Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 180: People in the shadow

? Bane, Red Blood Castle.


The gloomy clouds and the cold rain stained the once-lively streets with a layer of lead gray; the streets that became muddy with snow and sewage were very deserted, except for the hurried hurried home hangovers and Outside the traveler, few pedestrians could not be seen at all.

The dark-haired wizard wearing a cloak wandered the streets alone, covering his face with a hood as much as possible.

Thanks to Charlotte's carefully prepared ceremony and feast, the entire Baine went up and down at least in the Red Blood Castle, to the pub owners and down to the pub owners on the street. No one no longer knew what his prince looked like.

The advantage is that everyone knows him, the disadvantage is that everyone knows him.

Well, this is really ...


With a chuckle, pulling the corner of his mouth, the dark-haired wizard raised his eyes and looked at the front door of the tavern.

Just outside the Red Blood Castle, an ordinary pub.

Not long after the celebration, many foreign merchants and travelers stayed here-although the pub outside the city wall is relatively simple, it is better than good quality and cheap.

Clean beds, clean hot water, fireplace with roasting fire, free-flowing ale and dark bread, inexpensive wine and grilled sausages, stews and vegetable soups.

There is nothing more satisfying for a traveler who has traveled far.

Of course, it is also the favorite place for people who are interested in listening to the news-tourists from all directions, but also brought rumors and gossip in all directions; as long as you are careful, you can collect the information you want.

Pulling the hood over his head, the dark-haired wizard went straight into the tavern door.


"Rute Infinite?"

When he heard the name, Loren was slightly surprised.

"Rute Infinite." Looking at his apprentice expressionlessly, Dalton Kander repeated: "I told you to ignore him, he is no longer your enemy."

"But he is still my enemy-I will never mind him breaking the original agreement, using me, and turning me into his chess piece and layout plan again."

"So I found him, in my way; using his presence to benefit you and your Byrne, and revealed the news to the former magistrate Victor Hughes, in exchange for Ebden and Lotel The front-line battle report exchanged Victor Hughes ’personal commitment to secure a third of logistics control for Byrne in this war."

Dalton Kant's voice was smooth and calm, and he could not hear any emotions, no anger, no excitement, or show off.

He is stating one thing, but only one thing.

This absolute calmness does not cause any fluctuations in the instincts of the body's instincts, it is the style that a wizard should have.

"Can you be sure that he will really agree?" Loren was a little skeptical: "I understand Victor Hughes, this man is very principled, not the kind of person who will be blinded by the desire for power."

The relationship with the former night watchman's leader will inevitably spy on the royal secrets; once this kind of thing gets involved, it can't escape, either become the emperor's cronies or die.

Victor Hughes ... He is not the kind of guy who will do whatever he wants to climb up.

"He will." Dalton said coldly:

"Metternich Leopold is dying, and Connord needs an absolutely trustworthy minister of the seal, Victor Hughes, who is prepared by Metternich, he must seize this opportunity to win the emperor Absolute trust. "

The dark-haired wizard froze slightly, and after a little thinking, he understood what Dalton's mentor meant.

This is the fermentation of the "Isaac seal" incident.

No matter how determined the emperor Connold was to break the barriers, he was determined to grant the wizards the qualification to be sealed, and he would never be able to do it without sufficient support.

Within the imperial capital, there is only one person who has the ability to compromise and execute the order ... Metternich Leopold, only he can turn this matter from the emperor's determination into reality.

So he must pay the price.

Such a destiny will seriously weaken the authority of the church and cause opposition from all parties. It is impossible to avoid retaliation; if they dare not target the emperor himself, then they will definitely target the executors and promoters of this matter.

The Prime Minister of the Yuqian Cabinet, Metternich Leopold ... He is dead, and the church will never let him go.

Of course, the magnificent Minister of the Great Seal cannot be killed so easily, nor can Connor allow it; but the church can wait, they can wait until the emperor needs help, or even come to the door to ask for themselves, and then make some "accidental" movements. Come.

The sky dome can only be pretended to be really an "accident".

Victor Hughes is the "follow-up" that he has arranged-with Connold's caution, if the person Metner actively recommends will never be able to win his trust; so he wants to increase Victor's bargaining chips in the emperor The front becomes important.

Let Victor and Byrne reach an important agreement, which should be the first step of this plan;

And Dalton Kander decided to use this opportunity to push him a hand while changing more things from the sky dome.

Hmmm ... If you do n’t know enough about the mentor, Loren will definitely think this is his design, not a temporary intention.

But there is a problem ...

"If you really want to do this, wouldn't the identity of the imperial night watchman be exposed?" Loren asked a little vigilantly: "And you want to avenge Rut Infinite ..."

"They will not succeed."

Dalton Kander shook his head:

"I told Victor Hughes about the" former nightwatch leader ", I didn't lie; but ... this does not mean that Rut Infinit is still there."

"He is the leader of the night watchman, and he knows more about the imperial capital than anyone else; if he does not want to be discovered, then no one can find him."

"As for the agreement with Victor Hughes ... as long as he finds clues about Rut Infinite, our agreement can be reached."

"You are so confident in him?" Raising his eyebrows, Loren couldn't help but smile: "Maybe he failed, Connold will begin to doubt the loyalty of the night watchman, and we can't catch Rut Infi Nit. "

"He will not fail-if he is not a person who loves power, this is his only chance to inherit Metternich's ideals and become the minister of the seal of the seal; if he is passionate about power, this is his only chance to reach the peak of power."

Dalton Kant's tone was a little more affirmative: "The night watchman of the imperial capital ... I think Emperor Connold no longer trusts their loyalty; but he will not overthrow it at least, before he finds a substitute, These people are needed to serve him. "

"As for Rut Infinite ... his life is mine."

Plain tone, can not hear a trace of murderous.

But the dark-haired wizard could just feel the cold, bitter breath.


Ignoring the drunken surroundings and buying drunks, or the drunken flushed travelers and regulars. Straight toward the front of the tavern, Loren pushed away the unconscious drunkard, gave a snap to his boss, and placed the silver coin on the table.

Exquisite silver coins, striking nice notes on the dirty table.

Seeing a visitor coming to the door, the boring pub owner hurried forward eagerly, and did not forget to take a jug of wine and a beautiful goblet from the wine rack behind him.

"Good wine made this year, this old man."

The tavern owner touched the silver coins and placed the glass in front of the dark-haired wizard who was covered in rain: "Do you want to stay in the store, or do you want to know what news?"

The blood red wine swayed in the glass, and the turbulent surface reflected the dim yellow candlelight in the tavern, which was very beautiful.

The pleasing pub owner rubbed his hands and whispered, but there was a blood-like magic rune mark under his wrist, faintly visible.

It is exactly the same as the hunter of the wings of the sky.

"Meet an old friend."

Loren smiled slightly, picked up the glass, and drank the full wine.

The clear and sweet liquor oozes into the throat, with the sour taste of grapes that has not been eliminated. It has been cooling from the lips to the heart and spleen. Only in the internal organs can you feel the warmth of the alcoholic attack.

When he drank all the wine in the glass and put down the glass, the pub owner in front of him was gone, leaving only a line of writing written with wine stains on the counter.

Raising his eyebrows, the dark-haired wizard wiped off the wine stain, turned around with his hood, and walked up the stairs of the tavern.


"Rute Infinite ... he is a night watchman, so when I find him, he must also be aware that he has been exposed; so he will run away."

"If he wants to continue his loyalty to the empire, he should have surrendered himself long ago; but since he has not appeared so far, it proves that he does not intend to continue to serve the Sky Dome, but has other plans."

It ’s like telling a story, Dalton Kant coldly said: "In the case where the entire emperor night watchman betrayed, the emperor is already insecure to him, so he will not stay there, he will not even stay In East Sackland. "

"The safest place for him in the past has become the most dangerous place."

"But he is very clever and knows that if the person who finds him does not get any clues, he will never give up, and will look for any traces of clues and continue to search until he finds more clues to confirm his death."

"So he will leave some information and let those who find it concentrate on the authenticity of the information; in this way ... he will have more time to escape."

"As for Victor Hughes ..." Dalton paused for a few seconds before continuing:

"Finding Rut Infinit ’s intelligence and clues is tantamount to being involved in the most hidden shadows of the Desalion royal family; he will not know too much, nor will he know too little; his abilities and The character will be fully displayed in front of Emperor Connaught because of this incident. "

"A minister with outstanding abilities, no ambitions, and a high and low birthmark ... is the dream of Emperor Connold." Loren said to himself.

"This is a win-win situation." Dalton slowly got up and put his hands behind his back: "We got Rut Infinite, and Emperor Connold got Victor Hughes."

Loren nodded slightly, but there was still a problem unresolved ...


"Slap, crack, crack, crack ..."

On the creaking stairs, the light footsteps knocked on the decaying wooden boards; perhaps it was because of the desire to save money, the tavern owner did not put oil lamps and torches between the stairs and the corridor; while walking up the stairs, the surrounding light Also with one.

Pushing away the passenger who had just come downstairs, he sent two drunks who wanted to cause trouble, and the dark-haired wizard with a hood walked toward the dark promenade.

The narrow walkway, underneath is a rug-like rug, and on both sides is the door of the hotel, and the black door panel is randomly written with a few numbers with charcoal pen.

The figure was in front, walking steadily towards the depths of the promenade. The dim oil lamp flickered out of the dark corridor; every time it was shaken, the figures on the wall appeared once.

Through the light, which was not bright, the dark-haired wizard stopped outside a door, and his dark eyes looked at the numbers on the door.

Same as the wine stain on the counter just now.


Rout Infinite ... If he is not in the capital, where is he?

This is a problem.

The night watchman ’s spies and intelligence networks are all over the empire, which was his advantage in the past-using this huge intelligence network, Rout Infinite can easily judge and understand the exact form of a region, and if he wants to No one can find him.

But after the death of Eckhart II, the split night watchman split in two, and neither Connor nor Brandon's night watchman could ever obey any orders from the "former leader".

Under such circumstances, where would he go?

No ... this is not the point, the point is what will he do now?

He is no longer a night watchman, but he holds a vast amount of intelligence and the truth of that night; these are his chips. As long as the method is suitable, he can sell a high price.

Is it possible ...

"He will not betray the empire and turn to the Azores."

Without waiting for Loren to speak, Dalton Kant dispelled the apprentice ’s worries first: "Rut Infinite is a night watchman, and his loyalty belongs only to Eckhart II; regardless of the elves No matter how high they can pay ~ ~ it is impossible for him to betray. "

"Even if Eckhardt II is dead, he will continue to execute the order of His Majesty the Emperor until the end of his life, until the completion of the mission."

"So ... no matter what he is doing now, he must be continuing a task he has not completed; a task that must be completed even if he is in danger."

Dalton's words left Loren confused.

Mentor he ... what do you want to say?

"Loren." Dalton Kander looked back slowly, and looked at the dark-haired wizard:

"Rute Infinite, he is here now."

"Just at Red Blood Castle."

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