Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 934: The main gun warning from the Protoss Mother ship?

Latest website: Time flies quickly. Now, it is the second day after the farce fighting that took place inside and outside the capital city of Naboo...

Today, it seems to be the 25021th year of the founding of the Galactic Republic, New Year’s Day, January 1st. This was supposed to be a day that all the participating countries of the Galactic Republic should celebrate, but, unfortunately, in the outer ring of the galaxy. There is no celebration at this time, the insignificant and remote agricultural planet Naboo!

Not only is there no such huge celebration as in previous years, there is not even a living person on the street?

Instead, there are teams of B1 combat robots carrying E-5 blaster rifles and Destroyer robots rolling by from time to time, standing guard on the street or walking in a neat formation. .

Of course, in addition to the robots, there must be those MTT combat robots waiting on the side of the street to transport loading tools and hideous AAT anti-gravity tanks!

The reason why this is happening here is actually because now the entire Naboo Star has been completely occupied by the B1 fighter robots of the Trade Alliance!

Right now, almost all the Naboo people have been imprisoned in concentration camps, and if it weren’t for their Queen Padmé Amidala, who had been caught in the trap yesterday afternoon and was successfully captured , I am afraid that they have already been transported outside the territory of the Galactic Republic by the governor of the Trade Union, so how can they spend a new day in the new year on their home planet? ?


At this time, in the glorious classical building with a long history in Naboo, in the beautiful and elegant, at the bottom of the palace that originally belonged to Queen Naboo, the Queen of Naboo, Padmé Amidala and her The maid, her escort, her royal pilot, the Jedi master and his apprentices are neatly detained in a large, sturdy multifunctional riot cell, and the outside of the cell is two rows B1 combat robots holding E-5 blaster rifles and four Destroyer robots with their shields turned on and double-barreled blaster guns facing them!

Obviously, including Queen Padmé Amidala, these squads who did not listen to advice and made a death raid on the palace, as expected by a little girl, were directly captured by the governor of the trade union. That's why she was kept in this cell in her own palace, and she was closely guarded by two batches of robots. She must be unable to get out...

In this terrible situation, if they dare to act rashly, whether it is the double-barrel blaster cannon of the Destroyer robots or the E-5 blaster rifle in the hands of the B1 fighters, they can easily blast everyone in the cell. When it is easily beaten into a pool of rotten meat, it will undoubtedly be like that!


Therefore, after a night of torture at this time, Padmé Amidala never spent more time thinking about the doomed and futile'how to get out of trouble', but just stood in the innermost cell in a daze. In front of the only window that could see a small piece of sky outside the palace, he looked up at the tough and thick steel wan and said nothing.

The time at this moment may have been almost nine or ten in the morning, which can be judged from the early morning light that can be shining in at an angle just now, which is completely invisible now...but the time is not It is meaningless to everyone at this time, so now she can do nothing except see the little blue sky and white clouds outside the cell window.

As for the fact that there is such a cell in his palace, Padmé Amidala has always known...


For the Naboo people who love peace, stay away from disputes, and live in an idyllic fairy tale dream world, such so-called prisons should be completely redundant facilities, right?

Because the crime rate here in Naboo is extremely low. Even in the past, although there are some Naboo people who violate the law from time to time, there are very few evil felons who need to be put in prison, let alone need to be detained. That kind of weird thing in the prison of the Queen's Palace!

Anyway, in the past, Queen Padmé Amidala herself felt that the lowest cell in her own palace might never be of any use. Its existence is useless, at least She would definitely not be used during her own tenure.

In short, she really thought that before...

However, now something dramatic has happened: the palace cell that she thought would never be of use, this one has been sealed off in the decades of her memory and the decades of palace records she has seen. The place where no one even cleaned it, when it was used for the first time, she was actually to imprison her, the queen of Naboo and the original owner of the palace? !

This kind of thing is indeed very ironic...


‘Female, your Majesty, or else, you should take a break? ’

The little kid Anakin looked at the maid who had pretended to be the queen, and got along well with him. She was considered to be more beautiful than the angelic aliens, but she was in the Gungans not long ago. In front of the leader Nas, the Queen's sister who suddenly showed her true identity, looked at the other side standing under the bars and looking up at the window, she couldn't help but want to comfort her.


It's just that when he took two steps towards the other party, he had to stop again. He originally wanted to say something to comfort the other party, but after thinking about it, he still wanted to say something. The words that were obviously useless were swallowed back, and he walked to the side in a jealousy.

Now, all of them are locked in the lowest level of the Naboo Palace. He knew from the iron fence of the small window in the cell that they would definitely not be able to escape!

Because now there are a large group of B1 combat robots and four Destroyer robots with shields on and waiting in battle watching their every move. On the other side of the cell, outside the small window is a cliff. With the surging sea and the blue sky, whether they want to escape from prison, there is definitely no hope.


"Obi-Wan, will we be killed by the trade union people? Or will we be sold by the trade union people as they say and become slaves again?"

There was no way, and could not bear to disturb the Queen, who seemed to have caused everyone to fall into the trap due to a stupid plan, and caused a serious blow to his self-esteem, so Anakin had to turn his head and walk to his teacher Kui. Gang Jin and his brother Obi-Wan next to them.

Knowing that his life as a slave is difficult, he can't help but start to worry about everyone's future...

Anakin himself doesn't care, after all, he is used to being a slave. What he is worried about is the beautiful Queen Amidala. Once the other party is sold, it will definitely be worse than them. !

Although he didn't know how miserable it would be, he only knew that the beautiful female slaves he knew before were all suffering from the torture of slave owners, not like his Anakin. Is this kind of special treatment because of its superb electronic technology?

"I do not know……"

"But Anakin, don't worry too much. I have a hunch that we will be fine! In fact, I saw the faint omen of the future, and we will all be fine..."

"Not today anyway?"

Obi-Wan wanted to raise his hand to touch and comfort little Anakin’s head, but after trying hard, he soon had to give up. He could only vote for the opponent, which seemed a little reluctant. Far-fetched smile.

As to whether the so-called ‘hunch’ he just said was really felt by him with the force, or just what he used to comfort the little child, Anakin, I’m afraid he only knows.


"Obi-Wan! Are you true?!"

Blinking his eyes, he turned his head for the first time to look at the one behind him, still unmoved, still looking up at the sky outside the iron window, it seemed that he hadn't heard the conversation between the two of them just now, and he was only young. After only one glance at Queen Amidala, who was only a few years older than himself, Anakin turned his head regretfully, staring at the Jedi apprentice brother Obi in front of him with the look of expectation. Prosperous.

"of course it's true!"

"Anakin, you have to believe that the Force never deceives people. You have to learn to sense and call carefully, and then you can definitely feel them..."

"The Force, it is an energy field created by all living things, it surrounds and permeates us, has the mysterious energy that condenses the entire galaxy, it is everywhere and knows everything!"

Nodded very firmly and smiled, and after trying hard to signal and suggest to the other party, so that the other party should not be too pessimistic, Obi-Wan lip gloss turned his head and turned towards the master Kuigang King beside him, towards this The Jedi Master, who has taught him how to use the Force for many years, looked at it and wanted to see if the other party could solve the current plight of himself and others.

Although he also knew that people like them had been up all night, since they hadn't figured out any good way to get rid of the current predicament in one night, there must be no other better way now.

"Anakin, I am not very worried about our situation, everything will be fine."

"Maybe Obi-Wan is indeed right, and I don’t have that particularly bad feeling, because when the Force cultivation base reaches a certain level, the Force practitioners have some predictable future or are Dangerous ability..."

"Now I don't feel any danger that may be imminent, in short, that feeling is very strange, you will understand later!"

"But don't abuse this ability, because the elder of the Jedi Council, Master Yoda, has warned us that we must use this power carefully?"

Speaking of this, the Jedi Master Kui Gang Jin seems to have thought of something in general, so he just changed his mind:

"So, it is the Gungans that we should worry more about now. I don't know what their situation is like at this time. I hope it won't be too bad..."

"The horrible explosion that we felt when we were put in the cell yesterday, you must have a deep memory... the momentum must be the fluctuation caused by the explosion of nuclear weapons! I clearly felt the horror The shock wave and the powerful radiation generated in an instant must be the devastating weapons of mass destruction used by the Trade Alliance against the Gungans."

While speaking, looking at the shackles that were specifically aimed at the Jedi Knights in his hand, the Jedi Master Kui Gang King sighed silently.

Unlike others who are just being imprisoned but are able to move around freely in the cell, he and his apprentice Obi-Wan, two Jedi knights, were specially taken care of and put on both hands and feet so that they could not struggle and The special shackles that used the force to resist, so that it is very difficult for them to even stand up and move, let alone find a way to escape and other things, they can only sit on the ground so depressed, waiting for trade The people of the alliance judged their impending fate.



With the morale-damaging words of Master Qugang Jin, Obi-Wan and Anakin, who were still talking just now, became wilted instantly...because they also knew clearly that the Gungans were certain There is no such kind of powerful nuclear weapon that emits great power! Therefore, there is no doubt that the huge explosion and vibration shortly after they were arrested yesterday was definitely used by the robot army of the Trade Alliance to deal with the 2,000 ‘army’ of the Gungans!

In fact, the two of them were very, very worried about the current situation of the Gungan people, and tried to pray for each other...

Although they themselves knew that the Gungan people’s condition would certainly not be too good, because after the explosion yesterday, there was no more movement outside, so the battle must be over...

The result of the battle is obvious from the current calm situation in Sid City!

Therefore, the only thing they can hope for now is that the Gungan’s large legion shield can withstand the opponent’s weapons of mass destruction, and hope that the opponent will be clever enough after the terrible explosion. Run away as much as possible before being annihilated by the robot army, dive into the ocean below the earth's crust, and then run as far as you can, and never come back easily to die?

‘! ! ’

Suddenly, Qui Gang Jin seemed to have discovered something abnormal!

'Well? ! ’


He raised his head for the first time and looked at one of the four Destroyer robots in front... and then soon, whether it was him or the companions around him who also found the abnormality, and those standing guard The B1 fighter aircraft only found:

The powerful machine that was still holding a shield just now could use the dual-barreled blast cannon hanging from the end of the robotic arm to aim at everyone in the cell, and the Destroyer robot that could continuously fire powerful beams of destructive energy. After blinking twice, the shield on his body was directly closed and quickly slumped down softly, and there was still a trace of lightning flashing on his body. I don't know what happened? !


‘? ? ’

‘Guys, look, what happened to this guy? ! ’

Obviously, the relatively clever B1 fighter robots also found something wrong. They found the Destroyer robot with abnormal conditions? Therefore, they all turned their heads together, and used their curious, pointed long gilded heads to look at the ‘colleague’ who was lying on the ground at this time and had no idea what was going on.


‘I’m motionless, it looks like it’s out of power...’

'Do not! I think it should be out of order! You see, the kind of electric sparks coming out of it must be caused by a short circuit, poor dumb guy! ’

‘Yes, it’s malfunctioning! Although their cost is more than one hundred of us, the better the quality and the more complex the structure, the easier it is to fail and the lower the reliability! Unlike ours, the simpler the structure, the better the performance and the less prone to problems. ’

‘Man, you’re right! ’

‘Right! ’

‘It’s really unlucky, it must be the batch with the worst quality...’

‘Kolicoid people may cut corners, but we are not at all! ’

"Because our cost is very cheap, we can no longer cut corners..."

'Oh! This is bad news...’

The B1 fighters that stood in two groups started to get together involuntarily, and then you began to tell those who were more expensive than them, the weapons were countless times better, and shields. Strictly protected on the ground, deformable, fast-moving, and its importance and status in the trade alliance are much higher than their consumables.

Seeing problems with ‘colleagues’ whose cost is higher than them and more important than them, these low-level ‘consumables’ must definitely be ridiculed.



Suddenly, another Destroyer robot began to flash bursts of lightning, and then, the B1 fighter robots saw again: The blue shield on the opponent's body that was originally continuously opened was also shaking suddenly and suddenly. After flashing two times in the dark, he immediately languished on the ground and squatted down, just as motionless.


‘This is the second one, what’s wrong with them? ’

‘I think they may be out of power, because they keep their shields open, that must be very energy intensive! ’

'makes sense……'

'Hey! Guys, it seems that the **** designers are right not to equip us with shields, at least we don’t have to worry about breaking down suddenly after the battery is out? ’

‘Right! Suddenly, I didn't really envy them, these expensive guys. ’

‘It shouldn’t be dead, I think it’s more likely to fail by itself? ’

‘I don’t know, my logical calculation did not come up with any correct answer...’


Seeing another Destroyer robot lose its shield and slumped to the ground again, the two rows of B1 fighter robots who got together began to gloat again and talked about it.

Their smart logic program, which was designed extremely simple to squeeze the cost, did not think about it more, because the Destroyer robot in front of him did not have any traces of being attacked, and there were no enemies around to launch an attack, and the opponent had just returned With the shield on, it suddenly collapsed. It was definitely not caused by other external factors.

Click! Click! Click! Click!

At this time,

The remaining two Destroyer robots first glanced at the prisoner in the cell and found that the people inside were just looking outside curiously, and the two Jedi Knights couldn’t even stand up, let alone deal with them. After their comrades had messed up, they also curiously moved their clumsy three legs in attack form, bypassing the gloating B1 fighter robots, and walked in front of their two comrades, seemingly wanting What's the matter with the two companions who are standing together with the scanning device?



Click! Zizi!

At this time, without waiting for them to start a full range of fault scanning with detection equipment, suddenly two clusters of lightning appeared on their bodies almost at the same time, and then the three steel limbs trembled together, after struggling for a while Just like the two Destroyer robots in front, they had to close their shields and lay on the ground feebly and motionless.

‘! ! ’

'Hey! Man, the big thing is not good, they don't seem to have no electricity or malfunction, but they were attacked by the enemy! ’

‘How did you know? ’

‘? ? ’

‘Look! The wounds behind those two of them! ! ’


‘It’s a bit like the power supply circuit and logic operation board of the energy pack being cut by the light blade? ’

‘The cut is neat, it seems that it was cut deliberately...’

‘But where is the enemy? The Jedi are locked in a cell, and they don't have lightsabers in their hands! ’

'report! report! I didn’t find the enemy either, there was an error in the logic operation...’

‘9528 is right, I didn’t find any enemies either! ’

‘Or, shall we report up first? ’

‘The suggestion is feasible...’

Huh! !

Suddenly, a red light flashed by!

Immediately afterwards, they did not wait for those B1 fighter robots who were squeezed into a ball and looked nervously around to discuss a reason. After that red light flashed by, they had two rows of nearly twenty B1 fighter robots. After being cut in half by Qi Qi, they lay on the ground and exposed the molten wound on their abdomen.

There is no doubt that some of them are not wrong, there is indeed an enemy here, and they attacked the four Destroyer robots and all the B1 combat robots in the scene with the light blade! It's just that it seems to be a little late before they find out now?

'report! ’

"There is... the enemy enters..."

When the pointed head was painted with yellow paint and the captain with the communication backpack on his body, the B1 combat robot finally let out such a sigh and saw a light from the twisted hexagonal force field. Behind the small figure that slowly appeared, the pair of electronic eyes on its head completely lost energy and dimmed, and could no longer move.

Under the infiltration and attack of a little ghost agent, the two teams of B1 combat robots and four destroyer robots responsible for guarding the cell have been declared annihilated!

"Eh heh heh..."


A laugh that made everyone feel familiar and sounded a little thirsty...

‘! ! ’

'It's you! ’

‘Annie? ! ’

'Great! We are saved now! ’

‘Your Majesty? fast! come here quickly! We can go out soon! ’

Soon, they discovered the anomaly and saw that all the guards were wiped out, but in the corridor of the cell that was empty before them, a beautiful tight-fitting suit in red, white and gold slowly appeared, carrying it on his shoulders. After a long Gauss rifle that was seriously inconsistent with the body, and a familiar little girl who was holding a red single-molecule light knife with the energy blade in her hand, those Nabo stars who were locked up in her cell The people couldn't help but cheered in a low voice.

Yes, they are saved now!

This is something to celebrate! Because, just now when they were still sad and felt that the mountains and rivers were all in doubt, they soon discovered that Liu Yinhuaming another village was successfully rescued by the little girl in front of them who had strongly opposed their raids! !



After looking around and finding that no more enemies appeared for the time being, Xiao Annie hurriedly lowered her voice and warned some of the dead Naboo people:

"Keep your voice down!"


"There are still a lot of robots outside. Although someone has just destroyed the monitoring equipment here, if you make too much noise, you will definitely attract the robots outside to check in!"


Little Annie, the ghost agent who was conducting a secret operation, did not want her perfect infiltration rescue operation to be destroyed by some idiot adults, so she hurriedly talked to these people in front of her, thinking that this is still their home. The cloth stars put on a little stinky face.


"Annie, hurry up! Destroy this depression and save us, and then help us destroy the shackles of our hands and feet!!"

After seeing Naboo's maid, guards and royal pilots shut up for the first time and quieted down, the Jedi Master Quigang King hurriedly ordered to the little girl.

It seems that his and Obi-Wan’s perceptions were indeed right before, and this time they were caught by a miss and it was indeed a surprise! Isn't this? Just after being caught and locked up for one night, this amazing little girl wore her battle armor and sneaked into the palace to save them.

"That won't work!"


"Those people from the trade alliance have set up special alarms on the device in this cell. If I break through the cell door, I will surely alarm them! By that time, tens of thousands of robots will come towards you, you Are you scared?"


Little Annie directly refused the request of the Jedi master Quigang King, and then stood so carelessly in front of the prison door that instigated the 360-degree spherical shield and beamlessness, looking at those inside. Poor prisoners.

Anyway, if she is discovered by the enemy's army of robots, she is definitely not afraid, even if she doesn't want to open Wushuang and crusade against the enemy generals, she will just run away in stealth if it is a big deal, then there is no big deal! But for these hapless people in front of them, their fate may not be certain.


"Could it be that you have no other way?"

The Jedi Master Kui Gang Jin was stunned, then subconsciously lowered his voice and asked.

He didn't understand the thoughts in this little guy's head. If he couldn't save them, what would it be for the other party to act rashly on the robot guarding them? Once the situation here is discovered by the enemy, I am afraid the governor of the trade union will definitely take measures against them, and it will be even more difficult to save them at that time.

"Well... it seems that there is no..."


There may be other ways, but if you rely solely on the ability of ‘ghost agent Annie’, there is no other way for the time being.


"Then what's the use of you coming here to attack these guards?"

Finally, after being sluggish for a while, before his teacher, Jedi Master Kui Gang Jin, spoke, the outspoken little kid Anakin took the lead in questioning.

Because he also seemed to be concerned about the little girl in front of him, Annie, who came here to attack the robot guards who were monitoring them, but said that it was difficult to understand how they could do nothing to save them?

"Of course it's to see you!"


That’s right, Little Annie didn’t think about rescuing the stubborn stupid guys in front of her from the cell, and the reason she sneaked in and attacked the combat robots and destroyer robots was simply because they hindered them. When it came time, she was just talking to these idiots in front of her!

She just ran here to see some people's pitiful way of being imprisoned in a cell, so that she wouldn't rescue them! Because that kind of thing is completely different from her plan!




The people in the cell, whether it was Queen Amidala who was overjoyed just now or Master Quigangjin, or the kid Anakin in doubt, after hearing the nonsensical words of a little girl, Bian Qiqi fell into a sluggishness, not knowing what to say.


(● ̄(?) ̄●;)

(Tibbers said that their expressions are right, because ah, isn't the horrible little lord waiting to see them look like that? It seems that only that way can show her previous opposition How wise, great and correct?!)



"Actually, there is one more thing about people coming here. I just heard what you said, and now I’m telling you: Actually, the Gungans have nothing to do with them. They are all fine now, none of them died! I should have heard the movement of the big fireworks outside, right?"


"At that time, people threw a big firework at the robot army, and directly exploded the robot army, and then the Gungans ran out of fright!"


After speaking, a certain little girl smiled carelessly, and directly explained the sigh made by a Jedi master when she hadn't done it before.

As for what these stupid guys in front of her thought about her not intending to take action to rescue them, she couldn't care about it for the time being, because, ah, the kind of thing to save them, it really was not in her head Anne's plan. Inside.

‘! ! ’

"Annie! Be careful!!"


Suddenly, in the exclamation of the Jedi master Kui Gang Jin, everyone only saw that a very fast figure rushed over from the corner of the corridor in the distance, and then a light blade that was also red resolutely turned towards Cut the little girl's neck sideways!


!? (?\'\'??)?

Little Annie quickly drew out her single-molecule light blade and sparked a bright red light, and directly blocked one of the double-headed red light blades that the opponent had cut over!

Cang! !

After a sharp, metal-like collision, her small figure was knocked backwards by the enemy's huge strength and impact! However, without waiting for the people in the cell to scream out again, only to see her body twisting dexterously in the air, and then after a hard step on the opposite wall, she rolled lightly and fell to the original place.

From her grinning face, everyone could not help but breathe a sigh of relief...

Obviously, the little girl now seems to be at ease, and does not seem to use her full strength? Because, many people present, such as Jedi master Kui Gangjin and Jedi apprentice Obi-Wan? They know, that little girl, that head Annie, the other party still has a unique power!

‘! ! ’

‘That is... the Sith Warrior! ! ’

"Annie, you have to be careful, the dark side of their force is very powerful, you must treat it seriously!!"

After Obi-Wan exclaimed, the Jedi master Kui Gangjin also hurriedly stood up, ignoring the heavy burden of the shackles on his hands and feet, and directly warned the little girl. .


∑(′△`)? !

"Very powerful? How powerful is it?"


Little Annie looked at the other party, and then she didn't see what was good about him.

Because, in addition to the so-called dark force in the opponent's body, it seems that it is not much different from a stronger ordinary person. At most, it is an unarmored target with a lightsaber in hand. It's no big deal.

‘Anyway, awesome! ’

‘Head Anne! ’

‘Since there’s no way to save us without disturbing the enemy, you should run first! Remember to let your federal congressmen send warships to rescue us and fulfill the original promise! ! ’

‘? ? ’

‘Yes! Annie, Queen Amidala is right, you should run faster, the sooner the better, use your invisibility that the enemy can't see! ! ’

Now that the Sith warrior appeared in front of him, the matter was already obvious. It is certain that she will be surrounded by countless army of robots when she is discovered soon. By then, I am afraid that they will be rescued in the end. A glimmer of hope is gone!

Therefore, after Amidala intervened and warned the opponent, Master Kui Gangjin followed the opponent's words and persuaded a little girl who was eager to try and planned to fight the enemy here.



"Is it really amazing? But if it's amazing or not, people must try it first to know!!"


After that, little Annie, who was a little unbelievable, directly lifted the large-caliber 20mm special Gauss rifle that she had been carrying and shot it at her opponent! !

Huh! !

Of course, the Sith warrior who seemed to have some connection with the Jedi warrior directly raised the double-headed lightsaber in his hand and waved vigorously!

In an instant, the large-caliber metal bullet that was launched split into two halves!


Almost instantly, two terrible blood holes popped open in the head of the Sith warrior. The red, white, and green were all shot out toward the wall behind, and there were even a lot of splashes that were splashed. The faces and clothes of the Naboo people detained in the cell!

Obviously, after the large-caliber bullet fired by the little Annie was cut in half by the enemy, it still cast the head of the heartless Sith warrior directly into a ball. The minced meat only left a **** neck in Bobo and some bits and pieces attached to it...


After trying to stand and shake for two seconds, the body of the'Sith Warrior' who had almost become a'headless warrior' finally collapsed, and the blood that flowed directly stained the floor of the originally clean palace cell red. A large piece.




At this moment, whether it was Master Kui Gangjin, Apprentice Obi-Wan, Queen Amidala, Little Anakin, and the Naboo guard maids and royal pilots present, they could only stare blankly at the dead. The corpses on the ground were silent for a long time, and even the blood that had just splashed on their faces forgot to wipe...

They couldn't believe it. They just rushed in, and at a glance, they knew that the Sith warrior who was not easy to deal with was so swiftly and neatly that he was knocked down by the little girl's bullet?


(? ̄? ̄)︻デ═一


(● ̄(?) ̄●;)

"I said, this is what you guys say very well?"

╭(′?o?′)╭?? ?

"Also, do you Jedi and Sith warriors use the wrong place in your mind? It will be enough to avoid them for a while, and you have to play the trick of lightsaber reflecting blast energy beams and bullets. Right?!"

?(?`▽′?)╭? Haha!

You know, the gun of Xiao Anni is not a blaster rifle, but a special, 20mm caliber, a super electromagnetic sniper rifle specially made by Flame Goddess I SS-01! And more importantly, it is a large-caliber Gaussian live ammunition weapon!

That's live ammunition, not the kind of ‘wow! Whoosh! Whoosh! The massless blast energy beam, this is the point! !

So, the other party didn't hide, and subconsciously wielded a lightsaber to chop the 20mm Gauss bullet with super kinetic energy. Isn't that stupid?

Look, it's messed up now, right? !

"Look at it. You don't need a good shield, and the armor is not worn. You still want to use a lightsaber to chop off the supersonic bullets. Isn't this sick?!"


Little Annie said that in fact, she had just had a chance to escape, because the Sith warrior, like the Jedi warrior, has high physical explosiveness and quality. As long as the response is timely, there will be no problem! But it turned out to be good. The other party had to perform that kind of light blade reflecting the enemy's attack, and also wanted to reflect his own bullet...



‘Teacher, I suddenly feel that Your Excellency the Führer Anne is right. We Jedi Knights can’t just hold a lightsaber, but also use armor and shield generators! ’

‘If he had just carried the shield generator on his body, he would not die! ’

After a long while, before everyone came back to their senses, the kid Anakin, after wiping the blood on his face, suggested to his teacher, Grand Master Kui Gangjin.


And beside Anakin, the Jedi apprentice Obi-Wan also sympathetically agreed with his younger brother's words in his own heart, and then took a last look at the Sith warrior whose head was gone. I think so!


Master Kui Gangjin is speechless now...

Because he found that if it was him who had just stood in front of the little girl, he would subconsciously try to bounce or knock off the enemy's bullets just like the reaction of the Sith warrior! Then, his result seemed to be the same as the hapless guy who fell on the ground?

"All right!"


"Now that the time has come, before the enemy combat robots have come here, people should start summoning the fleet to help!"


I feel like my mission has been completed today, and the BOSS that just appeared can't help fighting, so Xiao Anni decided not to continue playing with those boring trade alliances, and it would be better to clean up the mess here!

Besides, the villain Nova has just sent a message, so now summon a small fleet to clean up the trade alliance ship in space!


‘Führer Anne, are you going to send someone to arrest the governor of trade now?

Seeing that a little girl seemed to have taken out some kind of equipment to transmit a signal, Queen Amidala in the cell ignored the maid on the side to wipe her blood and dirt, and asked hurriedly.

"Does it take so much trouble?"


"People think that as long as they destroy their warships, and then block the planet in turn, he can't get away anyway, so I don't have to work hard to catch him, just wait here!"

o(′^`)o hum!

After that, Xiao Anni directly turned on the instrument and entered her authorization key, and as agreed with the Nova villain before, she directly sent out the fleet call signal and coordinates, and she waited in the cell. .


Almost at the same time, in the outer space of Naboo, a huge blue portal appeared.

Then soon, an equally huge golden spacecraft with a blue water well that I don’t know what it was installed at the center, but exuding terrifying energy, appeared in Naboo with a large group of golden spacecraft with the same main color. Above the sync track.


‘The first squadron of the Golden Fleet of the Kepru District Hero Federation is instructed to take over Naboo and hereby warns: the trade alliance, please surrender unconditionally before the three warning readings are completed, otherwise, we reserve the right to attack! ’

‘Warn once! ’

‘Warning twice! ’

‘Warned three times! ’

Fire! !

In less than three seconds, those three warnings ended in a hurry...

Then, before the commanders of the trade alliance could react, a huge white light pierced the horizon of the and instantly penetrated the ship transformed by the transport ship of the trade alliance. , Not so much a battleship as a tattered gadget of an armed merchant ship...

The silent explosion blew up in the universe instantly, and the huge, more than 3,000-meter-in-diameter trade alliance robot-controlled ship exploded in an instant and was completely destroyed!

What those trade alliance commanders may never know is: The so-called warning is actually just a process... For a certain little girl's order, shooting and destroying is the main purpose? Therefore, certain commanders of the Protoss carried out very thoroughly, and they did not give the enemy the slightest chance to hesitate and surrender! !


╭('?o?')╭? The police! Some people here do not vote! Catch them!

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