Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 935: ?? (? D? ; ≡ ;? D?)?

Latest URL: ‘Protest! ! ’

‘Dear congressmen, please listen to me...’

‘??????????????????????????????????????? ’

'Hey! Ignore that guy...’

‘Hum.! ! ’



'quiet! ! ’

‘Members! Please pay attention to your identity! Please maintain the discipline of the council! ’

‘Now, the Presidium of the Parliament of the Republic allows representatives and members of the Trade Union to come forward and speak about Naboo and the destroyed warships of the Trade Union! ’


The planet Coruscant, the capital of the Galactic Republic, on this extremely prosperous, crowded planet with a full five thousand layers of crust and one trillion permanent ground inhabitants, on the arc-shaped deep pit-shaped dome of the giant steel mushroom In the parliament hall, representatives from the various participating countries of the Galaxy Republic, after the new speaker was elected and sworn in yesterday, they once again became like a vegetable market early this morning in the parliament.

Of course, the reason why those MPs are clamoring and tossing is not because of the legitimacy of the new speaker or other issues, because there is no problem! And the real reason is still the long-delayed thing about the trade alliance and Naboo?


What is being noisy and discussing is no longer about the trade alliance blockade and invasion of Naboo, but about the trade alliance’s robot-controlled spacecraft being destroyed by the Hero Federation’s warships without warning, causing the spacecraft to be destroyed. The countless Nemoidia and some related personnel and materials suffered heavy losses, plus those millions of B1 combat robot army, various equipment, and battles captured by Naboo and the Hero Federation after losing the robot control ship. Materials and trade union governor Newt Gunley and so on.

So, at this time, the arguing matter and the positions of the two sides of the debate have completely reversed from the state of a few days ago! Right now, the representatives and lawmakers of the trade alliance who had been evasive and refused to acknowledge the fact that they had blocked Naboo Star before it was their turn were anxiously dumbfounded.

‘We protest! ’

‘We strongly protest against the cruel and **** violence of the warships of the Heroic Federation countries destroying the legal merchant ships of our trade alliance! ! ’

‘That kind of atrocious brutality is a serious contempt for the sacred and inviolable laws of the Galactic Republic, a merciless trampling on the dignity of the Republic’s Assembly, and a barbaric deprivation of the legal rights of us legitimate businessmen and organizations! ! ’

'therefore! ’

‘We now request the parliament to initiate a proposal to investigate, punish and combat the brutal and violent acts of the Hero Federal National Fleet! In order to maintain the dignity and order of the sacred Galactic Republic? ! ’

The representatives and parliamentarians of the Trade Union in the Parliament of the Republic who got the opportunity to speak, when the anti-gravity seat platform that broke away from the wall flew to the middle of the parliament field, flew to the seat of the speaker and the platform of the presidium, they began to stand on the top When he got up, he began to complain and protest hysterically against the new speaker, Phoenix Valoren, and indignantly reprimanded the woman on the seat platform of a certain heroic federation.


In the new incident on Naboo that happened yesterday, the robot-controlled ship of their trade alliance has been destroyed!

It was the warship of that barbaric heroic federation that was horribly shaped like a regular triangle, with a strange huge energy crystal in the middle. The whole looked like a flat but it could keep the shield open, and the radius had reached a full length. The gold battleship of more than four thousand meters was destroyed! And it was the kind of complete destruction with a single shot, and there was no chance to resist or negotiate, so that their trade alliance directly lost countless people and all the combat units that landed on Naboo before they had time to react yesterday!

Even including the Governor of their trade alliance, His Excellency Newt Gunley?

So, how can the representatives and parliamentarians of the trade union, who are a little frightened now, not be extremely anxious, and how can they not protest loudly?

You know, yesterday, the Nova Senator and the Supreme Speaker had warned in the parliament. At that time, they thought that the other party was just the same as before, but they were just verbal, and they planned to continue to pester each other for ten and a half days. Months, until the Naboo star matter is completely legalized, and then see if there is a chance to remove the **** current Supreme Speaker again!

But as a result, something unbelievable and dumbfounded by the people in their trade alliance happened...

Yesterday, after the Supreme Speaker was formally inaugurated, as the other party’s final warning time arrived, the other party actually sent a fleet to Naboo's star in ignorance of the laws of the Republic, and made a bold move. , Without giving any opportunity for explanation and negotiation, directly destroyed the robot-controlled ship of their trade alliance and caused them to suffer heavy losses?


‘The protest of the Trade Union, the Speaker and the Bureau received...’

Phoenix Valoren, who was re-elected as the Supreme Speaker of the Parliament of the Republic, did not give any explanation, but coldly moved towards the representatives and members of the Trade Union who were jumping like clowns and protesting loudly.

If he was a little worried before yesterday, and his confidence may not be very strong, then now, his Phoenix Valoren, the "new speaker", is really completely relieved and can finally straighten his waist. !

Because, the Nova Senator from the Hero Federation of Kepru District, she not only fulfilled her promise to him and made him the second speaker successfully, but also showed him the powerful military of the Hero Federation. Part of the power is enough for him to maintain the dignity of his speaker in this council that speaks with power.

and so,

For those people in the trade alliance, he had reasoned with them before, but they talked about the process; he talked about the process, but they talked about the law; he broke the law with them, but they played hooligans with him; Now he has to play hooligans with them, but they in turn want to talk to him about the law... He, Phoenix Valoren, the'new speaker' is very disdainful! !

Therefore, he has made up his mind and does not intend to care about the opponent's protests, especially now that the initiative is entirely on their side?

‘Congressman Nova...’

‘Excuse me, do you have anything to add to the protests and complaints made by the councillors and representatives of the trade union against you and your country? ’

For a long time, when the representatives of the hysterical trade union and the congressmen had finished speaking their words, and calmed down a little bit, and stopped bouncing on the seat platform, they did not take the other party’s protest behavior to heart. Speaker Phoenix Valoren turned his head slowly, looked in a certain direction in the Congress Hall of the Republic, and signaled it to light up, indicating that the seat platform belonging to the Hero Federation came to talk with the representatives of the Trade Union. Confrontation and defense.

Of course, regardless of the outcome of the defense and confrontation, he, the highest speaker, will not pass or initiate any effective resolution today, because he just used the same trick they used to deal with him before. Secrets, drag down those trade alliances alive!

After all, at that time, he almost came to a bleak ending and had to pack up his things and leave Coruscant, a planet that made him sad, ready to find a remote planet to live forever!


"Of course there is!"

The seat platform that controlled her flew slowly to the rostrum, and after nodding to the highest speaker who was amicably nodding towards her, Nova turned around and stared at those on the opposite side and saw her appear. After that, he became a little hysterical, and he dared to use that big scarlet eyes to lock onto his trade union funny councillors and representatives.

What those ugly alien monsters might not know is that Nova is disdainful of their words and deeds!


"The parliamentarians present here, as well as the parliamentarians and representatives of the trade union opposite..."

"We do not deny that our warships destroyed the spacecraft illegally invaded by the Trade Alliance and arrested the governor of the Trade Alliance yesterday, because that incident was indeed done by a small formation of the Golden Fleet of the Heroic Federation Protoss clan. It is indeed a conclusive fact!"

At this point, Nova stopped, and first glanced jokingly at the Nemoidyas who were still staring at her with round and red eyes, before she turned her head and continued to say:


"I must reiterate one point here: Our Hero Federation's fleet took over the security and defense work of Naboo Star with the authorization and letter of the new Speaker of the Speaker, His Excellency Phoenix Valoren, and at the same time, there is also Pader of Naboo A legal escrow agreement signed by Queen May Amidala is an operation that is extremely correct, just, and completely legal!"

"For any hidden dangers that threaten the safety of the planet and orbit of Naboo, we are fully responsible for removing them within the scope of the rights granted by the Constitution of the Galactic Republic!"

"So, for the safety of Naboo, our warship directly destroyed the trade alliance warship yesterday and captured the Governor of Naboo, Mr. Newt Gunley, who invaded Naboo. That was done in accordance with the relevant security laws of the Republic. , I don’t think there is anything wrong with that?"

Nova smiled and said her words one by one, and then, regardless of the fact that the faces of those Nemoidyas who were originally green-skinned became greener, she hugged her arms and waited for each other with her eyes. The reaction, even the slightest respect for the other party is not enough.

to be frank,

Nova is still not accustomed to the work of congressmen who deceive or deceive each other in the parliament, and if it was her temperament, she would have directly sent hundreds of ghost agents to surround the Galactic Council and put all opposition. All her **** congressmen were killed, and then the organizational structure had become extremely loose, and the Galactic Republic, which had almost no national-level armed forces, could be left to her alone!

Of course, if that happens, what kind of bad situation and turmoil will be caused, it's not her Nova's business!

Anyway, when she thought about it, it would be nothing more than fighting each other, fighting big and bad fights, and messing up the galaxy...If that were the case, she might be more at ease? Because, she, the highest commander of the ghost force and the second (third?) ghost in the entire stellar zone, has actually been used to the lifestyle accompanied by explosions and gun smoke for a long time. That is her Nova Most yearning.

"and many more……"

"This seems a bit wrong?"

"Your Excellency Nova Senator, as the representative and member of Naboo Star in the parliament, why I have never heard that our Queen Amidala once signed the agreement to let your country’s army trust Naboo Star? Agreement? When did that happen? Can Senator Nova explain to me now?"

At this time, the Senator Nabsing who lost the election for the highest speaker due to some reasons, the Senator Schiff Palpatine suddenly took control of his own seat platform and flew out, and approached the To both sides of the challenge, he asked such a sentence pretending to be curious and unknowingly.

But I don’t know why. As a member of Naboo Star dispatched to station in the Coruscant Galaxy Council, he said this at this time. He is a little bit suspicious of helping the trade alliance? As for what he was thinking about, no one knew.

Perhaps, he just flew away just because he was not satisfied with his seat of the highest speaker. Therefore, he was dissatisfied with the ‘sweeping love’ Nova and the “new” Supreme Speaker Phoenix Valoren. Choose this time to jump out?

‘! ! ’

‘No, yes! ! ’

‘Our trade union strongly protests this! ’

'Because the Queen Padmé Amidala was under the supervision of our trade union... No, she was receiving the protection of our trade union, so you will never have any legal and effective trust signed by her. file! ’

‘In this regard, our trade alliance has solemnly protested and questioned the illegal actions of the Federation of Heroes! ! ’

Seeing that Congressman Palpatine of Naboo came out to speak to himself and the others at this time, the Congressmen of the Trade Union froze for a while, and then hurriedly continued to protest loudly after the other party's conversation.

‘Congressman Palpatine! ’

‘You did not apply to speak, and the presidium did not give you the right to speak, so please withdraw immediately! Otherwise, you will be forcibly expelled from today's parliament scene! ! ’

However, the highest speaker did not look at the seat platform of the trade alliance, nor did he listen to the opposition's protests and questions.

He just slowly stood up from his seat of speaker, and coldly moved toward the idea of ​​the stupid woman who flicked Queen Amidala on himself to vote of no confidence in himself, and wanted to win the throne of his highest speaker, but In the end, Congressman Palpatine yelled.

What the other party did, he has probably investigated almost, so he won't give that guy the slightest face now!



There is no way, the high-level officials crushed people to death, and now there are many parliamentarians behind the speaker and the very strong and heroic Federal Congressman Nova, so Palpa, who saw that the opponent's waist became extremely hard. Ting, in the end, just opened his mouth slightly, and then he didn't dare to say anything. He honestly controlled his seat platform and flew back to where he was just now, and docked on the wall lined with countless seat platforms. it is good.

'right now……'

‘Congressman Nova, may I ask, do you have anything to add to the protests and doubts of the trade union? ’

It was getting late, and the Supreme Speaker felt that Phoenix Valoren suddenly felt that it seemed necessary for him to get off work on time today and go back for a few drinks?

As for the trade alliance’s demands, I’m sorry...Although he has heard it, he decided to use his power in the hands of the highest speaker for the time being to force him to postpone it for ten and a half days. Discuss when you have time.

Think about it before, he hated this procrastinating parliamentary style, and has always wanted to deepen reforms in order to completely eliminate the vice? However, I don’t know why. Today, he suddenly felt that that kind of policy and complicated bureaucratic procedures are sometimes quite good...So, he suddenly changed his mind now and didn’t want to carry out relevant reforms so soon. Until he changes his mind one day in the future?


"As for the issues and doubts about the legality of the documents just described by the councillors and representatives of the Trade Union..."

"That's too simple. We will definitely let the Queen Padmé Amidala submit a copy of the'custodial agreement' to the parliament by tomorrow at the latest, and guarantee its legality, even the date. It can be written a month ago, then there is no problem?!"

I feel a little upset. For Nova, who is already a little impatient with a group of idiots who can’t see the situation in this closed parliament hall, she sneered in her heart before using it. That indifferent attitude ridiculed the funny Nemoidyas in front.


Now they have the initiative in the parliament, and the Queen Amidala of Naboo did have an oral agreement with her. Their heroic federation's warships attacked the trade alliance and took over Naboo. The idiot queen agreed, so she didn't feel the need to talk about that kind of boring thing.

Now, whether she is in the parliament or outside the parliament, her strength is absolutely stronger than that of the trade alliance and the other party’s gangs, so of course she doesn’t care at all about the other party’s feelings, regardless of whether the other party accepts her or not. That remark just now!

'what? ’

'This one……'

Although, the wording of the Nova Senator just now is a little bit inappropriate, and the matter of supplementing the documents is a little unlawful... However, the Supreme Speaker, Phoenix Valoren, thinks that such a small flaw is nothing. Big problem? So, after thinking about it, he just touched his nose awkwardly, and didn't express any opinions about it.


Regardless of whether the document is supplemented or not, and no matter when the date is written, he, the highest speaker, will definitely sign and stamp it directly, and he believes that the members of these presidiums who have worked with him for many years will also affirm it. Will not raise any questions about this!

Therefore, this matter is probably going to be like this.

'protest! ! ’

‘Everyone has heard it, our trade union protests this! Outcry! ! ’

‘The act of taking over Naboo Star and attacking the legal merchant ships of the Trade Union and unreasonably detaining the governor of the Trade Union by the army of the Hero Federation is a serious violation of the law. Such acts of aggression and war must be condemned most severely! ! ’

‘Therefore, we hereby propose: Immediately hold a vote in the Parliament on the Heroic Federation’s attacks on us and illegal occupation of Naboo! In order to sanction and punish their barbaric acts of contempt for the sacred laws of the Galactic Republic and trample on the dignity of the Parliament! ! ’

Of course, after hearing the strong and blatant words of a certain woman, the representatives and parliamentarians of the trade union, which was already hysterical and lacking in confidence, jumped up on their seat platform again and started Many of their supporters and allies of interest clamored loudly together.

At the same time, they acted decisively and immediately launched an investigation and sanctions against the Hero Federation against the Presidium! !

'protest! ’

'Outcry! ’

‘Support the resolution! ! ’

‘Sanction that domineering woman and their country! Limit their fleet! ! ’

‘They have to pay for their actions! ! ’

'protest! ! ’

Soon, the whole parliament became noisy again...

The representatives of certain countries or organizations that support the trade alliance, have interests entangled with them, or are struggling for other reasons, have stood up and clamored loudly in the parliament, trying to force the presidium to submit. , And caused other unidentified or neutral MPs to start whispering or talking loudly or quietly.

‘! ! ’

‘Everyone is quiet! ! ’

‘The resolution initiated by the councillors of the Trade Union has been received by this presidium! The decision of the Supreme Speaker is now announced: the dispute between the Federation of Heroes and the Trade Alliance and the investigation and voting of Naboo Star are now temporarily put on hold and handed over to the Presidium to study and discuss, and it is decided that after 15 working days, the trade alliance Initiated a vote for the final parliamentary discussion vote! ’

‘Now everyone stands up! ’

‘The meeting is over! ! ’

Finally, without waiting for the noise in the parliament to continue, under the direction of the Supreme Speaker Phoenix Valoren, the alien sitting beside him with horns on his head and neck, the members of the presidium fiercely Li stood up from his seat, and directly suppressed the noisy sounds in the noisy council with his loud voice and PA equipment.


After announcing the arrangement of the Speaker of the Speaker, Phoenix Valoren, after the decision to force the vote to be put in half a month, he announced the adjournment of the meeting without giving the representatives of those trade unions a chance. People, let them and their supporters completely have no chance to use the topic!


Seeing that the Presidium and the Supreme Speaker began to leave the meeting, and seeing other congressmen whispering to leave this parliamentary hall where there was no need to stay on time, Nova finally coldly turned towards the trade alliance that was glaring at her. The delegates glanced at it, then turned their heads with a sneer, and began to control their seat platform and flew back.

For those trade union representatives and their accomplices intending to do things, Nova felt it was futile and extremely ridiculous! Because, if that kind of feeble protest is useful, what is the significance of their armed and trained troops in the Kepru District?

"Huh! A bunch of idiots!!"

If she really annoyed her, maybe she would just fool them directly, the little head of state Anne, who took the fleet to destroy all the parliamentarians and the country who dared to oppose them, and see if they have the guts to stand by then. Add blockage to her in this council?

‘! ! ’

'You wait! woman! You and your country will certainly bear the anger of our trade alliance! ! ’

'I promise! Most definitely! ! ’

Seeing the dissolution of the parliament and seeing that the resolutions submitted by them were delayed for fifteen working days before voting, the representatives of the trade union angrily shouted to a woman who was gradually flying back from the seat platform. Roared.

Because after fifteen days, it doesn't matter whether things are legal or not. They know that kind of thing! So, now they really have made some preparations, intending to take certain necessary measures against the Hero Federation's fleet, against Naboo, against the Nova Senator, and then let the other party know that their trade alliance is not easy to mess with!


"Really? I am very much looking forward to it..."

Hearing what the other party said, Nova rarely stopped the seat platform and turned around.

"Whether it is against me or our federation, I welcome any retaliatory measures taken by your trade alliance because of this!"

"It's just that I have to remind this trade union member? Maybe you don't know that the countermeasures of our Hero Federation have always been very violent, very violent..."

"So, please think twice before acting?"

What's the joke, she didn't even threaten the other party with force, the other party actually threatened them first?

Do they feel that their Hero Federation has not enough fleets, or that their fusion bombs are not enough to razor their planets, bases, or factories to the ground? !


"Let's do that for now, goodbye idiots!!"

After finishing speaking, Nova, who didn't plan to waste time with the clowns here, turned around smartly, directly controlled the seat platform and flew back quickly, never wanting to take a look at the representatives of the trade alliance and the councillors.



Behind her, there are representatives of the trade alliance and members of the trade union who are still reluctant to leave, and are gritting their teeth looking at her back and whispering, not knowing what they are trying to do.


When the galaxy council on Coruscant was very busy and the meeting just ended, in the synchronous orbit above Naboo, the royal interstellar spacecraft of Naboo took Anne, the little head of the heroic federation of the Kepru region. , As well as Queen Padmé Amidala, Quegang King, Obi-Wan, Anakin, Gungan representative Jia Jia Binks, and many others finally arrived at the Protoss steadily. The ship was emitting a beautiful and luxurious mothership radiating golden and blue energy, and landed on a battleship docking platform.

"Salute you!"

"The greatest Master Anne! May Carla be with you!!"

When Xiao Anni expertly led a group of people, she just slid down directly from the handrails and slid down from the handrails without disintegrating from the gangway extending from the unarmed and ragged Naboo Royal Starship exit. At the time, a tall stature, perhaps more than two meters, wearing beautiful golden armor, violet skin and blue-white energy-emitting eyes, led a group of fanatics and high-level temples to greet him.


∑(??△`)? !

"It turned out to be you, Serendius, the big horse face..."


"Hello, it seems that I haven't seen you for a long time! Oh, don't be so polite, we are already familiar with it!!"


After standing firm, I realized that the person here was the face of the horse that I knew very well. Cerandis and Little Annie happily stepped forward and patted the other party's arm, indicating that the other party did not need so much courtesy.

Originally, she was planning to pat the other person's shoulder, but unfortunately, she seemed to be not as tall as the other person. Even if she stood on tiptoe, she would definitely not be able to shoot the other person's shoulder, so she had to give up temporarily.


(● ̄(??) ̄●)

"this is……"


"Good, so powerful energy response, who are you guys, are you all Jedi Knights?!"

The two Jedi knights, Kuigang King and Obi-Wan, who had just stepped off the Naboo Royal Starship, were shocked by the energy reaction of the stars in front of them! And, don't know why, they actually felt the powerful force reaction around the other party?

That feeling, as if the Force was cheering and cheering because of their arrival?

In this case, neither the Jedi Master Quigang King nor Obi-Wan have ever seen it, and even more so have never seen so many creatures with powerful energy responses! Moreover, they also discovered that, farther around, those people who looked the same as the heroic Federation soldiers named Protoss who were welcoming in front of them had the same powerful energy reactions in front of them as well?


It’s a big spaceship, and it’s beautiful. Is this the military strength of the Hero Federation?

Unlike the Jedi Knight Kui Gang Jin and Obi-Wan who are interested in races they have never seen before, Queen Amidala is obviously more interested in the huge and charming ship in front of her. It is more like their Naboo style warship. Be interested.

Therefore, while sighing in her heart, she inevitably began to scan this magical warship that was incompatible with the Republican style with her own eyes regardless of her identity.


"No! We are all templars!!"

Cerandis glanced curiously at the human being who was following the Lord Führer who suddenly sighed. She didn't understand the relationship between the other party and their Lord Führer, so she used their special way. This is explained in everyone's heart.

In the division of the celestial spirits of Thrandis, whether it is a fanatic, a high-ranking temple, or another class, it can be said that they are noble templars. It is not because of their profession and kind. There are differences in appearance, because Kara connects all of them, even across planes and galaxies!


"No! You...what were you talking to me just now?!"

It's okay if the other party didn't "talk" to him. After saying it, the Jedi Master Kui Gang Jin was as if frightened, and he stared wide-eyed and couldn't help but step back.

"That's a connection of hearts, can you not make such a fuss?"


"Okay, don't ask so much! Cerandis, hurry up and find me something delicious, and then by the way, introduce your mothership to those who have never seen the world!"


Little Annie didn't have time to talk with these yelling guys for too long, because she kind of missed the food in the star zone... I hope this Protoss mothership is ready to have those she likes Delicious!

Of course, no matter what it is, it must not be the kind of military food that is delicious, but she has already eaten it! Because, there are still a lot of those things in her bag. If she wants to eat, she won't rush to this celestial mother ship in the name of taking these guys to visit and visit.

"As you wish, Lord Führer!"

"Everyone, please come here..."

Seeing that the head of Führer Anne, who had not been seen for a long time, still had the same appearance and the easy-going temperament of the past, Cerandis felt a little relieved in his heart, and stretched out his hand towards the visitors. Signed, let them follow their own pace.



"Don't wait for you, they will pass by first!!!"


Little Annie, who seemed to feel or smell something good, didn’t wait for the Serendis behind her to lead the way, nor did she wait for the Naboo stars who were curious about the baby’s appearance. He directly carried Tibbs, his little bear, and ran forward in a hurry.

For Little Annie, who is already very familiar with the structure of the Protoss’ Virgin Ship, it’s not difficult to find a place where she can have a big meal, so she doesn’t plan to pay attention to those slow guys. .


"This Her Majesty Queen Padmé Amidala and this Lord Qugang Jin Jedi Knight?"

Obviously, Thrandis knew the identities of the two people in front of her, and she had already seen each other's information.

"First introduce, my name is Serendith, a templar from the Protoss clan in the Kepru region, and a high-level executive officer, the commander of the Golden Fleet and the leader of this team. Come to the Federation Commander of the Galactic Republic!"

"Before arriving at our Protoss and Meeting Hall, let me give you a brief introduction to our Protoss's great mothership..."

Seeing her own head of state walking fast in front of her, and looking like she can’t wait, disappeared soon afterwards, she felt that it might be a bit impolite to run with visitors to catch up with her, so she was patient. Tempered, slowly explained to these Naboo people...

During the golden age of Protoss expansion centuries ago, powerful motherships were built. Their first task is to serve as the flagship, command the huge Protoss expedition fleet deep into the universe and lead the fleet to return safely. However, those days are long gone, and the only remaining mothership has become a holy place for the Protoss, symbolizing the glorious life and proud history of the Protoss in the past.


Thousands of years ago,

During the golden age of the Protoss expansion, the Protoss’ Mother Ship led a huge Protoss fleet into the dark space, and its footprints almost covered the entire Kepulu region and most of the Milky Way...

But it’s a pity that the golden age of the Protoss is long in the past. The remaining motherships have gradually moved away from the battlefield in recent centuries, and have become the temples of the Protoss, accepting the worship of theologians and historians. . And later, if it were not for the ravages of the insect swarms and the fall of the planet El, the Protoss would probably not want to recall these oldest and most powerful war weapons at the same time!

"Guests, you can see that the piece in the middle of the spaceship is the heart crystal..."

Thrandis turned his head and motioned the visiting guests to look at the huge crystal in the middle of the spaceship that was emitting a blue intoxicating light.

In fact, each of their Protoss motherships has a large pile of heart crystals that contain a lot of psionic power! Officially because of that kind of energy, the Protoss mothership can distort or even tear space and time, using powerful energy bombardment to instantly destroy a large number of enemy warships and even several fleets! Even, if necessary, their mothership can level a planet or burn a hole in the planet?

The power and destructiveness of the Protoss Mothership is unquestionable. It is precisely because the mothership’s energy can destroy several enemy fleets or flatten the entire planet in a blink of an eye, and it also has an unparalleled planet-level defense. Will be sent by the Federation to the Galactic Republic in front of us.

Until now, many years ago, when the Kepulu region was played around by a little girl and unified and established a heroic federation of three races, the mothership of the Protoss Golden Fleet has been serving in the federation. And there are constantly new and more powerful motherships being created...

Of course, the most powerful is the Spear of Arden of their Protoss!

However, that kind of important Ark-class spacecraft will definitely not be easily dispatched out of the Kepru region, and even Archbishop Atanis’ flagship “El Shield” will not be easily dispatched. .

"It's terrible energy..."

"Although I am not a Jedi Knight, but I also feel that this spaceship is beyond our imagination..."

"Your Excellency Serendis Senior Executive, are these the main fleet of the Hero Federation of your Kepru District?!"

Queen Padmé Amidala only knew that this spaceship was big, strong, and terrible! As for more, she can't see it...but she only knows that this warship and the golden warships of various sizes and sizes outside alone can ensure the safety of their Naboo star. Not threatened by the fleet that the trade alliance might make a comeback!

"The main force?"

Thrandis turned his head in surprise and took a look at the Queen She didn't know what she was thinking in her blue-and-white eyes, but in the end, with a soft voice, I don’t know what tone of voice the voice was in everyone’s hearts:

"Perhaps, Her Majesty has any misunderstanding of the term'main fleet'?"

After speaking, Serendis continued to lead the crowd forward, unwilling to explain more about this, lest they accidentally frighten these in this universe, which are called in their large population of heads of Anne. "Indigenous" friends?


"Please go here, I think, you might be interested in some small things of our Protoss clan? If you can, trust me, I will give you a little bit as a gift when you leave... .."


??*????(ˊ??ˋ*)????*???? Ask for a ticket????*????(ˊ??ˋ*)????*??

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