Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 927: |????)? Huh? These strange animals are going to be violent...

Latest URL: Huh~!

As aliens with weird appearances, tall, short and thin, with different skin colors and facial features appeared, the Galaxy Council guards in black bright dresses stood and saluted, welcoming those who watched their clothes. It seems that the alien attendees of the parliamentarians arrived.

‘Hello, elder of Camino...’

‘Hello, Representative Layloth. ’


‘Aha! ’

‘Congressman Polis Massa, are you finally here? ’

‘Yes, Representative Lailos, I’m very happy to meet you here. Why, is there any other news today? ’

‘Of course! But let's talk here first? ’

‘As you wish...’

Today, the Coruscant planet in this Galactic Republic is more than two kilometers in diameter and has a huge dome like a mushroom-like building. In the grand square in front of this building, there is also an abstract sculpture of the founder of the Republic’s Core World. In the huge parliament hall where the Galaxy Council is located, countless parliamentarians and representatives of the participating countries are sitting in those halls with 1,024 anti-gravity seats waiting for the meeting. .

This is a special meeting initiated by the Supreme Speaker Phoenix Valoren convened by the members of the parliament, in order to hear that it was blocked by the trade alliance fleet for many days, and then no news was returned until yesterday. The opinion of the Queen Padmé Amidala who successfully escaped to the capital planet of Coruscant on a J-327 Rebia spacecraft, and used it to deal with the illegal blockade of Naboo by the trade alliance fleet and outrageously dispatching machinery The Legion’s invasion of the planet.

And this is the main reason why so many representatives, committee members, elders and parliamentarians of all ethnic groups will take their own transportation to come to the parliament building at this time.



Ten minutes left...

The Supreme Speaker, Phoenix Valoren, was standing on his seat platform of the Supreme Speaker in the middle of the hall. After looking at the representatives and representatives of the Republic who had been around the Parliament, he finally sighed slowly. Tone.

Yes, the Supreme Speaker Phoenix Valoren bypassed the inaction and inability to do the Galaxy Council and directly asked the Jedi Order to send the Jedi Master to secretly send the Jedi envoy to Naboo to investigate the truth of the matter. Now it has been perfectly accomplished!


The Jedi master Quigang King and his Jedi apprentice Obi-Wan Kenobi not only completed the task brilliantly, investigated the truth of the matter, but also waited for the opportunity to rescue the man who was almost captured by the trade alliance’s mechanical army. Queen Naboo!

After receiving this news, he was overjoyed, and decided to use his few powers and privileges to hold this special hearing so that the stubborn and corrupt parliamentarians of all ethnicities and countries would talk about it. For the Naboo Star incident, we should carefully listen to the opinions of the victim, the Queen of Naboo Star, and start a new round of discussions and introduce targeted policies as soon as possible.

The reason why the council still needs to discuss it is mainly because the envoys of the Jedi master Quigang King and the apprentice Obi-Wan Kenobi did not formally obtain the authorization of the Galaxy Council. That was a private order of his highest speaker. And behavior... So, in the case of illegal actions, the results of the two of them will not be trusted by those stubborn members of Parliament?

However, if it is the Queen of Naboo who arrives at the parliament in person and accuses the trade union's atrocities, it must have legal effect! And once the parliament accepts the letter and is passed, the next thing, the Naboo incident will be resolved in the fastest and most appropriate manner! At that time, the violations of the trade alliance will also be severely punished by the Parliament and the Republic!

No matter what others think or think about this meeting, anyway, the Supreme Speaker Phoenix Valoren is now very optimistic, because he thinks this way: he thinks, if there is the victim queen of Naboo in person If a complaint is made in the parliament, he wants to impose certain sanctions on the trade union, surely it will go much smoother?

As for whether there will be any other waves after the hearing begins, he has simply ignored it! Because with him, the Supreme Speaker, and the client, Queen Naboo, the trade alliance’s crimes must have been concealed.



But, for the head of a messy little girl who has been on this planet of Coruscant for more than a week, what does the guy standing on the beautiful platform of the highest speaker think, she doesn’t Will care, because she is doing something very important now.

At least, it's important to her? Anyway, she is now stretching out her little finger, pointing and pointing in this solemn, huge dome-shaped parliament hall.


(● ̄(??) ̄●)


"My dear head of state, please stop counting... because there are a total of 1,024 seats in the Galaxy Council. If you count our newly-added temporary senior congressman and the highest speaker If so, there are currently a total of 1,026 platforms..."

At this time, it seems that there is not much time left, and feels that a little girl next to her who is doing some embarrassing things may not count the ghost bosses of those platforms before the meeting starts, so she is very considerate. Leaning over to the other side and whispered such a sentence.

Because she knew that Master Anne of her family was indeed doing the kind of boring thing to count the anti-gravity seat platforms one by one. As for why the other party did that, then she couldn't know.

"If you want to count the number of people, then I don't know. Maybe there will be at least three to five thousand people, right?"

Under normal circumstances, the standard for a seat platform is that there are three representatives standing, but there are also only two or one standing, just like the platform of their temporary senior councillors, only her Nova and this Knowing what kind of madness was suddenly going on, it was only two heads of state Anne who had to come to the meeting to join in the fun.

Of course, there seem to be more people on some platforms, there are as many as seven or eight?

So, Nova really didn't count how many people there are here, after all, she is not as boring as a certain little girl head of state.



"Really, Nuova, you fellow... I found that you are really getting worse and worse! What does it matter to you if people count others? Also, they counted to 827 just now. , You are about to finish counting, why can't you wait first and tell me to confirm after I finish counting?"


"Or, why can't you say it earlier?!"


Little Annie said she was very angry, and she expressed her strong dissatisfaction with the other party's behavior of brazenly interrupting herself to do fun games that kill time! Because, if the other party said it earlier, she wouldn't have to count so hard, and if she said it later, she wouldn't have to waste the fruits of her hard work for more than ten minutes.




"My lord, the meeting will officially begin in more than five minutes. Since you chose to come here for the meeting, please stay honestly and sit down in your seat..."

After seeing the other party put away the boring behavior of pointing and counting, the ghost leader and admiral Nova turned her face silently, and did not intend to continue talking at this time and disrupt the meeting. Normal order.

Besides, the behavior of the little head of her family just now was indeed a bit embarrassing. If she was discovered by outsiders, maybe she would have the heart to kill people? Anyway, she definitely couldn't let the brilliant image of their wise and sacred head of state be compromised in her hands, although, she already knew what kind of virtue the other party was.

"I do not want it!"


"The front of this nasty seat platform is really too high. If I sit, then I won't see the strange animal councillors in front of me. How boring?"


Master Anne said that she didn't come here for a meeting, she was actually here to see those interesting animals! Because those strange-looking aliens, more than a terrifying alien, are much rarer than the animals in the zoo in the earth world.

Anyway, it's rarer than watching a giant panda or going to Azeroth to see a Pandaren!


Although, it’s not the first time she has seen that kind of aliens, but these fancy-dressed aliens gather here at the same time, so she doesn’t need to run to the street to see them, and you can see them later. It's noisy and noisy here, and think about it, it really feels quite fun.

Maybe, she will have the opportunity to add chaos to these crooked stars later.


As for the parliamentarians and representatives of the various countries or organizations of the tall Galactic Republic, if they knew that her little girl would treat them as animals in the zoo and compare them, what would they think? It's her business.



Nova did not continue to speak, because she found that many members of the surrounding lawmakers had already cast their anger but did not dare to speak after hearing a little girl’s impolite and daring words. Gaze?

Think about it, too, when a little girl called it a "strange animal" and heard that kind of racially discriminatory words, those aliens who looked different from the "earth people" would definitely not be there. What a good mood! Therefore, Nova felt that those rude gazes of the other party, when the matter had a cause, she forgave them generously, and was not prepared to pursue those people's hostility?

"Hi~! Hello everyone~!!!"


"Don't care about it, people will definitely not laugh at you just because you are like animals in a zoo!!"


Seeing that many people and strange animals around her were paying attention to herself, Xiao Annie greeted each other as a matter of course and kindly, and then started to feel annoyed that she had not brought in some convenient snacks from outside... Otherwise, now she might be able to take the kind of food that can also give the alien animals rest assured, and give them the kind of fun feeding activity, right?

You know, when she went to see the orangutans in the zoo with Uncle Coleson and Aunt Melinda, they fed those super smart black guys...Of course, these talking crooked stars in front of you No matter how bad they are, they must be smarter than the orangutans in the zoo.


'Humph! ’


'rude! ! ’


‘&*%&*! ! ’

Obviously, a country that obtained a temporary high-ranking seat by threatening parliamentarians by force and coercing them to vote and a very rude little girl head of state in that country will certainly not be easily accepted by those alien parliamentarians. …So, after seeing the little girl daring to be cute, grinning at them and waving hello, they cursed and said something and turned their heads, and stopped looking at some nasty little girl. The girl glanced.


(ˉ▽ ̄~) Cut~~

What's so fierce? It's amazing to look strange. Her head Anne will not be familiar with these strange-looking aliens!


(● ̄(??) ̄●)



"Hello, Miss Sister, my name is Annie, I am glad to meet you, what is your name, can you tell me?"


Those weird animals ignored her, and Annie didn't worry too much, because at this time, she had already focused on the platform to the left of their high-level councilor seat platform, and focused on a new goal!

She found out: The five people above all look like people on Earth, and they seem to be more pleasing to the eye?


Furthermore, there is a young lady who may be only a few years older than herself. The other party looks very interesting. Although she is fourteen or five years old, the other party is now dressed in costumes with crooked horns on her head. The same hair accessories, but also in a very strange dress, it seems that the identity looks quite powerful?


However, the young lady who was followed by Xiao Annie and asked her hello did not take the initiative to speak, she just looked over here suspiciously, her eyes full of doubts.

'queen! ’

‘She’s the one...’

Then soon, before she could ask, the old guy next to her who didn't look like a good person came to her ear in time and whispered something. Anyway, little Annie didn't eavesdrop. That's it.


"Hello, Your Excellency Head Anne from Kepru District, my name is Padmé Amidala, and I am the queen from Naboo. I am also very happy to see you here."

After knowing the identity of the other party, Padmé Amidala, who was unwilling to be rude, turned and nodded gently to the other party. She had been a little confused just now in the seat next to her, not knowing why a little girl. The little guy who was able to come to the meeting said softly.

Actually, Padmé Amidala heard the rude words of the other party just now...

You know, that kind of discourse that may be unintentional, but in fact it carries a strong racial discrimination, is not allowed in the entire Galactic Republic, for example, the Naboo people will not openly discriminate against Naboo. Just like the native Gungans of Shanghai, let alone speak such unreasonable words in a sacred place like the Galaxy Council.

But fortunately, the other party is a ignorant little girl. Fortunately, here is the parliament. Everyone is a decent person. Otherwise, if it is changed to another place, even if it is unintentional, it will definitely cause limbs. The conflict has attracted the intervention of security robots, right?

"Your Excellency, Head Anne, may I ask, what do you want?"

Although I don’t know why the other party wants to greet myself at this time, since the other party is the head of a country and his identity should be the same as himself, Queen Padmé Amidala still asked the other party politely. , And suppressed the anxiety in my heart, looked at the other party and waited for their reply.

"Of course there is!"


"That one……"


"Miss Sister, I want to know, why do you have such a thick layer of white paint on your face? Don't you think that would be very itchy and uncomfortable?"


Little Annie said that she was really curious about this, because she had secretly used her mother Amorim's cosmetics before, but after using it once, she never tried it again!

Because, it’s not uncomfortable to put it on the face at all, it is very airtight and sticky, even if it is only applied a little, let alone the little sister next to her, her face is so muddy and muddy. The kind of situation is still thick, she feels a little worried for the other party just thinking about it.


And the young ladies she saw on the earth before are the same, one is more stinky than the other, and there is layer after layer on the face, such as foundation, blush or eye shadow, etc., messy You can go up with strength, the skin is about to be corroded away!


Your face is white! !

With some consternation, embarrassment and anger, Padmé Amidala didn't say a word, and turned her head coldly, and stopped talking to a rude little girl.

Because now, she was originally worried about her country and the safety of the people under the claws of the trade alliance’s mechanical legion and the abuse of the people on Naboo, and she was ready to replenish her energy and persuade the parliamentarians and members present. Delegates, let them launch sanctions and take relevant military actions against the trade alliance’s abuses as soon as possible? So, why would she continue to waste time talking to the little girl next to the head of state who is in the mood to annoy herself when she opens her mouth?



"Huh! Don't say it, don't say it, it's not rare!"

o(*,??????, *)o

No way, after seeing that young lady didn’t plan to chat with herself anymore, and seeing that all the strange aliens around her had been offended by herself all the time, Xiao Anni sat down honestly and sat back in her place. Plan to wait, and then see if there will be any fun things here later?

If not, then I’m sorry. When the time comes, her Master Anne will definitely leave the stage early...because ah, she is really busy, and there are still many important things to deal with, so there is no time to follow These boring guys are holding boring meetings in such boring, empty and dark halls!


(● ̄(??) ̄●)


"Sir, please sit down, the meeting seems to be about to begin..."

At this time, after seeing that the seat platform belonging to the Supreme Speaker of the Galactic Republic suddenly lit up in the middle of the parliament hall, Nova knew that the issue that was said to have been debated for half a month before, that the battleship of the trade alliance and The pitiful Naboo star trade dispute that the mechanical army surrounded and beaten was finally about to be brought up again.

However, Nova felt that the so-called Queen of Naboo nearby, Padmé Amidala, was destined to be disappointed today!

Because those parliamentarians who are bullying and fearful of hard work and the Congress of the Galaxy Republic, which does not have military weapons, only rely on the military forces of some Jedi knights and allied countries to perform peacekeeping missions, in this kind of unprofitable situation, they are definitely not satisfied Any request from the other party.

In fact, whether it is this world or other worlds, she has already seen through it, that is: truth is always only within the range of a cannon!

A country without armed forces, a queen who cannot protect her own people, no matter how reasonable, no matter what kind of persecution she is subjected to, but if she is reduced to such a place, she can only wagglingly pin all her hopes on What happened to the parliament and the members of the congressmen is doomed to a tragic ending.

Because in Nova’s view, this Galactic Republic is not so much a country as it is a loosely organized alliance?


Thinking of this, Nova turned her head and held her breath in a rare moment. Some eager Queen Naboo glanced at her, her face was full of mockery and pitiful expressions.

Seriously, if this kind of thing is replaced by their hero federation, give the so-called trade alliance a hundred guts to besiege their planet? If something like that happens, by then, it is guaranteed that in less than half an hour, there will be a large number of main fleets leaping over and shooting fierce bombardments, and continue to destroy the opponent and take the opponent’s country, Organizations, military bases, etc. are all served in one pot!

You know, the army of their Hero Federation, including the various newly incorporated in other planes, adds up to too much, so many that she doesn’t even know how many they are. ! Therefore, the generals, lords, consuls, patriarchs, and senior staff officers of the three tribes in the military council are now hoping to find opportunities to expand abroad in order to alleviate the increasing tension in the constellation and the federation. Contradiction!


∑(??△`)? !

"Oh? It's been a long time before it finally started?"


Now that the meeting is about to begin, then Little Annie said, maybe, it's a pity that she will take a look first before talking? Anyway, it doesn't matter if you look at it, maybe, maybe something interesting to her will happen later?


As the lights in the parliament hall dimmed again, and as the lights on the speaker's seat became brighter, when the grandfather of the highest speaker stood up, Little Annie knew that this haggard had dragged on the broken meeting for a long time, and it was finally finally It's about to start.


‘Dear deputies, deputies, I think everyone already knows the reasons for this meeting today. I won’t go into details here. ’

‘Now, as the Supreme Speaker, on behalf of the Presidium of the Galactic Council, I recognize the councilors and representatives from the planet Naboo to speak. ’

Soon, it didn’t take long for a little girl to settle down. As the scheduled time came, the Supreme Speaker, Phoenix Valoren, first signaled that the parliamentarians in the meeting were quiet, and then directly asked the Naboo Senators and The queen stepped forward.

Because now he is a little impatient and has lost faith in the long and meaningless debate, so he plans to give the opportunity to persuade those stubborn and extremely procrastinated MPs to the one who has just fled from Naboo. The queen came out to master.

‘Your Excellency the Supreme Speaker of the Republic, members and representatives of the Galaxy Council...’

‘I’m Padmé Amidala, Queen of Naboo! Regarding this, please don’t doubt... Today, I have to stand here and start a speech that makes me feel ashamed and sad because of a terrible tragedy that is happening now in the territory of our republic, in our country. The people of Naboo! ’

As the seat platform of the Naboo star slowly flew forward, it stopped steadily when it was not far below the chief platform of the highest speaker, and then as the light focused, The queen of cloth stars, the Padmé Amidala resolutely stood up from her position and began her impassioned and straight-forward speech.

Because she was not allowed to speak for much time, and the patience of the parliamentarians is also extremely limited. If she fails to persuade the parliamentarians and representatives within a certain period of time, I am afraid she will go through all the hardships. The main purpose of Coruscant here will eventually end up in nothing.

‘I’m not being alarmist! ’

‘Because, because the Republic and the Parliament have ordered our remote Naboo to collect taxes on that trade route, now that unreasonable trade alliance has blocked and invaded our beautiful planet-Naboo! ’

‘They blocked our planet, occupied trade routes, blocked our communications, and sent tens of thousands of mechanical legions. They have now completely invaded and controlled our planet...’

‘Under the guns of the warships of the Trade Alliance and their mechanical army, our people in Naboo are suffering painfully...’

‘So, I’m here today, I just want the parliament to start a trade alliance...’

However, the generous speech of Padmé Amidala, Queen of Naboo, was just beginning. Before she could finish her words, she was interrupted loudly by a representative who suddenly drove over to the seat platform and approached.

‘I protest on behalf of the Trade Union! ’

‘The queen of Naboo, I don’t know why you say that, but that kind of statement is really too much, it is slander, it is naked, unfounded slander and slander~! ! ’

Obviously, the one who jumped out to interrupt Queen Naboo's speech at this time was the representative or member of Parliament sent by the accused trade alliance to the parliament?

Actually, the trade alliance was originally just a consortium of commerce and transportation. Originally, a commercial group did not have the power and qualifications to enter the Galaxy Council... But no matter what the world, after the indulgent capital grows, they Naturally, it will be a fertile soil for power and military armaments.

Therefore, after it effectively controlled the freight trade of the entire galaxy, its armed forces were unprecedentedly high, and under the ruling and mediation of those scheming Nemodians, it gained enough power long ago, and It is able to have full say in the Galactic Council, as if it is an independent sovereign member of the Parliament itself, and even to a certain extent, its status is higher than that of ordinary member states, such as Naboo ?

and so,

Today, in order to restrain the trade union, relying on the influence of the parliament and its own force to contempt the law and the increasingly frenzied smuggling activities, and also to increase enough funding sources for the government of the heavily burdened Galactic Republic , The Parliament of the Galactic Republic not long ago passed a resolution to impose taxes on the trade routes of the outer galaxies.

And this, surprisingly, is the reason why the Naboo star has lost communication and is'rumored' being blocked and invaded by the trade alliance, and it is also the reason why the queen of Naboo, Padmé Amidala, left Naboo. And the roots that came to the capital of Coruscant of the Republic.

‘! ! ’

‘Get out! ’

‘The Supreme Speaker has not yet allowed members of your trade union to speak! ! ’

But soon, without waiting for the trade union councillor who was reckless to come forward and was ready to argue with Queen Naboo about the Naboo star, he went on to say that there was a hideous-looking man sitting next to the Supreme Speaker Phoenix Valoren. The alien stood up suddenly and reprimanded the trade union member who dared to despise parliamentary discipline and the majesty of the Supreme Speaker.


'I came to the planet Coruscant at the risk of my life. Now the trade alliance has completely invaded our planet and controlled the entire Naboo. Our message was completely unable to be sent, and I almost died. In their hands...'

‘Their battleship is there now, no one can escape except me...’

Seeing that the trade union person closed his mouth in embarrassment, Queen Padmé Amidala was about to continue talking, but...

'protest! ! ’

'I object! The accusation is groundless, and that is an insult to our trade alliance! ! ’

At this time, the people from the trade alliance spoke again, seeming to completely ignore the reprimand of the assistant speaker and the so-called authority of the highest speaker?

‘! ! ’

‘We have evidence. We have some videos and related evidence of the trade alliance blocking the planet and the mechanical army invading Naboo on our spacecraft! ’

‘You **** villains, executioners! ! ’

Queen Padmé Amidala, who was interrupted by the other party twice and three times, was finally irritated. She turned her head to look at the platform of the trade union seat and yelled at the other side.

'absurd! ’

‘Everyone knows that whether it’s video or sound, that kind of thing can’t be used as evidence at all! Because, any advanced computer can be easily produced now, it is just a bunch of useless data, it does not have any credibility, let alone as evidence! ’

'you! ! ’

‘Humph! I think, please ask the Queen Padmé Amidala with ulterior motives to go back and learn the relevant laws of the Galactic Republic first. ’

'you! ! ’

‘You are justifying the trade union! Members, as well as the Supreme Speaker, I suggest that immediate measures be taken against the trade union and...’

'shut up! ! ’

‘Woman, don’t think that you are the queen so you can just slander you here. On behalf of the trade union, I solemnly warn you, don’t make any further progress! ’

‘If there is no evidence, you should go back quickly! ! ’

‘! ! ’


‘You invaded our planet, enslaved and slaughtered my people, now you still dare to say that I have an inch? ! ’

Queen Padmé Amidala was **** off by the other party's words of accusation, inverted black and white, and full of lies! However, now she could do nothing except cling to the railing of the seat platform and glaring at the hateful representative of the trade alliance with green skin and red eyes on the opposite side.

Because it is exactly what the other party said, those videos and related evidence do not have legal credibility, and her complaint by one of the parties cannot be completely used as a reason to sanction the other party.

'Humph! ’

‘This meeting today is meaningless! ’

‘Now, in view of the slander we are being stigmatized by the Naboo Star Councillors and the Queen, I suggest that the Parliament must not listen to their opinions. We should send a delegation to Naboo Star to find out the truth again! ’

‘Maybe, Naboo has encountered some kind of nebula and particle flow, which caused the temporary interruption of communication? ’

Seeing the opponent's somewhat naive response, the representative of the Trade Union triumphantly drove up to the seat platform and suggested to the Supreme Speaker with a somewhat ugly expression.

Now, the woman of Naboo who was behind them, the young queen who was a little bit ignorant and ignorant of the rules, was ignored by them.

Think about it, too, thinking that if you can run back from Naboo to Coruscant, and even get the opportunity to speak in the parliament, you think you can turn the tide? That kind of thinking is really naive! Don’t the other party know that many representatives here in the parliament are members of their trade alliance or their community of interests?

‘Camino believes that the trade union’s proposal is reasonable. ’

'The representatives of the Marasdale Planet Congress agreed and respected the opinions of members of the Trade Union. Now that the two sides hold different opinions, we really should not listen to any one's words. We should send a delegation first to find out the matter as soon as possible. the truth! ’

‘Representative Rodia also agrees...’

‘The Confederation of Independent Galaxy also believes that the Trade Alliance’s investigation request should be granted...’


‘The representative of the planet Tatooine also believes that the request to investigate first is reasonable. ’

‘And we, we also feel that sending a delegation to Naboo Singh is a wise decision? ’


‘Until the truth is found out, sanctions should not be imposed on an innocent alliance! Queen Naboo's accusation cannot be used as evidence! ’

'I agree! ’

‘This is reasonable and in line with the sacred laws of the Galactic Republic. On behalf of Lailaos, we agree with this proposal...’

Soon, after some allies in the trade alliance coaxed and teased, the whole parliament soon became noisy, and soon immediately got rid of the control of the highest speaker, who was not very prestigious.

Later, after some unsuspecting congressmen and representatives carefully considered and voted on it, soon, this meeting was dragged towards the kind of delay that a young queen and the highest speaker would least like to see and it would probably not end. The direction of development is gone.


‘The proposal was accepted...’

‘Now, announce the decision of the parliament: organize and send a delegation to Naboo to investigate, and after the truth is found out, we will make a final decision on the topics of this meeting! ’

‘The Queen of Naboo and representatives of the Trade Union, do you have any comments on this resolution? ’

No way, the parliament of the Republic is not the parliament of the highest speaker, Phoenix Valoren, and his original intention cannot be rebelled against the decision of the majority of the parliamentarians in the entire meeting. So soon, under the pressure of countless representatives and parliamentarians, He had to regretfully change his previous thoughts, intending to take a step back and make a decision again after the investigation is completed?

After all, the fact that the Trade Alliance invaded Naboo is true, whether it is the Queen of Naboo or the Jedi masters quietly sent by the Jedi Order! However, before more favorable, legal and reasonable evidence is presented, he may only be able to do so.

Otherwise, what else could he do?

Before the military forces of other members of the parliament intervened, he could not go beyond the parliament and forcibly order the generals of the Jedi Order to lead the poor peacekeeping force of the Republic to fight the trade alliance, right?

‘I have an opinion! ’

‘My people are suffering, my planet is being invaded, and at this critical juncture, I won’t wait for one day! Besides, I came here today at the risk of my death to ask you to try to stop the invasion of the Trade Alliance for the first time, instead of coming here to ask you to waste more time investigating! ’

Everyone knows the procrastinating style of the bureaucrats of the Galaxy Council, expecting them to investigate and get the truth of the matter, I am afraid that a few months have passed, then she has Padmé Amidala here. What's the point?

'therefore! ’

'If the Parliament and the Supreme Speaker are unable to deal with this incident, then I suggest: We should immediately re-elect for a new Supreme Speaker of the Republic. At the same time, I now use the sacred Republic law to give me the rights of the Queen of Naboo to initiate A vote on whether the Supreme Speaker is still capable of leading the Parliament...'

‘And I, vote of no confidence in the Supreme Speaker of Phoenix Valoren! ! ’

I don’t know if it’s really unwilling to wait, or it’s because the bad old man next to Queen Padmé Amidala said something to her that made her make up her mind. Anyway, seeing that the establishment is procrastinated and has no effect. When the investigation team saw that it was about to become an established fact, she resolutely risked being hated by the highest speaker, risking Naboo Xing’s expulsion from the parliament and losing her membership, and initiated the initiative to target and question the ability of the highest speaker. vote.

If the vote is successful, after the new strong speaker is elected, maybe her problem with Naboo will be resolved? And if it fails, Naboo is invaded, the country is ruined and the people are enslaved, the parliamentary seat of her country will not continue to exist, so she might as well give it to it now. Use it!

Om~ Wow~!

A loud noise suddenly exploded in this huge dome-shaped assembly hall...


'vote? ’

'vote? vote! ’

‘I agree to vote now! ! ’

‘We Layloth agreed to vote now! ’

‘Polis Massa also agreed to initiate a questioning vote against the Supreme Speaker...’

‘Wait, are you all crazy? ’

‘Haha! We also agree with Queen Naboo's proposal and suggest that a vote of no confidence should be initiated on the ability of the Speaker! ’

'vote! Damn, we've seen that Valoran displeased a long time ago! ’

'vote! vote! ’


Soon, maybe those people with ulterior motives can't wait, maybe Phoenix Valoren's ability is really unpopular, or is this actually a conspiracy that's been brewing long ago?

Anyway, after the waves of noise in the parliament were rolled up, whether it was watching the lively little Annie or Nova, who sneered with her arms and said nothing, they all discovered that the voting button on their seat platform soon turned on. Come up, it seems that the vote really got the approval of more than half of the MPs and started?



"Look at Nova, that old grandfather is really pitiful. The animal councillors under him don't seem to like him very much, and they don't want to listen to him very much..."


Although Xiao Anni also heard some voices against voting for impeachment and removal of the Supreme Speaker from those noises, she could see that under the voices of majority or approval, or noise, it became like a vegetable market. In a messy place, the voices and opposition of those people have no effect at all.

This kind of thing would be much simpler if it were her Lord Anne Head of State...

Her method is super simple, whoever dares to disobey will burn anyone! One does not listen to burn one, two does not listen to burn one pair! Only need to burn a hundred and eighty, and the rest will definitely become even more honest than one of their own bad bear Tibbers after seeing the hopelessness of resistance!




"Master Anne, what about your opinion? Do you agree to dismiss the Supreme Speaker, or oppose it?"

Seeing more and more people starting to vote, and then looking at the terrible old man in the distance sitting on the seat of the highest speaker but powerless, Nova, who felt that the outcome of the matter might have been doomed, smiled at her side. The head of state asked softly.

"That of course... is against it!!"


Without thinking about it, Xiao Annie directly reached out and took a photo of the green button that represented opposition.

Because, if most people agree, then she is going to oppose it! In the same way, if most people object, then she just wants to agree! After all, she came here today to watch the excitement and find opportunities to make trouble, she doesn't care about so many right and wrong!

Besides, that old grandfather was opposed by so many people, and few people supported him. How pitiful is that? Therefore, the clever, well-behaved and lovely head of State Anne always has to support a little bit and vote for the other party, although her vote may not be of any use?


"Then whatever you want..."

Nova shrugged her shoulders indifferently, and then continued to hold her hands, watching the conspiracy that seems to have been brewing in front of her eyes... Watching those happy or impatient congressmen treat the helpless Galactic Republic The highest speaker launched the'charge' horn without making a sound.

It's really interesting!


Nova sneered again in her heart, and then she suddenly felt that since some people seemed to be determined to win the seat of the highest speaker and launched this conspiracy... Then, for this excellent opportunity, should she also go? Some activities?

You know, when the head Anne by her side was in the Kepru region, she still kept some of the interesting little stones that she made to deal with her Nova and Gabriel Tosh. ......Although some of the "shelf life" may have passed and the utility may be greatly reduced, and the quantity may not be too much, but if it is taken out now, it should be possible for some lawmakers who are not very determined. There is a little effect, right?

As for the part that is not enough, she will find a way. Anyway, what her Nova has is a way, whether it is coercion or temptation, assassination threat or even kidnapping, etc.? In short, her flagship "Phantom Crisis" has a lot of elite ghost agents on standby, and it's time to dispatch them.


After thinking about it, Nova grinned triumphantly.

Then she, like most of the people in the Congress Hall of the Galaxy Republic, watched and waited for the final decision of the Supreme Speaker to be deposed! At that time, she might as well submit the names of their heroic federal heads of state directly to become candidates for the highest speaker, and then wait for those people to honestly vote for their heads of state in the next few days?

Nova feels that with her ‘effort’, she believes that certain people will surely be clear and know how to do the right thing by then. For that kind of thing, she is professional and experienced! After all, isn't the original intention of the Ghost Force being built to fight against political opponents?



"Sister Nova, did you think of anything interesting?"


At this time, Little Annie suddenly turned her head and looked at the boss of a certain ghost agent, because she found that the Nova next to her had been sneering, and seemed to be making some bad ideas?

"Do not!"

"Master Führer, I'm just watching the clumsy performance of these stupid aliens."

Nova didn't intend to tell this little head of state of her plan, because once she said something the other party would accidentally leak it! Although it may not cause too much trouble, but if she intends to see some people make her own wedding clothes in the end, still think it is better to keep secret for the time being?



I glanced at the suspicious eldest sister Nova, and then looked at the hysterical aliens in front of me, as if they were rioting zoo-like aliens. Little Annie thought there was really nothing interesting to do. Thinking, I didn't take care of it, just kept looking at Rare, and cast sympathetic and gloating glances at a certain poor grandfather and the muddy young lady.


(● ̄(??) ̄●)


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