Shaman from Afar

Vol 5 Chapter 136: Children and adults

After numerous quarrels, and time and again rejected the design of the little wizard "whimsical", and finally happily drank the "boot soup", shouting for another bowl I want, after a full month, Isa Ke finally came up with a draft plan.

The entire project was contracted to the dwarf architect sent by Mihailo-the master who was said to be "experienced" looked very fascinating when he saw the drawings; he dug a cave in his whole life and heard that he wanted to be himself Build a castle that can fly.

So, a whimsical mystic wizard, an alchemist with a fairy tale dream, a royal lady who only knows to encourage them to "do nothing", with more than a thousand dwarf engineering soldiers staring at the drawings, plus a dozen A wizard who had no idea what he was doing, started the "secret".

Under the repeated emphasis of Loren, the work of wizard consultant Dalton Kander, this "secret project" lasted three days and three quarters of an hour and became a well-known secret in the Red Blood Castle.

The only problem is that each version of these secrets is different.

According to the rumored news released by the United Chamber of Commerce and the Jodhpur Chamber of Commerce, the Duke is going to build a secret passage with all the castles of Byrne ’s Thirteen Lords, so that he can keep in touch with the localities at all times-as for drilling tunnels, there is no such thing as cavalry. Within the scope of consideration;

The servants in the castle rumored that the Duke was planning to build a new castle to avoid the embarrassment of seeing the head of Charlotte all day long and not seeing it; when everyone in the palace was in danger, he was worried about the loss of the Red Blood Castle. Rumors of disagreement;

In a turbulent situation, the "orphanage" run by a wizard consultant "good heart" was logically ignored by everyone, although its official name should be "Torino Wizard Academy".

Under the perpetual intelligence network of the night watchman, any deliberate concealment is meaningless, so Dalton directly opened the Wizarding Academy in the Red Blood Castle, and recruited a considerable number of talented orphans, illegitimate children and those who could not inherit their family property. Little son.

That ’s right, it was Peter ’s way to open Wimpar College in Lotel. Dalton changed it slightly and became the best cover for the new college-although it looks like it really looks like an orphan hospital.

As for a so-called legion, there are actually only 96 people in the "Devil Hunter Legion", but it ca n’t even get into the eyes of everyone-because a dark-haired wizard is still entangled in whether the name is "Knighthood" or "Brotherhood" , So there is not even a number until now, and it is still tentatively designated as the Duke Guard.

Dalton Kant couldn't turn the rough guys who came back from the 96 battlefields into thoughtful wizards overnight, but if it was just to give them the basic abilities of wizards ... there is more than one way.

Simply put, it is conversion.

The unique technology of the Freswalk school is to "empty" a part of the body. Master Freswalk used this technology to live to the age of 141 and still have a tiger, even when he can decide himself. The point of life and death.

When Loren heard of this method, he immediately thought of two white-haired men—the first one chasing after his daughter and the other opened a store, all day cleaning up the mess left by his father and brother.

In any case, this is a very dangerous technique, and the success rate for ordinary people is extremely low, but it is the only way; of course, they still need to exercise their spiritual palace, at least they must have an apprentice level.

The turbulent situation that just experienced the Centaur War, the turbulent empire that became a restless from the backwaters because of Loren ’s letter, Byrne prepared for war ... According to Dalton Kander, the eyes of the Red Blood Castle It is almost comparable to the imperial capital of Golovin.

In order to move away from the main line of sight and prevent them from touching the most critical action of Byrne at the moment, they must be a little “lively” to satisfy these people.

"... and this‘ floating city ’is what I gave them, the biggest excitement.”

In the wild of the Red Blood Fort, Loren leaning on a tree looked at the construction site in the distance. A group of guardian knights who were sent to monitor were surrounded by the construction machinery brought by the Silver Helmet Mountain dwarves. Looking curiously.

That expression is like Tang Ji Tuo De who saw the windmill for the first time.

"Now the Red Blood Castle is full of rumors, and there are all kinds of versions." Lina de Salion's expression was cunning: "You are intentional?"

"Of course, even the open-book exam is also an exam-the answers on the papers are in the books. I want to know which one to find by myself, right? Only the Holy Cross knows."

Jokingly saying that the other party seemed to understand something, but if he couldn't understand it, Loren Turin shrugged: "The longer it drags on, the better it is for us."

Looking at his complacent look, although she knew it was a group, the girl with black frame glasses was still very annoying.

"If the sky dome asked you what to do ... such a big thing, it is impossible to let go of you."

"Then be honest." With wide eyes, Loren turned his gaze to Lena, his gaze was very meaningful: "So you have to speed up too-when the information is worthless, Connor must also be Won't let you off easily. "

"It was sent out three days ago, and it should be in his hands now." Lena de Salion sneered dissatisfiedly: "But with so many lies, I seriously doubt whether he will believe it."

With a raised corner of his mouth, Loren said indifferently: "Whether he believes it or not, I will build this floating city."

"Why ... Your lord, who has no prince even in territories, is already so poor that it clinks? Continue to find Count Charlotte to borrow money, borrow land to borrow materials and food ... What are you going to give her back?"

"I have my own way, and I still ask you, can you stop sarcasm me?"

The dark-haired wizard smiled bitterly and glanced back at the distant construction site. The lively Isaac was still dancing there, quite a bit of the leader's temperament. The sweat on his forehead and the mud on his body could not hide the excitement on his face.

The little wizard on the side was holding the drawings and kept talking with the architect sent by the dwarf Mihailo; obviously the engineering technology brought by the dwarf made her very interested, even to the point of ecstasy.

Loren has no doubt that the two of them can build a fairytale castle that can soar for nine days in this deserted land.

"They really care about you." Lena de Salion's tone was a bit jealous.


"They, both of them ..." The girl with black-frame glasses glanced at her eyes and said lightly: "They know that you are just using them for blinding, but they still did."

"I've seen what Isaac is happy about. He is excited to look like this, not only because he wants to create an unprecedented existence, but also because he feels he can help you by doing this."

Loren didn't talk, and turned his eyes to Lina: "What about you ... you do whatever you can to escape from Goloven without hesitation to accompany Isaac. Is it really just freedom you want?" "

"Golovin is a magnificent and spacious prison, where you can enjoy everything, and you will be opened and closed by the church when you go to the Wizarding College; the freedom after you come out is to be scared every day, even if you are in trouble. Let go of the royal family's figure and face, let alone the inexhaustible wealth ... is it worth it? "

"Of course it is."

"If it was a person, I probably had no courage to escape that prison."

Lena de Salion's body shuddered slightly, lowering her eyes: "But for the sake of his man, the endurance of a woman is not what you can imagine, Lord Duke."

"Not to mention Isaac Grantham ... there will be no one in this world who can get along better than him."

The dark-haired wizard's eyes were rounded.

Isaac ... so easy to get along with?

"Compared to your stinky man, he is simply the most considerate and gentle kind in the world." Lena snorted and looked away from her arrogant eyes:

"He knows everything and everything, but you can treat him as a child without any care, a child who will not grow up and become a stinky man."

"This kind of gentleness ... there will never be a second."


Rut Infiniti sat at the table, using the only hand he had left to read the latest information, and Edward, the night watchman, stood blankly behind him.

"Floating ... the city?" The leader of the night watchman murmured to himself: "What exactly do you mean?"

"It means a castle that can float or float in the air." Edward replied bluntly: "It can automatically ascend and descend, and may have functions such as flying."

"... Thank you, I really helped." Rut Infinit twitched.

"This is what his subordinates should do." Edward replied with a bow.

"But what I want to know is not this!" Rut Infinite turned around, his voice low, with a bone cold:

"Lorren Turin ... He just experienced a war that was enough to destroy the country. He used a letter to provoke the situation of the entire empire. He has not been able to recover the Red Blood Castle from Charlotte Turin so far. As for the title of Duke! "

"At such a jittery and disturbing moment, this man who broke the balance did not prepare for the army, vigorously clean up the army or clean up the villains in the Principality, expand his authority, but instead throw a lot of resources into this unknown so-called" float " Empty City '... "


"I'm sorry, but my subordinates don't know at all." Edward still replied coldly: "The task you gave me was just to collect information about the Principality of Loren Turin and Byrne, and did not ask me to make an analysis. And judgment. "

"The floating city is already the most noteworthy intelligence in the Red Blood Castle city."

Ruth Infinite just sneered.

"You are acting silly ... Edward, it is not difficult for someone with a little brain to guess that this so-called" floating city "is just the blinding method of Loren Turin, a deliberately thrown information, such a huge handwriting can not just Is to let a castle fly into the sky! "

"Yes." Edward did not refute, and took a step back quietly.

"It must be fraudulent. The question is, what exactly does he want to hide with such a huge expenditure account?" The eye of the night watchman's eyes narrowed:

"Dalton Kander ... The Wizard Tower has tried his best to send this old friend to Byrne, certainly not to reunite their teachers and students!"

"So, do you need a subordinate to send manpower to search for information about Dalton Kander?"

Rut Infinite stunned slightly, then shook his head: "Let our intelligence network investigate the veteran of a wizard tower, or the former night watchman ... they will be eaten by this" older senior "without even the dross! "

"A few years ago, I personally worked hard, and it was very difficult when I attacked him; now ... now that he is a veteran of the wizard tower, we are even more difficult to move this guy."

"Let Redblood ’s intelligence network continue to investigate, and allow some manpower to be broken if necessary; in addition, Eboden needs to be strengthened ... I seriously doubt that there is anything between Loren Turin and Corona. The secret to speak. "

"Follow the order!" Edward bowed to salute, and then turned his head to leave: "Subordinates will do it."

"However, referring to Ebden and Wizard Tower, I actually got some very interesting information ..."

Suddenly speaking, Ruth Infinite shouted at Edward who had come to the door.

"According to the reaction of people on our side, the wizard tower seems to have found something special near the misty sea. It is said to be related to the death of the ocean-going fleet. It is planned to secretly send a small team to the ship to investigate."

"They are so secretive that the entire ship is made up of wizards except for the necessary sailors. Our people want to infiltrate, and it must be a wizard who can be trusted by the wizard tower."

"For example your friend ~ ~ Peter Fasha ..."

Edward, with his back to the head of the night watchman, said nothing, and a drop of cold sweat swept across his stiff cheeks.

"Unfortunately, he was discovered when Eboden was in turmoil, and it was impossible to sneak in." Rut Infinite glanced at Edward's back:

"Therefore, I had to find an alternative candidate. As for Peter himself ... it would be better to stay in Ebden."

A trembling, suddenly relieved Edward only felt trance, a violent heartbeat made the chest unstoppable ups and downs, trembling opening:

"Thanks a lot ... Lord Rut Infinite!"

"No need to thank, care for my subordinates, which is what I should do." Lut's face was smiling, but the tone sounded cold and bitter:

"We are all loyal night watchmen who are loyal to the empire. Since this is the case, then we should all be loyal to each other."

"What do you think, Edward?"

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