Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 877: The best defense is offense, ‘mobile church’ or something...


"Uh ha... a happy weekend day will soon be over!!"

Walking out of the restaurant's door, Misaka Mikoto first stretched out his hand to make a lazy waist, and then sighed after taking a deep breath.


"The air outside is so good! It's just that it's getting dark now...I don't know how Shili and Leizi are doing. I believe they should be on their way back now?"

It’s dark now. Looking from Misaka Mikoto to the distance, you can only see the rows of neon lights on the street lights, the rows of neon lights above the high-rise buildings, and the faintly misty lights of the LED colorful font graphic display. It's not too real.

At this time, presumably the beautiful night view of the school city has begun to arrive...

However, Misaka Mikoto herself did not have the idea of ​​going out for a walk, because she had been shopping with the two new friends during the day for almost a long time, and then the four of them played together again in the afternoon for almost a long time. She is extremely tired, and since she grew up here, she has been very familiar with the Academy City for a long time, so she really feels like going out shopping!

So, after a sigh of emotion, Misaka Mikoto turned around and left the gate of the student cafeteria, and walked towards the dormitory building.


"Yes, I finally sent away those two troublesome eyes..."

Following her sister’s ass, she came out of the student dining room and walked back to her dormitory. Shirai Kuroko was still a little slouched... But compared to when she was in the dormitory in the afternoon and just now When eating, her spirit is obviously better now, because, from now on, her older sister belongs to her alone, and there is no other eye-catching guy to spoil their alone time. Up!

But maybe, she might still have a chance to start tonight.

The thing she ordered on the online store must have almost been delivered, right? Then she can...hehehe...Anyway, as long as she is a little clever, there must be a chance! After all, there must be no such annoying little girl at night, nor the two scornful guys who just left to get in the way! !


"Heizi! I said, what happened to you from the afternoon to now?"

"I remember, Shili and Leizi are already your old friends anyway, right? But why didn't you wait to see them? You knew all day long that the one with you obviously didn't welcome others to visit us. Kind of stinky face?"

"Do you know that it really makes me feel embarrassed to do that!!"

Finding that someone from his roommate, partner, and sister was still speaking in that tone, Misaka Mikoto was very uncomfortable and turned around to stare bitterly at someone who had just returned to the decadent face. , But suddenly became thief again, asked the guy who didn't know what weird things he was thinking about.

Like Heizi, the early spring decoration Lee was a member of the 177th branch of the Commission for Discipline and Discipline, and it is said that the two usually act together as partners, and they have long been old friends! And that Saten Leizi also often visits Shili at the 177th branch of the Commission for Discipline and Discipline Event. The three of them must have met Shili on a regular basis. They must be familiar with each other. Therefore, Mikoto is very familiar with the performance of the guy in front of him. Very very dissatisfied!

So, she didn't understand. She invited two friends to be a guest by herself. At the same time, the two of them were old friends of the other. When everyone knew each other, what dissatisfaction did this guy have? !


"I didn't wait to see them, I just don't want to see them today... Does that matter have anything to do with whether they are my friends?!"

Seeing the elder sister turned around and questioned herself with that stern expression, Heizi retorted in a loud voice with a strong composure after a slight step back.

Friends or something, it’s certainly not a problem if your sister invites you to be a guest, but you can do it any other time, but not today! Anyway, they made her Heizi feel uncomfortable, so she naturally wanted to show them her face! !


"Forget it, I am very tired today, and I don't want to tell you so much..."

Seeing the other person's expression, Mikoto sighed and turned her head directly, and continued walking forward with some frustration.

She is going to go back and take a shower first, and then while waiting for her hair to dry, she can call Shili and Leizi by the way to confirm whether they have returned to their school dormitory... Just make sure that her two friends return safely. When she arrives at the dormitory, she can sleep comfortably today!

"Speaking of Sunspot..."

"I have to warn you: Before, you, a first-year student, found an excuse to forcibly live in my dormitory. It’s fine to live with me, a second-year student, but if you were to be found secretly hiding my fat Ci, secretly use your ability to move in space while I'm not paying attention to taking pictures like my weird pictures, or doing other abnormal things..."

"I will definitely clear you out of my dormitory, I promise you!!"

I think of my two new friends today, and I found out after the "surprise inspection" by the Zuo Tian Leizi. I don’t know when I was hidden by this abnormal guy in front of me. The album of "Sister-sama’s Secrets"... I don’t know when I did not know when the other party deliberately photographed various fruit photos, sleeping photos, bathing photos and other unsightly photos in that album, Misaka Mikoto inexplicably flocked Get angry!


She has made up her mind now that if that kind of thing happens again, she will definitely not just use electric current to burn the photos! Maybe, she will also humanely remove the owner of the album?

In short, if the other party dared to make that kind of perverted mistake again, she would definitely give the other party a good-looking one, in the name of the third ‘Super Electromagnetic Cannon’ among the seven...eight lv5 in her academy city! !

Moreover, if she thinks about this matter carefully now, she also vaguely figured it out: the other party must have premeditated in the first place, right? Otherwise, I wouldn’t deliberately leave the vacant dormitory next to them to live in, so I don’t want to enjoy the good "single room", I have to cry and make a clumsy excuse to get together with myself !

It's a pity that she didn't even understand the other party's true intentions at first, so she felt soft and let a perverted guy into her dormitory.


"Sister, elder sister, everything is a misunderstanding!!"

"I promise, I... I will never do strange things like hiding your clothes or taking photos in secret next time, I promise you my sister!!"

Seeing the murderous back of the other party, the solid aura seemed to transform into a demon who chose to eat, Bai Jing Heizi hurriedly stood up and stretched out his white palm and promised to the sky with five fingers together. .

Yes, after she has been arrested and found out that her elder sister has begun to be prepared, she mustn't do the same stupid thing again, but... that doesn’t mean she can’t do other stranger things. , For example... The last and most critical step of the full moon anniversary she planned today?


"That's right! Heizi, that little guy is the little Annie with the lv5 flame ability in your class. What was her physical examination data yesterday, have you read it?"

Mikoto Misaka has always been a little envious and jealous of an existence who has reached the lv5 super power level at just eight years old! Of course, the jealousy is not too much, just a little bit? After all, when Mikoto Misaka herself was just eight years old, she didn't reach the level of lv5 that outrageous.

So, to a certain extent, that little girl’s talent can definitely be said to be far better than her own. This makes Mikoto want to treat that lv5 little girl, to the little girl who just moved to the dormitory. The little guy who ran out to have fun, and probably not home at night, became a little curious and wanted to learn more?


"Sister, you are asking her..."

Unexpectedly, my sister was even concerned about this kind of thing, which made Heizi who was thinking about some indescribable scenes a little surprised. However, when my sister has something to ask, she must not be negligent, so she has to gather her mind quickly. , Recalled yesterday’s weekly physical examination.


"It seems that that guy really seems to be a monster! Not to mention her various physical fitness tests, they are all extremely excellent, all of them are a... Whether it is the evaluation of vision, accuracy, attack distance, etc. They are all excellent...Also, the temperature of the fireball she sent out reached more than 3,000 degrees Celsius, and even the temperature tester in the school was burned by her..."

"So, the comprehensive assessment of her physical examination report yesterday is the same as the test result when she just transferred to school. It is still the lv5 assessment? But, I heard that she seems to have reached the peak of lv5, and she is still so I don’t know if I can break through to lv6 in the next few years..."

Heizi said sourly, because the result of her own comprehensive assessment yesterday was still lv4, and she did not grow at all. The limit distance and error of the space moving object is still the same, she herself wants to upgrade to lv5. Know when it happened.

"But! Sister-sama, the comprehensive evaluation of her data really seems to be a little bit higher than yours!!"

If your sister didn't ask, Heizi would almost forget about it!

Now thinking about it, she suddenly felt that her sister Kuroko's elder sister ranked third among all LV5s, and the titles of'The Ace of Tokiwadai Junior High' and'The Strongest and Invincible Electric Shock Princess' seemed to be soon Can't keep it?

Of course, I don’t know what the specific combat effectiveness of that little girl is now. If the opponent is really as powerful as the detected data, then it can’t be said that the “ace of Tokiwadai Junior High School” and “the strongest invincible flame” "Queen' wait for the title, will be pressed to a new little guy again...

And the auras on her sister-in-law of Kuroko will transfer to the other party because of it, and may become the fourth-ranked lv5 superpower in the academy city and the behavior of the'secondary trump card of Tokiwadai' A role that exists as a foil?


"My elder sister! Your top three position may be about to be lost, maybe you will be ranked fourth..."

How can that kind of thing happen?

You know, in the eyes of Heizi, her elder sister is the most powerful! Like that little girl with lawless eyes and lawlessness, she absolutely can't replace or replace her sister's position, absolutely not! !

"It turned out to be like that, then that's correct..."

Misaka Mikoto nodded. About this matter, she had actually heard a little bit of wind in her class yesterday. After all, they were both from Tokiwadai Middle School. The news should be more informed, and the reason for asking now Heizi is just making the final confirmation.

To be honest, she was really surprised by this kind of thing, because even she did not expect that a little guy who transferred from outside the school city could actually be eight years old without the systematic ability training from childhood. It easily reached the level of lv5 at the time, it can be said that it is really talented! After all, Mikoto Misaka herself seems to be incomparable.


Suddenly, Mikoto, who was about to continue to ask some things, discovered other things.

"That one……"

"Excuse me, did you press our dormitory doorbell?"

When the two were chatting while walking and preparing to return to the dormitory, Misaka Mikoto glanced at the courier call booth outside the gate on the first floor and saw a courier holding an object and pressing '208 impatiently several times. 'The number of the room is constantly calling, and it seems that it has been here for a while?

So, thinking that the other party might be looking for their Mikoto, he quickly left the sunspot behind him, quickly stepped forward, and walked straight to the courier's body and asked.


Could it be...

After seeing her sister's actions, Shirai Heiko, who was not far behind, apparently saw the courier.

Then, subconsciously, thinking of something, she just froze in place, and at the same time she suddenly had a very bad bad premonition...just like those students of perception ability. When the hairs rushed up, I also subconsciously felt that... it seemed that something terrible would happen to me soon?

'what! ? ’

‘Excuse me...Are you Ms. Shirai Kuroko in room 208? ’

After seeing Mikoto Misaka who took the initiative to greet him and asked him, he had been waiting here for a while, so he asked hopefully.

"It's not..."

"But Kuroko is my roommate and younger sister, and I am her roommate Misaka Mikoto. Kuroko is right there. May I ask you something?"

Although knowing that there must be a package in his own dormitory, and it may still be a sunspot, Mikoto asked such a politely, and turned her attention to the small but tightly wrapped one she was holding in her hands. Real package.

'Great! ’

"You are the legendary lv5 Mikoto Misaka, right? Nice to meet you! "

"Ah! That's right!"

"This is the parcel of the Ms. Baijing Kuroko in your dormitory. I want to sign it for you as well! Because I have been waiting here for a long time, but no one in your dormitory has responded. So, please, Please be sure to sign for me now, I still have two packages that have not been delivered yet...'

After a little excitement, the courier delivered the item in his hand.

In fact, he was a little impatient to wait...but if their courier didn't allow the girls' dormitory, he would have gone up and stuffed the parcel into the other party's dormitory. How could he have been waiting here? More than half an hour? !


"Okay, okay, just now we were eating in the cafeteria, no one was in the dormitory... So, I really troubled you, I'm really sorry..."

Although her sister Heizi was not far behind her, she felt that this kind of thing was not a big deal, so she subconsciously took the other party’s package and quickly handed over the notebook to the courier for receipt. With a stroke of a big pen, he signed his name "Misaka Mikoto", even if he signed for the express package that had been waiting for them for more than half an hour.

'Thank you! ’

Relieved and accepted the signed notebook, the courier turned around and hurried away after thanking him.


Before leaving, he still couldn't help but glanced up and down at Misaka Mikoto who was signing for the parcel with a meaningful look and that strange expression for a while? Obviously, during the short period of time waiting for the receipt, as a professional courier, he has almost known the package based on the sender, recipient, product description and other information on the package It was something that was pretending, but even if he could guess it, he didn't dare to ask it.


at last,

After the courier glanced at his sister with weird eyes for a long time before turning around and leaving, Shirai Heizi could be considered to recover! Then, after realizing that the cause of some terrible thing that might happen was in the hands of her sister, she rushed forward, obviously trying to make the one in the hands of her sister belong to herself in the first time To **** the'secret' package?

"Wait! Wait, wait..."

"My sister, that is my package, please don't look at other people's things indiscriminately!!"

When I found out that my elder sister was curiously looking at the contents of the courier list under the dim light of the street lamp, Heizi almost didn't scare her soul out!


Hearing that his roommate and sister Heizi rushed up nervously, and tried to **** the package from her with her teeth and claws, Mikoto unceremoniously stretched out her hand and pushed aside the other party's expression a little It's too natural, and the face is full of anxiety.

"Heizi, what are you doing so nervously? I just want to take a look casually, just take a look, it's not really planning to tear down your things!!"

Originally, Misaka Mikoto really didn’t think about spying on her sister’s secrets, nor did she think about the boring things like carefully checking the information above. She just collected the parcels, and she didn’t think about it after a day of tiredness. There will be so much curiosity!


Since the other party is acting so nervous now, and it is obvious that there is a performance of "There is no silver three hundred taels", then she must first check this small object that feels light and light in her hand. ! !


"This is... computer supplies? But Heizi, what do you buy computer supplies for?"

Seeing that the content written on the package was actually computer supplies, rather than some mysterious things that made the other party nervous, Mikoto was stunned.

Because she knows that they don’t have computers installed in their dormitories. One is that it’s not necessary, and the other is that the school doesn’t allow it... and also, she knows her sister Heizi very well, and the other party is not good at computers. People, on the contrary, Shili, who came as a guest today, is a computer expert! The question is, what did the other party buy computer supplies for? Moreover, why are you so nervous?



After hearing her sister say that the words written on it were not the kind of vocabulary she was worried about, but the so-called'computer accessories', Shirai Kuroko was also taken aback, and then he couldn't help but stop the action of preparing to fight forcibly. , Unconsciously heaved a sigh of relief in my heart.

Fortunately, it’s not too stupid that a guy who writes and sends the courier list does not write the real name of the product on the courier list that everyone can see?


"This is... the Will Gang Aphrodisiac Company of Love, Love and Aphrodisiac?!!!"

However, before Kuroko's fluke lasted for long, Misaka Mikoto, who was looking through the express package and continuing to check, suddenly stared at her brown eyes like hair, her hands trembled slightly, and she took a breath of cold air. In a general tone, he slowly said the sender's information on the package.


That's it! Worse! !

No need to think about it, Baijing Kuroko knows that things must be bad now! Because... Her sister is not the kind of idiot who lacks a root in his head. The other party must be able to easily associate from the sender's name what she is buying and think of some of her real plans. ! !


Her Lord Heizi didn’t understand that since the “Wilgang Aphrodisiac Company of Love and Aphrodisiac” already knows to disguise the real information of the item in order to protect the purchaser, then why can’t they do more? The sender’s name is also a little bit harder, why is it so straightforward to write the company’s real name, and so clearly? Could it be that they can't just pretend to be a little bit, just disguise as a name such as ‘network cable import and export and maintenance company’ or ‘multifunctional vibrating mouse manufacturing’?

If they do a little more disguise, will they die? ! !


"Sister, elder sister...Please, please listen to me to explain..."

After swallowing saliva, Baijing Heizi had to take two steps back a little later.

Because she found that her sister's body seemed to be flashing with horrible electric snakes that were twisting. If she didn't want to be subjected to the heart-piercing and brutal'electrotherapy', then Is it better to find a better excuse, or simply stay away from the other party so that you can escape at any time?


"You buy this weird thing...who do you want to use it for?!"

I didn't say anything, no normal woman would buy something like aphrodisiac casually, and even if she bought it, she wouldn't use it on her own body! Therefore, Mikoto knew it without even thinking about it. This must have been bought by a perverted guy to deal with another person in the double dormitory, that is, Mikoto Misaka who bought it! !

"Sister, sister..."

"You... calm down first, listen to me first..."

Heizi is turning her brain in an emergency overload, thinking hard, ready to come up with something more reliable, thinking of a reasonable excuse that will not cause any discomfort to the other party... But, in a hurry, she again Where can I figure it out?

"It seems..."

"If you want to cure Sunspot your abnormal personality, you must use a strong medicine, so please realize it!!"

Thinking of the things that happened in the dormitory this afternoon that made me extremely embarrassed and angry, and then look at the package in my hand, how can Mikoto calm down?

One hundred thousand volts! !

Click! !

Although Mikoto herself can easily use and manipulate billion-volt ultra-high voltage current and electromagnetic force, if she does not want to electrify a certain abnormal sister into the kind of permanent "spots" or coke from Africa, she is the most Can I control my strength a little bit?

boom! ! !

After a flash of light and an explosion like a thunderbolt from the blue sky, a puff of black smoke rose from the grass on the ground at the gate of the student dormitory of Tokiwadai Middle School outside the schoolyard, which attracted the entrance guard staff and Many girls from Tokibandai Middle School in the surrounding area and upstairs cast their surprised glances.


Snapped! !

Misaka Mikoto just squeezed the dark thing in his hand with just a little effort! There is no doubt that the lightning that was just released under anger, the one hundred thousand volts attack, has completely burned the sinful package in her hand and bombarded the position where the abnormal sunspot stood just now, the power of lightning. He even scorched a small piece of grass there, showing its power!


It's a pity that Mikoto finds that the other party is no longer there now, even if her lightning is as fast as the speed of light, but the opponent's ability to move in space seems to be faster than her raising her hand?


"Sir, did you forget Heizi's ability? Although I only have the lv4 space movement ability, but even if it is the lv5 lightning power of your sister, it is not good for me?"

After using his lv4 space movement great ability to instantly appear not far behind her sister, Shirai Kuroko smiled triumphantly.

There is no doubt that the lv5 of her sister Heizi’s lv5 can manipulate billion-volt ultra-high-voltage current and electromagnetic force at will. It is indeed very strong, and it has the reputation of "super-electromagnetic gun", but no matter how powerful the other party is. Yes, because the other party will definitely not be able to hit her!

Of course, she doesn’t dare to approach each other easily. It’s even harder to defeat the opponent...



After Misaka Mikoto shook the package that had completely turned into coke, another light of an electric snake flashed on his body, and then another flash of lightning flashed his hand, making it like a thunder in the palm of his hand, suddenly heading towards someone who was triumphantly proud The guy hacked over!

But it's a pity that Lightning didn't have the intention of being able to resemble Mikoto. He didn't have the nasty perverted sister Heizi who was able to smash her body, because the other party disappeared instantly! !

'what! ! ’

At this time, without waiting for Misaka Mikoto to make more moves, suddenly, I saw an exclamation!


Although the lightning just failed to strike a sister named Baijing Kuroko, it accidentally struck him who happened to be passing by and appeared not far behind Kuroko, and just stopped to check because of a loud noise. Someone wearing a super luxurious monastic dress with pure white silk and gold embroidery and a hat of the same style?

However, unaware that his lightning was skewed, and after discovering that the weird who exclaimed did not appear to be hurt, Misaka Mikoto viciously carried the lightning all over his body and turned to a certain space. The guy who could easily escape chased after him.


"Enlighten it, Sunspot! You can't escape!!"

As soon as Mikoto turned his head, he once again chased after someone on the other side who had escaped for the second time with his spatial mobility.

At this time, she, who was already angered, obviously couldn’t care about the strict school rules of Tokibandai Middle School and the rules of prohibiting the use of abilities in the dormitory. She just wanted to severely punish her for being treated all day long. The perverted sunspot of this elder sister who has a crooked mind...


∑(△`)? !

"Ms. Indix, are you okay? Wow... It seems that this magical equipment seems to be pretty good, at least it's not the kind of insignificant thing, it actually really blocked it. The lightning attack?"


Just abducted a little girl who was lost and starved and went back to the school dormitory yard. As soon as she walked in, Xiao Annie, who saw the other person struck by lightning, couldn't help but glance at the clothes on the other person.

She had already seen the lightning bombarded by Misaka Mikoto in advance, but she didn’t make a move. Originally, she wanted to see how a young lady who had a lot of things hidden in her body wanted to deal with it. Relying on the protective ability of the magic equipment, the other party forcibly endured the bombardment of that lightning. Not only did he not get hurt, but he didn't even twitch and urinate his pants.

"Ah, I'm fine..."

After taking a look at the two people in the distance who were still fighting and wearing the same clothes as Annie, Indix turned her head and explained to a little mage who was teasing her in a weird tone:

"My outfit is called'Mobile Church'. It is the top defensive enchantment. It is a collection of the lowest elements necessary for the church to make a church whose image is a piece of clothing. The general lightning attack is affirmative. It won't hurt this dress."

Although she can't use magic to some extent, Indix also knows that as long as she is still wearing this dress, no one can hurt herself! However, it seems that it can still be done if it is only to hunt down and get oneself back.



"But, I don't think it seems to be of any use..."


In a sanctuary world called Camp Rogge, she has systematically studied the world runes and personally created a large number of super artifact suits that allow ordinary Rogge to tear the **** demon lord. In her eyes, the so-called weird robe with the'top defensive enchantment' in front of her was nothing more than a magical equipment with barely defensive power, and it seemed to be useless?

This is not a joke, because, let’s not talk about the suits and bows she gave to Roger and Amazons. The dark gold equipment she made is better than the so-called "mobile church" in front of me. Much! !

().. .:*


The robe made of pure magic in front of her, even if she and the other party are at the same level of strength, she only needs a simple Mordenkain splitting technique to make the other party stand on the street. Ran away.


(● ̄ ̄●)

"How could it be useless?!"

"This piece of clothing completely replicates the fabric of the'Du Lin Sheng Li cloth', so you have to believe it, Annie, that there is absolutely no problem with its strength!!"

"Whether it is physical or magical attacks, it can be completely resolved and absorbed!!"

Seeing that a certain little mage actually looked down on her clothes so much, Inticus couldn't help feeling a little anxious, and hurriedly opened her mouth to explain loudly.


(ˉ ̄~) Cut~~

"What's so great about the rags wrapped around the corpse of an earth native god, I wouldn't wear that kind of thing on myself!!"


After Xiao Anni heard that it turned out to be the kind of "Holy Skeleton Cloth" that she didn't know, she was still a little curious, she immediately turned into a look of disgust.



"Ms. Inticus, you have to remember that the best defense is offense. All kinds of ‘mobile church’ are heretics!!"




"Haha! Someone is going to be unlucky!!"


Without waiting for a somewhat anxious young lady to continue to explain how awesome the other's clothes are, Xiao Anni blinked suddenly, looked at the second floor of the dormitory building, and saw one on top. The aunt with glasses, because at this time, the other party is holding the glasses and looking at the two young ladies downstairs who are fighting with superpowers on the grass with murderous eyes.

Annie knew that guy. She had already met him when she moved here. Moreover, she also knew that it seemed that it was strictly forbidden to use abilities in the dormitory?



Obviously, Little Annie knew that after a while, someone would definitely be unlucky, and it would still be unlucky! !


(● ̄ ̄●)


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