Shaman from Afar

Vol 2 Chapter 184: 2 "Asriels" (Part 2)

The key to open the gates of **** ... the medium that let the evil gods come ... what does it mean? !

The four people have different expressions, but their eyes are all the same shock.

He was lying, a thought flashed in Edward's heart, and the expression on his face was still surprised. Since the other party wanted to explain, it just happened to take the opportunity to drag on.

But ... the night watchman ’s eyes glanced at the little wizard who was holding the bow and arrow. The panic, even like guessing something, was really strange, as if ...

"You thought what I said was to tell you the lie of Lord Loren Turin from your mouth, which is extremely sad-the light of salvation is in front of you, but you are not willing to embrace this glory, this is what we are The original sin of humble life. "

With a slight sigh, Farnesses' expression was extremely sentimental: "If you can understand a little bit and see how cruel this world is, there will be no doubt about my words."

"Like ... His Excellency Ain Rand." Lord Bishop turned his gaze to the little wizard who had laid down his weapon: "If you remember correctly, you and Loren Turin have seen it with your own eyes, those Real evil, you should understand that everything I said is true! "


The little wizard who was asked suddenly panicked. His firm eyes were full of worry: "Lo, Loren, what is Loren ..."


The frowning female elf snarled again, looking back at the emerald eyes and the little wizard: "Believing that **** bastard, isn't this what you told me?"

The delicate body shuddered suddenly, and Ain in a panic woke up.

"Pretend to say a bunch of ridiculous jokes that are not funny at all, always pretending to be mysterious, full of lies, and a look of beating-what is the guy worried about? Believe me he knows what he is doing and nobody Can kill him! "

Liya's voice echoed in the ear of the little wizard, the drooping head slightly lifted, the fear in his eyes swept away, he took a deep breath and raised his bow and arrow again.

Yes, there is nothing to be afraid of ...

That lie is always full of lies, and always regards himself as a fool in need of care and protection, and that stupid person who always throws himself behind does not need to worry about himself.

Just believe him!

Farnesses frowned and sighed slightly: "It is because of blindness and stupidity that the irreparable situation is caused again and again-the emotions of the past have covered your eyes and cannot see the danger that is already in sight. . "

It was the sneering of the female elf who gave him back.

Looking at the "comrades" who gradually calmed down, the indifferent Edward's gaze became sharp again: "Sorry, but I will bluntly say that what you said is really unbelievable, especially between you and the Bellini family. After cooperation, half of Eboden was infested with Holy Blood Elixir and after releasing the monster himself! "

"I don't want to go this far."

Farnesses' expression is extremely sad: "But when the war begins and everything is irreversible, all we can do is save more people in the present situation-as I said, even if you know a little bit The cruelty of this world is not stopped in front of me. "

"Unfortunately, everything is too late-no matter whether it is right or wrong, the ink has been condensed on the paper, which is right or wrong, let the Holy Cross judge; what we humble believers can do, we can only serve hard. "

Edward's brow furrowed, and he had a bad feeling ...

Sure enough, at the next moment, the sentimental Fanesis looked cold: "Although I really want you to be redeemed, there is no time now. May the Holy Cross forgive your sins!"

The voice was interrupted by the sound of steel collision behind him, throwing off the cloak, and the guard knight with his **** sword in his hands stepped forward!

"Do it--!"

While Edward roared, the bow string behind him still rang, and the arrow that roared the air was in the middle of the door!


The figure of the guardian knight suddenly flew, and the arrowhead was swayed by the long sword. In the violent wind, the three afterimages came from the top of his head and the left and right sides almost at the same time!

It has been insisted that Edward and Vera have turned on "transcendental perception" at the same time. Under the reinforcement of the high-level spell, the guard knight slowly looks like a rock that will not move.

But also irresistible like a rock!

Vera, who widened her eyes, watched the blooddrops on the tip of the sword dripping onto her face, and had to hide back before the long wind of the sword cut her waist.

At the next moment, the steel sword and the spear collided together, and the two unrelenting blades exploded into a brilliant spark!

The female elf has a cold face, and her war spear is two meters long. This is the sword used to hunt ogres. No matter how sharp the opponent's sword is, it is impossible to reverse the disadvantage in distance.

But he did it!

At the moment of wielding the sword to retreat Vera, the guard knight leaped forward, and the long sword hovered across Liya's swan-like neck, and her spear also buckled the knight's helmet.

The situation is very unfavorable ... The two-meter spear has become a burden at this moment, even at close distances, even the war dancers can not be sure to penetrate the armor made of stainless steel; but the long sword only needs to move forward slightly , She can tear her throat.

Ain who raised the bow, Vera who was forced to retreat ... It takes time to save the female elf, and no matter whether it is a bow or an dagger, it is impossible to go faster than the long distance between the long sword and the neck!

Time is really stagnant at this moment.

.................................... In the dark channel, the expression of naked you has never been as shocked as this moment!

In other words, some long-standing mysteries have finally been uncovered, but they are not what they imagined?

That ’s right, Loren had doubts when he touched the void-this world is a world where void and matter overlap, mutant monsters, strange plants, magic and even alchemy products ... everything is reality The result of the world being eroded by the void is also because of the overlap of the two, so that an existence like Asriel can "fall" in this world in some way.

Conversely speaking, the real world will also erode the "emptiness", and the degree will not be inferior to the changes suffered by this world!

To put it simply, everything in the void is "being there because it does not exist". What people see when they enter the void is just the edge of their dream, but these kinds of "dreams" will also erode the void and make it no longer. It is pure nothingness.

Just like the two "Asriels", it is also through those legends that they have today's "existence"-of course, even the erosion of the real world, the impact on them can still be minimal, after all, they are genuine. "Evil God".

However, that was once ...

"The moment when the light of the Holy Cross shines on the whole earth is the moment when everything in the void once fell." Asrell gently raised his mouth in self-deprecation:

"Either fall or perish, most of them are still wise ~ ~ Do you still remember what Ariel said?" The whispered girl's face suddenly became indifferent: "Holy Cross ... it It is the most terrible, cruelest and most ruthless devil in the world; all the foolish believers who are loyal to him and the church are all accomplices! "

"So ... because the power of the Holy Cross is getting stronger and stronger, more and more evil gods will have to" fall "or fall into this world, otherwise they will be destroyed?"

The dark-haired wizard frowned slightly: "IMHO, it doesn't mean anything to you-but this news does not seem to be bad for humans!"

"No no no ... Dear Loren, you really underestimated the danger of this matter. Think about it, when the Holy Cross wiped out every power that could threaten, or" theoretically "threaten him, when His glory shines on two overlapping worlds. Do you think there can still be a place for wizards in this world? "

Asriel's voice suddenly remembered: "Of course, even if it really becomes a reality, it will be a long time later-the problem at hand is that you think those evil gods like Mezka, in order to stay in this world What kind of things will the 'existence' do? "

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