Shaman from Afar

Vol 5 Chapter 135: Boots soup


In the Red Blood Castle wizard tower, Isaac, with a straight face, with a resolute tone, shouted at the little red-faced wizard:

"Do you understand? I don't understand. I repeat it again, no! But! Yes!"

"You haven't tried it, how can you know that it's impossible?" The excited Ain blushed, and the whole person wished to jump directly on him: "Give yourself a chance to prove you are wrong!"

"There is no need to prove that I also know that I am right, because this is too nonsense; in the nonsense I can imagine in my life, at least the top three!"

It seemed that language could not describe his feelings, and Isaac waved his hand violently.

"I ... uh, what are the first and second?"

"First, I might have a son who is smarter than me one day in the future-this is a pseudo-proposition, because no one in this world is smarter than me!" Isaac rolled his eyes:

"Second, you Ain Rand is actually a witch, but it's so hidden that I haven't found it for so many years!"

Looking at his self-righteous expression, the little wizard who wanted to roll his eyes more than he suddenly felt that there might be hope for the first one.

Thinking of the possibility that there might be an "Isaac 2.0" that is more weird, more complacent and more quirky than Isaac in the future, Ayin couldn't help but make a chill ...

"What's more, if we can successfully put it aside, let's talk about the meaning of your design first." Isaac held his shoulders and took out a pair of preparations to exaggerate.

"As your senior, I have great respect for your work attitude and standards-really, among all the sad, low-witted alchemists, thanks to the guidance of the tutor and my influence, you should be compared The one with hope of being saved. "

"Thank you for the compliment!" The little wizard shouted hysterically, desperately resisting the urge to throw the quill as a dart.

"You're welcome, students should encourage each other." Isaac nodded his head seriously, raising his hand to signal Ain not to interrupt him:

"In the end, if you design a brand-new power plant, I might praise it heartily; if this is a novel flying device, I might praise your ideas; if you come up with something completely different from the current building Style design, I may encourage your innovation. "

"But excuse me ... what do you mean by tying these three things together? A floating city that can fly, what use do we take it-to solve the land with more people and less land nowadays Contradiction, good idea, but how do you plan to let the people up, climb the rope ladder or come to a free fall every day? "

The unabashed sarcasm made the little wizard so angry that he was upset.

"Not all new technologies and new achievements in this world have practical application value." Ayn said "remind": "Many new technologies only provide a new way of thinking in order to be practically applied later. Save the foundation. "

Isaac rolled his eyes again directly:

"Then trouble you to remind me again, what kind of experience can this inexplicable" floating city "give us?"

"I ..." Ain, flushed, choked up suddenly.

"Brand new power plant, novel flying device, completely innovative architectural design ..."

Lena de Salion, who was always silent beside him, supported the glasses frame and said lightly: "And ... the method of combining these three technologies."

The two looked at each other with different expressions, and at the same time turned their eyes to the girl with black-framed glasses.

"It makes sense that I have no opponent to object to." Isaac looked sideways, as if grieved, and glanced at Lena de Salion:

"But you are my girl, you can only stand in the camp of a man in your life, that is me!"

With his mouth flat, Ai Yin sighed helplessly.

With twelve wizard towers as twelve conducting nodes, and the inner college auditorium in the center as the center, the bronze and marble tiles of the runes are carved into the transmission line ... Finally, the energy of the void is gathered to form enough to be The entire academy "supports" the power in the sky.

This is the core of the design of the whole theory ... enough to make all the wizards of the empire want to break their heads and design.

For most wizards, this is unbelievable, but Isaac can understand ... he went to the Dragon King City and entered the Dragon King Tower. He knew that this thing was absolutely feasible, because Niederhog itself was A "floating city".

But precisely because he has been there, he knows that it requires more than a dozen techniques from the four university departments of mystery, alchemy, mantra, and ancient runes, and the most important thing is ... there is no practical significance.

Or rather, this thing did not have any practical application value in the early days, but a combination of several technologies when they reached the apex-now the small wizard wants to "turn the book upside down" and develop a dozen of it by developing it. There is no technology at all.

"I don't know how you thought of this ghost thing, but let me tell you a basic fact, Ain." Isaac taught a serious lesson:

"All the knowledge and technology in this world have development tiers. We can go over a few tiers in the early stage and push back the technology through the achievements; but the more difficult it is to the later stage, the more difficult it will be."

Seeing this arrogant man finally no longer desperately satirizing but explaining, the attitude of the little wizard was slightly relaxed.

"So you think that with existing technology, it is impossible for us to complete it?"

"Accurately speaking, it is that the current generation's horizontal benchmark is two grades away from the research and development of the floating city, and four grades away from the dragon kingdom that finished the calf a long time ago." Isaac nodded:

"If we really want to make a floating city with practical significance, we need to at least complete the system standardization, new energy and power plant research and development steps ... This process alone, at least 50 to 80 years, but also To ensure the abnormal and rapid development of the existing wizard system, it must rise linearly instead of spirally. "

"The premise is ... they don't know a person named Isaac Grantham."

Lina de Salion, on the side, spoke again, tilting her head slightly to look at the arrogance.

"Huh?" Isaac didn't respond.

"Don't you always say,‘ I do n’t want to stick to the rules, write things that others have written according to the repetition of the gourds ’?” The girl with black-frame glasses flashed her eyes, with a strange luster in her eyes:

"If everything develops in a step-by-step manner, you must follow the path drawn by the instructor to learn, and gradually become an old man like them, little by little so that the times can keep up with you; but if You do n’t want to do that ... "

She gracefully raised the corner of her mouth, and her green fingertips crossed the drawing:

"This ... is something that no one has done; there is no guarantee that there will be no comers, but there is absolutely no ancient people-as you said, even the legendary wizards of the Dragon Kingdom have never been able to do it when the technology has not reached the standard. Developed a floating city! "

The voice fell, and the entire laboratory was immediately quiet.

Isaac, with a stiff expression, turned his face, pouting his eyes and looking at the piles of drawings on the table, and suddenly lost his voice.

For a whole minute, he didn't say a word.

"Lina, listening to what you said, I found this little thing ... it looks pretty cute." With his head down, Isaac muttered to himself: "Shall we raise our hands to vote and agree?" Please do n’t raise your hand. "


"Okay! It's so decided, all passed!" Before Ayin finished, Isaac spoke first, spreading his arms like a wingspan: "We're going to do something big like no one else-let this drawing still Things that don't exist, fly! "

The little wizard looked at Lena de Salion in amazement, and the girl with black-framed glasses slyly raised her lips, smiling gracefully:

"He is my man, and of course I know how to convince him ... like convincing my cat to take a bath."

"..." Ayn Rand.

"Okay, okay, I have some bits and pieces to talk about at dinner. It's work time now." Isaac frowned, seeing the little wizard and Lena talking so hard: "We have a big Do some work! "

The two men with different looks turned their heads back to the drawings on the table.

"Before we start, we must emphasize that we must look squarely at the technical shortcomings and not set our goals too high." Isaac continued: "So ... the only goal at the moment is to let this 'city' fly, and others Are secondary. "

"This still uses you to say ..." the little wizard mumbled.

"First of all, the most critical core design-although it is a stupid method, I have to admit that under the existing conditions, this is the one that is most likely to succeed; but the premise is that the layout of the entire floating city must be changed, at least the area Only three-quarters are needed. "

"Why ?!" Ai Yin's eyes widened, and his face was unbelievable: "I have done calculations, and twelve conductive nodes are enough to support the entire floating city; and reducing the three-quarters will not only leave a hall Yet?"

"I said, our first goal is to make it fly, and everything else is secondary!"

Isaac's eyes widened, and he took a posture that was unacceptable: "By reducing the area, we can greatly reduce the loss during transmission!"

"If that's the case, what's the point? It's still just a flying machine at the end, what a floating city ?!"

"First, it has obvious architectural characteristics; second, even if it is just an aircraft, it is better to fall freely after the sky?" With an undoubted tone, Isaac's eyes widened: "In fact, even if it is Twelve transmission routes are still much more obvious. According to my design, only nine routes are enough to let it take off! "

"Also, what is just an aircraft‘ just ’, it ’s super amazing to get it into the air, okay, who else can do it except today?”

A small wizard with a depressed face was lying on the table, like a child who had been robbed of a toy-although she knew that without the help of this arrogance, her floating city would only stay on paper.

But really ... annoying!

"Well, there is no problem with the overall structure, there is no problem with the path setting, the nodes needed for transmission can be used with the rune cast by Mithril with bronze, which can greatly reduce the process consumption ... The problem that must be solved is the loss problem, the consumption is not a problem, the problem There is a delay in transmission. "

The self-talking Isaac had completely left the other two beside him, and began to check the numbers on the blackboard next to him like crazy:

"The efficiency of the existing rune patterns is too low, so you can only redesign one, or use the path runes of the Dragon King Tower directly? No, no, we do n’t have such good metallurgical technology, even Mithril There are too many impurities, they ca n’t use their tall stuff ... "

"There must be something completely different, which can completely blur the line between the physical world and the void world ... No, that consumption is completely useless; still ... yeah, I can use it sixty years ago, Fres Walker's method of repairing the hallway of the illusion reduced the transformation of the void to less than 7%! "

Watching him keep mumbling around there, the little wizard who tried to interject a few times was completely ignored, and his hair was messed up with impetuousness, and he sat back against him with anger.

Lina de Salleon smiled a little, passed a pot of mint tea, and poured herself and Ayin a cup each.

"Sorry, he is such a guy." Ayn lowered his voice: "As long as he is happy, he will ignore everything."

"It's okay, I knew what kind of guy he was when I was in the Imperial College of Wizards." The girl with black-framed glasses waved very empathically, and the smile between the brows and the brows did not diminish in any way:

"Although it can be very annoying sometimes, it's still very cute."

Isaac? lovely?

The eccentric little wizard widened his eyes ~ ~ The smile on Lena's face seemed to have a little more taste.

That is, the taste of happiness ...

Lina with a smile was still watching Isaac's busy back; Ayn, who was no longer silent, picked up the tea cup and lowered her head silently.

"That ... what shall we eat tonight? I am hungry, and I am almost starving!"

Some elated arrogant suddenly turned around and turned his back to a blackboard formula: "Otherwise ... Ain, do whatever you want? I have a good appetite today, it's just great!"

He and Lena glanced at each other, and the little wizard with a touch of arc in his mouth also showed a little cunningness: "Really, just do whatever you want?"

"Yeah, I said that, as long as you can show your energy to cook for Loren, uh ... your expression, what are you going to do?"

"Boot soup!"

The little wizard said decisively.

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