Shaman from Afar

Vol 5 Chapter 137: Training

Byrne, outside the Red Blood Castle.

This is a very small military barracks, located outside the Red Blood Castle, and transformed from an abandoned sentry tower.

After the tenth generation, due to the loss of the duke title of the Turin family, Byrne was dismembered and unable to support the huge army of knights. The Torino family, similar to the abandoned sentry tower and knight fortress, abound in the suburbs and wilderness of Byrne. .

The only water well supplies the daily water for the entire sentry tower. To protect them, except for the broken walls of the sentry tower, there is only a circle of fences and trenches around it. Causes fire; the ground floor of the sentry tower is the bedroom, and the only open space is both the playground and the canteen.

It was such a ruined and shabby ruined sentry tower that no one would want to get the exclusive barracks of the "Duke of Bayern Guard".

Of course, this guard is just a nice name at the moment, actually there are only a hundred people with 96 people.

Unlike the Turin Wizard College, which looks exactly like an "orphanage", it is impossible for an army to be hidden in the city, even in the palace-this place has more eyeliners than flies in the city.

The only way is to drive them to the wilderness and rebuild the abandoned sentry towers and fortresses like other armies preparing for war.

Ninety-six guard soldiers dressed in tattered, dirty to toe feet, were concentrated in four rows on the sunny ground, standing like refugees rather than soldiers.

Directly opposite, standing are their "refugee" captains, gray pupils who are shorter than the shortest soldiers; the same ragged clothes, the only difference is the two short swords behind.

Luisen, with his waist up, glanced around his head, confirming everyone's eyes; beside him, there were twenty neat wooden boxes.

"Today is a big day for our army!" Eyes widened and the gray pupil said in a deep voice: "Five months have passed since its establishment, from 390 to 96 people, there is finally a formal Has its own barracks. "

"To celebrate, the Duke specially asked me to bring you weapons and equipment and asked me to deliver it to each of you!"

Looking at the faces in the crowd that were starting to get excited, Lucien, who raised the corner of his mouth, also kicked the first wooden box.

A brand new long sword was inserted in the soil at his feet.

"Your benefactors love to use knight swords, and I will give you better today-half-handed swords forged by the dwarves of Silverhelm Mountain, hard-to-finish patterned steel, and sword blades mixed with mysterious silver, saying that iron is like mud Now! "

"It's easier to split the armor of the Sacran than to tear a piece of paper; after a battle, even a drop of blood will not stay on it!"

As the words fell, the gray pupils kicked another wooden box, and a small iron rod full of patterns was in his hand.

"You have used Sacran's military pyrotechnics on the battlefield in Poi. This is a modification of it, called 'unstable pyrotechnics' ... why is it called this name? Because it not only ignites and can be blown, it can also be thrown Fried

Even if you do n’t have time to throw, you want to die with the enemy, just break apart and explode! "

"The shortcomings are the same as the name, extremely unstable; and in my hand, the improvement in the improvement ... our duke Lord gave it the name" Alchemy Bomb ".

With just one, you can blow up the powder of a fully equipped knight! "

The crowd was still silent, but Lucien could already feel a pair of excited and greedy eyes behind him.

"And your armor, do you know the mountain guards in the Western Realm? They don't wear knight armor but leather armor sewed by monster skin. The armor prepared for you is giant monster skin with chain armor, light;

The bottom lining is a good chain armor. The woven iron ring hole is smaller than the pinhole. Thirty steps, the crossbow can't shoot! "

"These are just the most basic configurations, including but not limited to daggers, crossbows, sleeve swords, alchemy remedies ... but whatever you can think of, what is needed," Lucien shouted loudly:

"In addition to these, until tomorrow, there will be a wizard consultant who will bring someone to teach you all kinds of basic knowledge and distribute exclusive magic wands-all weapons and equipment are tailor-made for you, even the real guards. No such treatment! "

"These! It was all from the engineering accounts in the Red Blood Castle, and the Duke specifically saved it for us. Now ... does anyone dare to stand up and tell me that he deserves to wear this dress?"

"Who dares to stand on the chest and tell me that he deserves it?"

The soldiers who were so excited by the cold eyes of the gray pupils, who had just been excited by the new weapons and armor, immediately recovered their shame.

"You all came back alive from the battlefield of the Great Green Sea. Everyone carried at least three robes on their backs; tell me, are we doing a qualified guard?"

"Not count-!!!!!!"

A uniform shout.

"I also know that I am embarrassed-the dignified guards, but they are protected by the people they protect, it is a shame!" Thunder-like roar, Lusien raised his head:

"Such good equipment, you gangs of soldiers are also worthy! I have stayed in the Fortress of the Boundary Mountain, where the soldiers will fight against the werewolves and monsters in the ice and snow, what do they take? And a shield that will be rotten by a werewolf's claws. "

"Do you know why the Legion Mountain Fortress's armor has the heaviest armor? Not only to protect the soldiers, but also to prevent them from running when they see the enemy; look at the things in front of you, and the Duke will prepare a pair of steel for you. Braces! "

"Tell me, what use is it for a guard like us to raise-wasting food alive, dying and wasting land, watching on the battlefield, and cheering for the Duke to shake the flag?"

"No — !!!"

"Dumb? Loud, I can't hear--!"

"we are not--!!!!"

There was also a crying cry in the cry of exhaustion.

"Then what are you ?!" Turning suddenly, the vicious Lucien looked like a little ruffian.

"We are the guards of the Duke of Loren — !!!!!!"

The guards roared uniformly again.

"I tell you, it's not! It's not anymore!" Lucien waved his hand violently: "Our Duke, who can end a war by himself, does not need ninety-six to applaud around Cheerleaders! "

"Starting today, our name is the demon hunter—!"

"Not the knight of Byrne, not the swordman of Arles, not the guerrilla of Ellerman, not the archer of Lotel, not the rider of Poi, not the dross of Ebden ... and not of Sacran. Shield wall! "

"The Duke does not want a uniform army, but a hunter who can hunt the enemy alone!"

"Our enemy ... no, it's prey! It's no longer bandit robbers, rebels, centaurs or dwarves, but something more terrifying--yes, just like the one you met on the battlefield in Poi."

"We want to be able to fight on the flat ground, in the trenches, in the hills, in the jungle, in the grasslands, on the top of the mountain, in the desert, in the sea, on the ice field that can freeze the living to the dead, hunt our enemies!

"We hunt them, just like old hunters hunt rabbits and wolves; to surround, torn, to pursue, to fight alone! Sneak attack! Ambush! At all costs, use the last resort!"

"Even if you have only sharp teeth left, you have to kill them!"

The gray pupil who was so hoarse, only felt his throat was smoking; looking at the soldiers who had completely different expressions from the beginning, he finally showed a satisfied smile.

Fanatic emotions can make soldiers swell for a while, and **** shame can make them find the courage to work hard and sacrifice; the "spirit" in the army unites them and has centripetal force; a fierce and powerful goal can make them have persistent motivation .

Make them proud, let them find "things" worth sacrificing, and make their eyes look the same ...

The head of the Genius Banner in the Jiejie Mountain understands these well.

More importantly, they are veterans who have been on the battlefield, and they are the veterans who were fighting from the time when the army established more than 390 people. They will pass on this "strong and intense" momentum through the recruits and let it become A certain tradition of this army.

This is the reason why Luis Enn would rather raise the bar with Dalton Kander than give up.

Training a group of geniuses from scratch, he will also; but these people will not have this temperament, they will not have the slightest gratitude, only as if they have obtained through strength, should; they will be with the Duke, and his own captain I feel alienated and form my own small circle.

So Lusien firmly refused to do it.

"This afternoon, Lord Dalton Kander, the Duke's wizard advisor, will come to give you the final trial."

After a pause, the gray pupil slowed his tone: "According to him, the success rate is only one fiftieth;

In other words, at the worst end, you may have only one or two of 96 people who have passed the trial and survived. "

The soldiers of the guard suddenly fell silent.

"I'm not joking with you, this is true; so people who don't want to take this risk ... can put things down in the afternoon and leave quietly alone." Looking up, Lusien looked at them calmly: "Duke You will be paid the compensation you deserve in accordance with your original military duties. "

"We, when you were killed."

There was no voice in the crowd, and Lusien's ferocious gaze never looked like "death."

"As for the people who stayed and survived." Lucien raised his voice: "The Duke will stand at the place where I am standing at dawn tomorrow and review his new legion ... our legion!"

The quiet queue suddenly changed.

Even without looking at their eyes, Lucien could feel the fierce beating, fiery heart.

"The Duke wants to tell you that it's not just Baine, or even him." Lusien sighed heavily, "You are working for the entire empire, or even any one in the empire." Fight for people. "

"Why ... don't use my nonsense, you all saw it on the battlefield!"

"Now because of a letter, the Holy Cross Church, the Sky Vault ... and even all the noble lords, they ca n’t wait to strangle the Duke, why ... I do n’t have to explain it to you, you know it!"

"The 'thing' we encountered on the battlefield could never have popped up overnight. These fat old men must have known it for a long time; but they lifted their heads, closed their eyes, blocked their ears, and pretended not to know!"

"Because if everything is clear, it looks prosperous, and the flowers are so rich that they can indulge in pleasure, and fight for the empire that beats you to death. It is simply a paper house that will be lit at any time!"

Lucien took a deep breath, with a trace of indignation, and his eyes grew hotter: "The prosperity and peace they used to cover up have been punctured. They have to turn their heads to face the big trouble that pretends to not exist. Do something immediately to make up ... "

"So they hate the Duke, and they want to find a reason now to strangle the wicked person who wakes them up."

"So what I tell you is that you not only need to know why you are fighting, but also who you are fighting for; you can save Byrne and the Empire, and you deserve all your loyalty ... and only one—!"

"Lord of Torn, Loren Turin-!!!!!!"

The thunderous cry, but no more tragic and crying, more vicious momentum.

This is ridiculous!

Looking at the pair of fierce eyes, Lucien grinned with his hips in his waist, and with a bang, he kicked the box:

"Everyone-no matter who it is, come forward and get your equipment!"


The soldiers of the guard agreed messily, passing like a hungry beast by the gray pupil, and rushed to the mouth of the wooden box.

Looking at these elated, unaware that they were about to face a life-and-death warrior soon, the smile on Lucien's face faded gradually, leaving a sigh.

I hope that by then, you can still see 96 veterans who smile at themselves.

"Are you worried?"

The sound from Leng Buding made Lusien's back spine cool, and suddenly turned around, and the expressionless Dalton Kander stood behind him ~ ~ Adult of wizard and wizard, you ... what When did you come? "

"When ..." Dalton raised his eyebrows and looked at the sun above his head:

"always there."

All the time ... The gray pupil who twitched the corner of his mouth was almost choked to death by his saliva.

I didn't even react at all.

"anymore question?"

A plain and simple sentence, but it was full of irony in Lushen's ears.

"No, no more."

"It's gone ... it's fine, then don't waste any more time." Dalton Kander looked up and looked at it while still standing there, not paying attention to his 96 samples:

"Then start, I'm in a hurry."

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