Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 862: ?Little Annie makes a big fuss on the Conferred God Platform, 3 fairies angry and 2 sa

Qishan, the birthplace of the Western Zhou Dynasty, is also called Xiqi.

According to reliable rumors, it seems to have been the first to come from the seven aunts and eight aunts in the neighborhood of Xiqi City? It is said that the King Wen of Xiqi City had a daydream and discovered a new law of the universe. He dreamed that the sun and the moon revolve around him. Is he Ji Chang the center of this world?

Then, it happened that there was a lost zhuóyuè (zhuóyuè) bird who did not know where it came from and went to Qishan to bark every day. Then, when Meng Chun was 60 years old, there were five stars on the roof of King Wen’s house. It was particularly bright, and later there was a book with a title of phoenix, the capital of the king of travel, and the book said: "Emperor Yin has no way and is ruining the world. The fate of the stars has moved and cannot be renewed. The spirit is only far away, the hundred gods blow away. Five-star gathering room, Zhao Li universal. ’?

Therefore, after all kinds of things were fermented, Ji Fa succeeded to the throne, named Wu Wang, and started to attack merchants, which successfully triggered the Zhou Shang war and the Great Tribulation of God...

As for why there are birds of birds rushing to Qishan to bark, and why there is a phoenix titled book and travel the capital of the king of literature, it is a question of the benevolent and the wise.

Anyway, people in this world, especially those in Xiqi, will definitely not think too much about that kind of complicated and philosophical questions, and they will definitely not think that the screaming scorpion and screaming The phoenix who ran to their Xiqi city to distribute leaflets was instigated by someone, and they felt that it was auspiciousness, and that God was conveying some kind of information to them?

Therefore, they turned against Ji Chang, the second son of King Wen, and were successfully besieged and suppressed by the soldiers of the Da Shang Dynasty. They were also attacked by Taishi Wen Zhongwen from Huanghua Mountain and attacked Xiqi City. Three hundred thousand troops have been besieged for more than 100 days, and it has continued to this day!

Nowadays, Xiqi City is still besieged by Wenzhong’s army, and the five fairies including Fairy Yunxiao, Fairy Qiongxiao, Fairy Bixiao, Fairy Hanzhi, Fairy Caiyun are still fighting against the Kunlun fairies headed by Jiang Ziya. At this time, a certain little girl finally started her mission to Qishan.


Although it is not the highest mountain in the Great Wilderness, it is also a ridged, proud mountain range that guards Xiqi City to the west.

Looking at the past, on the top of each mountain, all kinds of strange pine and strange stones circling and swing up, and spirit beasts and grasses abound! And the cold wind above the high mountains is constantly roaring, the wind is icy and cold, and the sky is full of gloomy clouds and dark clouds, like a thunder or heavy snow falling down the mountain at any time, enough to make ordinary people look forward to. And fearful!

Perhaps, the environment here is for someone named Jiang Ziya, who was ordered by Yuanshi Tianzun to build the Conferred God Platform in Qishan, and only appointed a ghost named Baijian to take care of and place the dead souls here. , But there is no real reason for arranging any ordinary soldiers to guard and maintain this Conferred God Platform, right?

after all,

The environment here at Conferred God Terrace is really too bitter and cold, and ordinary ordinary people must not be able to live here for a long time! And even an ordinary monk would not choose such a place where the cold wind and the killing intent were Ling Ran to settle down and ask for the truth, so now this place is such a desolate scene of gloomy clouds and overgrown grass.

However, in this desolate Conferred God Stage, there were unexpectedly two more figures...

One of them is the clear blessing **** Baijian who is responsible for attracting dead souls here in order to save the gods in the future, and the other is the lawless and wanton who just fell from the sky and broke into this powerful land of the gods rashly. The presumptuous little girl Annie! !


Bai Jian was very puzzled now, but when he saw that he couldn't stop the opponent, he could only frown and follow behind him in confusion.

He had no idea where this monk or goblin descended from the sky came from. What kind of ulterior motives did the other party break into the Conferred God Platform?

However, given that he was just a guardian of the soul and didn't have many means to control the enemy, and the opponent was a monk who could soar through the clouds and mists and descend from the sky, when he saw that the opponent was just wandering around here in the Conferred God Platform, looking everywhere, but After not having too much aggressive action and hostility, he thought about it, and then barely suppressed the anger in his heart, ready to see what the other party wanted to do first, and then make other plans at that time?

Anyway, Bai Jian feels that as long as the opponent does not touch the Conferred God List and does not act on the souls waiting for the Conferred God in the Conferred God Stage, he can treat him as if the other party does not exist. People can do it, he doesn't need to manage too much, and he doesn't have the ability to manage, so as not to have branches! !



First, she went straight over the ghost like the heroic spirit who was guarding the Conferred God Stage, and after passing the block of the Qing Fu Shen Baijian, Xiao Anni began to sit on the Qishan Mountain Peak which looked a little deserted and a bit decaying. Wandering around.

Then, of course, she soon discovered that apart from the reckless mountains, the piercing cold wind, and the billowing clouds in the sky, there was only this small seal that occupies only two or three basketball courts. It's just a sacred platform, it seems that there is no interesting or rare thing to show her!

and so……

Wandering around, in the end, she still had to stand on the vertical piece of the Conferred God Platform, like a stone stele, underneath the big stone with some messy inscriptions and biological reliefs carved on it, and began to look up. Looking at the enshrined **** list hanging on the stone tablet.



The more I watched, the more I suddenly felt that the Conferred God List in front of her might be better than the Conferred God List monster in her family who always likes to make herself dirty and crumpled?

So, she was thinking, is she going to take it now... or should she take it directly?

Anyway, this thing is hanging here, and I haven't seen anyone take care of it, let alone take it away, so I didn't say it, it must be an unowned thing, it is not! She took it, so what can those guys take her? !

As for the ghost-like spirit behind her...



Ghosts, ghosts, or heroic spirits must be dead things, and dead people must have no human rights, and no ownership of any objects in the real and material world. Therefore, after a little verification, Little Annie was able to determine: This confession of gods list, it is a'unowner'! !

and so,

After staring at the huge stone stele in front of her for a while, and using bold guesses and humbly verifying methods to find out that the list of gods in front of her was a masterless thing, Xiao Anni simply did nothing. Constantly, he jumped up high on the spot, and just took a copy, and grabbed the'unowned thing' hanging on the top of the stone tablet into his own hands and fell to the ground again.



(Report to the little master, now that people are still staring at you from behind, even if you really want to take it, can't you sneak along without knowing it when the other party is not paying attention? Pulled down in front of others, I am really afraid that others will not know that you did it?!

ε=(????`●))) alas

——Tibbers doesn’t understand. How big is the hole in his heart for this bad boy? A ghost who is so big is staring at her with wide eyes behind her. Even if she really wants to, she can’t pick it up at a different time, or take it secretly while the other party is not paying attention. She has to blatantly pull it off. ? ! )

"You say it?"


"Huh! It's just a ghost, it's not a human being, I won't be afraid of it!!"


Little Annie turned her head and glanced at the wide-eyed eye behind her, with her mouth open. She didn't know what the ghost was thinking, she turned her head in disdain, and completely regarded the other person as a air.

After all, the opponent is just a heroic spirit at most, so why would Queen Anne care about her? Besides, the other party is a ghost, and no one believes the words of ghosts, otherwise there would be no such words as ‘ghost talk’! Besides, she doesn't just want to take it down now, but she will also take it away later, the other party will find it sooner or later, let it see it now, what can it do to her?


"Stop it! Stop it!"

Seeing that the other party was really like what I was most worried about. After touching and winning the Conferred God List, for a while, the stunned and dumbfounded Qingfu Shen Baijian reacted, and then he was so scared that he pulled out immediately. His own weapon yelled at the little girl in front of her who was standing in front of the Conferred God Platform and was checking the Conferred God List.


"Where did the demon girl come from, I have to touch the Conferred God List again, so I don't want to hurry up? I don't have to wait for punishment from the sky, you and I can't afford it!!"

According to legend, this Conferred God Platform and Conferred God List were made by the ancestors of Hongjun using a piece of mysterious and yellow ancient scroll and the power of heaven, and then signed by three heavenly saints, that is, the leaders of the three religions, preparing for the immortality He Human World selected three hundred and sixty-five eight righteous gods, who were canonized according to their own roots and paths, plus countless heavenly soldiers and generals, and then filled the heavens together and took up positions to manage the three realms in order to maintain the order and safety of the three realms. ...


The current Conferred God Platform and the Conferred God List are both for this world, for the three religions of elucidation, interception, and human education, for the human world and heaven, for the three heavenly saints and Hongjun ancestors, and even for the heavens. An extremely important existence!

And if you change to another person or another monk to come here, you may not dare to look at it more, let alone be like the lawless and reckless demon in front of you, not only lowering the cloud head, not only falling to the stranger. In the Conferred God Stage, on the contrary, he will also take down the Conferred God List and watch it carefully?

Just forget it, but at this moment, Bai Jian is going to take care of it anyway! Otherwise, in the future, if there is a slight omission in the matter of conferring the gods, under the saint's condemnation, in front of the strict rules of the sky, he himself will die without a burial place, and it may even be relatively light to lose his soul! !



Demon, demon girl? !

Hearing that little ghost even dared to curse herself out loud, Little Annie almost didn't hold back and started teaching her! However, she who was studying the Conferred God List suddenly felt that there was no need to care about too much with a ghost? !



"Hey! What are you fierce! This Conferred God List, is it yours?!"


Like shaking a piece of rag, Little Annie shook her Conferred God List held by her **** toward the other side twice, in a very casual manner, as if she was not holding a Conferred God List, but Others, rags that are too dirty to wipe your hands?


"This... this is not..."

Bai Jian, who was about to step forward to stop the horrific behavior of the other party, when he saw that the other party was shaking the enshrined **** list in front of him, and seeing that the list was intact, he breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. It was also a little unclear, and subconsciously answered the other side.

Of course, he had to stop now. He didn't dare to bully himself and use force to stop the other party. He also worried that he would accidentally hurt the Fengshen list. Moreover, when he spoke, his own eyes never left the list. Wen, I have always been afraid that the other party will make some extraordinary actions, and then damage or filth the gods list, so that I will be innocently punished for ineffective supervision.

"Aha! That's right!"


"Really, look. Since it's not yours, what did you just yell at?!"


After that, Xiao Anni was not polite at all and directly gave the text in her space bag. She was going to take it back and see if she could also become another spirit of the Conferred God List by then, and then send it away. For the guy in his own family who has been living at home and knows how to practice blindly, why doesn't he come out to play, be a playmate for that family's Fengshen list?


ε=(????`●))) alas


"What a demon! Hurry up and hand over the story, I can forgive you not to die!!"

In this situation, Bai Jian can no longer take care of too much. No matter whether he is the opponent's opponent or not, he just yelled, lifted the sword in his hand, and moved towards the bold and brave enough to break into the enclosure without authorization. The sacred stage and the demon girl who snatched the Fengshen list rushed.

He intends to defeat or subdue the opponent, and then order the opponent to surrender that important, even if he sacrifices his life, he will get back the list of Fengshen list! !



"Go away! Don't bother me, you little ghost!!"


Seeing that the other party really dared to do something to herself, Xiao Annie directly cast a magic at will.


【Binding the Undead】

Consume a little mana to restrain the enemy undead unit with sacred spells. The duration is determined by the spell power of the caster. Spells can make the target unable to attack, cast spells, move or perform other actions. When the bound target is damaged by an attack or is released from combat, this effect will be automatically cancelled, but the bound undead unit cannot dispel the spell!

Note: To restrain the undead is limited to one hostile undead target.


Her Excellency Queen Anne said that she did not have the time and time to pay attention to the little ghost or heroic spirit guarding the Conferred God Stage in front of her. So, after a magical light flashed, the other party was in an attacking posture like that. The spell was given in place, and he could only use the kind of high-level swinging long sword in vain, but he couldn't cut it down or move, only his eyes and mouth could move.



"I happened to take the Conferred God Ranking, although you can see it, but you can't beat me, you are mad at you!!"


Coming to the front of Qingfu God Baijian, stretched out his little hand, stood up on tiptoe, shaking his white palms in front of the other's angry eyes, and made a cute little grimace toward the other party. After that, Little Annie walked aside contentedly, and took her own bad bear Tibbers in both hands, lifted it high, and held it in front of her.

"Hey! Bad Bear..."


"Tell me, let's come here now, what important thing are we going to do next?"


Obviously, when I just came here, I didn’t do business directly, but just watched the excitement and robbed the gods list. After cleaning up the only object of resistance here, after cleaning up the ghost, she said Zi just'accidentally' forgot the reason why he came to Qishan here gorgeously...

So, in no way, she had to humbly ask for advice from Tibbers, one of her little bears.


ε=(????`●))) Alas! It's hard for the bear to live...

(Report to the little master, you still don’t pay attention to the ghost spirit, aren’t you here to find the soul of Zhao Gongming? Hurry up and get ready to do it, first find the soul of the hapless guy, and then pack it back. Then slowly figure out a way to save it back?!

(● ̄(??) ̄●)

——Saving people or something, as long as the soul is still there, it will definitely not be a big problem for the awful little master of the Tibbers family! Therefore, Tibbers, who didn't want to stay longer on the hilltops of such a remote country, quickly persuaded and urged his little master.

After all, come here to save people or something, and where is it fun to fight in Xiqi City? You know, it's Tibbers Bear Uncle wants to play, go and beat those fairies or something! It doesn’t matter if it can’t be hit. Uncle Xiong can’t extinguish the flame, the left-hand C-14 electromagnetic spike rifle'suddenly', and the right-hand quadruple super Ivan's'boom boom', don’t believe it will not die Those gods and ghosts? ! )



"I almost forgot. It seems that people really came to Qishan for the soul of that poor Uncle Zhao Gongming. You have to hurry up, or the wait will make Miss Bixiao wait too long. It's not good if you do!!"


at last,

Under the reminder of her own little bear Tibbers, Little Annie finally remembered what was going on, and got a little serious, began to concentrate, began to search carefully in the Conferred God Platform, and soon found the one she was looking for. , Hidden in the depths of the Conferred God Platform, the soul of Uncle Zhao Gongming, who had been dead for some days, waved his hand and pulled it out!

‘! ! ’

'here is…...'

‘Annie? You... why are you here? It's so difficult that you also died, so you came to this Conferred God Platform? ! ’

Although I don’t know why I was awake from the state of waiting for the Conferred God, Zhao Gongming saw the scene around the Conferred God Platform, saw Qishan still here, and saw a little girl he knew appeared. In front of him, he couldn't help asking aloud in surprise.

He felt that it must be that way. Otherwise, how could the other party see him and enter this Conferred God Platform where no living person was allowed to enter before the Conferred God? !



"You just died!!"


"Oh! No, Uncle Zhao, you guy was already dead!!"


After seeing the other party coming out, and hearing the bad words that the other party opened her mouth to say, Xiao Anni was suddenly incoherent with anger.


(Little master, you should stop talking, take the other party back quickly, and then talk to the three goddesses on Sanxian Island, find a good way to save your uncle Zhao Gongming. Not later?!


——Tibbers is already a little impatient, anyway, it doesn't want to stay in this boring place anymore, it wants to go back to Xiqi City to fight and fight. )



"OK then……"

(o ̄ω ̄)○

"Hey! Uncle Zhao, I will take you out now, and then resurrect you in a few days, so don't stay in this place and wait for the messy **** named Jiang Ziya to seal you up!!"


No way, she saw her own bad bear Tibbers urging him several times, and she didn’t want to stay here, so she shrugged her shoulders and prepared to go forward and put away Zhao Gongming’s soul and leave this There is no more Conferred God Platform here.


"Stop it! Once the soul has entered the Conferred God Stage, and the name has been entered on the list, how can it go out to resurrect?!"

After hearing the other party's words and seeing the other's actions, and finally knowing the true purpose of the demon girl, she couldn't move at the moment. Only the eyes and mouth could move freely, Qingfu Shen Baijian hurriedly warned loudly.

Perhaps, whether it is Baijian himself or Jiang Ziya, I am afraid that after someone’s soul enters the Conferred God Stage and becomes famous on the list, there will be someone who can forcefully call out the soul and bring it back to life. In this situation, right?

If the other party really does that, then there will be a big mess! When the time comes, the damned person is not dead, but they are on the list, and there is no soul, how should they enshrine gods? !

"Why not?"


"I know, the one named Jiang Ziya, didn't he also die twice? Why can his bad guy be resurrected casually after he died, but my Uncle Zhao's can't do it?!"


Little Annie actually wanted to say: Why can they cheat, but the Flame Fairy can't? !

You know, when it comes to cheating techniques or unreasonable talent, or reckless and arbitrary methods, she dare to say that no one dares to rank first in the second place! And now, whoever dares not to let her cheat, she will beat anyone, and it's still the kind of life and death! !



(● ̄(??) ̄●;)

"you you……"

Qingfu God Baijian was speechless in an instant, because he had indeed rejected Jiang Ziya's soul twice, so that he had a chance to be rescued.

However, it is actually because the other party has not yet entered the Conferred God Stage, and the other party has a special mission, and the name has not been entered on the Conferred God List. Otherwise, how dare he do that kind of rejection in the first place? ?

Of course, he certainly wouldn't talk too much to outsiders for some ways, and he would not admit that he was really selfish and treated differently... But today, he really let go of Zhao Gongming's soul. , Once the opponent’s soul has left the Conferred God Platform for too long, if it cannot be resurrected or protected in time, then either the true spirit will be annihilated, or it will re-enter the cycle of reincarnation. There are three hundred and sixty-five fairy gods of righteousness, that's not what he Baijian, a little prepared Qingfu God, can afford! !


‘Annie, is it really possible? Do you really want to take me out to resurrect? ! ’

Although he could be resurrected or something, Zhao Gongming himself wanted to, after all, he was not stupid!

However, at the same time, he was a little worried. He didn't know whether the little girl who was in front of him had a strong mana, but was very detached, and did everything carelessly.

"Of course!"


"Uncle Zhao, I have just discussed with Yunxiao, Qiongxiao, and Bixiao, three big and small sisters. They asked me to find your soul and bring it back to resurrect you. Don't worry!!"


Not caring about the hesitant look on the other party's face, Xiao Annie directly comforted the other party.


‘However, more than a hundred days have passed, and the Taoist body of my Zhao Gongming must have long since collapsed. How can I go back now? ! ’


I didn’t say anything, don’t guess that Zhao Gongming himself knew that his body was either buried by others or burned by others. No one had kept it specially!

So, even if I go back now, even if it’s my three younger sisters, I’m afraid it’s difficult to rescue him again... And if he was resurrected by other means, it might be better to let him Zhao Gongming stay here on the Conferred God Platform. Waiting for the confiscated god, and then waiting to go to heaven to enjoy the incense of the gods in the sky!

You know, before receiving the invitation of Taishi Wen Zhongwen, his sister Yunxiao had been informed by a transmission that he was on Zhao Gongming's list and was awarded the title of'Golden Dragon Ruyi Zhengyi Dragon Tiger Profound Altar True Monarch'. Isn't he always a member of the heavenly court?

Although he didn't know where his magical Yunxiao sisters learned this secret news, he still believed their words unconditionally. Therefore, at that time, he had the idea that the catastrophe and the will of God cannot be violated. , Resolutely decided to go down the mountain to help Wen Zhong conquer Xiqi.



"Uncle Zhao, don't worry about it! People have seen a guy using a lotus flower to squeeze a living person. Although I don't have a lotus now, his lotus may also be withered... But please don't worry. We will definitely have a solution then!!"



(● ̄(??) ̄●)

(Tibbers really wants to say: Why do the remaining three lotus flowers in the five lotus ponds of other people’s houses wither? Don’t you have any points in your heart? Of course, it won’t be a waste of time at this time. Go and talk to your own messy little master!!)


‘It would be great if the 24 Dinghai God Orbs of the poor Dao were still there. If they were used as the Dao body, they would definitely be able to restore all the cultivation bases of the poor Dao...’

After thinking about it, Zhao Gongming sighed leisurely.

Actually, if it is really possible to use his natural magic weapon to act as a catalyst for the Taoist body and integrate the new Taoist body and magic weapon into one body, he will not only be able to cultivate as a Taoist, but also possibly even improve. One floor, and the main road can be expected?

But it's a pity that his 24 Dinghai God Orbs are now gone...

"Dinghai Shenzhu? Oh! I remember, then where did you hide them?"

∑(??△`)? !

Annie knew that thing. When she was on Sanxian Island, she had seen the other party sacrifice those boring beads, so she felt that if it was not very troublesome, she should be able to help the other party find it back?


'At that time, Xiao Sheng and Cao Bao used a coin to drop and **** it, and now the souls of Xiao Sheng and Cao Bao have all entered the Conferred God Stage. Presumably, the Sea God Pearl should be in the hands of the Taoist Burning Lantern. Are you inside? ! ’

After pondering for a while, Zhao Gongming said truthfully.

At the beginning, he accidentally lost his magic weapon while chasing and killing the Taoist man who burned the lantern. It was also at that time that he killed the San Xiu Xiao Sheng who dared to fall his treasure Zhao Gongming with a magic whip. ! !

"Then where is the hot light burning Taoist now?!"

∑(??△`)? !

Got it!

After all things went around, she still had to find someone else to ask for it, which made little Annie feel unhappy again.

‘You didn’t come from Xiqi, didn’t you see him? ! ’

Zhao Gongming knew that the Taoist priest must be in the Xiqi army, because the opponent and the twelve golden immortals wanted to help Jiang Ziya attack the Chaoge army of Taishi Wen Zhongwen and relieve Xiqi’s dilemma. Therefore, the opponent must be working. Before it becomes successful, he will not easily retreat.

"In Xiqi?"


"Ha! That's easy! Come on, Uncle Zhao, I'll take you back first!"


After speaking, Little Annie stretched out her hand impatiently, and directly shrank and protected the other party’s soul into a transparent magic orb, and then, regardless of the voice of the **** Baijian, she was ready to turn her head and leave this boring one. Conferred God Terrace.


"This fellow Taoist, please listen to me: You are now breaking into the Conferred God Stage, and you have also taken away the Conferred God List and the soul waiting for the Conferred God. Don’t you be afraid that the way of heaven will punish you and turn you into ashes, countless Are you all good at every year?!"

Seeing the other party leaving, Qingfu God Baijian threatened with a loud, half warning and half pleading.

And following his words, the sky above the Conferred God Platform also seemed to sense something, and unexpectedly began a sudden change, causing countless billowing thunderclouds to gather and spin frantically, as if the end is coming, as if ready God Lei descends, bombards a certain who forcibly breaks into the Conferred God Stage, takes away the Conferred God List, and takes away the soul, like a little girl who has seriously violated the laws of God?


|??˙??˙)! !



"Hey! That ‘Heaven’, I’m standing here now, if you have the courage, you can take a look at the thunder. Then, I will see who can save you!!"

??(??????^????)╭?? God, it's you!

Hearing the words of the motionless heroic spirit behind him, seeing the sudden changes in the sky, and also aware of the continuous gathering of the power of thunder, the little Annie blinked, and he unceremoniously crossed his small waist with one hand and stretched out another. The fingers of one hand pointed arbitrarily at the sky that was hovering rapidly, threatening the giant cirrus vortex that looked increasingly terrifying.


The other party actually dared to be presumptuous in front of her Queen Anne, and in front of her Flame Fairy. If he really dared to smash it down, later, I don’t know who caught and beaten him! !

If there is a fight later, her Queen Anne will surely let the guy named Heaven know why the flame is so red! !

??????????← Super fierce!

↑Uncle Xiong is waiting for the show!



While Qingfu Shen Baijian was stunned, he didn't know what was going on, maybe that little demon girl used some powerful means or magic weapon, maybe the other party's words played an effect? Anyway, Bai Jian prefers the former...


Under his horrified and bewildered sight, he only saw that the cloud and thunder in the sky quickly dissipated spontaneously, and the terrible thunder that had been brewing for a long time disappeared in a flash, and Has it quickly become the kind of good weather with light wind and pale clouds, blue sky and white clouds? !

"Sample! It's great to thunder, see if you can!"

o(`^??)o Humph!

Seeing that the thief was fairly acquainted and didn't dare to hack it down, Xiao Anni hurriedly put away Uncle Zhao Gongming's soul magic ball, and after she put a cruel word, she patted her **** and flashed. Completely disappeared.

And here at the Conferred God Stage, there was only one left that recovered the ability to move at the moment she disappeared, and broke free of that strange binding spell, but she just looked around at a loss and didn't know what to do with Qingfu Shen Baijian. ...


"Not good! Fengshen Bang and Zhao Gongming's soul!!"

After a long time, Bai Jian, who was struck dumbly and stupidly, finally recovered, and slapped his thigh, and it quickly turned into a breeze, swiftly flew in the direction of Xiqi City!

He can no longer care about taking care of the Conferred God Platform and receiving the souls that may come at any time. He must go to Xiqi as soon as possible and report to the Western Zhou Prime Minister Jiang Ziya who is in charge of the construction of the Conferred God Platform and the future Conferred God. Make a big noise on the Conferred God Platform and steal the Conferred God List and the souls of others!

This matter is very important, and he should not be negligent! !


At this time, when the Fengchantai of Qishan was changed, in the sky above the east gate of Xiqi, the five people of Sanxiao Fairy, Hanzhi Fairy and Caiyun Fairy of Sanxian Island were hostile to the twelve golden fairies of Kunlun and the three generations under his gate. The battle of the disciples is going on in full swing. No one has noticed Xiqi, including the Fairy Yunxiao who has just collected the Taoist priest into the Hunyuan Jindou, cut the top three flowers, and has five auras in his chest. The changes on the Qishan Mountain not far east of the city, the two sides are fighting as you come and go.


"Oh! Brother Randengdao was taken away!!"

Under the gate of Yuanshi Tianzun of Yuxu Palace, Jiang Ziya’s fellow senior, as one of the “Twelve Golden Immortals of Kunlun”, the real man in the jade tripod in Jinxia Cave of Yuquan Mountain saw the Taoist Burning Lantern taken away, and he did not know whether he was living or not. So he quickly gave up that Qiong Xiao, retreated with the sword, and screamed.

"Master, don't panic! I will rescue the teacher in charge!!"

The Taoist Burning Lamp is not only a fellow brother of Master Yang Jian Yuding, but also the deputy leader of the interpretation, and one of the important figures in the interpretation. Therefore, he is eager to rescue the opponent and relies on his eight or nine profound arts. Motivated the Yinhe horse under the hip, and greeted the sky dog ​​with a whistle, one person, one horse, one dog, one shot, and then he rushed towards the fairy Yunxiao in the sky!


"Yang Jian! Quick retreat!!"

Unexpectedly, his apprentice would do what he could at this time, and the real master Yuding hurriedly shouted.


He still talked a little bit slowly, and could only watch that Fairy Yunxiao once again sacrifice Hunyuan Jindou, only to see a golden light flashing by, and he took Yang Jian, who didn’t know the benefits of Jindou, and took his The guys who dared to do things like Xuan Gong and the Seventy-two Transformations, including people and horses, and the roaring sky dog, were also taken in together! !


"Stop hurting my disciple!!"

Seeing the real Jade Ding with his eyes cracking, he saw that his apprentice Yang Jian was also taken away by that Fairy Yunxiao’s Hunyuan Jindou. He, who was so nameless in his heart, immediately wielded the sword in his hand and controlled his feet. White Qingyun, as soon as he speeded up, broke away from the cover of the two apprentice brothers beside him, and rushed towards the fairy Yunxiao holding the golden bucket alone!

Huh! !

Soon, the real Jade Ding, who had just rushed to Fairy Yunxiao not far, was caught by a golden light before he had time to swing his sword or cast a spell. Then, in that powerful one, even their Taoist brothers who burned the lanterns Under the influence of the invincible golden light, he instinctively was directly sucked into the golden bucket of Hunyuan when the sky was spinning, and soon his eyes went dark, and he didn't know anything...


"Brother Dao?!"

Seeing that his senior brother was taken away by the Fairy Yunxiao, Tianzun Daoxing and Tianzun Manjusri Guangfa who were still covering the real person of Yuding just now exclaimed.

Then, they naturally took the lead in attracting Fairy Yunxiao's attention.


"One of them counts as one, all of you today, don't even think about running away!!"

Now that’s the end of the matter, now that the Taoist and Yuding real person have been collected by their own golden buckets, and they have all cut off the top three flowers, and they have five qi in their chests. Fairy Yunxiao, who had received it, was angry from his heart to the courage, and directly sacrificed Hunyuan Jindou again. Relying on his quasi-sage peak cultivation base and the strength of the magic weapon, he directly sacrificed a golden light, The remaining eleven Kunlun Golden Immortals, Lei Zhenzi, Jin Zha, Mu Zha and others all passed together!

"not good!!"


Dao Xing Tianzun sacrificed his own Devil Pestle, but it was of no use, and the Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun's instrument was collected by the golden light!

"Huh! You dare?!"

Guang Chengzi also sacrificed his own Fan Tianyin, Sau Xia Yi, and used all the supernatural powers to squeeze his mana to the maximum!

But it is a pity that together with his magic weapon, the whole person was received by Jin Guang to the terrible mixed element golden bucket.


Chi Sperm exclaimed, the gossip purple ribbon fairy clothes on his body did not play a protective role, and the whole person turned into a golden light and was received inside the golden bucket of Hunyuan.


The true monarch of Qingxu morality, who had been injured in the Battle of Cuiping Mountain before, has not fully recovered now, has just had time to take out his magic weapon, the five fire and seven bird fans, and has not had time to release those treasured fans made of phoenix wings and green. Luan's wings, Great Peng wings, peacock wings, white crane wings, swan wings, owl bird wings and seven bird feathers exhale air fire, fire in stone, fire in wood, fire in samada, fire in the world A golden light was taken away arbitrarily, without time to make a sound.


"The big thing is not good! Brother Dao, run away!!"

In the blink of an eye, I saw that six of the twelve golden immortals in Kunlun, along with the vice-master of the lamp burning Taoist and the three generations of the strongest disciples, Yang Jian, who had eight or nine profound arts and seventy-two transformations, were all horrified. His Hunyuan Jindou was taken away in a flash by the angered Fairy Yunxiao who had hit the real fire, and Taiyi had no other minds, and even the thunder method that was just about to be used with Yin and Yang swords was forcibly interrupted. Then quickly turned around, ready to use the unearthed escape and escape from Xiqi!

As for the city of Xiqi, the Jiang Ziya on the city’s head, and the little clever apprentice Nezha of the real Taiyi, he can no longer take care of...

Unfortunately, another golden light swept past his back! !

What the real Taiyi never expected was that the fairy Yunxiao and Hunyuan Jindou were so horrible, and the remaining six Kunlun twelve golden immortals including him Taiyi were combined with Lingbao. The Great Master, Huanglong Real Person, Puxian Real Person, Ci Hang Taoist, Filiu Sun, and Lei Zhenzi, Jin Zha, Mu Zha and others were all directly collected into Hun Yuan Jin Dou Li? !


"Haha! Sister did a great job!"

"Sister Daoxing has improved again?!"

Seeing that his sister Yun Xiao immediately subdued all the enemies as soon as he stepped out of his horse and was subjected to a golden battle, Bi Xiao and Qiong Xiao, who had lost their enemies, exclaimed.

However, the two of them are obviously different in their cultivation and focus. They are different from Bi Xiao, who is only happy. As the second sister of Yunxiao, Bi Xiao can see at a glance what is wrong with her sister. The other party's Daoxing seems to have taken another step forward, as if faintly reaching the edge of breakthrough, just a little bit close to reaching the legendary Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, that is, the realm of saints?

But it's a pity that even Qiong Xiao in the realm of Daluo Jinxian can see that the opponent is still at the level of'the Qingluan is close to Yujing', even if it is only half a step away, no matter how strong it is, it is not that. The existence of this level.

"Fairy Yunxiao is so domineering!"

"Daoist Yunxiao deserves to be the true moral cultivation of Immortal Dao as early as the beginning of the world!!"

Seeing that the fairy Yunxiao, who had already abandoned the six qis, killed the three corpses, and became the Daluo Jinxian, instantly overwhelmed the three generations of disciples who had nothing to do with the two of them, and the twelve golden immortals of Kunlun, and the Taoist priest. , Fairy Hanzhi and Fairy Caiyun were shocked, and couldn't help applauding each other's strength.

After all, it is good for the other party to be powerful, no matter what, the other party is also the person on their side, is it their sister? !


"Did you send them those **** on the list of gods?!"

Seeing the enemy's entire army was annihilated, Bi Xiao cheered and rushed towards her sister, and they all went to the opponent's Jin Dou, wanting to see if the sectarians inside were dead?

"No, not yet..."

Yun Xiao shook his head dumbfoundedly, and did not dare to hand over the Jin Dou in his hand to his own little sister, who didn't know what to do and didn't know what to do.

Because at this time, the Taoist Taoist and the twelve golden immortals of Kunlun, as well as the disciples who were taken away from the door, were all languishing in the golden bucket, cut off and topped with three flowers, only five spirits in their chests, and they have not been sent to the list of gods. , However, they have also become ordinary people, no longer the Kunlun Golden Immortal and Da Luo Jinxian before!


"Uncle Jiang Shang, take care!!"

Seeing this situation, seeing the three empresses in the sky in the distance sweeping towards him, Nezha was an agitated spirit, hurriedly drove his hot wheel and then turned and accelerated, It turned into a red light towards the west, and after flying halfway, it disappeared instantly...

Knowing that Nezha might end in this way, he has been preparing to escape for a long time! Therefore, seeing the fall of the Taoist Taoist and his own master, he felt that he was lightly remarked and left him to die, so he fled directly with the hot wheels and the guide flag. I don’t know where Ao went now. .


"Not good! Sister, be careful, the two uncles are very serious!!"

The disciple Nezha, who she knew and did not participate in the battle, left. Even though Yun Xiao saw it, she did not take action to stop the opponent, because... she now saw a worse scene:

An incense that she is very familiar with is now appearing from the colorful Qingyun above the city...


??*????(ˊ??ˋ*)????*???? Ask for a ticket????*????(ˊ??ˋ*)????*??

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