Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 846: Nezha! Do you remember the little Chanyu by the Cuiping Mountain Lake? …

One of the top ten disciples of Jiejiao Tongtian, there is such a disciple who seeks the way. Although his cultivation level has not reached the level of the heavenly immortal, it is still only the first-class of the earth immortal, but Prestigious broadcast, is also proficient in five element escape methods such as metal, wood, water, fire, earth, and related changes. There is also a mount around him, called the black unicorn. It is said that as long as you ride it, you can switch to battle in a flash. Thousands of miles, going up into the sky, climbing mountains and ridges, and going into Heze as if walking on the ground, the end is very strange!

And he is now leading the army to march west to Xiqi, holding both male and female whips in his hand, and having three first eyes. The middle eye has mysterious powers. It can shine a few inches in white light. It can distinguish the evil spirits and the loyalty to the human heart. The Shang dynasty Taishi was also quite popular in the cut-off teaching, the famous Wen Zhong and Wen Taishi! !



At this time, Master Wen, who was leading the army, was in a bad mood? Because he was sadly holding in his hand a geomancy map of the mountains and rivers painted on the cowhide, leaving the soldiers behind, driving his mount Mo Qilin alone, and rushing to the top of the mountain like the wind. .

"Oops! This mountain can be so sinister, how can it be good?!"

"Oh... if you knew this before, you shouldn't be greedy to get closer. If you knew it, you should still take the original five-pass road. Although you lose the secret, it must be much faster?"

"Now the army is obstructed by the mountain road and is moving slowly. On the contrary, the opportunity is lost in vain. At this time, I must have heard that the information of the army led by the army to fight the Western Zhou Dynasty has been passed to the city of Xiqi long ago..."

Look at the Huanghua Mountain marked on the map of the Chaoge Army, look at the slightly flat road sign on the military map, and then look at the front of you, "A mountain has not passed a mountain, and a thousand miles have nothing to do. 'The rugged mountain road, Wen Zhongwen Taishi knew that he was deceived by the map!

Therefore, at this time he really almost gave the order, and all the spy and painters in the generals have killed the flag! !

If he had known that the road conditions in front of him were like this, how could he let more than 300,000 troops take such a mountain road in order to surprise Xiqi, in order to be able to surprise and strike the enemy unprepared?


Regrettably, he shouldn't have been so obsessed with his mind and let the army take a shortcut on this mountain road...

Although, here seems to be Yiyicuizhu, tall and tall, ancient trees and pine trees that a few people can't hold close to each other, and there are endless strange stones and Lingquan, and the scenery is extremely pleasant... But now it is not him who hears the middle and keeps quiet. Time for leisure, enjoyment and entertainment!


They are now at the critical moment when he dispatches troops to the west and prepares for a surprise attack on the enemy city!

The scenery here is good, but the road conditions are rough and difficult. The mountain roads are also rugged and narrow. At most, they can only allow one or two rides in parallel. Although the horses and horses are very difficult to walk, they can barely pass, but the chariots in the army are coming. Said, it was too dangerous... so many days ago, Wen Zhong himself had to reluctantly give orders, bound his hands and feet, and transferred those tank troops that could have been the main force to Wuguan Avenue in the middle, pretending to be him. The army conquered the west, slowly marching towards Xiqi, waiting for his follow-up orders and dispatch...

However, it's not entirely without benefit for him to go here!

At least, he had received Deng Zhong, Xin Huan, Zhang Jie, and Tao Rong in the mountains of Huanghua Mountain before. By the way, he also conquered more than 7,000 people who had gathered on the mountain and walked the mountain road without permission. As well as more than 30,000 tons of grain, as well as dried meat and live mountain stream livestock, it finally made up for the fact that the chariot troops had to make a detour, and failed to follow the main force, which caused innocent damage to the troops. Embarrassment that the military ration is slightly insufficient?

At least Wen Zhong now feels that after taking in the four generals of Deng, Xin, Zhang, and Tao, the seven thousand mountain people who had the other side opened the way in front of the army. The speed of his 300,000 army in the mountains, At least doubled? !


"What a big mountain! This place is full of aura and sparsely populated. It is really a blessed place for Taoism!"

"If Chaoge can be peaceful in the future, your majesty can also wake up and work hard, so that the world will be peaceful, and the people will be peaceful, the old man will also have to abandon the post of super teacher, and come here to open a cave in Huanghua Mountain to escape and relax. Submerged cultivator, you can also watch the pines and cypresses on the mountain with the sea of ​​clouds, and meet friends to talk about it from time to time. How much is this a pleasure?!"

After looking at the mountain road for a while, I saw the Huanghua Mountain scenery that looked like a Taoist fairyland that was not like the human world where I entered my eyes. Wen Zhongwen could not help but feel a little emotional.


Emperor Xin was in vain for the good situation he fought for many years in all directions, and he abruptly corrupted the Shang Dynasty to the point where the dynasty was full of smoke, the princes were rebelled, and the people were rebellious... And if She Ji was really going to be bad in the hands of that guy, he After hearing about Zhongri, if you cannot see for a long time and have to enter the cycle of reincarnation, where can you go to see the first emperor? !

Therefore, whenever he thinks of that dizzy, ridiculous, drunken, militant, heavy torture, and refusal to disobey Di Xin, thinking of that king, he can’t help but feel distressed, and he will not directly abandon his post in anger. Go directly to the hidden forest.



Master Wen Tai suddenly found out what was wrong!

Ahead, at the foot of the mountain, in front of the place where the mountain road must pass. On that flat ground, he actually noticed a little movement? Looking at it from here, the light from there has a faintly distorted feeling, as if it were caused by the scorching sun? This made him doubtful at the same time, he finally couldn't help but feel like temptation. After squeezing the Mo Qi scales under his hips, he stopped the mount's idea of ​​rushing down the mountain to continue investigating the terrain, then let go of his throat and face He shouted aloud at the flat ground far down the mountain:


"So courageous! Who are the rats with hidden heads and exposed tails who dare to set up an array here to block my way to the song army, and show up with me quickly?!"

After all, he Wen Zhong is also an existence at the level of an earth fairy who has been apprentice at the gate of Our Lady of the Golden Spirit in the Biyou Palace, who has studied the Tao for fifty years, has profound Taoism and boundless mana! Besides, he went down the mountain to assist Emperor Yi for many years. In recent years, he has fought in the Quartet. It is impossible to slay monsters and kill the enemy. What kind of things have not been seen?

Therefore, as an extremely human minister and a lonely veteran on the battlefield, now the flat place below is suitable for a small battlefield. Some people have used some blinding formations to cover his vision, trying to ambush him or the army of songs. It was the kind of bad intentions, how could he not see it? !

‘! ! ’

‘Has an enemy? ! ’

‘Enemy attack! The whole army is on guard! ! ’

'fast! Come with me to the top of the mountain! ! ’

‘Don’t worry, Taishi, in the future! ! ’

After hearing the scream of Master Wen on the top of the mountain, he was originally ordered to settle down on the other side of the mountain, intending to let the forward who opened the road slightly trim and move on, and continue to open the road on the mountain and meet the water to build the bridge in order to let the rear The four generals Deng Zhong, Xin Huan, Zhang Jie, and Tao Rong, who were able to move forward smoothly, immediately noticed something was wrong, and hurriedly led the elite of their headquarters and the elite of the Taishi to charge at the fastest speed. Going to the top of the mountain, he was soon surrounded and protected by Taishi Wen Zhongwen, condescending and staring at the open and flat depression at the bottom of the mountain.



However, the four generals with limited Taoism and those elite soldiers who are just ordinary people, whether they look up and down or up and down, they have no idea who their Taishi Wen was talking to, let alone. Where is the enemy who knows how loud the other party is?

"Ha ha ha..."

"Famous is not as good as meeting, Taishi's supernatural powers are really extraordinary! The humble post Jiang Shang has long known that this kind of small Taoism must be hidden from Taishi Wen, now try it, it is not unexpected!"

It sounded hearty, but with some artificial laughter, the five flags surged, and the number of one was not too much. As a defensive group of five strange soldiers, it appeared out of thin air in the flat depression. The middle of the child.

And the one who spoke in front of the formation was obviously the one who was riding the mount gifted by Yuanshi Tianzun, riding the patriarch of the Qilin clan, and the only son of the Qilin, who looked like a dragon but not a dragon, a phoenix but a phoenix, and a Qi. Not a unicorn, like a tortoise, but not a tortoise, but there are four different white and short-bearded Taoists like the mighty dragon, the noble phoenix, the courage of the qi, the spirit of the tortoise, and the prime minister Jiang Ziya of the Western Zhou Dynasty!

"Humble job Jiang Shang, Jiang Ziya, I've seen Taishi Wen!!"

"Wen Taishi, now the two countries are engaged in the army, the humble Jiang Shang is inconvenient to bow in the army, nor is it suitable for the landlord of the Taishi. If there is any rudeness, I hope the Taishi will forgive me a lot?!"

After the camouflage was seen, and the formation of hiding the army had to be revoked, Jiang Ziya, who was seated on the saddle of the mount’s back, was a little embarrassed and annoyed, but finally had to hold his fists far away and looked down at the top of the distant mountain. Their Master Wen Tai from Chaoge saluted.

At this time, the one who appeared behind him at the same time was spent many days. After surveying the topography, he carefully arranged and arranged them here, preparing to stand alone with the topography of the five hundred thousand soldiers who conquered the West. Fang protection!

At this time, the layout of the five squares is as follows:

①In the position of the earthquake palace, there are four green flags on display. The four soldiers under the flags wear green robes and a green horse under the crotch. They command the rebel soldiers, the vine players, and the soldiers with long spears and short swords. Hundreds of people.

②In the position of the palace, there are also four red flags, and there are also four soldiers under the flags. They are wearing red robes, hip red horses, and red scorpions, leading the carless singles with bronze horns. Five hundred cavalry and short bow stone gunners lined up in a majestic and orderly array of five large and small squares, standing still in their place!

③At the position of Dui Palace, there were four plain white flags, and there were four soldiers at the feet of the flags. They were dressed in white robes, silver armor, and silver helmets, and led a total of five hundred spears and gold outfits in the same costume. The fine warriors with the long handles of the mace and the big sword, with a forest-like spear array, stand fully in the position of the palace, but they are neat and orderly, without a sense of confusion.

④The Kan Gong position is followed. There are also four bars of soap-covered flags. At the foot of the flags are four soldiers, but they are black robes, black horses, and black cloaks. They also lead a total of five hundred waists and shoulders. Fei Ling arrows, elite Xiqi soldiers armed with Xuanhua jujube pin, tiger head spear, and Yan Ling sword, occupy the position of Kan Palace in the north.

⑤At the end, it is the position of Wuji Palace as the battle eye and the Chinese army. There is no doubt that there are also four apricot and yellow flags on display, and under the golden banner, there are also four soldiers with golden helmets and golden armors. At the same time as they suppressed the phalanx, they also led a full thousand Xiqi soldiers wearing apricot and yellow long-distance races. They stood firmly in the middle of the five phalanx, yelled, and gave out a terrifying power. , At the moment of making a sound, the nearby birds and beasts rushed wildly, far away from this place that was about to be the battlefield between the two sides.

that's it,

I don’t know when I’ve arrived here, and I’ve laid out the five-square formation in the shape of a regular triangle. I am ready to wait for work. I am guarding the exit of Huanghua Mountain. It seems that Jiang Ziya is about to block the army of Xiqi who entered the mountain. After removing the phantom formation and showing the strength of the military formation, he stroked his short beard triumphantly, and looked at Taishi Wen Zhongwen on the opposite mountain and the messy and untidy clothes around him. , The face is savory, many of them are dragging their weapons upside down, obviously after a long march, the energy of the Xiqi Army forwards and soldiers is obviously a little weak.

"I've heard of the prestige of Taishi for a long time, and seeing it today is really extraordinary!!"

Speaking of it, this seems to be the first time that Jiang Ziya himself saw the mountain on the mountain wearing a golden crown of nine yuan, wearing a Feiyun crimson garment, decorated with Yin and Yang ribbons, and riding a ferocious black unicorn under his crotch, holding a golden pair. Jiaobian, Taishi Wen looks majestic and extraordinary...

Because, in the rumors, the other party has the world in his chest and is planning in the stratagem. There are ten thousand Dendrobium pearls in his mind, invincible and invincible. With the power of one person, he has supported Shangtang's nearly century-old society!

However, this time the opponent sent troops to the west, and when he threatened to squeeze them down in Xiqi, I didn’t know what was going on. The opponent fell to death and led a total of 300,000 troops into Huanghua Mountain. , Walking to this rugged path hidden in the rough mountains, wouldn't this give him a great opportunity for Jiang Ziya to win the battle and become famous?

"Ha ha ha..."

"Looking at the figure of the Taishi, it must be a hard journey. Jiang Shang has already prepared a banquet in the army. I don't know if I can go down the mountain and let Jiang Shang make the best of the landlord?!"

Jiang Ziya, who was supposed to be afraid to come down, thought about it, thinking that Taishi Wen might be confused, or might be a vain name? So he laughed happily again, and stroked the short beard on his chin again proudly.


He should have a long beard...

However, it is a pity that when Jiang Ziya was attacked and ambushed for the first time by the evil spirits of Cuiping Mountain, he was attacked by the other party’s magic weapon, and by the terrifying long tube shape. The evil concealed weapon with the tail flame exploded into the sky, the body was incomplete, the soul flew with seven orifices, and almost lost his life. At the same time, he was burned by the flames and destroyed his beautiful beard that had been stored for decades... …And his beard has only grown so long in the past twenty years.

But it doesn't matter, these are all trivial things!

As long as he lays down the five phalanx to exert his power and use these three thousand elite soldiers to firmly guard the intersection of Huanghua Mountain from west to Xiqi, and guard this easy to defend and difficult node, they will have an invincible position in Xiqi. The opponent has all kinds of wisdom and versatility, even if it has an army of 300,000, don't even want to rush out from here! !

Presumably soon, the other party will either run out of food and grass and lose out, or have to turn around in embarrassment and return to the original road, again seeking to re-enter Xiqi from Wuguan Avenue west... And if the other party really does that, then, I'm afraid that when they meet again, it will be at least three to five years later...

And by then, the offensive and defensive posture between the two sides must have been directly exchanged, right? !


Seeing Jiang Ziya's arrogant attitude below, Taishi Wen Zhongwen couldn't help but snorted coldly.

Then, after secretly frowning and looking at the distance down the mountain, looking at the majestic army formation on the flat ground, he secretly said that he was horrible, so he didn't bother to take care of the complacent Jiang Shang underneath, nor did he rush to talk nonsense with the other party. , But first turned to look at the four generals beside him.


"Deng, Xin, Zhang, Tao, and the four generals, can you have the confidence to lead troops down to kill the enemy?!"

Although Wen Zhong also knew that Jiang Ziya now occupies an excellent key position that is easy to defend and difficult to attack, but in any case, he wants to severely suppress the arrogance of the Xiqi rebels and promote the majesty of the imperial army by the way. He intends to let the four generals who are very familiar with the roads of Huanghua Mountain take the first action, even if they kill 800 enemies and lose three thousand, they must also strangle the Xiqi rebels below, so as to let the people below. That Jiang Ziya saw how powerful he is?

Moreover, the opponent is now blocked on the way out of the army of his Wen Zhong. If they don't want to be blocked here, they always need to eliminate or expel those enemy troops with no more than three thousand people at most.


Some stumped Deng Zhong hesitated, and had to turn his head to look at his brother Xin Huan, to see if the other party could do anything good.


"Teacher is absolutely not allowed!"

"Look, the place occupied by the Xiqi Army is not only narrow and difficult to pass, but they also occupy the only level ground, and they have launched an army formation. If we want to rush down and kill the enemy, we need to arrive first. Where can only three or five people pass slowly through the small col, before they can climb upwards?"

"When the army cannot be deployed, and the army has nowhere to use it, it may not be the opponent of the Xiqi army who wrote about waiting for work. I hope the Taishi will think twice..."

He has a pair of wings growing on his back, a tiger crown on his head, his face is as red as a jujube, his beak is like a bird's beak and his head is bald, and he holds a hammer and Xinhuan that can excite the Thunderbolt Diamond in his hand. Under the sign of his brother, he could only bite the bullet and stepped forward and persuaded the slightly angry-looking Master Wen Tai.

In fact, he already said very tactfully...

In Xin Huan’s view, that Jiang Ziya lined up in that critical place, and there seemed to be a lot of fierce guards beside him. As long as the opponent is not the kind of stupid stupid, rely on the opponent’s Those three thousand elite soldiers are in hand, they are facing the song, no matter how many people they send to rush down, they are not enough for others to kill! Even if there is a long snake formation lined up behind them, stretching in the mountains, the Chaoge army, which claims to have a full 300,000 yuan, will take turns to attack day and night. Until the valley is filled in, don’t think about it. Shake each other a little bit! !

"Second brother is right, please think twice!"

"Yes! Taishi, this must not be forced..."

"It's too far here, it seems that stone cannons can't be hit there, and the bow and crossbow are even more powerful..."

"Master...Or, let's think of another way first?"

Zhang Jie and Tao Rong also began to speak out one after another, while persuading the pondering Master Wen, while vigorously agreeing with their brother Xin Huan's words. Because they have also seen that Jiang Ziya does occupy a very good military position, even if they lead their subordinates who have been very familiar with Huanghua Mountain for a long time, they must have gone and never returned. Lose your life for nothing!


"Apart from here, can Huanghua Mountain have other mountain trails out there?!"

Of course, Wen Zhong, who has been fighting for a long time, also knows the disadvantages of this situation. Therefore, after hesitating, he also shirks when he sees the four generals. Without the slightest assurance, he will not go to the battle at all. Reluctantly, I just planned to spare Jiang Ziya, wanting to see if I can detour from other places.

If there is really another way, he only needs to send three to five thousand elite soldiers to guard here, staring at the Xiqi army, and he can attack Xiqi directly and directly level Jiang Ziya's lair! !


"There are roads, but there are, but those small roads are cliff paths that ordinary people can hardly pass lightly. If we want to get out of the mountain, I am afraid that the only way is now!!"

The face is like blue indigo, with a big blue horse face, hair like cinnabar, like a red-haired devil, with huge mouth and fangs, and the sound is like a thunderbolt. Deng Zhong, the head of the four generals who made a mountain axe, scratched his head. In his mind, he selected the paths he knew, but in the end, he still shook his head with a wry smile.

Because he knows better than anyone that those paths are rugged and difficult to navigate. It would be okay if they were generals like them who were as strong as flying, and he could always go out if he took a little more time, but if they were replaced by ordinary generals. If the troopers of the troupe are really going to walk the mountain paths, I am afraid that the 300,000 army will not be able to go out after a year and a half. When there is insufficient food and grass, 300,000 people will have to be hungry alive. Die in the mountains!

At that time, even if they really go out in the end, the 300,000 army may not have many people and materials left, so what about Xiqi? !

"Never mind..."

"Let me go there for a while, Jiang Ziya!!"

Seeing that the four generals did not dare to lead the troops, and there was no other path in Huanghua Mountain to go out, Wen Zhong had no choice but to slap Mo Qilin under his hip and take a few steps.

"Prime Minister Jiang!"

"I have heard that you are a disciple under the gate of Yuxu Palace. You have been practicing Taoism on Kunlun Mountain for forty years. You have also served as an official in Chaoge. Use... But now why don’t you know the matter and don’t want to serve the court, but instead help Zhou in Xiqi for abuse and do not respect orders, why?!"

No way, in the current state, it is impossible to retreat, there is no way to detour, and the strong attack will only increase the casualties, so he plans to talk to the demon Jiang Ziya below. , To see if you can use words to run or persuade the opponent, even if not, then try to see if you can disrupt the opponent's mind, suppress the opponent's morale, and then let yourself have a chance?

In fact, to put it bluntly, he heard that Taishi saw that the hard ones seemed to be a bit unworkable, so he planned to come to the soft ones first and have a good fight with the other party, break the truth, and first attribute the righteousness to their Chaoge. Let's talk about this side of the counterinsurgency army!


"What Taishi Wen said at the beginning is not bad! Jiang Shang is indeed a disciple of Yuxu Palace, and he can be regarded as half of Taishi Wen's uncle?"

He Jiang Ziya is a half disciple of the educator under Yuanshi Tianzun of Yuxu Palace. Even if he is just a handyman who carries water, pours pine, grows peaches, burns fire, fan stove, and alchemy, he is more than a second-generation disciple Starting from the Master Wen Tai who cultivated under the sect of Our Lady of the Golden Spirit, he Jiang Ziya has some light on his generation?


"Thanks to the kindness of his teacher, Jiang Shang has been able to cultivate Dao for forty years on Kunlun Mountain. He has been able to observe God’s will for a long time, knowing that Shang is the destiny of Zhou Dynasty, and he has never dared to easily violate the heavenly order. Where can he help Zhou Wei? The term'abuse'?"


"I am up and down in Xiqi, including Jiang Shang, I will obey the king's orders, go down to the army and the people, follow the law and the public, follow the path, and respect Qixi, fight for the precepts of heaven, and protect the local people. Don’t abuse the people and chaos politics, let the youngsters not be deceived, let the people live in peace, and let the surnames be happy, what's wrong with things?!"

Jiang Ziya, who was expected to win the game, must be on his side. Seeing General Wen Zhongjun on the mountain who was helpless and angry on his face, he was a little smug, so he eloquently spoke about his position, completely ignoring that Master Wen. The terrifying majesty that is getting fiercer on his body.

If the battle is now on the flat ground with real swords and guns, whether it is a fight between soldiers and generals, Jiang Ziya is certain that they will definitely not be the one who claims to have 300,000 soldiers. The opponent of Chaoge Army... However, if it is a contradiction, he can guarantee that he can easily say 10,000 legitimate reasons for'helping the week to be abused' that the other party is irrefutable! !

"Shut up!!"

"Well, you Jiang Ziya! You don't respect the emperor's fate, and stand on your own as the king of martial arts. It is to deceive the emperor! To accept rebellious officials and resist the heavenly soldiers is to rebel! It is for the great rebellion to raise soldiers and kill the imperial sergeants and order officers! , And those who are rebellious and unruly, dare to still rely on their own ability in front of me Wen Zhong, can't surrender, and even make false statements. This is really hateful!!"

If it hadn’t been for the opposing army’s ranks to be neat and mighty, and the generals next to the opposing team looked extraordinary, not for the kind of easy-to-understand words, he might have urged the black unicorn long ago and rushed down the mountain alone. Go, cut that Jiang Ziya off the horse directly in front of the formation, and cut off the head to show the public!

"Ha ha ha..."

"The Taishi's words are not correct! I set up the King of Martial Arts, and the son is righteous and righteous, so how can I deceive the emperor? Besides, now that all the princes in the world are rebelling, who is it?"

Jiang Ziya asked Na Wen Zhong and others on the top of the mountain in the distance, and then, before waiting for the answer from the other party, he said this again:

"It's true that it was the Emperor Xin Wudao, who destroyed Gangji himself, and was not the lord of all surnames. The princes under the world had to oppose it!"

"As for admitting traitors, that's even more nonsense!"

"The so-called'the ruler is not righteous, the ministers vote in a foreign country' is also a matter of course! King Wu Cheng was forced to flee, Emperor Zhou Emperor Xin Wudao was persecuted, and Jiang Shang had to protect him, so why sin?!"

"The key is that Taishi Wen must know it himself..."

"Now the world is endangered, Taishi, you don't want to sit in the song and let King Zhou reflect day and night, but you lead the troops here, wanting to fight, and you want to rake, how reasonable is it? Why not listen to Jiang Shang Persuasion: Please stop the soldiers and return to the court song for the time being. From then on, we will guard our borders. We will not commit any crimes in the autumn, or we will see each other in the future? But if Taishi is still acting against the sky for his own selfishness, he may be a catastrophe. Now, the time of death is not far away!!"

"So, ask the old lady to think twice before acting?!"

Under Jiang Ziya's dominance, he had no worries, he smiled and smiled on his disparate back, toward Master Wen Tai on the mountain and those who seemed to have been said to have been blushing with him, and he didn't know what he was ashamed of. The mentality Shang Tang soldiers saluted slightly, and directly turned to lead the 300,000 soldiers, but was somewhat helpless towards his 3000 soldiers, and began to persuade him to retreat.

Anyway, in his Jiang Ziya's opinion, there must be no other way except for the other party to die down, retreat and return to Chaoge in grief and waste money and food! As for himself, he can easily win the opportunity for Xiqi's development in the fewest years. Next, he only needs to assist King Wu with peace of mind, work hard, and sit back and watch the world. After three to five years, Shang Tang will be exhausted. At that time, there is no need to worry about the failure of his assistant to destroy the business! !


"It's really troublesome, harp, what's the point of doing so much? Isn't it enough to fight early?!"

At this time,

Nezha, not far from Jiang Ziya, has a hot wheel under his feet, a fire-tipped spear in his hand, a circle of universe around his neck, and Huntian silk on his arm, a powder sculpture that looks impatient for a long time. Yu Zhuo's child whispered to one side, regardless of whether Jiang Ziya, who was not too far away from him, heard it.

To be honest, even if he is heard by the other party, Little Nezha won't care!

After all, if it were not for various factors, he would not waste his precious time to come to Xiqi to help the useless Jiang Ziya who was beaten by him several times! !


"Nezha, silence!!"

At this time, the one next to Nezha was the same as Wen Zhong. Que Ting had a third eye, which could distinguish monsters and monsters. He was wearing a three-pointed two-edged sword, and the snarling dog followed his generals, so he pulled it carefully. Hun Tian Ling on her body motioned to the other party to whisper.

And this person riding a horse is obviously the disciple of the real Yuding, and is the same second-generation disciple of the Yuxu Clan like Nezha, Yang Jian who has a little fellowship, and the relationship is fairly good!

"What are you afraid of!"

"He has heard it anyway, didn't he dare to say me?!"

Nezha indifferently slapped Yang Jian's big hand that was pulling him away, and then continued to chew the dog's tail grass in his mouth, curled his mouth, and stared at his good brother with malicious eyes. The big dog beside Yang Jian.

He was thinking, should he take the opportunity to find a good opportunity to take the other party’s dog captive and sell it to the Lord God in exchange for some martial arts to contribute some expenses?

After all, I have been in the Xiqi Army for the past two years and have never received daily tasks. His sect contribution points are about to be exhausted. If I don’t want to find a way to make a fortune in vain. , Then his days will be difficult in the future...Anyway, the left and right are just a dog. If you sell it, you will sell it. What a big deal, I will grab a white dog and give it to the other party another day?

"Just say a few words!"

Yang Jian looked at the uncle Jiang Ziya who didn't know if he didn't hear it, or he had to pretend that he didn't hear it. After seeing the other party's unresponsiveness, he sullenly reprimanded that it had always been nothing. The undisciplined and reckless little Nezha said.


Little Nezha, who didn't want to waste energy talking nonsense with the other party, simply pulled his link to the other side.


At this moment, the somewhat irritated Taishi Wen Zhongwen, after being humiliated by that nameless Jiang Shang repeatedly in words, but he couldn't say anything to argue, he finally couldn't help but explode. !


"Come here! Who went with me to cut off that Jiang Shang's head and come back to me to sacrifice the flag?!"

Seeing that the strong attack is not possible, the detour is not possible, and the mouth bubble does not seem to be good, the retired and somewhat unwilling Taishi Wen Zhongwen, he a little angrily puts out his **** on the back of the black unicorn, angrily Jiang Ziya at the bottom of the mountain pointed viciously.

That's right, now, he wants to try the method of fighting generals to see if he can destroy the opponent's power first, even if he can't kill Jiang Ziya, he must first kill a few enemy generals to vent his anger, and then think about whether there is anything else. A good way.

"Teacher, do not disturb! A general who went to Huihui Xiqi first!!"

As long as it is not to lead the troops, the four generals of Huanghua Mountain have nothing to fear, so when the words are finished, Xin Huan shook his wings and swooped down to the place suitable for the fighting generals before the flat ground under the mountain. , See who dares to fight him first!


"Enemy generals, don't be rampant! My nezha young master will meet you!!"

Nezha, who had been impatient for a long time, saw that he finally had a fight, and instead of waiting for Jiang Ziya’s order, he took the lead and let the Hot Wheels under his feet spin at a high speed and emit bursts of fire, passing over someone in front of him who had been beaten several times. The sap of the old man turned into a red light, holding his flaming spear that was also on fire, and rushing towards the enemy general who swooped down on the mountain in the distance, like lightning.


He saw what was in the hands of that enemy general, it seemed to be some magic weapon that he had never seen before? And if he can be quicker, click to kill the opponent and grab it, maybe, when the main **** of Cuiping Mountain recycles, he can give himself a fair price?


"Not good! Xin Huan is not the opponent of that enemy general!!"

No need to look more, just look at the red, flame-shrouded enemy general's boundless power that rushes towards Xin Huan like lightning, Wen Zhong knows the superiority between the two sides, so he I couldn't help but exclaimed, faintly unable to bear to keep watching!

Flamingo, Hot Wheels, Universe Circle and Huntian Ling...

Undoubtedly, Wen Zhong knows that it must be the strange son of Li Jing, Chen Tangguan General Soldier, Nezha, the apprentice of Taiyi Real Man who is ranked fifth in the Twelve Golden Immortals! !

"No! The second brother is in danger!!"

"Second brother, be careful?!"

"Second brother!!"

At the same time, the three generals of Huanghua Mountain, who can basically judge the heights, also exclaimed at the same time, secretly feeling that Xin Huan, who has been flying into the sky halfway down the mountain, is anxious, but there is no way.


"Go to hell~!!!"

Nezha, who didn’t intend to give the other party any chance, and had a tight hand, didn’t wait for the other party to hammer at him with that strange weapon in a hurry, and then turned into a lightning-like red light in the air, unable to lock on the other party. In his face of astonishment, he made his fire-tip spear like a spiritual snake, stabling towards the enemy's throat at an incredible speed and strange direction!

He Nezha has such a temperament. He doesn't like to grind and chirp like a certain Jiang Ziya, and he doesn't like to waste time in such barren mountains and wild forests and play that kind of inexplicable game of conferring gods. He has only one mind now. Contribution points! If anyone were to give him a hundred or eighty points of contribution, maybe he would even dare to beat Jiang Ziya again when no one was paying attention? !

‘! ! ’

'not good! ! ’

"End, end..."


'what! Nezha won! ! ’

'it is good! ! ’

At this time, the emotions of the people watching the battle on the mountain and down the mountain were different. Some were horrified, worried, some sighed and regretted, and some were delighted and shouted for cheer...

Because they all know that the little man with the red figure must win! And soon, they should be able to see Xin Huan's blood splashing on the spot, the soul returning to the Conferred God Platform.

Cang! ! !

However, something more unexpected happened to everyone...

In the oblique stabbing, I didn’t know what was going on, let alone how the opponent appeared. In an instant, a female general armed with double swords (double knives?) was killed. The opponent easily swung away with a single sword. That Nezha's mortal blow, still majestic, standing in the air without resorting to any magic weapon?


"Deng Chanyu, a disciple of Cuiping Mountain out of Yunfeng, is here to help Taishi Wen!!"

He has a soft and beautiful long black hair that is wafting slightly in the wind. He is dressed in a tight-fitting multicolored phoenix-wing suit. He is holding the pair of golden dragons. According to legend, it is a pair of golden dragons. The head and the head are like a sword. Deng Chanyu, who is good at whistling down from mid-air and a golden light weapon with unstoppable strength, first glanced at the opposite Nezha, who was obviously surprised and familiar, before standing with his sword. Heroic and bravely, he gently bowed his fist and bowed towards the distant master Wen Tai.

Although she is a disciple of Chuyunfeng, her father Deng Jiugong and she are also female generals in the Shang Dynasty, so the basic etiquette still needs to be taken care of.


"Great! But the female general Deng Chanyu who was in Sanshanguan Deng Jiugong's home with consecutive victories and defeated the rebels and fled in despair?!"

Seeing that Xin Huan was successfully rescued in the midst of a deadly shot, and seeing that female player standing bravely in the air and looking extraordinary Wen Zhong, I couldn't help but overjoyed, and it was rare for the first time today. laugh out loud.

"Exactly! Zheng Chanyu has seen Taishi Wen!!"

Hearing that the other party actually remembered himself and his father-in-law, there was no way, Deng Chanyu could only leaned back again and bowed to the mountain with a fist.


Then, Deng Chanyu didn’t care about the other party’s answer. He just turned around and squinted slightly, a little jealous, a little angry, and a little bit shameful, looking at the distant man who was stepping on the hot wheel and staring at him. It seemed a bit helpless. Nezha.

In a sense, she herself is almost the same as the Nezha on the opposite side. She entered and exited Yunfeng at the age of three. She devoted herself to cultivating for 20 years (tasking), learned all kinds of magical powers, and made her fascinating with her double swords. , There are not a few of the entire Izuun Peak that she can fight! !

"Dancing from the sky..."

"Hey! Xiaochanyu, it turned out to be you... I haven't seen you in a few years, you are really getting more and more beautiful, how are you doing all these years?!"

Nezha recognized the opponent at a glance, so, of course, after seeing his acquaintance, he was planning to turn back and rush to kill him, so he hurriedly stopped the Hot Wheels, and then took the fire back with a grin. The sharp spear and the flames on the gun carried his own weapon a little embarrassingly, and looked at the murderous woman who had rescued General Chaoge in the distance with a headache.

Somehow, he found out that he was a little afraid of the other party? !

But think about it, I used to wear crotch-opening pants with the other party, crawling and rolling in the Cuiping Mountain Ikuun Peak, and always taking care of the other party. It was young and ignorant (now I am young, but knowing?) and it seems to be a random promise. Little promise, but in the end he had to avoid the opponent for various reasons. Is he really shameless to face the opponent right now?

"Little Chanyu..."

"You still go away quickly! If I don't fight you, a woman who accidentally beats you, others thought I was bullying you! Go away and go! Good, go home quickly?"

Nezha waved his hand relaxedly with a pretended expression, and motioned to the other party to go quickly, and he assumed that nothing had happened.

Actually, it doesn’t matter if he wins the opponent. Anyway, it’s not the first time. However, after a few years of not seeing the opponent, the opponent seems to have become more powerful. He is afraid that he will lose the opponent accidentally, and then go back to Cui later. When Pingshan Izumo Peak's sect was stationed, I was afraid that it was really shameless to meet people.

After all, the other party grew up with him, but the other party has grown into a big and slim girl now, and he still looks like a three-year-old child even though Nezha hasn’t transformed. Over the years, he has been a little afraid to see each other...Of course, besides the height, there are other things that keep him from seeing each other.

"exactly the opposite!"

"Junior Sister, I really want to fight with Senior Brother!!"

Deng Chanyu said with a cold face and eyes as if looking at an enemy, watching the foot stepping on the hot wheel in the distance, and said Nezha, who has seen the past 20 years and has not changed at all.

in those days……

The other party lied to the 100,000 points of martial art contribution points he had accidentally obtained to let the Lord God fill in his lotus and golden body, and he also grew up with a small tintin. He also lied to go home first, and said what to wait for himself I proposed to my father after 18 years old... But now, take a look, she is more than 20 years old, and she has been waiting at home for several years, and this guy not only wants to reckless, but also went to Xiqi to follow her The effective Shang Dynasty is the enemy? !


"Xiao Chanyu, don't talk nonsense, my master is real Taiyi, you are not my sister!!"

Nezha didn't dare to recognize any junior sister casually, and he didn't admit that he was a disciple of Cuiping Mountain's Chuyun Peak. At best, he could only be regarded as a guest Qing? Moreover, his master Taiyi real person is really kind to him, like a re-creation, he has no intention to vote for him!

And this is also the main reason why he had to obey Master's order to come to Xiqi to help Jiang Ziya's uncle, and staying there for many years.

"Stop talking nonsense! Do you fight or not?"

Zheng Chanyu flicked the golden dragon double scissors in his hand, making it make a sound like a golden dragon howling, and then he had to point to the nezha in front of him and warned him.

"Don't fight! Don't fight!!"

You know, the other party is his Nezha acquaintance, and he is also a childhood sweetheart who grew up with him. What is he playing? Therefore, he hurriedly put his hand behind him, expressing that he was unwilling to act and be an enemy with the other party.

"Really don't fight?"

Slim, Zheng Chanyu, who was standing in the air, was a little impatient!

"I won't fight you if I kill you!!"

Even if the two sides have different positions now, even if the Jiang Ziya below gave the order, even if his teacher father came here, he also said that he would resolutely not do anything with his sister! !

In fact, he didn't directly fight back in front of the battle, and he didn't announce to join Xiaochanyu's side, which is considered to have given Xiqi army great face.


"Then you go to die!!"

Weak click break! !

Although the other party was not at all alert, Zheng Chanyu still activated a special stunt of his own Golden Dragon Double Scissors, turning it into a golden light, and headed forward towards the opposite little one stepping on the hot wheels. The little figure rushed over!

clang! ! !

A loud bang turned into sound waves in the sky and shook out towards the surroundings, shaking the entire valley slightly.

"Hey! Xiaochanyu! Are you really playing?!"

Little Nezha, who was in a panic, used his flint-point gun to resist the Golden Dragon Double Scissors in the opponent's hand, and safely saved his little Dingding.

It is not difficult to see from the strength of the opponent's attack and the sound just now, the opponent just took it, but it's no joke! If he was careless or didn't stop him, he couldn't say that his little Dingding would leave him again?

"What do you think?!"

Zheng Chanyu ignored the other party. After seeing her golden dragon double shears were blocked by the other party, she didn't say much. She just slapped her yin legs and kicked towards the other party's little golden lotus body! !

The other party’s body, and the little Dingding on the other’s body, cheated her martial art contribution points to make up for the missing. So now, since the other party is unwilling to keep the promise and repay the debt, she will do it herself and invest her previous investment. Take it all back! !


"Wait! I give up, can't I give up?!"

In the panic, Nezha didn't dare to resist, for fear of accidentally hurting the opponent, he could only forcefully smash the opponent away, then turned around and fled.


"Nezha the thief! Run there~!!!"

Broken Wushuang! !

Seeing that the opponent was about to run, Zheng Chanyu increased his mana output. With the help of Wukongshu, he made himself like a scenery of lightning, and once again activated another special skill of his own magic weapon, moving forward. That little kid of slashed up behind...

I don't know why, as soon as she sees that little kid, Zheng Chanyu feels that her anger is always at full value? Therefore, another stunt was directly handed over by her, and she greeted the other party without money!

Today, she wouldn’t let that nasty guy easily let go of anything. It’s useless to persuade anyone. She’ll hit anyone who comes, even if it’s the little teacher she has never seen before in Cuiping Mountain. Don’t talk about the dojo! !


(*?′╰╯`?)? ticket? (?′╰╯`?*)

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