Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 175: happy

After the joy of the senses passes, huge sorrow also comes; if it does not fully occupy your heart, it will completely make you feel confused and numb.

Loren can't remember where he heard this sentence, but he thinks it's not unreasonable ... at least once.

Le Ji is sad, probably this concept.

After indulging in joy, enjoying everything you can enjoy materially or spiritually, and all the happiness that can paralyze your mind, people ... are really numb; and the more you enjoy, the greater the sorrow that comes afterwards. The point where it can flow into a river.

I ate enough of my favorite food, drank countless wines, happily watched the movie, and read a book after sleeplessness ... The indulgence of indulgence, but the result is the same: tired.

The end of happiness is grief, and the peak of excitement is exhaustion.

The long backlog of emotions has been greatly relaxed, and will not feel happy, more like ... natural; people will become indifferent and calm, like detached from the world.

It seems that there is a saying ... what is it, what mode?

Oh, sage mode.

Loren, half asleep, let his thoughts drift away, no longer maintaining absolute calmness, no longer restraining himself, and was very random and cranky, thinking about what is what.

Isaac once laughed at his "state" more than once. In his eyes, all human emotions are actually a part of the body's functional response, at least the body's initiative is the vast majority.

Only rational and calm thinking is the embodiment of consciousness; so wizards must maintain absolute calm, and women who think emotionally in the eyes of most wizards are considered unsuitable to become wizards, and even produce "Witches all It's a serious prejudice like the devil.

Once obeyed by the body rather than consciousness itself, the low resistance of humans to the power of the void will be quickly corroded, engulfed or even completely "reformed", and become a "monster" or "living dead" manipulated by the force of the void.

Because of the absolute calmness and the difficulty of maintaining control of consciousness, the number of wizards is so rare that each region can clearly count with fingers.


Loren is very convinced that Isaac is now "indulging" in the emotions expressed by his bodily functions just as he once mocked him.

The midnight wind passed through the main entrance of Byrne Cathedral and echoed in the empty hall.

As the breeze shook the curtains, the windows on both sides of the hall shouted, and the heavy doors also made a "squeak" sound, but it was not noisy at all, and it seemed more silent.

It's clearly winter, but neither the blue stone slab under the spine nor the holy cross statue close to the head seems to be so cold.

The clothes of the two people were scattered in front of the main altar, distorted, or covered randomly. The random could not even cover how many should be covered, or "unnecessary" to cover the place.

Of course, neither Loren nor Charlotte is a pious "Holy Cross" believer, but he is still very worried about what he should explain to him if he was discovered by the young priest Webb.

I accidentally fell ... too cliché.

I prayed piously all night, and finally couldn't help falling asleep ... he should not believe it.

Stopping his cranky thoughts, the dark-haired wizard looked slowly, curled Charlotte's long hair spread, and pulled it firmly on his right arm. The slightly trembling cherry lips made a soft "huh" sound, even with brows. Also followed ups and downs.

She is pretending to sleep.

But Loren didn't want to break through, and even had the idea of ​​"if I could go on like this forever," although it just passed by.

Beautiful, straight, lazy.

She looked at her side naturally, and the three words immediately floated into the mind of the black-haired wizard.

Charlotte, who is passionate about costumes and banquets, may be the girl that Loren has contacted most about her "body"-her skeleton of the natural knight bloodline is actually wider than the ordinary girl, but the slender body is not at all It does not seem excessive, well-proportioned and not thin.

Well-proportioned and sturdy limbs, round and smooth curves, the thighs maintain a consistent roundness and fullness due to continuous exercise; obviously the body does not see any "cutting axe" corners, the skin is as white and delicate as silk, but contains With endless explosive power.

This is not the strangest.

Charlotte loves drinking, breakfast, lunch and dinner, as well as occasional "supper" in the afternoon snack time, at least one glass or more wine, what to drink, how much to drink, depends on the mood.

That's it, her abdomen is still so flat and thin, and she can't feel any fat on her side ...

This is also amazing.

With this idea of ​​"finding the truth", the dark-haired wizard added a little force, hoping to find some traces on the smooth and elastic skin to clarify the truth.


The tingling in his arm made Loren stop naturally.

Slowly turning his head, Charlotte was staring at himself, his watery eyes looked like a wronged, angry lion; a thin layer of cherry lips, perfectly "fit" on Loren's right arm.

"You bit me."

Loren simply stated what was happening.

Glancing at him fiercely, Charlotte showed no signs of letting go.

"It's all bleeding."

Giving a glance at the red color on his shoulder, Loren recounted something that had happened.

So Charlotte bit harder.

"If you do this again, I'll call it. This is the main hall of Byrne Cathedral. It's across the corridor from Weber's bedroom. If I shouted, he must have been the first to respond, I guess. Both of us will be embarrassed, especially embarrassing ... "

The words came to an abrupt halt, and all were blocked in the mouth.

Of course, it would be better if there was no **** smell, Loren thought so.

Two minutes ago, the two ended the "suffocating game" before they were about to suffocate each other.

"Do you ... I think I'm a very annoying, too strong girl who doesn't know how to be considerate of others?" Asked Charlotte, blushing and panting.

"No, not at all." Loren shook his head. "I think you are a person who knows how to use your strengths, avoid your weaknesses, and is good at getting everything you want ... a girl."

"This is to repeat what I just said, and then change the meaning a little bit."

"Not at all. If you think about it, you will find many different places ... a lot."

"That's what you think, right?"

"I'm not."

"You really think so!"

Loren suddenly wondered how his words contained two distinct and opposite meanings at the same time.

Suddenly, a surprised thought suddenly poured into Loren's mind.

Oh, wait, is she ... coquettish?

With a somewhat inexplicable look, Loren set his sights on Charlotte's beautiful face-the frowned brow, the sword-like look, the red face trembling slightly, the cherry lips tight. , I can still see signs of teeth clenching ...

The fierce beast preyed on, and wished that he would devour himself alive the next second, making Loren smile slightly, and agreed with his thoughts in his heart.

That's right, definitely not!

I really think too much!

Charlotte Turin, her pride, arrogance, self-righteousness, all kinds of rules, customs and traditions ... is not so much because of education since childhood, it is more of a struggle, a struggle with the world.

She was proud because she did not dare to be weak, let alone expose her own kindness; she was so arrogant that she had to whisper to protect her family, and once she showed her weakness, she would only make the enemy worse.

Envious of Isaac, envious of Ayin ’s ability to have her own friends, not because she did n’t get it, but because she dared not fight for it—the fear of the other party ’s intentions and fear of being deceived, so she instinctively refused friendship;

As for the title of Earl, the adherence to tradition and rules is not out of education, but more like her armor; although this set of rules is not fair to her, but at least there are rules; facing such a world destined to be unfair The so-called "fairness" has long been a luxury.

Such a time of pride, doing everything in her power to maintain the status quo, living in fear, has created what is now Charlotte Turin ... when she really decides not to make a false "dream", "revival", she decides to The courage shown when I lived myself ...

It is her most charming place.

"Do you think I am special ..." murmured in a low voice, and Charlotte was still asking: "Specially frivolous?"

When asked, she blushed slightly.

Of course, what exactly became red, Loren did not see clearly, it was too dark.


Well, it is another proposition.

"You are drunk." Loren replied carefully.

Never answer her question head-on, and explain to her in a roundabout way ... This is the experience that Loren has spent years summing up.

Although this method is not easy to use, because Charlotte's mood is like a barometer of whatever he wants.

"But, but if it wasn't a frivolous girl, it wouldn't be done after drinking ... such a thing, right? Ain wouldn't ... no." Charlotte shook his head:

"Ai Yin doesn't drink at all, she doesn't let herself get drunk so irrationally, so impulsive ..."

She was still complaining, or tangled-the dark-haired wizard could even see one black and one white "Little Charlotte", hotly hitting her head, bright and colorful.

Charlotte, the obedience to tradition, is in the final death struggle with Charlotte, who lives for himself.

Loren understands exactly what she thinks now, no ... it should be because she has experienced a similar psychological experience, so she understands why she is so frightened.

Leaving the old "world" and entering a completely unknown environment is easily frightening; sudden changes in temperament are all light, even if it is a person, it is not surprising at all.

If you let Loren of your last life come into contact with yourself in this life, I am afraid that it will be difficult for both parties to understand each other ’s ideas at least. Crazy "power" can also use his own evil spirit to talk and laugh with apparently bad intentions.

Of course, if at that time, it seems that the present self is also the same as crazy.

So Loren has no doubt which "Little Charlotte" can win the final victory.

"Frogy is not frivolous, I'm not sure." Loren said slowly: "But I know you are brave."

Charlotte is still very unhappy: "I said, change what I said to a good vocabulary, and can't ..."

"Brave and frivolous, these two words are still different ... not simple antonyms or synonyms." Smiling, Loren interrupted softly:

"From the first time we met ... to be more precise, it should be the second time, I understand how brave you are."

Charlotte snorted, and seemed to disagree with Loren's "praise".

The haughty countess hated meaningless flattery.

Conversely, what she likes is the more practical and "reasonable" touted-grasping the degree is a more difficult job than defeating Evil God.

"Of course, I didn't like you very much at that time, and I was even exhausted to some extent-although I respect Leonardo, I don't have any feelings about the Turin family, and I don't feel that I need to be for this. What the family pays for. "

"But for you, the Turin family and the meaning of this surname are everything-I do n’t want to evaluate whether this is right or wrong, but obviously it is very important to you, so important that you can sacrifice your life for it. To the point. "Loren whispered:

"Status, honor, title, prestige, dignity ... and even myself, these can be abandoned for the same purpose; I have never experienced this feeling, and I never thought that I could pay so much for something that is not alive, so I also I dare not say that I can understand your mood and thoughts ... "

"What the **** do you want to say?" Charlotte was impatient.

"I want to say that when choosing between the Turin family and Loren Turin, I was completely shocked." The black-haired wizard looked at her calmly:

"Abandon all your dreams and place everything on the people you love ... Such a brave, I dare not imagine that I can do it."

"I ... Lorren Turin ... He Dehe Neng ~ ~ Beloved by such a brave woman?"

Charlotte froze for a moment.

The next second, she would be buried in the arms of the dark-haired wizard, clinging tightly to his chest, concealing a slight tremor, and an irresistible gleam in her eyes.

The cold winter wind echoed the humming sound in the hall, and the dark sky gradually revealed its light; at the end of the horizon, we could already see the signs that the dawn was about to bloom.

Gently holding Charlotte's waist, the slightly trembling body did not refuse or resist.

"It's almost dawn ... Webber should get up in an hour."

Gently attached to her ear, the dark-haired wizard whispered:

"We have at most ... an hour left."

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