Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 926: Excuse me, are you a Master of Force? |????...

Latest URL: After a not-so-small farce, the conflict was settled and the misunderstanding was resolved. Master Yoda and the chief master of Mays Windu took a little girl to visit the Jedi Temple and gathered The other ten Jedi Masters of the Supreme Council of the Jedi held a summit meeting in the hall at the top of the steeple of the Jedi Council in the Jedi Temple.

Of course, this meeting with only eleven people participating and not taking any records is not so much a meeting, it is more of the twelve masters of the Supreme Council of the Jedi accompanied by the distinguished young guest here. The tea party where the field confided in the past?

Because, at this moment, on the east side of the five towers of the Jedi Temple, at the top of the committee minaret that guards the sacred minaret in the middle, twelve members of the Supreme Council of the Jedi are sitting in their respective On the seat, grouped around the round golden icon in the middle and watched a little girl talk some trivial gossip.

In order to show respect to the guests, there were originally only twelve seats here, which were composed of chief masters Metz Windu, Yoda, Yarell Puff, Yadell, Opo Lansisis, and Evan Peel. In addition to the various positions exclusive to the masters of the Jedi Committee such as Adi Gallia, Ki-Adi-Mundi, Polo Kong, Seti Ting, Depa Bilaba, Ith Coth, etc., the Jedi Committee We also made an exception and temporarily added a seat to the outer ring of the golden pattern in the lobby to meet their noble and lovely little guest.

after all,

Let’s not talk about the identity of the opponent’s head of state, the opponent can easily defeat the dozens of Jedi Knights and Jedi Masters in their Jedi Order with just the other side raising their hands and feet. , It will be enough to keep people like them with the most basic respect.


( ̄~ ̄) Chew!

However, at this time, Little Annie, who was sitting in the hall of the Supreme Council, which represented the highest honor and power of the Jedi Knights, was not in a hurry to speak. She just kept sucking the drinks that the other party had brought herself and eating. The same is the various delicious alien snacks that the other party sent to me, and I don't put the self-introduction and polite words of each person that the other party has just finished talking to my heart.

Then, I enjoyed her a little bit of deliciousness, and then my eyes began to scan attentively over these things, just like myself. Everyone was sitting in a row. The one around the hall was about two or three meters in radius of gold. The pattern sits, and then one by one weird aliens with big eyes and small eyes.



In addition to the "old goblin" called Yoda that I had seen before when fighting outside, and the big bald head of Mace Windu who looked so much like the black charcoal-headed Shu Ni Nick Fury, Xiao Annie said , The aliens here are really strange and shabby!


For example:

The one who spoke first when they introduced each other was the "toothpick man" freak Yarell Puff with four slender arms, the same slender neck and a small head; and seemed to be the same goblin, but The gender is female, Yadel who doesn't know anything to do with Yoda.

Of course, there is also the "hairy man" Opo Lansis, whose face is full of long hairs except for a pair of eyes, and the expressions and cheeks are completely invisible, but the other party has a pair of hideous and terrible. Withered hands with long sharp claws... Such a guy, if he ran out in the middle of the night, he would definitely frighten many children and be regarded as the kind of cannibal monster, right?

?? (??`▽????)╭??

There is also the pighead Evan Peel. "Pighead" is the nickname that Little Annie thinks of, because the Jedi Master’s head is really like a pig’s head. Apart from being shorter, it basically only needs a pig nose. Will you be able to play a guest role as a wild boar, and still do not need any makeup?


In addition to furry people and pig heads, there are more uglier and ugly ones!

For example, the "Squid Head" Ki-Adi-Mundi with a huge conical skull, and the "Golden Horn King" Ith Kesi, etc. Anyway, in this so-called Supreme Council of the Jedi, the twelve Jedi There are not many masters who look like humans! Counting this way, the **** bald-headed Mace Windu who looks like a thief from the head of the black coal head seemed to be the most handsome among them?


Sure enough, there is no harm if there is no comparison, and Xiao Anni suddenly felt that if she wanted to set off how good a person’s appearance is, in fact, she didn’t need makeup or new clothes at all, she just needed to throw him into a group of ugly ones. The goal is basically achieved among the more ugly freaks, because there really is no better way than that!


It’s just a pity that the Chief Black Tantou in another world doesn’t seem to understand this. The other party knew all day long to find some handsome men and beauties to be his subordinates... It turned out to be good, whether it was the former SHIELD or the later bears. Shield, the guy who is the chief, is always the ugliest and most eye-catching one no matter where he appears, I don't know if that fool did it on purpose?


(● ̄(??) ̄●)

(Tibbers knew that after seeing these strange-looking aliens, the horrible little lord of his family would definitely compile one by one according to their appearance. ''S nickname! But what it doesn't know is, when she says it, what kind of feelings and reactions will those aliens feel?)



Of course, correspondingly, while Xiao Annie stared at others and gave them nicknames under her heart, other people’s twelve pairs of eyes were also curious, surprised, or scrutinized. She watched her as a young girl who could come to the hall of the Supreme Council of the Jedi and still have a place of her own.

You know, many senior masters in the Jedi Temple, when they come here, they can only stand respectfully in the middle, standing in the center of the pattern, making reports and waiting for their questions. , There is such a super high-standard treatment that can get a seat and eat and drink like the little girl in front of you?


'Well! ’

Master Yoda and Maes Windu, the chief master of the committee, glanced at each other. They felt that after so long, that the little girl head of state should have seen enough to eat, they nodded in thought and turned to look. The little girl who was still staring at someone else's face and staring fiercely asked aloud:

"Hello there……"

"Dear Head Anne, please forgive us for our shallow knowledge, but we have always wanted to know, where is your country, that great heroic federation, on earth?"

Finally, Master Yoda spoke slowly.

He decided to have a good chat with the little girl first, to find out the details of each other first, and then wait for everyone to get acquainted with each other a little bit, and then ask them about the things they are more concerned about?

Moreover, for these Jedi masters who can only guess the origin of the opponent from a huge battleship and the little information revealed above, they are indeed quite curious about the mysterious and powerful country of the opponent. , If you can make words out of this seemingly sexually jumpy little girl, maybe it will be a good note, and it may also be beneficial to some negotiations in the future?

"If you can, can you explain it to us?"

After speaking, Master Yoda tremblingly moved his hands and hid his old and withered palms in the cuffs of his brown robe that only committee masters could wear.

This is a more appropriate breakthrough that he can think of, because ah, if you ask those more sensitive topics as soon as you speak, such as the kind of topics that may involve the force that they are the Jedi masters, they may cause the other party. The vigilance or disgust, and if that were the case, it would run counter to the original intention of today's meeting and it would be a bit of a loss.

"Of course the Hero Federation is in the Kepru District!"


There is nothing to say about this kind of thing, after all, her Queen Anne is now using the tall identity of the head of the Federation! And since the other party wants to know, because they just admitted defeat so quickly and invited themselves to visit the temple and eat and drink, Queen Anne has a large number of villains, and she tells the other party generously. Up.


"Then where is the Kepulus region where your Federation is located?"

Master Yoda felt that his question just now seemed a bit silly, so after hesitating for a while, he asked another question that he felt might be clearer.

"Of course the Kepulu region is in the galaxy. You old goblin is really weird. I remember we told you about it a long time ago?"


"However, our galaxy may not be the same as yours, because our Kepulu region is actually in another galaxy. Anyway, it's not the galaxy where you are now!"


Speaking of it, presumably the galaxy of her family federation is about to be unified, right?

Although I often call the men in the Kepulu area to help fight or do things like cheering, but when I think about it seriously, it seems that Xiao Anni has not been back to the Kepulu area for a long time... and, in When I travel through the world, I don’t know what the flow of time there is. I can only roughly judge from the appearance of the acquaintances I have summoned. I also don’t know what those guys think. What is the shape of the National Heroes Federation she got out.

However, what happened to the hero federation in her house, there must be no problem now, so she still thoughtfully explained to these dumb-looking Jedi masters and told them herself The Milky Way in which the Kepulu region is located and the Milky Way in which the Milky Way Republic of the other side is located are actually two galaxies on two different planes?


"A different galaxy? It turned out to be like this, I think we seem to understand..."

After a daze, Master Yoda opened his mouth slightly, and then gave the chief master Mes Windu a tacit look at each other.

They finally know why their Galactic Republic has never heard of the so-called Kepulu region and the Heroic Federation. It turned out that the other party turned out to be a highly developed civilization from outside the galaxy, and has mastered their Galactic Republic. The key technologies for ultra-long-range navigation across galaxies that are still relatively difficult?

And what kept them puzzled, maybe it's just that the name of the other party's galaxy was accidentally the same name as the galaxy where their Galactic Republic was when it was translated? Regarding this point, Master Yoda felt that after the meeting, they would definitely inform the Galaxy Council or the Supreme Speaker Phoenix Valoren about this point.



Little Anne doesn't care whether the other party understands it or not. Anyway, she has seen enough of those weird aliens, so she is going to concentrate a little bit and eliminate her as the delicious and rare snacks in front.

Because, the food that these corrupt Jedi masters who can enjoy the special offer is so much better than the ones that can be bought outside... She won't give up this food easily. , A chance to eat the other side badly!

If she can, maybe she will think of a way to find a chance to mix in the so-called Supreme Council of the Jedi with that kind of boring committee member? Then, you can come here directly if you want to eat something delicious in the future. You don't need to go all the way to the super large and super complicated planet Coruscant with a mess of 5,000 layers of "crust". , In the end, I could only buy some weird and unpalatable things.


(● ̄(??) ̄●)

(Tibbers suddenly felt that if the masters of these Jedi committees in front of them knew that their kind of position, which was extremely respected, in the eyes of this miserable little master, at most they would only be able to take a free copy If their long-term meal tickets are equivalent, I don’t know how they will react?)

"Your Excellency Head Anne!"

"For today's conflict between the two sides, on behalf of the Jedi Committee, I hereby express my sincere apologies to you. I hope that it has not disturbed you, and I hope you don't mind your head of state too much?"

I think the atmosphere at the beginning of this'tea party' is pretty good. The little girl didn't have any prejudice against them or wary of them. Therefore, the chief master Maes Windu thought for a while and leaned directly in the seat, actively showing weakness. Nodded openly to the little girl and apologized.

After all, so far, neither the Jedi Order nor the Galactic Republic have any conflicts of interest with this so-called extragalactic civilization. Therefore, if the two sides can let go of the contradictions caused by this insignificant skirmish If it is, it would be better if Metz Windu wanted to come.

Although, what kind of ideas and regulations are currently in the Galaxy Council, and the extent of the dispute about the other country's country, he currently does not know and does not want to care about it... But he only knows, Their Jedi Order is unwilling to be an enemy of a head of state who doesn't look like a wicked demon and a little girl who can use the'force' and seems to be very powerful!



"Of course I won't mind! As long as you give them more of this delicious thing, they will say they will forgive you forever!!"


That's right, Xiao Anni said, as long as there is something delicious, she is super talkative! Even if she is here to chat with these boring aliens, these nasty old men and the black charcoal heads, can it be a long time?

And if there is no such good food, then I am sorry...In that case, she would not like to have meetings with these guys here!

Once she has finished eating the delicacy at her table, if the other party hasn’t added new delicacies or more of the same snacks to her, maybe she will just roll her face and pat her **** and leave, so she won’t stay here. Plant the broken place and look at the bad scenery of the metal bumps outside!

"Ha ha……"

"This matter is simple. As a guest, we will definitely treat you well. Don't worry, Honorable Head Anne?"

Thinking this was just the other party’s polite words, so after getting a big step, Chief Master Maes Windu rarely showed a gentle smile, and said that in their Jedi Temple, Gui is the head of state. One of the little girls will never lack that kind of delicious food.



After speaking, Mace Windu, who was relieved in his heart, turned his head and nodded to Master Yoda in the small seat next to him, and signaled that if there is any problem with the masters, you can do it now. I asked myself heartily, because now the atmosphere between the two parties is very good, the little girl's mood looks really good, they can continue to'talk' like this with the words just introduced.

"Hello, Honorable Head Anne!"

"Excuse me, can I ask you some small questions on behalf of the committee now?"

At this time, after receiving the enlightenment of Master Yoda and Chief Master Mes Windu, Master Ish Kesi, who could not help himself for a long time, was here. This Zabrak master from the planet of Iridonia was here After leaning slightly in the direction of the little girl from his seat, he hurriedly spoke and asked softly in his slightly hoarse tone.



"It turned out to be you, the Golden Horn King. Of course you can. If you have any questions, just ask now, otherwise I may be very busy later!!"


Little Annie said that she who ate her head after eating, now basically forgot what the name of the guy in front of me who had just introduced himself was... So, simply, she just shouted Out of the nickname that represents'friendly' that you secretly pressed on the other party?


(● ̄(??) ̄●;)


"Your Excellency, sorry, I am not actually the king of any country, I am just an ordinary Zabulak..."

Although I don’t know why the other party called himself the "Golden Horn King", but Master Yisi Kesi thought about the golden horns on his head, it seems that the other party’s name is indeed quite vivid, and he still feels that the other party calls himself After being a'king' seemed to have no discriminatory meaning, he was humble and corrected the other party's wrong wording first, and at the same time he basically accepted the other party's name with pleasure.

"That's it, Your Excellency!"

"I want to know that the abilities you used today in front of Temple Square, the force field impact that easily defeats our Jedi knights and the flames caught by your bare hands, is that your own related application skills of the force?"

After accepting the friendly appellation from the other party, the "Golden Horn King" Master Ith Kesi asked in a soft voice, a little nervously.

Because he didn't know if the other party would answer his questions truthfully. After all, it would be really rude to ask others about the secret of the Force casually, because the relationship between the two of them has just resolved the misunderstanding. It seems to be far from reaching that level of intimacy?

"The Force?"

(*????д??)??? ?

"Oh! You should be asking this? This is not the original force of some kind of roar, this is actually magic! If you don't believe it, you can see for yourself now?!"

?? (??`▽????)╭????

Frozen for a while, and then quickly realized what the other party's ‘Foreforce’ was referring to, Xiao Annie stretched out her hand and called out a burning ball of hot fire directly in front of her seat.


With another wave of her hand, she let it fly to the center of the golden circular pattern on the ground in front of her, leaving it burning and floating there, while still emitting red to the surroundings. The fire and the billowing heat waves.

‘! ! ’

'this is……'

‘What a powerful energy wave! ’

‘Is this another external manifestation of the Light Force? I never seem to have seen this before...’

‘Miracle power, unparalleled skill...’

‘Master Yoda? ’


"I only know that the dark side's force can create powerful lightning and use it as an attack... But I'm sorry, what is the force or the principle of this power in the form of flame? I don't know. ’


‘In nine hundred years, I seem to have never seen this kind of force, it’s incredible...’


‘Master Yoda is right. Although I feel the force around me is oscillating, I don’t know why this is, nor can I see its essence...’

‘Very mysterious! I seem to see another direction in the development of the Force? ’

‘Indeed, this unparalleled control is something we have never seen or heard of. ’

"Master Saixi..."

‘Is this another application of the Force? Is it a force art from another galaxy? ’


‘Sorry, Master Bilaba, I don’t know...’


‘May the force be with you and me...’

Seeing the little girl showing her strength in front of the members of the Supreme Council of the Jedi without caring at all, and letting everyone observe it, the Jedi masters who watched the excitement by laymen and watched the doorway of the Jedi could not help but straighten themselves The neck, while communicating quietly, seemed to want to get some secrets or inspiration from the fireball that was not far away from them and could feel the light and heat?

Unfortunately, after discussing and observing for a long time, they finally had to admit that although they understood some of the basic structure of the fireball and the way of energy fluctuations, they had no idea what it was like. An application of the Force, and I don’t know how the little girl did that.

Because, if they use the force to create flames, they can't do it, but if they have high-level skills like the opponent's, they can't!

It may be a bit ashamed to say that even these Jedi masters, for the application of force, they are still only at the level of mind-shifting, sensing life, and directly using force to attack and defend, such as : Wielding a lightsaber to counter the enemy's attack, using the force of the body to run around to dodge and evade, and try to step forward and slash the enemy mercilessly?


"Your Excellency, Head Anne, I don't know, what kind of force application technique your fireball is? Is it a special development application of force in your Kepulu region?"

With the longest neck, Master Yarell Puff, who was almost able to reach the side of the fireball while sitting in his seat, realized that he could not figure out the reason at this time. After coming, he humbly asked the little girl. .



"It's not the original force, it's the magic of others! And, they tell you, they are arcane mages, the most, most, most, most, and most powerful kind of magic!!"


Although I don’t know what the Jedi masters in front of me have researched on their own fireballs, the happy little Annie still speaks out her magic and her true identity very generously. There is no concealment.


"However, we felt the fluctuation of the force from it, why is it not an application of the force?"

The long-necked Master Yarell Pufu stretched out his head again, and after feeling it carefully again, he retracted again and sat upright, and at the same time shook his head again with some doubts. Tao.

In fact, no matter it is him or other masters, they are not too concerned about the power and destructive power shown by that fireball, because they are confident that they can easily withstand that degree of attack or bombing! However, what he cares more about now is obviously that the opponent's magical skills for making, controlling and maintaining the fireball and the resonance and fluctuation of the force caused by it are the most critical.

"Master Pufu is right, I also felt the surging force fluctuations on the fireball..."


"Your Excellency, Head Anne, I don't understand. We don't seem to feel any protozoa in your body, or the density of protozoa in your body is so low that even the masters of us cannot perceive it? "

"But now, how can you easily use this supernatural and ubiquitous mysterious power in the universe?"

At this time, the "old goblin" Master Yoda who had communicated with the chief master next to him spoke again. He said that he actually seemed to be in conflict with the little girl in the conflict in front of Temple Square long ago. There is no Midi Protozoa, but the mysterious power that can cause the fluctuation of the original force and use all kinds of original force is very puzzled and surprised.

Because he was also sure that there was absolutely no use of any high-tech equipment on the other party's body, and he could see at a glance that the red skirt and the exposed white arms could not hide what they hadn't found. High-tech equipment, even hidden under the skin is impossible! If there is such a thing, it is absolutely impossible to escape the perception of these Jedi masters.

"It's really amazing!"

"If it is convenient, your Excellency Head Anne, can you explain to us this way of using the Force?"

The chief master of Black Tantou, Maes Windu, also followed Master Yoda’s words and looked at the little girl’s head of state with that curious and expectant gaze, eagerly hoping that the other party could clarify their confusion, using The kind of principles and techniques from other different "galaxies", enrich their souls eager for knowledge?

After all, for these Jedi masters who have been immersed in the ocean of force for countless years, apart from the force of the forbidden dark side, there is really nothing new like the little girl in front of them. The Force technique can attract them even more.

Because that kind of technique is likely to be like a window that has been sealed in dust for a long time and only closed. What they lacked in the Jedi masters who are locked in the'house' is just that someone can help them lightly. Push it away so that they can see the vast and novel new world outside the window?



At this time, the other Jedi masters couldn't help but stop their whispering discussions and their perception of fireballs and research actions, and once again turned their heads to look at the one that surprised them a little, and The little girl head of state who can use the Force freely.

The questions asked by Chief Master Mess Windu and Master Yoda just now are obviously also what they want to know, but how they study it and how they discuss it is unclear.


!? (??\'\'????)??

"You guys, when did people say it is the force?"


"I'll tell you again, people don’t have any original force, they are an arcane archmage, so of course they use magic! That’s magic, it’s magic, even if it’s exploded, it’s still magical energy. What is the force of Rush!"

ε=(??ˇεˇ????))) Bah!

Little Annie pointed angrily at the fireball in the middle of the hall, and then reiterated to the so-called Jedi masters.

Because what she uses is indeed magic, it is not the primary and instinctive application of the mysterious power of the universe that these guys use and take for granted, and it is not the original force of the so-called rouch!

However, even if she wants to explain, she can easily explain it unclearly. It is impossible for her to say: as long as there is magic in the body, as long as the spell and the model of the spell are built, the model (array) and the magic can be combined. Construct a fireball magic?

Think about that kind of thing, because it's too troublesome, and the force you use with the other party is not the same thing at all, and it's too procrastinating to explain, so it's better not to waste her time? Anyway, that thing is magic, not the force, they, aliens who are crooked, only need to know this!

"You are optimistic, I will demonstrate to you one last time, anyway, it is really not the kind of messy force application you think!!"

??(??????~????)╭?? Change!

As Little Annie's finger pointed towards the fireball in the middle, the fireball exploded very quickly, and after frightening the Jedi masters present, it landed on the beautiful golden patterned floor. After that, the flames directly burned the floor slightly, and then soon, a small lava two-headed dog shook his head and gathered the burning floor magma and exploded flames, and then gradually extinguished the fire. Jumped out.

‘Woo~ Wang! ! ! ’

A cute roar sounded in the ears of the twelve Jedi masters who became curious after being surprised, and then it wagged its tail, jumped happily to the action of Little Annie, and kept patrolling back and forth.

‘! ! ’

‘The great force is above, what is this? ’

‘A new life created? ! ’

"Damn Coruscant Crust..."


‘Master Yoda? ! ’

‘I don’t know... Don’t look at me, if any of you knows what’s going on, you can tell me the first time...’

‘The Force can still be used to such an extent. It seems that we are all like a group of bugs hiding at the bottom of Coruscant’s 5127th floor. We don’t know how big the sky outside is from beginning to end. ’

‘I feel it, the force is jumping around it, they are fortunate to have a new life...’

‘Master Yadel, I feel it too! ’

'In this way, the manuscript left by the master hundreds of years ago is indeed correct. The Force, it is a supernatural and ubiquitous mysterious force, a creation of all living things. The energy field, at the same time it also created all living things, created the entire universe...'

'Ugh! It is impossible to imagine that, for those of us who call themselves masters, the original research on the Force has really just begun, maybe we haven't gotten started yet? ’

‘Don’t follow the ignorance, search for the true knowledge...nothing will die, but the force...’

Soon, after discovering the flame-bearing alternative life puppy that the little girl had changed or created, the twelve masters on the scene were no longer calm and started directly from their respective He stood up in his seat, and gathered around a little creature that was frightened by their words and deeds and exploded'Mao'.


∑(??△`)? !

Little Annie didn't understand, she just took a little serious, exploded the flame directly and gave the lava dog low-level flame life and wisdom. Why those guys still stubbornly put her home Is the magic pulling in the direction of Raoshizi's "force"?

"Your Excellency Head Anne, you must be a great master of the force, please be sure to teach us your application skills of the force!"

"Your Excellency Head Anne, please, please be sure to lead us into the true palace of the Force!!"

‘I, Adi Gallia, are willing to give up my identity as a Jedi Master and be one of your apprentices...’

"And me, I am willing to..."

‘! ! ’

'you guys……'

I don’t know who started the head first, anyway, soon, a large group of Jedi masters, the master Yoda and the chief master Mes Windu who left them one after another at this time, directly flocked to someone who was slightly surprised. Little girl around.


!? (??\'\'????)??

"I said……"


"Why are you so stubborn? Didn't you just say it, this is magic, it's magic! It's not the kind of force you said!!"


Little Annie doesn't understand. The oldest aliens in front of me may be hundreds of thousands of years old, and the youngest are also dozens of years old. Why are they now with some children who are rushing for candy? The same, come to ask yourself for the so-called force-using skills?

You know, the Force or something, although she is smart, well-behaved and cute, and Queen Anne who can learn what she can study carefully, she will not be unable to study it, but she has a strong follower and is extremely applicable. , And can even reach the magic of the core rules of creation directly, so that he won't study those messy forces anymore!

So, these guys in front of me are really looking for the wrong person...




"Who is it? Come out!!"

Just as a group of Jedi masters wanted to continue pestering a little girl, Master Yoda, who stood behind and did not participate in the shameful behavior of being far away from the masters, suddenly screamed and took out his own. With a'flashlight' lightsaber, staring at the entrance of the hall of the Supreme Council of the Jedi, guarding against possible enemies.

Because, at this time, the guy who sneaked into this hall of Jedi masters without knowing what equipment was invisible at this time would definitely not come in with kindness! Besides, Master Yoda could perceive that the opponent's body had that kind of strong killing intent that could not be dissipated! !

‘! ! ’


Soon, the Jedi masters who lost their temper after seeing some magical things finally recovered, and stepped back one by one, standing around the hall, cooperating with the already guarded Master Yoda and Maes. Master Windu guarded the direction of the hall door.


In the next second, with bursts of light distortion and a certain hexagonal matrix of refracted light began to disperse automatically, a blue-and-white tight-fitting armor, almost perfect figure, and with long golden hair, pretty. The invisible figure with a heroic but disdainful face appeared quietly, and once again frightened the Jedi masters present.

"You don't need to be so nervous!"

"I'm here to find the head of my family, so I don't have time to play with you idiots! Otherwise, the heads of the twelve of you just now have been cut off by me to kick the ball!"

After she smiled, and suppressed the invisible murderous aura on her body, Nova winked at the other side, twisted her waist and walked step by step to her head of state, and at the same time was a little annoyed. Kicked away the flame stupid dog that had just been looking towards her hiding place with one kick, causing her to be discovered and barked by the'old goblin'!

‘Wow~! ! ’

The two-headed puppy who found that he could not afford to provoke the terrible evil woman, after falling from the cracked glass by himself, quickly whimpered, shook his body, and threw out a few small flames. After that, with his tail hurriedly clamped, he hid under the seat of a Jedi master in a naive manner, and never dared to come out again.



Master Yoda and Master Mays Windu didn't speak, but after seeing that the other party seemed to be under the head of Anne, they relaxed a little and put away the hilt of their'flashlight' lightsaber.

To be honest, they really felt a little frightened and frightened for the woman who did not know when she was hiding at the door! However, they would not believe what the other party said that they could easily kill the twelve Jedi masters present, because as long as the other party makes a move, at most they can only successfully kill one master present, and then They will surely find out, this is an indisputable thing!

However, even this is enough to make them vigilant and remember! Although, it was true that they had seen something they had never seen before, which caused them to be careless and too relaxed?

"Report to the head of state!"

Once again with a coquettish look, I glanced at the masters of the Supreme Council of the Jedi Knights who were said to have sent the Jedi Knights to teach their subordinates, and beat the useless Marines under their command to the masters of the Jedi Supreme Council. Feeling that she had found a small place today, Nova, and then she hurriedly lowered her head to the side of a little girl's seat, and whispered to a certain head of state:

"Today, the members of the Galaxy Council, with a few votes, passed the proposal of our Hero Federation to join the Galaxy Republic Alliance, and successfully won us a seat as a'temporary high-level member'!"

"Excuse me, do you have anything to explain?"

Nova said that she has memorized these Jedi masters and this Jedi Temple, plus the hateful lawmakers in this afternoon's parliament who clamored for lessons and opposed their Heroic Federation'joining' the Galactic Republic and gaining seats. .

If necessary, she said, she will definitely let those guys fall to their heads in their sleep!

Especially those nasty gangs in the Parliament who oppose them! Those bastards, really think that it is rare for her Nova to join the tattered Galactic Council? If it wasn't for their Master Anne who needed to play in this world, and they were not allowed to invade directly, she would have already brought a large army to fight, and how could there be only one ghost flagship of the "Phantom Crisis"?

But, just wait and see...

Even if their little head of state Anne doesn't pursue it, her Nova definitely can't swallow that breath! Especially the opposition members of the parliament. In the future, she will definitely have one to count, and she must settle accounts with those guys! !



"Have you really joined? Okay, I see, you can discuss that kind of thing yourself, don't use it to ask me..."


Waving her hand, Xiao Anni said that she, who has always been just eating, drinking, having fun and wandering around and making troubles, she would definitely not care about the messy things of these councils or joining, especially those annoying government affairs! Therefore, without even thinking about it, she directly transferred all the powers and responsibilities that she was supposed to drive on to the sister Nova next to her.

"No problem, my head of state!!"

Seeing that the other party really looked like this, Nova curled her eyebrows and smiled sweetly, and secretly made up some plans in her heart, ready to slowly punish some people who offended her to death?

As for Mr. Führer's statement that she asked her to take the matter to discuss with others, she ignored it.

Because, in this universe, this parallel world, except for the head of state next to her, Admiral Nova has the highest rank, and all the officers at all levels are members of her Nova Ghost Army. So, from now on In the beginning, after getting the official authorization from the Lord Führer, she had the final say!


"Your Excellency Head Anne, I wonder if this is..."

A figure who didn’t know what method was used to successfully sneak in and was not discovered in time by any Jedi master for a long time is definitely worthy of the chief master Maes Windu’s attention. Therefore, after seeing the other party’s explanation, he did not After knowing the important things, he frowned and asked.

Although he also heard that the other party had just passed the Galaxy Council's vote, became a member of the Galaxy Republic and obtained a temporary seat in the Council, becoming a'member' of them, but he didn't know nothing. Mace Windu always felt that the woman in front of him was full of darkness, even if the other person was beautiful and beautiful, but he couldn't get the slightest affection!

Maybe it was because the other party had just threatened the lives of himself and the Jedi masters around him?


"My name is Nova, the five-star general of the Hero Federation. I don't know what the Chief Master of the Jedi Supreme Council, His Excellency Maes Windu, has any advice?"

Without waiting for her head of state to answer, she hugged her arms, but she couldn't hide the turbulent lines that showed under the tight ghost suit. Nova, who first turned to the black face in her original place, charmed her. After the Jedi master cast his eyebrows, he laughed and teased the other side at the same time.


Sure enough, Mace Windu felt that the woman in front of him was really too evil and too dark. He didn't like each other! Therefore, his face turned darker, he took a deep breath, and slowly turned his gaze away, no longer looking at the evil women.

"Well, everyone..."

"In that case, let's end today's meeting. Our guests should be tired too. They are all gone..."

Master Yoda, who was unwilling to have any further conflict between the two sides, opened his mouth to ease the bad hostility that was brewing between each other, and then signaled everyone to leave on their own. At the same time, his eyes couldn't help but glance under a certain seat. With.

Because he knew that there was a little fire dog who had just been kicked by the evil woman! If the Lord Anne Führer is unwilling to teach or guide them, Jedi masters, to go further on the path of the Force, I am afraid they can only find a breakthrough from that puppy.

Presumably, that puppy will definitely not be taken back again, it must be given to them as a ‘gift’ to the Jedi Temple, right?

"Huh? Are there no meetings?"


"Then I'm going out to play!!"


Little Annie feels that If she stays any longer, she will probably be run over by those annoying old guys again and clamoring for those messy force use techniques, so she doesn’t wait for the other party to speak and keep it In response, Nova jumped out of her seat and ran out with her little bear in a hurry!




Nova, who originally wanted to report something, could only sigh after seeing that her little head of state had disappeared, and then finally glanced coldly at the Jedi masters who were still vigilant, and turned directly. Vanished in place out of thin air.



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