Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 903: The electric light pulsating at your fingertips? (???~??...



This morning, the air in the academy city was very good, and the weather was also very good. The blue sky and white clouds made the mood of the pedestrians on the road very comfortable!

At this time, the early birds were chirping on the branches, and the golden sunlight shone diagonally from the east of the horizon. After passing through the lush shade of the sidewalk, one by one Shadows and golden bright spots were projected on three of the three youths who were wearing the standard skirt school uniforms of Tokiwadai Middle School, and carrying uniform black leather handbags in their hands. They seemed to be full of vitality. The bodies of beautiful young girls.

What I didn't say, the three girls from Tokiwadai Middle School who were talking and laughing on the road were Xiao Annie, Misaka Mikoto and Shirai Kuroko whose dorm was separated by a wall.

Because their dormitory is located on the campus of another private Tokibandai Girls’ High School outside the school’s garden, ah, today after the Tokibandai Middle School finally announced the formal restoration of normal teaching activities and order, they had a lot of experiences. After the day's leisure and wandering holidays, I had to start walking early in the morning, facing the morning sun and dew, and preparing to rush to the school located in the seventh school district's schoolyard.

'Damn! It’s so late, it’s too late to go on like this! ’

‘My sister, I need to report to the 177th branch of the Commission for Discipline and Discipline and get something. You two go to school first, don’t wait for me~! ’

He took a look at his mobile phone, and after seeing the information just sent by Gufa Meiwei, Shirai Kuroko screamed in exclamation, and then quickly turned to his sister, Misaka Mikoto. After a hello, I ran forward quickly.

'correct! ’

‘Sister, please be sure to help me look at that difficult little guy Annie, stare at her until she enters the classroom, don’t let her skip class again! ! ’

Suddenly, it seemed that there was something important. Shirai Kuroko, who had only ran a few steps, stopped again and turned around, pointing to a little girl who looked a little listless and seemed to have not fully woken up. Her sister Misaka Mikoto confessed loudly.


∑(??△`)? !

"You are talking nonsense! I didn't skip class, I just don't want to go to that kind of boring class!!"


That's right, if it weren't for being able to play and experience life in this academy city, how could her Queen Anne honestly go to school like that? After all, even the best school in the academy city that cultivates students' abilities, even the private Tokiwandai Girls' High School, there is nothing that can be taught to her.

Whether it is magic or science, or even knowledge about energy and abilities, she knows everything!

Anyway, she knows everything that the teachers in that school can teach, and she even knows all the errors and omissions in the superficial knowledge? And the knowledge she knows, the teachers in those ability schools certainly don't understand! What's more, she is interested in learning. I am afraid that those teachers will definitely not be able to teach her. So, there is no such thing as skipping class. Skip class is only for poor students who don’t know anything. Will do it, and the situation that Miss Heizi just said just cannot be true for her Queen Anne!


"Annie, Sunspot has already teleported away, let's go quickly..."

After seeing the sunspot disappear without a trace, and looking at the bright sunshine in the sky, Misaka Mikoto felt that the time was indeed late. After thinking about it, he pulled a little guy’s little hand and pulled it directly. Walk towards the school with the other person.

"It's better for us to hurry up. Sunspot has the ability to move in space of LV4. If we don't hurry up, she might get to school one step earlier than us later!"

Looking at the place where the younger sister Shirai Kuroko disappeared in an instant, she felt that she hadn’t been in class for a long time. She felt that she was indeed a positive Misaka Mikoto, and he sighed and started to be on her own. With a slight force on his hand, he half-dragd and half-pulled a little guy who was still reluctant to the school.



"Sister Miqin, other people's schools are obviously on holiday, but why do we have to rush to class early in the morning at our broken school?"


For now, it is clear that the summer vacation has begun, and other schools are already closed. It is clear that only those poor students need to go to summer school. But as a result, the existence of Queen Anne, a high school student and LV5 superpower, turned out to be It is really unreasonable to run to class early in the morning, when the sun can't get on the bed! !

"It's easy!"

"Because we took a rest for more than half a month some time ago, we must make up classes now!"

Due to the influence of the "Dragon Disaster", they have been suspended for a long time, so now even if others have already started their vacation or have started summer studies, they must go to Tokiwadai Middle School. The school conducts two-week supplementary lessons!

And the vacation now occupied by the school is equivalent to being squandered by them in advance, even if it is not their will?

In short, Misaka Mikoto didn't feel any dissatisfaction with the school's approach, anyway, she has nothing else particularly important to do at present, so it is not a big deal for her to attend summer classes. Besides, after the make-up class is over, they still have more than a month to rest and entertain, which is actually very good.

"Sure enough..."


"Schools, teachers, etc., are all such evil creatures. It doesn't matter if they often assign a lot of homework, they can even do the frenzied things like make-up classes..."


That’s right, in Xiao Anni’s view, those vacations enjoyed in advance due to force majeure factors should be their legal and reasonable benefits, and the school and the teachers used this as an excuse to let them make up lessons, which is a heinous crime. Yes, it is not accepted and understood by her Queen Anne! !


"Damn it! Annie, what you say is useless now, hurry up and keep up with me!!"

Pulled hard to bring a little guy who was trying to fall behind, and after forcibly speeding up the two, Misaka Mikoto didn’t care about the inexplicable fallacies that the other party said, but just walked quickly. Walking quickly on the sidewalk under the shade of the trees.

Because it’s really late now, if they don’t want to be late, it’s best to follow Heizi’s words and hurry to school. Otherwise, if they’re late, they will be punished by school rules to do that kind of manual labor. She doesn’t want to be late. After school, I have to run to do things like cleaning the swimming pool or playground!

Although, the largest open-air swimming pool has been damaged by their previous battles and has not been repaired so far... However, there are quite a few other cleanable places in the school, such as the playground, balcony or classroom aisle. and many more?


"Annie, what's the situation with Leizi now, it's been many days, hasn't she found an effective way?"

As he walked, Misaka Mikoto suddenly asked a friend who was inexplicably descended and possessed by an angel, and asked about the situation of that friend Sakuraiko.

Because now Indix and Zuo Tian Leizi are temporarily living in the super luxurious hidden mansion bought by Xiao Annie, and she herself has not visited them for two full days, and she has not asked about it again. Happening.

After all, it’s useless if she asks. Mikoto herself definitely has nothing to do, and she doesn’t know about magic. Therefore, she can only hope that the unreliable nun magician Inticus can be earlier. Find a way to change the tears back into an ordinary person, or, it is better to hide the wings to make the other person look like an ordinary person?

Otherwise, I'm afraid they will have to keep hiding the tears...

Moreover, what is ironic now is: At present, regarding the matter of "Fantasy Mitsu", including Kuroko, whether it is Hatsuharu Shiri or Misaka Mikoto herself, not only do they no longer pursue the investigation, but also choose to postpone it. The investigation and pursuit of a certain suspect named Haruyo Kiyama seemed to want to postpone the matter of "Fantasy Mita" indefinitely?

Because, once the incident of "Fantasy Mita" is resolved, and once the unconscious people have a way to wake up, I'm afraid the tears will really be over! You know, now they, but even the requests of the doctors and nurses of the councillors to conduct regular inspections on their tears have been rejected in the name of ‘private doctors have been recruited’!

So, although they all know that the guards are still working hard to investigate and hunt down Mushan Chunsheng, and they know that when the matter is resolved is not something that can be controlled by their will... But they are now from the beginning. Righteous indignation and wishing to catch that Mushan Chunsheng and forcing the other party to surrender a solution to the incident turned into a prayer that the other party should not be caught by the guards too soon?

At least, before the big ‘trouble’ of their friend Zuo Tian Leizi is solved by an unreliable nun, shouldn’t they be caught so quickly?

"You said Indix... how could her stupid guy who only knows how to eat have a way?!"


"Now I can only let them live in my big house temporarily. Anyway, it is very large and hidden. As long as they don't run out casually, they will definitely not be discovered by outsiders..."


"Also, Mikoto-senpai, let me tell you..."


"The wings on Sister Leizi's body will definitely not change back, unless it is cut off directly as I said, otherwise, she can only become a birdman in the future!!"


Little Annie has a lot of resentment for the regretful thing that she can't cut off the pair of wings!

So, even if she had a way, she never said it, just wanting to slowly make their stupid guys anxious, let the little sister tears continue to drag the pair of big wings until she felt it was about time , Might consider whether to help each other?


(● ̄(??) ̄●)

"What bird man..."

"Little guy, don't be jealous of others!"

"Leizi is a real angel now. In fact, I think that's pretty good. Anyway, it's 10,000 times stronger than being an ordinary student, except that it’s a little troublesome to take care of and temporarily unable to see people. , It’s no big deal!"

In addition to what I said, after many days of research and thinking, Misaka Mikoto also felt that if the tears went to the church in the future, such as the British Puritanism or the Roman Orthodox church that Inticus said, If you go to such a place, you will definitely be enshrined as a living miracle, right?

After all, a living, tangible angel is definitely more religiously persuasive than those doctrines and unnecessarily sacred statues! At that time, maybe the tears will suddenly become a superstar that the whole world has watched, which is countless times better than the students of LV5 superpowers like their academy city?

This is indeed a good idea!

The more I thought about it, the more I felt that his idea was extremely feasible, Mikoto Misaka secretly made up his mind. If the wings of tears still cannot be resolved by then, if the change of the other party is really kind of'irreversible' In the case of phenomena, she would definitely explain the thoughts she had just thought of to the two of Inticus and Tears.

But that kind of thing is not in a hurry. Now they still go to school as soon as possible, and try to ensure that they are not late is the most important thing.


(ˉ▽ ̄~) Cut~~

"Not all those with wings are angels, Sister Leizi is a bird man now!!"


That's right, Xiao Anni said that she forcibly caught the angel who wanted to escape, which caused the other party to have to be attached to Miss Leizi who was in a coma at the time. So, she is better than anyone else. Clearly: Miss Zuotian Leizi is not a real angel. The other party is just a birdman who was accidentally turned into after being possessed by an angel. Even the power in the other party comes from the angel who was caught by her. !

And once her Queen Anne shot and let go of the angel again, the other party would definitely return to normal! Of course, there may be other situations, such as directly blowing up the dead ends or something? So, she hasn't decided for the time being whether to let the hapless angel go.

"Anyway, those with wings are birdmen!!"




(Actually, Tibbers is quite certain about certain things: including himself, none of the things caught by a bad little girl can be free under normal conditions! Even if it is It's the same with some two chic Erheizi who are on vacation in other worlds, and a certain **** demon big pineapple, and they are still in each other's clutches!!)

"Hey! Forget it!"

"Whatever you say, let's hurry up to class now, and then buy something after school to visit the two fellows, Inticus and Tear, who stay at home and cannot get out."

Misaka Mikoto has no time to debate the boring question of whether the tears are angels or birdmen with a drowsy little guy. She just wants to follow what Kuroko said just now, and quickly drag the troublesome little guy to the other party. In my classroom, I also hurried to my class to save some super troublesome things after being late.


However, Misaka Mikoto, who just wanted to drag the other side forward, was surprised to find that the other side was standing still at this moment, but she couldn't even drag it away?


"Little guy, what's wrong with you? I tell you, if you are punished for being late, Heizi and I will definitely not help you!!"

Misaka Mikoto said that she has nothing to do with a certain little guy who is drowsy, passive, and complaining constantly, so if the other party does this again, then she will go to school by herself first. Go talk to each other!

Because there are enough things that bother her now, she won't care about this naughty little guy anymore! Best, just give the other party to Heizi to get rid of the headache. Anyway, that guy is a commissioner of discipline, and this kind of thing should be the guy who needs to worry about and deal with it.



"Mikoto-senpai, take a look, that guy over there, why does she look familiar..."


As long as Annie doesn’t want to move, no one in this world can pull her. Therefore, she first pulled at the skirt corner of Mikoto-senpai who seemed to have given up dragging her to school, and then pointed it slightly in surprise. Not far away, a super familiar young lady on the sidewalk on the other side of the road.


"When is it now, do you still want to see others? Little Annie, let me tell you, if you linger, I will leave you alone..."

While reprimanding the other party bitterly, Misaka Mikoto also subconsciously raised her head and glanced in the direction indicated by the little guy, and was about to give up the entanglement with the other party, and went to school by herself! Because if she doesn't do that, she might really be late!


However, Mikoto Misaka could no longer look away from the crowd just after a glance...

She even swallowed the words that she was about to be late and was about to give a final warning to a little girl. She opened her mouth in a daze, her eyes widened, and she stood in place, using that kind of incredible She looked at the woman standing in the shade of the tree in the distance, looking up at a certain woman who was also wearing Tokiwa Taichung school uniform on the branch.

"That is……"

Now Misaka Mikoto is really surprised...

Speaking of it, the girls who were also wearing the uniforms of the private Tokiwadai Girls’ High School that they saw along the way were actually quite a few. After all, this is the only way to go to the school from the off-campus dormitory, so here It’s no surprise to get to a poor student who is stranded outside the school and doesn’t want to hurry to class.

However, if the other person’s height is exactly the same as her Misaka Mikoto, with exactly the same brown hair that stretches to the shoulders, the same brown pupils, and a modeled face that does not require makeup and is pretty, then such a thing But it is really scary! !



"Mikoto-senpai, that guy standing under the big tree over there who seems to be going to catch a cat, is your family's long-lost twin sister?!"


There is no doubt that in the distance, standing under the tree, facing a certain black cat who is staying on the branch and reluctant to get down, and some helpless young lady, is another'Misaka Mikoto' senior sister! Because, except for a strange play accident on his head, the other party is really exactly the same as Mikoto-senpai next to him!

And if Little Annie was sure that someone next to her was the Mikoto-senpai she knew, if she met the guy on the other side, maybe she would accidentally admit the wrong person, right?

"I do not know……"

Misaka Mikoto shook her head in a daze, completely wondering what was going on.



"Hey! Sister Miqin, what are you going to do? Didn't we say we are going to class?!"


After reading it, I know that the guy opposite is just like Mikoto-senpai next to me, but from the subtle expressions and movements, I know that it’s not the same person. Little Annie curled her lips and wanted to turn her head to continue. When I went to school, I was surprised to find that someone who was dragging him just a moment ago left him behind, risking being hit by a car on the road without a crosswalk, and rushing towards the opposite side. ?

"I need to figure out something now, Annie, you can go to school by yourself!!"

After yelling a word without looking back, Misaka Mikoto accelerated, and after avoiding a car, he supported the road partition in the middle of the road and collapsed directly, and under the effect of the airflow, let her The ultra-short skirt floated straight up, revealing the white boxer safety pants worn inside that can make some lustful despair...



"People think it's better to wait for you..."


How could a little girl who didn't want to go to school go to school honestly now? So, after discovering something interesting, she looked around, stepped directly on her short legs, and ran towards the nearest pedestrian bridge.


To cross the road or something, if there is no zebra crossing, it is better to walk the overpass... because Queen Anne won’t learn from someone who doesn’t learn well, and is the danger of crossing the road barrier directly. There is no such thing as ethics!


(● ̄(??) ̄●)

However, at this time, when Misaka Mikoto and Xiao Anni were stranded on the way to school due to certain things, the class bell of the private Tokibandai Girls' High School finally rang.


"Really, what the **** is the elder sister and the others, why are they slower than me? Didn't she ask her to bring the little guy Annie to school quickly, why are they still completely missing?"


"Could it be that the little guy Annie did it again?!"

He first went to the 177th branch of the Committee of Discipline and Discipline Event to get something and rushed back to class. After looking at the empty desk and chair belonging to a little girl in his class, he was very dissatisfied. Murmured in a low voice.

She didn't understand why those two would be slower than herself...

Because just before the class, she had already moved to take a glance outside the sister's class, and when she found that her sister was also absent, she quickly teleported back... But now, the class has started, even if she wants There is no way to make a phone call to my elder sister to confirm the situation, because the teacher in the class is staring at it. As a member of the discipline committee, she dare not openly do that kind of serious violation of school rules in class.


No way, Bai Jingheizi could only gritted his teeth and glanced at the door for the last time. After finding that a little guy still did not show the slightest sign outside the door, he planned to call the two people after class was over. What is it with them?


Under the shade of the early morning trees in the school city, two girls who also have shoulder-to-shoulder brown hair, the same brown pupils, pretty faces without makeup, and at the same time are wearing identical Tokiwa Taichung school uniforms. Just looking at each other silently at a distance of three to five meters.


"who are you?!"

Looking at the guy in front of me, no matter his looks and clothes, he was almost like looking in a mirror. Misaka Mikoto's mind was blank, and she didn't know what to say... So, after looking at each other for a long time, she slowed down. Slowly he spit out these three words from his throat.

There is no doubt that her mood at Misaka Mikoto is definitely not very calm at this time!


However, after a long time, the answer to Misaka Mikoto was a sigh of unknown meaning from the other party? !


"You...what do you mean?!"

If it weren’t for the feeling that the other person had a special connection with him, if I changed to another guy like that, Misaka Mikoto would have rushed forward and grabbed the other person, and then pulled the other person well. Look at why the other person looks exactly like yourself.


"This screaming four-legged walking creature is currently in crisis. It was shocked by my discharge just to rescue a baby, so it can't get off after hiding above..."

"This is Misaka's sincere and careful explanation of the incident."

Another expressionless "Misaka Mikoto" pointed to a little black cat on a branch and spoke in a strange tone and words.

"It turned out to be a cat..."

Misaka Mikoto subconsciously raised her head and glanced at the top of the branch pointed by the other party.

"and many more!"

"Now this kind of thing is not important at all, you haven't told me yet, you guy who looks exactly like me, who are you?!"

Mikoto Misaka, who was almost told by the other party that its words were biased, quickly reacted, and took two steps forward, and only after getting close to the other party, did she forcefully ask loudly.

After all, anyone who meets a guy who looks exactly like him on the road will definitely not be able to maintain a normal and calm mood! Besides, Mikoto Misaka knew that she would definitely not have a strange thing like a ‘long-lost twin sister’ as a little girl said just now!


"The creature has been hiding above for more than an hour. If it doesn't come down, it may encounter more danger..."

"Don't save it? Misaka is so..."

However, the "Misaka Mikoto" with a strange tool on his head did not answer Misaka Mikoto's words, but directly raised his head and continued to look at the black cat on the tree.

"Just leave that cat alone!"

"You guy, hurry up and tell me, who are you? What the **** is going on?!"

Misaka Mikoto has no time to pay attention to a cat. In her opinion, cats are good at climbing trees and roofs. Since it can climb trees, it must be able to descend. This is just as bad as Inticus’s. Like the cat Sphink, he walks on the pipes, railings and eaves outside the dormitory windows all day long, and often runs to her and Heizi’s rooms to hide mice, and I have never seen it fall once!

"I remember, that plan was frozen a long time ago, right? But why do people like you still appear now?"

"you should……"

"It's a copy of me, am I right?!"

A long time ago, Misaka Mikoto remembered that she had indeed participated in a research project and provided her own complete DNA sample. However, she remembered that the project should have been frozen. But now, she still let herself be Have you met the same self on the street?

This inevitably made her feel a little puzzled, and she subconsciously remembered the incredible legend of the academy city before, that'you can see a person appearing in different places more than three times in one day' or more...

If you think about it this way, your own clone must have appeared a long time ago, right?


"ZXC741, ASD852, QWE963..."

"Misaka confirms the password in this way..."

After hearing Misaka Mikoto's questioning again, it took a long time before the other "Misaka Mikoto" slowly said something inexplicable.


Obviously, Mikoto Ma Misaka was just a little stunned. She didn't know what the other party meant, although she immediately remembered the code that the other party said, after all, she is the LV5 super power of Academy City. In addition, her knowledge and memory are also excellent. Otherwise, she can't accurately control her abilities with her calculation ability, but she really doesn't know what the other party is saying.


‘The answer is wrong. My sister is not the person involved in the experiment, so Misaka can’t answer your question just now. ’

The "Misaka Mikoto" still spoke in that weird tone, and he simply refused to answer Misaka Mikoto's question.


"Experiment? That research project has been launched again? Who is presiding, and where is presiding again?!"

Even if there are only a few words, Misaka Mikoto is not difficult to guess: it must be the previous plan that had been terminated and frozen was initiated by somebody and created her own copy, so she really wanted to know which one it was. Bastard, where is the institute and what purpose does it have?

‘This is forbidden to answer. ’


I was annoyed and prepared to use the strong Misaka Mikoto on the opponent. Just as she was about to take a shot, she had to stop again, because at this time the cat on the tree finally fell down, and she was seeing the opponent for the first time After reaching out his hands to catch the little black cat, he abruptly resisted the idea of ​​wanting to catch the other party and then'torture the confession'.

"Hi~! Mikoto-senpai~!!!"


"Ha! I finally ran over, that pedestrian bridge needs to go so long..."

call! ε=(??ο`*)))

At this time, when the two Misaka Mikoto were confronting each other, Little Annie finally took a detour and ran between the two "Misaka Mikoto" sisters who looked exactly the same...If she knew this was the case, maybe she would Followed Mikoto-senpai and ran over the fence.

"That one……"

"Are you talking about something interesting just now?"




However, neither of the two Misaka Mikoto answered her question. The real Misaka Mikoto just frowned and stared at the fake'Misaka Mikoto' with a strange eyepiece on his head and holding the little black cat in his hands. The fake'Misaka Mikoto' was looking at the kitten in the other's hand intently, as if the two people around him did not exist at all.

Soon, the fake ‘Misaka Mikoto’ turned around and left after carefully putting down the little black cat?


"You fellow, you haven't answered my question yet, wait a minute!!"

Seeing this, Misaka Mikoto certainly chased after her without hesitation, and even left everything behind that she needed to go to school and was late.



"It seems... very fun!"


Although I don’t know what the two of them said before they ran However, Little Annie, who felt that that kind of thing seemed to be much more interesting than the class, naturally followed the two of them. Going up, as for going to school, she obviously didn't want to care about it anymore, she was used to it anyway.

Moreover, she believes that those teachers should also get used to her kind of frequent absences or skip classes.


(● ̄(??) ̄●)




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