Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 845: Are you electricity? Are you light? Are you the only myth?

In a blink of an eye, time has hurriedly reached King Zhou's twenty-five years...

The Grand Master of the Shang Dynasty, the Minister of Tuogu before the death of Emperor Yi, made King Zhou trusted very much since he was a child, and at the same time very respectful and fearful minister Wen Zhong, finally unbearable to stay in Chaoge watching After the clowns in Xiqi continued to mess around and continued to insult the generals of the Dashang court in the west, they decided to raise more than 300,000 soldiers to cross the Yellow River west, cross the Mianchi, and conquer Xiqi! !


On the third day after Wen Zhong left the capital of the Shang Dynasty, he felt that his body was getting older. When he favored Daji, he was a little weak and could not bear the temptation of longevity, so he once again ordered that and Cuiping Mountain. Shen Gongbao, who was affectionate by those disciples under the gate of Izuun Peak, used the magical guide flag to take him, Daji and two other guards. Only five people came to the side of Izuun Peak of Cuiping Mountain. This one seemed to be more prosperous. The martial station of the flame fairy is here.


Looking at the great ball of light, placed in the middle of a Wangxian Lake, protected by the Tuantuan Mysterious Array and the rows of highly-dressed disciples Tuantuan under the gate of Chuyun Peak, King Zhou hated him, but he couldn’t help but feel slightly. Some sigh.

"Your Majesty, the houses here are really beautiful, and the towers above the heavenly courts, I'm afraid they are nothing more than that?"

Although I have heard of the mysterious here many times over the years, this is actually the first time that Daji, who has followed King Zhou to the Cuiping Mountain Izuun Peak, sees this thriving place in front of him, which is like a fairy family. After the general sect atmosphere, I couldn’t help feeling sighed, and I was still very impressed with those who had a good cultivation level, and the clothes were very different from ordinary people, but all of them were full of energy, profound in Taoism, and faintly equipped with magic weapons or magic weapons. The disciples of the peak were very surprised and curious.


After hearing the mystery and magic here, she also came over to find out, and even faintly had the idea of ​​joining this sect... But unfortunately, she shouldered a mission and did not dare to leave Chaoge without permission, and waited until she wanted to come. At the time, she heard that the Chuyunfeng sect no longer recruited outer disciples, which made her feel regretful every time she thought of it.

"The words of the imperial wife are right!"

King Zhou nodded, patted the other party's waist, and agreed with the point of view of the concubine beside him.


"This should be the third time for Guwang to come to this small Cuiping Mountain Izuun Peak. Every time I come, I feel different here for Guwang..."

"But the lonely king can feel it, and this place has become more and more prosperous, even if it is the palace courtyard of the lonely dynasty song, it is far worse than more!"

If it is an ordinary prince, or a wealthy businessman, or other common people, if those people can live in such a better place than his own palace, he would have long been found by him to ignore the king. The name is killed and occupied here!

But it's a pity that the people who live here are not ordinary people and nobles who can let King Zhou use his power and soldiers to slaughter him, but a disciple of a fairy sect who is said to have a big background!


This is still the cave house of the "Flame Fairy" that has never been seen before!

Therefore, even if you are jealous or jealous, just look at the monks around you who cast strange eyes towards you and rush to and fro, and watch those who are flying around faintly and faintly, and your body is filled with immortality, Baoguang Si Yi, he must be a disciple of the immortal family with high skills. Even if his Di Xin is the king of a country, he dare not easily provoke those monks in this situation, especially when he still begs others?

"What a Cuiping Mountain Izumo Peak!!"

"Huh! It's been more than 20 years... Is it possible that the Great Flame Fairy hasn't come back yet? In more than 20 years, the Lone King came here to find her three times, and sent someone to send him his own handwriting. There are at least dozens of letters, and there are countless gifts such as Jinzhu Linggrass, but the Great Flame Fairy didn't even reply to a letter. It's a big shelf, deceiving the lonely king too much~!!!"

The more I think about it, the more I feel aggrieved, the more I think about it, the more angry I am. At the same time, I look at the gorgeous pavilions, the houses that are far more exquisite than the Chaoge Palace, and the monks who are strong and full of energy. , King Zhou gave a sour cold snort.

He felt that it must be that Flame Immortal deliberately ignored him, deliberately regarded him as an ant, deliberately made things difficult for him, and did not put him in the eyes of the emperor of the world, so he would always ignore him, even There is no echo!

Thinking about...

The resentment in his heart is even greater... and if it weren't for this place in the East China Sea, far away from Chaoge, he might not be able to defeat the monks entrenched here with his troops, I am afraid he would have a little bit of an order to order this Cuiping Mountain to Izumo The urge to burn the peak!

"Your Majesty calms down..."

"The concubine once heard,'One day in the sky, one year in the underground.' Maybe, that Great Flame Fairy stayed in the Heavenly Court for a little longer at this time, maybe?"

Although I also don’t know the great flame fairy, and don’t know which immortal the other party is, after seeing the grand occasion of the sect of Izuyunfeng, it is expected that the great flame fairy will not be the Daji of the ordinary immortal god, and I am not willing to cause trouble. In the upper body situation, he leaned in rare, began to warmly persuade the angry King Zhou, and to excuse the flame fairy who had never been masked.

"The imperial wife's words are reasonable. It seems that the lonely king is abrupt..."

Patting the back of the other's jade hand holding his arm, I felt that the other party was not talking about King Zhou who was completely unreasonable. After a while secretly angry, he could only sigh, and looked at the distant one again. Shining, I don't know what the main **** is.

After looking at it for a while, he still couldn't see the King Zhou who had come, if he hadn't seen that it was still a bright universe and the sun was high, he would almost think it was the setting sun in the sky!


"Don’t blame the king! Forget it, the teacher I was waiting for really hasn’t shown up for more than 20 years, except for the five senior brothers and sisters who came out of Yunfeng, this mountain of Yunfeng. Dian, even I can't wait to go up..."

Suddenly, when Shen Gongbao, King Zhou, Daji and others hesitated and didn't know what to do, a hearty laughter sounded. Then, a pair of huge horns on top of his head, muscle knots on his body, look Kong Wu looks powerful and majestic, and is nearly one foot high, wearing a beautiful blue armor, and carrying a huge Zen yak burning on his shoulders. The bull head monster strode to the point of feeling. In front of the five people, Wang and Daji involuntarily took two steps back in fright.


"Who are you?!"

Seeing that the two palace guards behind him tried their best to stand in front of him with their swords, King Zhou calmly asked each other.


At this time, Daji did not dare to speak, but timidly hid behind King Zhou, looking with some horror at the mysterious mysterious soldier that was burning on the shoulder of the other party.

She didn't understand, why the flames that made her tremble couldn't burn the minotaur carrying the weapon? Is it possible that he is not afraid of flames that seem to be able to subdue demons and demons? !

"Your Majesty should not be alarmed!"

"This, is the one that Pang Dao often talks about with his majesty, who is so angry that he is so angry that he is so angry that the murderous Cuiping Mountain Izuyun Peak has gained the Taoist true cultivation troll king!!"

Without waiting for more displeasure between the two sides, Shen Gongbao hurriedly walked to the middle of the two sides, and waved back at the same time. It seemed to him that there was no effect at all, and King Zhou brought it at most as a comforting palace. The guards then introduced both sides at the same time.

"I have seen the king of the Shang Dynasty!!"

After his friend Shen Gongbao finished the introduction, the Troll King grinned and hugged his fists a little, even as a salute to King Zhou.

"True, true hero!!"

After swallowing, he once again looked up and down at the bull-headed monster in front of him, although it was such a big monster, the other party was sure to be a monster, but he didn't have a bit of a monster on his body. This made King Zhou tangled for a long time, and finally he could only slow down. There was such a word that praised each other and made each other's atmosphere not too embarrassing.

"This strong man..."

"I don't know what magic weapon you are carrying on your shoulder, and it is on fire. It looks so scary?!"

Still hiding behind King Zhou, some Daji who did not dare to look directly at the flame on the weapon, at this time, while covering their faces, asked the minotaur with some discomfort.


"This is the magician guardian and exterminating demons!"

"It is said to be a magical weapon in Western religion. The handle is the branch of the laurel tree cut by Wu Gang. It is carved by a master craftsman. The axe is refined by the gods of the heavens in a gossip furnace with a thousand years of profound iron. , The monster will retreat after seeing it!"

After waving the flaming weapon in his hand, and seeing that some of the human kings and concubines on the other side were shocked, the troll king thought for a while, and after a few hands, the magic weapon in his hand disappeared.

Actually, his troll king saw through the real identity of the noble concubine Daji with his golden eyes, and knew why the other party was so afraid and afraid of the weapon he just held, so he would put himself in The treasure weapons that were often put out at the Shimen Station to show off were put away.

Foxes are not uncommon here in Cuiping Mountain, so he doesn't care too much!

After all, there are quite a few foxes and senior sisters in his mentor. Besides, since Shen Gongbao didn’t talk about it himself, then he couldn’t make a reminder to the human king. Besides, they were not familiar with each other. Isn't it?

"What a magic weapon!!"

Seeing the opponent put the weapon away directly, Daji lost a sigh of relief from the bottom of her heart, and after seeing that the opponent did not pay too much attention to her abnormality, she secretly said a fluke.

"The strong man!"

"The King Gu just heard you say... your teacher, the Great Flame Fairy, really hasn't shown up in more than 20 years, and you have never seen it on the mountain?!"

Seeing that the two sides finally knew each other now, and that the other side had generally put away that huge and terrifying weapon, King Zhou quickly asked what he cared about most.

He desperately wanted to know, that Great Flame Fairy, was she on the mountain? If he is there, he has to meet each other, and even if he is brazen, he has to ask for a pill that will prolong his life! !


"A certain has been following the master theology in the mountains for more than 20 years and has never seen the teacher's true face..."

The troll king scratched his head first, and then spread his hands towards the opponent with some regret.

This matter is also very strange to say. They are obviously the disciples of Cuiping Mountain Chuyunfeng, but where is the reason why the disciple does not know the teacher, and the teacher does not come out to see the disciple?

In this case, if you change to a general school, I'm afraid the hearts of the people will have long since dispersed!

However, under the influence of the main **** of their Chuyun Peak, they not only did not disperse, but also united and loved each other unusually, and each time some fairy gods and monsters who tried to go up the mountain to make trouble or have bad intentions came back down!


"Can the strongman go up the mountain for the lonely king to report and say that the Emperor Xin of Chaoge asks for a meeting?"

Some unwilling to give up, King Zhou who didn't want to believe this cruel fact, after hesitating for a while, he somewhat unreasonably and habitually said to the other party in a semi-commanding tone.

"No way!"

"The top of Izumo Peak is supported by the formation of the teacher. In the past 20 years, we have tried many times and tried many methods, and no one can get up!!"

The troll king urn spoke in a huff, and glanced at the Emperor Xin in front of him with some dissatisfaction.

He didn’t actually tell the truth just now, because not all people on Chuyun Peak could not get up. The five seniors like them, except for the seniors who almost never show up on the top of the mountain. Senior Sister Pine Tree, Third Senior Sister Jingwei, Fourth Senior Salamander King, and Fifth Senior Sister Squirrel Fairy are all free to go up and down the mountain, and there is no obstacle... It can be said that the five seniors are equivalent to the chiefs of the Yunfengmen. , Is half an inner disciple of their teacher!

However, seeing the arrogant King Zhou in front of him, the Troll King felt that there was no need to tell the other party about that kind of thing?


"Is the Flame Fairy really not here?"

Some unwilling king Zhou raised their heads again, looking weakly into the eyes of the tall and sturdy troll king, confirming and asking.

"Really not here!!"

"Brother Dao, don't blame, there is something for someone, so I'll talk about it another day, so I'll go ahead and do it yourself, please?"

King Zhou was rude. Without a lot of speculation, the Troll King didn’t want to stay here with these people any longer, so he held a fist to Shen Gongbao and walked away with a loud voice, leaving only to King King and Daji. Waiting for someone to leave a generous and strong back.



"In that case, National Teacher, let's go back to Chaoge now!!"

Hearing the other's tone and seeing the other's attitude, King Zhou was stunned for a moment, and then he quickly reacted, waved his sleeves annoyedly, indicating which guiding flag Shen Gongbao would use to send himself away, saving him staying Here makes him look stunned! !

There is no doubt that the matter of coming here today to see the Flame Immortal and to ask for the elixir of life has failed again, so King Zhou has no intention of continuing to wander, and even Shen Gongbao suggested that you can ask other disciples of the Yunfeng sect. The things that looked at whether the monks could do anything were just left behind.


Somewhat helplessly, he glanced at King Zhou. After seeing that the other party had made a decision in his heart, Shen Gongbao had to take out another red one, which had already set the coordinates on the guide flag in the hall of Chaoge Palace... These things were all obtained by Shen Gongbao from the disciples under Chuyunfeng. Some were given to him by others, and some were used by him at this sect station halfway up the mountain with things that he did not use. The exchange in the market is very wonderful and easy to use!

"Hurry as a law!!"

Although the guide flag doesn’t need a spell, Shen Gongbao, after seeing King Zhou and Daji ready, shouted the spell and suddenly waved the guide flag, making the five of them disappear instantly. In this sect resident of Cuiping Mountain Izuun Peak.

Seeing the disappearance of the five people, the surrounding monks continued to be busy with their own affairs, not surprisingly, they did not look at the direction of King Zhou and Princess of the Great Shang Dynasty that had just arrived. For them, keywords such as main gods, tasks, reward points, exchange items, etc. are what they want to pay attention to.

As for King Zhou of the Shang Dynasty...

I'm sorry, that kind of ordinary people are not what they need to waste time to care about!


Caribbean Sea……

‘Oh~! ’


"Ou~Ou~! ! ’

..∑^){=.....Ou~! ∑^){=...

Looking around, at this moment, the endless blue sea is calm...

On the head of the sailing boat, the blue sky and white clouds like jewels, the sea breeze curled, and the flag of the five fireball gods on the white sails hunted like five flames in the flag. ? At the same time, the dozens of seagulls were hovering and chirping above the mast.

They were flying with the boat to fish, and after flying tired, they landed from time to time, standing on the top bar of the mast sail to rest, and some even landed on the deck, not afraid of people or the sea. Where will the ship take them?

Intrepid, this magic sailboat with important commemorative significance to the flame empire that has unified all the lands of the world, at this time, it was once again carrying Jack Sparrow and Charlotte, an important figure in the empire. Millie and others set sail and came to the vast expanse of the deep sea.


Charlotte, who was standing on the gunwale at the bow of the ship, never spoke, nor did he care about someone standing next to him, who would give the sloppy uniform to the guy who was dressed well, just with her misty eyes. Staring blankly at the horizon and the blue sea in the distance...

As for where her thoughts flew, I am afraid that she doesn't even know.



"My dear Charlotte?"

"Your Honorable Archon? Or... Your Majesty the Queen of the Empire?!"

After wandering around for two laps next to him, he just looked into the distance when he saw him, and his eyes were out of focus, and he didn't know what he was thinking. After he ignored himself, he pinched orchid fingers and twisted his butt. Palo leaned to the other side, changing several different titles with a tentative expression.

"Shut up!!"

Finally, Charlotte reacted...

She waved her hand was a silent spellless magic. She directly bounced an ugly man who was bold and wanted to get to her ears and flew directly into the distance, and slammed into the band that was tied one after another. Loop the rope on the mast of the bow.

"Jack Sparrow!"

"Please pay attention to your wording! I am not the emperor of the Flame Empire!"

"As a general of the empire, I ask you to remember: the emperor of our flame empire will always be the master of our witches and the flame goddess of our religion! The parliament who manages the country, maintains the stability of the country and commands the army is the flame The gods and our witches!"

"Although I have retired from the position of chief consul, I am still the high priest of the Five Fireballs, so... Jack? Admiral Sparrow, you are also the elder of the empire, please pay attention to your words One point, if you don’t want to spend the rest of your life in jail?!"

After reaching out and pressing the opponent on the mast for a long time, keeping him immobile there, and having to cast a pleading look at him for mercy, Charlotte snorted and waved his hand again, removing the imprisonment on the opponent. Spells.


"Ha! Haha! Ms. Charlotte, the great Lord Priest of Charlotte, I really just want to make a joke with you, why should you take it seriously?"

Realizing that he was just seeking his own way, Jack Sparrow, who dared to provoke the fierce witch, after getting up from the wooden deck, he touched his nose in a somewhat silly manner, rubbing his chest and charming. He stepped aside with a smile.


"Huh! Jack?? Sparrow..."

"Otherwise, don't think I don't know, but you actually made it out... You gave up the magic compass, so that their curse can be lifted... And now, their undead are here. The sea wantonly hunts down the merchant ships and warships of our empire, why do you think I insist on taking you out?!"

With a stern face, Charlotte's eyes gradually became fierce, and she returned to the ruthless high priest of the empire, and then flickered at the guy who didn't dare to stare at her.


"Huh? Your Excellency Charlotte, you really even know this?!"

Jack Sparrow felt a little unbelievable, and he became hesitant to speak.

Because as far as he knew, the people who knew about him were either dead or suppressed, and Hector Barbosa was not the kind of messy person (that’s it?), so he was very I felt a little fear and dread when the secret was mastered by the other party so quickly.


"Jack! Do you think... Am I just an old woman who only stays in the temple and prays? You think that the power of our witch is only those you see?!"

That is, the elder of the empire in front of her, and now she is a little bit emotional, but if she is replaced by someone else or elsewhere, where would she say so much?

"Is not it?"

"Oh! No, no, no! Correct, you should be... a beautiful, attractive woman?"

Jack, who accidentally missed something?? Sparrow was afraid that he would be beaten ruthlessly by the opponent’s magic, so he quickly corrected the truth he had just said, and started running the train with his mouth full, like that in the empire New gadgets that are beginning to spread slowly.


"Jack... when you said bad things about our witch in private, you didn't say that..."

Charlotte originally wanted to have an attack, but after thinking of the other side's ills, she felt that it was useless to say more, so she sighed fiercely, turned around, and continued to look at her own sea.


The master of their witches, the goddess of their sect, is said to like to stand on the bow of the ship and look into the distance? It's just that... for more than 20 years, she has been praying diligently even day and night, but the other party has never planned to come to this world again... I don't know if she can see her before she died of old age. To each other?

Or, she simply followed the curse of those Aztec gold coins, and at the right time, turned herself into the kind of ugly undead that would never die and might even distort the mind? !

"Ha! You know, it was said in private, so it's uncountable?"

Jack Sparrow breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the other party did not continue to pursue his own meaning.


"His Majesty Emperor Charlotte..."

Before he finished speaking, Jack Sparrow was so scared that he swallowed his words back by the ferocious expression that the other party suddenly turned his head back.

"Look at me!!"

Pretending to slap himself severely, Jack Sparrow continued:

"That... Lord Priest of Charlotte, I think, those nasty evil undead, the legendary Captain Salazar, it doesn't seem to be a bad thing for them to run out after they lift the seal? At least... no matter how bad he is, he can. Can we help our empire cut off those pirates and people with bad deeds?"

"Look, now the job of the maritime inspection team has become easier, and the pirates are almost dying, or... let's turn around and speed up back to Hasta City now?!"

Jack Sparrow didn't want to continue floating in the sea at all, he just wanted to go back quickly and go back to land! Then, before the witches solved the trouble, he said that he would not go out to sea for anything, even if he relied on the salary and money, he would admit it!

After all, his salary and certain benefits are very generous, enough for him to live the rest of his life on land comfortably.

"Shut up, please! Jack!"

"What the **** are you making? I don't know? Don't worry, I don't want to stay with you glib! So, I advise you to think of a way quickly and let that guy come to you quickly! Otherwise , You will look good after I go back!!!"

It's been more than a day to go to sea, but the imaginary enemy still hasn't come, which makes Charlotte feel a little impatient...Because, although she is not the chief consul now, she is still the high priest of the sect and cannot leave the capital. too long.

This emerging country cannot do without her sitting and deterring those little crumbs. If she leaves for a long time, there will be troubles! !

"Do not……"

"Master Charlotte, what do you want? My priest? Look, I'm very old now. As the admiral of the Empire, I still have to go out to sea to fight the undead. I worked very hard, I really have no good way to find them..."

While talking, Jack Sparrow looked at the surrounding sea with some anxiety, for fear that something he didn't want to see suddenly appeared from the original place of the sea level.


"Master Charlotte, are you really sure that your magic can burn the cursed undead? Haven't our battle witches tried it? Your fireball skills seem to be able to drive them away, but no matter what. Can you burn it?"

Jack Sparrow is a little worried, although he knows that the witch's ability is beyond doubt, especially the big boss of the witch in front of him! That didn't say, the leverage of power, one person destroys a small country, there is absolutely no problem!


He was still a little worried, because he knew that the flames of the witches seemed to be unable to help those evil undead spawned by the cursing power of the sea! !

So that they will continue to attack and kill pirates at sea during this period of time, and kill those ships that have committed piracy and certain generals of the Imperial Navy...Anyway, those who have done piracy, don’t care what they are now. , Even if it is the imperial admiral who has been washed white like Barbosa, he is also the target of those undead!

Especially his Jack himself, that is even the other party's goal that he can't wait to kill and then hurry up, even if he has already gotten better! Anyway, when he heard that he had to go out to sea, that old rival Barbossa's gloating smile, he couldn't help but a chill and tremor rose from under his feet.


"Jack Sparrow! Do you know? The incident you made has caused the empire's maritime transport and naval forces to suffer a lot of losses. I am now considering whether I will let you advance when you go back. retirement?"

This time Jack Sparrow did something, and the other party was so daring that he didn't tell him in advance, which made Charlotte keep a fire in his heart, so she felt that this time, she must give the other party appropriately. Punishment, in order to emulate you! The revocation of the opponent's naval position and the other party's early retirement and get out, is one of the appropriate punishments!

"Retire early?"

"No, no! Lord Charlotte, you can't do that. I just turned fifty-three years old today. I'm still young. I haven't gotten married until now. I can at least do another two or three in the Navy For ten years, don’t be polite with me, even if you send me hard, I promise you won’t be worse than those kids who just graduated from military academy!"

There are not many people who can shake his position as Admiral Jack Sparrow, but the woman in front of him has the right to decide and veto. Therefore, he is really a little scared now. He doesn't want to be so early. Was kicked out.

"To shut up!"

Charlotte suddenly changed her face and screamed coldly.


Jack Sparrow looked confused...

"They are here!!"

No longer paying attention to the **** man, Charlotte stared directly at the sea level east.

'Europe! Ooo! ! ’



At this time, the seagulls on the masts were also shocked, and they screamed at the mast that left them at the same time. They spread out and fled in the direction of the nearest land or island they thought.


"No way?!"

Soon, Jack Sparrow, who also noticed something wrong, took out his binoculars for the first time, hurried to the side of the ship, and then looked towards the horizon where the witch was looking.



With an exclamation and shaking his hand, the telescope in Jack's hand fell into the sea. Then, after thinking of something, he quickly ran behind the witch with a cowering look.


"Um... Lord Charlotte, you will protect me later, am I right?"

With a flattering smile, Jack Sparrow showed his big golden teeth, but he was a little pleased to get to Charlotte, who was wearing a plain dark red flame pattern priest's robe, had fat shoulders, and he was very careful with a somewhat nervous tone Asked.


"If the flames really can't eliminate them, I will consider handing you over to lift their curse!!"

Speaking lightly, Charlotte still kept his sight on the distant enemy ship that had no sails but was extremely fast, and watched as the opponent quickly approached him from the end of the sea level.


"No, no, no! I swear to God: It's useless if you hand me over. Even if they kill me, they won't lift the curse. They will continue to wander at sea and attack the Empire's merchant ships everywhere, even ours. I am afraid that the latest type of steel steamship cannot withstand the attacks of their monsters!!"

In order to attract the attention of the other party, and for his own life, Jack Sparrow began to curse loudly and curse a certain **** he didn't believe in.

"Of course I know!"

"Also, if you don't want me to burn you out first, then your stinky mouth that hasn't been brushed for several days is better to stay away from me?"

Charlotte frowned and took a step forward in disgust.

Due to pampering reasons, even if she is nearly forty years old, she still looks astonishingly beautiful in her twenties. She is constantly exuding fatal charms, and from time to time she also attracts this old wooden sailboat Intrepid. The imperial sailors on the sky frequently cast their admiring glances.


Jack Sparrow hurriedly covered his gold-toothed mouth and stepped back a few steps, then grinned:

"Correct, I haven't brushed my teeth in a few days, in fact...I haven't brushed my teeth this month! But, I did it last month?!"

After speaking, Jack also grinned, revealing his big yellow teeth full of tartar and food debris and those unusually conspicuous gold teeth.

In his opinion, how troublesome is brushing your teeth? At most, just pour a few sips of rum and gargle when you have time. It saves worry and effort, and it can also disinfect and relieve fatigue. How good? !

However, now on this woman's boat, the other party forbids anyone to drink, nor does anyone allow anyone to bring alcoholic beverages on board, making him feel upset and uncomfortable for these two days! !

"Shut up! Get out!"

Seeing that the ship was approaching, Charlotte, who was about to touch, finally gave a warning to the other party.


"Okay! I'll get out of it, can't I get out of it? Those undead, that Salazar will give you first?"

After speaking, Jack hurried to the group of sailors, hiding behind the crowd, as if he was amnesty, ready to see the wonderful performance of the witch leader and those little witches.


Seeing that ‘boat’, which is not a ship at all, approached, Charlotte opened his mouth and yelled:


"Cursed evil undead! Have you seen the flag on our ship? This is the magic battleship Dreadnought of the Flame Empire. This is the miraculous battleship that our true **** has ridden. You evil beings, monsters that mess up the seas of the empire, Don't you hurry up and catch it?!"

Not planning to waste time with the other party. After seeing the enemy approaching and seeing the disgusting and dirty undead monsters crawling on the ship, Charlotte felt that it would be better to fight quickly, so he shouted to the opponent on the spot. The harshest wording.


"It's the kind of troublesome witch again... Go up! Destroy their battleship, and you can't kill the witch, so kill the Jack Sparrow for me first!!"

It was not the first time that Captain Salazar had confronted a witch. After seeing that there were a lot of witches on the ship, he was annoyed and waved his hand fiercely, intending to solve the problem. The hated Jack Sparrow, and before the witch releases the flame that makes them feel painful and unbearable, flee here?

Anyway, they definitely don't want to be burned by that kind of flying witch! !


Jack turned around and wanted to escape, but... he soon discovered that he was firmly held by two sailors?


"What do you want to do? I am the Admiral of the Empire! Be careful I went back and removed your position, put you in confinement, and throw you into jail!!!"

Jack Sparrow, who didn't know what the other party wanted to do, snarled and threatened the two soldiers with a bit of stern.


"Sorry! Your Excellency! You will be persuaded by the parliament to retire after you go back ashore, and you have to retire early! You cannot punish us."

The two soldiers looked at each other, and then one of them said flatly to a certain admiral without expression.


Charlotte did not care about Jack Sparrow behind him, nor did he pay attention to the grinning undeads who were about to'eat' the Intrepid with that weird broken ship. Instead, he waved his hand and took it from his robe. A trident shaped like a coral, but also like a staff made of metal came out.


"Ha! Poseidon's trident?!"

Had he not seen it with his own eyes, Jack Sparrow would have almost forgotten that the witches had that stuff! !


"Master Charlotte, you said earlier that you brought this stuff?!"

At this moment, Jack Sparrow, who was completely relieved, didn't plan to run anymore, and stopped struggling, so he honestly asked the two sailors to frame his arms.


Seeing that the undead didn’t recognize what was in his hand, seeing that the other party was still rushing up aggressively, and was planning to destroy his ship, without the slightest intention of negotiating or conceding defeat, Charlotte began to output mana and held His trident gave a fierce meal on the deck of the ship!


Huh! !

A magical energy like a wave of light rushed past all around in an instant!

Wow! !

'Wow! ! ! ’

‘Ah ah! ! ’

‘Help me! ! ! ’


Puff~! !

In an instant, the frame of the ghost ship with only a few shelves left collapsed like a lifeless... Then, of course, the ghosts who were suddenly relieved of the curse for not knowing why, all exclaimed. One by one fell into the sea!


"The mob! But so?!"

Seeing that the other party was indeed a monster twisted by the power of the sea, Charlotte snorted, then waved, and ordered the witches behind him:

"Go! Get them all and take them back to Hasta City to accept the trial and sanctions of the imperial law!!"

With the kind of undead without entities, those ordinary battle witches may really be helpless with them, but after the other party's curse has been lifted, it has become a living person.



Upon hearing the order, the witches responded one after another. Then, before the soldiers acted, they flew out of thin air, flying to the sea, and let the cables fly away from the ship, like flexible sea snakes. In general, the "former undead" who were struggling in the water were easily **** one by one, picked up from the sea, and dropped one by one onto the deck.

"Let it go..."

Your admiral who hasn't brushed his teeth for a month began to struggle.


"Look at who this is? Great... the legendary Captain Salazar, don't you know if you remember me?!"

Seeing that he had captured all the enemies he was afraid of so easily, in surprise, Jack Sparrow struggled to free himself from the hands held by the two sailors, pinched the orchid fingers, twisted his butt, and came forward. In front of Captain Salazar, he reached out and patted the opponent on the cheek. After confirming that the opponent was not an undead but a living person, he finally relaxed and joked to the opponent with a smile.

"Damn the pirate Jack Sparrow!!"

Captain Salazar, who didn't know why he and others would be relieved of the curse, was overjoyed, and then bit his teeth and cursed at the guy in front of him.


"No, no, I am now the admiral of the Flame Empire, you are a pirate!!"

Jack Sparrow, in an official suit, would not admit that he was a pirate! In fact, he has been in good condition for 20 years...


"The Spanish Empire will not let you go!!"

After Salazar found that he couldn't get rid of the ropes he could move, he spit on Jack Sparrow severely.

"Oh, **** damn..."

"You don't know yet? Salazar, now this earth, the whole earth, it is already the territory of the Flame Empire, the whole is, almost twenty years old..."

Fearing that the other party could not understand what he said, Jack Sparrow still gestured with both hands, comically trying to explain to the other party how big the earth is.


"Jack Sparrow! Please stop at enough!!"

For the former navy and legendary generals of the Spanish Empire who even attacked pirates even after being cursed and turned into undead, Charlotte actually admires them very much... After all, she has also hated piracy and piracy before! !


It is an indisputable fact that the opponent attacked dozens of ships of their Flame Empire and killed countless lives. The laws and dignity of the empire cannot be violated. Therefore, the opponent must be arrested and be tried by the court. If they didn't burn them to death on the spot just now, it was considered as benevolent.


Suddenly, Charlotte discovered something unusual and felt a certain connection in the dark?

"That is……"

Following the connection, she raised her head blankly

Then, she saw that sometime, on the crossbar of the mast where the seagulls had been docked, was not sitting upright with a side face, looking at them in time. Someone was familiar and still made her faint. A pretty young girl with tears in her eyes? !


ヾ(O′▽`o)ノ°°.°How are you??°.°


Then, it was Little Annie who sent the Lord God back to them.

"Sister Charlotte, and Big Golden Tooth, how are you doing recently?"


"I'm coming back to see you guys now! Well, they also brought back a very fun gift, a big ball of light. How about, are you surprised or surprised?!"


While Little Annie was talking, the sky slowly moved towards the deck of the Intrepid, and a large ball of light emitting a golden light landed down, which also caused a lot of riots among the witches and soldiers on the deck.

"My lord..."

"My goddess..."

Charlotte opened her mouth in astonishment for a long time. She didn't know what to say. Then she suddenly let go of the trident in her hand. After letting it fall off the deck, she slowly became herself. In the usual way of praying, he knelt down on the deck and muttered the prayers of the past:

‘My lord... you are the brightest light, the hottest flame, and you are the warmest sun after dawn! We will follow in your footsteps until the end of the world...’

‘Your will is our mission! ’

‘The direction of your sight is the point of our sword...’

Although, she knew that their little goddess would never ask them to do it like this or pray and bow But she still did it for the first time, just like she has been doing it all these years The huge amount of aspiration in the capital, almost condensed the will of the gods.

"It's you!!"

"Hey! Little guy! You confessed to the wrong person, my name is Jack! Jack?? Sparrow! Not a big golden tooth uncle!!"

It took a while before I recognized the little girl, and found that the other party was really like a god, showing up in a ball of light emitting golden light, and she still looked like the eight-year-old kid, no change at all. , Jack Sparrow quickly corrected the yelling, and received the angry gazes of countless witches and soldiers who believe in the goddess of the five fireball gods.



??*????(happy National Day*)????* ??

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