Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 181: Last transaction

Under the grey sky, Carl Colin, the lone hunter, stood under the eaves of the wizard ’s union gate, silently watching the rain falling from the sky, splashing on his body from time to time.

He no longer remembers that he developed this "interest" from the right.

After losing his legs and left arm on the "Assassination Night" that night, Carl Colin had to give up his original job as a demon hunter and instead temporarily operated his own "old line"-instead Lund Kander handles intelligence from night watchmen from all over the country, and builds his own intelligence network.

For the founder of the "predecessor of the former night watchman" and the demon hunter, Carl Colin maintains 120,000 admiration and believes that the other party, no matter its execution ability or keen intelligence, is no less than a certain " Former night watchman leader. "

As the rain fell, the slightly frowning Carl Colin propped up with his left arm. As he was about to push the wheelchair away, a thin figure ran from the rain curtain toward the gate of the wizarding union.

"Karl ... is Carl Colin yours ?!"

The rapid gasp and staggering footsteps made the demon hunter and night watchman frown.

The other party was obviously in a hurry when going out, even the decent cloak was not prepared, and was soaked from top to bottom, just like soaking in the pool.

"Peter ... Fasa?"

Karl Colin finally found the other party's name in memory, the night watchman who escaped from the imperial capital: "Is it you?"

He is not staying in the Red Blood Castle palace, what is he doing here?

"Loren, is he here?" Asked pale-faced Peter anxiously, even before he could wipe off the rain on his face: "And Dalton, Master Dalton Kander, where are they?"

"They ..." Carl Colin was startled, and then his face changed: "What happened ?!"

"I just came back from outside the city and I just told Lucien." Peter nodded nervously and said quickly:

"The former leader of the night watchman, Lord Rut Infiniti ..."

"Now outside Red Blood Castle!"


The slightly curly, brownish-faced curly hair, the messy stubble covered the cheeks, the tattered leather robe could not see what it was supposed to look like, it was pale to the point of no trace of blood.

Only those eyes ... Those twin golden pupils that look like solar flares are still the same.

"Loren Turin, welcome."

Ruth Infinite, who was hoarse, was lying on the side of the narrow bed, struggling to get up like a very difficult person: "Your instructor told you, I am right here-the pub owner when I entered, should It ’s his informant. "

"Huh ... I don't feel like continuing to be a night watchman, but I ended up doing it; Dalton Kander ... a dumb guy."

He was so disappointed that he had not forgotten to mock his old "friends".

The dark-haired wizard was unmoved, staring blankly at the leader of the night watchman:

"Why come to Red Blood Castle?"

"I remember ... when we first met, it was also in such a tavern, and also on a rainy evening."

Rout Infinite did not directly answer his question, and began to "remember" the past with that pale white smile, still struggling to get up:

"At that time, you have just defeated the ancient wood forest ogre demon Mezka, and won the friendship of the ancient wood forest elves for your lord, the future heir of Lothal, it is when you are proud;"

"Yes, you probably think of yourself as the savior."

"Even if I try to cover up, I can still feel that kind of strong self-confidence and arrogance from you, and caution and calmness are thrown aside; knowing that it is a trap and resolutely stepped in;"

"So I concluded that you will become a great piece, and may even become an important part of your Majesty's plan; with a little provocation, you will follow the set trajectory;"

The expression of the leader of the night watchman is very relaxed, as if he is telling a story to himself.

"You have lived up to Ebden's" Holy Blood Elixir "crisis and found another evil spirit lurking under that wizard city; unsurprisingly accepted His Highness Brandon's invitation and embarked on a trip to the Boundary Mountain In addition, the road to the Dragon King City; "

"Before the Yuqian Judgment, your performance has always been so perfect, so perfect that I thought you were really a 'child of destiny', 'the savior carrying the mission', and I even thought that the blood of the Black Duke was really strange. Place; "

"Until I found out that you are not the blood of Turin, nor the descendants of the Black Duke ..."

"What the **** do you want to say ?!"

When the "former night watchman" was interrupted violently, the dark-haired wizard's gaze locked on him deadly: "He came to the Red Blood Castle specifically ... What is the purpose?"

After a moment of silence, Rout Infinite looked up.

"What I have to do ... there is only one from beginning to end." Rute's voice was very hoarse, and it seemed that he hadn't drunk for a long time: "And, I told you a long time ago, when we first met. "

Meet for the first time?

A memory that was about to be "dust-proof" poured into Loren's mind.

"... We are not a congregation of a certain church, nor is it an underground organization of wizards. We have only one object of loyalty-the land under your feet, the eternal Sacrament Empire ..."

Loren sneered.

"If you really are loyal to the 'eternal Sacrament Empire', you should now turn around and return to the capital, take the initiative to surrender to Emperor Connold, and tell him everything you know." The dark-haired wizard stared at Rout · Infinite:

"So I ask again ... why should I come to Red Blood Castle?"

Ruth Infinite looked at him with four eyes, first silence, then ...


"Hehe ... hehehahaha ... hahahahaha ..."

Low, sullen and filled with sad laughter, echoed in the rundown narrow pub room.

"Hahaha ... Lorren ... Hahaha ... Lorren Turin ..." Ruth Infinite, who was clearly laughing, shed tears from his flare-like eyes:

"After seeing the truth about the Dragon King City, after confronting so many evil spirits, after defeating Fauda and Chakal, after seeing the dragon ..."

"You also intend to tell me that it really threatens the empire's survival, or even the fear of destroying the empire from this world, or being enslaved forever ..."

"Just those long-eared elves that are not worth mentioning ?!"

"You really believe, His Royal Highness Connor ... and Brandon, who know nothing about the truth of the whole world, can really lead the empire through the thirteenth and fourteenth generation without destruction ?!"

He also stared at the dark-haired wizard with blood, his eyes covered with blood red: "If after so much, you still think so ... maybe you should go to the capital of Golovin and tell Emperor Connold that he wants to kill It's in your hands! "

"Just use my death to save you this last bit of worthless benefit in this world that is about to be destroyed!"

Ruth Infinite, his hoarse voice, howled like a bruised beast.

The aging and tired face showed very real anger.

"Don't doubt my purpose, Loren Turin, at least this time, I didn't come to be against you-to be precise, almost every time I didn't want to be your enemy." His The voice gradually calmed down:

"You may be angry because I used to threaten you, but don't forget that I never broke the agreement between us."

"This time ... the same."

In a word, Loren had a little affection for the last bit of this guy's rise, and instantly disappeared.

"It's also a tavern, it's also a rainy evening ... The difference is that I don't have a hostage in my hands this time." Ruth Infinite chuckled:

"But I still want to make a deal with you. This may be the last deal between the two of us-of course, I believe you certainly hope so."

"I hope the last time is the last time." Loren said coldly.

Rout Infinite just smiled lightly, like an old man who had looked away.

"Maybe you don't believe it, but in fact this Azores war, even the Centaur War and the Civil War of the Dwarves, including your series of experiences ... all are expected by His Majesty Eckhart II, some It was even the first thing that your majesty had already done. "

His voice gradually fell, as if he had restored the style that the night watchman should have: "And I am just the executor of some of these things; Corona, Alberd, Metternich ... they are just pieces of your majesty." First, some of them even learned part of the truth. "

"Including you, Loren Turin, you are also one of your pawns' hand-picked pieces; your chances at Ebden are not coincidences or accidents, but are designed; it was His Majesty's order that made Coro Na gave up his original plan and decided to train you ... "

"Put the point, I am not in the mood to accompany you to remember hardships and sweets, Master Rut Infinite."

Roughly interrupting his words, Loren's expressionless heart was not as calm as it seemed.

When leaving Ebden, Corona once said that he had something to tell himself, but in the end, the Azores suddenly attacked the city.

Is that all?

"Your Majesty's vision is higher and farther than all of us ... even his death is within his plan." Ruth Infinite used a very nostalgic, low-spoken tone Murmured:

"Even me, after so long after His Majesty's death, I could understand a little of it-I am afraid that the whole world, from the void to the reality, is just a chessboard in his eyes; this world is right He, I am afraid there is never any secret. "

"I ca n’t imagine when he started planning all this; but there is no doubt that everything is still under His Majesty ’s plan; the only problem is that after his death, this great plan It ’s difficult for someone to monitor its implementation. "

"As his faithful servant, the only thing I can do is to carry out His Majesty's plan accurately according to my understanding." He looked at the black-haired wizard:

"Including you, Loren Turin ... Since His Majesty wanted to kill you and decided to let you live, it shows that you also have a place in his plan-I don't know what it is, but it must not be lack."

The black-haired wizard said nothing, silently looking at Rut Infinite's self-talk.

"Therefore, I offer you a deal-I beg you anyway, no matter what the fight against the Azores War ..."

Rout Infinite, in that plain, dismal, old and tired voice, said his request:

"Kill them, no matter if they are thousands or hundreds of thousands ... Never let any Azores be flexible!"

Ok? !

The surprised Loren stood there, not understanding what he meant.

"Don't get me wrong, I don't have any hatred for those Azore elves ... it's hard to say, it's just one fight for each of their masters." Ruth Infinite's voice was chilling calmly:

"But since they have been identified as" enemy "by His Majesty, they must be eliminated for whatever reason; any Azores who survived are threats to the Empire."

"If you don't understand ... think about the end of the centaur tribe, and how the empire treats the monsters in the north, I think you should understand."

"In addition, if His Highness Connold has any decisive sign of reconciliation with the Azores after winning a decisive victory ..." Ruth Infinite said lightly: "You must support His Highness Brandon, Break the agreement between the empire and the Azores and kill them all. "

"No one stays."

After he finished, he stared at the black-haired wizard, waiting for the final reply.

Silent for a moment, Loren nodded slightly.

It's okay to agree to this kind of thing-it's not that it is easy to deceive a dying person, but Loren doesn't feel at all that Connor or Brandon will meet any agreement with the Azores.

The hatred of each other has been endless since the day Ebden fell and Eckhardt II was assassinated.

"Do you have any other requirements, please come together."

"Oh, the respectable Duke Byrne is so generous?"

"It's the last time anyway, and I don't mind being generous to a dead person."

"A dead man ..."

Ruth Infiniti sneered with self-deprecation, as if he had twitched violently after touching the wound for a few times before returning to normal. Only the green muscles exposed on his forehead proved that he was holding on.

"It's gone ... there's only this." Gasping for breath, Rut Infinite lifted his head soaked in cold sweat and rain: "Peter Fasha ... He was the last person to see the emperor— —Lest you do n’t know yet, it ’s the last wedding gift for you, do n’t bear my love. ”

"Let Dalton Kander come out ~ ~ I know he is here."

The dark-haired wizard nodded slightly, turned silently to leave the room, and closed the door—the next thing was the grudge between the two of them. Loren really didn't want to participate at all.

Anyway, as long as Rut Infinite and the Night Watch can no longer pose a threat to themselves, Loren does not mind that he has been coerced.

The steps that have not been taken are set in the dark corridor;

Soaked Peter Fasha stood at the end of the corridor, gasping violently.

Those terrified eyes were staring at themselves. ()

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