Shaman from Afar

Vol 5 Chapter 121: Open the curtain

Principality of Byrne, Red Blood Castle.

Even though the midsummer has passed, the Red Blood Castle in the south is still a bright sun; the gentle breeze slowly entering the cold autumn not only does not make this fairy-tale castle obscure, but adds a touch to the original static green Jinhong.

In the golden autumn season of harvest, everything is so gratifying; the aristocrats who got rid of the summer heat can finally put on more patterns and more gorgeous autumn clothes, dressed with cumbersome clothing and heavy brocade; farmers and merchants Celebrating this new year's harvest, the grainy wheat ears are spread over large areas of farmland.

Thanks to the "Business Road Plan" of the Jodhpur Chamber of Commerce and the United Chamber of Commerce; although it has just begun, it has already achieved success; the Round Table Council adopted the two major chambers of commerce to directly collect food from warehouses in various regions; No need to worry about tax increases due to war.

The season of harvest, coupled with frequent success stories from far away ... Joy is almost written on everyone's face.

But not everyone.

The housekeeper of the Red Blood Castle, Chacal Grenwell, stood outside the door of the Union Chamber of Commerce. In a dark blue uniform, he always seemed to have a nonchalant expression.

With his left hand behind his back, his right hand clenched a letterhead ... The agent of the Union Chamber of Commerce sent it directly from the front of the battlefield.

The hustle and bustle beside him made him unable to bear his eyes and swept the crowd around him, those laughter, hustle and bustle ...

There was only infinite emotion in Charles' heart.

They do not yet know exactly what happened on the front line and how many terrible upheavals have happened; they only know that under the leadership of the new Duke, the knights of Byrne are moving from one victory to another.

But they will soon know ...

With a complicated mood, the chief of the Red Blood Castle, who put away the letterhead, turned and left, and walked towards the round table hall.

After the war began, Charlotte, Countess of the Red Blood Castle, had never left here.

In the empty hall, there were only a solitary girl in front of the thirteen chairs around the round table; she was lying in front of the table in a plain skirt, waving the quill in her hand constantly, not even noticing that someone had come in.

The head of the Red Blood Castle glanced at the candlestick that had been extinguished, and the scrolls of the table corners were piled up.

It was all night again ... Putting the corner of his mouth tight, Charles only felt a pain in his heart.

At this moment ...

"Huh? Charles, you are back."

Quite surprised Charlotte finally stopped the pen in his hand and gazed at him calmly with a smile: "Something?"

"Uh ... no, nothing!"

Strongly holding his heart, the housekeeper of Red Blood Castle came forward with a chuckle: "It's already dawning, do you want me to prepare some breakfast for you? Or have a drink, and when I came, I had the servants ready With hot water, you can always ... "

"Thank you, but I have eaten a little bit just now." Charlotte shook his head: "In two quarters, your brother Count Stormburg and Count Rainbow Bridge are coming, I have to prepare before they arrive The content to be discussed. "

Looking at the paler face than before, there were even some purplish girls in the eyes, and the silent Charles slowly slumped.

It's hard to imagine that Charlotte a year ago was still a girl who was thinking about what color skirt to wear every day and what snacks to prepare for afternoon tea.

Not only did Bayern do not let her completely forget her troubles, but ...

"Okay, I'm fine, don't worry." Charlotte continued lightly: "You come here this time, you should have just returned from the United Chamber of Commerce, right? That means ..."

"Boy's side, there is already news."

The Butler of the Red Blood Castle nodded gently and handed the letterhead to the girl ’s cheek. She took the opportunity to put a blanket on her again: "Although the messenger was in a hurry, there was one thing to be sure that this battle, Baine won."

"Really?" The girl looked over in surprise and clenched the letterhead in excitement.

"At the latest one week, all Bayern and even the Empire will receive news." Smiling Charles bowed slightly:

"Although the process is a bit tortuous, the casualties and losses are very heavy, and even once faced the possibility of a fiasco, but ... we still won, and the most important thing is that Bain won."

"It was the knight of Byrne who won this Centaur War and saved Poi and even the Empire!"

In an instant, the excited young girl clenched her teeth.

"It really was ... I knew it! I knew Loren ... Loren he must! It must be ..."

The Butler of the Red Blood Castle stepped back a few steps, staring at Charlotte desperately trying to endure, not letting himself be happy to the point of gaffe or even crying.

The reunification of Byrne proves that her glory has not diminished with strength; she proves that she is still under the dragon wings, the well-deserved first principality, the home of powerful and glorious knights, and the guardian of the eastern empire.

He knew exactly how long Charlotte had waited for this day and how much he had sacrificed.

Even if only for a moment, I want her to enjoy this hard-won victory.

"Loren ... and our army, where is it now ?!"

"Still near the battlefield, and several other ... mainly Poi and the army of the empire, after repairing, they will go to Thousand Accounts City." As if she had already guessed she would ask, Charles said softly:

"According to the messenger, the severity of this war is imaginative ... More importantly, it also involves multiple forces and the issue of the succession of the new Grand Duke Poi, so there are many things that need to be dealt with."

"Because during this period, the Duke will stay in Qiancheng City to negotiate with the parties, and at the same time use letterhead to notify you of the latest situation, solicit your opinions and the round table council before making a decision."

"The question of the succession of the new Grand Duke Poi ..." Charlotte sighed with emotion:

"Duke Laslovana, did he also sacrifice?"

The Butler of Red Blood nodded silently.

Charlotte was seated again, using his dagger as a letter opener to skillfully open the letterhead: "Since the rule of the Varna family has ended, then the position of Grand Duke Poi should be the Jonah family."

"Yes, Low ... Lord Duke and the counts on the front also have the same point of view." Charles with his arms folded came forward and answered: "His proposal is to support the new heir of the Jonah family, and Miss Sally Cayonna becomes the new Grand Duke Boyi ... "

Ok? !

Before he finished, Charles, suddenly aware of something, looked up sharply.

The Charlotte in front of him, I do not know when to regain the indifference of the past, his eyes gleamed with complex luster.

The Redblood Butler twitched his throat.

"Salika Jonah ..."

Chewing on the name, Charlotte raised her eyes and narrowed her eyes slightly: "A very familiar name ... Charles, have I seen her?"

"Uh, yes!" The slightly insignificant butler quickly replied: "In your adult ball, she once visited the Red Blood Castle on behalf of the Jonah family, and you ..."

"... I think of it, the brutal, uncultivated and polite wolf cub." The slightly frowned girl sneered, shaking her head somewhat disdainfully: "The Jonah family is really nobody Now, let her be alone; really ... "

Charlotte twitched his shoulders, his shoulders trembling slightly, and he snorted heavily.

Smiling Charles took a deep breath and dared not say a word.

"But it's not surprising, isn't it? The custom on the grassland is to fight for strength, and it's more cunning to fight your wrist; Salika ... she will definitely do everything to become Grand Duke Poi!" Mouthless, cold-humped girl subconsciously clasped the chair armrest:

"The woman who doesn't understand the etiquette and has no shameless heart must be unscrupulous in order to win the support of Byrne; either bribery or buying, it must be aimed at Loren! Maybe she will ..."


Charles interrupted her self-talk softly and slammed her right shoulder.

Slightly startled, Charlotte, whose breathing was disturbed, squeezed the corners of his mouth to calm down and lowered his gaze.

After half a minute, the girl unconsciously coughed, turned her eyes to the letterhead in her hand, and turned a few pages indiscriminately.

"Silver of the Helmet of the Mountain ... Dwarf?"

Hearing Charlotte's opening, the Redblood Butler took a long sigh of relief and took over the turning point with a little stiffness.

"Yes, this is also one of the biggest problems of the Centaur War." Charles said: "For many reasons, the original Silver Helmet dwarf, which turned out to be our ally."

"In the ensuing battle, they also managed to contain a large number of enemies for the Baine army, so that the Duke had the opportunity to save the defeated Poi ’s remnant army and paid a lot of casualties."

Shaking his head, Charles sighed: "In return, they hope to be sheltered by Baine to ensure that they will not be hunted down by the Supreme King of the Yunling Kingdom after the war; at the same time, they can have a small autonomous region in Baine, For their people to live in peace. "

"Such ..." Charlotte frowned slightly, nibbling his lower lip.

This is difficult.

If it is only hostile to Silver Helmet, even defeating their army, or even conquering the entire Silver Helmet, Byrne is the party occupying the moral commanding height; after all, it is not Byrne who first provoke war, and Silver Helmet dwarves do participate. The situation during the Centaur War is also an indisputable fact.

But if you want to accept the loyalty of the Silver Helmet dwarves, then things are completely different.

The proud dwarf and the supreme king of Yunfeng Peak will never easily accept Byrne ’s interference in the internal affairs of the Yunling Kingdom; and a dwarf tribe swearing allegiance to humanity is the first time since the twelfth generation of the empire.

The alliance between the ancient wood elves and the Duke of Lothal once caused Duke Frid to be controversial in the empire; and what kind of vision will be encountered by Baien who has accepted the dwarf loyalty?

What would the sky dome think, and what would the Holy Cross Church think?

Seeing the girl's brow furrowed, Charles couldn't bear it anymore.

He knows better than anyone, how much effort and sacrifice Charlotte has paid in order to keep the relationship between Byrne and the Yunling Kingdom from being destroyed by war;

The enthusiasm in the meetings again and again made the dwarves also impressed by the performance; it was night after day and night, day after day.

History, culture, communication, relationships ... She can make the messenger of the Dwarf Supreme King speechless, and can also find a platform for communication between the two parties, so that the other party can really sit down and let go of pride and calm negotiations.

As long as she is given more time, even if not too long, Byrne can truly establish unimpeded negotiations with the dwarf's Yunling Kingdom, and even reach an alliance one day, it is not impossible.

but now……

"Would you like to write a letter and explain the situation to the Duke?" Charles asked. "He should be still in Qiancheng City right now, and he has only reached a preliminary agreement with the Silver Helmet Mountain dwarf; in this case, it can be regretted ..."

"Never regret it!"

Charlotte interrupted him decisively, with a serious expression: "We, Byrne ... can't regret it!"

"Even if it's just a promise, Loren Turin does not represent himself, but the promises made by the Duke of Bayern and the entire Principality of Bayern cannot be changed!"

"I see." The butler of the Red Blood Castle nodded: "The messenger of the Supreme King ..."

"I will find a way for the dwarf messenger, try to maintain the relationship between the two parties ..." Unconsciously, Charlotte's voice was a little lower, and the raised right hand gently pressed against his forehead:

"Besides that, what else do I need to know?"

Charles sighed slightly and handed out the second letter.

"Oh, what else?"

"Yes ... two letters were sent at the same time, but this one was the autograph letter of the Duke of Turin of Loren." Charles said: "The messenger conveyed the meaning that I hope you can see it as soon as possible; if there is no objection ... It reaches the entire empire. "

Charlotte's eyes flashed with confusion, and he quickly took the letterhead from him and opened it.

"Every warrior who fought for the empire throughout the Sakran Empire;

After a series of **** battles, we finally won a complete victory over the Centaur tribe, and wiped out all the enemies who had committed the crime; within four hundred years from today, these four-hoofed men will no longer cause damage to the Eastern Frontier of the Empire. Any threat

But ... this is not the end of the war, but the beginning;

A more terrible, fierce enemy is showing his sinister and vicious face after this war, threatening every corner of the empire;

He is not an alien we are familiar with, nor is it the invasion of the monsters in the North Boundary Mountains; but the threat he has generated is far beyond the sum of the two!

He used to be a servant of a devout church ~ ~ Now he is the enemy of Holy Cross; he knows our weaknesses and flaws very well, but we know nothing about him;

In Ebden, Boundary Mountain, Red Blood Fort, Great Green Sea, Silver Helmet Mountain ... This terrifying enemy has repeatedly exposed his minions again and again; every appearance brings unimaginable natural disasters ;

The name of this enemy is called Fanesis, the former bishop of the Holy Cross Eboden Church;

For the safety of the empire, and for yourself and your family, you will not become a victim of the raging monsters overnight; I sincerely ask you to raise your vigilance and pay close attention to any unusual signs.

To the Lord of Bain, Loren Turin! "...

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