.


"Hey! Little Junior Sister, how is the situation of Second Sister?"

Unexpectedly, things would take a turn for the worse, and the giant salamander who had developed to such a terrible level as it is now. After seeing that Jiang Ziya was submerged by the soaring flames, he found that he didn't dare to rush in and couldn't take the opportunity to fall into the hole and beat him down. He didn't think much about it, so he could only ask the little junior sister Squirrel who was checking the condition of the Squirrel for the first time.

He knew that Jiang Ziya was definitely not dead, and probably did not suffer too much damage, because his demonstration mission did not show success, and there was no reminder from the main **** asking him to return to the division door to submit the mission to receive the reward as soon as possible.

"I, I don't know..."

"The old man seems to be alive, but she has passed out, I can't wake her up..."

After checking for a while, I found that my old tree didn't seem to be a major problem, and the life aura on her body was still very strong, and there was no such thing as being chopped to death by the sky thunder as she thought before. This is how the squirrel spirit was used. Weeping, replied with some uncertainty.

"That's good……"

Hearing that his second senior sister Pine Tree Spirit hadn't died, the giant salamander could not help but breathe a sigh of relief. Although they didn’t get along with each other for a long time, and they couldn’t talk about the deep mentorship, but if the pine tree spirit was struck to death by lightning because of his mentorship mission, then he It must be blamed by other fellow sects or the Flame Fairy who almost didn't care about it!



"The evil animal suffers death! Five thunderstorms are on top~!!!"

At this time, before the giant salamander spirit reminded him, in the fire scene, there was another voice of Jiang Ziya's resentment?

"Hurry as a law!!"

Then, in the horrified gaze of the giant salamander spirit, he only saw that above the heads of the pine spirit and the pine spirit, another terrible thundercloud entwined by the thunder snake? Then in his horrified and inexplicable gaze, that thundercloud rolled and roared quickly, and was about to attack? !

"No! Little Junior Sister! Run!!!!"

Fortunately, the giant salamander felt that the thunder method seemed to be formed too slowly, and the scope was not too large. With the movement speed of the little junior sister squirrel spirit they came out of Yunfeng, they would definitely be able to form and chop down. Run far before!

By then, as long as you are not within the attack range of that crazy tumbling Daofal Thundercloud, you will definitely not be hit by the opponent, right?

But it's a pity that at this moment, something happened that made him stare at him and jumped sharply...

Their little sister, the squirrel spirit, not only did not run away, but wasted precious time, struggling to pick up the unconscious pine spirit, and said that the other party was ambushing the giant salamander just now Floating in a pond of fish and shrimp, dumped it over?

There is no doubt that their little sister, she must have done that to save her old tree first, and to save the pine tree spirit first! Otherwise, if she ran away, the pine tree spirit who fainted on the ground would be bound to be attacked by a second thunderbolt. When the time comes, she might really be dead...

Click! !


Then, of course, the giant salamander only saw that, after wasting precious escape time, a thick thunder and lightning slashed straight at the forehead of their little junior squirrel spirit, making the one who was planning The little guy who ran away was struck by the powerful lightning in an instant, almost allowing him to see the bones in the thunder light? !



With a scream, the fat squirrel girl with only a beautiful fluffy tail and long ears screamed, and while the fluffy hair was instantly scorched, she fell straight to the ground, and soon I didn't move anymore...

"Little Junior Sister?!"

The giant salamander exclaimed!

Obviously, he just noticed that the other party seemed to be trying to save the pine tree spirit, so that their second senior sister was not affected by the terrible thunder, so she just did that just now...or else, she You can run away by yourself or simply use the shadow flame to escape, but now it's fine, even if she has fallen down without knowing her life or death, what's the use? !


"Taoist Thief! I ate you!!!"

Finally, seeing the fire light, a beard, hair and clothes were burned very embarrassed, and the hand that held the Thunder before was also battered by the thunderbolt, guessing that the other party should not have the giant salamander spirit of that powerful thunder spell. In the midst of inexplicable grief and anger, he began to move his fat and awkward pace, strode forward and rushed forward, planning to kill the opponent and swallow it in one bite to vent his hatred?



But unfortunately,

Before the giant salamander spirit rushed forward and gave Jiang Ziya an old punch to the Jiang Ziya who seemed to have suffered a serious injury at least, he found that he was following the hateful Taoist man pointing the sword towards Jiang Ziya. Pointing at him, his legs were locked on the ground in an instant and couldn't move?

Moreover, what shocked him even more was that no matter how hard he struggled or tried to use the spell of water escape to approach the opponent, there was no response at all? !


At the end,

Seeing that the overall situation was set, Jiang Ziya coughed twice, holding his injured hand, not caring about his physical pain and embarrassment, but just walked to the side of a piece that had not been caught in the fire. Sit down on the broken branches that have been affected, and begin to meditate urgently, preparing to recover your mana, and then go to slay those difficult monsters that have not been able to overcome any waves!


Today, although Jiang Ziya was so embarrassed by the three monsters who sneaked on him for no reason, he was almost in danger of death, but fortunately he won in the end!

In any case, those wicked ways must have no choice but to help him, the cultivator of Yuxu Palace who descended from Kunlun Mountain, even if he was just carrying water, pouring pine, planting peaches, burning fire, fan, and alchemy. The handyman Taoist?


Looking at the blazing fire around him, coupled with the lightning just now, Jiang Ziya felt that the defenders of Chaoge who were only a few miles away from here must have been alarmed! In a moment, maybe he can do a job in Chaoge by killing evildoers? Or, at least you can beat your reputation?


After he finishes his reply, if there are really Chaoge soldiers coming here to check it out, he must cheer up and perform a show of real cultivation in front of their ordinary people. !


"Wait, that monster fish spirit, what is it doing?"

At this moment, Jiang Ziya suddenly discovered that in the distance, the strange fish spirit who could not move his legs and had been imprisoned by his movement and casting abilities, it unexpectedly took out a long cylindrical object that did not know what it was, and confronted it. Approved yourself?

Is it possible...

Is that thing a magic weapon? !

Unconsciously, Jiang Ziya involuntarily came up with a thought that even he himself thought was so absurd, because he didn't believe that the Taoism was low-minded, just barely able to transform, and it was not a strange fish. What magic weapon can Jing have? You know, even Jiang Ziya herself has no magic weapon, and that strange fish spirit is even more impossible.


"I hope this flying thunder, which is worth 20 points from the teacher’s gate, can be useful? Otherwise, Junior Sister and Second Sister, don’t blame my giant salamander for escaping without the teacher’s friendship!"

The giant salamander began to urgently exchange his master’s master and master’s elder from the master’s sect and spent a full 20 points of sect contribution points. It seems to be called a “shoulder-mounted Lanzel flying thunder”. I opened the insurance with the thing, and put my big fish eyes to the position of the autonomous locking sight...


Lanzel Flying Ray

Air or ground target

Range 9 (standard cosmic tactical unit in Kepulu zone)


Normal type (long-range, can autonomously lock and pursue targets)

Damage 10~13 (standard armor-breaking damage degree in Kepulu zone)

Bonus damage ability to heavy armored units +4

Note that when Lanzel type flying lightning is used in shoulder mode, please pay attention to the appropriate attack distance to avoid accidental injury!



‘Successfully locked the target, please pull the trigger...’

After which green sight caught the thief Jiang Ziya in the distance and turned red and made a weird reminder to launch the sound, the giant salamander carefully lowered it to be fierce, and then resolutely buckled the shoulder-mounted Lanzel Flying Lei's. Triggered and knocked out a one-time baby worth a full 20 points.

Whoosh~! !

A ‘Lanzel Flying Thunder’ with a long blue tail flame roared, and at a speed of several Mach, it flew towards the Taoist sitting on a branch resting in the distance! !

"It must be hit, and he must be hacked to death!!"

Subconsciously thought that'Lanzel Flying Thunder' must be some kind of thunder tool or spell or something like the giant salamander spirit. When he saw the round bamboo tube dragging the blue lightning-like light, it whizzed the enemy lightning. After flying out, it involuntarily lost its voice and prayed.


Is it really a magic weapon? !

Jiang Ziya was taken aback. He never thought that the strange fish spirit actually had a baby in his hands. After seeing that he didn't know what was rushing towards him, he didn't care much about it. He acted decisively and directly performed an escape technique, and went to the top of a mountain about two miles away behind him, preparing to avoid the opponent’s sharp edge first, and then choose the opportunity to kill it back. At the same time as the demon and the demon, he would follow He has Jiang Ziya's rare magic weapon for himself?


Seeing that the Lanzel Flying Thunder was about to accurately hit the enemy, the thief Jiang Ziya disappeared in no time. The giant salamander spirit could only scream in his heart, and he was ready to use the master's unique flame technique. Comprehending the shadow flames, fled directly and returned to the division gate.


Before the giant salamander was put into action, he was shocked to find that the strange thing with a beaded bamboo tube and a tail flame dragging a blue lightning-like tail flame, after discovering that the enemy was missing, actually flew high. After a circle in the sky, it accelerated again, and at a speed that was almost impossible to see with the naked eye, there were bursts of'swooshing' piercing noises, and they rushed toward the top of a high mountain in the original place? !



Jiang Ziya never expected that he had just used the Escape Technique to come here soon, that strange magic weapon would come after it so quickly?

However, the horror is the horror, and there is no time to think about it. He who has no chance to perform the escape technique again, can only watch the magic weapon before it hits him, and once again sacrificed a guard of the teacher in front of him. Magic spell, let the transparent yin and yang fish before appearing in front of him like a shield, ready to head-on and bump into the magic weapon that was rushing towards him at high speed!

Rumbling rumbling...

The “shoulder-launched Lanzel type flying thunder” missile used on the ship was detonated as a matter of course when it touched the Yin Yang fish shield. It had a good set of armor and plasma shields on the battleship. !

While the explosion and the turbulence and suspicion of particles that could shatter the plasma shield were released, the small fusion reactor that served as a warhead and engine power was overloaded at the same time!


A small mushroom cloud instantly rose into the sky above the peak of that mountain! !

The violent flames and explosions instantly razed the top of that high mountain to the ground. At the same time, strong winds, shock waves, strong light, some radiation, and other particle streams swept out all around instantly, directly smashing countless flowers and trees. At the same time as the roots were uprooted, the shock waves that were almost visible to the naked eye rushed out toward the surroundings!

The small missiles that were originally used in the universe as the Lanzel type flying thunder were used in the earth’s atmosphere by an ignorant giant salamander this time... But fortunately, the Lanzel type. Feilei's explosive yield is not too great, otherwise, the Chaoge from a few miles away would be terrible!

Of course, even if Chaoge was not affected by the small fusion explosion, but the violent winds, shocks, shock waves, and the horrible mushroom-shaped fireballs that skyrocketed from the top of the mountain, the hundreds of thousands of bureaucrats and people in Chaoge We, and even King Zhou in the palace, clearly saw the doomsday version of the scene.

‘Ding~! ’

‘Jiang Ziya, who had slandered the teacher’s door, succeeded in the demonstration mission of Shimen. Please return to the teacher’s door as soon as possible to receive the reward. ’


"This... this mission was actually successful?!"

If they knew it was so simple, what did they do so hard to do before, just take out the magic weapon of Lanzel Flying Thunder? That kind of 20-point division contribution point is exchanged for double one hundred points, which is a full two hundred points of reward points, ten times the return, even if he digs out, he will not refuse!

Looking at the huge fireball that gradually expands in the distance, and feeling the shock wave that just rushed past in an instant and some strange thing that can penetrate my body, the gale and flames in the distance are moving towards When he struck from his side, the giant salamander was clever, and when his legs got out of trouble due to the success of the mission, he quickly took out a red guide flag.

Then, after he used his mental power to lock down the little sister squirrel spirit who did not know his life and death and the second sister pine spirit who was still lying in the pool, he suddenly waved the flag, causing the three of them to disappear in an instant. The ground, according to the coordinates set on the guide flag, was directly transmitted back to the sect station on the top of Izumo Peak in Cuiping Mountain thousands of miles away...

Soon after they disappeared, the fire and gust of wind that affected the area of ​​about two miles finally swept over, and the place where the three monsters were fighting together was directly included in the sea of ​​fire.


"Which fairy and monster is going to fight near Chaoge, shaking up the capital, it is abominable!!"

Riding a chariot, leading a group of soldiers from the Chaoge camp, preparing to go to the location of the previous thunder and fire to check the Dashang Wucheng King Huang Feihu and and they were taken for granted. The huge fireball that exploded abruptly was frightened and was blown by the shock wave and strong wind.


"Strange, who did Jiang Ziya provoke? Who would be this method?!"

After the fire exploded for a while, when the huge fire mushroom was getting higher and higher, the true talent of Taiyi finally appeared above the high sky.

Standing on the volley, the fat Taoist Taiyi Jinxian frowned and looked at Jiang Ziya who was seriously injured and unconscious in the fire scene, then waved his hand and took away the opponent with his magical powers, preventing the flames from continuing to hurt. He was barely protected by the magic spell of the teacher, but he still severely injured the unconscious opponent.

"Never mind!"

"The matter here will be discussed later!!"

Then, he thought for a while, first frowned and looked at the Chaoge's army in the same distance, and found that there were no abnormalities and no enemies around. He really couldn't think of a reason, so he planned to take his teeth back first. , Wait for the other party to wake up, and then ask carefully?


????╰╯`???? Ask for a ticket??????╰╯`??

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