Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 847: Good brother, loyalty? Huh! Dare to beat my girl, eat...


Turning his head, he saw that the other party was speeding up and rushing towards him again, and he was also holding up the terrifying sacred soldier'Golden Dragon Double Scissor' who was no less than the fire-tip spear in his hand. At the same time, it was a trick called'Broken Wushuang'. 'Shooting towards his own back, Nezha hurriedly opened his mouth and screamed in panic, he had to twist his body quickly, while controlling the hot wheel to fly backwards, he raised the fire tip in his hand again. The barrel of the gun, which was full of flame patterns, passively moved towards the pair of golden shears that the opponent was cutting down.

Bang! !

A somewhat dull impact sounded.

"Hey! You have enough!"

"I said Xiao Chanyu, we haven't seen each other for some years. If you don't tell the old story first, I won't talk about your life, but you are still so reluctant. What do you want?!"

The fire-tip spear in Nezha's hand should actually be called the "Purple Flame Snake Spear Fire-tip Spear". It contains infinite power. It is a magical weapon for slashing demons and slaying demons. It is not as powerful as Xuanyuan Sword. It is an extremely rare immortal. The magic weapon of the house, like the other magic weapons in his body, was taught by his mentor Taiyi in Nezha.

The tip of this fire-tip gun is shaped like a flame, and the tip of the gun can breathe fire. The body of the gun is as long as one foot and eight feet long, but it can be changed at will. It can be long or short, thick or thin! Moreover, the tip of the spear in the middle is curved like a snake spear, and the small tips on both sides are like horns, with snake beaks, snake eyes glowing, and a small snake hovering up and down.

Its gun tassel is not a red tassel, but a real magenta flame, and the mouth and tip of the gun can spray clouds, flames or frost. The gun body has a snake pattern winding, snake-tailed gun. There are two collars, which can not only be combined into one, but can also be divided into two when necessary, turning into two powerful weapons. Among the close combat weapons, they are definitely ranked!


Although the fire-tip gun is indeed an excellent treasure, a handy weapon, a powerful and fully functional magic weapon, at that time, when the person using the weapon did not intend to use it to attack and kill the enemy, it In fact, it's no different from an ordinary fire stick, and it's not even an ordinary iron card that is better at parrying.

Dang~! !

Another huge sound rang, and then, a sound wave and shock wave that was almost visible to the naked eye came out from the sky, from the place where the two weapons struck, toward the surroundings again, and stirred the woods under both sides to the leaves. It shook and swayed constantly...


"This time it's Broken Wushuang, you cheated just now?!"

Nezha, who seemed to have suffered some kind of conspiracy, after an exclamation, after the two sides separated and backed up, before the other party had not raised their breath again, they hurriedly urged the Hot Wheels under their feet and planned to leave first. Some mad woman who has been dazzled by anger stay away.


Again? !

Seeing that the other party is about to rush again, Nezha couldn't help but get a spirit, turned his head again and ran! In fact, if it is true, Nezha still feels that even the Xiao Chanyu who has made great progress over the years will definitely not be his opponent!

Because, in addition to the flaming spear, he also has the strongest, indestructible, powerful, indestructible, violent, overwhelming, and concussive circle of universe, retreating to protect the body and release the Hun Tian Ling that can bind people. Wait for the powerful baby that can be attacked and defended, and there are other messy things, anyway, a magical outfit, and countless magical skills, the advantage is not too big, even if one hits five, there is no problem!


Nezha is reluctant to fight against the somewhat unreasonable Xiaochanyu in the angry state opposite. When Nezha does not intend to fight back, but passively defends against the situation, he is naturally blocked by the opponent. The shattered Wushuang mana of the recruiter was affected, so that the huge mana in his body couldn't help but agitated, and even the Hot Wheels he had stepped on his feet were a little unstable.


Nezha didn’t want to, didn’t dare to continue fighting like this with the other party, and didn’t want to keep entangled like this... Therefore, when he saw the other party rushing towards him again with the Wukong technique, he quickly took the initiative to avoid. Embarrassedly used the speed advantage of Hot Wheels to avoid the terrible slash of the pair of Golden Dragon Double Shears. After flying to the other side, he hurriedly said to stop again.

"Sister Chan Yu..."

"Brother, I know you must have a task, so let's do it, I give up now, can't I give up?!"

Nezha, who probably understood why the other party came here suddenly, simply picked up the flaming spear. Then he turned around and ran far away, but he also hurriedly gave in, and didn't intend to continue fighting with the opponent.

Nezha, who has been around for a long time at the Cuiping Mountain Izuyun Peak Sect resident, certainly knows that some tasks do not necessarily need to be done according to the requirements of the Lord God. As long as the opponent has no desire to fight and voluntarily surrenders, then the task is considered to be It's done... This is actually the same as when he beat that Uncle Jiang Ziya before. For demonstration tasks, you only need to stun the opponent and be convinced. After knocking on the sap, it's just an extra act. Not a necessary procedure.

Therefore, at the beginning, he and the guys from Izuyun Peak had trouble with Jiang Ziya's uncle several times, and the opponent who even beat Qian Yuanshan did not dare to go down. It was really just for the task and contributing points for the sect. Right or wrong, there is no force field, and it doesn't mean that he is leaning towards anyone.


"Acknowledge, admit defeat?!"

Deng Chanyu, who was about to continue attacking the opponent, was suddenly taken aback.

Obviously, she must have heard the wonderful sound of the completion of a certain task called the Lord God. Some of her tasks seem to have been completed, and at the same time she has received a considerable amount of martial arts contributions. Points reward?


Finally, I ran into each other here. I just spared the guy who lied to her for so many years, and for so long, still likes to see people like that kind of kid, it always seems to make her faint Willing? !

"No way!!"

"I'm telling you, Nezha! Even if you admit defeat, we must not just leave our affairs like that, let's do it!!"

Although I came here for thousands of miles to help this time, it was indeed due to the mission of the Lord God, that I could teleport over in an instant...

However, Deng Chanyu thought for a while and decided: As the female general of the Dashang Dynasty and the deceived herself, in public and private, she must not just forgive each other just because of a confession!

and so,

Even if Nezha, who retreated quickly on the hot wheels, has surrendered, even if his purpose of coming here today has been achieved, even if the other party has been letting himself, but I feel that I must get an explanation from the other party today She suddenly charged forward again, using the dance technique that could fly freely and was good at fighting, and rushed toward the opponent again.


Reduce the speed of the enemy, the effect can last until the end of the battle between the two sides!

Another special spell, like no money, directly covered Nezha who was flying backwards while stepping on the hot wheel, and the opponent's retreat speed was suddenly reduced by a level... Then, the situation of this increase was eliminated. Down, Deng Chanyu's speed was finally faster than that of Nezha who only wanted to escape for the first time. He had no intention of fighting, and kept damaging the morale of his own soldiers. He didn't take the war seriously at all.

Huh! !

"Wow! Xiaochanyu, are you really crazy?!"

I found that my speed was reduced to a very slow rate in vain, and then a golden sword blade slammed from the bottom to the top. Although Nezha had tried his best to lean towards the back, but the one wrapped around him Hun Tian Ling was still doing something wrong, but was cut into neat and smooth halves by the opponent's sharp blade from the middle position!

Fortunately, Huntian Aya is not a general magic weapon. Although it was indeed cut in half by the opponent's "Golden Dragon Double Cut", but soon, the Huntian Aya that was divided into two was cut in half. I automatically connected it at the fracture and recovered instantly, turning into a long red silk that was intact.


"Oh! My mother! Sister Chanyu, when did you change this magic weapon?"

"Ah! The heroine is spared~!!!"

Although, in the crowd, it is always a bit nonsense for him to call someone a big girl to be called a sister. Although his turning around and dragging a spear and running, it may be a little bit dumb to laugh and cry, and it is likely to make people laugh. He, Xiqi Army and Prime Minister Jiang all lost their face... But Nezha, who felt that the woman behind him might be a little more terrifying than that insignificant thing, now where can he care so much?

Sure enough...

A few years ago, his mother warned him not to provoke women casually. He still didn't believe it, and he was very disdainful? But looking at it now, it's really unbelievable. After the little girl who was cheating grew up and became a woman, she was really unattractive!

In the past, the other party would only use the trick of crying to deal with and annoy myself to meet her requirements... But now it’s good, the other party has learned the kind of disagreement and just turn around and copy the guy to fight, let him It's hard to hide, and you don't dare to fight. It's really difficult for the left and the right.

Dang~! !


Ne Zha once again used the fire-tip spear to accurately open the opponent's Golden Dragon Shuang Jiao, but accidentally, because he was not used to being slowed down, he was kicked by a woman who had become bad. On to his delicate little ass.

Cang~! !


Although Nezha was decelerated, once again successfully blocked the opponent's fierce double swords whizzing down from mid-air, but he had been passively defending, so he could only grin out his teeth. Watching the tip of one of the golden dragon double shears swept across his nose with violent wind blades, he cut several of his hair easily.

Dang~! ! !


Finally, as the saying goes, long-term defense must be lost, there is no such kind of unbreakable defense in the world, let alone the situation of passive defense, why not counterattack?

So of course, when Nezha successfully blocked a mad woman’s combined sword attack for the last time, before he had time to be happy, he was beaten by the opponent’s heavy blow. The steamer hit the ground directly!

Boom~! !

The impact sound resembling a muffled thunder, the landed Nezha hit a dry hillside directly and deeply, and also aroused a large area of ​​loess floating dust, which directly blocked the Xiqi Jiang and Prime Minister Xiqi The sight of Taishi Chaogewen and the others made people totally wonder if he had anything or was injured.

"it is good!"

"What a woman who won't let her beards!!"

Although Taishi Wen Zhongwen also knew that the reason for this now is that the enemy general Nezha on the opposite side has no fighting spirit, but he can probably see that the ability of Deng Chanyu of Deng Jiugong in Sanshanguan is absolutely It was a super first-class level, and the combat effectiveness was at least the kind of existence of the earth fairy level.



At this moment, the Xiqi generals sitting on their respective mounts and clustered around Jiang Ziya, after seeing the results, looked at me, I looked at you, and they didn’t know whether they should rush or not. Go out to help a group of Nezha who seemed to have lost deliberately.

After all, the reason why the opponent was beaten so badly seemed to be asking for it at all?

"Huh! It's ridiculous!!"

"Yang Jian! Go on, try your best, and I must take down the female general from the enemy army!!"

Jiang Ziya, who had long been seriously dissatisfied with that Nezha who flirted with the enemy generals before the formation, and did not work hard, only knew to run away, and was seriously dissatisfied with the behavior of damaging his own morale. Seeing that lawless and disrespectful command After the little nephew who did not respect the teacher finally lost the opponent’s hand, he waved annoyedly without waiting to check the opponent’s situation, and signaled the general Yang Jian next to him to dispatch quickly and be sure to take down the arrogant businessman. Tang female general Deng Chanyu.



Seeing that the female player was still reluctantly toward her brother, swooping towards the place where Nezha landed, fearing that the other party was really Yang Jian who wanted to take Nezha’s life, she waved the three tips in her hand. The blade knife, leaving the saddle of his mount, flew directly up, directly using his eight or nine profound arts and vertical golden light ability, instantly transformed into a very fast dazzling golden light, fiercely towards the unreasonable female general The interception aided the past.

Cang! !

After a sound of metal collision, everyone saw that Yang Jian was about three feet away from the ground, and had a dangerous head-on collision with the opponent's weapon, saving a companion who was still stuck in the pit.


Yang Jian just made a fluttering backflip and successfully vented his strength. He jumped onto a small hill not too far away. He first glanced at the slight white mark on the weapon in his hand, and then looked towards with a bit of sullenness. The woman who was hit by his power and fell to the ground, staggered a few steps, sank into the ground with the heel of her left foot, plowed a deep gully, and barely stopped.


It’s just that, let’s not talk about other skills. Although he knows that he has some suspicion of sneak attack, but the strength of his Yang Jian and the other party have already been judged, and the other party’s strength is definitely far worse than practicing. Xuan Gong’s own.

Regarding this, Yang Jian is very confident.


"Nezha sees that you are a female classmate, so I don't want to do it with you. Since you don't know good and bad and insist on being strong, then let me Yang Jian come and meet you first!!"

Seeing that the female player didn't have a serious problem, she jumped up from the gully quickly and patted the yellow mud on her body, shaking her hand and seeing the extraordinary'Golden Dragon Double Scissors', Yang Jian nodded. With a slight force, he shook the three-pointed two-edged sword in his hand, and after a trembling sound of a'buzzing', he stepped forward slowly and walked towards the opponent step by step.

At each step, he was using the eight or nine profound arts and the law of heaven to increase the strength of his body and the aura that it radiated. It seemed that he wanted to see if he could crush the opponent from the aura, and then see if he could directly To win without fighting, will the female general who looks at some doorways be captured alive or beheaded?


He Yang Jian is not like Nezha, because he knows the other side and he is afraid of the other side and does not want to be the enemy!

Now this is the battlefield. The Great Tribulation of the Conferred Gods has been opened, and the world is full of murderous intent. If they are cultivators, if they don't pay attention, then everyone can be on the list of Conferred Gods! Therefore, if he still wants to live for a long time, and he wants to cultivate a positive result, he must go all out, but he won't be merciful just because the other party is a woman! !

"Huh? Yang Jian?"

Frowning and looking at the other side intently, Deng Chanyu snorted in annoyance after loosening the slightly numb wrist caused by the collision just now.


She obviously didn't know each other, she just heard that the general Xiqi with a third eye in Que Ting was very powerful, and she had experienced it just, now she is silently taking the other side's step. After stepping towards the powerful pressure and momentum when she slowly walked towards her, she felt that the other party had become stronger and stronger, and she quickly made up her mind without waiting for the other party to continue to improve her momentum and strength. Plan to preemptively and try the other side's strength.

"Yang Jian, right?"

"Then just let your horse come here! My disciple of Cuiping Mountain Chuyunfeng, I never fear anyone!!"

In the past two decades, Deng Chanyu, who has done countless division missions, ghost hunting missions, and other mission chains, or broke through the dungeon mystery, has no worse combat experience than the opponent. Therefore, she just breathed a sigh of relief. It quickly offset the powerful oppressive aura that was exerted on him.

【Power of the Beast】

Increase your damage and strength, and continue until the end of the battle.

【Shura Curse】

When being hurt, half of the damage you have received is directly counteracted to the opponent's body.

Deng Chanyu, who knew that he was more than dexterous, but was seriously lacking in strength, resolutely performed two stunts on himself while the opponent was walking towards him step by step, causing a fierce and violent monster mark to appear on his body. It flashed past, and then, she quickly gained extremely powerful power and spell power to counter the enemy.


Suddenly, at the same time, it seemed that the third eye on his forehead had seen something like Yang Jian, his momentum suddenly stagnated, and he had to stop in doubt, and frowned and looked at each other's heels and feet carefully. Come.


"Are you... a demon cultivator?"

"No, that's not right! Did you just use some kind of demon technique?!"

Yang Jian, who just wondered if the other party was in the form of some kind of ferocious monster, after sweeping the opponent with his third eye, he quickly reacted and understood that he had just seen the opponent. 'S fierce beast is not actually the opponent's body, but seems to be an evil demon technique used by the opponent to temporarily increase its strength?


"You are using the demon method, look at the trick!!"

Breaking the blood! !

Deng Chanyu, who was already very irritable, even her acquaintance Nezha who grew up with her dared to cut her. Without waiting for the other party to approach, and even less likely to wait for the other party's momentum to rise to the highest point, he stepped on the gold under his feet. Silk walked on every day, launching her most proud bloodthirsty stunt.

"What a demon outsider! Good come!!"

Seeing that the opponent had already attacked him, and seeing that the opponent's body skills and moves were very mysterious, Yang Jian involuntarily cheered the opponent, and at the same time shook the three-pointed two-edged sword in his hand. As soon as he exerted his strength, without waiting for his profound arts to maximize his momentum and strength, he directly bullied himself, relying on his longer weapons, and slashed at the head of the female general!


Deng Chanyu snorted again, and without waiting for the opponent's long weapon and body, he suddenly activated his air dance technique.


It's so fast! !

Unexpectedly, in the midway of the charge, the opponent could unexpectedly avoid his own attack without using his feet, and then rushed towards him again from the other direction without reducing speed. In order to get the opportunity, the weapon was too long and became a burden to Yang Jian, so he could only quickly retract the magic weapon in his hand, and reluctantly used the long handle of the three-pointed two-edged sword to block the opponent.

clang! !

clang! ! !

Two loud sounds of rapid slashing sounded, after the huge air currents and sound waves scoured the surroundings, blowing a lot of plant branches and leaves, and blowing a lot of dust and sand, some Losing Yang Jian, who was preoccupied, he was beaten back several steps before barely stopping his body.


"Okay! What a set of powerful sword tricks, what a demon trick to increase strength! It's just a pity, the evil way is so crooked, and compared with the right way of my Taoist school, it is simply not enough!!"

The other party unexpectedly has such a big power suddenly, it is indeed an incredible magic! !

After trying to use the power of the earth to get rid of the opponent’s weird strength, Yang Jian then remembered the shape of the monster beast that had just flashed on the opponent. He understood that the opponent was obviously a woman, but the strength was Suddenly he was even stronger than when he intercepted the opponent, almost a little bit more than the reason for his own practice of eight or nine profound arts.

But it's a pity...

If you don't follow the right way, you won't be able to become immortal after all! That kind of demon technique that temporarily increases vigor, and where is the permanent vigor and immortal golden body that Yang Jian's Eighty-Nine Profound Art obtains from the body refining formula better? !


"Asshole! See if I won't tear your stinky mouth!!"

【Total Annihilation】

-Invincible! !

Hearing the other party opening up an evil spirit, and closing his mouth is another demon method, which makes Deng Chanyu directly angry into her heart. She is very uncomfortable with the other party to insult her master's magic method, so she took advantage of the other party to completely remove the two of her. When he had the opportunity to break the blood and attack, he blatantly launched another trick of his own, waving the golden dragon double scissors in his hand, jumping up high, and then accelerated, and the light of the calcium carbide rushed to the opponent's face. In front of the door, right now is the dazzling four consecutive heavy slashes! !


For the first time, it was blocked by Yang Jian...

clang! !

In the second stroke, with the power of the first stroke, the hilt blocked by Yang Jian, who was somewhat unstable, was smashed open by Deng Chanyu with the combined force of two attacks.

Cang! ! !

In the third time, the Golden Dragon Double Scissors slashed to Yang Jian's shoulder armor firmly and while cutting out a spark, it was deeply lost!

clang! ! ! !

In the fourth time, she changed the attack direction of the Golden Dragon Double Scissors slightly in consternation, and swung towards the opponent's neck...

Every time there was a harder slash, a louder than every sound erupted. In an instant, Yang Jian, who was severely slashed twice on his body, was staggered by the opponent's first two swords, causing the next game. Unsteady, and under the effect of the opponent’s weird force and the two swords behind, he flew out sideways on the spot, and hit several big trees in the forest in the distance. Chips, wood residue, broken branches and fallen leaves splashed all over the place...

"Huh! Huh!"

Counting the previous blood-breaking attacks, Deng Chanyu, who has been slashing six times in succession between the calcium carbide and the fire, even with the blessing of the power of the beast, but has continued to make full shots for six times, and now she is a little out of breath. Evened up...So, she quickly began to gasp and recover the slightly chaotic mana and vigor, while secretly guarding herself, staring at the chaotic forest in the distance.

She knew that Yang Jian, he was definitely not injured!

Because just now, although her move swept across the thousand army two times and cut the opponent's body, but... she found that the opponent's body, there will be bursts of sparks, as if seeing the iron stone? I don't know if the opponent's body is really that hard, or the opponent has some kind of protective body armor or magic weapon that is invulnerable to the sword?


‘Good fight! ! ’

‘What a strong woman! ’


‘I can’t wait much...’

‘Um...Daughter of Deng Jiugong, true female hero too! ! ’

Seeing that in the battlefield below, the enemy general has been beaten by the dazzling series of attacks by his own reinforcement Deng Chanyu with only parry but no fight back. Wen Zhongwen Taishi and Huanghuashan Si who are watching the battle The generals couldn't help but applaud and sighed.




It was different from the situation where Chao Ge on the top of the mountain was laughing and frowning. He found that one of his two generals had been beaten to the ground alive without knowing it, and the other was also shot into the forest. Jiang Ziya and the other generals around him were astonished. With their mouths open or their faces dark, they couldn't do anything, and they were embarrassed to rush forward and besie a woman on the other side.

For a while,

The morale of the soldiers of the Xiqi army who had lined up the five squares on the flat ground once again became low... and even many of the soldiers even looked sad, and the will to fight was obviously It was quite frustrated.


Suddenly, different from the feeling of those watching the game, Deng Chanyu sensed that the situation was not right. Then, without taking care of her rest, she hurriedly mobilized her strength and crossed her golden dragon double scissors dangerously to block her. Before you.


Next second...

Boom! ! !

A golden light flashed, Yang Jian, holding a three-pointed two-edged knife, turned into a dazzling golden light, rushing out of the woods and coming in an instant, and taking advantage of the opportunity that Deng Chanyu's strength was being used for urgent repairs, he fiercely A knife slashed to her cross-blocking Golden Dragon Double Scissors, and then, the blade slammed into the heart of her colorful phoenix-winged garment without any loss.


puff! !

A scream sounded...

Because I was too eager to fight at the beginning, it might be too easy to fight with Nezha, so I underestimated the enemy. I didn’t expect that the opponent’s counterattack would be such a fierce and fierce Deng Chanyu. The shears were directly swung away, and after being hit hard by the opponent's three-pointed two-edged knife on his chest, under the opponent's great strength, he was hit high and flew out, and took a bite. The blood spurted out.

Obviously, when she was careless or did not have the strength of the other party, she had already been hit hard! !


But fortunately, the enemy is not completely unharmed!

No, because of the Shura curse, Yang Jian, who was about to take advantage of the situation to attack and give the enemy a fatal blow, his figure just ready to move, suddenly stagnated again, and then there was a bloodshot from the corner of his mouth at the same time?


"What a vicious counter-attack demon! Demon girl! Don't even want to run~!!!"

Never imagined that if he hurt the enemy a thousand, he would hurt himself eight hundred?

This made Yang Jian feel a little unbelievable. At the same time, he gritted his teeth viciously and forcibly swallowed the blood that was about to spit out. He directly lifted the three-pointed two-edged knife in his hand, and the injury in the air was more severe To be more serious, at this time, the enemy general who was swaying to adjust his flight attitude rushed up.

"Bah! Bah!"

But at this time, after Yang Jian and Deng Chanyu fought for three rounds, a little Nezha who had been beaten so embarrassed before could be able to get out of the mud where the smoke is gradually dissipating, and the pair stepping on him The hot wheels flew out staggeringly, spitting out mouth after mouth of yellow mud on the ground.


"Hey! Brother Yang? You have to be more careful. If you can't beat her, you should give up quickly. Don't bully her too much, or you will regret it later, I swear!!"

As soon as he looked up, after seeing that his little Chanyu was injured and Yang Jian was flying towards him, Nezha quickly half-threatened and half-kindly gave his brother Yang Jian a'remind'. At the same time, he picked up the fire-tip spear in his hand, and swiftly flew up into the sky regardless of the embarrassment on his body.


However, at this time, Yang Jian, who was hitting real fire, didn't seem to want to talk too much nonsense with a fellow suspected of collaborating with the enemy. He just raised the three-pointed two-edged sword in his hand, ready to take the opportunity to kill the one that seemed to be injured. For this reason, she had to hold two golden swords in one hand and the female general who touched her chest in the other.

This time, he can definitely cut the opponent down to vent his hatred! !

Whoosh! !


What it is?

Suddenly, when Yang Jian stepped up and raised his broad sword high up, he was about to cut the unbalanced female general in the sky into two pieces with a single knife, a colorful light flashed towards his front door. Smashed down!

The speed came very fast, and he himself was rushing upwards. Therefore, under the addition of the two, although he clearly saw the gadget with five colors, he couldn't dodge it, even the grid. I couldn't stop it, I could only be sturdy and the opponent slammed toward the door!

"this is……"

"Brother Yang, be careful of her hidden weapon..."

Okay, Nezha, who looks like a three-year-old kid, speaks a little bit slowly, even if he sees that little Chanyu scratching his chest, he already knows what he is going to do?

So, he promised that he definitely didn't mean to speak so slowly just now... blame? !

Snapped! !


Nezha, who was flying in mid-air on the hot wheels, couldn't help but exclaimed. It seemed that it was for Brother Yang, who didn't make a sound, and fell to the ground with a whirl face.

Because, when I watched that Xiao Chanyu grow up, Nezha knew very clearly. If Xiao Chanyu used a special technique to hit the five-color flying stone, it would feel so sour. ... And, after only a few years of seeing him, he discovered that the other party's tactics of using hidden weapons are really getting more and more skilled!

Just took it, let alone the kind of unpredictable situation, even if it is a defensive situation, I am afraid that neither he nor the Yang Jian brother will be able to resist it?

‘Wow! Wang! ’

After discovering that his owner, Yang Jian, was hit by the front door and dropped to the ground, the snarling dog, who had been on the ground and was not involved in the battle, barked and stepped up in the air. , Opening that blood basin and mouth wide, wanting to bite towards Deng Chanyu's neck?

"Naughty animal! Looking for death?!"

It's fine to be bullied by other moral cultivation, and now even a dog wants to bite yourself? Therefore, Deng Chanyu, who was seriously upset, hit the dog's head with another five-color flying stone! !

‘! ! ’

‘Oh~oo~! ! ’


The snarling dog that just rushed up, after his dog's head was hit hard by the five-colored flying stone, he turned around and ran away with his tail between the tails, and disappeared in the blink of an eye, never daring to be like before. That way, grinning and going forward to bite the enemy in the air.

"Be careful!!"

Suddenly, Nezha exclaimed.

Hum! !

It turned out that he saw that Yang Jian, who had just fallen to the ground, had enough energy at this time, and he slammed the three-pointed two-edged knife in his hand at the badly injured Xiaochanyu in the air? !

Bang! ! !


Deng Chanyu, who thought he was able to do something and relaxed, was directly hit by a three-pointed two-edged knife in his heart when he couldn't reach the defense! Fortunately, the defensive power of the colorful phoenix wings on her body was amazing enough that she just squirted another big mouthful of blood, and then planted on the ground. Fortunately, she was not penetrated by the opponent's sharp blade. Weak body.


Backed by the opponent’s demon technique again, a mouthful of old blood finally couldn’t help but squirted out, so that his face was half covered in an instant, and he couldn’t tell whether it was stained by the five-color flying stone or the blood just sprayed out. Yang Jian resisted the severe pain and jumped up from a backflip on the ground. After reaching out his hand to recall his magic weapon, he gritted his teeth to hold back his injury and hurriedly chased him in the direction where the enemy landed.


"No! Hurry up and save her!!"

Although he knew it might be too late, Taishi Wen Zhongwen, who didn't want to do nothing, hurriedly urged the Mo Qilin under his crotch, turning himself into a black wind, and quickly dived down the mountain regardless of his own safety. Away.

Because, everyone knows this situation now. The heroic female general Deng Chanyu, who was so heroic and beat two enemy generals, has now completely failed...


Okay, you are Yang Jian. That little Chanyu in my house is reluctant to fight me. Are you still playing with my sister? !

"Brother Yang! Please stop?"

Nezha, who was taken aback in his heart, hurriedly opened his mouth and shouted to Yang Jian, who was obviously murderous.

"Hello? You have won, what else do you want to do?!"

Seeing that the other party didn’t listen to my advice and was still accelerating, and depending on the situation, he really planned to go forward and kill the little Chanyu who was going to kill him, but Nezha, who couldn’t take care of too much, slammed the one at his feet. For the Hot Wheels, let it ignite raging flames and spin at high speed, and at the same time, it rushes toward the opponent with an acceleration!


Nezha shouted again, however, the other party rushed faster and raised the terrifying three-pointed two-edged sword high up, and was about to cut the enemy's head with his hand?


So courageous, forgive you! !

He Nezha is very loyal. For the sake of my brother, he can stab at any time and go through fire and water.


Now, for the sake of that Nezha who grew up with him, crawling and rolling in the mountain stream of Cuiping Mountain, making contributions together, and making trouble with others together, it can be said that he is a childhood sweetheart who has no guesses. He is now It seems that it's okay to cut the brother twice?

Therefore, Nezha also charged...Like the opponent, the fire-tip spear in his own hand was also raised high, and the purple flames on the top of the gun directly spread the whole gun body, and the gun head What kind of red light looks particularly dazzling!

After all, Nezha knew that a certain guy's Ninth Rank profound art was so powerful that he had almost reached the level of transformation. If he didn't use his best, he could easily pierce the opponent's body.


damn it!

Nezha, who turned into a red light and rushed up hurriedly, soon discovered that his speed was still a little bit worse, as if it was too late?


Although I knew that I might not be able to stop it, but at a critical juncture, I couldn't take care of too many Nezha, so he roared and broke a certain mana and speed that had been blessed by Xiaochanyu before. With spells, he made his body quicker again, and fiercely moved the muzzle of the fire-tip spear in his hand, with the sword in front of him, and he was about to capture the back of Yang Jian, the head of the enemy. Stretched over....

I don’t know why, Nezha just feels at this moment that if his little Chanyu has three long and two short words, he can’t say that he will turn against Xiqi in front of the battle today, become a real body, and move his sister in front of him. Yang Jian's fierce fight endlessly?



When a certain anxious little Nezha roared and planned to attack his good brother, good partner, and comrade-in-arms Yang brother, he was ready to stabbing a black spear in the back to prevent the opponent from hurting Deng Chanyu... When Yang Jian took the knife and fell, When I was about to cut off the head of a female general who was just looking at him in a daze, who was at a loss...

Suddenly, fire lights suddenly exploded between Yang Jian and that Deng Chanyu! !


boom! ! !

With a loud bang, not only was Yang Jian caught off guard as being shot, but Nezha, who rushed too hard and was about to stab the black spear, was taken aback by the flames, and almost couldn't stop him. A long flaming gun! Fortunately, he finally took the weapon back. He didn't accidentally stabbed someone who didn't listen to his advice. He hurriedly backed away, and dangerously supported someone who was flying towards him. It looked like Yang Jian also suffered serious injuries.

"Brother Yang, are you okay?"

Nezha's face was stern, trying to prevent others from seeing it. He was actually preparing to attack his opponent just now...Anyway, he didn't have time to do the kind of attacking his comrades from behind for an enemy general. Come out, so no matter what others say, he will not admit it.


"Little Junior Sister! Senior Brother came to assist you in time today!!"

An arrogant, arrogant and unbelievable laugh and a tall and sturdy figure began to appear before Deng Chanyu fell to the ground, and the other party was also waving a huge fire that was still burning with raging flames. Red axe.

Obviously, he just showed up in time, and with one blow, Yang Jian, who didn't listen to Nezha's advice and prepared to behave in front of the battle, rescued his younger sister in time!


Unexpectedly, another helper arrived at this time, which made Taishi Wen Zhongwen and the four generals of Huanghua Mountain who had rushed halfway down the mountain, had to stop their feet urgently, and stared at the tall man in the field. The figures of monsters, ghosts, mountain spirits, human Taoist priests, swordsmen, scholars, bald monks, and those ghosts who knew they were extraordinary when they looked at them, began to appear in the flash of fire around them.


"The thief, Hugh is crazy!!"

Seeing that there was nothing serious about my junior sister, it was only after being injured and Qili was exhausted, that sturdy figure turned to look at the air and was let go by Nezha. At this time, Yang Jian was already covered with blood. .

"There is a Troll King, the chief disciple of Cuiping Mountain Izuun Peak, here, so you can't even think of hurting my junior sister~!!!"

Holding a huge, flame-burning axe artifact-protector and exterminate demons, wearing a handsome purple-gold dragon armor, wearing a bright and golden purple-gold dragon crown, feet on the fire-red Bixia Liuyun shoes, ancient waist wear The bull-headed man with a figure of more than one foot tall (nearly four meters) that Panlong Fengxiang brought with him grinned wide, and stood in front of Deng Chanyu majestic, leaning on the weapon of the blazing flame , Two fingers of the left hand are brought together, pointing to the enemy in the sky to invite war.

"Asshole! Who is your little Chanyu?!"

Although he was almost alive and was rescued by the other party, Deng Chanyu didn't buy it at all, and gave him a stern look?

Because she knew that the guy in front of her must be here to do the sect mission of ‘helping the injured junior sister (or brother)’, and he didn’t come to save herself! Moreover, just now, she was ready to launch the Shadow Flame to escape, even if the opponent didn't come, she would be fine. At most, the mission was flawed and couldn't get all the reward contribution points.

'what! ! ’

‘Oops, let that guy grab the task of helping the little sister again! The enemy is so powerful, at least a few hundred contribution points, right? ! ! ’

‘Hey! That bastard, he unexpectedly invited my team, he just wants to eat alone! ! ’

‘Next week...robbed his chief! ! ’

‘Haha! Yes, yes! Snatching the title of the chief disciple of his sect, does he dare to be so arrogant? ! ’

‘Oh... it’s a trip for nothing! ’

‘There’s nothing left or right, let’s take a look first, even Junior Sister Chanyu lost so badly, that enemy is really incredible...’

‘What the brother said is, just take a look! ! ’


As more Izumo Peak disciples appeared one by one in the sky, on the ground, and even among the woods, Wen Zhong, Jiang Ziya and others were not surprised, but at the same time they had to temporarily suppress their hearts. Those strange emotions, ready to see what the new group of people are all about.


"How come so many helpers come, did you issue the order in advance?"

Seeing the emergence of one by one, the moral cultivation that is not inferior to his own senior brothers, Xin Huan was astonished, and turned to look at Taishi Wen Zhongwen, who had already rushed halfway up the mountain and asked.

"Do not......"

"Some has never seen them..."

Wen Zhong said that if the daughter of Deng Jiugong, Deng Chanyu, was a general of the imperial court, she would appear here and help the Chaoge army, and it is barely passable... Then, those disciples of Cuiping Mountain Izuun Peak, they Why would they come to help one after another, and it seemed that they were really helping him hear Zhong, then he did not know.

Because, he heard that Zhong really had no friendship with that Cuiping Mountain Chuyunfeng school, he just heard about it, and didn’t know too much. He only knew that the school seemed to have the elixir of life, and he was tired. The emperor of their Shang Tang, Xin Pingbai, had more thoughts that he shouldn't have, so Wen Zhong has always had a bad impression? !


After this battle, after seeing the strength of the Cuiping Mountain Chuyunfeng, Wen Zhong felt that if necessary, when he was free, he said that he would not need to walk to Chentangguan in person to see the Cuiping Mountain Chuyunfeng. Which cultivating sect is Yunfeng, and where is that sacred flame immortal?


Seeing acquaintances and friends or the fascinating "comrades" of Cuiping Mountain appeared here, and realized that Nezha was in a bad situation, he quickly let go of Yang Jian, indicating that he had nothing to do with certain things, and that he was not Yang Jian. After his helper, he hurriedly turned around and hurriedly flew to the front of the Wufang Formation of the Xiqi Army, and flew to the front of Uncle Jiang Ziya's Simei.

"The Prime Minister, if we retreat, let them go to the Ge's army? There is definitely no chance of winning this battle now..."

If there weren’t those'comrades' friends from Chuyun Peak of Cuiping Mountain to make trouble, then nothing said, today, tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, as long as their Xiqi army does not leave, the 300,000 army of Taishi Wen Zhongwen from Chaoge, also Don't even think about passing here! Nezha, like everyone else, is very confident in holding this place.


Now that the guy who is disrupting the situation is here, if you don't say anything, if you continue to stay here, there will be no good fruit! !

"Bastard stuff!"

"Just now, you didn't bother to go against the enemy, and now you dare to disrupt our military's mind, don't you hurry back?!"

I saw that the guys who appeared in the same place were really from the Cuiping Mountain Izuun Peak, and after seeing that many of them were guys I knew, I used to be a "sufferer" and hated what those guys did. Jiang Ziya waved back on the spot Nezha who kindly reminded him.

Because, in his opinion, even if there are more than a dozen disciples of Cuiping Chuyunfeng who come to help Shangtang's army, the situation between the enemy and the enemy is not to the extent that he needs to retreat! Besides, besides Yang Jian and a little **** Nezha who didn’t work hard, he was also surrounded by fierce generals such as Jin Zha, Mu Zha, Han Dulong, Xue Ehu, Huang Tianhua, and Bukit. Those who are weak!

Besides, if he really can't beat him, then he won't fight with the opponent in a big deal, and he will shrink directly into the five-square formation, just here to guard, that Wen Zhong and those evil demon outsiders from Cuiping Mountain and Yunfeng Peak What about Jiang Ziya?

At that time, as long as the Chaoge army is trapped so that the opponent cannot advance, forcing the opponent to retreat, then his purpose of Jiang Ziya will be achieved, even if the fight will be defeated, it will be fine.


"Okay! You are stubborn! You are stubborn! Don't blame the little master for not reminding you kindly!!"

After finishing Nezha turned bitterly and stepped on the Hot Wheels and flew out high, far away from the five big formations of Jiang Ziya and the other party... He didn't plan to go now Helping Jiang Ziya to fight against the disciples of Cuiping Mountain Chuyunfeng, and he didn't want to fight back, so he just planned to stay here to watch the show and do nothing!


To be honest, if it hadn't been for the request of the real master Taiyi of Nezha, I am afraid that he would have already turned around and made a counterattack to earn contribution points bitterly!

Therefore, for the uncle Jiang Ziya’s ignorance of good people, he seemed to hate being beaten by him a few times before, and hating being beaten by him several times without listening to his own advice, and reprimanding himself. He said that he would not follow him today. They played, let's see how they die later! !

Anyway, he has persuaded and warned, if you go back then, you can't blame him for not predicting! !



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