Shaman from Afar

Vol 5 Chapter 122: reason

"Are you serious?" & 1t; /

The camp account of the coalition army barracks looked at the letterhead in the hand. Brandon ’s expression was like a joke, and he kept blinking. At last, he stared at the extremely complex red pupil to the black wizard. & 1t; /

"Which part do you mean?" Loren lying on the bed raised his eyebrows and shrugged tiredly. & 1t; /

The battle against Chakal was extremely costly; not only physical and energy aspects, but also the recovery of the old injuries that had not been relieved from Silver Helmet Mountain before. & 1t; /

The little wizard almost tied him on the bed with a tie, and he warned the black wizard three times and five times that if he continued this, he would have at most one year left; & 1t; /

If it were not for the care of Master Ashamai, who was also seriously wounded, Ai Yin could not wait to watch a "quite unconscious" **** overnight, lest he kill himself. & 1t; /

"All!" & 1t; /

Brandon's eyes widened as if he only raised his octave again to show his current mood: "You don't seem to see clearly ... what will happen if this letter goes out as you wish ?!" & 1t; /

"My father and dear elder brother don't need to say much; the Holy Cross Church, the Nine-Mang Star Wizard Tower, and the various forces that have desperately concealed all these years so that the empire can always maintain prosperity and stability. You are equal to let them for many years. Try hard to destroy it once! "& 1t; /

"They ... would have wished you to cramp your skin and cut your bones." With a slight hum, Brandon shook his head: "Can't you be gentle, must you use such extreme means?" & 1t; /

"Thanks a little ... this doesn't sound like what a" faceless prince "would say," Loren smiled faintly: "What's more, can our Royal Highness Prince Connold also pretend to have forgotten that I destroyed the Governor of the Empire?" That account? "& 1t; /

"Either he or His Majesty the Emperor already wanted to kill me ... it's just a matter of time." & 1t; /

"Yes, but there is still a difference between being stared at by them and actively seeking death!" & 1t; /

One of the "faceless princes" desperately rolled his eyes, an unbelievable expression: "Are you really my former wizard advisor ... Because I am in the impression of Loren Turin, I will never do this initiative to find death There is no such thing as a result! "& 1t; /

"You definitely know better than me, this letter will not be of any use even if you send it to the whole empire as you wish-at least half of the people will not believe it, and the letter will feel like a conspiracy. People have nothing to do with it! "& 1t; /

"Yes, you can't call a person who pretends to be sleeping." Loren shrugged and agreed with him very much: "I admit this, but ... even so, it is still necessary to do so." & 1t; /

Brandon stared at him angrily: "Give me a reason!" & 1t; /

The black wizard did not answer him immediately. & 1t; /

Leaning lightly on the bed, squinting and breathing again, as if thinking about how to answer Brandon. & 1t; /

To be honest, Loren was afraid. & 1t; /

This feeling was not obvious at the time of Jiejie Mountain, but Silver Helmet really made him creepy ... From the beginning to the end, he has been holding his nose around and has been unable to regain the initiative. & 1t; /

Serel, he didn't seem to "guess" that he would go to Silver Helmet Mountain, but knew from the beginning that he would be there. & 1t; /

The difference between the two is that the former is based on objective circumstances and variables, and judgments made about a person's understanding; the latter is an unreasonable prophecy from God, just like an actor who got the script in advance, or knows the spoiler Read the sample. & 1t; /

"... Lusien, your death caused Connold to miss the time to go north. Fawda found the entrance to Niederhogg, and the" dead wrecker "was seen again; the unprepared cut-off mountain. Under the tide of the carrion demon Destroy once once like a desolate ... "& 1t; /

This is what the pupil of Grey Eye once mentioned with Loren, and when he went to the Dragon King City, Farnesses warned him; at that time, Farnesses should not have been completely engulfed by Serel's corruption. & 1t; /

This passage is critical. & 1t; /

It is like a description of an experiencer, and it can accurately grasp every important turning point; it is like "because Lucien is saved, this world will enter another branch line". & 1t; /

What is this, the butterfly effect? & 1t; /

Faced with such unreasonable enemies, the only solution Loren can think of is to intervene in certain things on his own initiative, and it is a large-scale intervention, making all kinds of seemingly "irrational", "not according to common sense. Card ". & 1t; /

It was the first attempt to save the Poi ’s residual army, and this letter would be the second. & 1t; /

But & 1t; /

& 1t; isty1e = ‘co1or: # 4876ff’> ----- This is a gorgeous dividing line-& 1t; / i> & 1t; /

Fiction netizens please note: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading: & 1t; /

& 1t; isty1e = ‘co1or: # 4876ff’> ---- This is a gorgeous dividing line --- & 1t; / i> & 1t; /

Such words cannot be accepted by Brandon. & 1t; /

"... In the final analysis, it is a matter of position." Slowing his breath, Loren said flatly: "You just said that our emperor, His Majesty, and Crown Prince Connor, would never do that." & 1t; /

"Yes, anyone with a brain will not do this!" Brandon rolled his eyes again: "This is not a knight novel!" & 1t; /

"So ..." & 1t; /

Loren raised his head and looked at him sincerely: "Why not?" & 1t; /

Ok? & 1t; /

Brandon felt as if he had said something extraordinary. & 1t; /

... but anyone with a brain does n’t do this ... so ... & 1t; /

"My Majesty Eckhart II and Crown Prince Connold have been in contact with each other once; the understanding of them is still at a very shallow level, but there is a little ..." Loren said slowly: & 1t; /

"They are all good at taking advantage of the situation and can see the direction of things at a glance; even if there is a sudden situation, they will often be 'corrected' by various means and eventually become the situation they want." & 1t; /

"The Yuqian Judgment is the best example ... Even without me, the Wizarding College is still impossible to be defeated by the church, and the two will maintain a certain balance; but from beginning to end, you can't see the trace of the emperor's personal involvement. "& 1t; /

"But he definitely intervened!" Brandon snorted with a slight dissatisfaction and fear in his tone: & 1t; /

"Always maintain a seemingly objective neutrality, without biasing either side, is the image that the father emperor is most keen to show-because a fair judge is more awe and loved than a dictator who is hands-on." & 1t; /

"As for the beloved elder brother ... Hem, he is the shadow of the father emperor, but a little younger!" & 1t; /

The black wizard strongly agreed. & 1t; /

Facing Connold is the same as facing Eckhart II, the latter is easier. & 1t; /

But this is not because His Majesty the Emperor is more "just" ... on the contrary, it is because Connold is still young and easy to be emotional, and occasionally shows a little emotion and likes and dislikes. & 1t; /

"Even if they have these problems, the first thought is definitely not to let everyone know the seriousness of the problem; but to cover up as much as possible to maintain the illusion that the empire is still stable and prosperous." & 1t; /

The black wizard's eyes were scorching: "Because compared to changing the situation, taking advantage of the situation, it would be more beneficial for them to keep their hearts open." & 1t; /

In the discourse, Loren's mind immediately appeared in the past; & 1t; /

The body of the evil **** of Ebden and the potion of holy blood became accidents, and the annihilated Bellini family took full responsibility; even the soldiers of the Imperial Legion were killed, and finally lost it; & 1t; /

The monster invasion of Jiejie Mountain is clearly dangerous and requires the empire to prepare for full mobilization, but the result is that the nobles of the imperial capital have more talk; & 1t; /

The Blood Church of the Red Blood Fort ended with the empire abandoning the proper coordination of the governor system; in order to quell the incident, it was even possible to move out of the Grand Duke Ellemant. & 1t; /

Every time, they seem to feel that they can use political means, exchange of interests and compromise to solve all problems; it seems that as long as stability is maintained, even if it is only superficial, everything will be fine. & 1t; /

The point is correct, but the problem is that this time the enemy cannot be defeated by political skills and interests; he understands the nature of the empire better than the aristocrats in the Sky Dome and the Principalities, and he can easily find everyone ’s shortcomings and flaws. . & 1t; /

The most important thing is that he will not accept any compromise, and he will do whatever he wants to achieve his goal. & 1t; /

Such enemies cannot be defeated by political means; & 1t; /

Such enemies need to bet on their lives. & 1t; /

"... I understand what you mean, since Brother Connold is relying on his wrist to operate everything behind the scenes, then I need to be a completely different person to win a glimmer of hope?" & 1t; /

The crown prince's head was tilted with both hands resting on his chin, and he sighed helplessly: "If that is the case, why would you do it, wouldn't it be more appropriate for me to write this letter ..." & 1t; /

"No way." & 1t; /

The black wizard shook his head: "I participated in this war, so I have absolute say; even if they want to refute me, all the survivors who have jointly experienced the battle of the centaurs are my witnesses! The devastated green sea And Silver Helmet Mountain is the strong proof in my hand! "& 1t; /

"And Your Highness Brandon ... if you write this letter, things will change completely; neither the sky dome nor the empire ... they will no longer pay attention to the matter itself, they will focus on you and Connor Moral & 1t; /

& 1t; isty1e = ‘co1or: # 4876ff’> --- This is a gorgeous dividing line --- & 1t; / i> & 1t; /

Fiction netizens please note: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading: & 1t; /

& 1t; isty1e = ‘co1or: # 4876ff’> ----- This is a gorgeous dividing line- & 1t; / i> & 1t; /

Fight for the top. "& 1t; /

"That's the exact opposite of what we want to achieve!" & 1t; /

"Um ..." Brandon's worried face bit his thumb nails, and it seemed that it would indeed be the result. & 1t; /

No matter how disdainful and disregarded, he is still a direct member of the Desalion Royal Family and the second heir to the empire; this also means that every action he takes will be treated as a right by others Challenge of current Crown Prince Connord. & 1t; /

Even if this is not his intention. & 1t; /

What's more, Brandon never gave up such a plan; when he gave up and continued to pretend to be crazy and sell silly, and continued to be "relentless", when he was determined to take control of his own destiny by himself and his father ... & 1t; /

He would not have much room to choose. & 1t; /

Either get everything or lose everything ... There is no longer a second option, and there is no turning back. & 1t; /

"I get it!" & 1t; /

Rubbing his head hard, Brandon made a mess of his fiery red head, as if venting his dissatisfaction: & 1t; /

"Although you can vaguely guess that you are planning something else, but ... at least one thing is right; enemies like Fanes must be resolved as soon as possible, and the empire must recognize the seriousness of the problem." & 1t; /

"More importantly, this time I can't follow the meaning of the father and the elder brother, otherwise I will be in vain as Ebden!" & 1t; /

"So, there is one question left." & 1t; /

With that said, he turned his attention to the black wizard, "About the outcome of this battle of centaurs, and the final conclusion." & 1t; /

"His Royal Highness, the Commander-in-Chief of the Imperial Legion, cannot come at all." Loren knew what he meant. & 1t; /

Of course, what is more important is the undisguised threat of a certain dragon, which forced him to "give a little bit" to His Royal Highness. & 1t; /

What are the more terrible and fiercer enemies than an adult dragon? & 1t; /

Um, of course ... & 1t; /

"Salika Jonah can succeed Grand Duke Boye, the winner of this war is still you and the Principality of Byrne, and I can make a concession on this point." Brandon said unhurriedly, posing The empathetic expression: & 1t; /

"But before the Principality of Poi can really recover its vitality, it must accept the protection and supervision of the Empire; considering that it is impossible for them to get the expenses of the Imperial Army of 50,000 people, this cost will be borne by Byrne!" & 1t; /

Loren rolled his eyes helplessly. & 1t; /

"The latter one is negotiable, but if the former one is known by Sallyka, believe it or not, she can now rush in and hack you?" & 1t; /

Brandon laughed. & 1t; /

Laughing like a bear child. & 1t; /

"Well ... this is what my dear wizard advisor needs to solve." Holding his shoulders, His Royal Highness the Prince said "Gee": & 1t; /

"Anyway, the Principality of Boe always breathes with Bain through a nostril. In a sense, Salika Jonah is even yours ... Alas, why does this make me feel so angry!" & 1t; /

"Even if I think about it more, let me ask first-you, Loren, would you have already done it?" & 1t; /

Looking at Brandon's stunned, jealous and frantic expression, Loren had only a black line full of brains. & 1t; /

"The problem of military expenses ... The expenses of the 50,000 troops are too much, and can only solve one quarter of it for you!" He can only change the subject first. & 1t; /

"I have made concessions. You can't go too far, Loren." The index finger pressed his chin, and the pensive Brandon made a very difficult decision: "So ... look at our friendship, nine out of ten ! "& 1t; /

"..." Loren Turin: & 1t; /

"... one-fifth." & 1t; /

"Hey! Why is it getting less and less, four-fifths is not enough ?!" & 1t; /

"One in six." & 1t; /

"Three-quarters ... No!" The table was clapped with a hard "slap!" Brandon's expression raised **** with a solemn expression: "Simply ~ ~ 1/2 line No ... if all military expenses are counted on the sky dome, why should I let these legion soldiers listen to me? "& 1t; /

After Chen Si for a moment, Loren nodded slowly. & 1t; /

"Yes, just do it ... Salika's side, I'll find a way." & 1t; /

"Ah, so decisive, don't you have to ask her for advice?" & 1t; /

Brandon's stunned expression: "I was just kidding, I wanted to discuss it with you first; would it be true that you are already ...?" & 1t; /

"... Are you endless?" & 1t; / ...

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