Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 887: Looking for the missing Miss Indix? ! (*?︶…

"Dipling bell..."


"Dipling, bell, bell..."




At night, on a bench in this brightly-lit street park, a little girl was frowning watching her mobile phone vibrating and making noises, she stared straight at the display on the phone interface. The caller's information is still being read, and I watched the screen of "Hei Jing Kuroko is calling you...". I didn't answer the phone or hung up, even though many pedestrians and students passing by gave her strange Her eyes, even if those people looked at her with strange eyes, she didn't mind at all.

Because, she knows that only in this way can the other party directly hang up or hang up automatically after the call time reaches the upper limit, so that the person who calls her can feel that she is not deliberately not answering, but is doing other things. As a result, she did not hear the ringtone, or did she think she did not bring her mobile phone with her, so as to achieve the purpose of listening to someone's call?

"Beep~! ’

Sure enough, for a while, when the frowning and half-squinting little Annie was a little impatient, the incoming call display on the phone finally hung up by herself and changed the call interface on her own phone. I returned to the standby screen, and there was another eye-catching reminder of missed calls.



"Tibbers, look? I just said, as long as you are determined not to answer the phone, as long as you pretend that you don’t have a phone on your body or you don’t hear it, that sister Heizi will call herself at most two or three times. Give up!"


"She has given up now, and now she can finally enjoy our desserts happily!!"


Seeing that the phone in her hand finally stopped, Xiao Annie cheered and threw the annoying phone on the chair next to her, and then she hugged the big cup she just bought and exudes it. With sweet and creamy popcorn, prepare to enjoy your own snack time.






ε=(??????*)))?? So delicious...

Today’s school is off, and she played with those young ladies all day in the morning and later in the afternoon. Finally, she finally found an excuse to'escape' by herself and was able to wander outside until now. She didn’t want to be so. Go back to that dormitory long ago!

Besides, it’s still early, and it’s far from the time when the dormitory's access control will begin to be strictly prohibited and entry and exit is strictly prohibited. Therefore, Annie is not in a hurry at all, she has time to slowly enjoy the big cup in her arms. Sweet and creamy popcorn, it’s not too late to go back after eating them?

(Little master, you don’t want to think about it. In case, your classmate Shirai Kuroko really has something very important and important to call you? You can’t answer the phone first? Anyway, take it. The phone won’t waste much time...

(● ̄(??) ̄●)

——For the bad behavior of my own bad little master who refused to answer people's calls for three full times, even Tibbers couldn't stand it... After all, that Shiraikuko tried so persistently to call her three times in a row. Phone, then there must be something a little more important! But it's a pity, even if Tibbers had already cryptically ‘reminded’ the other party just now, but a guy who only cares about his own fun and waiting to enjoy snacks, where can he listen to his persuasion? )

"I do not want it!!"

o(??^`)o hum!

After relentlessly rejecting a bear's suggestion, Annie continued to chew her delicious snacks ‘click’.

Today, the school is closed for various reasons, and the labor punishment imposed by the housekeeper’s aunt has been solved once and for all by her clever means. In addition, it is still early, so Xiao Anni doesn’t think it will be important. Things need to call to trouble yourself before you go back!

In her opinion, it must have been the two guys who had been fined with their scholarships pretending to be'accidentally' forgetting and asking themselves to bring each other some supper or snacks by the way, like that kind of super troublesome thing, she I won't be fooled anymore!

After all, although she herself doesn’t care about the trivial things that the other party never pays to buy things for herself, her Queen Anne is not a courier, nor is she a takeaway brother, she doesn’t have time to give it to the dormitory. Those three guys brought food and use! !

Not to mention that their hateful guys never give money anymore, even if they give money!

Because ah, she wouldn’t let things like eating, drinking and having fun without doing things that are super meaningful to her. Then other guys don’t think about calling her, even if the relationship is good, it’s a matter of principle , There is no room for compromise.



"Unless they continue to call again to prove that there are other important things, otherwise, I won't pay attention to their bad guys at this point!!"


However, Annie herself knows that Miss Heizi has already called three times. According to the usual situation, the guy with insufficient patience will definitely not call again. If she calls again, maybe. Is there really something important? !


"Dipling, bell, bell..."


!? (??\'\'????)??

However, the whispering between Xiao Annie and her little bear just stopped, and she was quickly astonished to discover: The mobile phone that she thought would never ring again tonight, actually vibrated and rang next to her again?

"so annoying……"


Little Annie, who had never thought that she was wrong, had to stop her movements, and her small mouth that had been chewing delicious popcorn couldn't help but putter.


(● ̄(??) ̄●)

"Damn fellow, if there is nothing important..."


After stopping the uninterrupted eating of popcorn in her hands that made her mind and body happy, she found that the phone still didn’t mean to stop, so Xiao Annie had to put the big bucket of sweet snacks to herself angrily. On the other side, he impatiently picked up the broken phone that was set with the original and unpleasant ringtone, and brought the luminous screen close to him.

In the current situation, she probably won’t want to pick it up but she will pick it up...


Hey! ~o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ

"Is it Miss Heizi? Do you have any important things? If not, I have to hang up, because they are going back soon, on the way back, and the battery doesn’t seem to be too much. ..."


I opened my eyes and said nonsense, glanced at the 90% battery display on the screen of the mobile phone, and saw that it is enough to stand by for more than half a month, even if it is used frequently, it can be used for several days before it needs to be charged, which is almost full. After the phone was charged, Xiao Annie curled her mouth boringly, and after pressing the speaker, she threw it on the knees of her short legs.



"The signal here seems to be a bit bad... Sister Heizi, maybe we can go back and talk about it later, I really want to hang up?!"


Picking up her own popcorn again, Annie ate it and said impatiently without waiting for the other party to talk.

She can't actually be regarded as lying, because compared to her communicator used in the Bear Shield and the communication equipment used in the Kepulu region, the battery of this backward mobile phone is indeed not. There are too many, besides, she said that for a reason.

Because, if it is the kind of thing that brings things, it is absolutely impossible! Of course, other things won't work, she won't let those guys keep calling herself! She must resolutely resist the bad habits of those guys and resolutely correct them! !

For example, next time you deliberately go out without your mobile phone, just leave it in your dorm?

'please wait! ! ’

‘Annie! That's the case, we want to know, now that fellow Inticus, is she with you? ! ’

Unfortunately, before Annie could reach out and hang up the phone, the voice of a certain Ms. Baijingheizi, who was finally connected after several calls, suddenly came out of the phone's speaker.



"It doesn't seem to be together...what's wrong, didn't I remember she was fooling around with the four of you today?!"


I was taken aback subconsciously, and turned my head to look around where I was suspected of hiding people, and found that there was no such horrible thing that someone like a starved ghost reincarnated suddenly came over to grab food After it happened, Little Annie breathed a sigh of relief and said with certainty.

If Ms. Inticus was by her side, the other party would have directly rushed over and wiped out the popcorn in her hand in a very short time, and how could she have a chance to be at ease like this? Sitting comfortably on the bench, and dangling two little feet slowly enjoying it one by one?

'what? ! ’

‘Are you sure, she’s not with you? It’s over, this is terrible...’

‘My sister, Annie said that Inticus was not with her! ! ’

'what? ’

‘Then where will she go again? ’

'How would I know? ! ’


Suddenly, a certain sister Heizi stopped paying attention to Xiao Annie directly, but began to talk anxiously with Mikoto-senpai on the other end of the phone. The nervousness even affected Xiao Annie. Arrived.



"Hello? What's the matter, Sister Heizi? What's the situation, is something extraordinary happened to Miss Indix?!"

(????ω??`)? ?

Listening to the voice and urgency of the other party's voice from the speaker of the phone, it seems that something is really wrong. Xiao Anni frowned and thought about it, her heart shook, and finally resisted the initial impatience in her heart. , And then asked suspiciously.

Because she heard it, it seems that something happened to the Inticus? Could it be that the other party broke out in the small universe again and razed the school dormitory to the ground, right? It stands to reason that that kind of thing shouldn’t happen again, because Annie is pretty sure that she has given the other party’s ban on life and memory, as well as the explosion of the small universe, to be “one shot” and broken. Oh, and it's still painless! Therefore, she expressed that she was really curious about the reaction of a certain Heizi sister on the other side of the phone.

‘Annie! ’

‘In the afternoon, the five of us went shopping for a while and then went back to change clothes... Then, Indix said she had nothing to eat with us, so she ran to find you...’



I knew it would be like this. Obviously, the hateful guy who claimed to be so proud of memorizing forty-three thousand magic books, seemed to have regarded her Queen Anne as a free meal ticket.


‘We just went to your dormitory and it seems that we haven’t seen her come back until now, and there has been no one in your dormitory. I didn’t see her come back for dinner...’


‘I called you several times and you didn’t answer. We thought she was with you! ! ’

‘Now it’s okay, maybe she was really taken away by the red-haired ‘kinky thief’ magician, maybe she is suffering from some cruel and inhumane torture! ! ’

'Hey? Hey? ! ’

‘Annie, are you still listening? Hey? ! ’

The violent voice of Miss Heizi in the speaker of the mobile phone finally clarified the matter, and then yelled loudly again. That kind of voice made many passing pedestrians once again be so late to someone. The little girl'Miss' from Tokiwadai Middle School who returned to school once again cast that curious look.

'Hey? ! ’

‘Annie? Are you listening? ! ’

Obviously, a certain glutton who was very punctual for three meals a day disappeared suddenly, making Shirai Heiko very nervous and involuntarily worried about whether the other party had encountered something unfortunate.

"I'm listening..."


In fact, just after the little sister Heizi said that a certain gluttonous guy was missing, Little Annie used her spiritual knowledge to quickly scan in this school city and accurately figured out the Yin Where is Tick's!

However, she didn't explain to Miss Heizi...

Because, that Miss Indix was indeed taken away, but it was not the red-haired magician, but someone else! However, she is just an LV5 flame control superpower now. She doesn't want anyone to know that she has power beyond the LV5 flame control ability, so she didn't tell the other party that much.

However, it’s impossible for Ms. Indix to “find” her back quickly. She is now urgently thinking of a way to come up with the best of both worlds. She doesn’t need to be too prominent, but can help herself. Your behavior is a good way to round the past perfectly?

'hateful! You guy, please be a little serious about this kind of thing! ’

‘Yeah! Sister, don’t grab it...’


'Hey? Annie? ’

"Yes! Mikoto-senpai, I'm listening, what do you want to do?"


After hearing the other end of the phone frolicking for a while, and then the voice of Miss Baijing Heizi changed to another person, Xiao Anni didn't need to think too much about who was taking the phone and talking to herself.

‘! ! ’

‘Just listen, what I want to ask is: Do you know where Indix will go where she often goes or where she might go? ’

‘If you know, look for it! It is late now, you must hurry! Also, we are not allowed to answer our calls! ! ’

'correct! ’

'Wait for the housekeeper to check the bed, Heizi and I will go to your dormitory to help you do some disguise. If you really can’t find it, remember to call us and I will talk to Heizi Let's use the space movement ability to slip out and help you! ! ’

'Hey! sister……'

‘Don’t grab it! ’

'Hey? Annie, did you understand what I said just now? ! ’

A certain gluttonous fellow suddenly disappeared and did not come back to eat. Such a thing must be very abnormal for both Shirai Kuroko and Misaka Mikoto! What's more, there was only a big battle yesterday, and they all knew someone wanted to disadvantage each other?

So, just after sending away the two people, Chuchun Shili and Zuotian Leizi, they kept calling and it took a long time to get through Annie's mobile phone, and finally confirmed that something might be bad for them. Things.



"Okay, I see, I'll go now! Hmm... Then I hang up first?!"

Beep~! ??(°ー°〃)

Really long-winded! !

As soon as she stretched out her hand, without giving the other party a chance to continue to grind, she directly pressed the red button on the phone screen to end the fairy tale, and Xiao Annie just squeezed the annoying phone into her pocket and started again I picked up my big cup of popcorn like a small bucket of paper tube and started to eat it one by one with relish.


(● ̄(??) ̄●)

(Great little master, you just scanned it with your spiritual sense. Didn’t that Inticus be taken away by bad guys? Why, you are not worried at all now, and you are still in the mood to eat here. thing?!


——For a miserable little master who is still in the mood to stay here without hurriedly eating popcorn bit by bit, and swaying his legs triumphantly, it seems that he has no idea of ​​rushing to save others. Tibbers said that he was quite puzzled. )

"Shut up! Tibbers!!"


"People are not eating now!"

( ̄~ ̄) Chew!

"People are turning grief and anger into appetite, trying to supplement the brain with nutrients, so that they can think of a good way!!"

ε=(??????*)))?? So delicious...

"Moreover, think about it, Miss Heizi and Mikoto-senpai have just called and said that Miss Indix has disappeared. Then they called the door directly, and they found it and found out from the evil. The big devil rescued the gluttonous guy from the hands of the big devil... wouldn't it be weird if someone accidentally knew something like that?!"



"People are now thinking of a better way, not only to be able to rescue Miss Indikes back in time, but also to try not to attract others' attention and not let others think about it..."


Yes, if Little Annie hits the door now, that approach would be a bit too abrupt...It is indeed very easy to make some guys who have been secretly monitoring and watching her every move suspicious. Therefore, she must think of a good way not to make people feel so strange, and she must make her behavior logical.

(Really, it's so troublesome... Then when can you think of a good solution? You heard it just now. It's not early now. Wait any longer. You will be punished tomorrow.


——Instead it was Tibbers' own words, anyone who dared to move himself, it had hit the door directly long ago! Then, just twist off the other person's head and eat it in one bite, and where will it be like now?

Sure enough, it’s really hard to be a human being. It’s easier to be a bear... In short, Tibbers doesn’t have to think too much about what it does. If the little master is not in charge, he can do whatever he wants. What you can do, bite whoever wants to bite, and eat whoever wants to eat! ! )

"I didn't think about it..."


"Anyway, the popcorn hasn't been eaten yet, just let me think about it slowly..."


Little Annie said that she is now trying hard to think and scan the city with her own consciousness, and is constructing a reasonable plan in her mind...

In short, thinking about that kind of thing consumes sugar and energy, but she feels that when her popcorn is finished, she must be able to think of a better, logically good way!

and so,

Now she only needs to work hard to finish the big bucket of sweet and delicious popcorn! After eating and drinking, she can pat her belly and set off!

As for the Enticus...

That’s not important, because, the bad guy who captured Inticus, the other party hasn’t made any dangerous moves until now, and it seems that he hasn’t done any weird things to a gluttonous guy. So, she is not in a hurry~!






Looking at the four connected high-rise buildings in the distance in the distance, with a cigarette dangling from his mouth, Magnus sighed slightly.

Today, he had to meet a guy who hadn’t seen each other for more than three years, and he didn’t know what the ending would be... But he had to go, because he had a mandate, and he valued and vowed most. The person to protect is inside! Although, he also knew that the guy inside probably wouldn't do such dangerous things, but after all, he was still a little uneasy!



"It's getting late now, that guy in Divine Splitting, didn't he say that he is going to bring someone who can deal with magic that the client said? How come it is now, hasn't it come yet?!"

Looking at the sky and the path of the moon in the sky, Steele, who knew that it was late now, murmured a little impatiently, and directly gave the cigarette on his mouth that was burning to the filter tip. Spit on the ground.



"The bad guy with red hair and earrings, spitting out cigarette butts everywhere, and smoking in public places is wrong!!"


Suddenly, at this moment, the very familiar and cute voice of a little girl sounded behind Steele, which really scared him! !


"You! Is it you?!"

I found that the person I was waiting for did not come. What I was waiting for was someone with a powerful LV5 flame control superpower who I never wanted to see again. I saw the little guy wearing this Tokiwa Taichung school uniform. After turning out from the street lamp behind him and blinking mischievously at him, Steele took a few steps back in shock.

Yesterday, even though he ran away shamelessly with Divine Split at a critical juncture, he could see clearly that the Intiqs, who did not know why the terrible magical power erupted, could not be captured by a few of them. In the end, the little girl's hand fell and changed back!

Therefore, if he can, he really doesn't want to be entangled by the other party when he has an important task tonight.


|??˙??˙)! !

"Are you afraid of me?"


She had just turned out from behind the street light, and when she realized that the guy had a vague idea of ​​wanting to escape, Xiao Annie couldn't help but feel a little smug.


Steele didn't speak, only after hearing the little girl's words and mocking look in his eyes, he gritted his teeth, stood still calmly, did not continue to back up, and temporarily stopped and fled. idea.



"Uncle blame, my Intiqs was taken away by bad guys. I feel she is nearby, and you are here again... So, come on, did you take her away? !"


Annie knew that the other party was not the one who took Inticus, but since the other party is here now, since the other party looks nervous, that didn’t say anything, the other party must know something, so she definitely needs to tease her first. It's good to talk to the other party, even if you pretend to ask about the situation!


"No! I didn't do it, I didn't take Intiqs away..."

Frowning, Steele thought for a while, and finally used his innocent and calm eyes to stare at the dangerous LV5 flame control super power girl, and use his body language to express his innocence.



"If it wasn't the bad thing you did, and it wasn't that you took Intiqs away, what do you want to do here?!"


Finding that the other party also knew about Intiqs’s being taken away, Little Annie, who felt that things had become more fun, didn’t rush to find someone in the four high-rise buildings, but planned to do a good job. The guy in front of the trial did not look like a good person.


"Indikes should be in the'Sanzejuku' over there now...just, little girl, I don't understand, how did you find me and then you still feel that Indikes is nearby?! "

Yes, this is what Steele is most curious about right now!

You know, if he didn’t happen to take a mission and needed to come to Sanzawa School to investigate, and if it wasn’t because he and Shenchuan had been staring at Inticus, I’m afraid they would not be easy to find here. ! Therefore, he is now very curious about the little girl in front of him, who knows no magic or can not track magic, but can still successfully find the little girl with this ability.

"It's very simple!"


"Because, anyone who has fought with me, or was burned with flames by me, I can easily find them based on the flames remaining on you??"

<( ̄︶ ̄)↗ Yeah!

Yes, even if you don't need to scan with your own spiritual knowledge, Little Annie can only find the badass magician and the greedy Inticus in front of her with LV5's flame control ability!


(● ̄(??) ̄●)


"So it's like this..."

Nodding, Steele said that he understands this statement...

After all, as far as he knows, those with LV4 or LV5 ability, their power can be said to be almost the same as magic. Therefore, for the little girl playing with fire in front of him, he will find people based on the residual breath of the flame. I don't think it's too difficult to accept, because it seems to be the same as the way he uses the magical breath of the "mobile church" on Inticus to track?



"You haven't said yet, what the **** do you want to do here? Are you with the bad guy who took Inticus? Hurry up and be honest, or I'll set you on fire!!!"



"I have solved a commission, and I need to come here to investigate the situation of the'Sanzejuku'..."

After thinking about it for a while, remembering what he saw and heard in the windowless building full of pipes and circuits, Steele finally briefly said the reason why he was here.

If he didn’t need to wait here for Divine Fracture to bring a guy who is said to be helpful to their actions tonight, I’m afraid he would have used the rune magic of the'mirage' to run away directly, and how could he follow him? This little girl playing with fire said so much?



"But I think you probably did it!!"


Even if she knew that the other party seemed to have nothing to do with the arrest of Intiqs, but when she found out that she was being watched here, she still pretended to ask.

After all, some rules of the game must be obeyed. Since others have not embarrassed themselves, have not revealed their identity and allowed themselves to continue playing in this city, then her Queen Anne must be obeyed. There is a tacit understanding between them, she thinks she doesn't know anything, just as she is an LV5 flame superpower, and keeps certain guys staring at her?

"Indix is ​​inside..."

"After a while, when one of our helpers arrives, you can go in with us. At that time, I think you will know that we have nothing to do with the arrest of Indix."

Still didn't go to explain more, just pointed to the four connected buildings in the original place, and pointed to the place of the Sanze School.


∑(??△`)? !

"Is it really nothing to do with you?!"


"Really do not have……"

With a sigh in his heart, Steele, who felt that the other party might do it unreasonably, felt that it was time for him to change a place, although doing that would make it troublesome for him to do what he had agreed with God...

It’s just that, he doesn’t know if the little girl in front of him is really as the other party said, as long as she has fought or been burned, as long as she is contaminated with the other party’s flame, she will be easily found by the other party. Come here?



"Forget it! It wasn't you who did I'm going to save Inticus, so I don't need to be with you!!!"

o(`^??)o Humph!

After that, Xiao Annie finally stopped making trouble for the badass red-haired mage in front of her. Instead, she stepped on her short legs, carried her little bear Tibbers, and walked to the connected building in the distance. .


"Wait! There is a magic enchantment there. It won't work for you to go in directly like this!!"

Originally, Steele didn’t intend to mess with the LV5 girl who was playing with fire, but think about the uncertainties of the mission tonight, think about it now that the other party has already come here, think about it since I have looked for another ability student to help, so now, adding another amazing little girl does not seem to be impossible?


(((*??????)?? Ask for tickets??(??????*)))

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