Shaman from Afar

Vol 5 Chapter 120: Our duke

The endless darkness, there is no light, but it does not feel dull at all;

The sleepy consciousness slowly awakened again, opened his eyes and looked towards the dome.

It was a round of burning, black sun; even looking directly, it didn't feel dazzling at all.

The consciousness in the trance began to turn, and the subconsciousness began to mobilize his thinking and senses.

Chakal could even feel his pupils shrinking slightly, his open palms pressed against his chest, and he could feel the powerful beating.

This beating that should have stopped long ago.

Not only that, he found that his body was actually intact, and even completely restored to the state before he was corrupted by the Holy Blood Elixir, with no scars.

Where am I ... where is it?

The open and flat earth, the endless darkness, the broken broken walls, the invisible abyss ... and the dark day above.

Dark, cold, dead.

Such a dim, but not at all scary.

"... my dream world."

A familiar voice made Chacar withdraw his gaze, his eyes in front of him reflected a familiar figure, looking at himself with his hands behind his back.

"Loren ... Turin?"

The trance consciousness does not seem to be very confident in his judgment.

"Exactly." The black-haired wizard smiled slightly.

Chacar frowned slightly, gazing at everything around him; although he didn't know much about why he appeared here, but ...

"Can I think that I have died in your hands?"

The dark-haired wizard hesitated, but shook his head:

"It depends on how you define the concept of" death. "

Chakar was puzzled, expressing willingness to hear the details.

"Drinking the Holy Blood Elixir, your body and consciousness are corroded by the Holy Blood Elixir at the same time, and at the same time turn yourself into a part of the Evil God's body ... Very crazy practice, it also makes you difficult to be killed." Lun said lightly:

"I have tried it once in the previous battle; the result is that unless you directly wipe out all the power of the void in your body, no matter how many times you kill, you can still be resurrected."

"After starting the blood sacrifice, it made the power of the void in your body huge to a certain level; under such prerequisites, trying to kill you ... is almost impossible."

It turns out so.

There was no violence in Chacal's eyes, but there was a trace of interest: "So ... how did you do it?"

The dark-haired wizard shook his head again.

"I can't do it, and I can't do it." With a sigh, Loren's expression was a little emotional: "It's the credit of Master Harlemfan Ashamai."

"He used a method I didn't understand to gradually transform you from being in the void into life more in line with the physical world. This gave me the opportunity to be a lethal blow."

Chakar didn't change his face, quietly listening to how his opponents defeated him, and even nodded.

In any case, the self at this moment has been completely defeated; here is the opponent's "dream world", no matter how much resistance, there can be no effect.

Since it is no longer possible to resist, why not just give up completely and enjoy the last moment of leisure before death?

"... My original plan was to decapitate you and drag it in here, but it failed." With a shrug, Loren chuckled slightly:

"Although Lucien appeared suddenly, to a certain extent ... he might have saved my life."

"Then the dragon appeared." Chakal spoke softly, even with a smile in his calm voice: "I guess that should be a surprise for you too?"

"Yes." The black-haired wizard nodded slightly.

Yes, if it doesn't count as a prince who is also "uninvited" and intends to take credit.

"With the help of the dragon Milasis, I can finally weaken the power of the void in your body as much as possible, and at the same time attract most of your attention, leaving you no time to care for an obscure existence." Loren said: Get enough time and prepare to cover your whole body ... the dream of solitude. "

"The effect of this spell is to block out all the power of the void in an instant ... Of course, it is time-limited."

"Only in this way can we win a moment's chance, grasp the little consciousness you have hidden in the body of the evil spirit, and then drag into my dream world."

"In an instant?"

Chacar ’s voice revealed surprise, and he could n’t help raising his voice: “In order to win the chance of this moment, you can bet all the chips and make such a huge sacrifice?”

"Do not."

Loren interrupted him: "You said the opposite."


"It should be gambling all the chips and paying a huge sacrifice, and it can only win the opportunity at this moment." Low voice, Loren raised his eyes and looked at the other party:

"Serior, the monster of the void, the body of the evil spirit ... you, it's really terrible."

"Even if it is prepared enough, it may be useless in the end; so every battle is the last battle, and every engagement must bet all bets and be prepared for sacrifice."

"Only in this way can we earn that moment, so small that we need to hold tightly the hope!"

"... So it is."

With a long sigh, Chacar's expression became a bit different from before: "Séior ... The 'Black Cross' in your mouth has repeatedly mentioned your name. Even if he is arrogant like him, he will always be You are regarded as the most difficult enemy, and even determined that only he can beat you. "

"The reason, I seem to understand a little bit."

The black-haired wizard said nothing.

"After saying that, it is precisely because of him that I have the obsession to treat you as my" negative enemy. "" Chacal shook his head and chuckled, self-deprecatingly:

"This kind of obsession, the past me ... or the real me will not have; the Holy Blood Elixir is really terrible, not only can it bring unmatched strength, but also completely distort one's thinking; No matter how rational it is, it will eventually fall into madness and surrender to its own desire to kill. "

"I changed to myself. I probably will retreat when I realize that the fighting is unfavorable. I won't be entangled with you at all; maybe, it will not cause the four-hoofed tribe to be completely destroyed in my hands."

"Of course, it's just" maybe. "

"On the first time we listened to Serel ’s suggestion, starting from the day our Great Khan and the flag masters drank the Holy Blood Potion ... The fate of the four-hoofed man was destined to become Serel ’s hand A chess piece. "

Serior ...

"How exactly did he do it ... I mean," Black Cross "Serior, how exactly does he control your entire tribe?"

This is one of Loren's most curious and most wanted to know.

As long as it is clear how Serel did it, maybe he can think of a way to avoid similar situations; if not, it is good to get more information about the "Black Cross" ability.

At least Loren didn't think it was a fluke victory, he had already defeated Serel himself.

Chakar didn't speak at once.

After a long while, Chakal slowly said, "You ... better don't know this."


Loren's face was inexplicable.

Why does everyone who has contacted Serel say so to himself? !

"Sir Loren Turin, as your enemy, I sincerely hope to see the scene where you have crushed Serriel to pieces, really; but ..." Chacar's sigh sounded very lonely:

"That's impossible; we and him ... are not on the same level."

"You might win him once, twice or more with your power, but ... you can't stop his plan; even the fact that you stop him is also in his plan!"

"You can't imagine what it is like; every change in the world, the angle of the sun, the size of the wind, any sickness that may occur ... even with the moment you will raise the sword in your hand, the position of the sword , The strength and strength of the sword ... "

"He ... Serior ... all knows clearly."

Loren frowned slightly, and he had heard Asriel mention it similarly.

Serel ’s power seems to be related to time ...

"Sir Loren Turin, you are already a strong enemy in his eyes; even if you don't want to, he will appear in front of you sooner or later." Chakal said quietly:

"If I can't think of any blessings, I can leave it to you ... I only hope that you will not one day witness the destruction of yourself and your own ethnic group and fall to the same end as me!"

"Trust me, there is nothing more sad and desperate than watching your own ethnic group, blood relatives and the robes around you become puppet puppets manipulated by people, and chess pieces that can be manipulated by people at will.

"Even if they killed them with their own hands, they are a hundred times stronger, a thousand times and a thousand times!"

The calm voice revealed unspeakable despair ... Hope is in front of me, the despair that is strangled alive.

Quiet moment.

Loren's mood was so complicated that he didn't know how to describe it.

"That's all, I can't say more." Chakal's face smiled: "Now, if you don't mind, I'm ready to welcome myself at the last moment."

When the words fell, he closed his eyes.

The dark-haired wizard took a deep breath, raised his left hand, and pressed gently on Chacar.

As if falling into his sleep again, he could clearly feel that his consciousness was gradually blurring, and his sober thoughts and senses gradually began to work hard, as if these no longer belonged to him.

The body also becomes transparent little by little ...

The palm of the left hand exerted a little force, and Chacar in the dream world disappeared in the blink of an eye.


The roaring gust of wind swept across the cheek, and just as the black-haired wizard fell, the dragon Whispering Mirassis caught him firmly in the air.

"Thank you."

Loren sat on the back of the dragon tiredly, listening to the cold wind blowing from his ears, and raised his mouth: "I thought you would really let me fall like I said before."

It sounds like a joke, but he and Milasis had agreed so before ... If the plan fails, the dream of solitude is forcibly freed by Chakal. The most direct result is that Loren himself has become a blood sacrifice. " Offerings ".

In that case, he would rather die.

[It does n’t matter, even if I help you, you definitely have a way to keep yourself safe]

A very gentle and kind female voice sounded in his mind, so that Loren could not help but warm his heart.

Unexpectedly, the dragon was so empathetic and empathetic.

[However ... since you spoke, you owe me a favor.]


The stunned Loren didn't respond, but nodded: "Of course, I must ..."

[When negotiating with Brandon again, let him let him, I will assume that you have repaid me; otherwise ...

No, otherwise?

Swallowing his throat, the dark-haired wizard who lowered his head saw the amber dragon eyes staring at himself.

No more words.

Feeling the silent "threat", Loren couldn't help but laugh bitterly.

A gentle, empathetic, empathetic dragon?

I really want to think too much.

Exhaling deeply, he turned his gaze to his side.

On the empty battlefield, the lonely body of the evil **** is shrinking and corrupting little by little.

It is like a withered plant, or an animal that has been dead for a long time.

Soon, the huge and fat body slowly shattered and collapsed.

Tentacles, head, torso ... The whole Evil God's body is like a burnt towering tree, which is constantly scattered; the scattered ash is flying in the sky, and it is very elegant under the golden sunset.

In just a quarter of an hour, all the tentacles, pus, carrion ... disappeared completely, and there was nothing left; except for the potholes, the **** battlefield with corpses everywhere, there was no evidence to prove that it had just passed.

Where the body of the Evil God once entangled, only one "dawn" sword remained.

"This, this ..."

Looking at the sky ashes, slowly falling from the dragon's back to the ground, the Silver Helmet Mountain dwarf army who was rushed to the scene was stunned. Many dwarves even kept their eyes open and couldn't believe what they saw. .

A common question came to everyone's mind.

But in fact, they know the answer again.

Because just now, just a few minutes before, they have witnessed the whole battle from a distance ... what really puzzled them, it happened to be what they saw ~ ~ absurd Unbelievable facts.

The figure that fell from the sky, only one blow ...

Destroy monsters that even dragons are powerless? !

"How is this possible, what's going on?" The dwarf Mihailo's voice trembled and shook his head desperately: "That man ... he is really the one we have seen before ... Loren Turin ?!" "


The tired anger Earl Eckert nodded slowly and sighed softly: "Loren Turin."

"Our ... Lord Duke!" ...

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