Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 885: Anne's long-handled weapon?? (??`?)?...

'caveat! ’

‘All attacks are invalid...’

At this time, the hollow and emotionless sound, like an electro-mechanical sound, slowly came out of the mouth of'Indix'.


‘Restart the calculation and analyze the enemy’s magic spell...’

‘Analysis is successful...’


When the'Indikes' who once again launched the four white beams of light about one meter in diameter for a quadruple attack discovered that her attack was still ineffective, her sluggish and stereotyped weird consciousness A slight change has finally begun, and is finally ready to change the new attack spells or tactics in order to defeat the four enemies who temporarily united to besiege her?


"Although I myself don't know what Intiqs' current state is all about... But, please hurry up and try your best to stop her!!"


"One of the five elements that build the world..."

"The Great Fire of the Ancestor!!"

"The light of grace that breeds life..."

Seeing that the'Indikes' in the distance changed again, and the aura on his body gradually became more and more violent. Steer felt that if that continued, it was likely to be disadvantageous for Indikes, and even thought it might be caused by it. Endanger the other's life? Therefore, he felt that if this continued, the opponent might end up almost as if he didn't erase the opponent's memory, so he immediately urged towards Divine Cleft and the two lv5 abilities in the distance, and then started. Quickly chanted his own spell.


Every time, before he is ready to make a move or come into contact with the enemy, he always likes to secretly arrange the magical runes and spells that may be used in the now, he can directly Without waiting, he can directly use his nirvana, and the power is still maximized. There is no need to temporarily spread the runes to the surroundings again to form magic!

"The light of sanctions that punish evil..."

"That brings people..."

Steel began to chant the spell quickly, completely ignoring that the ‘Indikes’ in the distance had already locked his gaze on him, not to mention the contemptuous glances of another little girl at him.



"Here again, it's this kind of curse that has been chanting for a long time, can't you change it?"

Little Annie thinks it. Fortunately, she is not the "Inticks". Otherwise, taking advantage of the time when the other party is talking, she has blasted several beams of light at the other party long ago, and then cast spells on the other party. Opportunity?


"His name is Yan! His job is a sword!"

"Appear! Chew my body and turn into the king of power to hunt and kill the witch!!"

"Woohoo~! ! ’

As the red-haired "prostitute" mage in the distance flicked the violent flames gathered in his hands and feet towards the front, one was hidden in the terrifying ultra-high temperature flame, and looked a little dark. There was a faint outline of a human figure, but the eyes were indeed exuding a hot and terrifying bright white light. The nirvana of the fire that hunted and killed the witch king'innocentius' finally appeared on the scene, and headed towards the dumb man in the distance. The red and black cracked "Saint George's Sanctuary" enchantment of the silly "Indix" swooped over!

'caveat! ’

‘According to Chapter VI Section 13 of the Security Agreement...’

‘Confirm that a new enemy appears and try to approach...’

‘Change the combat thinking mode immediately...’

‘Start analysis..."

"Now let’s give priority to killing new enemies...’

Om~! ! !

I found that Steele summoned the flame monster, and saw its fierce and undaunted rush toward his side. In desperation, despite the half-analysis of the magic technique, a white light once again came from the air. Kesi's body burst out of the black and red cracks on the'Saint George's Sanctuary', and shot directly at the flame monster of the'Hunting the Witch King' as a chest shot! !

In the face of the newly-emerged monster, that ‘Indikes’ seemed to be jealous, or was she somehow forced to respond? Anyway, she didn't have time to change her attack method, she still used the original beam of light with a radius of about one meter in diameter.


Soon the'Indikes' found out with regret that although her white light attack had significant damage to the flame monster'King of the Witch Hunting', it could also block the opponent's charge posture. ......However, the other party is constantly reborn at the moment of being wiped out, so that she can only reluctantly stop the other party from approaching if she continues to irradiate and waste her magic?

"Good opportunity! Take advantage of it now!!"

"Quick! Fight! Break her ‘St. George’s Sanctuary’ and subdue her! Otherwise, none of us will know what terrible things will happen later!!"

Steyrmagnus released his nirvana, "Hunting the Witch King" originally not to hurt Inticus, he was just to take advantage of the continuous flow of "Hunting the Witch King" It’s regenerative characteristics, try to attract and block the opponent’s attack, and give everyone on your side a chance to break the barrier and subdue Inticus!

Moreover, it seems that the effect is pretty good now?

As for what to do after subduing the opponent to make the opponent back to normal... He Still didn't think about it. Maybe, he can erase the opponent's memory and try to see if it is because time is approaching that Intiqs happened. Of this terrifying change?

But no matter what, he will definitely keep it in his heart and investigate the things that the church has said to them that ‘Inticus can’t use magic’, definitely! !


"I don't need to remind you to know!"

I found a rare opportunity for the gods and fireworks, said in Steel and saw that the "King of the Witch Hunter" had indeed been at the forefront to temporarily attract the attention of the child "Indikes". After the flame monster was constantly approaching forward with its regenerative ability, giving'Indix' a tremendous amount of pressure, she also directly and categorically moved towards her forbidden silk barrier with a radius of more than 100 meters. Ran out of the edge of the covered area, charged in the direction of Inticus, and leaned in!


It's now!

"Seven flashes of profound meaning!!"


The shattered right hand was holding the handle of his sword and pulled out and inserted it back in an instant!

In an instant, Seven Paths created by the three-dimensional magic circle "Forbidden Silk Enchantment" with their own footsteps and the rhythmic resonance of Qifan's attack, the seven blades of sword light mixed with the power of water and fire appeared directly in The dark red, cracked, and unstoppable surroundings of the'Saint George's Sanctuary' on Indix's body that still exudes a holy light and vigorously killed the past! !

However, of course, the direction of her beheading had deliberately avoided the body of Inticus in the ‘Saint George’s Sanctuary’, just strangling towards a different position of the opponent’s magic protection enchantment. She did that deliberately, because even at this time, even if Indix became weird, even if the other party became a little bit indifferent, she would still release a terrifying magic ban, but she Shenchai is still unwilling to hurt the opponent easily.


"I won't lose to you!!"

Seeing that the two guys who were originally enemies took the initiative to attack Inticus who had exploded with weird abilities, and successfully attacked and attracted the other's attention, of course Misaka Mikoto would not neglect!

Because just now when she received the opponent's second white light attack, her iron sand shield was almost pierced! That kind of terrible beam attack, but it really frightened her! !

and so,

Now seeing that the two temporarily joined'Friends' have also used their full strength and started to work on the'Inticus', Misaka Mikoto also gritted his teeth and combined a dozen game coins in his pocket. Five hundred denominations of coins were all clenched in their hands. First, they gave a cold snort, and after a frenzied lightning flashed from the clenched fists, they all threw them all together, letting them float in the air, and at the same time let them flash. Passing by the ferocious electric snakes, they completed the necessary polar magnetization in an instant...

"Who do you think I am?!"

"Go! The scientific shotgun super electromagnetic gun~!!!"

Zizi~! !

After Misaka Mikoto burst out with powerful lightning rays and chaotic lightning vortices around his body, like the sight of Thor descending to the earth, the violent and chaotic magnetic fields that interfere with each other due to the upcoming multiple electromagnetic cannon attacks, or Under her efforts, it became relatively stable, and then flashed...

Nourish! Nourish! Nourish! Nourish!

The magnetized coins that fell were under her control, and were accelerated and blasted out by independent magnetic fields from her hand! Then, they will continue to accelerate along the “tracks” where the “cannonballs” are rubbed at high speed, and the energy of the magnetic field is released in an instant, resulting in a discharge phenomenon that penetrates the air, and at the same time, a huge fire and sound burst out in an instant. And went out!

Immediately afterwards, due to their launch, the straight fire trails formed not far in front of Mikoto Misaka and the shock wave of the detonation, the power instantly became uncontrollable, and it was directly capable. Mikoto who fired the'cannonball' overturned backwards...


This is Misaka Mikoto’s ultimate skill. It is known as the “Super Electromagnetic Cannon” shot attack that is unheard of before, and the difficulty directly breaks through the sky! Of course, it may be due to rash use, or it may be underestimated, so she also received a lot of backlash.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

The roaring sound like a thunderbolt in a blue sky sounded first...


Those'cannonballs' that have been accelerated to the extreme on the flight path, the game coins and all the five hundred denominations of the currency on Misaka Mikoto's body, came in a flash, directly bombarding the'Indicus' The surrounding layer of black and red, cracked from the center of the eyebrows in all directions to every corner of the space, like a wall above the magic shield of the'Saint George's Sanctuary'!

Rumble rumbling~! ! !

Explosions, fires, heavy smoke, loud noises and other factors instantly blasted into the air where the'Indikes' was with the accurate hit of the shells, and directly shattered the pool again and made a sound The dust splashed up after the sound explosion directly and completely covered the place!

Fortunately, a certain red-haired magician cast something similar to the Muggle expulsion curse that was cast by a red-haired magician, and it can also block internal and external sounds. Otherwise, it’s just the bombing sound. I'm afraid it will be enough to spread throughout the academy city and attract all lv5 capable players, guards and other discipline committees.

Of course, it is also more likely to attract the defense forces of the Academy City, such as those armed unmanned helicopters with powerful strike capabilities?


"God, God split?!!!"


Under that precise electromagnetic bombardment, in addition to the completely submerged "Indikes" and the broken swimming pool that was destroyed and overturned and created large pits, it was also affected and caused by explosions. The constant shockwaves and fragments hit and flew out, and there was a black-haired long ponytail that Steele was screaming, but he preferred to wear jeans with only one pair of trousers, and almost leaked the rounded side. The **** of the **** woman is smashing Kaori!

That’s actually because she just got too close due to the need to launch a super "seven flash" attack, and she wanted to continue but had no time to retreat, so she was accidentally caught by Misaka Mikoto’s lightness or weight, and did not leave early The continuous bombing of the'shotgun super-electromagnetic gun' reminded me of accidental injury.

"God split!!"

"Are you OK?!"

At this time, the place that was shrouded in heavy smoke no longer shot the continuous beam of light attack.

However, at the moment, Steer did not direct his "King of the Witch Hunter" to kill him in the smoke. Instead, he rushed directly to the place where Godslash Hoori fell, and rushed to the other side. Worriedly lifted up the companion who was still holding the sword at this time even though the shoulder had been wounded by the fragments and the blood was dripping with blood, even though there were many wounds everywhere on his body.


"You should think of a way to get the child to recover quickly!"

There was a cry of pain in her throat, and Shencrahuozhi didn't care about her injuries. Even if she was accidentally injured by the **** student and couldn't stand up, she still frowned and stared at the smoke ahead. The place gradually disappeared.

There, the child of Indix is ​​still inside. As for what the situation of the other party is, it is not clear... However, judging from the strength of the shield, it is only at this level. Bombardment, I'm afraid it can't help the opponent...

Therefore, they must quickly find a way to save the child no matter what, and never let the other party continue the situation.


At this time, the distant Mikoto Misaka, who was overturned by the blast from her own'Shotball Super Electromagnetic Cannon', was also very embarrassed to get up from the filthy and messy ground... , Her miniskirt has been torn and only half is left...but fortunately, she is wearing safety pants under her skirt, so there is no need to worry about being seen by others, especially the man in front. The little **** go!

As for her other obvious wound, it was the knee, because now a piece of the boss's skin was worn there, and blood beads were constantly leaking from it...

Of course, the most serious thing seems to be her right hand!

Because, when she just got up at this moment, she immediately used her left hand to firmly hold her right wrist, and the palm of her right hand was also full of blood, and one of her fingers became a strange angle, not being shaken. The force of the explosion is broken and it is dislocated!

Obviously, just like the temporary teammate Kamiruzuori who was accidentally injured by her bombing in the distance, Mikoto Misaka herself rashly used the unfamiliar multiple "shotgun super-electromagnetic gun" super nirvana skills. , Resulting in a serious injury to his right hand. I am afraid that he lost his combat effectiveness in a short time. It must be impossible to use the extremely destructive super electromagnetic gun!

But in fact, even if her hands are fine now, she probably won't be able to use any ‘super-electromagnetic gun’ anymore!

that is because……

She doesn't have any game coins or 500 coins!

She just hit out at least a dozen coins, and they were all of the largest 500 face value! Therefore, Mikoto Misaka is not only suffering from pain in her hands and knees, but her heart is also aching! !

At this moment, after she shot the super shotgun electromagnetic cannon, she became even poorer...

Moreover, that state of poverty will last for almost two full months? !

I don't know, during this period, will she have to go to borrow money because of helplessness? Perhaps, Mikoto Misaka can rely on the powerful force value of her lv5 level ‘Electric Shocker’ to borrow money from illegal online loan companies?


If you can’t pay it back or don’t want to pay it back at that time, you can work with your sister Heizi, who is a commissioner of discipline, to report and personally arrest all the guys who violated the law, and then put them in the cell of the guards. ...After that, they don't have to pay back the money, and they can still rob the rich and help the poor, and eliminate harm for the people.



"Hey! Mikoto-senpai, you don't look good...should be all right?"


I discovered that the group had just started, and the soldiers and DPS output on my side had lost their combat effectiveness. There was only a warlock who summoned the "Fat Red" plus my own fire method. Little Annie was upset and had to trot. After a few steps, I ran to a certain Mikoto sister who had just gotten up and was covered with dirt and blood, and asked the other person pretending to be concerned.

Although the other party looked miserable now, Little Annie was sure that it was all skin injuries, and she didn't even break her fingers. If you just snapped it back, there must be no major problems.


"Do I look like a okay person?!"

In desperation, Misaka Mikoto didn't care about her injuries, and snarled directly at a little guy who just looked at the excitement and wouldn't come to help herself.


"What do you look at? Little Annie, hurry up, that weird shield of Inticus should still be there, and you can work harder to break that shield of hers for me now, or we'll just be in vain. It!!"

After the roar was over, Misaka Mikoto raised her right hand fiercely...At this time, the upper finger still maintained a strange shape, making her grin in pain.

Although, a dozen or so "Super Electromagnetic Cannon" shells have just been fired, Misaka Mikoto also knows that the "Inticus" in front who does not know why suddenly became very strange and powerful is still there. Nothing at all!

She can see it with 1.5 eyesight. The weird red and black cracked shield on the opponent's body seems to be cracked under her violent bombardment (seems not?), but now it is. It still works well, so they have to work harder.

'caveat! ’

‘According to Chapter 22, Section 1 of the Security Agreement...’

‘The technique of flame magic has been successfully analyzed and determined to be the doctrine of the cross doctrine distorted by rune magic...’

‘Starting to construct the art of fighting against the cross religion...’

‘Complete construction...’

At this time, Misaka Mikoto’s words just fell, and before the dust that had been raised by the bombardment of the'Shotball Super Electromagnetic Cannon' completely dissipated, the dusty place came out again. 'Indix' is empty and dull, with a tone like electromechanical sound.


∑(△`)? !

"Yes! Let's work harder to defeat her first, anyway, it's almost (played) now..."


With a pun on the finger that was gnashing his teeth, Mikoto-senpai who didn’t have time to pay attention to her for the time being, and blinked, Xiao Annie stretched out her hand and used the form of flame mimicry on her left hand to summon. A golden solid and super gorgeous'Athena' shield came out, and his right hand grabbed a super-long flame mimicry'Lonokis' spear that was more than four to five meters long, ready to belong Her Queen Anne performed.

Because, now in our five-person team, the'thief' Heizi sister who is good at'sneak attack','backstab' and'shadow escape' was beaten to the ground from the beginning; while the'hunter' gunner was blasted by herself. Forgot to bring more ammunition (money?) before starting the group, and now it basically loses most of the combat power; as for the female warrior of the'violent warfare' who came to help, the one called Divine Split is even more useless by her own.' The hunter's accidentally injured, even standing up...

In the end, that warlock was even more unreliable!

That guy, after he summoned the baby, he didn't care. The other party was obviously not the kind of ‘priest’ or the ‘all-needed holy knight’, but he had to run to look after the wounded during the battle. Isn’t that kidding?

So, in really no way, Queen Anne had no choice but to abandon the high-end atmosphere of the flame mage, and changed her job to become a gun shield soldier, ready to fight against the boss, and strive to defeat the opponent! !

'caveat! ! ’

‘St. George’s Sanctuary has been partially destroyed and it has entered the second stage...’

‘Ready to clear the battlefield...’


When the dust gradually dissipated due to the air currents, when the face of Inticus who was suspended in mid-air gradually revealed, with the rapid movement of her spell, it didn't take long for a red-black beam of light to disappear again. The center of St. George's Sanctuary shoots straight out from the magic circle in front of the forehead of the'Indix'!

In a blink of an eye, it directly resurrected the far-reaching claim as long as it is within the range set by the "rune engraving". It has a high temperature of more than 3,000 degrees Celsius and is enough to melt all enemy attacks and obstacles. The'King of Hunting Witches' was completely annihilated into fragments of flame.


"Hunt and hunt the King of Witches?!!!"

Seeing my own magic, seeing that my own "King of the Witch Hunting", who claims to be never destroyed, was broken into pieces by the Inticus and can't be recovered anymore. I'm checking my partner. Steer, who was injured on the body of the gods, had not had time to come up with a countermeasure, so he had to exclaim in horror.

"not good!"

"Steier! Run away!!!"

However, without waiting for Steele to figure out why, the Divine Crack supported by him also exclaimed at the same time, and watched the scary red and black beam of energy killing the'King of the Hunting Witch'. After the flame monster, it still cast off and swept towards her and Steele! !

If it was in normal times, Shencra Huozhi would have ran away long ago, and might still leave a false illusion in place, using his own to mislead the enemy in the "Forbidden Silk Enchantment" that is still in effect? However, it doesn't work now, she has no way to move a bit!

Therefore, seeing the rift that she couldn't avoid, and feeling that she was not saved, she couldn't help but sternly urged Steel next to her in grief and anger.


"Rune: Mirage!!"

There is no need to remind him, because he has already discovered something wrong with Steel, so he made a decisive decision, waved his hand at an extremely fast speed, and directed a large number of cards depicting that kind of magic rune towards him. The sky above was thrown out, and they were allowed to spread over the surrounding space above the two of them, allowing them to transform into a free fall and drift down slowly...

boom! boom! boom! !

At this time, as the red and black light passed over the location of the "King of the Witch Hunter", following the terrible attack, it plowed the ground into a deep trench that melted and screamed. , Finally swept toward the location where Steele and Shenchuan were, and successfully swept their bodies in an instant!

But it's a pity...

With the effect of the rune magic "mirage", as the light around them twisted, when the red and black beams of light swept over their bodies, their figures twisted together and disappeared strangely, leaving only That ferocious, molten gully that gave the pool to all halves...

This is very obvious. The two guys who didn't want to be enemies with Inticus, Steel and Divine Split, once again shamefully ran away after seeing something impossible!

'caveat! ’

‘Threat Target Three and Threat Target Four have escaped the battlefield, and the most difficult enemy on the field has been changed to Anne Hasta...

‘The purpose has changed...’

‘The best thing to do to destroy Annie Hasta...’

Om~! !

When the red-haired "kinky thieves" magician Steele and Divine Split ran away shamelessly, when Misaka Mikoto was about to curse some two ungrateful guys, the "Indikes" 'But instead of being idle, he turned around resolutely, and once again emitted the terrible red and black beam of light, toward someone who was holding a shield in one hand and an ultra-long spear in the other, walking with his short legs in a mess, full of various The little girl who sneaked at her on the ground of various sizes of rocks or building fragments violently bombarded her! !

Whoosh~! ! !



"No matter how powerful you are, you can't beat me!!"


Little Annie just turned the flame shield in her hand to make the outer side of the "Athena Shield" extremely smooth like a mirror, and then she succeeded in destroying the red and black at the moment the enemy bombarded her. The beam of light gives reflection!

Then, she slowly adjusted the angle between the shield and the beam of light, and adjusted the reflecting surface. First, she blasted a small building on the edge of the playground into slag, and then slowly adjusted the direction of the beam of light to let it draw. After breaking through the sky and seemingly accidentally destroying something on the geosynchronous orbit, Xiao Anni finally ran forward'very hard' while adjusting the reflection direction of the shield, and finally succeeded in continuously bombarding that road. The shining red and black beam of light perfectly reflected and bombarded the second stage of the red and black crack-shaped'St. George's Sanctuary' of'Indix'!

And this is her clever spell countermeasure of the lv5 fire control superpower! !

‘! ! ’

'caveat! ’

‘St. George’s Sanctuary is destroyed...’

‘Magic interruption...’

'caveat! ’

"The enemy is approaching..."

‘Start analyzing the magic spells used by the enemy...’

A certain expressionless ‘Indikes’ once again began to talk to himself in a voice that still had no emotion, like an electronic mechanical voice.

"Still analyzing?!"

!? (\'

"Ha! Bring you down! This is only over a hundred meters away, and people charge over at once. How long do you think it will take me to run such a distance, and give you a chance to continue analyzing?!"

e=(vev))) Bah!

She ran to the front, and after spitting with a smile, the long spear in Little Annie's hand resolutely moved towards the OSS, which had lost the second-stage'St. George's Sanctuary' shield, and then swelled towards the small universe after it burst The unwanted'Indikesi''s chest pierced towards the pure white silk gold thread embroidered super luxurious monastic dress, towards the middle of the neck of the'mobile church'!

You know, this kind of heretical mage who stands still and can only bombard with shields and spells, she can deal with it too! Anyway, she will never miss her hand, nor will she sting away! !

Of course, Xiao Anni just stabbed a little bit at this time, seemingly because she was afraid that she would seriously hurt the opponent, and then accidentally shot the opponent to death?

‘! ! ’

'caveat! ’

‘The mobile church is penetrated...’

‘Defense is destroyed...’

‘The reason is unknown, cannot be analyzed...’

"Then you need to talk about it?"

"Because, this flaming spear in people’s hands is the legendary'Lonukis' Spear'! Don't mention the saint skeletal cloth or something. **** was stabbed by the'Lonukis' Spear' many years ago. It's gone! So, Indix, your torn clothes are not valid for my long flame spear!"


After successfully hitting the opponent and piercing the opponent's defense, a certain little girl grinned triumphantly!

(Dear little master, are you lying to the undead? But it's okay, no one knows anyway, just keep making up...)

(● ̄ ̄●)

Tibbers finally understood why the opponent didn’t call the mimic flame gun another name, such as the Spear of Odin or the Spear of Zeus, when he was testing his abilities at school this morning... The name of an inexplicable "Lonokes Gun"... So it turned out that the other party had such a bad idea? ! )


‘Security Agreement... Final Chapter Section Zero...’

‘The collar... suffered...’

‘Fatal destruction...’

‘I can’t...’


Puff~! !

When the small universe exploded a little bit, the'Indikes', which expanded to be unnecessary, was finally stabbed by a lawless little girl in front of her chest and throat with a charge and a long gun. The weird red rune in Biishi's eyes finally dissipated...

Then, after still talking intermittently for a while in the sound like electronic and mechanical sounds, she seemed to have lost all of her power in an instant, and her beautiful golden-rimmed white robe that was originally shiny and windless was also He immediately closed his eyes and closed his eyes, before falling straight up from mid-air to the ground full of mud, and there was a muffled noise.

"Get it!!"

().. .:*

After raising her gun and standing upright, Xiao Annie made up this sentence in her own mind: ‘Your attack hit the boss’s weakness and caused 1 million critical damage to the boss! ’?

Regardless of how she did it, anyway, today her task was successfully completed. This is excellent. She had a lot of fun, was very comfortable and very satisfied. It was Jiangzi's! !


And now, her Queen Anne is going to take advantage of the "dispelling idler" magic effect of the red-haired pierced wizard's "dispelling idlers", and quickly bring a certain wound number and a certain corpse to the end, something. Miss Heizi, who successfully opened up wasteland without doing anything, left this crime scene!

Of course, if you need to pack and take away, there must be that Miss Indikes who has recovered after being shot by her! !



At night, in the student dormitory 208 of Tokiwadai Middle School, a guy named Shirai Kuroko had completely recovered.


"So... it was indeed Intix that you were controlled by someone, and then suddenly attacked me?!"

In the dormitory, Shirai Kuroko looked at the band-aided knees and fingers of her sister for a while, then turned her head towards someone who was sitting on the bed opposite her, wearing pure white silk and gold embroidery. Someone with a pitiful face in the luxurious monastic clothes questioned.

At that time, she had no idea what was going on, only knowing that the white light flashed, she knew nothing.

"It seems like that..."

"I really didn't know anything at that time, I didn't mean it! But, anyway, sister Heizi and sister Mikoto, I was really sorry for the harm I caused to you at that time! But I promise, I It will never be like that again!!"

"I don't know why, because I can feel that something in my body seems to have disappeared..."

Indix learned the special etiquette habits of this country, put her hands on her knees, and then bowed deeply to the two friends who were hurt by herself sitting on the opposite bed, and put herself down. 'S forehead touched the bed sheet.

She is really apologizing to the other person now, really sincere! !

"Forget it! Anyway, I don't have a big deal..."


"My sister, I heard that the school..."

At this time, Heizi remembered the gossip he had just heard outside the corridor. It was said that... the school swimming pool area, including the toilet they had to clean, had been severely damaged by unknown elements?

So, the school will be closed for one day tomorrow in order to conduct related investigations? !

"Relax, it's okay!"

"That red-haired guy really seems to be a magician... So, there is the magic of'dispelling idlers', we ran ahead of time, and the surveillance couldn't capture us, so no one knew we did it!! "

Misaka Mikoto patted Kuroko on the shoulder triumphantly, but when she accidentally pulled the wound, she broke her mouth in pain.

The only thing they are happy about now is that they don’t need to do that kind of work anymore! Because, whether it is a swimming pool or a public toilet, they are all destroyed! !



Little Annie wouldn’t tell them that at the time, she did have that kind of mind, and she did deliberately use the reflective mirror shield to guide the red and black beams of light to destroy the swimming pool and the toilet. Exhausted!

However, the satellite that was accidentally destroyed as reported by the outside news, she really didn't mean it! After all, at that time, she could only turn the red and black energy beams from the sky. Otherwise, if she flipped it sideways, I am afraid that the whole school city would have to be cut in half and suffered heavy casualties. Where would it be like now? There is no problem at all?

Anyway, she didn’t want to clean the pool at first, but she has been suffering from no good way...and the aunt of the housekeeper was so, if she accidentally destroys the pool during the battle And if no witnesses found out that she did a good thing, then all of them won't have to clean up!


Thinking about it now, the practice at the time was indeed excellent, and it was possible to have a day off, and it seemed to be very beautiful!


(● ̄ ̄●)

"That's good!"

"Tomorrow I can take another day off..."

After figuring out the whole Shirai Kuroko was a little bit regretful, and lay directly on the bed, lying on her elder sister’s soft and comfortable sheets, never wanting to move. .


"Heizi, go to your bed to sleep, I'm still a bad sign, don't come here, soul light!!"



"Hey! Mikoto-senpai, don't discharge it randomly!!"


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