Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 861: Little Annie grazes the grass, 3 fairy aunts break Xiqi (2)


"You, quickly send Taoist Lu Ya back to the quiet room in the city to recuperate. Make no mistake!!"

Jiang Ziya exchanged several soldiers from Xiqi, lifted the fainted Taoist Lu Nian from the top of the city, and after begging them a few times, he looked at the Taoist Burning Lantern who came to help.

Before I could finish that sentence, I was beaten by a little girl named Huo Daxian who was unreasonable, lawless and reckless, but with strange strength, and then lost the nail. The Taoist Lu Ya, who had the two magic weapons of the First Seven Arrows Book and the Zhanxian Flying Sword, has now sealed the Nigongwan with the help of the Kunlun twelve golden immortals, and after imprisoning the mana of the Yuanshen, he was given a friendly spell. Dizzy, sent back to the quiet room in the city to recuperate.

Jiang Ziya also knew that Kunlun golden immortals had to do that...

Although the opponent did not seem to be in serious trouble, and his whole body was not injured much, but if a Dedao Zhenxiu cried out in front of his own battle, the morale of his sergeant and many Kunlun monks was still very good. The child’s influence, so directly knocking the opponent out and imprisoning it becomes the best way to protect the opponent.


At this time, looking at the distance, looking at the six female fairies who were still flying in the sky and refused to leave, especially the one who just took the shot, and cleaned up the strength cultivation and Taoism. The little girl who is not inferior to the Taoist Lu Ya, who is not inferior to her four seas, even if her cultivation is as good as the three nights, has reached the realm of Daluo Jinxian, and she is also the assistant master of the sect. Deeply jealous.

In short,

The three Sanxiao fairies from Sanxian Island alone made him a little afraid to do it easily, and now there is another one that seems to be the same as Daluo Jinxian's cultivation base, and the magical skills are even more weird, even The magic weapon of falling people is better than the magic weapon of Xiao Sheng and Cao Bao in Wuyi Mountain, and the little girl who is more mysterious than the money of Luo Bao, what can he do with the lamp?

Although there are many disciples of Kunlun Interpretation Cultivation they are present now, not only his own position in interpreting teaching is second only to Yuanshi Tianzun and Laozi, the assistant master who has cultivated to Daluo Jinxian, as well as Kunlun Twelve Golden Immortals and Twelve Golden Immortals. Many of the three generations of disciples trained by the immortals, such as Yang Jian, Nezha, Lei Zhenzi, etc., but... if they were able to come forward to fight against Fairy Sanxiao and that little girl, it seemed that they would still Really a little too weak?

After all, in his opinion, among the six female immortals on the opposite side, there are at least four large Luo Jinxian existences, and the other side Yunxiao still has that incomparable Golden Dragon, even if he has already learned from Zhao Gongming before. He got twenty-four Dinghai God Orbs in his hand, but in the short time, he was still not sure that it would be the immortal Dao that had already been established since the beginning of the world, and now he has abandoned the six qis and cut down. The opponent of the fairy Yunxiao of the Three Corpses!


Suddenly, he couldn't just advance or retreat, and he didn't know what to do with a good lamp-burning Taoist who wanted to die temporarily, guarding the city, avoiding the enemy's edge, and no longer contending with the six female immortals, he suddenly discovered:

The one in the distance who didn’t know the origin and footsteps, just defeated the little girl who easily defeated Taoist Lu Ya, and after talking to Sanxiao what she didn’t know what it was, she went straight into the clouds, and left here to Qishan alone. Flew away? !


"The little girl who defeated Daoist Lu Ya just now and talked to the Sanxiao fairies before, and who just flew away, do you know who it is and where it came from?!"

Obviously, although the Taoist Burning Lamp knows that there is a monk like the Great Flame Fairy of Cuiping Mountain Izuun Peak, he must not know or have seen the other party. Therefore, he just saw the little man with profound cultivation and strong mana. The girl, who was shocked by the other party, did not recognize or guess the specific identity of the other party for a while.


"There is no need to ask Brother Taiyi, I know who she is!!"

Before waiting for the real Taiyi to explain, standing with the Taoist Taoist, Jiang Ziya, who looked at the five fairy flying in the air outside the city wall for a long time, suddenly gritted his teeth and said.


Unexpectedly, Jiang Ziya's Taoism is insignificant, supported by a mount, a magic weapon and a magic whip. Only forty years of Taoism, the guy who is destined to have no relationship with the immortal Tao in this life knows the origins of that powerful little girl monk. , This can't help but make the Taoist people feel a little strange.

"Who is she?!"

Therefore, the Taoist Burning Lantern who didn't know where the little girl monk was going, or whether the other party would turn back again, immediately asked aloud.

"She is..."

"The evil cultivator on the top of Izumo Peak in Cuiping Mountain-Flame Fairy!!"

Jiang Ziya, who once had a relationship with the other party, finally bitterly said the name that made him gritted his teeth!

You know, when he went down the mountain, he just misunderstood the opponent and fought a game, but then the opponent has been reluctant and sent a number of disciples to him Jiang Shang several times for no reason. He even used the methods of sneak attack, beating, poisoning, and sap, how could he not remember the other party? !

Thinking of this, Jiang Ziya couldn't help but glanced at the queue of three generations of disciples behind him, and glanced at Nezha, who was also a child.

In the past, that nasty little guy beat him with excuses, don't think he can't recognize the other person's appearance! However, due to the face of the real Taiyi, and because he really has no evidence, he has been citing it and not making any comments.

"She is actually the Great Flame Fairy on Chuyun Peak of Cuiping Mountain?!"

"So that's it, Pang Dao understands..."

Nodded, after finally knowing who the other party was, Randeng finally let go.

After all, the 100,000 disciples of the opponent had defeated their Kunlun Twelve Golden Immortals, so it is not surprising that the little girl who is the Great Flame Immortal herself has the kind of powerful strength that can overwhelm Taoist Lu Ya.

"Never mind!"

"In that case, today I will go to meet the three Fairies of Sanxiao on Sanxian Island!"

Taking advantage of the absence of the little girl who is not very clear by herself, look at Fairy Sanxiao in the distant sky who is still unwilling to leave, and see that they seem to have become a little bit relieved after taking Taoist Lu Ya Shao, the Taoist Taoist pondered for a while, and he flew up directly, stepping on the colorful auspicious Qingyun directly under his feet, and slowly greeted the five tall female fairies in the distance.

"Five fellow daoists invited!"

"The Taoist Burning Lamp, I have seen three fairies here..."

After all, this world still speaks by strength, so after standing in the sky not far from the five female celestial beings, Taoist Burning Lantern saluted the three female celestial celestial beings on the Sanxian Island opposite him and did something. Yi Yi.

As for Fairy Hanzhi and Fairy Caiyun, those two blessings are superficial, and the immortal body is hopeless. They are destined to be only the famous monks on the list, so he didn't even look at it when he turned the lantern.

"Daoist, it's good for you to be here!"

"The three of my sisters have lived in Sanxian Island for a long time. They were originally leisurely people and didn't want to care about the right and wrong of the world. However, Lu Ya and Jiang Ziya shot my brother Zhao Gongming to death with a nail-headed seven arrows book. What's he guilty of? Wait for this ruthless hand?!"

"Even if the two armies are at war, the vicious and vicious methods you wait for are really abhorrent! Even though Jiang Ziya was made by Lu Ya, he was the one who set up an array to worship my brother, and the murderer was also a man. You can kill it! So, my sisters have to blame him today!"

"This matter has nothing to do with you, go back quickly, just let Jiang Ziya come to see me, I see what he has to say!!"

Yun Xiao frowned when he saw that the visitor turned out to be a true moral cultivator, the vice-master and also a Taoist Taoist who was also a Daluo Jinxian.

In a real fight, the other party will definitely not be her or their sister's opponent, but the other party's identity is not ordinary, she doesn't want to easily embarrass the other party... But today, this matter has to be dealt with again!

Although Lu Ya has been defeated by Xiao Anni, and he has taken that vicious magic weapon, and pinched the other's life in the hands of his three sisters, he is also involved in the murder of their brother Zhao Gongming. For one thing, Jiang Ziya, who worships the grass and archers by himself, has not given the lead yet, so how can they easily give up? !

"Good, good..."

"Friend Yunxiao, listen to the words of the poor Dao: As the saying goes, people cannot be resurrected from death, this is the number of days! Zhao Gongming's soul has gone to the Conferred God Platform, if the fellow Daoist's heart is not upset, he can directly kill Taoist Lu Ya Life, sent him to the list, it can be regarded as revenge for fellow Dao Gongming Zhao... However, the three fairies have been slow to kill Daoist, just continue to humiliate and torture Daoist Lu Ya, now What kind of reason is that you still want Jiang Ziya's life?!"

The life and death of Taoist Lu Ya, Burning Lantern did not take him to heart.

To be honest, relying on the strength of the opponent's cultivation base, he couldn't wait to take the opponent directly to the list, and the opponent accounted for an extra spot, and the golden immortals under their sect would be safer.

However, although other casual cultivators and even the three generations of disciples of their interpretation and teaching can be sent to the list to prevent disasters, Jiang Ziya is absolutely not enough! Because the other party was the person designated by Yuanshi Tianzun and Tiandao to seal the gods. He died twice and was rescued one after another. How could he not try his best to keep the other party, and how could he easily hand him over to Fairy Sanxiao? In our hands?


Ran Deng think, even if the Sanxiao Fairy in front of him kills Jiang Ziya on the spot, it is useless. Whether it is him or Yuanshi Tianzun, he will definitely find ways to rescue the other party by then!

As long as the opponent is not completely dissipated, as long as the opponent does not enter the Conferred God Stage or go to reincarnation, no matter how many times they die, even if their bodies turn to ashes, they will have a variety of good ways to rescue the opponent again. Before they finished presiding over the matter of entrusting the gods, they decided not to let the other party accidentally happen!

After all, this is the number of days, and the sky is destined to need the flying bear dreaming Jiang Ziya to preside over the Conferred God List on behalf of the Conferred God. This matter can't be easily rebelled! !


"Huh! Who said you can't resurrect? You wait, Annie has just gone to the Conferred God Stage, and I will save my brother later, so I won't rest with you!!"

Bi Xiao, who was straight-hearted on the side, directly explained the conversation they had just with the little Annie and the reason for their departure on the spot.

"Sister! Stop talking, stop talking nonsense!!"

Yun Xiao stopped her sister and told her to stop talking nonsense, and then she kept a cold face, turned her head and continued to look at the one in front of him, which seemed a little surprised. The expression on his face was still fluctuating, and he didn't know if it was. A Taoist who thinks of something.

"Frankenstein Fellow!"

"How can I use the number of days to kill my brother? My and Jiang Ziya’s feud for killing my brother is not something you can cover up with clever words, or you can let Jiang Ziya come and talk to me quickly, borrowing his life to eliminate this paragraph Cause and effect, I can go back to Sanxian Island to continue cultivating, and I won’t be out again in a hundred years!!"


Yunxiao had seen that specious list of gods at the top of the Cuiping Mountain of a certain little guy, and had seen the shocking list above as well as the names and gods of his three sisters and brother Zhao Gongming... But, Mingming felt that the number of days was not unchangeable, so she eventually left Sanxian Island and came to Xiqi, wanting to be fair to her brother!

What's more, when I think of almost all the people on the list of enshrined gods, they are all moral scholars and disciple disciples who reject the teachings. However, there are only a few three-generation disciples on the list, but the twelve golden immortals. She was shocked and inexplicably surprised when all of them had escaped the tribulation of the gods! !

Therefore, I have some doubts in my heart. I feel that it must be the deception after the explanatory people have signed the entrusted gods list, or that Jiang Ziya, who presided over the entrusted gods entrustment list, has deliberately let her be on the list and deliberately protect her, who is the golden immortal. Shih also had the idea of ​​directly killing that Jiang Ziya, and then changing someone to preside over the matter of the gods, to see if the number of days could be changed by then.


"The Yunxiao Taoist friends need to know that although Zhao Gongming has built the avenue, has proven the three-carriage roots, and has penetrated into the fairyland, but God's will is so, he does not have the fate of the immortal body, so he should have this catastrophe... Conferring the gods is also a beautiful thing. You can live without disasters and see for a long time from now on, and you can also go to the Yaochi party and enjoy the flat peaches to add your life. Isn't it beautiful? Even so, why bother with the three fairies?! "

Anyway, Zhao Gongming is dead, and the Taoist Taoist does not believe that the little girl who left and ran to the Conferred God Platform can rescue Zhao Gongming again. Therefore, he picks some good things to say, even if it is open. Seeing nonsense, even if everyone in the room knew that Immortal Dao was far superior to Shen Dao, he didn't blush, and his neck didn't rudely confess all the'benefits' that were on the list of enshrined gods.


From Ran Deng’s point of view, for those monks with immortal Dao indefinitely, shallow Dao, and unknown immortal body, taking advantage of the great calamity of heaven and earth, after death, their souls enter the Conferred God Platform, and then wait for the Conferred God and go to the heavenly court to be an official. A beautiful thing? And whether Zhao Gongming should be on the list or not, whether there is a fate of immortal body, then it has nothing to do with him, anyway, people are not killed by him, and cause and effect can not be counted on his head!

Besides, now that the dead are dead, and the soul has entered the Conferred God Stage, what's the use of the theory again? This is nothing but annoying!


"It's just nonsense!!"

"The old way of burning lanterns, when I watch your fairy body in Bixiao, it is also a little unclear, and the foundation is not very deep. I guess it is the kind of non-immortal body? I have the final say, you should be a catastrophe today! Not if I am now I will send you to the list of gods, let you go to Heavenly Court to be a Yaochi Pantao, right?!"

After speaking, Bi Xiao, who was already filled with righteous indignation, flew out directly, and sacrificed the golden dragon shears in her hand, turning it into two golden yin and yang dragons again, letting them hover together, roaring towards each other. The Taoist Taoist not far away cut the past fiercely!

She doesn't care about catastrophe or catastrophe, she only knows that Taoist Lu Ya's life has been pinched in their hands, she can send each other to the list at any time, and she can avenge her brother at any time! However, the other Jiang Ziya who is alive and well is still here, and they will definitely not give up before destroying the other party!

Now, if anyone stops them, Bixiao will clean them up and send them to the list, waiting to eat flat peaches! Although, she also thinks that those flat peaches are really delicious, full of spiritual power and sweet taste, but if it is the kind of fairy who can only rely on flat peaches to increase life, think about it, let others be better?

"Good, good..."

"In that case, I can only do one game now!!"

The other party has already taken action, so why does Taoist Burning Lantern not fight back and kill anyone? Therefore, he was so busy and sacrificed his magic weapon Universe Ruler, let it fly in front, blocked the two golden flood dragons, and hovered in the sky to fight with it.

"The old way of burning lamps! Pay your life!!"

Seeing that her golden Jiao scissors could not easily win, Bi Xiao released her mount Hua Lingniao, and then reached the opponent's back, a blue sword flashed in her right hand, and she pointed towards the distant one that was still farther away than the sword. The Taoist who instructs the Qiankun ruler to fight with his own magic weapon, the Golden Jiao scissors, pounce!

"Good job!!"

Seeing Fairy Bixiao rushing towards him, the Taoist Taoist did not panic, he also took out his weapon, holding a long whisk, and summoned a cloud-walking sika deer under him, and talked directly with you I came and fought hand in hand.


"Be careful, sister! I'll help you!!"

Knowing that the names of all three of my sisters are on the Conferred God List, I am always a little worried that my little sister Bi Xiao will have missed Yunxiao. After seeing the other party fighting with the Taoist, I can’t care too much, so hurry up. With their own second sisters, they each summoned their own mounts, and rushed out towards the Taoist priest in the sky, riding on the Qingluan and Hongyan Bird.

The three sisters have practiced together for many years. In addition, they have recently gained the supreme chance. The cultivation base has increased greatly. The Taoism is getting longer, and Yun Xiao, who is one step closer to the supreme wonderland, feels that if the three sisters join forces now, there is a golden battle. Now, even if the saint’s presence, she thinks she can handle one or two and protect herself?


"Not good! Brother Burning Light Dao is in trouble!!"

"Okay! What a Sanxian Island three nights, there will only be more enemies and fewer enemies?!"

"Brother Dao, don't worry, I'll wait to come and help you!!"

"Go together! Go together!!"

Seeing that Fairy Sanxiao was about to fight three against one, how could the twelve golden immortals of Kunlun who were looking at the city head willing to rely? Therefore, when they saw this, they took out their magic weapons and weapons such as long sword whisks, or rode mounts, or lifted the clouds and mist, or stepped on the golden lotus under their feet, and screamed so loudly, rushing towards the four people fighting in a group in the sky. past!


"Three sisters, don't panic! We are here too!!"

Seeing that the twelve golden immortals of Kunlun took action together, Fairy Hanzhi and Fairy Caiyun were of course not indifferent. Therefore, they took out their respective magic weapons, took out their respective swords, wind pockets, poking beads, etc., together Charged towards the battle group in the sky!

All of a sudden, the five female immortals of Jiediao, the Taoist Taoist who burned the lamp and the twelve golden immortals of Kunlun all tried their best to kill each other in the high air like that. You came and I fought together, straight to the city. The sergeants and mortals of the Xiqi Army below, as well as Jiang Ziya and others stared straight.

Of course, there are also the soldiers in the forward barracks of the Chaoge Army, but they only see the thunder and fire in the sky, as if the sky is broken. As for the winners of the two sides, it is not clear who wins. It's real.


"Huh? Nezha, why are you still here, why don't you go and help quickly?!"

Seeing that Yang Jian and others had already rushed forward to help out, Jiang Ziya, who was watching wonderfully at the head of the city, suddenly discovered that the Nezha next to him, the nasty three-year-old child, was still staying motionless. Earth, just carrying that flaming spear whose flame is about to go out, leaning on the edge of the city wall to watch the show, there is no fighting will?

Didn't the opponent see that now is the opportunity to take the Sanxiao Fairy and the Hanzhi Fairy and the Caiyun Fairy to win the game and set a good opportunity for victory? !


"Then Uncle Jiang Shang, why don't you go?!"

Nezha, who was leaning on the edge of the city wall, first glanced at the lively battle group in the sky where you are coming and going, then glanced at the opponent, and spit at the ground disdainfully.


"Uncle Master, my Taoism is in the end. It has only been 40 years since Kunlun Mountain has cultivated Taoism. At that time, it was just a handyman of carrying water, pouring pine, planting peaches, burning fire, fan furnace, and alchemy. Taoism is not deep, and he is still a military division of the army. Holding the talisman, can’t move easily..."

Jiang Ziya is not stupid. Now those people above are fighting so hard. Except for the vice-master of the lamp burning and the twelve brothers, even Yang Jian and others can’t get close. They can only find the two fairy Hanzhi and fairy Caiyun. Trouble, why would Jiang Ziya dare to go up and die? I'm afraid, he's not doing anything like this, let alone going to fight, just getting close will hurt him? Besides, that fairy Sanxiao has always hated him Jiang Ziya, how dare he go and die now? Although he has died twice, he doesn't want to die again, because that feeling is not good at all!

So, even though he has the four differences, the **** whip, and the Xinghuang Qi in his hand, he still thinks after thinking about it, he still thinks that it is better to stay in a safer city?


"Uncle Master thinks that they can join in the fun of the big Luo Jinxian, Zhunsheng and Taiyi Jinxian one by one?!"

If it was the fairy Hanzhi or the fairy Caiyun, Nezha might be able to fight with all his strength, so he wouldn't be afraid of those two!

However, if it is replaced by the three fairies of Yunxiao, Qiongxiao and Bixiao, then forget it... You know, even the worst Fairy Bixiao, they are all Da Luo Jinxian level Taoism, maybe People can kill him Nezha with one hand, so where does he dare to be presumptuous?

Besides, he knew the three Sanxiao empresses on Sanxian Island. Although they weren't very familiar with each other, he still didn't dare to do anything with them after all! Therefore, this Jiang Ziya loves what he thinks and thinks, he is here today to watch, just don't do it! !


Anxious, Jiang Ziya flicked his sleeves and continued to look up to the sky, not planning to pay attention to the three-year-old child who was not afraid of him!

After all, he can't really use the whip to threaten the other party, because if he does that, he may not know when the other party will throw that cylindrical thing at him again!

For this lawless guy around him who has beaten himself more than once, surely he would do that? Therefore, Jiang Ziya hesitated for a while, feeling that it would be better not to provoke the other party less, and to ignore the other party, if you don't see it, you won't be upset if you see it! !

But at this time, the melee in the sky is still going on, the fire of various spells or thunderous weapons clashing continuously, for a long time...

In a state of anger, Bi Xiao fought against the Taoist Taoist with one sword and one sword, and he was on a par for a while, temporarily unable to tell the victory or defeat; while Yun Xiao and Qiong Xiao joined forces to resist the Kunlun Twelve Gold Fairy, from time to time, they have to take care of their little sister Bixiao, which is quite easy to do; while Hanzhixian and Caiyunxian are much more embarrassed. They don’t have enough navigation and dare not get too close to the battle between Sanxiao Fairy and Kunlun Twelve Golden Fairies. The regiment had to work together on the periphery to resist Yang Jian, Jin Zha, Mu Zha, Lei Zhenzi and others, and it was difficult to distinguish the outcome in a short while.


During the melee, the Taoist priest did not notice for a while, and found that Fairy Bixiao suddenly appeared behind him for some reason and struck him with a sword. He had to scream out anxiously and directly gave up his new head. The mount of Tayun sika deer rolled down to the point in an embarrassing manner.


"What a Bixiao! Poor Dao can't forgive you!!"

I found that a long sword mouth appeared on my back robes, and I found my second mount was cut in half again under the sword of Jiejiaomen. I don’t know why the Bixiao Fairy moved somehow. The light-burning Taoist with supernatural powers of space, in anxious and frustrated, he no longer dared to hand over with the opponent, but directly sacrificed his own magic weapon, sacrificed the full 24 Dinghai God beads, and went to that I have to fight towards Fairy Bi Xiao who rushed towards him!

"Ah! It's Ding Haizhu!!"

I yelled in exclamation, not daring to resist, and hurriedly moved the supernatural powers that my three sisters had learned from the precious stone that Annie gave them. They moved myself and the mount dangerously to the other side, escaped from the battle group, and avoided dangerously. The twenty-four Dinghai beads that can emit five colors of light, dazzle the enemy's five senses, and are as powerful as the power of the four seas.

Fortunately, the three sisters gained a lot of insights after consulting the space gem, and they all realized the ability to move space. Otherwise, if she was beaten by Ding Haizhu this time, she would definitely not please!

"So courageous!"

"Killing my brother's life, taking my brother's baby, Taoist Taoist, I am Yunxiao forgiving you!!"

Seeing the twenty-four familiar Dinghai Divine Beads, under seeing things and thinking about people, Yunxiao, who was deeply hated in his heart, didn't wait for the other party to continue to use his brother’s magic weapon to beat his third sister, and directly sacrificed himself. The magic weapon mixed yuan Jindou made it suddenly emit a golden light, and moved toward the Taoist Burning Lantern together with the twenty-four Dinghai God Orbs.


"Hunyuan Jindou?!"

Does the Taoist Burning Lamp know how powerful Hunyuan Jindou is? Therefore, seeing that Fairy Yunxiao sacrificed that incredible magic weapon, he was so scared that he turned his head quickly and planned to flee away.


I saw a golden light flashing, and before the Taoist of Burning Lantern turned into a clear breeze and escaped, it directly sucked him together with the 24 Dinghai God Beads inside, and cut the Burning Lantern straight away. The Taoist’s three flowers on the top and the five spirits in his chest, so that a big Luo Jinxian, turned into a mortal in an instant? !


This battle already existed when the world was opened and the earth was opened. According to the three talents inside, it contains the wonders of the heavens and the earth. The cause and effect are unknown, the calamity is not obvious, and the magical powers are unknown, but it is infinitely mysterious. The magical power of the immortal harvest, once the golden light comes out, even the big Luo Jinxian will be doomed! !


"not good!!"

"Brother Randengdao?!"

Seeing that the most powerful Taoist Taoist was taken away by that Yunxiao Hunyuan Jindou, the twelve golden immortals of Kunlun lost their voices in exclamation, and they almost lost their positions first.


Fairy Sanxiao cooperated with Fairy Hanzhi, Fairy Caiyun and Twelve Golden Fairies, who were fighting to death. When Bixiao was almost hit by the twenty Dinghai divine beads originally belonging to Zhao Gongming, Yunxiao used mixed gold Dou received burning Dawn and cut off his top three flowers and five qi in his chest. When the formation of Kunlun twelve golden immortals was getting chaotic, a little girl was swaying over Qishan not far from Xiqi City. With...

Because, like what Bi Xiao accidentally said just now, she is looking for something called Conferred God Platform in Qishan, and then see if she can retrieve Zhao Gongming's soul from it?





"Hey! Tibbers, look, it should be here, right?!"


After searching left and right, searching and searching, even after sweeping Qishan with her own spiritual knowledge, in the end, Xiao Annie came to the top of the small stone platforms built on top of the mountain. The swallow below shuddered, wondering if it was the place where he was looking for the Conferred God Platform.

She always felt that this place should be the Conferred God Stage, but... Seeing that it was not gorgeous at all, it was just something built of broken stones, she didn't believe it at all.

(Report to the little master, this must be the Conferred God Platform!


——Compared with the hesitation of the little master of his own family, a certain bear is very sure, because it has been driving its divine sense to perceive it and discovered the mystery and hidden things in the platform below)



"Nonsense, how do you know which Conferred God Platform is here?"


Little Annie, who has always liked to judge people by appearance, looked and looked. Although she felt that Tibbles was right, she still stubbornly felt that the imaginary Conferred Platform shouldn’t be as shabby as the thing in front of her. Should it be taller?

After all, that is the place of conferring gods, how can you not pay attention to face-saving projects? That Jiang Ziya must be lazy, right? You know, on the earth, let alone this kind of project involving the whole world and gods, even if it is a project hosted by a small city, the officials would like to hollow out the mountain and build a higher one. The more gorgeous golden high platform too! !

On the earth, Xiao Anni had seen the kind of golden Buddha that was taller than a mountain, although she never knew what was the use of that thing... But, anyway, the Conferred God Platform in front of her, compared to The difference is too far, not even a small outdoor parking lot! Look at the crevices of those slabs, the grass that grows is actually taller than one person. Could it be that no one has ever maintained it here?



(Master, see for yourself, on the big stone in the middle of the Conferred God Platform, it seems that the Conferred God List is hanging?!


—— Tibbers, who didn’t intend to talk too much with a bad little master, pointed directly at the top of the stone, where there was a striking letter hanging there, which looked brand new and brand new. ...)



Only then did Xiao Anni discover that it seemed... it was really the same as the one in her house that she had shown to sister Sanxiao before and they had seen the Conferred God List, that is, the one on the top of Cuiping Mountain in her house. Guy?

It’s just that her family’s Conferred God List has known all day long to sleep and practice under the crevices of the stones, and it looks crumpled, so much so that she sees the neat and tidy sheet of cloth like the text below. , Didn't recognize it for a while?

"Well, now that we found it, let's hurry down!"


After speaking, Xiao Anni lowered her cloud head and rushed down!

Coming to this fairy world, she has gradually become accustomed to this slow and troublesome means of driving the clouds and fog... Although it is slow and troublesome, sometimes she finds it very interesting, especially when she is not in a hurry.


"Stop coming!"

Suddenly, when Xiao Annie stepped onto the overgrown Conferred God Platform, which had been abandoned for a long time, the Qing Fu Shen Baijian, who was responsible for collecting the souls of the dead and guarding the Conferred God Platform, appeared from the platform and stopped directly. In front of Little Annie.

"Heavy gods, strict rules of heaven! Here the dead souls can enter, but the living cannot enter! Those with deep luck can enter, but those with shallow luck cannot enter!"

"So, this fellow Taoist, if there is nothing else, please leave as soon as possible?!"

Qing Fu Shen Bai Jian first glanced up and down at the strange little girl in front of him, and found that he couldn't see through the other party. Under uncertainty, he didn't dare to use force, but began to persuade him.


∑(??△`)? !

"Who are you, why stop me?!"


He glanced up and down at the other party, and when he found that the person in front of him was not a big living person or a monster monk, but a heroic thing transformed from a ghost, he akimbo, pointing angrily to the opponent's nose.

"Xunai Baijian, appointed Prime Minister Jiang, once again protect the Conferred God Platform, and attract the souls of the dead, in order to be appointed God in the future!"

"Little girl, UU reading leave quickly, otherwise God will punish you, you can't afford it!!"

Although I don't know why the other party came here, or whether the other party is intentional or unintentional, but after hesitating for a long time, in the end, the Qingfu God Baijian who didn't dare to do it again threatened.



"I'm not afraid! Since this is really the Conferred God Stage, then I did not make a mistake. You quickly get out of the way and don't block my way!!"

(*??︶??*).. .:*??

Knowing that she didn't find the wrong person, Little Annie unceremoniously began to move her short legs, and began to step on the high stone steps, directly bypassing the fierce fellow, and staring left and right. stand up......



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