Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 863: ?Extraterritory Demons? VS? Heavenly Saints?|?)?…

clang! ! !

At this moment, there was a sudden sound...

‘Kill! ! ’

"Come on..."

‘Kill~! ! ! ’

Just when the three Sanxiao fairies from Sanxian Island had a complete victory, a Hunyuan Jindou took all the disciples of the Kunlun Interpreter, when the three sisters were due to the vision above the city, due to the colorful When Qingyun and the looming Nine Dragon Agarwood linger and Hanzhixian and Caiyun Fairy were unsure, behind them, there was a sudden noise in the forward barracks of the Chaoge Army, and then the gate of the camp opened wide like a tide. The screams of killing and footsteps from the soldiers of the soldiers had to draw their attention back from Qing Yun Luanjia of the two saints who were about to come.



"They are..."


When Yunxiao, Qiongxiao and Bixiao, as well as the five fairies of Hanzhixian and Caiyunxian, who flew in midair with their own means, turned their heads, they saw: inside the gate of the Chaoge Qianfeng Barracks that was open. , Rushed out of a rushing and roaring Mo Qilin, with a tall stature, three first-born eyes, and magical powers in the middle. He used the male and female dragons with two whips, followed by Huanghuashan Deng, Xin, Zhang, Tao and other four generals. At the same time, he also led nearly 10,000 old generals from the Shang Dynasty Chaoge's elite soldiers. They shouted and ran wildly. They ran to a place only a stone’s throw away from Xiqi City before they stopped. Quickly under the screams of officers at all levels, they opened up a bustling siege army, deterring the anxious Xiqi soldiers on the city.


"Fairies, don't panic, Wen Zhonglai~!!!"

It turned out that the one who was riding a black unicorn, holding a male and female whip, led the generals and nearly 10,000 elite soldiers shouting to rush to the general, turned out to be the disciple of the Virgin of the Golden Spirit, who was under the teaching of the school, and was also a member of the Chaoge’s army of Zhengxi The commander-in-chief, the lone minister of the Emperor Yituo, the heavy minister Wen Zhongwen trusted by Emperor Xin?


Seeing that the other party was just rushing here, although I felt it was a bit late, Fairy Yunxiao was still a little touched by the presence of so many mortals supporting the scene, so she was looking at the people on the top of the city. That piece of Qingyun, seeing that the two saints and uncles hadn’t arrived yet, she hurriedly lowered the azure bird that was riding under her crotch slightly, and led her sisters to land directly to Wen Zhong and his army’s army formation. At a place less than two feet high in front, step forward and answer the other party.

"So it was Wen Zhong?"

"Yunxiao from Bixia Palace on Jieshi Mountain, Sanxian Island, and my two younger sisters are here. They have met Master Wen..."

Yun Xiao recognized that the black unicorn under the other's crotch was indeed the mount of Our Lady of the Golden Spirit. It is said that it was born of black dragon and sacred cow, with fierce nature, bloodthirsty and combative, and was later conquered by the golden spirit, the head of the female fairy under the master of Tongtian, and then gifted this person in front of him. Wen Zhong of three generations of disciples.

But now it seems that it is really a good mount, if it talks about the ability to fight and fight on the battlefield, I am afraid it is indeed more powerful than the Qingluan divine bird under his hip.



Sisters Bixiao and Qiongxiao saw that their sister Yunxiao had gone down to talk to Wen Zhong, they also put away their swords on their respective Hualing Birds and Hong Fu Birds at the same time, and did not speak, so they landed. Qi Qi nodded slightly to the less advanced Wen Zhong who was sitting on Mo Qilin, even if it was a salute.

"Hahaha! Fairies don't need to be polite!"

"It is inconvenient to give a big gift on the battlefield. Wen Zhong is here to meet the three empresses on Sanxian Island, as well as Daoist Hanzhi and Daoist Caiyun!!"

Seeing that these female fairies are really the great abilities of Wen Zhong's own teachings, and seeing that his family came to help him, Master Wen hurriedly saluted and laughed heartily.

Now, seeing that I have added a helper here, I finally dilute the sorrow that was caused by the fall of Zhao Gongming and the destruction of the Shijue formation, plus all the ten days of the king and the innocent being cut off by Chaoge. situation! At this moment, Wen Zhong felt that it seemed that they really hoped to conquer Xiqi before the food was exhausted, and captured the rebel leaders like Jiang Ziya and Anti-Wang Jifa, and then returned to Chaoge triumphantly? !


"Just now Wenzhong has also heard that the Taoist Taoist and the twelve Kunlun Golden Immortals and their disciples have all been taken by Fairy Yunxiao in one fell swoop, is there such a thing?!"

Looking at the mana fluctuations in the sky that have not yet dissipated, looking at the messy battlefield on the ground, and looking at the unclaimed weapons of the gods falling on the ground, and on the head of Xiqi City, Na Wei The only thing left is that Jiang Ziya, the ugly face of the thief, and he will never see those immortals from Kunlun who had made Wen Zhong extremely distressed before, Wen Zhong was shocked with a trace of hope. Asked carefully with his look.

Although it’s a pity that he didn’t have time to see that shocking battle scene with his own eyes, he actually led the troops from the Chinese army camp to Qianfeng Camp with the four generals of Huanghua Mountain. Before opening the Qianfeng Camp door and rushing out, he actually I have heard those exhilarating soldiers describe one or two.



Opening his mouth, Yun Xiao, who originally wanted to say something, didn't say much in the end, just sighed and nodded.

Unlike Taishi Wen Zhongwen’s excited face, Yun Xiao’s eyebrows now have a faintly unstretched sadness. Obviously, she is worrying and worrying about some difficult things, but it’s not good. The Wen Zhong in front of him explained too much.


"Hahaha! Good! Great good! My heart is comforted!!"

I heard Fairy Yunxiao personally confess that after confirming the embarrassing Dao Ren and the twelve golden immortals of Kunlun who had beaten them before, all of them had not fought here, instead of using the escape method that he took for granted. After the situation, Taishi Wen Zhongwen raised his head and laughed loudly and unscrupulously.

"Wen Zhong is here to thank Fairy Yunxiao and all the fairies!"

"Since all the emperors in Kunlun have been defeated, only Jiang Ziya, who is not worth mentioning, is left. Then today is destined to be the day when I hear that Zhong breaks the city to kill the enemy and defeat the captives! Master Chaoge, I will be my Majesty Ming and invite credit for all fairies!!"

After speaking, Taishi Wen Zhongwen was excited and impatient, and directly raised the male and female dragon whips in his hands high, intending to let the four generals of Huanghua Mountain charge with him and break the city gate in one fell swoop. , Attacked Xiqi, hacked and killed the thief soldiers, captured the anti-Wang Jifa and the thief Jiang Ziya who hated him for many days!

He Wen Zhong has been waiting for this day for a long time, and now his destiny is on his side. As the saying goes, if he doesn't take it, he will be to blame? Therefore, he must not miss the great opportunity in front of him. Before that Jiang Ziya has not found more monks from the Three Mountains and Five Mountains to help the battle, he must take advantage of the opposing party's inability to block the opportunity to block the Chaoge army, and take the public in one fell swoop. The city of Xiqi, which had risen to the rank of the king, quashed the capital of the Western Zhou Dynasty, and set an example for those rebels, thieves, and princes who dared to rebel against the Shang Dynasty, and let them know what it would be like to be a traitor. End! !


"Wen Taishi, wait a minute!!"

However, he hadn’t waited until Wen Zhong was ready to swing the male and female dragon whips to order the whole army to charge, and drove Mo Qilin forward to smash the wood-inlaid bronze gate of Xiqi City, and ride on the back of the Qingluan **** bird Yunxiao hurriedly lowered his height again, abruptly stopped in front of Wen Zhong, and promptly prevented the general attack that the opponent was about to launch.


"Fairy Yunxiao, why are you?!"

Wen Zhong didn't understand why the other party would stop him...

Because now is the perfect time for the Chaoge army to take the opportunity to launch a siege war, and he is still very sure that he can win the battle directly with a small casualty, and has a great chance of catching the one above the city. Jiang Ziya, the thief who is already on his way, and the anti-Wang Jifa who has been hiding in Xiqi City and has not dared to show up! !

At this time when all the immortals of Kunlun Interpretation and Cultivation had no battle, just a Jiang Ziya holding a whip in his hand, there must be no way to stop Wen Zhong from breaking the city gate or smashing the city wall! Therefore, in Wen Zhong's view, they are already holding the winning ticket, and the Fairy Yunxiao in front of him is still wasting time to stop him and miss the military opportunity. This seems very unreasonable.


"Why are you still asking?"

"Master Wen Zhongwen, don’t you see the colorful Qingyun over the city? The two saints and uncles are coming soon. Wen Zhong really thinks about it, and now you have to send troops to collide. The driving of the two saints?!"

Bi Xiao bitterly explained to Wen Zhong.

She was also a little uncomfortable that the two uncles really wanted to intervene in mortal matters, but when the matter was over, the other party clearly wanted to come out and interfere. In addition to the two complaints in her mouth and heart, they could also How to do it?

Although the two saints are not their teachers, and their three sisters are not disciples of the other's teaching or interpretation, they respect each other as the uncle, but it is only in the face of their teacher, Tongtian? However, the strength of the other party is obvious. It is a real heavenly saint, a Hunyuan-level Da Luo Jinxian, a level that their three sisters have been unable to break through so far. Even if both sides are enemy nations, they don’t need much respect. Or inferior, but the basic scruples and constraints are still needed, whether she wants it or not in Bi Xiao's heart.


"Two, two heavenly saints, could it be...Yes, the two in the Yuxu Palace and Dousing Palace on Kunlun Mountain?!"

Frozen for a long time before she could understand who Wen Zhong was talking about by Fairy Bixiao. Then she opened her eyes wide, staring into the distance, looking at the one that appeared above the head of Xiqi City. Pieces of Qingyun in colorful colors.

I didn't pay attention just now, and only then I noticed that there were indeed a haze cigarettes, filled with all over the place, and the silhouette of the first nine-headed and five-clawed golden dragon and the roaring sound had become more and more obvious...

But at this time, Jiang Ziya, the thief with a very ugly face, has also cleansed his body and has a tight face, so Bingxiang is on the head of the city, obviously preparing to meet the sage's Luan Yu! !


"This, this...what should this be?!"

If it is an ordinary person or Kunlun immortal, even if it is a big Luo Jinxian like the Taoist Taoist, Wen Zhong would have already directly cursed!


What is about to appear in front of them is the existence of the same level as the Master Tongtian who intercepted the teaching! As for the two leaders, for that level of heavenly saints, Wen Zhong must not dare to speak lies!

However, what he is not upset about is:

Their mortal quarrels and fights are just relying on their own means, life and death have fate and wealth in the sky, why did the two forcibly intervene regardless of their status? Why do you have to help Zhou Wei abuse? Is there any truth in this world? !



‘That’s a saint? who is it? ’

‘Quiet! In the army, no noise is allowed! ! ’

With Wen Zhongwen, the male and female dragon whips raised high by the Taishi slowly retracted, and as the four generals of Huanghuashan also noticed the power emerging from the Qingyun above the broken East Gate Tower in Xiqi Breath, as the Chaoge elite soldiers who were still shouting and shouting to prepare for a big killing also gradually realized that the atmosphere was not right, the tens of thousands of elite soldiers and powerful generals all shook their voices to each other. , And died down, and wisely put away the weapons in their respective hands, no longer dared to continue shouting, beating the soldiers, so as not to accidentally collide with the supreme being who is about to appear in the cloud of celebration. White provokes unreasonable disasters.


"Roar~! ! ’

"Roar~! ! ’

As the colorful Qingyun gathered and gradually formed a colorful straight channel, as the golden lotus appeared everywhere and the mysterious scenes filled with misty cigarettes appeared, the nine faint five-clawed golden dragons roared, together He flew out and drove the car that had been invisible before, and rushed out arrogantly from the colorful Qingyun channel with the rays of light!


"It really is Nine Dragons Agarwood..."

Upon seeing this, Yunxiao, who was a little worried, suddenly exclaimed, because she recognized the car that was dedicated to the saint and represented the identity and status! !

According to reports...

The Nine Dragons Agarwood is the supreme treasure obtained by the ancestors of Hongjun after refining for 129,600 years!

It uses Hongmeng Agarwood as its base, picks up nine-day colorful sacred stone, and the next set of nine quiet five qi condensed profound gold, and then to absorb the essence of the sun, the moon and the stars, so as to absorb the beauty of the heavens, the mountains and the rivers, and make the anode and cathode flow. Turn, the five elements aura swam, and then bound the nine ancient five-clawed golden dragons on the chariot to act as the spirit beasts that pulled the chariot.

When traveling in a car, the nine five-clawed golden dragons will fly out and pull the car together, and let the car be surrounded by clouds and bridges, the fragrant fragrance, the song and the dance of the phoenix, the auspicious clouds and the flying beasts...At the same time, A golden lotus will appear on each of the four wheels of the car, and there will be a little light on the lotus, and a lotus will appear again on the little light. When Luangyu moves, ten thousand golden lotus illuminates the world in an instant, causing everywhere The golden lotus keeps emerging...

And now, as Yuanshi Tianzun rushed out of the colorful Qingyun and Wandao Xiaguang under the control of the Nine Dragons Aloes, all the magical scenes in the legend have been shown in Yunxiao, Qiongxiao, and Bixiaosan. The fairy, Hanzhixian, Caiyunxian, Taishi Wen Zhongwen, Huanghuashan Dengxin Zhangtao four generals, Jiang Ziya, as well as the countless soldiers and soldiers of Chaoge and Western Zhou in front of the common people.

That is the Nine Dragon Agarwood Nine Dragons dedicated to the Saints of Heaven and Saints! !

Compared to Yuanshi Tianzun’s shocking appearance, another Heavenly Dao saint, that Taishang Laojun is much more low-key...

Because, he was slightly hunched, sitting sideways on the back of the big blue cow, and also slowly pacing out from the channel formed by the colorful Qingyun gathering. , And stood beside Yuanshi Tianzun’s Nine Dragon Agarwood, plainly, without talking, just looking at Wen Zhong, the female fairies, the army of Chaoge, Jiang Ziya and others indifferently.

For those who don’t know, I’m afraid that the rider riding the big blue bull is an ordinary little follower, and it can be seen that in this world, under Taoist Hongjun, he has the strongest mana and the deepest path. exist? !

And that big blue bull is actually Lao Jun’s mount Sibe, as the so-called'unicorn is ragged, eyes are bright; the fur is blue like indigo, and the tendons are as hard as steel; it’s harder to shine than a rhino, and it’s not ploughing. Chuanyue plows the clouds to use, but it is deceiving the sky and the earth to be strong'? Although Taishang Laojun, who shared the teachings of Yuanshi Tianzun, also had the Nine Dragon Agarwood Nine Dragons donated by his teacher Hongjun Taoist, but he who has always upheld'quietness, inaction, and omnipotence', still prefers this Riding his big blue cow out quietly, instead of being too swagger like Yuanshi Tianzun.


"The disciples don't know that Master and Uncle are coming, they are welcome, and hope to beg for forgiveness!!"

After seeing the fairy music in mid-air, the sound of loud sounds, and the scenes of colorful Qingyun and Wandao Xiaguang, and then seeing the Taoist sitting on the Nine Dragon Agarwood and another old man sitting on the big green bull, Where does Jiang Ziya do not know who is here?

Therefore, while he was ecstatic in his heart, he also hurriedly knelt directly on the top of the city, greeted him with ecstasy excitement and a trembling tone with a little hesitation.

I was ecstatic and excited because I saw that I was also coming here for strong support, and I would never lose! And hesitating and trembling, it is worried, I wonder if the two saints will be punished because of Jiang Ziya's unfavorable work?


"Yun Xiao and his two younger sisters have seen two uncles! If the disciples are rude, please forgive the two uncles?!"

Although I was a little nervous and unwilling to do so, Yun Xiao thought about it again and again, and led his second sister Qiong Xiao and third sister Bi Xiao, and they all stepped forward and bowed to the two saints on Luanyu and Da Qingniu. Writes.

As for the two immortal Han Zhixian, Fairy Caiyun, who were still calm and did not speak politely, and the Taishi Wen Zhongwen who didn't know what they thought, she couldn't control them too much right now.


"Let's wait for your body!"

Yuanshi Tianzun looked at the only lonely Jiang Ziya left at the head of Xiqi City, and then looked at the several Jiejiaomen from the Chaoge Army. Although he was very displeased, when he saw those three The end-of-school entrants of Sanxian Island treated themselves politely. After a good greeting, he was not happy to have an attack right away. He just waved his hand slightly, indicating that Jiang Ziya and Sanxian Island don’t need to spend more three nights. ceremony.

After all, they came here today, but they are not very courteous. If they talk too much, it won’t be easy to wait, so save them a bit of cruelty later and make them feel bad?

"I recognize you!"

"The Yunxiao, Qiongxiao, and Bixiao of Bixia Palace on Jieshishan, Sanxian Island, had already become the three fairies of immortality as early as when the world was opened. Now it seems that they have really abandoned the six qis and killed the three corpses, and made Da Luo. …Yes! Yes! My junior brother, Tongtian, is really a discerning person. Finally, there is not a group of shallow-born people who have all received..."

The other people, Yuanshi Tianzun, will not talk about it, such as the Hanzhixian and Caiyunxian? Because, those so many people with no distinction of hair and horns, the generation of wet eggs, are destined to be famous on the list of gods, and the immortal ants are only forever, he doesn't care!

What surprised him was that Yunxiao in the Three Nights was really extraordinary? !

Because Yuanshi Tianzun could tell at a glance, the other party not only abandoned the six qi, but also cut off the three corpses, and became the Daluo Jinxian. He even reached the pinnacle of the quasi-sages. He was able to prove their kind of heavenly saints, and became a Hunyuan. Da Luo Jinxian is only one step away, which is very rare!

It's just a pity...

Under the heavenly path, the holy position is full. Between the heavens and the earth, before the saint's fall, no matter how hard the other party tries and how to cultivate, they will never want to break through the last and most critical step! However, the saint is an immortal existence, how could it fall easily?

If the opponent ran into chaos, far away from the shackles of this world, there is still a possibility of three points?

However, the heavens are strict, and their teacher Hongjun Taoist still guards this world. There is a restriction in the Zixiao Palace 33 days away. Whether it is a fairy in this world or a demon outside the chaos, they want to enter and leave. How easy is this world? !

Furthermore, the three night fairies in front of them are not under their interpretation and education, but are members of the interception education. Although I don’t know what kind of chance these three people got, they will be so diligent... But, since he met him today , Then maybe you want to send these three people to the list as early as possible, so that they can cut off their desire to achieve the great in this world?


After commenting on Sanxiao, the sage of Yuanshi suddenly changed his tone and began to ask about business:


"Let me ask you again: My vice-master under the teaching school, the twelve golden immortals of Kunlun and three generations of disciples, have you harmed their lives and sent them to the list of gods?!

As he spoke, Yuanshi Tianzun's tone couldn't help becoming a little harsher.

Although his own disciples could not beat each other, it was indeed a bit wrong for him to be a teacher and his fellow brothers and uncles. However, in order to plan for many years and for the layout of the world, Yuanshi Tianzun had to give up today. It's skinny.

Besides, there are thousands of disciples under the school of Jiejiao, all of them are people who don’t distinguish between hair and horns, and the roots of wet eggs are not strong. Although the three nights in front of us are roots, they are destined to be Jiejiao. When they are in decline, they can only admit that they are unlucky, be on the list, and enjoy the mystery of the boundless divine way. Their destiny is so, but they can't blame him! !

after all,

Now things have gone wrong a little bit, and the development of things has gone beyond his original calculations and expectations. Although I don’t know why it turned out to be like this, this kind of miscalculation happened... But since the matter has ended, It is useless to think too much. Both he and the senior brother have come here, so it must be a satisfactory explanation from the other party.


"Thanks to the two uncles, they are all here now, Yunxiao has never killed the lives of fellow Kunlun Daoists or sent them to the list!!"

Hearing that Yuanshi Tianzun was really here for this matter, Yun Xiao thought about it, and finally gritted his teeth, helplessly dumping the golden bucket of Hun Yuan in his hand to the ground!

Then, after the golden light was poured, on the messy and dirty ground in front of the Xiqi City Gate, there appeared the wilting Taoist Taoist and the Twelve Golden Immortals of Kunlun and their three-generation disciples. It's just that, at this time, they are all cut off and topped with three flowers, and they have five qi in their chests. Although they have saved their lives, they have no magic power and deeds, and they have become mortals.

Fortunately, Yun Xiao had some scruples before, and if her sister Bi Xiao was in charge of Hun Yuan Jin Dou, I am afraid that now Yuan Shi Tian Zun and their two saints would not be able to see the disciples of the disciples.


Seeing that the many disciples under the sect really ended up like this, although they had already arrived, and they were a little psychologically prepared, but for some reason, Yuanshi Tianzun couldn't help but feel that the three corpses were violent? Although he had cut off the three corpses for a long time, the scene before him was too embarrassing for him.

Take a look, so many disciples under his school plus an assistant teacher, they can't beat a fairy Yunxiao under the school of Tongtian Junior Brother. How does this make him face? !


"The destiny must not be violated. It is the right time to hang the elephant. What can I do?"

The twelve golden immortals of Kunlun should have this calamity. Anyway, fortunately, the foundation Dao body is still there. It is better to go back to the mountain to practice and regain the Immortal Dao in the future than to die and be listed as a god!

However, what Yuanshi Tianzun didn't understand was, why this time, even the vice-master of Interpretation Church who shouldn't be robbed, even the Taoist disciples and those three generations of disciples who should be arranged separately in the future are also damaged here? It seems that this is really a bit different from what they calculated before?

Therefore, he frowned slightly, and looked at the brother of the Eight Kings Palace next to him with some difficulty, wanting to hear what the other party had to say.

"Brother Dao, what do you think?"

Although Chanjiao was founded by Yuanshi Tianzun, but at the same time, his senior brother Taishang Laojun is also the person who teaches the saint of Chanjiao, and the other party is his teacher. Therefore, some things finally need to ask the other party’s opinion. Yes, and then he can do things cheaply.

"Um, nothing..."

"That's the end of the matter. If you take them down, that's it! Hong Chen can't live long. Take them down and send them to the list of gods. I will go back early. You just need to do it, don't ask me!"

Seeing that the Taoist of Burning Lantern turned into that appearance, the Taishang Laojun felt a little embarrassed, but now the astronomical phenomenon is unknown, the calculation is missing, and such a big mistake has been made, what can he do? !

and so,

The best way now is to send the three big Luo Jinxians from Jiejiao first, and the Sanxiao Fairy with high magic power to be on the list. After reaching the twelve golden fairies' days, they can go back and find another way. See if you can fix the omissions and try to correct those unprovoked variables?

"Never mind!"

"This is what the destiny should be. For the sake of the Zhou family's 800-year career, I will try my best today!!"

Although the words are nice, it is a question of whether they are for the destiny or for the destined Zhou family's 800-year career.

But no matter what, Yuanshi Tianzun is now planning to do something with Yunxiao, Qiong, Bixiao, Hanzhixian and Caiyunxian! As for the ordinary folks, the soldiers in Chaoge and Wen Zhong... they are not on his shot list, because those people are Jiang Ziya who needs to bother, and he can’t do everything by his heavenly saint, and he doesn’t want to. Too much redness and cause and effect.


"Original uncle! There is also uncle grandmaster! I wonder if the two uncles have any insights on the matter of the Fengshen Ban?!"

Seeing that the other party actually intends to do something to the three of his sisters, instead of the people who were arrested just asking for reunification as he thought before, Yun Xiao was shocked and asked in angrily. Tao.

She was now ashamed and angry, and finally couldn't help but explode. She was ready to take out the thing that she didn't even dare to take to Biyou Palace to ask Master Tongtian Master, and used it here to question the two uncles who planned to bully the younger ones. Guys! !


"What's the answer to this?!"

Although he intends to get people, at least he has to wait for the opposite Sanxiao to set up the battle before he can take action!

Therefore, seeing that the other party was not in a hurry to resist or run away, but instead asked himself with some inexplicable words, he felt a little puzzled, so he had to suppress the surprise and impatience in his heart, and asked aloud in confusion.


"Two uncles, please take a look first?!"

The outrageous Yun Xiao directly took out a copy of the list, and then sent it to the two uncles at the head of Xiqi City using a very mysterious fairy method.

That's actually the list of enshrined gods she copied from Annie's strange cave at Cuiping Mountain! Above, the names of a large number of disciples and their Sanxiao Fairies are listed! Even the divine status is clearly written! !


"This is... weird..."

Taishang Laojun took it, and after a glance, he couldn't help frowning.

Then, after a while, his eyes flashed, he looked at the hateful Yunxiao in front of Chaoge's army, then he pondered slightly, not knowing what he was thinking, and then After shaking his head, he handed the transcript of the plausible list of conferred gods to the junior Yuan Shi Tianzun who was still sitting on the Nine Dragon Agarwood.

After reading the essay, Taishang Lao Jun only felt that this matter today seems a bit difficult to handle...


Soon, Yuan Shi Tianzun, who took over the post from Lao Jun, couldn't help being taken aback!

"It's ridiculous!!"

"The three religions at the beginning did not sign the name list, and did not arrange the priesthood. They just said that they have their own skills and have shallow roots on the list. Where can there be such a ridiculous list?!"

Although he said that, Yuanshi Tianzun subconsciously felt that this list should not be false!

Therefore, while pretending to be angry and dismissive, he couldn't help but feel a little frightened secretly, wondering what was going on with this list? Because, now that the people who have died and have reached the Conferred God Stage are indeed on the list of this list, there is no one without a name on this list!


Yuanshi Tianzun faintly felt that this might have been leaked under the chaos of heaven? Or, who is the one who is good at arithmetic but does not know the number of days and leaked the secret? What's worse, if such a list is seen or circulated to their junior master Tongtian, not only will the other party not take a break with them, but the world will be in chaos! !


I was anxiously calculating, and found that only Fairy Sanxiao and Zhao Gongming, who was dead and on the list, knew all the contents of this list. Although Yuanshi Tianzun still couldn’t figure out what this plausible example was. What's the matter, but he has made some decisions faintly.

That is:

Needless to say, send Fairy Sanxiao to the list as soon as possible, and then confiscate this list, and make sure that no one will see it again before the end of the Tribulation of the Gods! !

"It's useless to say more!"

"The number of days is like this, you should be on the list today, so let's go!"

Right now, Tianji was getting more and more chaotic, and Yuanshi Tianzun and Laojun, who were not going to give the Fairy Sanxiao any chance, looked at each other, and then drove their mounts together and pushed towards Sanxiao.

"It's a pity that you have worked for thousands of years, and once you have completed the painting!"

Obviously, the old gentleman who knows the big deal is ready to work with his junior and younger brothers, using thunder means to directly kill the Sanxiaos with extraordinary cultivation skills and send them to the Conferred God Platform to avoid extra branches.


"Huh! My sisters will be afraid that you won't succeed?!"

I found out that the other party didn’t even intend to admit their private plots against the teachings and their selfish and fraudulent behaviors after reading the ban. They still stepped forward arbitrarily, planning to do something against the three sisters who knew the story. At the same time he was angry, he released his golden Jiao scissors fiercely.

Soon, the golden pair of scissors folded like scissors in the air, their heads crossed, and their tails crossed. They turned into two entangled golden dragons, and then fell straight towards the old man riding the big blue bull! !


At the same time, Yun Xiao, who saw that his three younger sisters acted first, knew that things were urgent and could not hesitate, also directly sacrificed his magic weapon, the golden bucket, and let a golden light toward the old man riding the big blue bull. Go!

Obviously, Yun Xiao, who knows that the old gentleman has the strongest mana and can be called the first saint under the heavenly path, intends to attack each other with his three younger sisters, wanting to subdue or repel each other, and then turn his head to deal with Yuan Shi Tianzun?

"Good magic weapon!"

"It's just a pity..."

Under the gap between Dao and Xing, the Jin Jiao scissors released by Bi Xiao was suddenly flicked by Lao Jun, causing the cuffs to suddenly enlarge and greet him upward! Afterwards, the golden dragon scissors fell into the sea like mustard seeds, hitting the enlarged sleeves, and immersed as the sleeves of Laojun returned to their original shape, becoming silent... Obviously, it was being The other party took it away!

Moreover, at the same time, before the golden light that irradiated the old gentleman's mixed yuan and golden buckets, he threw the wind and fire futon into the air, and then, in Yunxiao, Qiongxiao and Bixiao, they were terrified. Under the eyes of Wang, the Hun Yuan Jin Dou, who had been with the three of their sisters for a long time, fell steadily on the futon? !

"View treasure!"

"Wind sock!!"

At this time, Fairy Hanzhi and Fairy Caiyun also took out their magic weapon wind sock and poking eye beads, and the two cooperated with each other to let the smashing magic weapon and the flying sand and rocky wind released by the wind sock attack towards Yuanshi Tianzun. !


What makes Fairy Hanzhi and Fairy Caiyun feel horrified is that the squally wind released by their windsock and the powerful magic weapon that hits people's eyes, why can't Yuan Shi Tianzun be a bit? Moreover, what is even more terrifying is that before the pearl reached Tianzun, and did not know what method Yuanshi Tianzun used, it turned into dust and flew away?

"Two evil barriers! Dare to do something at me?!"

After deliberately letting the other party do it first, and then felt that he was already famous, Yuanshi Tianzun nodded and put the Three Treasure Jade Ruyi in the air. He planned to strike at both Fairy Hanzhi and Fairy Caiyun, preparing to kill both of them. Send two female fairies to the list of gods!

After all, the other party is well-known on the list. He just watched it, so this is considered a number of days, not a cause and effect? !

"Today's affairs, stop here!"

At this time, the old prince who received the golden dragon shears and dropped the Hunyuan Jindou, also shaken the universe map, so that the universe map directly turned into a huge sky, directly facing the lost magic weapon. Sanxiao fairies who don't have any powerful attack methods all go!

Obviously, Lao Jun also intends to cut the mess quickly, and directly send Yun Xiao, Qiong Xiao, Bi Xiao and others who have caused the endless trouble to the list, so as to avoid chaos in the future?


Bi Xiao, who had lost the magic weapon, exclaimed, too late to take out her sword.

"not good!!"

And Bi Xiao didn't have time to react, so she was swept over by the Universe Map...


"Sisters, be careful!!"

Yunxiao is a little better, because she relied on her cultivation base to forcefully open the universe map with the sword in her hand, and controlled the blue luan bird under her crotch. After making it scream, she speeded up directly towards I rushed with my own two sisters who were unable to grasp, planning to fight myself to be trapped in the universe map, but also to relieve my sisters first!

As for the other side, Fairy Hanzhi and Fairy Caiyun, who have been beaten by Sanbaoyu Ruyi towards the top gate, have too late to rescue...After all, her cultivation level is not two masters, and there is another one. The second enemy, can you still take care of so many people?

Therefore, she must take care of her two younger sisters first, when the relationship is different.


Yun Xiao soon discovered that not only could she not save her own sister, but she was even trapped in the Universe Map, and soon lost her direction. The Universe Map was full of violent storms, snow, and thunder and lightning. Can't distinguish east, west, south, north, up, down, left and right? !

"It's over..."

After a sigh in her heart, Yun Xiao knew how serious it was. She felt that the three sisters, I am afraid that they really had to be damaged here today, just like their brother Zhao Gongming, all together on the conferred **** platform, ready to be a **** in the future. went! !


"Bold! Where is the evildoer, dare to take my magic weapon?!"

At this time,

Just as the Universe Picture was wrapped around Fairy Sanxiao, when the Three Treasure Jade Ruyi descended on the heads of Fairy Hanzhi and Fairy Caiyun, preparing to strangle the five fairies on the spot and send them to the Conferred God Platform, suddenly, two white tender little hands went from White appeared in the air, then copied to the left, and took it on the right, and then a little foot wearing red savage boots hooked like a hook, and combined the world map, the Three Treasure Jade Ruyi, and the beacon futon that had fallen into the golden bucket with the golden bucket. Together, all gone smoothly? !



"It's Annie?!"

Fairy Sanxiao, who escaped from the dead, and those two cultivation bases were obviously inadequate. Fairy Hanzhi and Fairy Caiyun who didn’t know what happened were different. After they looked at each other and exclaimed, they met the solemn old man. Like the angry Yuanshi Tianzun, Jun Qi looked at the empty midair between the two sides.

"Eh heh heh..."


A sweet and quick laughter came out, and then, in the empty midair, there appeared a little girl holding a picture of the universe, a beacon futon, Sanbaoyu Ruyi, and a golden bucket in her arms.

There is no doubt that the one who rescued Sanxiao Fairy, Hanzhixian, and Caiyunxian in time was someone who was lawless and reckless and had just found the soul of Uncle Zhao Gongming from the Conferred God Platform and found a masterless gods list. A certain messy little girl Annie! !

"A lot of fun babies, now I announce that they are all mine!!"

I didn’t say, what Annie saw just now, those guys threw out the magic treasures, so, she just returned here and picked her up, she officially became the new owner of these treasure magic items that are also unowned Up!

Of course, Hunyuan Jin Dou or something, it must be returned to that big sister Yunxiao after returning, but she is disrespectful of those treasures in Jin Dou...



(Uncle Tibbers Bear knows that things will be like this, otherwise, that bad little lord would not just hide secretly and watch for so long...)


!? (\'

Before Laojun and Yuanshi Tianzun could speak or cast a spell to recover their magic weapon, suddenly they only saw that the strange little girl who did not know what it was, turned her head and looked to the other side in amazement?

Then, they also subconsciously turned their heads and looked over, only to see a breeze blowing, and a ghost capable of free movement appeared on the head of the east gate of Xiqi City! Obviously, that was the Qing Fu Shen Baijian who had just left the Conferred God Platform on the top of Qishan Mountain and came to report here in Xiqi City!

"The prime minister, there are two saints!"

"It's that demon, she just took away the Conferred God List from the Conferred God Stage! And the soul of Zhao Gongming!!"

Although I don’t know why the two heavenly saints were here, after seeing the two saints, Bo Jian, who was very eye-catching, hurriedly gave salutes and hurriedly pointed his finger at the little girl in the sky. !


Even the Conferred God List was robbed. Is that little flame fairy girl crazy? !

Hearing this kind of thing, Jiang Ziya almost didn't get shocked and planted directly down the tower, but fortunately, knowing that there are two saints now, knowing that someone is supporting him and making the decision, he didn't say anything, and was ready to wait. His master and uncle's disposal.

"What stole it, don't talk nonsense, it is obviously I picked it up by myself!!"

o(`^)o hum!

An unowned and no "person" guarded by the gods list, it must have been left there and no longer wanted. Therefore, her Queen Anne picked it up when she liked it. It was a matter of course that she would not admit that she had robbed it. Go! !


e=(`●))) alas

However, what little Annie didn't know was that after she said these words outright, she apparently admitted that she had taken the Conferred God List in front of everyone and the two saints!


At this time, the old gentleman who seemed to have seen something from the little girl directly couldn't recognize an exclamation.


"Where did the extraterritorial demons dare to come to this world to make trouble?!"

It’s impossible for Yuanshi Tianzun to see things clearly seen by his senior brother, so when he saw the hopeless and hopeless Sambo jade recalled, he took out his Pangu banner, one of the three most innate treasures. , And presented it to his own Nine Dragon Agarwood, ready to meet the enemy.

Above the flag body, the gods who opened the sky burst forth vigorously, seeming to destroy the chaos and reopen the heavens and the earth... and the face of the flag showed that the great **** Pangu held the gods axe in his hand to open up the heaven and the earth. The vast and great picture, there are mysterious prophecies outside the flag, with the mysterious avenue surrounding it, and the opening amulet and the Pangu Road inside the flag. After unfolding, the five-color light shines on the heavens, and the holy power of Pangu God shocks the world! !

There is no doubt that this Pangu banner is the supreme heaven-opening holy artifact! It possesses the power to tear apart the primordial chaos, the power to smash the time and space of the heavens, the power to control ten thousand laws and the power to open up the world! In short, it is a magic weapon that can control the power of heaven and earth, has the power of attack, and the power of good fortune. !

And now, Yuanshi Tianzun sacrificed it for the first time, which fully demonstrated his attention to the extraterritorial evil that suddenly appeared in front and took away the magic weapon of him and his senior brother Laojun! !


According to legend, before the Great God Pangu opened the world and nurtured the prehistoric world, Chaos had three thousand great abilities, also known as three thousand Chaos Demon Gods? All of them have earth-shattering power, and they are not inferior to the power of heavenly saints. They are extremely fierce and violent? However, before the Great God Pangu opened the world, the three thousand Chaos Demon Gods had already been killed, and the rest have escaped into the depths of the Chaos. They have never reappeared in thousands of years... Why is there still one here now? ? Moreover, hasn't Tiandao ever lowered the slightest warning? !

Thinking of this, Yuanshi Tianzun couldn't help but feel a little surprised.


"She is the Great Flame Fairy, who has magical powers to collect magic weapons, you must be careful!!"

At this time, together with the others, because the real Taiyi who had been cut off from the top of the three flowers and the five spirits in his chest, he hurriedly raised his head and reminded the master in the sky loudly!

Just now that little girl can take away a lot of magic weapons, including the Three Treasure Jade Ruyi and Qiankun Map, if the Pangu flag is taken away again, it will be terrible! !

"So that's it..."

Yuanshi Tianzun nodded, but he obviously didn't believe that the other party could take away his Pangu banners when he was prepared! However, from Taiyi's words, he finally solved some doubts!

Because, this is clear. No wonder the twelve golden immortals of Kunlun under his sect were defeated by the 100,000 ants of Cuiping Mountain. No wonder he couldn't figure out the origin of the great flame fairy. Such a thing...

It turned out that the other party turned out to be a demon from the outside world? !


o(`^)o hum!

"You are the evil demon from the outside world!!"


Obviously, I was a little unhappy to hear that the guy who was sitting in the big beautiful cart with nine big dragons just scolded herself! So, she decided, later, to steal the other's beautiful cart, and take away the other's flag with the giant waving the axe, as an apology for herself?

Of course, there is the big green cow, and I don’t know if the beef is good? !

(`)Eh hehe...


(● ̄ ̄●)

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