Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 840: Little Annie's 3 Fairy Island Travel Notes o(??�第�

With a low level of cultivation and a serious lack of strength, the three disciples of the Cuiping Mountain Izuyunfeng Sect, the big salamander spirit, the squirrel spirit, and the pine tree spirit elder brothers and sisters dared to form a team to demonstrate against Jiang Ziya. The reckless action, although it was a fluke to succeed in the end, it only doubled in one day, that is, a full 200 points of teacher contribution points, but the price paid by the three of them is extremely painful!

Although, for the first time, after the main **** prompted the demonstration mission to be successful, the giant salamander brought two unlucky fellows, the squirrel spirit and the pine tree spirit, back to the place of the division, and returned to the top of the Chu Yunfeng... But the giant salamander was going After the Pine Tree Spirit merged into the opponent's own body, the opponent's situation did not get any better!

Moreover, not only did it not get better, but it also showed him: the main body of the pine tree spirit, the big pine tree next to the big bluestone in front of their teacher's gate, its leaves are slowly turning yellow, and there are faint large-scale fallen leaves. And the kind of sign of death?

As for their little sister, the fat squirrel spirit is even more incredible!

Her hair is almost completely scorched now. When she returned to her original form, if the giant salamander hadn’t occasionally seen the other’s chest undulating weakly, he almost thought that he had rescued it, but it was actually just one. The fat squirrel whose hair and skin were scorched by lightning?

and so,

The head teacher Huo Daxian in their sect’s name is not at home, and their elder brother with the same name, the book demon of the "Feng Shen Bang" neither does the task of the teacher, nor does it matter, let alone help them. Every day, he only knows that under the circumstances of self-care and self-cultivation and sleeping, the object of his giant salamander who can discuss countermeasures together now seems to be his three senior sister Jing Weiniao alone.


"Fourth Junior Brother, you really plan to do that, aren't you afraid of death?!"

Jingwei bird stood on the branch of the withered pine tree, tilted his head and looked at the fat giant salamander sitting on the grass and drooping annoyingly on his face. After a while, the white beak finally He opened his mouth and asked aloud.

Just now after they consulted the ‘Master God’ of the Shimen Sect, they quickly got the best way to cure Squirrel Spirit and Pine Tree Spirit! However, to save the two of them, a lot of sect contribution points are required, which is as much as five hundred! What's more terrible is that the squirrel spirit and the squirrel spirit must be treated before sunset today, otherwise it will be too late! !

And once the two hapless guys died accidentally, I'm afraid they can only spend three hundred points of martial arts contribution points to redeem the fixed soul orbs, first save the two souls, or exchange the more expensive Nine-turned Soul Dan and the Buddha Guang relic went to save life.

But now, even if you add the two hundred contribution points "Wind Money" just obtained by the giant salamander and her own one hundred contribution points that have never been exchanged for anything, even their big brother "Fengshen Bang" The eighty-point gift of the Book Demon is still at least a little bit short of a hundred points!

But it's a pity that now with only the last day left in time, it seems that getting those martial arts contribution points will be a difficult task that cannot be accomplished?

"Senior Sister..."

"Now the younger sister is seriously injured and unconscious, and the foundation of the second senior sister has been severely damaged. They are all in danger. We must earn a lot of teacher contribution points as soon as possible to save them both!!"


"You know, teacher, she has been out for a day and a night, if she still doesn't come back today, it will be really late!"

"So, Senior Sister San, we must first think of a way to rescue them this time. We have no other way!!"

In fact, the giant salamander did not have a strong desire to save the two squirrel spirits and the pine tree spirits, but he was afraid that their teacher would be punished after returning. Then... maybe he would be driven down the mountain and lost out. As Yunfeng's disciple, lost the opportunity to contact that'main god'?

That kind of thing is what he is least willing to accept!

They have gradually understood and come into contact with the benefits of the Lord God, so even if there is a one-thousandth or one-tenth of a thousand chance of losing it, that is something that the giant salamanders cannot afford! Therefore, he must do it anyway today! Besides, he has tasted some sweetness, and he doesn't think his success rate will be low.

"But Brother Fourth, I can't help you..."

"My mana is very low. After finishing today's sect mission, I will continue to reclaim the sea... Maybe, I will come back after night?"

Jingwei Bird was beating on the branch with some boredom.

She is telling the truth. Her abilities are indeed limited. Apart from her being good at carrying small stones and branches to fill the sea, she knows nothing, and doesn’t want to do anything, and can’t help the giant salamander go horribly. School contribution points.


She is also a little reluctant to lose this strange teacher who has only just merged in for so many years, and the two pine spirits and squirrel spirits who are not too resistant to her...So now her mood has become more irritable. , Kept beating on the branches, just want to escape here quickly and run to fill her own sea, even if it is to escape, in that case, she doesn't have to think about anything! !

"Senior Sister..."

"I don’t want your help, but I need you to lend me your more than one hundred sect contribution points first. Anyway, you are not going to exchange things now, and the one you want to exchange is far from enough. It’s better to take advantage of it now. Lend me first?!"

Even if you want to fight, the cost is also needed. Therefore, after hesitating for a while, the giant salamander spirit resolutely hit the opponent's idea of ​​contributing points to those sects that should not have been used.


"But, even that, that's not enough... Giant Salamander, you can get at most 18 contribution points in your division mission today, so much difference, we definitely have no chance..."

Jing Weiniao feels that whether it is she or the giant salamander, the two together can make up a contribution point of 36 points at most today, and the shortage of nearly 100 points, it must be impossible to get it anyway!

Maybe they should wait in the martial arts honestly, and think of a solution after the teacher who doesn't know where or when they will come back? Or should it fly out to fill the sea for a few days, and then come back to see when it gets tired?

"No! Third Sister, I have a way!!"

Unexpectedly, the giant salamander sitting on the ground suddenly jumped up, and the fat on his body was still trembling.

"What is the solution?"

Jingwei Bird's wings that had been about to open and fly away hesitately retracted.

"Catch the ghost!!"

The giant salamander gritted his teeth and said a word that almost made the Jingwei bird fall from the branch.


"Are you crazy, giant salamander?"

"The sect's contribution points for catching ghosts are two hundred points, including today's double that is four hundred points, but that Jiang Ziya was originally worth one hundred points and it is already so powerful, you dare to go grab it now Ghost, isn't that going to die?!"

Jing Weiniao exclaimed, and ruthlessly refuted the whimsical giant salamander's plan.

In order to be able to learn the powerful spell that can move mountains and reclaim the sea as soon as possible, she herself is not in a hurry to learn the compulsory skills of the sect, but she also forces herself to complete the daily tasks of the teacher before going to the sea. The ghost team mission has already existed since the day the main **** appeared, and of course Jingwei Bird had seen it herself! Even though she was jealous of the task with super high reward points, she knew that before the strength of their disciples of the sect reached a certain level, she would not even dare to think about it!

After all, she herself had to reluctantly give up the rewards of the former Tianshimen’s daily missions for catching monsters, so where would she dare to attack those team missions? !

"But I have a way!"

"Senior Sister! I discovered a secret yesterday: some exchanged disposable items are more powerful than the exchanged spells and magic treasures, and much more useful!"

"Also, the most important thing is that the price they exchange is very cheap for unknown reasons, especially the kind that is marked as being produced in the Kepulus region..."

The giant salamander said vowedly, and gave his third sister, Jing Weiniao, the last battle between himself and the squirrel spirit and the pine tree spirit and the launch and explosion of the'shoulder-mounted Lanzel flying thunder' he launched. Narrated.

Now this is really their last resort. Although he also feels a little nervous, but there is no way, he has to fight for it, and he has spotted some cheap and practical consumable exchangeable props, presumably. Time will definitely help him defeat the enemy.


"Are you sure?"

Jing Weiniao hesitated, she didn't know whether she should help the giant salamander.

"of course!"

"Second Senior Sister and Little Junior Sister did it for me, no matter what, I have to save them whatever I say!!"

The giant salamander said categorically.

He is going to borrow all the contribution points of Jingwei Bird first, and then borrow the big brother's, and finally leave a hundred points, and all the others will be exchanged for that kind of awesome one-time items! Presumably, you can easily complete the task of catching ghosts, right?

At that time, if he had just 500 points left, he would definitely be able to rescue the two senior sisters and the younger sister!

Although, in the end, it may be that he himself did not earn anything, and he was in debt, and made a basket full of water... But he is not afraid, because as long as there is a god, he believes that one day, he will be a big salamander. They must be able to add the word "Daxian" after their title like their teacher, and stand proudly on the top of the world of cultivation practice in the Great Wilderness, just like the disciples of the three major teachings, and become the gods and golden immortals. , Even ranked in the fairy class? !

"My teacher's contribution points have been transferred to you, you better don't die!!"

Tilting his beautiful patterned head and white bird's beak, looking at the giant salamander underneath for a long time, finally, while flapping its wings and flying towards the east, the Jingwei bird was a little angry and The other said in a tone that didn't know what emotion it was.

‘Ding~! ’

‘You have received one hundred and twenty-three martial arts contribution points from Jingweiniao. ’

‘Ding~! ’

‘You have received the 80-point sect contribution points from the Conferred God List. ’

Soon, after Jing Wei Niao made a decision and flew away, the giant salamander Jing received two prompts in a row. Obviously, in addition to his third sister Jing Wei Niao, his senior brother must have also heard theirs. Talk, and then directly turn over the other party’s only 80 points of contribution points given by martial arts?

"Big brother, please rest assured, my giant salamander will definitely return to your martial arts contribution points as soon as possible!!"

After speaking, the giant salamander who dared not to delay the time, ran directly under the light ball of the main **** and began to prepare for his ghost hunting action.


"La la la..."


After Xiao Anni left the Golden Light Cave of Qianyuan Mountain, maybe she was a guilty conscience, maybe she really wanted to play for a few days outside, or she just simply played crazy and forgot the time and forgot to go back?

Anyway, she hasn't been in a hurry to go home until now. Instead, she is learning from those guys called immortals, using the way of driving in Tengyun, and continuing to wander outside, from day to night, and from night to day. And now, it was noon the next day, but she still had no intention of going back, and she didn’t even know that two of her cheap students were about to burp to death right now... …

"La la la..."


"Huh? Why did you suddenly come here..."


After recovering and standing in the air, Little Annie, who did not continue to fly forward, looked at the vast and invisible sea under her feet, and she scratched her little head in embarrassment.




She was a little bit confused about why she came to the sea, so she didn’t think about it at all, but as soon as she reached out, she put a strip of something in her hand and a piece of colorful white tender stuff When it came to my own mouth, it was just a bite!


('~`●) Chew!

In the midst of the delicious juice flying across, a little girl started to chew big mouthfuls while continuing to fly in the clouds and the fog, and continued to fly unhurriedly. It didn't depend on where she was, who she was, or she was going to go. where.


(*?︶?*).. .:*?

"Sure enough! Lotus root or something, if eaten raw, it's the sweetest!!"


Originally, Xiao Annie planned to take back the two pieces of lotus root that she dug up and let her Xiaobai fry two plates of fresh lotus root slices for herself, but...that thing is really tempting to hold in her hand. And it smelled delicious and sweet. She couldn't help eating one just now, and now this second one doesn't seem to be kept anymore.


( ̄~ ̄) Chew!

"It's delicious! Tibbers, would you like some?"

ε=(???*)))? So delicious...

"Aha! I'm really sorry, I have forgotten that, Tibbers, you actually eat meat, you are not a vegetarian... So, do you want someone to catch you a fish?"


Little Annie just handed the colorful lotus root that she had gnawed a big bite to bear Tibbers’s mouth, and before the other party opened her mouth to taste it or declined it, she shrank back like lightning. As if asking and answering, he directly labelled his own little bear, who was obviously an omnivorous animal, arbitrarily as a carnivorous animal, and opened his mouth to bite the lotus root.


(● ̄(?) ̄●)

"What's wrong, Tibbers, do you really want to eat it?"

∑(′△`)? !



"There is only one left now, and it is not enough for one person to eat..."

('~`●) Hmm...

As if she was really afraid that her little bear Tibbers would be shameless, she really opened her mouth to beg for and fight for zero, while Xiao Annie was talking, she started to quickly gnaw at the leftover in her hand. The lotus root that has been under two knots seems to have the kind of plan to eat it up before the other party speaks?



(Little master, you actually went to dig other people's lotus roots. Are you really afraid that the fat Taoist will come to your door to trouble you?


——You must know that the lotus is the flower of the lotus root, the part that blooms on the water, and the lotus root is the root of the lotus root, which grows in the mud under the water, and the lotus root is the fruit of the lotus root... and the five lotus ponds of the Taiyi real person There were originally five lotus flowers and dozens of lotus leaves. If just picking lotus and lotus leaves, it would definitely not affect the growth of other flowers and leaves! However, if all the lotus roots underneath are dug away, the lotus and lotus leaves without rhizomes will definitely not live long...

Therefore, Tibbers can imagine that if the lotus roots in his five lotus ponds were dug up by the Taiyi real person, and then the lotus and lotus leaves were all ruined, he would definitely jump his feet. Right? At that time, as long as people are not stupid and carefully calculate the time, you can definitely figure out who will be involved in the five lotus ponds! )

"Where am I?"

( ̄~ ̄) Chew!

"Bad bear! Don't talk nonsense!!"


Simply sitting on top of the misty clouds, while continuing to gnaw at the juicy, sweet and crisp lotus root in her hand, Xiao Anni pointed at her own little bear who was eating inside and out and scolded.

(If not, then little master, what are you holding in your hand?

????? Huh?

——Tibbs also unceremoniously stated the facts, and refuted the words of a bad little master. )



"This...this is a delicious colorful lotus root that was dug out by someone "unexpectedly" by the "wild" thief, how about it, Tibbers, do you want to eat it?"


"But it's gone now!!"

(*???~????) Uhhhhhhh~??

Maybe it was to wipe out all the evidence, maybe it was really afraid that her little bear jumped up and snatched her last snack, so Xiao Annie put the remaining fresh lotus root into her mouth on the spot. Even though her cheeks were deformed, she still clutched her mouth desperately and chewed hard.

Now, the other party wanted to eat it, because they were all wiped out by her Queen Anne alone! !

(Wild, okay, as long as you are happy...)


(Seeing the gluttonous ruthlessness of a certain mischievous little master, I was afraid that the other party would accidentally be choked by Tibbers. After thinking about it, I decided not to stimulate the other party anymore, save time When someone is choked, they blame it.)


o(`^′)o hum!



"Since no one cares about that thing, it does not fertilize or remove insects, then it is wild, but it was taken over the hill by the fat Taoist and owned by it, so I won't be afraid of him!!"


Anyway, without the owner's presence and constant care, they are all wild! What she liked by Queen Anne was also wild, not too! !


The so-so big Qianyuan Mountain, that fat Taoist, why did he occupy an entire mountain by one or two individuals, and take all the wild things in the mountain as his own? Anyway, when the other party does not have a real estate certificate or a real estate certificate, she will not admit that those things belong to his house!


"Furthermore! Tibbers, I just helped that Nezha a big favor just now, and helped them optimize the magic body made of lotus lotus leaves. Their lotus roots are regarded as thank you. I won't Be polite to them!!"


Under normal circumstances, Xiao Anni does not receive rewards for doing good deeds. However, if the other party has something that she likes, then in any case, she has to receive a little bit of benefit, just like she wants to do it. After doing a good thing, he dug away two pieces of lotus root from someone else's house?

And she only took two pieces at that time, she was already very generous! !


ε=(′?`●))) alas

(Tibbers is speechless. It feels that it is better not to let the real Taiyi master and apprentice know the bad things, especially the one called Nezha?)

"Really annoying!"



"Anyway, the body they got out is just the incarnation of a lotus flower. As long as the body is okay, it will be fine. If there is no decoration like that, it will be gone. Anyway, it will not affect him to find someone to fight!!


Little Annie didn't feel that there was something wrong with what she was doing. She obviously helped those guys a lot. Otherwise, how could Nezha's body be so powerful at the time? How could that fat Taoist priest be so. happy?



"It's a big deal, he just picks a lotus flower and puts it on. Anyway, that kind of thing won't bother the fat Taoist priest, and I didn't stop him!!!"

o(′^`)o hum!

Little Annie, who was full of food and drink, didn’t want to talk to a little bear about things that have passed, so she patted her buttocks, stood up directly from the clouds, and carried her little bear, ready to think about herself Where to go next.

She can now choose to continue drifting forward aimlessly, or she can choose to turn her head and go home, and then she can sleep comfortably for another day!


∑(′△`)? !

"Wow... the monsters in the house, they seem to have something wrong?!"


Little Annie, who finally turned her attention to other things, quickly sensed the situation of her family at the top of Izumo Peak on Mount Cuiping, and discovered the status quo of two hapless monsters and Xiao Bai. The whole thing to convey to myself.



"Forget it, let's just leave them alone and go back when they are really dying?"


Anyway, those monsters are not dead now, and her Queen Anne is not their nanny, so she decided to ignore them for now, play with her own, and wait until those two guys are really going to die, she will let that The main **** will help or send it back by himself?

Of course, if they can solve it by herself, then she will not know what to do and continue to play her own outside until she wants to get back to her position.

"Wow... Tibbers, what is this place?"


Just now, Little Annie, who was still hesitating where she should go to play, quickly discovered a fairy mist-shrouded island in the distance between the shadows and the shadows on the sea.

Undoubtedly, that island must be countless times better than Anne’s own Cuiping Mountain Chuyunfeng, and even better than a fat Taoist’s Qianyuan Mountain. So, in surprise, I continued. As Tengyun flew forward in the mist, she excitedly greeted her little bear Tibbers and asked.

(That is the sea...)

(● ̄(?) ̄●)

"Tibbers! Are you nonsense? Of course I know that this is the sea. What I asked is the place in front?!"


Little Annie stretched her finger to the island that had become more and more obvious where she was. The flowers, trees, and even the insects, fish, birds and beasts had already experienced the destination.

(That is a big island!)



??(?? ̄?? ̄?)????

I don't know why, there is always a kind of little Annie who wants to teach her own little bear Tibbers hard?


A loud voice came from the island far away...

‘Which fellow Taoist passed by Sanxian Island? ’

‘Emeishan Luofu Cave Zhao Gongming is here to meet friends. Today, I have prepared a banquet here on Sanxian Island. Why don’t the daoists also come down to tell? ! ’



"Do you have anything delicious? Good! Good!!"


As the voice came, Little Annie also noticed the three young ladies and the hospitable uncle on the big island below. Of course, she must have seen the delicious food on the stone table. So, She lowered the cloud head unceremoniously and flew quickly towards the place where the four people were.




At Chentangguan, the general soldier Li Jing and his wife, and the lady-shaven Mrs. Yin, looked at each other in silence, looking at the wall that collapsed again in front of them, and the dead and wounded. Soldiers and civilians, although they are inexplicably sad and angry, they have nothing to do!

Because recently,

After their city walls and gate towers of Chentangguan were burned down by the fire, in order to avoid being punished by the Chaoge, General Li Jing, while recording the story of the Chaoge, also paid for himself, hired civilians and dispatched soldiers, and planned to stay in Chentang. On the original site of Guan, the damaged Guan wall that could not be separated from him was built as soon as possible.

Everything went well originally!

But what do you think,

A few days ago, I didn’t know why there was a ghost here suddenly. The other party often appeared at the wall of Chentang Pass. I still don’t know what means they used to rectify the wall that they had so hard to build. It collapsed and killed a lot of civilians and soldiers, but they didn’t even know where the other party was and what they looked like. They could only rebuild again and again, watching it again and again, not knowing what it was. The demons and monsters destroyed their efforts...

Therefore, Li Jing and Madam Yin, both physically and mentally exhausted now, are really a bit out of the question... They even thought about not building it at all, and waited for their son's master Taiyi to pass by before going to ask each other. Help?

But no way, they must build it!

Because Chaoge's will has come down, they must complete the work before the end of the month, otherwise, King Zhou will make him Li Jing's family unsafe! !

Bang! !


Seeing that at the end of the hour and three quarters of today, that section of the city wall that had just been built really collapsed again, and many civilians and soldiers who were too tired to escape were buried in the stone bricks under the wall. Madam Yin couldn't help but bitterly punched a stone mill next to her in half. She couldn't wait to drew her long sword forward and cut an invisible monster with one sword!

What I didn't say, the facts of so many days have proved that there must be some monsters who are making ghosts and it is probably the kind of invisible ghost! !


"If our Chentangguan treasure is still there, how can we allow those guys to come here presumptuously?!"

Madam Yin was only complaining, not blaming her husband. She actually knew that the treasure of the town: Xuanyuan Huangdi used the'Xuanyuan Qiankun Bow' and'Sanzhi Zhentian Arrow' to suppress the evil charms used to kill Chi You. The extremely powerful treasure had been burned in the fire not long ago, and now it is just futile to talk about that kind of thing.

However, she just couldn't help but want to complain! !


"That's it! Madam, this is the end of the matter. I can't let me Li Jing alone innocently implicate the people and soldiers of Yunduo, let them all withdraw! Starting tomorrow, we will not repair the city wall!!"

A somewhat exhausted Li Jing, looking at the wailing in front of him and busy picking up stones to save the people's husbands, he thought about it and finally made up his mind.


Madam Yin wanted to say something, but was stopped by Li Jing's hand.

"It's useless……"

"Madam, it's really impossible. I, Li Jing, abandon the official. I can't let so many fathers and villagers die in vain under the wall!!"

Li Jing shook his head, entangled at this time without intending to continue.


"who is it?!"

Suddenly, Li Jing, who seemed to be aware of something, brazenly grabbed the spear made of bronze from his side, and turned his head to look at the ruins of the collapsed wall of Chentang Pass.

There, he seemed to see a monster that was all black and didn't know what it was? !

"The four disciples under the Flame Great Celestial Seat of Izuun Peak of Cuiping Mountain, here are here to help Chief Li catch ghosts!!"

Just as Mrs. Yin also drew out her long sword, and was about to rush forward to kill the fat black monster that was most likely the initiator and finally appeared to the chaotic sword on the spot, a weird sound , It was finally passed to the surprised Li Jing and his wife and the civilians and soldiers near the Chentang Pass.


"You said it was that little girl, a disciple of that Flame Great Immortal? Why do we believe you!!"

Upon hearing the other's words, Madam Yin had to exclaim!

However, she quickly asked the other side with a fierce expression. Because, now she is so angry, how can she easily believe the unilateral wording of a strange monster? In her opinion, who knows if the other party made them Chen Tangguan the culprit for the heavy losses these days? !

"I don't need you to believe it, you can see for yourself!!!"

After speaking, the dark, fat and tall monster who seemed to be in a hurry took out a blue spell, and then hurled it into the sky.

"Sky Eye Pass! Open it to me!!"


In the eyes of Li Jing and his wife and the soldiers and civilians of Chen Tangguan, they only saw a strange charm that suddenly became larger, and then slowly floated in midair on the wall of Chentangguan, and then followed the red on the charm. The eyes opened, and a strong light swept down, and quickly locked the broken wall of heresy!

And there, there was a torn robe wrapped in blue and black, floating leisurely in the air, and then there was a terrifying skeleton body and a spooky ghost with red eyes! !


"what is that?!"

Seeing the scene, Li Jing and Madam Yin couldn't help exclaiming again, and faintly believed the words of the monster who claimed to be a disciple of the Great Flame Fairy.

‘Sizzle~! ! ’

Suddenly, the strong light beam of the Sky Eye Talisman hits and it also shows the original ghost, and suddenly roars sternly, so that it hasn't been repaired for a long time, Chentangguan is crumbling. The wall collapsed again, and the militia soldiers who were rescuing the wounded below were once again buried under rocks and gravel.

"So courageous!!!"

Li Jing roared and rushed up with the gun directly!

Now, without the need for the other party to explain, he knew that the one who was photographed by the Sky Eye Talisman was the culprit who caused them heavy losses these days. There must be no mistake! !

"Husband! I'll help you!!"

At this moment, Mrs. Yin, who was holding the sword in her hand, followed her husband and rushed towards the fierce looking ghost on the wall.


At this time, the giant salamander who had just used the Sky Eye Talisman in the distance was silently taking out his C-14 electromagnetic nail gun, and loading the ammunition for the first time, and at the same time the sight in the sight Registered the ghost that was floating in the air in the original place, ready to launch his 8mm supersonic all-metal spike bullet.


(*?′╰╯`?)? ticket? (?′╰╯`?*)

Shadow Bear Tibbers' Plane Tour https://

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