Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 886: ??(??`?)???A joyous school?...


"It's so annoying~!!!"

In front of the street counter of an ice cream shop on the side of the street, Xiao Anni, Misaka Mikoto, Shirai Kuroko, Inticus, and two other people who came to eat and drink again, Saten Tearko and Chuharu Shizuru, wait here. After a long time, then, a guy with a double ponytail suddenly complained.


"Heizi, it's good, what are you bothering about?"

Mikoto Misaka, who was waiting patiently for the two shop assistants inside, heard the impatient voice of a certain guy, and felt that the other party could not wait for her, so she gave each other a dissatisfied look.

She was a little stunned by the pitiful look of Inticks, and then decided to come here to invite everyone to eat ice cream, so she didn't understand why the other party was dissatisfied or impatient?


"Isn’t it the kind of terrorist bombing that I told you last time? Now it’s the seventh one. The satellite was broken yesterday, and I don’t know why it was broken. Now it’s no longer possible to monitor the ground of the school city in real time. The situation..."

"That's why I was ordered by the 177th branch of the Commissioner for Discipline and Discipline to participate in the investigation for almost a day, and I have not come back until now... It's really hateful. It's a shame that I have to go to work, and I won't pay for overtime... …"

When thinking of this matter, Shirai Heiko gets even more annoyed...

Although the latest bombing attack was about the same as before, the scale was average, the power was not too great, and no one was injured. However, every time they thought of someone making trouble under the noses of their discipline committee, they could not do anything. Can't help the fire in my heart!

"That one……"


"The famous detective of Edogawa Anne, who is known as the number one in the school city, is here. Sister Kuroko, haven't you thought of asking me to help solve the case and help you catch the terrorist who is destroying everywhere?"


Little Annie, who thought it might be something funny, took the words unceremoniously and prepared to volunteer to help the black sister and the 177th branch of the Discipline Committee, and caught the recent terrorist bombing attack in the city. Guys!

"just you?"

"Okay! Master Detective Anne, please tell me that the artificial satellite "Vega I" in our school city was destroyed yesterday. Do you know who did it?!"

Yesterday, Kuroko knew about the unknown battle at Tokibandai Middle School and the destroyed campus swimming pool and surrounding facilities, but she didn’t know why the satellite was destroyed... …

In any case, whether it is the LV4 space mobile super capable person who ‘lays the dead’ throughout the journey, or her sister Mikoto Misaka, they did not associate the destruction of the satellite with the event of their fight yesterday.



Of course, Annie knew why the satellite was destroyed, because ah, there is always only one truth, and the murderer is between them!

However, the famous detective Anne didn't want to go into this issue... So, she thought, she should first find a way to capture the terrorist who used his ability to destroy and explode in the school city all day. That kind of thing might be more fun?


(● ̄(??) ̄●)

'All right! ’

‘Let the five guests wait a long time~! ’

‘Here are the six servings of strawberry ice cream that you just ordered, thanks to your patronage, each is 500 yen, and the total is 3,000 yen! ! ’

‘Are you swiping your card, scanning with your mobile phone or paying cash? ’

Finally, when the store brought six full portions of strawberry ice cream to the front of the counter, and placed them one by one in front of the six of them, the moody commissioner Kuroko and a little girl who wanted to be a detective They finally put their respective thoughts on the food before them.

"Thank you!"

Misaka Mikoto took a step forward, and just subconsciously took out her purse. When she just wanted to take out the money from the opened wallet to pay the bill, she suddenly stunned...

Of course, this is not because she has no money. At the moment, Mikoto Misaka still has two banknotes and a few coins of 500 denominations in her purse. It is not impossible to entertain guests... But, given the future For two months, she won’t have any scholarship or income. Since she still has to keep a few coins in case (as ammunition), she sighed and turned to look at the person next to her. Sister Heizi.

What she meant was obvious, and that was: Although it is her who treats guests now, maybe he can let the black son who is a younger sister do the work for the bill or something?


"That's not right! Sister-sama! Didn't you say that you want to treat me? Are you still asking me for money?!"

Seeing that his elder sister looked at him with that kind of affectionate eyes, Bai Jing Heizi was a little frightened suddenly, and he jumped quickly and hurriedly protested and refused.

Like her sister, she is extremely financially struggling now!

Although she may be better off the sunspot, because she still has the subsidy from the Commissioner for Discipline and Discipline, which is a little pitiful compared to the scholarship... But for the sunspot who is used to spending his money and has no savings, she is now But she is much poorer than her sister, how could she pay the bill? After all, there is still more than two months to go through in the future. If she spends all the money now, she might not even have the change to take the tram and subway!

"But, I mean to treat, but I didn't say that I must pay the bill..."

"Forget it!"

Although she was a little bit ashamed to speak, Misaka Mikoto, who felt that her wallet and life were more important than face, still bit her head, turned her head to look at the friend who was aside, and looked at Chuchun Shiri.

She thought that maybe this good-tempered and thin-skinned guy could give generously to help her out, and ask them to eat a large ice cream?


"Mikoto-senpai, I... I don't seem to remember to bring my wallet..."

Chuchun Shili patted both sides of her sailor suit skirt, indicating that she has no place to hide her purse!

Originally, she and Leizi had the idea of ​​going to the other side's student dining room to continue eating and drinking. They didn't have that much money with them at all! Therefore, after embarrassingly took out the few fifty and one hundred coins in her pocket, she had no choice but to ask for help, Zuo Tian Leizi, who generally looked at her classmate, girlfriend, roommate and good friend next to her.

Because Shili knows that her good girlfriend must remember to carry a purse, because she still has a bag on her shoulder!


"Shili, you don't know that I am an incompetent person at LV0. The level of my scholarship and those of you capable people is completely different. How could I have so much money to invite so many people?"


"At most it can only be AA system?!"

Zuotian Leizi, who was also frightened by his friend Shili’s pleading eyes, hurriedly took out his wallet, and then opened it directly, showing his shriveled wallet and graciously to the three of them. The contents of the wallet.

Now, the Double Eleven shopping festival has just passed. Two days ago, Zuo Tian Leizi, who bought a lot of good things online from that big country in the East, said that she really has no money... in her wallet. All of her banknotes and coins may add up to more than 1,000 yen. Even if she has the heart to treat, she doesn't have the strength to treat! !


"Then Little Annie, how about you? Did you remember to bring your wallet?!".

No way, I found that I didn’t have the money to pay the bill. It is very likely that Mikoto Misaka, who needs to work with the sunspots to use force and power to fight against those illegal and criminal online loan companies, had to look pitifully at someone with a straight-eyed look. Little girl with those ice creams.

As for that Inticus...

She didn’t think about it at all, because she didn’t need to think about it, knowing that a foreign temporary guest who was so poor that they could only eat and live in their Tokibantai Middle School’s dormitory would never find a foreign guest, even just A small one-yen coin! !

So now, if they don't want to make AA payment under the clerk's increasingly stiff smile, I am afraid they can only use the idea of ​​the little guy in front of them! After all, she had heard what Kuroko said, this little Annie's residence is very large and luxurious, and it is in the academy city... Then, surely the other party must be very rich, right? Therefore, maybe you can only rely on the other party today, and there must be no major problems.



"It turns out that Mikoto-senpai, you guys, don't have money to pay the bill, so you are so embarrassed to ask us to eat ice cream..."

(ˉ▽ ̄~) Cut~~

Although she was reluctant, Little Annie still had to stretch her hand into her pocket while ruthlessly despising someone who was so poor that she couldn't afford ice cream! !



Little Annie drew out a stack of banknotes, and then one of them. She herself did not remember to bring a wallet, and never would bring a wallet, but what she has is money, and it is the kind of banknotes that can be used in this city!

Of course, if the other party accepts gold, she also has it, but she is worried that if she takes it out, she will accidentally smash the other party's wooden counter that can never bear a ton of weight?

"This one should be enough?!"


After lying on the counter and patted the banknote on the counter, Xiao Annie unceremoniously took the lead in grabbing her own large ice cream.

‘Enough! ’

‘Little guest, please wait and I will get you change right away...’

Unexpectedly, among the few students who looked like dogs in front of them, that little guy was the big dog? So, seeing that the other party put away the thick stack of banknotes, and then took a look at which 10,000 denomination currency was pulled out on the counter, the clerk at the cold drink shop hurriedly smiled flatteringly and put the banknotes in the inspection. After going on the money machine for a while, I hurriedly lowered my head and started to find change.


"You little guy, are you really so rich?!"

Misaka Mikoto and Shirai Kuroko both looked at each other in astonishment, because they knew that the stack of banknotes that the other party took out just now was the kind of brand new currency that hadn't been opened yet... Then I didn't say it, it must be one. A stack of ten thousand times a hundred, but a full one million yen!

In this way, in the next two difficult months, the two of them only need to'united' around the organization with Anne Hasta as the core, and they will basically not worry about food, drink, or worry With this, Meimei has survived the most difficult two months of zero-income economic crisis, and no longer has to think about the “robbing the rich and helping the poor”?

"It's so corrupt..."

"Is this the current economic situation of the students in the schoolyard? I don't have so many scholarships for a year..."

Looking at the thick pile of coins that the other party took out and quickly recovered, because the wallet has been severely damaged after the'shopping', there is no Zuotian Leizi who may not be able to slow down for three to five months. It was staring enviously and bitterly at the pocket of a certain LV5 flame control superpower, and wanted to rush forward, threw down the little girl, and then reached in and looked at the other person’s pocket that looked plain. What kind of secrets are there? !

"There shouldn't be so many..."

"Tears, please don't think about it. It may be that people already have money... LV5's subsidies for superpowers are strictly regulated. At most, the students in the school garden are just living conditions and daily life. Is his board and lodging better than our Shichuan Middle School?"

After handing one of the large strawberry ice creams in his hand to Leizi, Chuchun Shiri, who heard the two whispering words in the other's mouth, corrected the other party with a smirk.

In fact, it may be much better... However, Shili still likes to use the official rhetoric to numb herself. In that case, it is estimated that everyone will feel better.

"However, it is Little Annie, an LV5 flame superpower. If we bring so much money with us, that would not be great..."

"That's not safe!!"

In the 177th branch of the Commission for Discipline and Discipline Activities, he served as a Discipline Commissioner and attended a class for a short period of time. But it is clear that the security of this city cannot be as good as it seems on the surface.

As for the scholarship...

All their students who go to school in the academy city, regardless of size, gender, or LV0 incompetent or LV5 superpower, are equally eligible for scholarships! Those scholarships will be automatically transferred to everyone's bank account every month, just like salary, they are relatively transparent and fixed, and there will not be too much deviation...

Of course, the more star school, or the higher the level of ability, the rarer the ability, the higher the amount of scholarship is of course, but it will certainly not be as exaggerated as a little girl’s performance, just pay for it. It came out of one million yen!

"Little Annie!"

"What is your status and why are you so rich? Also, what did your family do before you transferred to Academy City?"


"Are you a princess of a certain country or the daughter of a big plutocratic family?!"

Once transferred to academy city, it is directly at the LV5 level. This situation is really extremely rare for this city! Therefore, Misaka Mikoto was really curious. While sticking out her bright red tongue and eating the delicious ice cream paid by the other party, she couldn't help but became curious about the other party's identity and began to interrogate.

If the other party really exists as she guessed, then her intention to eat the big family and fight the local tyrants in the next two months that she has faintly decided in her heart will be more at ease! After all, they are comrades-in-arms and friends who have fought together, and at the same time classmates and best friends? Therefore, it is only natural to help and support each other! !

"I remember!"

"Little Annie, I have also investigated your identity, but the information of your fellow is highly confidential to the authority of our Commissioner of Discipline... Wouldn't you really be a princess of a certain country or a certain The daughter of the chaebol family?!"

He was beaten to sleep for a long time yesterday and missed a great opportunity to watch a big battle and demolish the school. He was very satisfied with the fact that he was able to go out shopping and eat free desserts during the school holiday today! Therefore, after hearing her elder sister's doubts, she took the conversation together and asked curiously when she approached a little guy.

"You ask me?"




After thinking about it for a while, Xiao Anni felt that there was nothing she couldn't say about her identity, and she said that she confessed it generously:

"I am not the princess of a certain country on the earth or the daughter of a big plutocracy!"


"I will tell you secretly..."


After stopping and beckoning to Misaka Mikoto-senpai, Kuroko, and the same curious Chuharu Shiri and Saten Leizi, two young ladies came together, and Xiao Anni continued to explain in a low voice:

"They actually came from the outer plane world. It is the head of the giant country that rules almost an entire galaxy and several planes in the Kepru region. It is also a kingdom in the planet of Azeroth. Queen (Fire Kingdom) and Moe Lord (former Flame Alliance)!"


"By the way, they are still the chairman and CEO of Bear Shield, the honorary professor of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, the goddess of the Five Fireballs of the Caribbean, and the master of the sanctuary world... Anyway, they have many, many things. Identity, but those that are too cumbersome to say, I can't tell for a long time..."




"They are still members of the General Council of Academy City, and all the money in their bank cards is directly hacked into the banking system and received directly after entering the numbers. So ah, there is nothing you can't solve in the future. If you find me, a member of the board of directors, it will be right!!"


Although Xiao Annie had no idea what the members of the board of directors would do, she only knew that her authority was real and effective! For example, the kind of direct promotion to Miss Heizi, a salary increase, a full score change, a scholarship increase of two zeros, or other difficult things, her title and authority as a member of the general council can be very good. Do it easily!

As for whether she would be discovered by using that identity to mess around, or what consequences would happen after being discovered, then she didn't care! Anyway, she wouldn't be afraid of others coming to her for trouble. The big deal would be a "forgetting nothing" or an Imperius curse "soul out of the body" or something, and all the problems would be solved!

Just like the things she did to people who came to trouble or bother her when she just came to this school city for the first month and lived in the big house she bought?





The four of Misaka Mikoto, Shirai Kuroko, and Hatsuharu Shiri and Saten Tearko, who were still looking forward to it, blinked and stared at each other for a long time with their eyes of different colors, then spread out and continued to eat. Take your own things and go shopping!

Obviously, what a little girl said just now, whether it was the messy identity of the head of state, queen, cute lord, or member of the general council, none of them believed! !


"Little Annie, you guys can really joke..."

Shaking his head, Misaka Mikoto, who no longer had any hope for the other party, also walked aside.

She no longer intends to continue to question a little guy. After all, she doesn’t care what the other person’s identity is. Now she only knows that the other person is rich and generous. Then she and the sunspot don’t need to take risks in the next two months. , There is no need to bully the weak, and there is no need to do phishing law enforcement things like'robbing the rich and helping the poor', that's it!



"Indikes, I think you are also a foreigner with green eyes and white complexion. I and Annie knew each other before? Or else, how could you get together with her? "

Seeing that the other party had arranged a lot of lies to fool herself, he was short-mouthed and might be asking for someone in the next period of time. He didn't plan to, and didn't dare to use violence against a little girl in the near future. Turning his head, he got to the side of Inticus who had been hanging behind and just gulping.

"That's right, it must be like this! Tell me honestly, who is she, is she the daughter of a certain king or the illegitimate daughter of a big businessman and a wealthy tycoon?!"

Then, she wrapped her neck directly around the opponent's neck unceremoniously, and asked in a low voice in her ear.


"That... I'm sorry, I really don't know anything..."

Where did Indikes, who only cared about food, heard the conversation among the four of them?

So, when she saw that Shirai Heiko leaned her head over and asked herself abruptly, she just blinked, shook her head, and then continued to bury her head on the large ice cream she was holding in her hands, even if hers was white and tender. My face was covered with a lot of cream and I couldn't even wipe it off.

For Inticus, who has a strong appetite, being able to eat is already a very happy thing! But now, when there are free delicious student meals to eat every day, there are delicious desserts to enjoy, that is really the happiest thing in the world, and she should concentrate on enjoying it. Instead of saying things that can’t fill your stomach at this critical time! !


"Every time you just focus on eating... Are you really planning to specialize in eating?!"

I feel that the other party must be deliberate, it must be the sunspot who perfuses myself and a little girl. After thinking about it, after thinking about the inexplicable attack on myself by the other party yesterday, he became angry from his heart to the courage, and directly rushed viciously. Upon reaching the opponent's ice cream, he opened his mouth wide and gave the top part of the opponent's strawberry ice cream in one bite!



With the melting ice cream stuffed in her mouth, Inticus, whose cute face was still bulging on both sides, was finally stunned. She just opened her small mouth full of cream in amazement and stared in a daze. The heinous guy who ate his own delicious dessert in one bite.


"Woo... I, I told you not to tell the truth, now, know, know, regret it?"

After enduring the mouthful of ice cream, chewing fiercely, and then swallowing the cold frozen cream and ice cream in one bite, Shirai Kuroko grinned towards some of those blue eyes with wide open eyes. The guy who was already full of tears smiled triumphantly.


First, she looked down at the baldness in her hand, and at the inner packaging and a small amount of delicious ice cream cones inside. She finally slowly raised her head and stared with incredible eyes. To some nasty guy who was triumphant.

"Who makes you dishonest..."



Before a certain Baijing Heizi who had not had time to be happy, he had to exhale in pain!

It turned out that Indix, who had just forcibly snatched a delicious dessert, opened her small mouth full of cream and bit her naked arm viciously? !


!? (??\'\'????)??

Hearing the movement behind her, and feeling something that seemed to be dangerous flying towards her, Little Annie turned around dexterously and shrank directly to the other side of Misaka Mikoto-senpai.

puff! !


Then, because someone was bitten, because of a sudden hard grip on the hand, and because of loss of balance, a certain ice cream cream ball that flew out of the hand was naturally dropped on Misaka Mikoto's chest, and rolled along the skirt to the shoe. Above, she directly stained her front breast, miniskirt, and beautiful tight thighs, including shoes, with the red and white dirt...

"I said Heizi..."


"You can give me enough~!!!"


Really?? Profound meaning?? Lightning gun! !


Mikoto released from the bangs on her forehead, the blue-and-white light gun, which is said to be formed by a powerful current of one billion volts, swept away under her anger! !

Of course, in fact, although the voltage of the lightning gun released by Mikoto was terribly high, the current was also terribly low...So, as long as she deliberately controlled the current to a low level, no matter how high the voltage was, it wouldn’t let Some people were electrocuted to death?

‘Wow! ! ’

"Yeah~! ! ’

"Hmm~! ! ! ’

‘Ah~! ! ! Sister-sama is forgiving...’



With four exclamations and a thief laughter, except for a little girl who spotted the thief ahead of time and hid to the side, the other four were taken for granted by the furious Misaka Mikoto. The lightning strikes attacked and wailed together, and Qi Qi collapsed softly on the ground.

As for the ice cream in their hands, they obviously cannot keep it!

At this time, those desserts either fell on the ground or splashed on themselves or their companions... Suddenly, the young girls who collapsed on the street due to the electric shock, plus the red and white on them After the picture composed of the strawberry ice cream cream, it became more"


"I suddenly remembered that there are still some things. Sister Mikoto, you should go back and change clothes first. I will go back later!!"


When I found out that I just hid behind the other party, one accidentally left a cream mark on the back of the other party’s ass. I was afraid that the other party would find Little Annie. After thinking about it, I quickly found an excuse and turned around. run! !



(╯︵╰)ε=(??ˇεˇ????))) Bah!

The end of not voting...

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