Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 182: Watchdog

? When Peter Fasha across the corridor appeared in front of him, Loren suddenly found that he could not find any words to describe his mood at the moment.

Peter Fasha, he must know what happened that night, he may know more than he thought ... but for some reason he chose to hide and chose to remain silent.

Loren respects this.

Because at this point, he also did not really open to his friends; even out of empathy, he did not think to force the other party to say everything he knew.

As for why Peter appeared here ...

Maybe it was because he noticed Rut Infinite ’s trace and wanted to tell himself; maybe it was because he wanted to protect himself or Rut Infinit ... no matter what kind of thing, he obviously wanted to To stop a conflict.

But there is no conflict here, only revenge.

"I ... Lorren ..." Peter Fasha, who was soaked, was in a trance, his trembling mouth couldn't even speak any words, just staring at the dark-haired wizard in front of him:

"Rut ... Lord Rout Infinite, he ... is he inside?"

Loren nodded.

"Then ..." He stared at Loren violently, struggling and said: "You, you killed him?"

"No, but ..." The black-haired wizard shook his head. "My mentor, Dalton Kander, is inside."

"You know, the reason why I was going to Ebden was because Rut Infinit caught my mentor as a hostage ... Rut Infinit violated the agreement between them. "

"He wants revenge?"

Loren said nothing, it was the default.

Peter Fasha gritted his teeth, as if he was enduring to be stimulated by the rain, continually beating his trembling body: "Lorren, you, listen to my explanation, I know that Lord Rut Infinite did A lot of things that hurt you and your friends, I ’m not arguing for him, but everything he does is for ... "

"I know."

The dark-haired wizard interrupted his friend softly.

The blocked Peter paused, squeezing the corner of his mouth tightly, his eyes covered with blood.

"Really ... Is there no room for recovery?"

A slight to imperceptible voice, faintly begging.

"... Yes." Loren said softly.

Peter Fasha's tangled expression opened his mouth, but in the end he said nothing at all; he leaned a little against the shabby wooden wall behind him, his expression lonely.

Loren didn't know how to persuade him.

He certainly couldn't let Peter pass by, but letting a night watchman watch his leader die like that, indeed ...

Too cruel.

That's right, even if you explain Rut Infinite's death to life, telling Peter "You don't owe him any favors, he has been using you" ... It's too cruel.

It may be possible to say such awful words to strangers without any care, but it can't be done to friend Loren temporarily.

The dead hallway, the drunken hustle and bustle had long since ceased to appear-the moment that Peter broke in, the "informed" boss had already emptied the tavern; a few feet apart, Loren could even see him trembling slightly, listening To his heartbeat.

Forget it ... just cheat him again.

In the silence, the dark-haired wizard walked silently to Peter Fasha and gritted his teeth: "I ... I know you are not quite able to accept it for the time being, but this is the grievance of the two of them. It has nothing to do with outsiders, Peter. "

"Lute Infinite, I believe he must have known this result before he came to the Red Blood Castle; otherwise we would never be so easy ..."

"Don't explain it, Loren."

The numb look of Peter Fasha's hoarse voice was full of sorrow:

"I'm not blaming you, I understand."

Quiet corridor, gray eyes and calm eyes staring at each other.

"So ... how much do you know?" Peter asked in a low voice.

After a pause, Loren didn't change his face: "Only part."

In an instant, Peter's eyes became very complicated.

"I know that the dead Emperor Eckhart II did not know nothing about the Azores. He deliberately indulged his enemies, which led to the destruction of the ocean fleet;" Loren said lightly:

"I know, he has been planning for a long time ... No, it should be said that the entire DeSales family has been planning at least since the second generation, but only a few people know the whole truth. ; "

"I know that Eckhardt II is one of them;"

"I know that even the night of the Sky Dome is not an accident, but it is likely to have been premeditated-at least if there is no Eckhard II's advice and the cooperation of Rout Infinite, The intelligence of the night watchman could not have leaked to the screen in front of the Azores; "

"The moment from the Jiejie Mountain to the Sky Dome Palace, even his own death, is within his plan; it may even include what is happening at the moment, as part of his plan ..."

"Of course, the last one is just my guess." Loren looked at him calmly: "As for how much authenticity ... it doesn't matter."

"It doesn't matter?"

Slightly stunned Peter's expression was sad, and he smiled bleakly: "I guess ... the thing you know should be the last one, right?"

"That's Peter Fasha, the 'watchdog' of the Nine-Man Star Wizard's Tower ... He never escaped by his own ability, and he knows more than just 'Your Majesty is dead' Just one thing. "

The words fell, and he stared at Loren.

The dark-haired wizard was silent for a few seconds before slowly speaking:

"I'm not sure ... if you are not ready or do not plan to say, I will never force you."

"But you still know."

Peter Fasha laughed a little self-deprecatingly: "I originally thought it was because I concealed it well enough."

"Peter, I don't know what happened that night. It must be of great significance to you, but ..."

Loren interrupted his friend's arrogance: "It's past."

"All this has nothing to do with you. You are free. You are no longer bound by any oath or order. As long as you want, no one stops you if you want, wherever you want to go. "

"If you want to continue to serve the night watchman, Edward is now the confidant of His Royal Highness, you can go directly to him; if you want to be a real wizard, almost all the remaining wizards in Ebden are now in Red Blood Castle , You can also go to Isaac or Ayn at any time, no problem. "

When the words fell, Loren held out his right hand tentatively, trying to help him.

But he was stopped.

"Freedom ... When my mortal Gou escapes from the Sky Vault, there is no freedom at all." Still a self-deprecating laugh, the cold Peter lowered his head and desperately suppressed the trembling limbs:

"I am the watchdog of His Majesty Eckhart II, a person entrusted with life-not to mention life, even the body I am using now to breathe, to maintain the will ..."

"It's no longer my thing!"

The moment the words fell, his whole body staggered.

"What is that for?" Loren couldn't help asking: "If Eckhart II would rather die and let you survive, there must be his reason-he made you remember all this Who is the truth to tell? "

"I do not know!"

Peter raised his head violently, and looked at the dark-haired wizard with a trance-like smile.

"This is the most important thing, I don't know-Your Majesty ... He told me everything, but he didn't tell me who I should tell all this!"

"He just wanted to keep me alive, let me watch what happened next, and let me keep all these secrets until the moment when I was needed ... but who, when and what needs me, me do not know!"

"I really want to know, but I don't know!"

"I know I have to live, but I don't know why, and for whom!"

"Lorren, I'm not like you, you ... and Edward, you are the kind of people who live for yourself; I can't, I have been entrusted with too many other people's wishes from birth."

The trembling voice made the pain almost as if it were substance.

"Parents' expectations, family's hopes, teacher's courtesy, aristocratic contempt ... and the co-op of the superior, the protection of the rich, the heavy knowledge ..."

"I have accepted it, I have carried it all, I have accomplished what they expected me to do; because their expectations of me are important, but they are too heavy!"

"It's too heavy, it's really heavy ... My watchdog, I don't know what it's like to live for myself ... how should I live ..."

Peter Fasha was crying and tearing his heart, and his voice was dumb; his bloodshot eyes glanced at Loren, and he staggered away and walked to the door of the tavern.

"It would be nice if I knew ..."


"You should ask the truth from his mouth."

The empty tavern, Dalton Kander, standing behind the dark-haired sorcerer sometime, said coldly.

"His mood fluctuates violently. As long as he asks, there is a high probability that he will directly tell the truth-for him, it will be a relief."

"Maybe." The dark-haired wizard replied without looking back, with a somewhat lonely expression: "But we don't have to know those 'truths', don't we--we already know who the enemy is, why bother to know everything, more importantly……"

"More importantly ... He is my friend, I don't want to force him if I can."

Dalton Kander said nothing more, and he only made his own suggestions.

Turning his head, Loren looked at his mentor-Dalton Kander at this moment looked unusual, still calm, serious, and saw no trace of emotion between his sharp eyebrows, all of them. It was hidden under the pupil.

If you do n’t know enough about your mentor, Loren may really think that he really makes no difference.

"You ... really gave Rut Infinite ..."

The dark-haired wizard asked tentatively.

"... Forget him, he is no longer a threat."

Dalton, who had been silent for a while, "answered" his apprentice in a very negative way.

This is very unusual in itself, because Dalton Kander is one of the people that Lorren knows. He is the least fond of playing word games and advocating simple language.

Loren shrugged his shoulders without asking — the reason was the same as Peter Fassa.

"The night watchman's problem is solved. Next, we need to focus on the Azores and the" Black Cross "Serior." Dalton's voice was stable, but the idea of ​​changing the topic was still very deliberate:

"You said he will return again sooner or later, and this ... is not the evil **** of evil spirits, or the culprit who once destroyed the dragon kingdom, and now he wants more."

"If ... his judgment was correct and he didn't lie, the Azores should be the pieces released by the 'Black Cross'-a blinding method used to contain and attract the attention of the Empire."

Whether intentionally or unintentionally, Dalton did not want to mention that person's name.

"Yes, the key lies in whether these elves who believe in the" Warrior's Way "also have this consciousness-or that they have been forced to do everything they have done so far."

Looking at the mentor who wanted to avoid Rut Infinit ’s end, Loren took the topic with a cough: “But there is no doubt that if we ca n’t defeat the Azores and kill them, we will He was defeated by the Azores and then killed completely. "

"Of course, there is also a possibility-all this is planned by Serel. He is very much looking forward to our pains to defeat the Azores, because this is a part of his plan ... like half It was the same as the War of Man and Horse. "

"Either defeated or used by him, this is the style of Serel."

Dalton Kander frowned slightly: "But you said that he has been completely exiled to the void world-unless there is enough power of the void to blur the boundary between the two worlds, and there is one that can be used as evidence in the physical world. Body, otherwise he cannot come back. "

"In this case, how can he influence or even invade our world?"

"I don't know ... May Eckhart II know ~ ~ but we never have a chance to ask him." Jokingly, Loren twitched his lips: "Anyway we will always know of."

"So what are you going to do now?" Dalton continued to ask.



"Wait ... preparing the army, designing new weapons, and by the way can you get more supplies ... Anyway, wait." The black-haired wizard exhaled and looked at his mentor with a smile:

"No matter what this guy is planning, he must be coming to me next, so I just have to wait."

"And to be honest, I actually do what this guy will do next ..."

"It's really kind of looking forward to it."

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