Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 176: My price

? "I thought the person who invited me to discuss with me was Duke Byrne."

In the early morning, Victor Hughes, who was not too good looking, carried a refreshing mint tea and looked blankly at the black robe wizard, Dalton Kander, who was sitting opposite.

"After presiding over yesterday's ceremony, the Duke was very tired." Dalton was as brief and concise as ever, and as always disgusted with other people's attacks: "So I will perform the task of negotiating with the Sky Dome."

"The ceremony, tired?"

With a sneer, Justice Yuqian's face was covered with sarcasm: "You are referring to the farce that humiliated the Holy Cross Church, don't have a fresh wedding, or the last banquet-as far as I know, half an hour after the banquet begins , Our Lord Duke left the seat 'invincible'. "

"He has something to do." Frowning slightly, Dalton immediately changed the subject: "And I also believe that you don't care much about him."

"Yes, I don't care about him-he is a trouble, a scourge, a lunatic; but unfortunately he has a country that is loyal to him, a group of people who are loyal to him, and terrible caution And beyond imagination. "

Regaining his indifferent look, Victor Hughes calmly said: "So tell me, why did I wake up at this time specifically-shouldn't it be for the thing at yesterday's ceremony, apologize to me?"

"Do you need it?" Dalton Kander asked back.

"No need."

Justice Yuqian was also concise.

"Then skip this link." Dalton nodded slightly: "I specially invite you to come for the intention of cooperation between the Sky Dome and the Red Blood Fort."

Both people hate wasting time and the type of scenes, so they go directly to the topic.

Although the battle of Ebden was over, the battle of Deep Forest was not, and the enemy strength of Ebden was still there, and it occupied the only estuary of the empire and took the initiative in this war.

As long as Eboden is not recaptured, the empire will always be passively beaten-Eboden ’s terrain is not very open. Although it has the advantage of transportation, it is the limit to invest 100,000 troops at a time.

Not only that, the traffic advantage is conversely the same for the enemy-down the Gem River, the imperial capital of Golovin is within the threat of the Azores army at any time and anywhere.

This is absolutely unacceptable to the empire, and the enemy obviously has more troop-deployment capabilities. At the same time, the heavy infantry regiment that the empire relies on has little advantage over elf warriors, and its mobility is far weaker than the other.

The only shortcomings that can make up for this shortcoming are the Bayern Cavalry and Boye ’s Hussars; at the same time, the empire also needs the rich Principality of Bayern to bear some of the logistical pressure of this war for the empire.

Negotiations with the Principality of Byrne, showing good, to obtain more favorable conditions for the empire, is the last goal of Victor Hughes's trip.

So the question is coming ...

"I don't mean to detract from you, Your Excellency Dalton Kander, I know you are the mentor of Loren Turin." Victor Hughes frowned slightly:

"But this is something you can't decide-so tell me, where is Duke Byrne?"

"I told you." Dalton remained indifferent:

"Duke, there is something right now."


"So, let's get started ... although a little crude."

The young priest Webb slowly turned around and glanced at Loren, Ain and Charlotte, slowly spoke.

Yesterday ’s extraordinary lively Byrne Cathedral, but now it was restored to its original appearance due to the empty; the dawn of dawn through the fog, through the colored glass, poured on the blue stone plate, while illuminating The dust in the air flew like feathers.

This is a wedding that is destined not to go down in history—no groomsmen and bridesmaids, no guardians and witnesses, no seated guests, extravagant banquets and singing hymns.

"But for us, the wedding is not a happy thing-no, this is a responsibility, a commitment, a burden that is too heavy to describe." Weber said softly:

"What's more, in addition to ourselves and those who will be entrusted, who needs to witness our oath? There is the testimony of the Holy Cross, there is each other's eyes, and why should others watch to witness this sacred moment? "

"Men and women, the union in front of the Holy Cross-for this world, there is nothing more natural, sacred and pure than this; since it is so sacred, why must everyone witness it to prove its sacredness? "

The little wizard looked at him very seriously, and his cheeks flushed when he heard "joint"; while the dark-haired wizard shivered, Charlotte's side was even more panic, and he was afraid to confront Weber. Depending on.

The place where Weber is standing right now, to be precise, is the main altar and the Holy Cross statue behind him.

"Loren Turin." Webb the little priest called softly.

The dark-haired wizard nodded.

"We have been friends for many years. From the time you first appeared in Gumu Town, I was convinced that you must be carrying a certain mission." Weber sighed in a very solemn tone Road:

"This mission may be given to you by Holy Cross, maybe not; but in any case you are a person who lives for yourself but lives for others. Even if your actions are based on the standard of" hero ", I I ca n’t measure it accurately anymore. "

"You have great goals, heavy responsibilities, your own dreams, ambitions and desires ... these are all the burdens you have already carried."

"Now, I want to give you far more weight than all this, and even make you overwhelmed." Weber's tone became heavier and solemn:

"And not one, but two."

With that, the little priest ’s eyes were fixed on the actions of the dark-haired wizard: "Charlotte Turin, Ain Rand ... Both of them love you so much and are willing to sacrifice everything for you, And they have made sacrifices for you more than once and dedicated themselves. "

"Ai Yin, she will always make a silent contribution behind you, silently doing her best to help you-not asking for name, not seeking profit, she moved her one after another with her true feelings and full of hostility towards you people;"

"As for Charlotte ... she gave up the duke that might belong to her for you, gave up so many honors, and dedicated everything to you."

"So tell me now and answer me ... Are you willing to take this responsibility?"


"Never possible!"

Without even thinking about it, Victor Hughes categorically rejected Dalton Kander ’s proposal: “Although Eboden has been occupied by the Azores, it does not mean that the Nine-Mounted Sorcerer ’s Tower must be built in Bayern. ! "

"When the empire recaptures Ebden, it will still be there to rebuild the wizard tower!"

"The empire does not have that kind of financial resources." Dalton shook his head indifferently: "Bine has it, the Turin family has it."

It is precisely because Baine has such financial resources that he cannot rebuild the Nine-Man Star Wizard Tower in Baine-you already have the Empire ’s premier knightly corps, huge enough to compete with the Empire ’s financial and material resources, do you want to become a wizarding world? Is it the center, or even the leader? !

Of course, Victor Hughes will not say it; he also believes that the opposite Dalton Kant understands what he really thinks.

"The nine-pointed star wizard tower has the same status as the Golovin cathedral in the Holy Cross Church. Such a building should of course be built in the imperial capital of Golovin, not a southern principality castle." Put another way:

"Of course, if Byrne wants to establish his own wizarding guild, the empire will absolutely not intervene, and all burdens and responsibilities are the responsibility of Byrne himself."

To put it simply, this sentence means "The Empire will not interfere with the wizarding guild of Byrne, and you can do whatever you want; but the status of the Nine-Mang Star Wizard Tower and the Wizard World Center must be left to the imperial capital of Golovin- -Even if it is nominal. "

This is what Dalton needs, but he wants more than that.

"Sky Dome wants the Red Blood Fort to make concessions on the wizard tower issue, then it must provide compensation in other ways." Dalton said in a deep voice.

"In the next elven war, Red Blood Castle needs the power to lead alone."

"No, the Red Blood Fort must obey the order of the Sky Vault!" Victor Hughes categorically rejected: "This is a total war, and all empire must follow the order of His Majesty Connold!"

"In this war, Baine can bear all the expenses alone, without any supply from the empire."

"I said that this is impossible-all the wealth, military power and battle of the empire must be in the responsibility of the Heavenly Vault, planned by the Yuqian cabinet, and decided by His Majesty; no principality shall be allowed to fight privately, even more, without order. Disobedience! "

"We have agreed to the material needs of the Sky Dome and agreed to assist the Empire's legions in the following battle; is it not acceptable to make such a concession?"

"Of course we can make concessions, but it must be within a reasonable range-because the Red Blood Castle is a vassal of the Sky Dome, this is not equal negotiation, you and the Duke Byrne behind you have no right to make equal claims, please You know this, His Excellency Dalton Kander! "

"So what degree of concession is the Sky Dome willing to make?"

The indifferent Dalton still did not give up, and threw the question back to Victor Hughes.

"I said, we can make a certain degree of concessions within a reasonable range-we don't mind letting the Turin family get the due honor and benefit from this war, but the highest authority must belong to Emperor Connold ! "

"Since you are so persistent, don't give in." Dalton is still indifferent, and the opponent's toughness is not beyond his expectations: "Come on to make a deal."


"Yes, my offer is a third of the military expenditure and material circulation of the empire, and it is handed over to the United Chamber of Commerce in the Principality of Bayern; The compensation will be compensated by the United Chamber of Commerce. "Dalton said coldly:

"Will you do this transaction?"


"I do!" This is Loren Turin.

"I do!" This is Ayn Rand.

"I will!" This is Charlotte Turin.

The little priest Webb nodded slightly: "Since you all have no objections, then I officially declare as the bishop of Bayern and the servant of the Holy Cross. With the secular code, the doctrine of the church and the authority given to me by the Holy Cross, I will be granted The three of you are engaged and give you the power to formally join. "

"Since you are willing to make an oath to each other, your wedding will no longer require the witness of anyone-when the Holy Cross and your loved ones are witnesses of the oath, any outsiders ... including me ... are redundant "" Speaking of which, Weber couldn't help but chuckled:

"I guess this may be the most peculiar and most essential engagement ceremony I have ever hosted-so I have only one sentence to say ..."

"I wish you happiness."

Facing the hopeful gaze of the little priest, the dark-haired wizard nodded slightly: "Your blessing ... I, Loren Turin ..."



"Acceptance is okay, but only if you can come up with something comparable to this price." Victor Hughes sneered coldly, with a taunt in his expression:

"I heard that the mentor of the Duke Byrne is the Wings of the Sky, the founder of the Demon Hunter Legion; does it mean that you still have information about the Azores in your hand?"

"Frankly speaking, if this is the case, you do n’t have to think about it anymore-Your Majesty has already visited the battlefield and you should know everything; if there is anything you do n’t know, then it means that someone deliberately concealed and refused to report it ... it ’s to die. . "

"I'm afraid the intelligence of the Azores is not as good as the price I proposed." Dalton Kant didn't change his face: "The things I want to get out of hand are something that His Majesty Connold I can't expect. . "

"Oh, what's that?" Victor Hughes was interested: "What the emperor wanted but couldn't get ... what else exists?"


Dalton nodded slightly and said the name gently: "Rute Infinite."

"I know where he is ~ ~ Victor Hughes frowned, and an inexplicable panic surged into his heart:" You, you mean ... "

"He is the former leader of the night watchman, and he knows the truth of that night ... I can give him to His Majesty Connor." Dalton said coldly:

"I know that His Majesty the Emperor is also looking for him, right?"

"This kind of thing is not for me as an ex-Judge ..."

"But I want you to make a decision now, otherwise, please forget what I just said-seizing the night watchman's leader is equivalent to spying on the royal family. You and I know the consequences of improper operation, but if you succeed, you Would become an absolute confidant next to Emperor Connold; so tell me ... "

"Do you agree or not?"

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