Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 183: winter vacation

? Gently pushed away the dinner plate, and there was some tired Charlotte leaning on the back of the chair lazily, but his eyes could not help but lifted up, and then sank like anger.

The dark-haired wizard on the opposite side sat half-lying on the lounge chair with a relaxed face, left-hand snacks and wine left, and the right hand turned over the scroll just delivered by the court chief Charles, with a smile on his face.

Outside the window are the flying snow and the quiet courtyard, the frozen pond, and the white red blood fortress in the winter, a world wrapped in silver;

Inside the window are satin curtains and rugs painted with various patterns, a prosperous fireplace and fluorite chandeliers as bright as the day, soft beds and sofa chairs, and thick wool blankets.

Cold and hot, light and dark, only separated by a wall; watching the snow outside the window to enjoy a beautiful afternoon tea in a warm room, lazy and leisurely spend a short afternoon and a long night, and then enjoy the beauty of dinner Bacon and hot soup really meet the standards of a standard "Bien noble";

But there is a problem ...

"This is my room."

Not knowing how long it took, Charlotte couldn't help but finally said: "If you want to have afternoon tea, please go to the restaurant, or go back to your own room!"

"The dining room is too large, and the fireplace will take a long time to heat up." Loren curled up comfortably in the woolen blanket, Loren holding the wine glass slowly said:

"As for the Duke's bedroom ... I gave it to Isaac."


"Because he ... um, to be precise, Lena de Salion wanted to enjoy a time when they were together, and didn't want to be disturbed-in the entire Red Blood Palace, only the Duke's bedroom has a separate bathroom, Cloakroom and small dining room. "

"So after careful consideration, I think I should make such a small sacrifice for my friends ... You see, in fact, your bedroom is also large, and sleeping two people is no problem ..."

"Don't dismiss the topic." The countess sneered, interrupted angrily:

"Answer me, why do you have to come to my room?"

"Just so busy trying to drive me away?" Loren looked startled and his voice was shaking: "You are so tired of me that you don't want to see me anymore?"

"Of course it doesn't matter once or twice, but the problem is all day and night ... Also, don't use that kind of tone as if I treated you!"

Charlotte hummed.

From half a month ago ... More precisely, since the ceremony, Loren has been in a rather "decaduous" state, lying on the bed or sofa day and night, dealing with everything listlessly, listless Enjoying the banquet and every afternoon tea.

This lazy posture is really quite a bit of "Lord Lord Fan'er", and it is also a routine routine for a Baien noble.

But because it was too "normal", it appeared to be particularly abnormal for the guy who appeared in Loren Turin-only to see Dalton Kander on the rainy day, it seemed that he had recovered slightly from his previous state, and then Continue to "decay".

Dinner, afternoon tea, strolling in the garden, or simply sitting there, sitting idly all day; only three things are considered each day-what to eat for breakfast, what to eat for lunch, what to eat for dinner.

And recently there has been a trend of intensifying, starting to refuse to leave in his room!

This guy, after all ...

"Actually ... there is no particular reason." Slowly speaking, Loren with a listless expression put down his glass and took the cherry from the dessert tray with a fork:

"Just occasionally I want to experience what it's like to live a leisurely life instead of fighting on the front lines of life and death."

In a word, the countess had accumulated a long time of doubts and grievances, and the smoke disappeared.

Centaur War, Dwarf Civil War, Night of the Assassination of Red Blood Fort, Envoy Wu Yueting, Battle of Ebden ...

After getting the title of Duke, this guy didn't seem to be really idle at all, having enjoyed everything a Lord of Bayern should have.

Even if the leisure time is now, it is still not as good as the average value of Baien ’s “decadence aristocracy”, which is nothing compared with the drunken and dreamy knight kings in the history of Byrne. Why are you so disgusted?

Is it ... really because he is too harsh? Charlotte, the cranky, was filled with deep self-blame.

The black-haired wizard, who had not noticed the change of the girl beside him, was still sitting on the bench, savoring the fragrance of cherry in his mouth, so that the sweet taste could be completely diffused in his mouth.

Probably because of the honey stains, the original aroma of the cherry was completely covered, and the teeth were sweet. Of course, as for the fruits of May and June, it can still be eaten in the winter. This is not at all considered by the Duke of Bayern. Within range.

"Suddenly want to eat cured ham."

The lazy dark-haired wizard whispered.

"Okay, let me prepare the kitchen." Charlotte, who didn't think about it, agreed in a low voice: "Let's light the fireplace now, and the restaurant should be very warm during dinner."

"It's here without going to the restaurant." The dark-haired wizard continued to ask.

"... Yes." After a moment of hesitation, Charlotte agreed: "It seems good to watch Snow View dining."

"Let's close the curtains and see nothing at night." The dark-haired wizard continued to test.

The countess nodded: "Yes, then start preparing now. You have to make room for the table."

"I'm not going to get out of bed today." The dark-haired wizard started to get worse. "Anyway, there are only two of us, and there is no need to tidy up."

"But there are only two plates on the dessert plate and the bedside table ... shall we eat it?"

The countess began to doubt.

"It doesn't matter." The black-haired wizard raised his head with a smile, and his face took for granted:

"You feed me."

The voice fell and suddenly became quieter.

Although the fireplace was vigorously burning, the temperature in the bedroom still fell a little.

The silent countess slowly stood up and walked calmly to the wine rack behind her, gently stroking those wines she had cherished for a long time-those bottles that had been dusted for a long time. Lapse.


When the shadow hit, Loren almost instinctively completed the three actions of alertness, dodge and block; when he returned to God, there was already a wine bottle in his hand.

"It's too much to be there, bastard!"

Charlotte, who had been silent for a long time, finally burst into a roar.

"Hey, hey ... I'm kidding, don't take it seriously!"

"The ghost believes you!"

"Uh ... it seems that only Ain particularly likes to say."

"Not from now on!"

"Then you have to let me explain?"

"You will lie to me, and Ain, and everyone!"

"Not so exaggerated?"


"Then why do you believe me?"

"Again, ghosts believe you!"

Charlotte, pursed, gasped, looked at the empty wine rack behind him, and then looked at the neat rows of wine bottles, neatly hummed.

"What the **** are you thinking ... Are you really doing nothing, or don't have a picture?"

"There is nothing to do ..." He chuckled lightly, and the dark-haired wizard sat up and looked at her seriously: "I just want to say something, but I don't want to regret it."

"Sorry, what do you regret?" Charlotte turned his head angrily, and gritted his teeth: "Sorry promised me ... is it?"


"what is that?"

"Actually, I also said that it was not very good, just that feeling."

Loren scratched his head with a smile, and shrugged again, his gaze never moving away from Charlotte's face:

"I'm afraid I regret it ... regretting it just promised you."

Silent Charlotte looked back slowly, staring at the dark-haired wizard.

"I hurt a friend for some reason-not intentionally, but I did it objectively." Trolling his throat, Loren twitched a little:

"He ... kind of resembles you to some extent, and he sees certain things as more important than himself, and even exceeds the meaning of his life and existence. I haven't quite understood ..."

"Only you don't understand!" Charlotte couldn't help but coldly said.

"So, after hurting him, I understand how much sacrifice you have made for me." Loren said seriously:

"When I think of his expression at that time, I am glad that you did not become that look; at the same time, I am very regretful. After you agreed, I only made a trivial compensation of" promise "to you.

An inexplicable emotion began to spread in her mind-the dark-haired wizard in front of her seemed to be no longer as real as before, and turned into a phantom that might disappear at any time, only because of her own memory.

The inexplicable suffering is purely out of fear of loss.

The desire before getting, after getting it, feels the same as before. After getting some time, I start to suffer again and again ...

Not just him, even himself is so simple to a little silly, but very complicated and entangled ...

The self-deprecating smile spread uncontrollably in Charlotte's mouth.

"Boom boom!"

The rapid knock on the door broke the tranquility in the bedroom and made the two look back at the door while being very "tacit". ,

After a full interval of ten seconds, Lucien, who was hiding behind the door, tried to push a little bit of the door gap and glanced a few times. After confirming that he was correct, he entered the bedroom with confidence.

After hitting the "accident" of Loren and the little wizard at a certain time, Lushen became very careful about the opening of the door, and even reached a point of excessive caution.

Every time I look at his posture, it seems as if something really happened in the room ...

"Information from the Sky Dome was supposed to be in charge of Carl Colin, but because you never left ... bedroom, he passed it to me."

Gray pupil's explanation made Charlotte's cheeks blush and he couldn't help snorting.

"Information of the Sky Dome ..." Loren lowered his voice, carefully glanced at Charlotte, and after confirming that the other party would not attack, turned to look at Lucien:

"Is it the frontline battle?"

Lucien nodded and handed the letterhead in his arms; the dark-haired wizard opened it, and Charlotte beside him couldn't help but get up.

At the beginning, there is still information about Lotel.

After deciding to enter the defense and defense, the army of Lotel in the deep forest and the opposite army of Azores gradually completed the assembly. Sent, inferred that the enemy should have received reinforcements.

However, due to heavy snow blocking, the enemy did not dare to attack, just organizing and driving a different number of ogres to test the defense of the Deep Forest.

To be able to organize such a number of ogres, the frontline Lu Wen inferred that there are two possibilities-either the ancient wood elves heading south have been encountered unexpectedly, or because a large number of ancient wood elves migrated to drive these ogres out.

The elves left by Lu Wen and Chen Xinglin are more willing to believe the latter.

What is more unexpected than Loren is that this time Lu Wen did not recklessly continue to fight after the defeat, but chose to be patient to train the army, and the Morningstar Forest elves served as instructors, so that the soldiers of Lotel gradually became familiar with themselves The difference with the elves.

The two sides of the Shenlinbao confrontation seem to have entered a "very tacit understanding" state, and they are constantly gathering troops to raise supplies, waiting for a formal decisive battle when the strength reaches its peak.

The situation on the other side of the Ebden battlefield seems to be much worse.

With sufficient logistics and resources in the city of Ebden, Rodelia Azore, the elf prince who guarded Ebden, launched a tentative raid on the imperial fortress that blocked Ebden, trying to seize the Gem River channel. Control of

Although every attack was repelled, the defenders of the empire suffered heavy casualties, but did not make the enemy pay too much, and even gave the enemy enough time to take the corpses and weapons of the robe;

After this situation continued for many times, the Elleman Duke Julie Wiltz, who was responsible for the imperial guards, no longer dared to continue to organize any confrontation with the small army of the Azores, focusing more on building more and more The sturdy fortress advanced in the direction of Eboden.

At present, the effect is not obvious.

"... So, our Emperor Connold finally couldn't wait, ready to leave before the end of winter?"

After reading the letterhead, the dark-haired wizard made a rough summary.

This letter was sent from the Sky Dome, in other words, what Connord wanted to see himself-the front line battle was very unsuccessful, on the other hand, he was not prepared to wait and let the battle continue "not smooth" Go on.

"The Sky Dome means ~ ~ to prepare Byrne as soon as possible, while urging the two principalities of Arles and Boye to assemble their troops." Lussn repeated exactly as he remembered:

"His Royal Highness Connor's Legion has been assembled and is waiting for the order at the Jewel River Ferry-they will be officially promoted after the arrival of Byrne's army."

"Gem River ... so he still intends to recapture Ebden first?"

"No, His Royal Highness Connold is preparing to go north-news from the Fortress of the Boundary Mountain, the enemy figure appears north of the Boundary Mountain."

The gray pupil looks serious:

"This time, it is the eagle king."

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