Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 878: Happy and playful Tokiwadai Junior High School Daily?*??(??…

In this ground garden of the student dormitory outside the school building of Tokiwadai Middle School, Misaka Mikoto, who has LV5 super electromagnetic ability, and Shirai Kuroko, who has LV4 large space displacement ability, are the lightning flashes of their two sisters?? Thunder??, the fierce battle that was skipped to flash past did not last long and had to be ended rashly...

In short,

When they fought, they scorched several lawns, smashed and burned several green fruit trees, kicked and overturned a few trash cans, and destroyed a small piece of road bricks to a mess and successfully caused them to live here. After the onlookers and booing of more than one hundred girls of all grades of Tokibandai Middle School, they finally had to stop, and died down and honestly, with low eyebrows, they came to the first floor entrance of the dormitory building. Wait here in the access control room.

The two of them had to come...

Because, here, there is a heroic and beautiful female housekeeper who is holding her arms, wearing a spiritual black professional uniform, with shoulder-to-shoulder black straight long hair, and wearing a pair of fierce narrow-rim glasses. I was waiting here with a cold face, waiting for them to report and surrender.


Blame you! !


Obviously because of you! !

Although they all looked down and stood upright in the entrance room of the dormitory building, under the gaze of the housekeeper, Mikoto Misaka and Kuroko Shirai still took time. Secretly glanced at each other in private, and at the same time glared at each other and complained with the tacit eyes that only the other party could understand.

Although they had to temporarily stop their hands, it was obvious that the duel between the two parties just now did not tell the outcome. Even Kuroko Shirai, who was on the relatively weak side, did not feel at all about her sister. Convinced.

Of course,

I am afraid that this rumor in front of us is very harsh on everyone. He will be punished with the most severe punishment if he is late at zero and one second. The specific ability is unknown, but he has repelled the Hounds of the terrorist organization empty-handed, and has also instantly killed After three people with LV4 abilities, it is rumored that they are likely to have the access control room of the horror housekeeper with the ability equivalent to LV6-LV7 (??)... But if it is in another place, the two will be sure Will they fight each other and fight each other directly, right?


Looking at the two quiet students in front of her, the dormitory staring at them with her arms in her arms did not rush to express her attitude or speak, because she recognized the two in front of her!

One of them is Misaka Mikoto who is impressively "The Ace of Tokiwadai" and "The Strongest Invincible Electric Shock Princess"; and the other is the Discipline Committee member of the 177th Branch of the Committee of Discipline Activities, the first grade Shirai Kuroko!

There is no doubt that both of them are girls with that kind of problem!

So, now she just locked them tightly with her eyes full of murderous intent behind her myopia glasses, paying attention to their every move and some small movements, and constantly giving them imposing that. This kind of oppression and gaze become more and more intense and solid.





Feeling the more and more condensed murderous aura, Misaka Mikoto and Shirai Kuroko who stood at attention finally didn't even dare to make small gestures of eye contact with each other in private...

Now, after each of them secretly swallowed their saliva, they couldn't help but lower their heads...just like they were, wishing to stuff their two cute little heads directly into their looseness and look Some flat front plackets are average?

"Private Tokiwadai Junior High School Dormitory Regulations Article 9..."

"It is strictly forbidden for anyone to use abilities in the dormitory for any reason...Student Shiraishi Kuroko, I think, as a member of the discipline committee, you will definitely not forget this rule?!"

at last,

The dormitory watched the two students in front of her with her own "death gaze" for a long time, until she believed that the psychological pressure on each other was great enough, she slowly, in that faint tone, one word In one sentence, he was the first to speak to a discipline committee who knew the law and violated the law.

If someone else violated the rules, it would be excusable...

However, as a member of the 177th branch of the Committee of Discipline and Discipline Activities, as a member of the law enforcers in this academy city, the other party refused to abide by even the small rules. She was extremely ashamed of the prisoner! !

"Hum hum……"

"And you, Misaka Mikoto? In this student dormitory area outside the schoolyard under my jurisdiction, you two guys used their abilities to fight each other aggressively, and damaged several lawns, road bricks, and five trash cans. The addition of three greening trees also caused extremely bad effects..."

"So, I can think that you are actually trying to challenge the majesty of me as the dormitory... Am I right?!"

Using the ability in the student dormitory was originally a violation of the rules, and using the ability to fight and cause the students to watch and booze is an extra crime! In addition, the two men also damaged a lot of utensils due to the fight, which caused certain losses to the school’s public property. One of the two was a member of the discipline committee, and the other was a public figure... So, she was already in After thinking about it, what level of punishment can be used to achieve the purpose of killing a hundred people and trying to emulate them?

Abuse of ability, fights, damaging official duties, knowing the law and breaking the law plus provoking quarrels... the sum of so many crimes, the punishment must not be lighter, otherwise... it will be difficult to manage that the lowest abilities are LV3 in the future. The students of Pantai Middle School.

Therefore, while interrogating the other party, she needs to think carefully about what kind of regulations must be put out in order to achieve the ideal punishment purpose?

"The house, the house supervisor..."

"This, this, and all of this are actually misunderstandings. We were just playing around. My sister and I have a very good relationship. We... We were just training our abilities... Yes, that's right! We were training our abilities just now, but we accidentally forget that this is a dormitory..."


"We just used our powers not out of malice, but for some profound indescribable reasons? That's why... In short, we are also willing to compensate for the damaged school property at the price. Therefore, please forgive us, Lord Housekeeper. Once, please!!!"

Think of those terrible legends of a certain dormitory master, who can also break the human head to make people feel painful but will not die, and feel that the kind that is constantly emanating from the other party seems to be LV5. After the incomparably terrifying aura that the upwardly capable people could possess, Shirai Kuroko, who became more and more confused, simply knelt down on the floor in the access control room, and nodded his forehead on the tatami mat, facing someone The great and indescribable housekeeper began to apologize and apologize.

Because, now she is indeed the one who accidentally made mistakes by herself and caused losses to the school. At the same time, she was unfortunately caught by the selfless housekeeper in front of her... So, if they don’t want to suffer For those suffering that they can't bear, then it's best to admit their mistakes honestly now, and try to beautify their words and deeds, so that the punishment they can accept later can be a little lighter?


"Yes, yes! Master dormitory, I was really doing basic daily ability training with Heizi just now, otherwise I would just use billion-volt high-voltage current and super-electromagnetic gun..."

"So, please trust us, be considerate and forgive us this time?!"

After Mikoto Misaka realized that his sister Kuroko was doing something, she, who was wise, knelt down and sat down sincerely, and stood motionless in front of someone with a black face, and did not immediately express her attitude. The housekeeper who had not changed much in his expression sincerely pleaded.

Regardless of whether what Heizi said is true or false, anyway, she really kept her hands just now, and she really regarded it as training. Otherwise, it would not be a mere 100,000 volt current... and if she was really used If the high-voltage current of one billion volts and the'super-electromagnetic gun' were applied, it would not be as simple as breaking a few road bricks and burning a few green trees.

You know, her super-electromagnetic gun is formed by shooting game coins at three times the speed of sound, and it can continue to accelerate before hitting the target. At the same time, it has extremely high accuracy and destructive power, and even possesses even steel battleships. The terrible power that can be directly penetrated?

Therefore, if she really used her abilities in a fight just now, regardless of whether she could beat that nasty spatially moving sunspot, she must have already attacked the school city and Tokiwadai’s area of ​​the student dormitory building outside of the schoolyard has caused devastating damage! !


"So... you are really not fighting, but training your abilities?"

The corner of the dormitory's mouth, who was holding his arm, finally bent an arc for the first time, and reached out to support the frame on the bridge of his nose, and at the same time, a dangerous light was reflected from the narrow frame of myopic glasses.


"Yes! That's it!!"

Mikoto and Kuroko, who were sitting on their knees and leaning on the tatami apologizing, just replied without raising their heads. They did not notice the sneer at the corners of their wardens' mouths and the growing face. Terrible and appalling eyes.


Snapped! !



Two cries of pain sounded...

"Do you think I would believe that ridiculous reason? Or, do you think I just didn't see your ‘excellent’ fight the first time?!"

The wardens in black professional uniforms and half-knee skirts suddenly stepped forward and stood in front of the two prostrate students, squinting, and staring at the backs of their heads with murderous eyes before using Yin. At the same time as he asked in a compassionate tone, he quickly copied out the thick strips of paper that had appeared in his hands when he did not know when, and slammed each of them on their cocked buttocks.


"Sir, housekeeper, we are wrong, we are really wrong, please forgive us this time!!"


"Yes! Master dormitory, we have had to fight hard, really not what you imagined, please forgive us..."

In the **** and whimpering, Shirai Kuroko and Misaka Mikoto, who had a premonition that punishment or even corporal punishment might come again at any time, straightened up and subconsciously covered their backs, they felt pity again when they saw the terrifying face of the housekeeper. Crawling on the tatami, he didn't even dare to lift his head and started begging for mercy.

Judging from the situation just now, sophistry is definitely not enough, so they began to play the emotional card, preparing to pretend to be as pitiful as possible, so that the forthcoming stormy punishment can be slightly reduced?

"Oh? Is that true?"

"But, you really make me feel embarrassed like this... If every time someone makes a mistake, they say that they have troubles, and every time I have to make a decision on the Internet... Then tell me, how can I maintain this off campus? The public order of the dormitory?!"

After a while, a dangerous light flashed through the eyes of the wardens, who was squinting. It seemed that he had planned the punishment for the two of them?

However, before the announcement, she had to look at someone who was also in the entrance room at this time, who was wearing a pure white silk gold embroidered super-luxury monastic dress, obviously it would not be a student from their private Tokubandai High School. The little girl in, and... the other one is sitting on her desk without a person, happily dangling those two white short legs, and holding his chin watching her scolding students, just Looking at the excitement, a little guy who just moved in today is not too big a problem.

"Little Annie..."

"Let's talk about it, did you just... also participated in the fight between the two of them and used your abilities in the dormitory building area?"

Although, as the housekeeper, she likes this eight-year-old child named Annie very much. He looks cute, clever, smart and cute...because this is the first case in their private Tokiwandai High School. The other party is indeed among all the students. The youngest! However, if the cute little guy in front of her also participated in the fight or was related to the fight, then she would definitely not tolerate it easily!



"No! No! Only the two of them were fighting. We just came back from outside, and we were almost injured by them by mistake!!!"

ε=(??ˇεˇ????))) Humph!

Little Annie is not stupid. This kind of thing is obviously irrelevant and can be hung up high. How could she casually admit that she was involved in it?

Moreover, they were almost injured by mistake...

But it was not her who was accidentally injured, but the Inticus she brought back? Because just now, if it wasn't for the useless ‘Mobile Church’ magic robe on the opponent’s body, it wouldn’t be too bad, maybe he would have been electrocuted by the lightning! !

"and so……"


"Auntie dormitory, you must punish these two bad guys severely. Since they made mistakes, you can completely press them on the stool and take off their skirts and spanking, but don't be polite! , If you are afraid of palm pain, we can also help!!"


After finishing talking, Xiao Annie still stared at the two little butts that Sister Heizi and Ms. Mikoto had crept up on the ground, and pointed out her little claws directly to suggest.

Before, Momolin’s mother said that the little girl who made a big mistake was going to be spanked!

So, if the two young ladies, Heizi and Mikoto, were to be punished by that kind of inhumane punishment, then Queen Anne would definitely not plead with them! Moreover, not only will she not intercede to the dormitory aunt for them, she will also take the initiative to "righteously destroy the relatives", and personally help the amiable dormitory aunt to execute the torture, ensuring that every slap will give off the crispness of the "slap" The sound, to ensure that the other party's screams can spread throughout the entire dormitory building!

At that time, don’t beat the little butts of the two bad sisters who have made mistakes like those monkeys in the zoo, and don’t let the rest of the young ladies in the building feel the same way and never dare to violate school regulations again. She will never stop! !


(Dear little master, during this period of time, you have violated the most. If you want to fight, you must start with you...


——Well, Tibbers shut up winkingly just now!

Because, some mischievous little owner of his family was using a small hand hidden behind his back to pinch its neck viciously... and if it wasn't for the presence of outsiders, or if the other party was busy instigating a certain house If the supervisor performs some indescribable corporal punishment, I am afraid that its head will be grabbed by the opponent and twisted three times to the left and three times to the right and soaked directly in the bath water all night, right? )



Obviously, the words of a certain kid who fell into the rock completely shocked Misaka Mikoto and Shirai Kuroko, who were trembling on the ground, and then naturally forced them to straighten their bodies instantly and kneel straight down. Sitting on the ground, glaring at some nasty little guy who wanted to take the opportunity to retaliate against them.

"Damn boy!!"

"I remember you, so you can continue to gloat on the sidelines!"

Baijing Kuroko gritted his teeth and stared at a little girl sitting on the wardens’s desk. Obviously, the other party must have been deliberate, for, maybe she wanted to retaliate against those that she had specifically targeted the other party before. The thing that violated school rules and the thing that prevented the other person from eating this afternoon?

Fortunately, she helped the other party so much today and cleaned the dormitory, but now...Anyway, her Lord Heizi remembers the other party thoroughly. After this incident, she will definitely give someone a slap in the face and turn her face. A good-looking guy who doesn't recognize people! !



"I didn't secretly gloat for misfortune!!"



"No? That **** little guy, what were you doing just now?!"

Shirai Kuroko was a little anxious and gritted her teeth. Moreover, if it weren't for the master dormitory's entrance room, or if the master dormitory was staring at them, she would have moved over in an instant and pinched hard. He twisted a few three hundred and sixty degrees with his small face.


Obviously, Misaka Mikoto is also very dissatisfied with a little guy who is obviously a friend, but this will only be gloating and falling into trouble!

However, apart from glaring at the other party, she didn't make too many extra moves or threaten them.

After all, the use of abilities is not allowed in the dormitory... and the housekeeper is still here, and has not announced the punishment for them... So she feels that even if it is necessary to impose a small punishment on a little guy, it will be enough. People or where you can use your abilities at will?

At that time, her 100,000-volt ‘electrotherapy’ process will surely be able to teach a little guy how to respect the senior sister in the future, right?

"People really didn't gloat for misfortune secretly..."


"Because... People are blatantly gloating in front of you now! Hehehehehehe!"


After finishing talking, little Annie unscrupulously laughed at the two young ladies who were about to be unlucky on the desk, just like that'blatant' appearance, just gloating in front of each other. , It's not the kind of secretive behavior!


Sure enough, the law of conservation of happiness is correct. Happiness cannot be created or destroyed. It can only be transferred from one person to another... Now, the two young ladies in front of us are unhappy. Yes, then her Queen Anne is happy, which is really great!



Under the wanton ridicule of a little guy, Misaka Mikoto and Shirai Kuroko, who were still tit-for-tat in private just now, became strangely united, and suddenly stood up from the ground together, glaring a little angrily. A stubborn and unscrupulous little guy.

"That's what you deserve!!"



(● ̄(??) ̄●)


Finally, a certain dormitory who felt that she had been neglected couldn't stand it anymore, so she had to walk between the two sides, blocking the gunpowder-filled glare from both sides.


"You two shut up and just stay here and don't move!!"

The dormitory felt a little strange that after a certain little guy harassed her for a while, she actually calmed down, and she unconsciously left behind with the punishment methods she had thought of before, and seemed no longer willing to punish her. Are these two students too heavy?

"Little guy, don't rush to be proud!"

"Now I ask you: who is this little girl? Looking at her face and dress, she definitely won't be a student of our Tokibantai Middle School, right? So, why do you disregard the rules and let her stay here at night? ?"

Now, the charges of certain two students who provoked troubles and abused their ability to fight have basically been sorted out by her housekeeper... Therefore, before the punishment is announced, it is now the turn of a certain arbitrarily to start the entrance guard at night, The little guy who still brought in outsiders and caused them to stay in the dormitory area.

I didn’t say anything, this little girl with long silver hair, green eyes and snow-white skin, dressed in weird monastic clothes, with such obvious features, would definitely not be from their private Tokibantai High School. student! And if Tokiwadai Middle School admits such a student, she, as the housekeeper, would definitely not know it, just like a little blond guy, knowing you, the first one who enrolled in a little guy Today, as the housekeeper, she had already received a notification from the school.


∑(??△`)? !

Unexpectedly, Xiao Annie, who had just been gloating for misfortune for a long time, discovered at this time that she had also unknowingly violated the rules? However, why does she not know the outrageous regulations that cannot bring people to stay in the dorm at night? !


(● ̄(??) ̄●)

(Tibbers knows that the “rules” are clearly hung beside the umbrella stand at the entrance of the dormitory building. With such a big frame and rows of enlarged fonts, a certain messy little master has passed by several times. , But she never thought of going there, who can be to blame?)

"Are you asking her..."


"She was called Indikes. I picked it up on the street. She was almost abducted by a bunch of bad guys... I think she is poor and has no place to live at night, so it's like bringing her back, temporarily in mine. Stay in the dormitory for one night...Anyway, you know, auntie dormitory, my double dormitory has two beds, but I am the only one living in the dormitory, so I am a little afraid of the dark at night, so..."


It's impossible to be afraid of the dark, Queen Anne, her "daughter of darkness" is impossible for her to be afraid of the dark in this life, and the darkness is about the same! However, that doesn't prevent her from pretending to be a normal little girl, and betraying a housekeeper aunt who likes children a little bit, so that she can directly fool some of the less important things?

Anyway, she agreed to Inticus to allow the other party to stay with herself in the school's dormitory for a short night, so no matter what, this matter must be implemented.

"I picked it up?"

A little guy can still pick up such a beautiful little girl with green eyes and white skin. She has lived as a housekeeper for twenty-nine years of such a good thing, but why has she never heard of it? !


"Wait first!"

After thinking about it, she suddenly turned around and picked up a tablet-like device from her desk. After taking a look at the little girl, she quickly operated it.

"Looking at her appearance and clothes, I think she should not be from Academy City. Does she have that kind of temporary guest card?"

Although the school city is not small, with 23 school districts and a population of 2.3 million, it is a huge modern city, but like the one in front of me, it has long waist-length silver hair and green His eye pupils and snow-white skin are about 14 or 5 years old, and he is also wearing a weird pure white silk gold embroidered super-luxury monastic uniform. There is absolutely no such a person in academy city. Anyway, with Her teacher's authority could not find out the identity of the other party on her terminal device, so she had to ask a little guy who led in.

If the other party doesn't even have the guest's temporary ID, then she can only notify the guards if she can't. After all, as a housekeeper, she will definitely not promise a fellow of unknown origin to join their Tokipantai Middle School. In the student dormitory!

"Guest card?"

∑(??△`)? !

"Some and some!!"


It doesn’t matter if it doesn’t, anyway, she has just ordered the fat robot with strong data processing ability besides dropping bombs. The other party has connected directly to the database of Xueyuan City through wireless network, and made one urgently. It really can’t really include the guest’s temporary ID, whether it’s information or photos, as well as immigration registration materials and surveillance video, it is guaranteed that no one can find out anything wrong.

And if it wasn't for the students who directly set the other party as a private Tokibandai Middle School, it is too easy for others to find something wrong, she would probably instruct the little fat robot to do that!


"Well, it's getting late now, the lights are almost out... Nothing, I can make an exception and let her stay overnight in our Tokipantai Middle School dormitory, but she must go to the entrance guard to register for the guest card, and then Must also strictly abide by the rules and regulations of the dormitory!!"

Suddenly, I found that the device in my hand could search for the ID of the temporary guest based on the other person’s appearance. After finding that there was nothing suspicious about the other person’s identity, the housekeeper thought for a while and sighed and decided that the time is not right now. She is suitable for rushing people, so she temporarily decided to accommodate her once, so that outsiders think that she is unkind, and affect Tokiwadai Middle School to leave a bad impression in the hearts of the guests?

Besides, the identity of the other party is clearly written in the temporary ID. It seems to be a nun from a foreign sect who came to the school city to visit and study. She does not have any special abilities and is an incompetent of LV0, so it must be There must be no problems.



"Okay! Okay! Thank you, Auntie, the housekeeper, I will definitely supervise her and I will never let her run around!"


Unexpectedly, this fierce dormitory aunt suddenly decided to accompany her temporarily. This made Little Annie, who had originally planned to use a little magic that no one could discover to make the other party change her mind, couldn't help but froze for a while, and then came back to her. He quickly patted his small chest and promised.


"Thank you for your arrangement, please rest assured, I will stay for one night and will definitely not cause you trouble..."

Seeing that her place tonight has been settled, Inticus hurriedly bowed to the slightly different and blunt grammar from the people in Academy City, and bowed to the lady called the housekeeper and thanked her.


"Master dormitory! This is not fair!!"

Suddenly, Shiraizu Kuroko, who had been standing by the side at this time, yelled...

"We have violated the rule that the ability cannot be used within the dormitory area. We admit this! However, she has clearly violated the rules of non-stay personnel, so why should you be accommodating to her, and you can’t be accommodating to us? a bit?!"

"So it's not fair! You have to punish together, or you don’t want to pursue it!!"

Kuroko does not have any objection to the guest named Inticus. As a guest, she is proud to live in the dormitory of Tokibandai Middle School for one night and understand the luxury and comfort of their dormitory. ! However, she was very, very dissatisfied with the fact that the little guy Annie also violated the rules but was not punished!

In short, now it is necessary to punish everyone and be punished together. If you want to be accommodating, everyone will accommodate together, so that she won't have any opinions!


That is the injustice of the housekeeper, even if the other party is looking at her with murderous eyes, even if the other party is likely to upgrade the punishment, she will absolutely not compromise! Anyway, she just didn't let the little guy who just laughed at them and gloated at them. !


"Master dormitory, why don't you accommodate us?"

Misaka Mikoto also looked at the housekeeper with expectation. However, she was not as strong as Kuroko. She just felt that if she could fool her with her abilities and violate the rules of her house, it would be better than everyone being caught together. punishment?

After all, she wouldn't be like that idiot Heizi did that kind of harming others and harming herself.

"Shut up, you guys!"

"And you, little guy, don't try to fool this thing!!"

Finally, perhaps it was the protests of Misaka Mikoto and the powerful Shirai Kuroko that were effective, or the housekeeper did not want to sweep the majesty that she had established for many years, so she rebuked Kuroko and Mikoto at the same time. Turning his head, he glared at a little guy who was about to taunt his classmates and senior sisters.

"Listen to me all three of you, now the punishment is as follows!"

"Shirai Kuroko and Misaka Mikoto, in view of your arbitrarily used abilities to fight in the dormitory, damage official duties and cause adverse effects, I now announce in the name of a teacher and housekeeper: the two-month scholarship will be confiscated. Act as compensation for the public property destroyed by the two of you. I will upload this decision to the school council and implement it later, plus punishing you for cleaning the swimming pool for a week!"

"Little Annie, since you also violated the house rules, so you have to clean the school swimming pool with them for a week!!"

"Do you have any objections to this punishment now?!"

After speaking, the wardens helped his own mirror frame again, and then stood aside with his arm, waiting for the reaction of the three.

She has decided that if anyone has an opinion, she will let someone clean the pool for another week, which is still something that cannot be refuted! Anyway, the decision is in her hands, even if they want to resist, it's useless. That's how it was decided.





Seeing a certain housekeeper's aunt still in anger, she felt that cleaning the pool seemed to be easy, or thought that it might be fun, and after thinking about it, Little Annie indifferently agreed.


With a sigh, Misaka Mikoto accepted it.

Although Mikoto Misaka's scholarship that had been confiscated for two months was very painful, but when she thought about it, she did damage the public property, and she still had some savings, so she thought about it and felt that the punishment was not too great. serious?

"and many more!"

"I have an objection!!"

Someone who was a bit more powerful and even dared to hit her sister's idea, he spoke unceremoniously and raised his hand:

"Um, Master dormitory..."

"I think... those trees and a few road bricks and lawns don't seem to be worth that much money, right? Also, the trash can should still be good, and it may still be usable if it is installed a little bit, so how can you punish us? Scholarship for two full months..."

"Okay! It's okay, Master House Superintendent, we have no opinion at all now, and firmly support your punishment decision!!"

Seeing the increasingly impatient face of the housekeeper, and noticing that the older sister was quietly pulling the corners of her skirt, Shirai Kuroko felt a terrible breath starting to come, and hurriedly changed her mouth.

Anyway, this matter is not too important to her, because ah, she still has a special allowance from the Commissioner of Discipline! Besides, there is no need to spend money to eat in the school cafeteria. It's a big deal for the next two months. She will not go shopping or buy things randomly for two months. Those allowances plus the remaining poor savings, presumably Life will not be too sad?

The big deal, can she not buy things like ‘Love and Aphrodisiac’ or ‘Computer Accessories’ for now? Perhaps, she can change to use the true feelings to influence her sister adult? !


"No objection is best!"

Seeing that a nasty classmate Baijing Heizi was still acquainted, the house supervisor coldly hummed and walked to the side, pressing the original plan to change his mouth and let the other party clean the toilet for a week, and prepared to send a message to the staff at the entrance guard before leaving get off work Check in for a temporary guest, and make an exception called Inticks to move into their dormitory.


"Why, what do you want to do while staying here, do you have any objections, or feel that the punishment is too light, you want me to add a week or two to your cleaning time?"

Having already done it on her desk and was about to send a message to the entrance guard in front of him, he became impatient after seeing the restless guys in front of them still not intending to leave in her office. There was no warning.

It's so late now, and I'm afraid the lights will be turned off in a while. If these guys don't leave, is it possible that they can't sleep without taking a shower at night? You know, if you go to bed at night without taking a bath, it would be a violation of the dormitory of the private Tokiwandai Girls' High School! !


"No, no need...We have no objections. The housekeeper's lesson is that we will leave now, we will leave immediately!!"

Misaka Mikoto stepped forward, covering his roommate and sister Kuroko's mouth with one hand, and blocked the other person who seemed to be about to speak again. After he didn't know whether it was a protest against the housekeeper or a little girl, The other hand directly locked the opponent's neck, and then directly dragged the opponent to the door of this access control office and dragged away.

Now a certain wardens are extremely upset, and there is nothing good for them to stay here! !

"Goodbye, auntie the dormitory!!"

ヾ( ̄▽ ̄)Bye~Bye~

Little Annie finally jumped off the desk, planning to greet some young lady who was still standing stupidly to go back with her.

"and many more!"

"Little Annie... you take her to the entrance guard first, and use her temporary guest card to swipe to register. I have already explained to the staff in front that I won't waste your time."

Seeing that a little guy had already walked outside and was about to leave the door, the dormitory wardens suddenly behind him, who was clearly punished, but he didn’t know why he was so happy, and he bounced softly. Write.


|??˙??˙)? !

"Ok! No problem!!"


Half of her head poked out from the door and made a grimace at a accommodating Little Annie hurriedly pulled a silly little sister away...


"What a cute little guy..."

Sure enough, the wardens suddenly felt that compared to those students who are difficult to discipline and like to be mischievous, she seems to prefer the kind of cute and cute children more?


??(????????)???? Ask for tickets???? (??????*))

Wonderful book house

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