Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 933: ??? Fireworks celebration before the arrival of the new 1 day??

Latest website: Actually, an iron general fact that is gradually forgotten by many people in the Galactic Republic is that only Gungan is a native and evolved aboriginal on Naboo, and is the aboriginal and true native of Naboo. Naboo! And the so-called humans, the people of the republic, and the so-called Naboo people are just a group of colonial invaders who occupy the magpie's nest!

A long time ago, the ancestors of the so-called Naboo people discovered this planet and named it Naboo. Then they claimed to be the discoverers and took possession of the ancestors of the indigenous Gungan people. They relied on advanced technology to drive away the Gungans who looked like "beasts" or "primitives" in their eyes, and they dragged the entire planet into their so-called "Naboo".

So far, the real Naboo people, those Gungan people, can only hide in the innermost part of the planet, hiding in the bottom of the sea to build their own cities and live a secluded life, while the invaders are grandiose The form of the master colonized and multiplied countless generations on the ground...

But fortunately, due to certain factors, the two sides have been able to get along peacefully with each other during countless years of getting along. Until now, apart from the “unhappy” at the beginning of the contact, the two sides have never been too much. More contact.

This is because the Gungans are actually an amphibious race. Compared to living on the ground, they obviously prefer the interior of the planetary ocean with a larger range of activities! After all, the entire Naboo star is a huge planet or water ball without a molten core, and its interior is a huge ocean that occupies 85% of the planet's volume!

Perhaps, for the people of Gungan in ancient times and now that there are not too many people, compared to the poor surface area of ​​Naboo, what they care more about is the disdain of ‘surface people’ and the ocean that cannot survive for a long time? Because this is their real homeland for the Gungans, and the ‘wild’ land on the planet’s surface is occupied by outsiders, and it’s not a big deal to them.

Gungan people’s lungs are very strong, they can hold their breath for a long time, and they are good at swimming long distances in water and swimming like frogs. Which pair of long fin-like ears also help them move freely and breathe in the water?

Therefore, as the invaded party, they were able to evade the drive and slaughter of the'Naboo' ancestors by virtue of their own race talents, and the two parties lived and multiplied in the water for countless generations without interfering with each other, and gradually developed This has resulted in their unique prosperous submarine city and complicated submarine transportation network.

But now, compared to humans, those who are a bit shorter in stature, have smoother faces, and often tie their big ears to the back of their heads as hair'platypus' Gungan people have also had to leave their biggest, The most prosperous, at the same time the most exquisite and unique, the most lively and lively, and it is still built on the locap plants, which looks like clusters of closely connected bubbles, like diamonds in the dark underwater city sparkling ...

That place was so obvious that it had been targeted by a new army of more evil robots, so they had to flee the capital'Otto Ganga' under the sea and escape to the ancient holy place on their ground. In order to avoid the invasion of those terrifying combat robots of the Trade Alliance, just as they avoided the human Naboo who invaded their homeland?

At this time, a group of people including a little girl Annie, the young Queen Padmé Amidala, the Jedi masters Quigang King and Obi-Wan’s apprentices, joined the Gungan’s "Leader Party" Led by Ja Binks, he also came to this holy land of the Gungans, and stayed here for two full days with those Gungans who have always been considered primitives or natives by the Naboo and were still outrageous. Reached an alliance.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

In a formation, about seven or eight robotic interplanetary fighters roared and flew quickly over the forest, but they didn’t mean to stop. Obviously they didn’t notice the forest they were flying over. Exceptions.

It may be due to some special geological factors that cause this forest to have some kind of pure natural strange magnetic field, so that this place can easily avoid the heat and life detection from the sky and space, so the spacecraft of the trade alliance and The reconnaissance planes could not find that a large number of Gungans gathered here, making it rare to become one of the few safe refuges on Naboo?

Of course, if it is optical detection, it must not be blocked!

But fortunately, there are still dense forests and towering giant trees obscured. If you observe from space or the sky, no matter how high the pixel is, the camera will definitely not be able to easily spot these hiding there, which are almost tens of meters high. The Gungans in the shade of the towering giant trees and some of the'Naboos' who visited and established an alliance.

Anyway, after staying here for two full days, Little Annie and the others only saw: In this primitive jungle, there are those platypus Gungan people everywhere! They are squeezed everywhere on trees, on the ground, in caves, ponds, etc. They are filled with large and small shack, the number may be at least hundreds of thousands, and they completely occupy this huge forest. A large area.

Ever since, the visiting Queen Amidala, in addition to hiding here properly, also went to the leader of the Gungan, that is, the fat Nas leader to formulate a very ridiculous, that is The so-called'counterattack' and'beheading' plan? !



"You have to give up quickly. Although your relatives and friends are suffering, it is really a terrible and thorough plan. Even if the Nemoidia people in the trade alliance are all stupid pigs, they must be I won't let your kind of children who are not optimistic about it succeed!"


Of course the kid is referring to Annie herself. As for whether the "dumb pig" is a member of the trade union, it is open to question...Anyway, the so-called self-righteousness made by some self-righteous guys is very successful. Little Annie is really not optimistic about the possibility' plan!



However, whether it was Queen Amidala or the Nas chieftain, the two of them ignored the broken thoughts of a little **** the side, nor did they take the other party's frustrating words of'shaking the military's heart' at heart. On, just talk in a low voice, doing the so-called final correction work.

Because, this afternoon, before dusk and sunset, they and the Gungan army are going to execute the one that was personally formulated by the best and smartest Queen Padmé Amidala of Naboo. Bold' plan too.

"I said……"


"Are you serious?"


"With these natives, you are going to fight against the robot army of the Trade Alliance? Do you know how many large warships they have? I told you that the kind of large spacecraft with a diameter of more than three kilometers is in yours. I have counted the broken spaceships when they rushed into the atmosphere of Naboo Star. The only thing I saw from outside, there might be more than a hundred ships!!!"


In Xiao Annie's view, instead of expecting these indigenous Gungans to fight against the robot army, it is better to spend money to find someone to compile a virus specifically against robots, and then find a way to introduce the virus into the network of those fighting robots! You know, that kind of thing is the specialty of her ghost agent, as long as they can really make the virus, she can sneak into the opponent's spaceship or base quietly!

Of course, there must be no such robot virus Queen Amidala, and Little Annie will not order her own at this time, the hero federation in the Kepulu region in another world. To use the power of the state machinery to develop.

"Don't you also know how many troops their trade alliance warship can hold?"


Little Anne knows about the battleships of the trade alliance, and these guys have already investigated from the planet Coruscant through some channels!

In fact, those warships were converted from cargo ships of the original trade alliance. After all, that alliance was originally a merchant organization, so there can be no warships in the true sense. But even in that case, it is more than enough to bully Naboo, a tourist and agricultural planet that is located near the edge of the outer ring of the galaxy and does not even have a fleet.

So, of course, the internal space of those modified gadgets is huge!

Under normal circumstances, a warship alone can carry a full 550 MTTs. The containerized troop carrier produced by the Baktoyd Armored Factory can also carry at least 112 combat robots in load form. It can also be used as a tank, because there are quadruple anti-infantry blaster guns in front of them.

In addition, each battleship is said to be equipped with 6,250 AAT tanks, 1,500 troop carriers, 50 C-9979 landing craft, and 1,500 robotic starfighters, plus the number. The endless army of robots...

Little Annie has previously calculated roughly for these people who take it for granted. Even if there are only 120 warships of the Trade Alliance in space, they have at least 66,000 MTTs, 750,000. AAT tanks, 180,000 troop carriers, 6,000 C-9979 landing crafts and nearly 200,000 robotic starfighters, as well as cheap combat robots that absolutely exceed 10 million! !

With such a terrifying combat power, these are only a few hundred thousand at most, and the Gungan natives, whose pure combat power may only be tens of thousands, are they going to fight the interstellar forces of the trade alliance? Do they rely on the spears that emit lightning in their hands, or do they rely on the plasma energy plasma **** that they use to grow Lokapu plants?

Anyway, little Annie must have mastered the'lightning spear, protective shield' and'energy ball' technology for these, but in a sense it is still only a little bit better than primitive people's weird native platypus. 'The Gungans hold no hope! !

"Your Excellency Head Anne..."

"Let's put it this way, the battle that Gungan is responsible for is actually just a cover."

"We need Gungan's army to start from the bottom of the sea, raid the trade alliance and lead the robot army in the enemy city to the outside of Sid City, and then the raid team composed of the rest of us can enter from the secret passage under the waterfall. Go to the city, then break into the palace, capture the governor of the trade alliance alive, and force them to surrender!!"

Seeing that the little girl's head of state again rejected her battle plan, Queen Amidala could only turn her head and be patient, and briefly explained these words to the other party.

Because this is the best way she thinks of...

For the Naboo and Naboo people who have lived in an idyllic world for a long time without any war, it is really true that they can think of this kind of tactics of'drawing the snake out of the hole' at this time. It's amazing!

In general, compared to the little girl in front of her, her men, the two Jedi Knights and the Gungan Nath chief thought her idea was quite good, and they were willing to help her carry on that. There is a great chance of successfully defeating the combat operations of the trade alliance.



"I think you will definitely fail!!"


"Although their strategic command courses have always been poor, when they used to play StarCraft command operations in the simulation cabin, they were always beaten horribly by the enemy... But they also know that Amidala yesterday Miss sister, the plan you worked out is definitely not working!"


Yes, in the eyes of Little Annie, unless it is a ghost agent like her who stealthily hides and lurks in the palace, and then, without disturbing the opponent's guards and defensive devices, directly touch the opponent's side and violently Show up and sap, otherwise, if you change to someone else, once the governor of the trade alliance is alarmed, the other party will definitely run away or take countermeasures immediately!

They are not stupid. Given the absolute military advantage, they will definitely not stay in the same place stupidly waiting for the stupid assault team to catch it.

Besides, there are so many robot army on the other side, it is impossible to be attracted by the tens of thousands of Gungan indigenous army, even if most of them are attracted away, even if the assault squad touches them into the palace too late to call. Guards, if the trade governor finds that something is wrong, the other party will definitely take the spacecraft to leave early, and there will be a few infiltrated militants blocked in the palace and arrested?

Of course, if the other party is really that stupid, and if they are really caught by these scums with a combat power of about 6, then treat her as the head of state Anne never said anything...


(● ̄(??) ̄●;)

"That's only if you try it!"

"What do you think, Mr. Kui Gang Jin, Master Jedi, do you have anything to add?"

Amidala didn't care about the thoughts of the little girl's head of state, but directly looked at the Jedi master Kuigang Jin who was standing by! Because her plan requires the full assistance of the two Jedi Knights in front of her, otherwise, with the kind of ability of her and her men, it must be easy to break through the final defensive forces around the Governor of Trade.

Only with the help of the two Jedi Knights in front of her, did she dare to make the plan and hopefully to be able to rush to the innermost part of the palace and seize the planet that invaded them and captured her people’s trade governor Newt. Gunray!

"Your Majesty Queen Amidala..."

"I thought about it, what the head of state Anne just said was right. There are indeed too many enemies. Even if there are Gungans feigning attacks from the front, I think the palace must be heavily guarded and defended. There will definitely not be much less power, even a sneak attack will not be too easy, but this is indeed a way!"


"Compared to the team that carried out the sneak attack, I am more worried about the Gungans...Their army is responsible for attacking from the front and attracting the attention of the robot army. I think it will definitely lose a lot!"

For Jedi warriors such as Quegang King and Obi-Wan, they may not be very helpful in large-scale frontal battles, nor can they influence the battle. After all, no matter how hard the lightsaber is wielded, it must be the enemy. But a volley of thousands of troops!

However, if it is responsible for sneaking into the palace from the secret road to carry out surprise attacks, that kind of thing is indeed much safer and more comfortable than the tasks that the Gungans are going to carry out. He himself, the Jedi master, is also willing to follow Ah. Queen Midala went to fight with robots using light blaster guns inside the building.

'Do not! Do not! Do not! ’

‘We Gungan people are never afraid of sacrifice, you can rest assured...’

At this moment, the silly native leader who had been listening to the side seemed to have been fooled and limped to join the Queen's League, and was planning to advance and retreat with him. The fat Nath leader patted his chest and promised.

Perhaps, contrary to Naboo’s peace-loving human colonists, the Gungans, who were born and raised, are indeed a proud and martial race? Or, it's not the leader of Tanas himself who went to kill the enemy and ‘send to death’, so he doesn’t care at all about the life and death of his troops?



"However, we still have a plan!"

"When we sneak into the palace, the pilots can take the lead in snatching the Naboo N-1 starfighters in the palace, and then fly into space, directly destroy the enemy's battleship, and destroy the trade alliance robot controlling the spacecraft. Disintegrate all the enemy robot forces directly!"

"The Gungan army in charge of frontal operations, us in charge of the assault on the Governor of Trade, and the pilots in charge of attacking the robot control ship are divided into three groups to attack at the same time. At that time, no matter which side wins first, we can easily get the last. victory!!"

Queen Amidala uttered her thoughts endlessly, and was preparing to launch a two-day counterattack plan against the villains of the Trade Alliance who invaded their Naboo Star home in all directions this afternoon.

She believes that they must be able to win the final victory, because some things are imminent now, and they have reasons to do so, even if they may bear the disastrous consequences after the failure, she will not hesitate!


!? (??\'\'????)??

"Ha! Three simultaneous attacks..."


"You people are really crazy..."

"Just because you are a few pilots, you want to lay down other people’s robots to control the spacecraft. When you think of space as your home, are other people’s spaceships papery? There are hundreds of warships, and they are close enough. Two hundred thousand interstellar fighters, even if they were replaced by me, they might not be able to defeat them even if they were exhausted, let alone your useless pilots!"

?? (??`▽????)╭??

Among all the people here, whether adults or children, even those Gungan natives are counted, one counts as one. If her head Anne dared to say that the skill of flying a fighter plane was second, she would definitely not. People dare to rank first!

However, even she didn’t even dare to say that she would be able to break through the blockade of the enemy’s **** robot interstellar fighter planes, as well as the battleship’s defense against guns and successfully destroy the enemy’s warships by flying into space. The silly Miss Queen dare to think about that crazy plan?

You know, there are hundreds of huge ships and nearly 200,000 interstellar robots, even if she drives Gundam herself, without cheating, facing the terrifying number of enemy planes, it is possible It's a bit embarrassing...

After all, the enemy’s fighters are launching blaster attacks that are almost the same as the speed of light. If they are aimed at, they will definitely not be able to avoid them. In most cases, they can only resist hard, and this is taken for granted. Miss Dara thought, how thick the shields of their ragged Naboo fighter jets could be, so that they could carry countless attacks to the enemy's warships and use that kind of synchronized fish generator to launch an attack?

"Tell you, even if people themselves know that they are great, they will definitely not rush to the palace or fly into space with you. If you want to die, go by yourself. I will definitely not stop you. For you!"


Although things like winning with fewer enemies and more or weaker than strong seem to be very refreshing, but in the current situation, Xiao Annie feels that it is really too stupid to do that. Anyway, she must not Will follow these people foolishly to implement the kind of war plan that she takes for granted, even if she can easily complete the ultimate goal of fighting whether it is going to space or entering the palace with her ability?


"We have just investigated, and it seems that there is only one trade alliance warship left in the sky! I guess, after seeing our spacecraft break through the blockade, they may be worried that the Republic will send a follow-up investigation ship, maybe it is Other reasons? Anyway, now that they have evacuated most of the warships, there is only one warship on top in the sky. This is indeed a good opportunity for us!"

At this moment, the commander of the Naboo pilot who was following the queen suddenly told a fairly good news. Although he himself knew that there were at least two to three thousand fighters in space now, but that was indeed a not so desperate number, and they were willing to take a risk according to the Queen's plan.

Moreover, with the performance of their Naboo N-1 starfighter, it is indeed a little bit more advanced than the mass-produced vulture robot fighter of the Trade Union, plus the autopilot function and manual of their fighter. The assistance is indeed better than the logical calculations of the robots. If they make a decisive charge, may they really take the opportunity to attack the enemy's robot-controlled ship?


"Then what are we waiting for now, prepare quickly, and implement that great plan immediately!"

Ga Binks, who had just been promoted from exile to general, suddenly cheered. He felt that today may be his luckiest day, because he not only regained the recognition of the ethnic group, but also won the big The leader's commendation, ready to embark on the pinnacle of Gungan's life, this is something he has never dared to imagine.



"Even if there is only one battleship, you guys can't deal with it! When I think of being with you and riding a duck-billed dinosaur to fight enemy robots and armored forces, I always feel stupid!"


Yes, Little Annie is not planning to go to the palace with a stupid queen this time, nor is she planning to go to the sky with those Naboo pilots who have never experienced any actual combat and think they have the best technology in the world. She only intends to follow. Naboo's Gungan army can fight soy sauce together!

But, even if that was the case, she felt that she was ready to go with the robots who carried spears and spears, dressed in fishy aquatic fish leather suits, pushed trebuchets, and rode large and small dinosaurs. Force confrontation is really a stupid idea that cannot be any longer.

"little girl!"

"We are brave Gungans, we are not natives!"

"And those animals are not "duck-billed dinosaurs", they are our "Kadu". They are the magical companions that grow on the planet of Naboo. They are wingless birds with scales on their skin and fast-walking! They have strong legs and smooth bodies, and, like our Gungans, they have the duck-like snout, colorful skin and aquatic animal bloodlines you said!!"

"Kadu is an elegant animal. It is our Gungan's best companion. Riding on them we will be invincible!!"

The fat Gungan leader Nass was obviously not satisfied with the improper wording of a little girl to their Gungans, so he shook his fat face and pointed to the original place. Those'kadu' dinosaurs protested loudly.



"You still want to lie to me, it's obviously a dinosaur, and you are returning a bird... Don't think that you natives can just insert a feather into them and it can fly! Big fat man, let me tell you, just like them, even if I'm afraid I won't be able to fly after 10,000 years of evolution..."


It is said that they are not aboriginals. The thoughts that are taken for granted and the self-confidence that rides a dinosaur and thinks that the world is invincible are the symbols of the aboriginals in Annie's eyes!

However, although this Gungan is a bit silly, and although it looks very funny, but, Little Annie still likes these creatures, especially their beautiful underwater cities and the kind called'Loka Plants can be transformed into houses and buildings, and even beautiful things in cities! Therefore, instead of going with the stupid Queen Amidala to raid the governor of the Trade Union, she chose to stay with these Gungans to fight against the robot army of the Trade Union.

‘! ! ’

‘Little girl, let me say one last time, the Gungans are not indigenous! ! ’

"It's useless to say the last ten thousand times, the Gungans are natives!!"


‘No! ! ’







One big and one small, one fat and one thin, Little Annie confronted the silly Gungan leader Nas with big eyes and small eyes.

"Okay! Two people, we don't have time to continue arguing here!"

"Head Anne, I still said the same thing: What about the thing you promised me? Now if you have a better way, I agree to terminate the adventure plan, otherwise, I am afraid you can only go with us. Take action and go to fight the enemy together."

Queen Amidala doesn’t want to waste time here on some minor issues, because her people were ordered to be locked into concentration camps by the governor of the **** trade union, and there is news that they will be within a day or two. Was transported away?

As for whether it is true or not, and where it will be transported to, she really doesn’t know exactly, but in any case she must crush the trade alliance’s conspiracy before her people are transported away, and It must be this afternoon, even if one more day or one more night, she can't wait!


∑(??△`)? !

Hearing that Miss Amidala said that, Little Annie was stunned, and then she took out a communicator from her pocket and looked at it. After she found that there was no new information, she quickly released it again. Went back.

"I'm afraid it won't work!"


"What the badass Nova said, before the new speaker is elected, he can't help you call the fleet, because that is illegal, and it may cause other troubles?"

"So I can't help but wait for news from her temporarily..."

(* ̄△ ̄*)

"But can't you really wait for another day? I tell you, your plan will definitely not work, but at the latest tomorrow, our fleet can help you get rid of the broken ships of the trade alliance. Gone!!"


Now a guy named Nova has not sent the latest news. Although I don’t know why the other party didn’t reply to his inquiry, Xiao Annie knew that the Supreme Speaker of the Galactic Republic must have not been formally elected... …

Annie didn’t know what the Nova was tossing about, and why the other party had to wait for the speaker to be elected and authorized first. However, since she had agreed to that guy before, she can only prepare to comply with their previous rules. I plan to wait and see the promise that I made. Anyway, she asked yesterday that the election has ended, and the result should be tomorrow.

And this is exactly why she wants the lady Queen Amidala in front of her to stop her crazy few times and wait for her for a day.

"No way!"

"I'm sorry, Head Anne, we don't know when the trade union people will transport our people away, so we can't wait for a long time!!"

Queen Amidala was very stubborn and stubbornly rejected a little girl's proposal.

Although all the problems of their Naboo star can be solved by waiting one day, she only needs to sleep again, and when the sun rises tomorrow, she may be able to lead the Gungan army back to Sid City. To her palace? But there is no way. If you wait until tomorrow, maybe her people will be transported away by the trade alliance. At that time, there will only be her a queen and a few survivors of Naboo. What is the point of taking it back?

Therefore, no matter what the trade alliance's mind is, and whether the other party did it deliberately in order to force herself to appear, she must implement the plan they made today, and it can't be delayed for a moment!

"and many more!"

"You just said to call the fleet? What fleet, where are they?"

Although Kuigang King is a Jedi Knight, he has never been the kind of stubborn and conservative guy, so he thinks that if there is a fleet to help now, it might be better than them rushing to the palace to take risks or cheating. Stupid Gungans go to die?

"I won't tell you!"


Seeing the other party, she seemed to want to know. Little Annie, who was about to say it just now, suddenly changed her mind. She just refused to say it, so she was angry with him! !


The Jedi Master Kui Gang Jin almost didn't choke, he could only turn his head in a hesitant way, and looked at the Queen Amidala with questioning eyes.

"No way!"

"I can't wait any longer. If you don't have any comments, please prepare as soon as possible. We need to go through the dangerous geocentric tunnel from here to reach the outside of Sid City. There will be no peace along the way!"

After speaking, Amidala, who was unwilling to explain more so as not to have extra branches, turned and left in a hurry.

Because she got a secret message that has not been announced to the outside world, the people in the trade alliance seem to be really crazy. They not only plan to sell their people, but also plan to publicly execute the arrested righteous soldiers of the resistance army tonight. So, they really can't wait any longer.

This afternoon, before dusk, she must pay the price for the governor of the trade union, the **** Newt Gunley! !



"You must not be able to beat them. Anyway, you and these native Gungans must not be able to do it. Don't you think about it?!"


Seeing that the other party was about to leave, Xiao Annie finally tried to keep her, but she didn't understand. Why are these guys in front of her so stubborn? That kind of outrageous plan, she knew with her toes that it would be impossible to succeed. At that time, maybe she would be tired to save them?

"little girl!"

"We Gungans are not natives!!"

Ga. Ga Binks saw Queen Amidala and the other men leaving the field. Before he followed to leave, he walked up to Annie and made a funny face before dangling his soft hands and A pair of big ears left proudly.



"Forget it! You adults are really annoying, just do it with you, when you regret it!!"


Little Annie decided that those stubborn guys, those bad guys who wanted to die but lied to the Gungans to die, she should leave them alone. Anyway, she is not very familiar with those individuals, and the relationship is even more ordinary. So, she should stay in the Gungan army and help these stupid natives!

After all, there are many of those natives who kindly picked her a lot of delicious fruits and delicious fishes. Therefore, she felt that she was obliged to ensure the safety of those foolish natives, even among the Gungans. Some idiots don't like her, too?


After all, if the natives are defeated and captured by the robot army of the Trade Alliance, who will find her delicious fruits in the forest and catch delicious fish in the sea?

"Let's go, Tibbers!"


"We have to prepare too. I hope that the Gungan people have enough underwater diving tools, and that their tricks against deep-sea behemoths work well, otherwise it will be fun later!"


Now that those guys and countless Gungan'warriors' have also begun to pack their bags and prepare for that long-distance raid that seemed extremely funny in the eyes of Little Annie, there is no way, seeing that she cannot persuade those people. So I had to carry my own little bear and hopped forward, ready to find a more comfortable position among the Gungan diving tools, so that I could take a good look at the seabed during the next few hours of travel. The scenery and those big monsters of the deep sea?


(● ̄(??) ̄●)


Sid City, the beautiful capital of Naboo, looks exceptionally beautiful under the sunlight in the evening...

Especially the huge domed palace of Queen Naboo, which is located on the trading port pier and cliff waterfall of Sid City, that beautiful, and is the tallest and largest building in Sid City, and the high cumulus sunset on the horizon Under the golden sunlight, it looks extraordinarily gorgeous!

In the usual times, in this magical and charming palace, there will usually be the kind of faintly spread throughout the city, the kind of famous music played by famous musicians, so that the whole peaceful city is immersed in the melody of peace, harmony and happiness. Among.

But today there is no...

Now there is not only the royal music of the past, but also the pedestrians and noises on the streets. Instead, they are patrolled one by one, armed with cheap and extremely hot E-5 explosive rifles. people.

At this time, there is no original Naboo in this entire city of Sid, so that if the robots are removed from the city, it looks empty and cold, and the original residents have been ordered. Escorted to the concentration camp at the trading port terminal, ready to load the ship when night falls, and then be shipped to space early tomorrow morning!

And by then, it is said that the cargo spacecraft of the trade alliance will fly to Naboo, and then by the way all the hapless Naboo people will be transported away?

Of course, that kind of thing obviously has nothing to do with limited intelligence, only the B1 combat robots that follow the orders, so whether they are on the street or in the palace, they are still doing their best to defend and patrol.




At this time, in the palace of Nabhid, in a hall leading to the core of the palace, a group of tall and thin, resembling human figures, their white metal skeleton and exposed joints make them quite a weird Movable skeletons and B1 fighter aircraft with backpacks and slender heads are standing guard and chatting here.

Yes! Just chat! !

For those who have a certain degree of independence, are not clever enough, have some small disputes when there is no accurate order, can talk, have simple thinking procedures, and think that they are the smartest one. Chat when ordering, and supplement each other's lack of vocabulary or something, that is, they are one of the few pastimes.

Of course, most people can't understand their communication, except to see them nodding and shaking their heads, or occasionally uttering a few words of unknown meaning, nothing else.

‘! ! ’

'Hey! Man, who are they? ’

'do not know……'

‘It’s like that Queen Padmé Amidala, why did they run back by themselves...’

‘I don’t know, the order is being checked...’

‘Hey, guys, they rushed over, what are they trying to do? ! ’

‘I guess, you want to attack us? ’

‘No, are these humans crazy? Don't they know how many robots like ours are in this palace? ’

‘Now you are going to ask them...’

'not good! They are speeding up, as if they are really going to rush over? ! ’

The large group of B1 combat robots that are on alert, when they saw the enemy rushing towards them, and saw that two of them had drawn out two shiny lightsabers, their slender His head began to talk and communicate urgently.

However, due to the lack of accurate orders, they didn't know what to do for a while before the other party officially launched an attack on them. They didn't know whether they should shoot to destroy the other party or arrest the other party?


Suddenly, without waiting for them to receive a message from the commander, nor waiting for them to decide what to do, a small dark thing rolled under their feet.

'what is this? ’

‘Looks like a bomb? ’

‘How do you know it’s a bomb? It didn’t explode...’

‘Yes! Maybe it's just a piece of scrap iron? ’


boom! ! !

Suddenly, the piece of black stuff that was just described as scrap iron by a certain B1 combat robot exploded, and instantly emptied dozens of low-cost B1 robots in the palaces and gave them to When it exploded, it turned into a pile of dim and broken pieces.

‘! ! ’

‘What a bomb! Hurry up, we are attacked, fire! Fire! ’

‘Call for support! ! ’

After turning their heads to look at those companions who had shattered the ground and the dust and smoke that were rolled up by the shock wave and sound, the remaining B1 combat robots raised their E-5 blasting rifles. Shoot at those enemies.

Soon, the two sides shot and attacked each other in this small palace and corridor...


"Obi-Wan, we rushed forward and must eliminate them as soon as possible!!"

The battle only took place for a short while, the Jedi Master Kui Gang Jin faintly noticed something was wrong, and then he hurriedly shouted to his apprentice Obi-Wan.

"Master! I'm afraid not!"

"You should look at the back for yourself..."

However, what is waiting for Kui Gang King, is his apprentice Obi-Wan's regretful sigh?

Immediately afterwards, as he reflected a beam of explosive energy in a lightsaber and successfully destroyed a B1 combat robot, he turned his head and saw that they appeared in the narrow corridor in their path. A large group of Destroyer robots with powerful double-barreled cannons hung from the end of their heavy mechanical arms with their combat forms and shields deployed?

The number of them is level by level, and even a cursory glance can let Jedi Master Kui Gang Jin know that there are at least hundreds of units or more, which is far from what they can handle! Moreover, what made him feel even more terrifying was that at this time, there was a man in black robes who also held a double-headed red-blade lightsaber, that is, the Sith warrior who had faced off in the desert of the planet Tatooine. , At this time the opponent was blocking the road in front of them with almost the same number of Destroyer robots.


‘Do you want me to order you to be beaten to pieces, or lay down your weapons and surrender? ’

Look at the group of Queen Amidala present, and then look at the two Jedi warriors who are deterred by the Destroyer robot's twin-barreled guns, who dare not move, wearing black robes and holding red double-headed light blades. Asked with a grin.



There is no doubt that this is a trap specially laid by the enemy!

Therefore, seeing that the front and back are blocked, the enemy is unexpectedly strong, and there is no way to escape from the left or right, including Queen Amidala and two Jedi Knights, when they helplessly put down their weapons After allowing those B1 combat robots to put their shackles on them, this trivial assault battle was declared to be over early.

‘Look, I said they were fools, right? With such a small amount of people dare to launch a surprise attack on the palace guarded by our thousands of brothers, there is nothing more stupid than them! ’

'you are right! ’


After watching a large group of friendly forces disarm and **** the important suspects that they had sent to the door, the few B1 fighters who were just on alert here and luckily were not destroyed by bombs and enemy attacks. People began to talk proudly at the enemies.


Almost at the same time, outside of Sid City, the Gungan army, the Gungan warriors, whose diving tools were scarce and only two thousand people could be here, were also lined up in formation, majestic and majestic. Armed with shields and waiting for those in the distance that are coming out of the city, the number of B1 combat robots may be as many as hundreds of thousands attacking them.

Although this behavior was ridiculous, they came because they had to buy time for the small units that were raiding the enemy’s castle, even if they didn’t know that the raiding troops they had high hopes for had already been completely overthrown. Including the two Jedi Knights, have all become prisoners of the enemy?



"Really, people knew it would be like this..."


After perceiving the fate of some idiots, a little girl lurking in the distance of the battlefield curled her mouth uninterestingly, and began to play around with a pendant of the electromagnetic rifle weapon in her hand, and quickly opened a certain low frequency. Laser switch button.

Now, for those troops with neatly arranged native Gungans, for those who walk, or ride large or small dinosaurs, with bows and spears in hand, trebuchets, and plasma on their backs. Bombs, even idiots carrying large shield generators with huge dinosaurs are dismissive!

In her opinion, if she didn't make a move today, these stupid guys who ran to be gunners would not even want to go back alive!

However, it is different now. With her Lord Anne head here, as long as they don't run into the enemy's trap like some fools later, they will definitely be able to go back alive intact! !



"It's been useless for a long time, should it be like this?"


Little Annie was lying wretchedly on this hidden hill in the distance, and also turned on the invisibility function of her ghost suit to ensure that no one would discover her existence, and she muttered something like she was talking to herself .

Because, now she is fiddling with the gun in her hand and using a low-frequency laser to lock the turret of the middle AAT tank in the middle of the robot army! At this time, in her eyepieces, she could clearly see a small red dot in that place, but those low-cost robots would definitely not be able to spot it.

And behind Annie, there is a small missile launcher standing upright and a small cylindrical tactical fusion bomb above it! !

This is a relatively suitable tactical weapon, not the kind of ‘planet destroyer’ that weighs tens of billions of tons at every turn! Therefore, Little Annie can now lie here with confidence and prepare to launch it. As for what consequences it will cause later, she doesn't know much.

After all, in general, the tactical fusion bomb is relatively safe, and the combat uniform on her body has the ability of three defenses. It is also far away from here. It will be a gust of wind at most, which will definitely not cause her What a big problem!

As for those, they will be exposed to relatively clean nuclear radiation for a short while, and will not die if they are affected by the shock wave of the strong wind! Besides, they are protected by shields, should be no problem!


That's right, that's it! If they will be affected even if they open their shields, then we really can't blame her...


(● ̄(??) ̄●;)


(??????`??) Happy New Year?? Red envelope?? Tickets?? Happy New Year (??????`??)

Wonderful book house

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