Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 184: Go south

? An unknown glacier coast in the north of Misty Sea.

Ying Xiao's long whine traversed a trajectory from the ice-covered sea, and the turbulent waves rolled up and down, rolling up the waves mixed with cracked ice, and rushed to the rugged coastline, piled on the floating ice On the "port", the shape of the broken piece can no longer be seen.

The gloomy sky obscured the glory of the sun, and the monstrous waves in the biting sea breeze ripped the iceberg floating on the sea into countless fragments-this is the border of the empire, the "end of the west" of the broken mountain fortress, the glacial wasteland At the end.

Gray water bay.

It is not because of the color of its seawater—in fact, the seawater here may be more blue than the Jewel River—but its sky is dull like a pool of dead water, regardless of whether it is overcast.

A large fleet of more than two hundred warships is struggling to anchor on the rugged coast of Grey Water.

The bitter cold has frozen the sails into ice cubes, and the sea breeze mixed with ice particles has "skinned" all over the deck and hull;

The elf warriors soaked in armor in the sea lined up in a neat queue, standing on the unstable "floating ice coast" and dragging the frost-covered iron ropes, dragging the battleship behind them to the position near the shore.

From time to time on the ice floes came the sound of falling and falling, or the ice cracking; but the coast was still dead; very "tacit" ignored those who were destined to freeze or drown, and did their best to complete the hand in hand jobs.

Despite such hardships and dangers, this huge fleet gradually completed the work of docking and docking; at the same time, an army of nearly 10,000 elf warriors had landed and assembled in the wilderness on the edge of the coast.

They were dressed like ordinary elf warriors, but they had thicker, wide-sleeved robes, simple scales, and leather leggings outside their leather boots; their long swords wrapped their sheaths with warm animal skins, and The backpack was carried behind his back, and the long gun held in one hand was carried on his shoulder.

In this "steel forest", there are also a large number of elf warriors who dragged the next cart from the docked battleship one after another-spare weapons, dismantled siege equipment , Arrows, food ... For the sake of convenience, the expeditionary fleet does not have any livestock on board, and all transportation needs to be completed by themselves.

On the turbulent shore, an elf warrior standing with a sword monitored the progress of the warship's mooring, watching the compatriots who were still unhurried and calm between the waves and the glaciers; no matter how the waves roared, he was still. .

Because all the elf warriors are watching him; as long as he is standing here, the morale of the army will not be low, and all the seemingly impossible things can be done with all strength.

Because he is the eagle king of the Azores.

Forty thousand elite, two hundred large warships, but still dangerous, even his own flagship was almost overturned, and finally reached the Greywater Bay before the ship sank.

But this is just the beginning.

Because then this huge army will have to cross the entire Boundary Mountain Range, from the north of the mountain to the south, reach and break all the outposts, strongholds and fortresses of the Sakran Empire along the way, and finally break the indestructible Boundary Mountain The fortress, wrapped in the cold wind of winter, invaded south.

This is a gamble, an absurdly extreme gamble.

Not to mention how the 40,000 troops braved the blizzard and marched in the glacier wasteland; the Fortress of the Boundary Mountain poured into the essence of the entire empire and spent a lot of money to build the "imperial gate", even if it had not been once in the invasion of monsters in the past Falling; within the fortress there are two full-legged legions stationed, and it is harder than trying to break through.

Even if it breaks through, the East Sackland in the south is not unguarded, and there are countless large and small fortresses and fortresses along the way; at the same time, nearby Bayern and Boye can also send cavalry support.

The plain terrain of East Sackland is simply the most natural battlefield for cavalry combat!

After all, the North Boundary Mountain was originally the empire ’s biggest strategic defense center of gravity; under normal circumstances, attacking the empire from here would amount to a full counterattack by the entire empire.

However, the prerequisite for all this is "normal conditions".

But the current empire is absolutely abnormal!

To her west, Lothal, the most faithful of the Holy Cross Church, was completely pinned; in her northwest, Eboden, the only estuary was occupied, the entire ocean fleet was annihilated, and at the same time, many were restrained in order to resist strong enemies. power;

In her core territory, the rebellion continued because of the new emperor's enthronement and internal contradictions. The heirs of the empire were trying their best to rebel; in her southwest, the originally estranged Arles still did not completely concentrate, always traveling outside go.

Under such circumstances, the empire can truly mobilize the north to resist the powerful enemy only a small half of Western Saklan, a Boe who has just experienced the Centaur War and has suffered serious damage to his strength, plus Byrne, who is still accumulating power.

The seemingly "very stable" empire is about to meet the enemy on three sides, and neither of the two battlefields that have confronted the enemy has the advantage and the upper hand.

The empire is well aware that the Azore elves have not yet launched a general attack, which itself proves that they have not invested all their power; under this premise, it is impossible for the empire to invest more power in a strong fortress in the north. Among them, we can only hope that the Fortress of the Boundary Mountain can "create more glories" and reject the enemy from the glacier wasteland.

Therefore, the once indestructible Fortress of Fortress Boundary is now in the weakest period since the thirteenth generation!

Of course, the Boundary Mountain Fortress is still very strong; even if the garrison has less than ten thousand, it will cost blood to break her-such a fortress that has never fallen, her meaning and "legend" are enough to make a coward Able to fight back.

Because of such a gamble, he must be the leader of this army as the king of the eagles-only with him can he ensure that the army has absolute confidence in victory and even no doubt.

But he was also clear that relying only on the elite of 40,000 Azore elves, it is absolutely impossible to break through such a strong fortress; not to mention that once the emperor on the opposite side learned of the news, he would also not give up his reinforcements to the Fortress of the Boundary Mountain to block An even great opportunity to annihilate yourself.

Therefore, the victory of this war requires not only the bravery of the Azore Elf warrior, but also other forces.

That would be enough power on the battlefield ... to reverse the universe.

"Your Majesty, the army has been assembled;" an elf warrior appeared behind him, kneeling on one knee in the snow: "Only when the last batch of supplies is removed from the battleship, can it be officially opened."

The eagle king nodded slightly, as if he did not care about all of this: "How is the fortress of Greywater Bay, is it still there?"

"Has been captured by us, the remaining defenders refuse to surrender, hide in the warehouse with the grain, and burn themselves to death." The respected elf warrior replied calmly, neither proud nor angry:

"I have ordered their bones to be removed from the ruins and buried under the gates of the Greywater Bay Fortress with the other defenders."


The eagle king turned around, and besides the elf warrior, there were two imperial rangers kneeling in front of him; the iron rope originally used to tow the truck was wrapped around the two deadly.

The tattered armor, the blood marks on the corners of the mouth and the scars on the body, the bruises and frostbite, and the pair of eyes that wished to let the other party die, almost exposed them to reconnaissance and resisted the whole process of being captured after the fruitless, said It is clear.

"Do you know who I am?"

There was no bit of violence in the calm voice, but on the contrary, it was a little gentle, leaving the captured two slightly stunned;

Then one of the two left nodded.

"That's good." The eagle king said plainly: "As far as I know, the two of you shot one of my men with a bow that can shoot arrows with one hand, and seriously injured one. Name, three minor injuries ... "

Following his sentence, the tension of the two Rangers' faces reappeared, as well as the fear of retaliation.

"But I don't blame you." Wang Yingfeng of the eagle turned back:

"Because everything you do comes from your own obligations and loyalty to the monarch-your sins are the sins of your monarch. The dispute between two ancient kingdoms cannot blame you."

Another sentence, let the two who were cold and sweating breathe a sigh of relief again, only to feel that the whole body was almost frozen and trembling, trembling in the snow.

"Therefore ... please give me a few words for the emperor of the empire for me in return for protecting your life."

The Eagle King is very calm: "I am to the north, and he is to the south-if he wants to play a fair and just battle with me as the emperor, please take his elite army to the Fortress of the Boundary Mountain, Waiting for me there. "

"It wo n’t take long for me and my army to get there and launch a general attack on the Fortress of the Boundary Mountain; I will take that fortress, I will traverse his territory, and then take his capital, his throne, he Empire! "

"Tell him that if he wants to hold on to all this, and then do the same to me, and recapture the iron crown that belongs to him ... I will do what he wants at the Fortress of the Boundary Mountain."

As he said, the Eagle King slowly squatted down, and in the alert and alarmed eyes of the two Rangers, a faint smile appeared ...

"May I?"

The dumbstruck dumb just nodded hard and couldn't even speak.

The next second, the eagle king slammed the knife handle across his waist.


In the moonlight-like blade of light, the two rangers had no time to hear the sound of cracking metal.

When they waited until they recovered, their eyes widened and they found themselves alive.

The chain on his body has fallen into the snow beside him, there is no trace of damage!

"Let's go back."

The eagle king got up and walked without leaving.

The elf warrior on the side immediately followed, leaving only the two rangers still dumb, kneeling and shaking in the cold wind.

It wasn't until the King of Eagles went far that they were helpless and fled.

"Your Majesty, are you really so confident?"

The elf warrior kept a step away from behind the eagle king, less than two steps away: "Doing this is tantamount to alerting the southern empire, and their emperor will definitely go north and kill you at all costs ! "

"Yes, the core of the plan is to make them alert, draw their emperor's attention to the north, and fight with us." The face of the eagle king did not change color:

"We cut off the head of one emperor and then another-this will cause a commotion large enough in our enemy's camp. Those nobles who were loyal to their emperor will be headless."

The elf warrior frowned slightly: "But it may also make them more united."

"Maybe, but what's next?" Shen Sheng, the eagle king, asked in return: "In order to prove their unity and loyalty, they will come to us desperately; we only need to defeat them once, and the empire ... "

"An empire with an absolute mind will be our strong enemy; but a reckless monster with many big brains and obesity will only be a beast under our long sword and to be slaughtered."

"The rest only needs to be given to my self-respecting sons, the kingdom of Azores, which will continue in their hands."

"You ... intend to sacrifice yourself?"

The elf warrior's voice shuddered.

"I will not sacrifice any elves, including myself." The Eagle King sighed: "Your Excellency, if you still don't believe that we can achieve the final victory, then the only advice I can give you is to leave as soon as possible. Now. "

After hearing this, the elf warrior lowered his head and asked no more.

The halted eagle king, standing in front of the roaring shore of the waves, beneath him is the army of 40,000 Azore elves that have already assembled on standby.

At the next moment, he held up a long sword in his hand and looked at his fellow citizens who were also looking at himself:

"The people of Azores, we have stood in the northernmost part of the imperial territory, and the south is the gate of this ancient and rich country;"

"Since we have come to her most north ~ ~ then there is only one place to go-south, south, all the way south, until our long knife plowed every inch of their land Until we have stepped through every village and town; "

"Until the evil spirits they believe in fall, until we win a bright future for the ancient Azores with a long knife in our hands-we will not put away the knife in our hands!"

"Now, I invite you, implore you, and order you to follow me ..."

"Take the Boundary Mountain!"

In the cry of the sky, the army of the Azores stretched for miles to face the gusty wind, approaching from the ice-foggy coast to the glacier wasteland covered by snow and snow.

On the hillside not far from the ranks of the army, the burning fortress of Greywater Bay was like a huge torch, with flames and smoke rising up into the sky, clearly visible among the snow-white mountains.

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