Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 880: Master dormitory, we have been wronged o(,,???,,…

‘Yeah! ! ’

A woman's exclamation sounded.


In the flames, Steer Magnus outside the door heard the first exclamation that clearly belonged to Inticus, and then soon, he was surprised to find that the dormitory had just been The flames that I used to defeat the enemy with the big explosion and high-speed attack of the flame sword of the'gift to the giant's pain, unexpectedly exploded, new and different changes soon occurred?


I was worrying about Annie, and I never thought that the explosive offensive "flaming sword" magic that the talented magician had just issued the "gift for the giant's pain" was so easy to be caught in front of my eyes. Was this little guy easily cracked?

Moreover, she can be sure that the little guy Annie didn’t seem to use any magic or abilities at all just now, but really just used that kind of strange control talent ability to control or'command' to live. They are only? !

"Ann, Annie! How are you..."

That kind of weird fire-controlling ability, the kind of flame superpower that is called LV5 in the opponent's mouth, seems to be another form of magic in the eyes of Inticus now... Or, can it be said that the other party’s existence is magic itself, or is it another form of magic?

Anyway, other than that, she really couldn't find a more reasonable explanation in the knowledge of the one hundred and three thousand magic books in her own mind! So, now she is a little curious, a little surprised, and still more puzzled, completely unable to understand what the other party's ability to control flames is almost domineering just now? !


"This... this result is too surprising, huh! But think about it..."

When the explosion of the flame subsided, and when I saw the two people in the room, especially the little girl who uttered the words, not only did not suffer any harm, but as soon as he reached out his hand, the flames that were about to burn the entire room were all instantly gathered. In the palm of her hand, she also allowed her to form a compressed blazing white fireball, making her like an obedient kitten, swaying and beating in the wind in the opponent's hand, and then Stil Magnus He laughed like self-deprecating.

In fact, think about it carefully, since the other party dared to claim to be a flame ability person of Academy City LV5, and claimed to be some kind of flame devil who kills people without blinking, then it is indeed a bit of a mistake to use ordinary flame magic to deal with the opponent.

Although Steele Magnus does not believe that the other party really has LV5 capabilities, because as far as he knows, there are only seven LV5 capable people in the entire Academy City, and there is no such little girl. Existence... If he meets those guys with top-notch abilities, then he really needs to be treated with care... However, the little girl in front of him, in his opinion, is only LV3 or The level of LV4 is only, although the ability to control fire is indeed a bit difficult for him as a genius Flame Mage, but that is it, it is far from the level that makes him feel tricky and jealous or want to shrink back. .



"Hey! Do you think that after I let you burn down the door of my dormitory, I will let you continue to burn the things in my dormitory?"


Normally, with Little Annie’s absolute control over the flames, she was just a matter of thought, so that the high-temperature flames of the items that were about to burn into the dormitory quickly gathered to her little hands obediently. In the palm of his hand, he even threw it twice at random, so that it could not affect anyone or anything in the room at all.

"Also, is this your kind of ridiculous magic?"


"Look at it, it went out all at once!!"


Little Annie took a look at the flame in her hand, and then she curled her lips uninterestingly and mocked the other party, then she shook hands abruptly and grabbed it directly in her palm, only curled up. Gun smoke and sparks are still swaying in the air...

"Let me tell you..."


"The flame is completely ineffective to me. If you, the so-called genius magician, have only this level of magic, then you are really a little too pitiful!!"


No one or a demon has ever dared to play with fire in front of her Queen Anne, not a single one!

So, the so-called genius magician in front of me, according to Miss Indix’s statement just now, who is the best at fire magic, must have done something wrong at the wrong time, in the wrong place. What happened and met her wrong hostile object?

"There is one more important thing!"


"The aunt in our school is very fierce and fierce. You came here most of the night without sleeping, smashed the door, set fire, or throwing tricks or something. If she came upstairs and saw it, you might be dead It!!!"

(*??︶??*).. .:*

In fact, Xiao Anni is very angry now. Although she actually doesn’t mind the other party damaging the property or setting fire to it, but, just because the other party quarrels her with sleeping, she already wants to burn the other party directly. Be impulsive and let the other person know what is flame magic or what is magic genius!


For her who still wants to continue playing in this academy city, if she burns her opponent, she will most likely violate those messy rules? So, she hasn't thought about it yet, and she has a little hesitation. She doesn't know whether she wants to burn the other party or burn the other party?

This is a problem that takes time to study slowly...


After all, openly burning people in the school dormitory, even if the other party is the villain who attacked the girls' dormitory at night, even if the other party set the fire first, if you burn the other party yourself, you will definitely violate those messy regulations, right?

After all, the various laws and regulations enacted by these people on Earth are so strange. They always like to protect the rights of the bad guys first. As for the rights of the victim, even if it is a legitimate defense, even if it is forced. Counterattack, such as burning the opponent or something, is also said to get into big trouble?


Although her Queen Anne is not afraid of trouble, but...


(● ̄(??) ̄●;)

(Tibbers suddenly felt that being a good person is really too exhausting, especially like some bad master of his family. Suddenly he thought of becoming a law-abiding'normal' earthling. time?

Sure enough, it's better to be a shadow flame bear. Whoever dares to provoke him, Master Tibbers Bear, will burn him directly! Who dares to make it look unpleasant, or make it too pleasing to the eye, it can also be burned directly or eaten by the other party, and there is no need to worry about the messy things and the inexplicable consequences. )


"It was my negligence. It seems that you are indeed a high-level flame ability person. You are indeed a little capable. I should come again when she is alone..."

Seeing the other's actions, Stil Magnus was stunned, and then nodded clearly. The opponent’s ability to manipulate flames really made him feel a little surprised... However, it was only a little accidental. Obviously, it was not that the opponent made him value and made him look down upon him as a magician. Reason!


"Little girl, don't worry about being proud, the flame magic just now is just the most basic flame "flaming sword" move. Now our game has just begun..."

"However, I can remind you: under the effect of my rune magic'Idleman Dispelling', the students and dormitories of your school will definitely not hear our fighting sound, so if you If you want to postpone time and wait for helpers to support you, you can rest assured now..."

Of course, the premise of not coming is that the effect of the rune is still there and the battle between them has not spread to those dormitories?

"Because... they definitely won't come, you won't have any help!!"

After speaking, Stil Magnus's feet began to see a wave of surging flames, obviously, he was ready to cast a spell again.

"Idlers disperse" (Rune Opila), also translated as "Exorcise Idlers", is before Steyr?? Magnus wandered up and down the dormitory building many times in order to prevent those "irrelevant" people from entering the battlefield. The rune magic activated on the wall of the whole building can make people around here produce a kind of "I don’t want to be near here for some reason" "No abnormality at all" sleeping comfortably and I can't wake up at all" or something like It is a magical effect like'feeling just dreaming'.

Moreover, the meaning of the rune text of'Opila' has the meaning of'land', and after using it to cast the magic of'dispelling idlers', it is of course possible to obtain the right to'ownership' within a certain range and extent. , Which can effectively prevent outsiders from coming in and interfering.

After all, no matter how arrogant he was, Steele Magnus was not so arrogant that he would dare to talk to the hundreds of LV3 capable superpowers in the entire building, and those in this school who are likely to have To the point where the powerful teachers with rich combat experience contend! !

"The idlers disperse?"

∑(??△`)? !

"Ha! I see, that's actually the Muggle expulsion spell, right? It's like the tricks that the wizards at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry like to use, the kind of trick that is particularly effective against ordinary people. little tricks?!"


When the other party said this, Xiao Anni finally understood, and she also knew why no one came to watch for so long, and there was no such thing as a ruthless housekeeper and aunt rushing to chase people. The same thing?

But with that said, Xiao Annie also realized that a certain bad bear must have become slack?

Otherwise, why didn't it remind herself of such important things in time, which made her hesitate to do it? But, since the other party has released the magic to expel ordinary people and shielding others' perceptions in advance, she can finally feel a little relieved... Maybe, she can burn the other party directly without worrying about being seen by others at all?



(Tibbers said that it would never accept the unwarranted charge of'laziness'! Because this is clearly a certain mischievous little master who is lazy, laziness, and the obvious magic fluctuations around him. They all pretend to be invisible, and don’t bother to perceive or analyze a little bit. How can they come back to it now?!)



Stil??Magnus doesn't know what the "Muggle Expulsion Curse" is, but that doesn't prevent him from understanding that it should be the same spell as his "Idleman Dispel"?

Moreover, what shocked him even more was: This little girl in front of him actually knew the existence of magic? !

Also, what about the British Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry that the other party just mentioned? Why he belongs to the Puritan "Necessary Evil Church" in England, also known as the "Zero Church", a church organization in London, specializing in witch hunting, heretical interrogation, and a rune mage against magicians Own, but never heard of it? !


This can be regarded as an important piece of information. After he completes the task here and returns, he will definitely submit a report to the London headquarters! At that time, let the headquarters look up where the ‘Hogwarts’ Witchcraft and Wizardry School is, and what kind of hidden secret organization is it?

Of course, no matter what ideas he has, it is not important at the moment, because he has more important things, that is: the magic is ready, he has to send it!

‘One of the five elements that build the world...’

"The great flame of the ancestor~! ’

‘That is the light of grace that nurtures life...’

‘That is the light of sanction to punish evil...’

‘While bringing stability and happiness, it also eliminates the cold and dark bad luck...’

‘I have fire in my hand, its shape is like a sword, and its duty is to convict—sucking blood to hunt the burning blade! ! ’

call! !

It's not easy. After finally chanting the spell in one breath, the powerful magical energy and turbulent flames surging from the runes around Stir Magnus gathered in his hands, causing a little When the girl thought that he was likely to send out that kind of flame jet again, he suddenly grabbed the flame and directly condensed the flame into a flame sword and held it in his hand.

"right now!"

"For those with abilities like you who can control fire, and against your heretics, I think, my magic sword with physical damage attributes, you definitely can't be immune to it, right?"

Now that my own blow used a big explosion and a high-speed fire sword to defeat the enemy's move, since the'gift for giving giant pain' (PurisazNaupiz Gebo) was easily cracked by the little girl and reversed control immunity, so, After careful thinking, Steele quickly thought of the way to deal with the opponent's talent abilities, that is:

No longer use flame magic as a means to attack the enemy, but use flame magic to form another form of attack, like the "sword" in your hand? In that case, no matter how bad, he would not easily give up the fire magic he is best at because the opponent is a fire ability supernatural person! !

Besides, although he can't be as afraid of flames as the opponent, he himself has high resistance to flames. If the opponent uses flames to deal with him, he holds the "Vampiric Hunting and Killing Blade" in his hand. 'He can deal with it more easily.



"What are you so proud of? You just chanted for too long, hum! I knew it was a rookie at a glance..."

(ˉ▽ ̄~) Cut~~

It's just a long sword of flame magic, and the other party will have to talk about it for a long time, but if it wasn't for Annie she was curious in her heart, she would like to hear and see what kind of one will appear after the other party finishes chanting In the end, she had already smashed her face with a fireball just now, and there would be a chance for the other party to talk for so long and make that tattered magic sword? !


(● ̄(??) ̄●)

"Hmph! The bad guy who beats the earrings, isn't it just a flame magic sword, there needs to be like yours for a long time, look at mine, is it faster and more beautiful than yours? !"


When she raised her hand, a flash of fire suddenly appeared in Little Annie's hand, and then in an instant, no matter which villain Steier or the Miss Indikes behind her was, they were only surprised to see: In her hands, In the blink of an eye, there appeared a flame magic sword that was more solid, more gorgeous, and more than half a meter long than the opponent's?

Originally, Xiao Annie wanted to directly use the flame to condense a three-meter-long super long gun. In that case, she could use the absolute advantage of the length to beat the opponent! It's just that if the other party turns into a sword, but she turns into a spear, will it seem a bit unfair?

Therefore, she also made a flame magic sword, but naturally, her sword was a little longer than the opponent's, which slightly made up for the disadvantage of her small arms and legs.


(● ̄(??) ̄●)

(Tibbers didn’t want to remind a bad little master about her ruthless fact that she didn’t know how to use swordsmanship at all. Anyway, in its view, she would not be able to beat the opponent under normal circumstances, and then she was After being humiliated, someone will definitely cheat secretly, and secretly use LV5 fire superpower or above to retaliate against the other party. Therefore, Tibbers is not in a hurry!)

"Damn boy!!"

"Put away your unused abilities, the field of magic is not something you can imagine as upstarts who accept ability development and obtain abilities! The vastness and greatness of the magic field is yours This kind of person can't touch and reach in his lifetime!!!"

It seemed that Steyr Magnus, who felt humiliated and felt that his heart with strong self-esteem had been injured by the crit, rushed into the room with a wave of his sword.

He can't wait now, he must defeat the little girl as soon as possible, and then subdue Inticus who still wants to resist, and then take the opponent away! Taking advantage of the last three days, he absolutely can't let the other party stay next to the super-powered student in this ignorant and ignorant academy city. Otherwise, I am afraid it will be too late. ! !



"Magic is not as complicated as you think! But forget it, you won't believe it anyway..."


You must know that although the frequency of using magic for a long time has been lower and lower for Little Annie, and many times there is no chance to use magic seriously... But this does not mean that she has forgotten the magic, but the fact is The above is: her understanding of magic has already reached the level of creation, and she has long looked down on those shallow-level spells that grind and chant spells!

After all, magic or sorcery is just a form of expression of power, a method of manifesting power and the process of defeating the enemy, that is not really important... and her current magic has long been easy to come by. The kind of Grid, like she is now letting herself use the LV5 superpower level of the flame power, it is actually magic. She can directly condense in her hand to form a long sword with a single thought, without any spells. .

However, in fact, in the end, it is all about setting fire and condensing the flame sword to fight with the enemy. In the eyes of Little Annie, the result is the same. As for whether it is a magic or an ability, what does it matter? !

"Shut up!"

"You ignorant kid, just get out of me if you don't want to die!!"

Steyr?? Magnus didn’t have time to continue to delay with the unforgiving little guy in front of him, so after a scream, he directly swung his sword and accelerated towards the little girl in the dormitory. Pounced over!

After all, his pre-arranged runes and the "idle dispersal" magic are all time-limited. If you can't quickly grab Indix from the kid in front of you, then he wants to continue this next time. It's not easy to come here, especially here at Tokiwadai Middle School in Academy City!

Later, once you are bumped into by those troublesome students and teachers with various abilities, even if those people don't have much actual combat ability, but, given the advantage of quantity, I am afraid that even he can only flee.



Just when he rushed in and was about to officially start confronting the little girl, a certain man with red hair and earrings who hadn't learned how to smoke was not a good person in Little Annie's eyes, so he snorted and fiercely. The ground waved his long sword, forcibly retreated at a faster speed and pushed out again.


Ding! Ding! Ding!

It sounded like three metal collisions. Swordsmanship is not bad. He has been trained in aristocratic fencing, and is basically a master of swordsmanship. He just flew three of them at him with just one sword. The metal objects that struck were knocked out dangerously.

Tuk! Tuk! Tuk!

After the sound of the foreign body disappearing from the door frame, Steele was shocked and realized that it was three shiny steel needles that hit him? Then, in astonishment, he turned his head and looked at the third girl who appeared in the room suddenly and instantly.

"Ha! Sister-sama must not know what I found!"

"Look and see..."

"In the girls' dormitory of our private Tokibandai Girls' Middle School, there was a man who came in in the middle of the night... Man? Hey! Let me just say, the sound of footsteps outside the corridor just now is so loud, it's not like she at all. Mr. Supervisor, it turns out that a thief who wants to **** a girl has got in here?!"

That's right, the visitor is Shirai Kuroko who lives next door and has the ability to move in LV4 space!

Because, after waiting for a long time, I heard the noise in the next room getting louder and louder, and there was also a vaguely noisy voice. He even heard the man’s voice. He couldn't help it under his doubts. Ignoring the risk of being caught and punished by the housekeeper again, I took a step ahead of my sister, and moved to Xiao Annie's room in an instant.


Seeing that there was a man here who wanted to launch an attack on some nasty little guy, she didn't even think about it, and instantly moved the three steel nails to the thief with her spatial displacement power. He slammed it over! !


"Little Annie! Who the **** is he, and what does he want to do, why did you fight him?!"

He copied three steel spikes on guard again, Shirai Heizi, and then pointed at the tall and handsome thief who had a long sword in his hand, who had retreated outside the door, facing her Asked the little Annie who was also holding the flame'long' sword in her hand.


How could this be……

Stil?? Magnus didn't understand, why his rune of "Disperse the Idlers" was still in effect, but still attracted this girl student who seemed to be also Tokiwadai Middle School? !

"I do not recognize!"


"He came to me sneakingly in the middle of the night and kicked the door. I don't know what he wants to do..."


Now Xiao Anni is very unhappy, because she has not had time to use her peerless swordsmanship that she has not had the opportunity to use several times, so she was first stepped in by someone who can teleport and knocked back the enemy. The idea that she originally planned to fight the guy who seemed to be good at swordsman for three hundred rounds fell through... Therefore, she didn't want to explain too much to a young lady named Heizi now.


"I see, then, this guy must be the kind of pervert who likes to attack girls' dormitories at night?!"

I probably learned about the identity and purpose of the other party. After knowing that the guy outside the door is not an acquaintance that I or Xiao Anni knew, and then looked at the destroyed wooden door of the dormitory, Shirai Kuroko raised his hand gloomily. The three steel needles on the top squinted unkindly, and the corners of the mouth opened a dangerous arc.

Because, she found that all the grievances she received today and the bad breath held in her heart seemed to finally have a legitimate and reasonable target to vent?


"The big thief who dared to break into the girls' dormitory of our Tokiwadai Middle School! Now I declare: As a member of the 177th branch of the student urban discipline committee activity, Shirai Kuroko-sama will never let your conspiracy succeed!!! "

Suddenly waved!

The three steel needles disappeared the moment they let go, and when they reappeared, they already appeared in front of the thief, and pierced each other's arms and thighs from three different directions!

Now, she has long stopped paying attention to the rule that abilities cannot be used in the dormitory! Because, at the moment, she is working hard to fight against the thief who attacked the girls' dormitory at night and the evil violent who seriously violated the law. Even if the housekeeper was present, she must not be blamed for Shirai Kuroko! !

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

In normal times, the sunspots are just attacking people's clothes, just nail the enemy!

But today is different!

Because the opponent is a thief, and the opponent is also holding a flame sword in his hand, he must be a highly threatening ability person. Therefore, under the anger, I only want to pay attention to the enemy with one blow (to vent my grievances) He, the sunspot who didn't want the other party to make too much senseless resistance, could no longer care about the tragic bloodshed that would happen immediately.


Ding! Ding!


With a swing of his sword, Steele knocked out two steel nails, but the one that hit his thigh, he had no time to evade, and he was pierced by a sharp steel needle after piercing his tough robe. It stuck on his thigh and he couldn't help but let out a painful grunt from his throat!

Fortunately, the steel needle did not penetrate too deeply, and he did not feel that his actions were affected too much.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

At this time, another burst of rapid running footsteps from far and near, seemed to be coming from the corridor next door, as if someone was running over and was about to turn the corner of the corridor?


Why is someone here again?


Seeing that there is nothing to do today, seeing that the other party has not only come to a difficult person with the ability to move quickly, but also heard heavy footsteps coming from the next door, although I don’t know why the "dispelling idlers" technique The law didn't work on them, but the decisive Steer decided to suspend the action first and flew back, intending to suspend the action, and retreat from this dangerous place.

"Want to run?!"

"Sister-sama, hurry up! Catch me that thief!!"

Although she often attacked her elder sister at night, and was often called perverted by her elder sister, for Heizi, the most inexcusable thing for her was the kind of man and thief!

Therefore, seeing that the scum was about to run, and she had no nails to attack in her hand, she could only chase her out, loudly towards the person in pajamas who was running from the corner of the corridor. The older sister asked for help.


"Kinky, thief? There really are men?!!!"

Misaka Mikoto, who ran over to see what was happening, heard her sister's call and saw the tall man who was jumping down the second floor and seemed to be about to escape, her pupils shrank suddenly, and then she Ignoring that she was thinking too much, she quickly reached out and activated her LV5 superpower:

Millions of volts! !


Click! !

A thick lightning struck directly from Mikoto's hand towards the man who had just landed! !

boom! !

Another thunderous roar sounded, and then, as Shirai Kuroko, who moved instantaneously again and appeared in the garden downstairs, stretched out his hand and blocked the escape route of the thief who had dangerously avoided the lightning strike, Mikoto Misaka finally Jumping down from the second floor, with a game coin still in his palm, stood behind the unknowing thief with a ugly face.

"My sister, you are a little slower!"

After stopping the adulterous thief, Shirai Kuroko was still in the mood and winked at her sister.


However, Misaka Mikoto ignored the opponent, but stared at the man holding the flame sword with a cold expression, ready to respond to any form of attack from the opponent at any time.

right now,

They are Shirai Kuroko of Tokiwadai Middle School's LV4 space mobility superpower and a member of the discipline committee, and LV5 Superpowers of Gakuen City and Misaka Mikoto of Tokiwadai Middle School, they have surrounded the enemy, and now they are sure of each other. Can't run away! !



"That is obviously the opponent I found, how can you rob the blame casually like this?!!!"


I extinguished the flame sword in my hand, and ran to the balcony of the corridor on the second floor with the Inticus instrument, and looked down from the fence. I found that the bad guy was blocked by two young ladies, Mikoto and Heizi, and found that they had all the truth. After robbing her own monster without talking, little Annie was angry and planned to'hang up', and watched the show behind the middle road fence on the second floor, saying that she would not go down and help those two bad guys! !


"Annie, that mage is very powerful, won't you help them?"

Indix saw that the three below had already confronted each other. She was a little worried about the two friends she just met in the access control room today, so she couldn't help but urge her to a little girl next to her who was actually planning to watch the show. .

After all, everything that happened now was caused by her, so she did not want anyone in this school to be harmed because of her affairs.

"Don't go!!"

o(`^??)o Humph!

Who told the two guys in the next door (down road) to grab her weird, she just watched here, and didn't help them! !


Indix was stunned, she didn't understand, shouldn't it be time to deal with the enemy together with the enemy? Why is this guy like Little Annie? Moreover, no one seemed to provoke her either, knowing that Ikuroko and Misaka Mikoto were here to help...


(● ̄(??) ̄●)

(However, unlike Inticus’s reaction, Tibbers thinks this is normal. This is the horrible little master of his family!)


∑(??△`)? !


Little Annie discovered that in the corridors, those dark walls, door posts, even railings and trash cans, were densely plastered with the same runes painted in ink. Little piece of paper?




"Something fun will happen soon..."


"Eh heh heh..."


After spotting some small movements of an unqualified magician and the rune paper that had been pasted everywhere in the entire dormitory building, Annie turned her eyes grunting, and then quickly turned around. She disappeared into the darkness, stunned Intiqs who was still planning to say something or persuade her, completely wondering what she wanted to do.


"I, Shirai Kuroko, in the name of the 177th Branch of the Commission for Discipline and Discipline Activities, now order you to immediately put down your weapons and surrender! Otherwise, you will regret it later!!"

Now two are playing one, and the older sister is present, so Shirai Heizi's heart is full of confidence, and he does not put the thief whose face is constantly changing in front of him, even if the other party still holds a handle in his hand. The same goes for the terrifying flame sword.


Misaka Mikoto did not speak, but frowned, holding the game coin tightly in his hand, looking at the tall and tall, wondering why he broke into the back of the weird man in the girls' dormitory of Tokiwadai Middle School, doing Well, plan to attack and subdue each other at any time.



After sighing inwardly, Stil Magnus didn't speak, and went straight forward, with a sword cut at the so-called Discipline Commissioner who stood in front of him!


Huh! !

The flame sword slashed through the place where Baijing Heizi was, but he only found that only the air was slashed, but the opponent was no longer there? !

"you dare?!"

Not only did the other party not surrender, she even violently attacked her sister Heizi. Mikoto couldn't help but feel furious. She was in a bad mood, so she finally threw up the game coins in her hand and flashed lightning all over her body. Using his index finger as a guide rail, he aimed at the opponent before the game coins fell.

The scientific super-electromagnetic gun! !



Hiss! ! !

Misaka Mikoto didn't make a full shot, because this is the school dormitory area, she was worried that her attack would cause too much accidental injury or accidental attack? Moreover, when she saw that the enemy was unable to attack the sunspot, but pushed back and started to run away, she could only quickly estimate the power of the super-electromagnetic gun, and directly shot at the one that had already begun to accelerate and flee. The enemy's ground footing was bombarded away! !

Zizi~! Crackling! !


boom! ! !

A "cannonball" with lightning bolts was released at three times the speed of sound, and accelerated continuously, hitting the hateful man's feet in an instant, then exploded in an instant, and at the same time gave the opponent ruthlessly The ground flew and fell heavily to the side of the grass.

Misaka Mikoto did not shoot directly at the opponent's body, because she knew that once she did that, they would not get a prisoner and a criminal, but a broken, **** corpse or minced meat. Piece? !


"How? Do you want to surrender quickly?"

"Let me introduce it to you, even if I, Shirai Kuroko, who is a LV4 capable person, can't help you, my sister, she is an LV5 super capable person of Academy City, ten of you are not enough for her to fight!!"

At this moment, he teleported again and appeared next to his sister, Shirai Kuroko, and he triumphantly climbed up from the grass towards someone embarrassed, the weapon was blown away, and he was looking at the one beside him. Da Keng, the guy who looked at them with lingering fears was very handsome, but he liked to be a thief teasing.

If it wasn't for the fact that she had just walked too hurriedly and didn't bring more equipment, now her Lord Heizi would have to pierce a few holes in the opponent's arms and limbs! !

"is it……"

It seems that if you don't let go of your own killing magic today, it is absolutely impossible for you to escape, right? But fortunately, if I want to do things, I like Stir Magnus, who is prepared in advance, even if he is in desperation, he still has a back hand!

‘One of the five elements that build the world...’

"The great flame of the ancestor..."

‘That is the light of grace that nurtures life...’

Undoubtedly, for a mage like Steele Magnus, chanting a spell if he doesn't agree is one of the secrets of his success.


"My sister, what is he doing?!"

He didn't know the real person of the other party, and didn't know what the other party was talking about inexplicably whispering, so he curiously asked his sister next to him.


"I do not know either……"

Where does Misaka Mikoto know what's going on? And, if the other party is a man, or the other party is a thief who Heizi keeps shouting, or if the other party really shouldn't show up in the female dormitory, she probably won't do it easily, let alone use it directly. That kind of super-electromagnetic gun that is likely to kill the opponent!


"It is the light of sanction to punish evil..."

‘While bringing stability and happiness, it also eliminates the cold and dark bad luck...’

‘His name is Yan, and his job is a sword. Reveal it, bite my body and turn it into power-Innocentius, the King of Witch Hunters’

Seeing that the two people on the opposite side were dumbfounded and didn't stop him, Stil Magnus was ecstatic and couldn't help speeding up to finish the spell.


At this moment, Intix, who was watching the battle on the second floor, obviously knew what the other party wanted to do. However, she was a little far away now, and found that she might not be able to remind her, so she could only cover her mouth in shock. With a cry, I could only watch the magician finish the spell.



"Really, it's here again...I always say it like this, can't I change the spell? It's okay to let people listen to a fresh picture and be happy..."

ε=(??ο`*))) Alas!

When Inticus was surprised, when Kuroko and Mikoto in the garden below were puzzled, a little girl appeared at the railing again, ignoring Inticus's blaming and worried gaze, she lay down. Sitting on the railing, he muttered disdainfully.


"Wh, how come there is no response?!"

Steyr?? Magnus finished chanting the spell and held his hands proudly. However, he found that there was no change now, no flames, no magic circle, and no his hunting witch King (Innocentius)? !


"Sister, maybe he can't help being a thief, and at the same time a mental illness?!"

Heizi, who had been sluggish for a long time after seeing the other party's weird movements, looked at his sister next to him in that weird tone.

"I do not know……"

Of course Mikoto didn't know what the other party was doing, so besides scratching her head awkwardly, she didn't know what to say.



"Hey! Shu millet!!!"


"Are you looking for these small pieces of paper? The housekeeper aunt said that the third rule of Tokiwadai Middle School is that no one is allowed to put up posters and such small advertisements in or out of the dormitory! So, they just did it. I ran to help you uncover them all, how about, did someone do a great thing for you?!"


Little Annie suddenly stood up on the railing at this time, and triumphantly held a large mess of paper in her hand. The amount could be hundreds? So, there is no doubt that she can remove so much in such a short time, she must have used some kind of ‘little trick’!

"I said……"

"You two guys really do not change after teaching? Tomorrow, all punishments will be doubled! In addition to cleaning the school swimming pool, you have to clean the public toilet!!

At this time, an angry voice finally came out. Obviously, it belonged to the housekeeper! Because, what a little guy just did has destroyed a certain spell of a certain second-rate wizard?


"Master Sheguan! It's not us! It's him... uh??!"

Heizi Baijing just wanted to explain two sentences, but she only saw in horror:

The hateful red-haired man, at this time, gradually disappeared in front of their eyes, as if the air was expanding, and then let his own figure melt in the air and disappeared? !

"White Jing Heizi..."

"Who are you talking about?!"

At this time, the dormitory in pajamas had appeared at the exit of Yikou's dormitory building, and stared at a certain sunspot who was pointing at a cloud of air with extremely stern eyes.


"Sir, dormitory master! This is a misunderstanding. Just now there was a thief, so we had to come out to fight him!!"


"That's right! Master dormitory, we really came out after hearing the movement. Just now there was a tall guy, we had to rush out to fight him!!"


"That's it!!"

"If you don't believe me, ask Little Annie!"

"Yes, that is!"

In the panic, Misaka Mikoto and Shirai Kuroko could only tremble, telling everything they saw.


"What's going on? What kind of thief, what are you talking about? Where is he? Why do I only see you two not sleeping in the middle of the night, and fighting with your abilities in the dormitory area?!"

Obviously, under the spell of the incoming magician, a messy little girl broke the spell in a timely manner, and after the other party fled, no one else seemed to notice that except for the people in the 207 and 208 dormitories. What happened was just hearing the shouting and attacking explosions of Kuroko and Mikoto at the end? !




"These burnt marks are caused by lightning, right? Humph, do you still want to deny?"


"It's really not us! I dare to guarantee in the name of my sister!!"


"The protest is invalid!"

"Now, go back to bed immediately! Tomorrow I will convey the new punishment and arrangement to you. If I hear any more, your punishment time will increase tenfold!!"

"Little Annie!"

"Did you also participate?!"


∑(??△`)? !

"No no! My door was blown up just now!!"


Little Annie pointed innocently at the door of her dormitory


"What do you guys look don't hurry back to sleep, do you want more punishment?!"


"We will leave soon!!"

Mikoto pulled her sister Photon’s hand directly, and quickly dragged her to her dormitory and closed the door!


(*^▽^*)?? Ask for a ticket?? (*^▽^*)

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