Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 904: ? The thing like hugging sister's thigh is terrible! o((...

When the night has fallen, when the little Annie is still hopping around after a long day of crazy fun, and a certain short-haired senior who doesn’t seem to be very energetic, it’s likely that she has something to worry about, dragging her tired body back to normal. The school in Pantai is located in the dormitory outside of the schoolyard. When he returned to the door of room 208 of their dormitory, he was taken for granted by someone with a black face, who had been waiting here for a long time and was humming with a double pony tail. My sister was blocked.

Now, the face of the young lady with two pony tails in front of me is very matched with the other's name. Anyway, she was just about to go on and walked through the corner of the corridor and returned to her dormitory. Little Annie was a little bit fierce by the other party. ''S eyes were frightened, and she had to hide behind a certain slumping elder sister timidly and stopped together.


"You are finally willing to come back!!"

After a cold snort, a voice full of that kind of sarcasm broke out from the mouth of the young lady with two pony tails who seemed to have been waiting for a long time.

"It's just that I don't understand, elder sister, when I leave in the morning, don't you make sure that this little guy Annie goes to class on time, don't you be late again?"

"But in the end, you were even broken by her... Moreover, you were not only late, but you skipped class together. Or the kind of one-off for a whole day, completely disappeared, and even the kind of even me To the extent that none of your calls are answered?!"

After worrying for a whole day and still a little angry, Shirai Heizi took a deep breath, then pointed to a little guy’s nose, facing that listlessly, as if his body was hollowed out. Misaka Mikoto's sister blamed Dao awe-inspiringly.

In fact, Sunspot has always blamed himself a bit!

If she knew this was the case, in the morning, she might not be in a hurry to report to the 177th branch of the Commission for Discipline and Discipline Activities and get the document that was not too hurry, but to urge a certain hateful first. The little guy from and a sister who is not very firm in their will and position go to school on time, and then wait until after school to do their own private affairs?

But now it’s too late to say anything. The two guys in front of us skipped class on the first day when school resumed, and it was still a whole day... So, some of the punitive words that will come must be indispensable. Even if she, as a member of the discipline committee, she wanted to act personally and let the two of them go, because it was a report from the school and the teachers, and she was definitely not able to interfere and influence her little discipline committee.



At this moment, little Annie, who was just about to find a chance to sneak into her dormitory, suddenly stopped, and stared at some bad guy who had wronged her with unbelievable eyes.

"You're talking nonsense!"


"She didn't take her away. It was obviously Senior Sister Miqin who didn't want to go to class, and then she was so exhausted that she had to skip class with her!!"


Yes, in Xiao Annie's impression, the situation at the time was probably like this:

At that time, after she discovered the weird little sister who looked exactly like Mikoto-senpai, she just looked at it twice, and did not really want to do more things in the past, such as making excuses for skipping class. of? However, Mikoto-senpai didn’t give up. Not only did she ignore her kind advice, she insisted on following that strange guy...

In the end, she had no choice but to take care of Mikoto-senpai who was fainted, so she had to follow them all the time.



"My sister, is that what Annie said?"

Seeing the determined and innocent expression of the little girl, although Heizi still didn't quite believe it, she still turned around in surprise and walked past her into the dormitory, then lay directly on the bed, looking really tired. Asked the broken sister.


"'s what Annie said..."

Mikoto, who was lying on the bed with her hands opened and her eyes closed, dragged a stretched tone and said vaguely, she didn't even give any rebuttal thoughts.

Because she is very tired now, and she doesn’t want to explain too much about anything that happened today... Besides, there are still a lot of questions in her own mind that haven’t been able to solve yet, and there is time to talk to Heizi. The kind of little thing that skips class?

Mikoto Misaka just wants to be quiet now, and think about the research project she participated in that year, and then remember it well, if she wants to be very strict from today's mouth, she can't cover it. If you find more information on the "sister" who has too much information, where should you start?

In short, there are a lot of things today, she is in a state of confusion and has no more energy to talk about other...

So, don’t bother her with small things like skipping classes! After all, a certain little guy skipped so many classes before, and the other party had nothing to do, and Mikoto Misaka only skipped one day today. What's the big deal?


"My sister! How can you be like this?!"

Seeing the reaction of my sister, it seems that I can be sure that the reason why the two people in front of me did not go to school all day is because of the sister in front of me who has always been'well-behaved', so Shirai Kuroko was so angry. I took a big step and walked to the bed of my sister, ready to give a good reprimand to someone who has been crazy for a day and has not answered her phone!

"All right!"

"Heizi, let me rest first, I am really tired now..."

Misaka Mikoto didn't want to talk now, her energy was not as vigorous as a certain little guy, but she would never be able to sit around and watch a play like the other party after a whole day of strolling around.


Heizi, who was just about to have an attack, saw her sister turned over, leaving herself with a sweat-stained back and her **** exposed in safety pants. She seemed to really not want to talk to herself, and she became anxious. , So he could only akimbo, stood in front of the other party's bed angrily, took a look at someone who walked in, and dared to sit on his bed with his legs dangling and watching the lively little guy.


"I almost forgot! Heizi, I have a set of numbers here. I haven't figured out what it is. Can you come and see it for me?"


Mikoto seemed to think of something important, so she hurriedly turned over from the bed and jumped up, and then ran to her table, before she had forgotten, she hurriedly tore off a piece of white paper and used a rollerball pen. On the ugly torn white piece of white paper, he wrote a series of strange combinations of letters and numbers.


"This seems to be..."

Looking at the piece of paper that my sister hurriedly wrote something down and handed it to me for the first time, I looked at the inexplicable numbers such as'ZXC741, ASD852, QWE963' and capital English letters written on it. Bai Jing Heizi couldn't help but frowned slightly.

"What is it?"

Seeing that the other party seemed to understand it, Misaka Mikoto couldn't help but bring a little expectation in her eyes.


"Sorry! I don't know!!"

Seeing the hopeful face that the sister-in-law came close to, Bai Jing Heizi rolled his eyes at the other party angrily, and directly expressed his opinion. After all, Sister-sama really looks at her too highly, like so many unreasonable numbers and English together, how can she just casually see what it means?



Misaka Mikoto was so angry that she wanted to bombard a ‘100,000 volt’ electrotherapy massage directly at some nasty sunspot!

If you know, you can say you know, if you don’t know, you can say you don’t know earlier, but the other party just pretended to know but didn’t want to say that. Is it possible that you think you are joking and then come to make yourself happy? After all, now Mikoto's heart is really filled with fire, it's time for a mess!

"However, I think it is like a set of passwords?"

Seeing the flash of lightning on her sister's forehead, and knowing that she had provoke the other person, Baijing Kuroko hurriedly went down and said:

"Sister, look, ZXC, ASD, and QWE are the first three of the three rows of keys on the left side of the keyboard? Also, 741, 852, and 963, which are clearly the number keys on the right side of the keyboard, stand upright from top to bottom. Pressed down..."

"So, to sum up, this is likely to be like a lazy guy, casually setting up a password for certain files or social accounts on the keyboard?"

After speaking, Shirai Heizi sneered pointedly and glanced at a little guy who was sitting on her bed, not knowing what nonsense ballads were humming beside her.

Obviously, the lazy guy she just told her sister was obviously the ‘third person’ who was staying in the dorm at this time!


!? (??''????)??

"Hey Hey hey!!"


"Miss Heizi, what do you mean by the look you just saw?"

"I'm telling you: I heard something just now, I'm not a lazy guy! Also, my city authority key is ABC12345, which is not set on the keyboard like you told me !!!"


Anyway, Little Annie expressed a strong protest!

Although, her email address and Xueyuan City’s payment card and other passwords are indeed a bit simple, but it is definitely not a random press, it is just for her own convenience to remember! Moreover, she herself is not even the kind of lazy guy that a nasty double ponytail lady said!

In short, in any case, she would definitely not accept the naked slander from the other party.


(● ̄(??) ̄●)

"and many more!"

"Heizi, you just said... it might be a certain set of passwords?!"

"Ha! I think I understand a little bit..."

Following what Kuroko said, and adding that little Annie was making trouble next to him, Misaka Mikoto finally remembered something after a moment.

Then, being clever, she quickly took out her high-end mobile phone and quickly pulled the screen. After turning the high-end mobile phone into a miniature laptop, she began to use her own hacking ability and that The group password was searched frantically in the network of Academy City.

For Misaka Mikoto, who can directly manipulate electronics (lightning??), there is no program in this world that she can't decode, and there is no firewall that she can't break through! She can even directly hack into any computer that is turned on without going through a cable. She can also directly use electrical signals or electronic operations to perform unobstructed hacking of electronic devices, and can even be easily exploited. Own ability to destroy all electronic equipment on the communication line instantly and directly.

But now, with the password already known in advance, she only needs to search for it in a targeted manner and screen for that plan, and it will certainly not be too difficult for her to find the key.


"What's wrong with you? Sister-sama?"

Kuroko Shirai wanted to go over to see what was going on, but when she saw the turbulent flow of data above, she didn't understand what her sister was doing, so she had no choice but to give up and walked instead. On the other hand, I plan to take out the student package I reserved for some two guys, and then let a little guy use the other's flame ability to heat it up a little.



When Kuroko, who was walking away, turned her back to her, and didn't know what she was playing with in the distance, Misaka Mikoto suddenly widened her eyes and began to quickly browse on her mobile phone screen:

"Using the clone's LV6 absolute ability evolution method..."

"There are only seven LV5 superpowers in the academy city..." (Old information)

‘According to the tree diagram designer’s prediction and calculation, there is definitely only one person who may enter LV6 with absolute ability...’

‘If the subject receives a normal training course, it will take at least 250 years (??) to reach the level of LV6...’

‘Therefore, we kept this plan that should have been frozen and discussed the possibility of accelerating the growth of capable people in a practical way...’


'Prepare a specific battlefield and fight in accordance with the script to guide the growth of the capable person. After calculation, it is determined: as long as you prepare for 128 battles and kill the super-electromagnetic gun Misaka Mikoto 128 times, you can Successfully promoted to LV6 Absolute Ability! ’

‘However, there is only one person in the electromagnetic gun...’

‘Therefore, the previous calculation was declared invalid... It was decided to start the previously frozen super-electromagnetic gun mass production plan and replace it with the originally planned super-electromagnetic gun replica...’

‘If a large number of clones are used in combat, they only need to meet the conditions. After killing... 20,000 clones, can they successfully evolve into LV6 Absolute Ability? ! ! ’



"How could this be……"

As if muttering to himself, after whispering out a certain A-level confidential document that was cracked by him using that set of permission codes on his mobile phone and hacked in, Misaka Mikoto was immediately surprised by the contents!

"Mikoto-senpai, what's wrong, what did you find?"


Little Annie, who found that something was wrong with a senior sister, jumped off the bed in doubt, and then leaned to the other side.

However, due to the lack of height, she could not see clearly what the content on the opened mobile phone screen that the other party looked at with round eyes was.

"Those lunatics, there should be a limit to nonsense? Isn't my copy a human?"

"If you can't kill so many me, just use my clone instead?"


"It's still 20,000? They... They want to kill 20,000 copies of me?!"

A chill rushed straight into his forehead from the back heel, and after taking a deep breath of cold air, Misaka Mikoto's body finally couldn't help trembling slightly when looking at the confidential content in her hand.


∑(??△`)? !

Hearing what the other party said, Xiao Annie, out of curiosity, pulled off the other party's hand and at the same time stood on her toes, only to barely see some.


"Are they crazy? That kind of plan, they, they actually..."

I don’t know if she was angry or frightened. Anyway, Misaka Mikoto could not help but breathed heavily, and her abilities also had the urge to go violently... You know, after all day of contact today, she is herself I have a new and different feeling about my copy.

From the consternation, anger, and panic when she first saw the other party, and then slowly getting to know the other party, after knowing the other party’s simplicity, ignorance and ignorance of the world, more emotions in her heart are Pity... it was her deep self-blame and distress for those who agreed to participate in that kind of'project' without thinking about it and cooperated with the institute to provide a complete sample of her own DNA!

After all, in a sense, Mikoto Misaka also has an unshirkable responsibility for that copy of her, or the appearance of those copies! Therefore, today she will follow the other party for a whole day, not even going to class, and generously donating her money, using her best to meet all the requirements of the other party...

But now, she unexpectedly discovered that the clone that she met today was actually a consumable that was ‘produced’ and waited to be killed? What's more frightening is that the other party is not the first, and won't it be the last? !

"and many more!"

"this is……"

Immediately afterwards, when Shirai Kuroko walked over with the food tray of the student set meal, Misaka Mikoto's expression changed again, because she saw even more terrifying information:

"The 9982th experiment...

Start time: August 15, XXXX, 21:00

Experiment coordinates:

School City X-163358, Y-415689...’

"Her name was Misaka 9982?"

Mikoto never imagined that the guy she met with Annie today was someone who didn't even have a name, just a codename of 9982, a pitiful existence like a commodity?


"Wait, isn't August 15th today? 21:00...21:00?!"

When Misaka Mikoto's pale face lifted up slightly stiff, and when she looked at the wall clock on the wall, her eyes instantly became rounder.


Click! !

Then, the expensive mobile phone in her hand that was pulled out of the screen and turned into a miniature laptop computer quietly slipped from the palm of her hand to the wooden floor, and made a clear sound...

Because now the time above is 21:02 minutes, and the second hand is still walking ‘did-dada’, time will not slow down or stop because of anyone’s will.


"Heizi! I must go out now!!"

After speaking, Misaka Mikoto, who had become distraught, ignored picking up the mobile phone on the ground, turned her face with sullen expression, turned and slammed the door away.


"My sister, you haven't eaten... rice..."

However, Baijing Heizi who was holding the food tray hadn't finished speaking yet, her older sister had already ran away, only the sound of heavy footsteps coming from outside the corridor...



"Sister Heizi, I want to go and see too! Goodbye~!"


From the very beginning, there was little Annie who stood on tiptoe and saw a little bit of content. After frowning, she remembered something not so good, and quickly moved away from her short legs, carrying her own little bear. Perth, just so quickly chased out.

Because, things seemed a bit bad, not only was I worried that Mikoto's school might not be able to handle it, but I was also a little worried that another interesting ‘Mikoto’ elder sister I just met today would have an accident. I think it’s better to go out and have a look.




Bai Jingheizi yelled again, but it was a pity that the little guy was just like her older sister, and he ignored her.


"What the **** are they two guys doing today?!"


After fiercely giving the food in his hand the ability to directly use the space to move it back to the table behind him in an instant, Shirai Kuroko frowned, stepped forward, bent down and picked up the one just now from the wooden floor. The mobile phone that slipped to the floor from my sister's hand.

"The 9982th experiment...

Start time: August 15, XXXX, 21:00

Experiment coordinates:

School City X-163358, Y-415689...’


"Strange, what does this mean, why is my sister so nervous? What are they hiding from me, those two guys?!"

The phone that has exceeded the time limit has been automatically locked, even if you press the power button, you can’t operate it, and you can’t see the more front content. He just saw such a nonsensical message on the standby page, thinking about it. After thinking about it, he gritted his teeth and directly turned off the phone of the sister-in-law and put it back in his pocket.

Then, when she closed and locked the door of the 208 dormitory of herself and her sister, she directly activated her own LV4 space movement ability, and teleported directly in the dormitory and disappeared.

Now, although I don’t know what happened, after seeing my sister became so nervous, seeing that the other party can’t even take care of the mobile phone, and seeing a little guy behaved differently from the past, Shirai Heizi always felt that she had to follow the past to see the situation.

Besides, she is also very curious about why certain two mysterious guys do not go to school all day long. She has to figure out that even if she violates the rules of the house and is punished by the housekeeper, she will not hesitate!


Boom~! ! !


"Found it! Over there?!"

As a violent explosion sounded, a full ten minutes later, according to the coordinates indicated on the information that I had spied before, and the sound of explosions that followed one after another, I didn’t know why. Misaka Mikoto, who was sweating profusely, finally rushed to this place like an abandoned factory, and saw the terrible scene that was happening on the construction site in front of her eyes:

A guy with white hair actually took alive the copy of herself that Mikoto Misaka had just met today. He looked and dressed exactly the same as her, but at this time, he was covered in blood and looked miserable. 9982, pulled one of the opponent's thighs from the opponent's body so abruptly?


The other party actually carried the leg of Mikoto Misaka in his hand, and followed behind 9982 with a grin, letting the scarlet blood spill all over the floor, just looking at that. Falling into a pool of blood, but still gritted teeth, groaning and crawling forward 9982? !

‘Tsk tusk! ’

'Hey! Without a leg, you can finally not play the boring game of chasing, right? ’

Randomly fling the snow-white thigh in his hand to the side, and then the white-haired green bull paced forward step by step, towards the leg that had just been unscrewed by him. 9982, who was crawling forward with blood dripping, groaning and groaning continuously.

Obviously, after injuring 9982 to this point, he was not satisfied, and still wanted to do more!

'give up! ’

‘Even if I leave you here, you are dead. ’

Seeing that the other party was still crawling forward with difficulty, the white-haired young man tilted his head after walking a few steps, grinning ‘kindly’ persuading him.

Because he knew that the opponent's thigh was torn off with his power, and the veins and arteries on the thigh must have been broken! For this degree of injury, unless you immediately go to the hospital for rescue sutures to stop the bleeding and emergency blood transfusion, otherwise, within a minute, the opponent will soon become a cold corpse!

‘What’s wrong, do you really want to escape? ’

‘Cut~! ’

Turning his neck, after making a ‘click’, the white-haired young man who felt a little impatient, hummed boredly, and stepped forward again.

'Well? ’

‘Boring! I thought you had any other killer...’

‘If this is the case, then I will show kindness and let you be free! ’

Seeing the other party dragging the remains and blood stains hard to climb forward, it was not the kind of ambush that I took for granted to escape or to launch the kind of interesting ambush just now, but just after picking up the green frog badge, White The young man was stunned, and then grinned again. As soon as he stretched out his hand, he lifted a huge truck high and controlled it in the air, and slowly moved it to the **** hand just holding it. Just above the 9982 who was panting for the badge.

'Hey! That's it! ’

Although I don't know why this guy is so different today, he has played enough, so he should solve the problem early and go back to bed early is what he cares most about.


Whoosh~! !


Boom~! ! !

When the white-haired young man waved his hand and put down the truck that weighed at least tens of tons, and was about to smash the 9982, which had been missing a leg, and was obviously unable to live for too long, into a meatloaf. I was shocked to find that a big fireball hit from a distance, and in a violent fire explosion, his car was blasted in a directed direction and blasted towards him violently? !


Discovering this unexpected change, the white-haired young man snorted after another stunned moment. Without any extra action, he instantly removed the truck fragments and burning tires, etc. Directionally transferred and bombarded the abandoned factory building where it was.

Rumbling rumbling...

After bursts of blasting noises, a big fire immediately began to ignite there, and this abandoned factory soon became red, without any ‘extra people’ at all.


"Who is interfering with my game?!"

Realizing that there were surprisingly many accidents today, the white-haired youth smiled once again and looked in the direction where the fireball had just hit.

To be honest, he thought that today's game was over like this, but who would have thought that what is different today is that the opponent is not just one person, but someone with other abilities as a helper? !


However, it was not anyone who answered him, but thick lightning that struck him from a distance along the surrounding scrap iron and the ground?


Seeing the familiar moves again, the white-haired young man didn't even need to do defensive work. He frowned. The moment the lightning touched his skin, it was directly reflected, and he went back the same way. At the attacker who launched a lightning attack at him.

"One way!!"

"You give me it yeah!!!"


Noisy??~Boom~! !

Seeing that his copy 9982 was treated so cruelly by the other party, and seeing that 9982 was very likely to be killed by the other party because of this, the danger rushed here, and found that Misaka Mikoto, who seemed a bit late, was finally crazy!

and so,

She completely ignored the lightning that was reflected by the opponent back to her body, allowing them to bombard her body but could not cause any damage to her. At the same time, she threw a game coin high and ran towards the enemy. The moment he left, he suddenly blasted an angry'Super Electromagnetic Cannon' towards the opponent's head! !


"Super electromagnetic gun?!"

After discovering that the opponent was not the ones he usually killed, but an individual capable of firing the'Super Electromagnetic Cannon', the white-haired one couldn't help but froze slightly.

It turned out to be such a thing...

However, although I want to understand why today’s things are different from the original experimental plan, but that does not prevent him from grinning and blasting the opponent towards the “super-electromagnetic gun” that came towards him instantly. The other party reflected back!

Boom~! !


Seeing her own super-electromagnetic gun returning from the same way, Misaka Mikoto, who had no time to escape, subconsciously converged a powerful arc on her hand.

Noisy~! ! ????

Then, a magnetized coin that has melted and deformed, after her electromagnetic force reversely accelerates, before it hits her dangerously, and when it is about to hit her own body, it is accelerated in the reverse direction, making its speed very high. It quickly became'zero' and fell to the ground full of stones and scum, and the rubble condensed into a molten mass.


"how come……"

Just when I was in the dormitory, I knew from the plan that the other party was the one with the strongest ability in the school city. Misaka Mikoto, who was passing by, saw that his "super-electromagnetic gun" was reflected by the other party, and it was almost After killing herself in turn, with a cold sweat on her forehead, she finally calmed down a little.

Whoosh~! !


At this time, another fireball passed and bombarded the white-haired side from the other direction! !

However, the opponent easily reflected the fireball towards the sky and let it fly away high, not knowing where it went.



"I've seen the information of that guy. The ability is ‘vector control’. It seems to be able to reflect through skin contact or freely manipulate the direction of all energy, such as kinetic energy, heat, and electricity, and reflect all physical attacks?"


Step by step, he walked out of the darkness, picked up the'Mikoto-senpai’s thigh' that was just thrown away by the opponent, and saw that including the truck that he destroyed at the beginning, he attacked again. After being easily dismantled by the opponent once, Xiao Annie couldn't help but frown slightly.

Because she knew that with that ability of the other party, if she didn't cheat or used her own strength a little bit more, just the strength of LV5, it seemed a little bit difficult?

Of course, that is just a small difficulty. She believes that with her name as the omnipotent Queen Anne, she can always think of a way, and she can only use LV5 flame to control her superpowers. The premise!


(● ̄(??) ̄●)

(Tibbers doesn’t want to comment on a bad little master, because if it’s him, Uncle Xiong, if he sees his acquaintances and friends being treated like this by a guy, he would have rushed forward to show him The skin was cramped and swallowed in one bite!

It doesn't care about the opponent's ability, it grabs the opponent directly, and then swallows it and burns it into ashes. He will try to control it, Master Bear? )


"Oh? It turns out that in addition to the original version of "you", there is actually another LV5 capable person, and it is also a flame ability..."

"Haha! I know who you are, the little girl who beat the dragon that night, am I right?"

"Interesting! Interesting!!!"

One party passed through with a grinning grin. Obviously, he was not too surprised about tonight's ‘accident’. On the contrary, he seemed to enjoy everything in front of him, because he had two more powerful opponents for nothing.

"If I fight with you, I think it will definitely shorten that troublesome job drastically?"

After killing so many Misaka clones, one party has already become a little impatient, so he welcomes the two LV5 superpowers who unexpectedly appeared tonight!

Because, as long as the two women were killed, he believed that the time of his next experimental work would definitely be greatly shortened and made him much easier.



At this time, when Misaka Mikoto just wanted to say something, suddenly another figure appeared beside her.

It turned out that this was Shirai Kuroko, who was chasing the two with the ability to move in space, rushed to the scene.


"How come there are two, two older sisters..."

Looking at everything in front of her, looking at the'sister' who was lying in a pool of blood in the distance, and then looking at another sister who was standing next to her, Heizi said that she was a little dizzy now and didn't know what was going on today. Up.

Although, she had long known that her sister seemed to have a copy of humans. After all, those urban legends were not groundless, but the situation in front of her, the **** everything, made her move here in an instant. , I still inevitably crashed my head for a while.

"Huh! Huh! Huh!"

Misaka Mikoto didn't answer Kuroko's question, but continued to gasp and stare at the guy in front.

She ran all the way just now and didn’t eat dinner. She said that she is indeed over-consuming, and her physical strength is also severely overdrawn... However, even in that case, she still clenched her teeth and persisted, and filled her with hatred. With his eyes, staring at the guy in front of him, staring at the side to pass.



"Sister Heizi, here, this white thigh is for you..."


"Take it and the undead guy over there, quickly use your LV4 space movement power to run back to find the tears! If you move faster and stay hot, maybe she can be saved?"


After putting the **** white thigh with broken bones and muscle fat into the arms of a young lady who was still silly, little Annie patted her hands, using indifferent He urged to the other party with a carefree attitude.

Although, she can easily heal the opponent herself and rescue the fake'Mikoto-senpai', but since she has suppressed her strength to the level of LV5, since some people have been accompanying If she plays well, then she will definitely not lift the table easily...

Besides, there is also Miss Tearzi with a high-end atmosphere and high-grade'angel' in her family, as long as the guy with the broken leg is not dead, or even if it is dead, as long as the body is not dead. It hasn't rotted and turned smelly, so with the ability of that angel's tears, it must be able to recover or resurrect easily, right?


Holding a certain white thigh weighing about 20 kilograms, Bai Jingheizi's teeth and hands and feet began to tremble, and his face turned white and green...

"This, this, this... this is... the thighs of sister and sister..."

Although she remembers to do things like holding the adult's thigh almost every day, but, like now, holding a white thigh that was torn off abruptly and dripping with blood, she really This is the first time...

So, she really doesn't know, is she just throwing it away now, or throwing it away after screaming? !

In short, for the first time, Shirai Heizi realized that the thigh of an older sister who was full of this familiar touch was still such a terrifying thing?



"Sister Heizi, if you don't hurry up, your'sister-sister' will soon bleed and die!!"


Seeing that someone was still holding that warm thigh stupidly, Little Annie pointed to someone lying on the ground in the distance, holding a frog badge in her hand, she had lost a thigh. And because the artery was torn off, blood was still dripping with scarlet, and a certain'Mikoto-senpai' who left a shocking trace on the ground said to Kuroko.

At this time, the'Mikoto-senpai' over there is already venting more with less air intake, and is about to belch! Therefore, if a lady with a poor psychological quality does not hurry up, things will become more and more troublesome!


Finally, after a little girl's reprimand, Baijing Kuroko recovered her spirits...


"I, I, I will leave soon!!!"

Although I don’t know what happened, the situation is really urgent now. Therefore, the sunspots who have passed thirteen types of fitness tests by the commissioner and received special training for up to four months can easily judge. Xiao Anni was right.

Now, it is indeed only the angel tears in their secret base (Little Annie's home) that it is possible to rescue this seriously injured "sister"! Because they have done experiments before, such frogs and rabbits, as long as they don't die immediately, no matter how many injuries they have, the tears can instantly heal them with that magical power!

Therefore, she gritted her teeth, resisted some kind of nausea urge, tightly held the'real thighs' of the sister in her arms, and a flash appeared, and she appeared on a certain place lying on the ground and trembling slightly. Next to his'sister sir', and then another flash appeared and disappeared, leaving only the shocking blood stain and a large pool of scarlet dazzling blood at the humanoid mark on the ground...

"Huh? Is that teleportation?"

"Forget it, just run away, as long as you two guys are still there..."

With a grinning grin, Yifangtong didn’t care about the girl with two ponytails who had just appeared suddenly and quickly moved to rescue his experimental target, because he didn’t care what the other party did. He just needs to follow The LV5 superpowers of these two academy cities in front of you can just have fun.

He is looking forward to this!


Misaka Mikoto, who was gradually panting, was staring at the guy in front of her guard.

She knew that the person in front was known as the strongest in the Academy City. In order to upgrade LV6, he would not hesitate to kill a total of 20,000'selfs', and it is very likely that 9,981 had already been killed, and 9982 had been given to the cruel land. A villain who abused such a miserable appearance, the one in LV5 passed!

But in any case, seeing the innocent, innocent, ignorant and ignorant 9982 that I only met today was treated like the other party, I couldn’t help but make Misaka Mikoto’s heart as if a roaring and about to erupt was brewing, and enough The Fuji volcano that destroyed the entire island country is generally...

In short, she swears that she will never let the person on the other side feel better today!

However, from just contact, Mikoto also knows that she may not be able to beat the opponent easily... Therefore, she needs the assistance of a little guy!

"Annie, help me..."

"I will never forgive him today, I will never forgive him!!!"

Knowing that Kuroko has left, and knowing that 9982 might have a chance to be rescued by Angel Tears with that magical sacred power, Misaka Mikoto, who was relieved at this time, began to breathe a sigh of relief and prepare Gather your spirit, unite your good friend Annie, and use the power of two LV5s to deal with the **** party.



"It's okay, you are optimistic about Mikoto-senpai, let's kill the pervert in front together today!!"


Speaking of it, in fact, today Annie fell in love with the guy who was just taken away by the sunspot.

Because, she thinks that guy is really silly sometimes, especially bully, and especially fun? But now, seeing the other side being bullied so badly by the bad guy in front, such a long white thigh was abruptly torn off...

That kind of pain must be painful, right?

So, Xiao Anni decided, no matter what, she must beat up the bad guy with a good and evil smile on the opposite side, and must retaliate severely! She just wanted to let the villain on the opposite side know what a terrible end it would be to bully her Queen Anne friend! !


??????????← Super fierce!



When one party saw that the other party was not ready to escape, but just like the idea he had just thought about, after wanting to win or lose here, he laughed again.

"Then, UU reading, let us have fun!"

"Dear ‘Original’ electromagnetic gun and the new LV5 superpower, that little girl who likes to play with matches?!"

After speaking, one party passed his finger, and then countless pieces of steel and cement slowly floated up from his side.


ε=(??ˇεˇ????))) Bah!

"I never play matches~!!!"


Little Annie caught a fiery ball of fire in her hand. Obviously, while the other party was preparing to attack, she was also ready to attack at any time.



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