Shaman from Afar

Vol 2 Chapter 183: 2 "Asriels" (Part 1)


Counterfeit goods?

When Asrell said the word, Loren first recalled that it was about two different versions of "The Legend of Asrere"-in the South of Lothal, he was a goblin who was passionate about making fun of people. ; In the bitter cold northwest, it has become a devil who loves blood sacrifice.

In his previous life, there was a concept called "mythical prototype", which refers to the similarities between various legends, and can even originate from the same source, because different regional customs and environments will evolve into different ones. appearance.

The sword in the tree in the Nibel dragon root, the sword in the stone in King Arthur, and Durandel (eternal sword) in the song of Roland, can be regarded as different appearances similar to legend, and there must be some slight correlation between them; Even together with a legend, the original appearance will be changed because of customs and geographical changes.

"No, dear Loren, it's not what you imagined. She did more than that **** thing." Asriel's expression was more unprecedented than ever, even when facing Metzka. , The scarlet eyes are deeply disgusted:

"It was her who stole my name and even tried to use it to replace my existence."

Substitute ... Loren noticed the words of the teenager.

Can evil gods replace each other?

Ariel smiled softly, subtle but elegant, standing politely like a lady, the affectionate eyes seemed to be Wang Shenquan, staring quietly at the dark-haired wizard.

It was like ... His expression when he first met Asriel, they couldn't find any difference.

"We are all derived from the existence of the void, and the creatures of this world cannot know our name, and the power contained is enough to destroy you." The look of the teenager is complicated:

"But the other way around is the same for us. To have a place in this world, we need a 'name' to let you know our existence; when you know the name, we can exist-this is mutual of."

The dark-haired wizard nodded incomprehensiblely. This may be interpreted as something like a "legend". Myths and heroes that no one sings can be regarded as "dead" spirits, right?

Judging from the previous few times, it is quite difficult for these guys to "advent", and having the "name" does not require so much expense.

So the contradiction between the two is that Asriel first made himself come to Lotel in some way, and when his story-or horror legend began to spread, Ariel misappropriated his name and legend. And replaced it in a more horrible way.

Indeed, the **** and cruel sacrifice of living people sounds more terrifying and shocking than the story of Asreal who plays with human nature, and it is easier to penetrate people's hearts.

"But Ariel has failed." The girl gently pursed her lips and shook her head with a smile: "Who can think that the two legends turned into one in the end? It's really a pleasure, Asriel, Asriel, otherwise we all It's impossible to meet like this. "

There was no smile on the teenager's face, and it was still frosty.

Loren knew vaguely why-Lothal has a rugged terrain and is relatively closed between the territories. It does not have much impact on the surroundings. I am afraid this is why the two legends can coexist.

"Dare to stand in front of me and still talk like this. It's really fearless and counterfeit." The young man's delicate face was somewhat shabby, and the nails of his hands gradually became short but sharp claws:

"Don't worry about me tearing the body you possess ... to pieces?"

The body? !

"Yeah, poor Ariel is not as lucky as the silly Asriel. She can meet Dear Loren and find a sealed vampire." The girl's gentle expression showed a little helplessness:

"The real Ariel Corona died when she arrived at my temple. It was really distressed to have injured the tendon of the ankle accidentally before dying; people had to walk barefoot, otherwise they would walk away It would be strange to come. "


No wonder her body is as cold as ice, and she can't hear her heartbeat ... the most important thing is that she is actually an evil spirit.

And she once let her and Ai Yin rise up without any scruples, they are really too lazy!

"The barefoot is purely your eccentric, frenzied performance artist." The teenager who withdrew his paws did not forget the vicious words, but it sounded like a bluff in Loren:

"Dare to appear in front of me like this, also proves that you have no fear, right?"

Ariel's thin bloodless lips showed a pleasant smile:

"The Holy Grail of the Nine Stars is behind me. It's really unimaginable. The aftermath of it alone has restored me a lot of strength, if I can get it ..."

"You will die without a burial place!"

Asrell ’s threat made the girl smile slightly and turned her eyes to the dark-haired wizard next to him:

"Dear Loren, do you still remember our agreement? Ariel has helped you get the Holy Blood Elixir and found your friends. Is it possible now ... to help poor Ariel for a little help? "

This tone is really like the original Asriel.

Or is it because they are related to their "legends"? In order to maintain their "existence" in this world, they must adapt their appearance, words and deeds to their legendary image?

Loren ’s silence made the girl frown a little, and Asrell, who looked at him, smiled smugly: "Such old-fashioned tricks are still accepted, he ’s used to it; I want to talk about it. Lun, you have to be more shameless, just a little bit! "

"Ariel is not the same as Asriel. There will never be any concealment from the people you love-as long as he wants to know, Ariel will tell him without reservation."

The girl opened her lips slightly, and her expression was playful: "It's Asriel ... why are you so scared that Loren is exposed to the Holy Grail? With your covert attitude, it's easy for people to suspect that you're not good. . "

"Because‘ truth ’often means danger, you should have a deep understanding of this, counterfeit goods!” The young man snorted back with a hum:

"Your so-called sincerity will only kill your sweetheart-but I guess you will pretend to be a pitiful innocent, and squeeze two more tears ... Oh, sorry, I Forget, your body is already a dead person, and the dead person will not cry! "

"How can you say people like that?" The girl is still so innocent.

"Because we are all ... Asriel." The boy's eyes were cold:

"It's that simple!"

Ariel's expression changed slightly, and the atmosphere seemed to start to freeze.

"I'm sorry to interrupt you ... uh, flirting." Loren raised his mouth and suddenly looked at them with a smile: "Although it's rude, I have been silent since the beginning."

"So I think it's almost time to make things clear!"

The expressions of the two "Asriels" froze at the same time.

"I know what the Holy Grail of the Nine Stars is, but what is the" truth "? The dark-haired wizard said quietly:" Since we are all ready to get it, let's make it clear now? "

"Of course ~ ~ as long as dear Loren wants to know."

The girl smiled softly and gazed at the black pupils: "As you know, the Holy Grail of the Nine-Man Star is actually the key through which the gap between the two worlds of void and matter can be opened."

"This is a very huge and terrifying force-it is equivalent to opening the valves of two overlapping worlds. Under the violent influence of each other, no one knows what will happen in the end, but it is definitely a terrible thing!"

"But this terrible power can also bring many benefits, especially for wizards-no longer need to go through meditation and borrow the Holy Grail as a carrier of their consciousness to enter the void; the spread of the power of the Holy Grail, Spells and alchemy are no longer restricted by the physical world, of course, the premise is to know how to use it. "

The more I go on, the more ugly Asriel's expression looks, as if he is mentioning something that scares him:

"As for the so-called 'truth' .........". () "The Witcher Comes From afar" only represents the author's point of view. If you find that its content violates national laws, please delete it. The position is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!

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