Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 881: what? The food is so delicious, so you don’t want to leave? (...

‘Ding Dong! ’

‘Please note: the next student to be tested is...’

"Student ID of Wannei Jubao, whose student ID is "80/57/78", please go to the test area and cooperate with the test teacher to verify the offensiveness of the current operation! ’

‘Please go to the test area immediately, please go to the test area...’

‘! ! ’

‘Please keep order and wait in line according to your student number arrangement. Noisy, noisy, and loud conversations are prohibited inside and outside the test area! ’

‘The student over there, please don’t enter the area of ​​the power test site! ’

'repeat! The student over there with a high pony tail, please leave the power test site immediately! Please step back immediately and leave the dangerous test site. It is strictly forbidden to cross or approach the test site at will! ! ’


Today is Monday, and the girls who have just enjoyed the weekend and returned to the private Tokiwandai Girls’ High School, a private school known for developing student abilities, have to change into their tight-fitting outdoor activities. Sportswear and shorts, and then exposed a pair of long and white long legs, then Yingyingyanyan approached the edge of the mud playground that had no turf or cement asphalt to test its destructive power. The Yanshou and them were so playful and gathered together to form a beautiful campus scenery.

It's a pity that all the girls in this private girls' school are girls, and even the teachers are girls, so I'm afraid no one will appreciate the beautiful campus scenery...

As a result, the girls who gathered together naturally cheered and made noises from time to time for the performance of the students who had undergone the aptitude test, which caused the teachers responsible for recording data and coordinating order to have to be there many times. Reprimanded loudly on the radio.


The shouts of those female teachers don't seem to have much effect? After all, not every teacher can have the Tokiwadai’s dormitory supervisor outside the school’s garden, who has extremely powerful force, terrifying deterrence and terrifying prestige for students. .

Isn't this?

A certain female teacher on the radio screamed angrily, and was quiet for a while, and a little guy who was waiting extremely bored moved his hands and feet again...



"Hello! Sister Heizi?"

╭('??o??')╭?? Punch his waist!

She stabbed a young lady named Heizi in front of her in the back, and found that the other party didn’t respond, as if she didn’t want to pay attention to herself, she just reached out and pulled at the other’s round and delicate little ass. The stretchy sweatpants on the fart, and after seeing the other person turning back to protect the buttocks and turning her head to glared at herself, she grinned and gave the other party a sunny smile.




However, it is a pity that after seeing the smiling face of Xiao Anni, the shameful classmate Heizi quickly hummed coldly again, turned his head, and looked intently at the LV3 powerful person in front of the classmate Wannei Junbao. Control the water flow to attack those tough fixed steel targets on the muddy playground in the distance under the splash of water.

Because it is usually her turn after Wannei Suanbao finishes it, she must prepare in advance to save herself from chaos later! After all, if the mistakes are too big and the evaluation is too low, maybe her LV4 ability level will be evaluated as LV3 by the school. In that case, she will be embarrassed! !



"Miss Heizi, before last weekend, didn't we just finished the weekly checkup? But why are we going to do that kind of test now that it's only Monday?!"


Seeing that the other party still didn't want to pay attention to herself, Little Annie didn't mind at all. She jumped forward two steps in a cute manner, stood on the other side's left side, stood side by side with the other side, and just stood on her tiptoe. Little toes, looking at the playground used as a test site in the distance.

at this time,

On the huge playground of Tokiwadai Middle School dedicated to testing and evaluating the power of abilities, a young lady who seemed a little natural was there, still controlling the flow of water, doing her best. Let those water columns move and constantly hit those special equipment that seems to be made of steel?

In short, that kind of thing... and the other party's power to control the flow of water, made Little Annie feel very boring!

If it is replaced by her Queen Anne, even if it is only LV3 level of water control ability, directly "summon" to control a huge humanoid "water element", and then step on those instruments with a few tons of water Isn’t it stronger than the opponent’s silly water jet rushing down?


"Little guy, I'm in a bad mood right now, so please, please don't bother me..."

The straight-faced classmate Heizi felt angry and angry when she thought of what happened last night and the terrible punishment of cleaning the swimming pool and public toilets after school at 3 this afternoon!

So, she is very annoying now and doesn't want to talk!

Anyway, Shirai Kuroko feels that she has been particularly unlucky lately, and she hasn't been doing things well, especially after the little guy next to her transferred to their Tokibantai Middle School, she didn't seem to have a comfortable day? Therefore, she was even thinking that the reason why she has been so embarrassed recently is it because of the little fellow beside her.


Annie, this cunning little guy secretly concealed certain abilities? In addition to LV5's flame superpower, the opponent also has an unknown LV that makes people close to the opponent unlucky? The power of bad luck? !

Of course, there is no evidence, it is just a wild guess that she feels angry when she is upset, and the thoughts just flashed in her own mind. That kind of nonsensical feeling and ridiculous thoughts may even be her own. Don't take it seriously, right?



"But, sister Heizi...It's early in the morning, and the weather is so good. People feel pretty good. Why are you in a bad mood?"


Little Annie thinks that although today is the new Monday of the week, the school doesn’t even arrange classes at all. It’s all outdoor testing activities that can run around... and, it’s said that you can be free after testing. Activities... plus the outside air is so good, the sun is so bright, and the whole person is warm. On the banyan tree by the pond, the early birds are also chirping non-stop, beside the playground. On the flower garden road, those beautiful butterflies are flying on it...All of this is pretty good, but why is the other person in a bad mood?

Of course, Xiao Anni just asked casually, she didn't care why the other party was bad! Anyway, she is slowly feeling good now.

"You kid!!"

"You still have the face to ask? I asked you, why didn't you testify for my sister and me at that time last night? Fortunately, we rushed over from the bed to help you at that time, but you were not right. The supervisor said a few more words, and it also caused us to be punished twice by the'old witch'!!"

at last,

Some Heizi who couldn't help but turned his head bluffing, and with a disgusting expression, he approached a little guy's little face with blue eyes, white and delicate skin, and delicate face, and put it on In front of the opponent's nose, pretending to growl viciously.

She hasn't been able to let go of this until now...

Because they obviously went to help last night, but why did they come across that kind of weird thing? Why do others say that they have not heard more anomalies? As a result, in the end, only her and her elder sister were severely punished, and a little guy who had clearly made a bigger disturbance, but now there is nothing wrong? !


In this matter, after she has detected that she is free to move around, she will definitely go to the 177th branch of their Discipline Committee Activities, so that the guy Chuchun Shili can access the surveillance videos of their girls’ dormitory at Tokiwadai Middle School. She doesn't believe it, is it possible that they still hit the ghost? Such a big living person, such a tall red-haired thief, they still fought each other for several rounds, but those guys said in unison that they could not see or hear at all? !



"The villain yesterday, obviously you rushed to let him run away. He used magic to make other people not hear his existence... Even if I said it, the housekeeper and auntie must not I will believe it..."


Annie was a little wronged, how could she be blamed for this kind of thing?

Although, she has manipulated the timing of the red-haired villain’s "dispelling idlers" magic to destroy a little bit too cleverly... But she promised that in the morning, she also tried to talk to the black lady and that Mikoto The young lady filed a complaint in the access control office of the dormitory aunt, and she also talked about "magic" things... and then, Miss Heizi also saw it. The dormitory aunt, people don’t believe that there is such a thing. Strange magic!

Compared to "magic" or something, the housekeeper aunt is more willing to believe what they see for themselves!

That is:

Two students, regardless of school discipline and repeated teaching, still abused their abilities in the middle of the night and fought fiercely within the dormitory area. Not only did they seriously violate the rules of the house, but they also made hundreds of teachers and students unable to sleep at ease. Damaged a solid wood door of a dormitory again?


"I will investigate this matter clearly!!"

Baijing Heizi waved her fist bitterly, obviously not planning to surrender so quickly, to find out the truth anyway, and return her and her sister to be innocent?

Of course, in addition to that, the more important thing is to let the dormitory "old witch" revoke the punishment of their two sisters, because they were indeed innocent about what happened last night, and they obviously did a good deed. In the end, he still has to be punished, but that makes no sense at all!



(Tibbers really wants to tell a female human being resentful because of the injustice. It actually wants to tell the other party: In fact, all that they have suffered is all that bad boy in his family. The master deliberately did that, which led to misunderstandings and their unspeakable sufferings, and the result that there was nowhere to complain!

Although some of the wicked little masters of the Tibbers family did not take the initiative to do anything to frame them, sometimes, doing the right thing at the right time and in the right place is the most deadly. of! For example, at a certain point in time, clear the enemy's magic?

But it’s a pity that even if Tibbers wanted to turn his arm out, he couldn’t tell the other person... After all, all of this was actually caused by the two people who lived in room 208 next door forcibly running over to grab the blame. Can't it be said that nothing happened without cause? )



Little Annie wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Shirai Heiko reaching out...


"Little guy, no matter what, don't bother me now! Because I am in a bad mood now, I just want to be quiet now!!"

Although Shirai Kuroko knew that Annie was right, the other party looked innocent, and she helped them say a lot of good things just after getting up, and explained to the housekeeper what happened last night. I can't blame the other party, but... I don't know why, she just feels unhappy, and she has a group of nameless fire in her heart, but she can't make it out!

So, she has now decided: when she will test the power of her abilities, she must treat all those targets as the nasty, red-haired thief who attacks the girls' dormitory at night! At that time, he will treat those test instruments as that guy, and vent all his grievances toward those goals! !

‘The test is complete! ’

'Wannei Suubo, age 13, 161 cm tall, 46 kg weight, capable of current operation... Water current destructive power rating is C, control ability B, sustainability C, accuracy C, comprehensive evaluation C+! ’

‘Finally, the comprehensive evaluation of the ability level is LV3, which is temporarily above the middle level! ! ’


'next! ’

‘Student Shirai Kuroko, please come and prepare for the test immediately after hearing the broadcast! ’

‘Student Shirai Kuroko, please come to the test area immediately after hearing the broadcast to prepare for the test! ! ’

When Little Annie wanted to say something, she quickly read out the test results of the girl named Wannei Junbao, who likes to play in the water. Then, it was her turn next to Miss Shirai Kuroko. , So that her original idea of ​​wanting to chat with each other was lost.


ε=(??ο`*))) call



"Tell me..."

"Our class will almost be able to finish the test before noon. Then...what should we eat for lunch?"


Xiao Anni glanced at the little sister Wannei Jianbao who ran back with a flushed face, and saw that the other party started chatting with the girl called Paofu Wanbin, who was chatting with her, she didn’t want to play with those two. The capable guy said about those boring topics, so she picked up the stuffed bear Tibbs in her hand that was not allowed to be brought to school, and sighed and asked softly.

Because, now her Queen Anne’s belly is indeed a bit hungry...

So, she wants Tibbs to give her some reasonable suggestions, so that when she is preparing for lunch, she will not fall into that kind of ‘difficult choice syndrome’ and sway from side to side.

(Little master...It's only half past eight in the morning, and it's usually just the beginning of class. Why are you thinking about what you want to eat at noon now?!


——For someone who has an incomparable ability, but does not want to bear the responsibility of protecting the world and protecting the weak, and do not do anything else, such as doing whatever they want or doing something special to the world. , On the contrary, he knew all day long that the horrible little master of eating, drinking and having fun, Tibbers said that he had been helpless with the other party. )

"Tibbers, you are so stupid!"

(ˉ▽ ̄~) Cut~~

"If you don't think about it now, and think about what delicious food you can eat for lunch, how can you have the motivation to do other things during such a long few hours in the morning?"


Completely ignoring the surprised gazes cast by the classmates and sisters around her, Xiao Anni only focused on chatting with her own little bear. As for the people who saw that she was talking to herself with a plush teddy bear. Whatever she thinks, she won't care about it!


(After finishing the test, you can leave school early. You can go back to the dormitory restaurant with the two guys next to your dormitory to eat the student set meal? Also, didn't they say to investigate the magician?

(● ̄(??) ̄●)

——Tibbers, who didn't intend to argue too much with a bad little master about such boring things, thought about it, and directly gave a fairly satisfactory suggestion. )





It's okay for Tibbers not to mention it. When I mention this, Little Annie is like a discouraged ball, and she doesn't have the motivation to take a good morning ability test at school...because she is still in the dormitory There is no expectation of the kind of free student set meal in the restaurant.

(Is it really that bad? Little master... Last night, didn't that Inticus said, the meal that Shirai Kuroko sent to your dormitory to leave for you, they seem to be very delicious?

(● ̄(??) ̄●)

——Tibbers saw it. The student package that students in the Garden of School are eligible to enjoy, even if it’s already cold, but the little earth female human in a white monastic suit is the same as the Inticus Eat with relish, so it must be good food, right? Although Tibbers hasn’t eaten it before, and he doesn’t really like the crunchy stuff that obviously can’t be pinched and chewed down in a **** bite...)



"You don't know, that fellow Intikes, she is like a poor puppy who hasn't eaten for a few days, as long as it is edible, even if it is the food found in the trash, I think she can I will definitely say it's delicious!!"

ε=(??ˇεˇ????))) Bah!


"I don't know if she has left now, maybe she should have already left? Because she said, she stayed for one night..."


What a pity!

For the little sister who is particularly good at raising and not picky eaters, Little Annie actually likes each other in her heart. After all, the other party will have a little knowledge of magic and a little bit of common topics, and she can talk to her in the dormitory. Yes, just like a talking puppy, it seems pretty good?

(Hmm! That's not necessarily...)

(● ̄(??) ̄●)

(Because, in Tibbers' perception now, it senses that the other party is still staying in the dormitory whose door has been repaired, and it seems that there is no such thing as the slightest idea of ​​wanting to leave?)

‘The test is complete! ’

'Shiraizu, age: thirteen, height: 152 centimeters, weight: 42 kilograms, ability: space movement... the steel needle pierces the steel thickness up to 5 centimeters, the destructive power rating is B+, the control ability A. Sustainability A, accuracy A-, speed A+, comprehensive evaluation A! ’

‘Comprehensive evaluation of ability level is LV4, reaching the advanced level of this level! ! ’



"Anyone, please come and prepare for Hasta? ’


"Little Annie, hurry up, don't mess up later, let your LV5 level be ashamed, and then be downgraded to the same LV4 as mine?!"

Shirai Kuroko, who used his space movement ability to teleport and returned to a little guy, snorted dissatisfiedly after hearing his own results, and mocked a little guy who was said to be a LV5 superpower. One sentence.

In the past year, her ability has not changed since she upgraded to LV4 level, even if she has tried her best just now, even if she has been at LV4 level for a long time, even if she considers her talent Not inferior to the elder sister, absolutely worthy of the elder sister... But, in fact, she is still at the level of LV4 now, and it is still a long way off to upgrade to LV5.



"Is it to me?!"


Little Annie, who just had a good chat with her little bear, found that a young lady holding her arms had moved to her side in an instant, and heard her name being called on the radio, she hurriedly carried herself The little bear bounced to the position to be tested and stood up, and then looked at the long-legged young teacher who was waiting for her with a tablet computer.

"Hi! Teacher, hello!"


"I am Annie..."

"But, it seems that people have never tested this...Excuse me, how do I do it now?!"


Little Annie, who came to this place for the first time, said that although the work of these tests looks boring, but it seems a bit strange? Therefore, she is going to cooperate slightly with the other party's work, and complete the task of this test beautifully, lest the hateful Miss Heizi behind dare to underestimate herself!

After all, her Queen Anne is now also a LV5 flame superpower, always a little bit higher than the opponent's LV4, and the other party's jealousy is useless.


"Do you see the iron bumps in the front playground? Use your ability to attack those special equipment. You can attack only one or multiple to obtain more accurate statistics. Then the teachers will naturally take care of other things. Yes, it's that simple!"

After looking up at a little guy whose height is obviously not like a first-year junior high school student, the teacher who called the name first clicked on the tablet computer in his hand, and found out the specific information of the other party, knowing the ability level of the other party and just now. Not long after the transfer to Tokibandai Middle School, he patiently explained to the other party.

In fact, even she didn't expect that the third LV5 of their Tokibantai Middle School was this humble little guy in front of them? Speaking of it, it was the first time she saw each other face to face.

"So it's like this?"

(= ̄ω ̄=)

Sounds like it is really simple?

"Hmm, yes, I see..."

(??????????) Good!

Therefore, after Xiao Anni nodded hardly and charmingly, she turned around and blinked her big blue eyes, looking at the one in the middle of the slightly muddy mud playground in the distance. A huge metal bump.

Those, obviously, are some kind of specially force-attacked equipment used in the school to test capabilities.

It's just that her ability is LV5's fire ability, what exactly should she do now? Should I burn them directly, or...

what! There is a way! !

Soon, after just watching for a short while, Little Annie thought of a fun way to show her LV5 flame control super ability and play happily.



"Look at me, the spear of Ronukis that pierced Jesus!"


As soon as Little Annie stretched out her hand, as the fire flashed, a beautiful, sparkling flame spear appeared in her hand! Then, under the surprised gaze of the teachers and the classmates and sisters in the distance, she lifted it up high, and was about to attack the iron lump instruments used to test abilities and analyze data in the distance.

That's right, she was on a whim and got inspiration. She felt that after the events of last night, she felt that if her LV5's fire control superpower was just set on fire, she might not impress others enough? Therefore, she came up with such a brilliant idea at this time.


(● ̄(??) ̄●)

(With regard to the evil taste of a nasty little master, Tibbers doesn’t want to make any comments now...because, it thinks that something that is beautiful but not useful, whether it is power or efficiency, seems to be not simple yet. The shattering fire thrown out is more real?)


"Please, please wait for classmate Annie!"


Just as Little Annie was about to throw the legendary'Lonokes' Spear' that pierced **** in her hand to listen to a sound and try her power...Suddenly, the one not far behind her was wearing glasses Suddenly the young female teacher called to her, and at the same time hurriedly walked over.

"Huh? What are you doing?!"

∑(??△`)? !

Little Annie, who was about to go crazy and was about to throw the flame javelin in her hand, could only froze in place and looked stupidly and inexplicably at the long-legged female teacher who was running towards her. I don’t know. The other party suddenly stopped what he wanted to do.


‘Excellent flame control and mimicry abilities, lifelike shapes... S+ rating! ’

‘The flame temperature is extremely high. I don’t dare to approach it without heat-resistant equipment. It is estimated that the temperature has reached more than 3,000 degrees Celsius... The evaluation is tentatively set as S...’

‘The speed of mimicry...’

‘Extremely fast, the flame mimicry should have been completed in half a second, with the possibility of actual combat! Although the power is unknown, the evaluation can reach S+! ’

‘That’s it for the time being, the rest will be known after the test...’

"Okay! Record finished!"

"Student Annie, you can continue, please use your full strength, let us see the true power of your LV5 superpower, please!!!"


When the female teacher holding a multifunctional tablet hurriedly recorded her own observation evaluation and description on the tablet, and even used the device to get close to pat the lifelike flame mimicry spear in Little Annie's hand, Nodded in satisfaction, stepped back a few steps, and then urged the little girl aloud.

After all, in the eyes of this female teacher in charge of observations, statistics, and preliminary evaluations, this is the third LV5 ability of Tokiwadai Middle School. If you can’t accurately test the opponent’s true ability level, you cannot see the opponent’s true ability. If they are strong, they will definitely feel sorry!


Σ( ̄д ̄;)? !

It is absolutely impossible to use all of her strength, not to mention her full strength, even if it is just a little serious, I am afraid this earth will be terrible! Therefore, Xiao Annie consciously filtered the irresponsible remarks made by the other party and wanted to put all the people on earth to death, and decided to restrict her power to a lower level of LV5?

"Do you want to see the real power of my LV5? Okay, I know... But, teacher, don't be too surprised later!!!"


Since the other party just came to record instead of doing other things and heard the other party's unreliable advice, Xiao Annie smiled violently, and did not wait for the other party's answer or reaction, she violently He threw the flame version of the'Lonokes Spear' at the center of the iron bumps toward the original place!

Huh! !

The mimic spear condensed by flames is like a flash of lightning, and like a meteorite that cuts through the sky. After flashing a golden, fiery trail in the air at a very fast speed, it slammed into it. In the iron bump used for the test, it was deeply submerged, and only the remaining half of the gun body remained outside...

'Oh! ! ’

‘What a beautiful blow! The breakthrough ability is fully expressed, hits the center accurately, and the error is zero. As for the depth...’

‘It’s weird...’

‘Why the data hasn’t been communicated, is there something wrong? ’

At this time, a teacher in charge of checking the feedback data exclaimed, and then while recording the data, he walked forward, seemingly intending to check it out in the test site?


At this time, the temperature was very high, almost reaching the golden flame mimicry spear, the ‘Lonuckis’ gun, which was deeply submerged in the detection equipment, suddenly glowed and burst open?

Rumble! ! !

A huge fireball slowly rose up in the test playground of Tokibandai Middle School, and soon formed a flame mushroom cloud that was expanding, and directly included the dozens of testing equipment placed in the field. In that terrible hot flame...


But fortunately, a certain little girl still knows the severity, seems to be secretly restraining the power of the flame to continue to expand? However, she seemed to ignore the shock waves that swept the students and teachers who were too close to the ground.


(● ̄(??) ̄●)

(Sure enough, Tibbers knew...a certain bad little master would never be reconciled unless something big happened, even if it was just a normal ability test at the school!)


"Ass hurts..."

‘Ugh~! ’

"My knee is bleeding..."

‘Ahem! Pooh! Pooh! Junbao, what happened just now? ! ’

‘I, I don’t know...’


"That little guy is really that amazing?"

I just saw the fireball explode and immediately used my LV4 space movement ability to run long distances, and then waited until the shock wave and the expanding fireball fell down before sending it back again, almost being overturned like my classmates. Shirai Heizi on the ground, when she stood on the edge of this messy playground again, she watched with lingering fears at the classmates and teachers who mostly didn’t know what was going on. There was nothing to watch them all. She stood up again with a big problem, and after wailing and complaining, looked at the fire in the distance. After not knowing what to say, she took the lead in opening her mouth and was utterly speechless at the instigator who appeared in the fire.

It seems……

The opponent’s LV5 flame control superpower, from the current situation alone, seems to be worthy of its name, and it is not at all weaker than the'super electromagnetic gun' of her sister Misaka Mikoto. ?

However, what Heizi doesn't know is, is it a full blow from the opponent, or just a partial force?

‘! ! ’

‘There is a special situation! ! ’

‘The ability test is temporarily suspended. Please do not go near the fire! ’

'repeat! There is a special situation in the playground, and the ability test is temporarily suspended. Please leave the dangerous area immediately and do not watch! ! ’

‘Enforce the safety regulations...’


‘After hearing the broadcast, two students, Wannei Suubao, who has the ability to operate water currents, and Pao Fu Wanbin, who has the ability to rebound fluids, go to the test site to assist in the fire fighting! ’

'repeat! ’

"Please have the ability to operate water flow..."


Before long, after the initial chaos and consternation, I saw that the mushroom fireball had been scattered, and the entire huge test area of ​​the playground, the size of two or three football fields, was full of those. Embers flame, and the detection equipment in the center is also included in the fireball of terrible flames, and I don’t know whether the precious equipment has melted, and the teachers who reacted are shouting and busying. Get up, and in accordance with the process, command personnel to use fire-fighting equipment and those students who have the ability to control water flow to work together to put out the fire.

"Ah ha ha……"


"That one……"


"It's not that I have to do that, it's the teacher, you guys asked me to do my best! Also, I have already had a very strong control, otherwise, this school will be completely burned out!!!"


Finally, when other teachers and classmates were busy or onlookers, a little girl who had started the act slowly walked out of the fire field step by step, completely not burning those who could almost burn people into The terrible flame of ashes was in sight.

In fact, Little Annie did control it very hard just now. Otherwise, even if it was only LV5's ability, to release the flames with all her strength, she would rely on the control ability of her most, most, most powerful, arcane archmage. And the innate magical powers for flames, I'm afraid it can easily burn the entire academy city in flames, right?


(● ̄(??) ̄●)



In the student dining room of the girls’ dormitory at Tokiwadai Junior High School outside of the school’s dormitory, little Annie is changing Shirai Kuroko, Misaka Mikoto, and a little nun Inticus who doesn’t know why he still stays here. Eating lunch.


( ̄~ ̄) Chew!

And surprisingly, Xiao Annie, who ate this special student meal for the first time, had to admit that the students of Tokiwadai Middle School are eligible to enjoy the special student meal from Lianluan Housekeeping Girls’ School. Is it better food than the restaurant outside?

If she had known this a long time ago, she would not be so entangled in the morning...




"Little Annie, you are really that amazing. Did you really make the movement at school this morning?"

"It's really amazing!!"

"Don't you know that when we were studying in the classroom and waiting for the test notification, we were all taken aback by the sudden explosion of the fireball!!"

In the restaurant, after the four of them started eating, of course, Mikoto Misaka finally talked about what happened in the test playground of the school this morning. Then, she heard that the equipment was burned and scrapped by a little guy in front of her, so that the school had to move out the old model of equipment to barely complete the ability test for all students?


"My sister, that kind of thing is not important now, let's talk about something else now!!"

Heizi first stopped what his elder sister wanted to continue to say, and then looked at a little guy who only cared about eating.

"Little Annie, no matter what, you must testify to us. I will never go to school to clean in the afternoon, absolutely not!!!"

Heizi said angrily.

She doesn't care if the little guy in front of her is so powerful. She only knows that the matter of last night must be accounted for. Her Lord Heizi absolutely can't suffer such innocence innocently! !


( ̄~ ̄) Chew!

"Sister Heizi, have you found the surveillance?"


Annie just raised her head and glanced at the other person, then asked while eating with the fork in her hand, without paying attention to the angry Miss Heizi.


"I don't know what's going on. I also asked Shili to help access the surveillance, but... the surveillance at the time, I don't know why, it seems that it was also used by the red-haired guy and the thief. The method is blocked!!"

Huh! !

When he said this, Heizi slammed his fist on the dining table angrily, causing many students around him to throw curious and puzzled wooden pipes.


"That guy is a magician, not a thief, she came to catch me..."

Glancing at a little girl who didn't care about it, and then at a **** off Shiraiko, it took a long time for Inticus to hesitate to say something she had said more than once. Correcting the other side.

"I do not care!!"

"He ran into the girls' dormitory in the middle of the night and did bad things. He is a thief! Don't let me catch him, or make him look good!!"

Even if the matter has passed for a full night and a morning, Heizi still has a sorrow, and still does not intend to expose the matter.



"Sister Heizi, if there is no surveillance, do you think we run to tell the housekeeper aunt about the kind of thing that a magical guy comes to make trouble, she will believe us?!"


This is not the first time that this kind of thing has been said, so Xiao Annie feels that it is not a good choice to do something that is destined to be meaningless, but may cause trouble instead? Instead of that, it might as well continue to eat delicious things here now! !


"Ahhhhhhhhh! Damn!!!"

Heizi is crazy...

Now it is not checked and not found, and the appeal is doomed to be a futile matter. She does not know what to do now.

"All right!"

"Heizi, Annie is right. Master dormitory will not believe it, because we have no evidence at all! I have asked many classmates. They are the same as master dormitory and like other classmates. Hearing and seeing more movement besides us, they will only believe what they see..."

Misaka Mikoto sighed. Although she was also very upset, after thinking about it, she stretched her leg to lift her black sister, preventing the other party from doing more unreasonable things.

"Damn it!!!"

Thinking about the innocent punishment he had suffered because of his kindness, Heizi wanted to catch the red-haired guy, and then use his steel needle to plug a, ten thousand! Only in that way can she relieve her hatred! !



"By the way! Indix, why are you still not leaving? Didn't you just stay for one night?!"


Finally, when I remembered something important, Annie no longer cared about the depressed Miss Misaka Mikoto and the crazy Miss Shirai Kuroko across the table. Instead, she turned her head and looked at someone A guy who eats special foods and does not eat for nothing.


"Yeah, Inticus?"

Heizi and Mikoto were also curiously looking at the big appetite guy who was just immersed in eating, and now they have eaten a full three-point student meal, and seems to want to get the fourth portion.


"Because the food here is so delicious, and there is no money needed..."

"Annie, you can let me stay for a few more days... And, didn't the master dormitory want to come to chase me? Please, please let me stay for a few more days, just a few days!!"

A guy named Intiks put his hands together, pitifully begging for mercy to a stunned little girl.


!? (??''????)??

Annie was a little surprised. She never expected that the other party turned out to be because the food was so delicious. UU read www.uukanshu. Com then didn't want to leave for the time being, even if he was still being hunted down, there is such a thing? !


In the blink of an eye, Misaka Mikoto did not comment, because this matter was decided by a certain little guy and the housekeeper, who could not live in their dormitory, so she had no right to interfere.


"Indikes! You just continue to live, I believe that as long as you are still here, the red-haired guy will definitely come again, then..."

"Hum hum!!"

Baijing Kuroko smiled wickedly, and then with a ‘swish’, he violently pulled out three steel needles directly from the needle sheath on his thigh, and waved them maliciously.


?? Ask a ticket??

Wonderful book house

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