Shaman from Afar

Vol 5 Chapter 146: Opening

Every time he heard Asriel's "praise", it made the dark-haired wizard feel bigger.

"So after a long period of research, the wizards of the Dragon Kingdom and Niederhogger finally developed the first holy grail of the Nine Stars, and thus opened a completely different era of wizarding ..."

"and many more."

Loren interrupted with imprudent opening, frowning frivolously: "You mean the Holy Grail of the Nine Stars, a masterpiece of the dragon kingdom wizard?"

"The highest masterpiece, beyond all achievements." Blonde boy with exaggerated expression and scarlet eyes flashing an elusive light: "Even the evil spirits who exist in the void are salivating this treasure-because it Is the key that can open the door separating the two worlds. "

"You mentioned earlier that the 'Turin' wizard has found a way to communicate the power of the two worlds, that is, the rune; you also mentioned that he found that every time he used this power, he had to pay a heavy price." Loren was suspicious. Looked at him:

"I have used the Holy Grail of the Nine Stars, and I almost hung up ... it does not offset the price I have to pay."

"It's worthy of Loren, with good memory." Under the indifferent eyes of the black-haired wizard, Asriel shrugged and laughed: "Maybe ... they don't care about this price, just hope for strength?"

"Then why there are only two holy grails in the world?" Loren continued to ask: "Because only two are needed, or ... for some reason, there can only be two?"

"... Whether it is the result of coincidence by chance, or the unintentional fall of the sky, the wizard of 'Turin' got two holy grails of nine stars."

A smiling blond teenager, while returning the plot, also revealed two completely different story lines: "With the power of the Holy Grail, the wizard of 'Turin' has a more thorough understanding of the spiritual horizon, and it is very short. Within a period of time, I found a new way to improve my strength. "

"The name of this method will later be called‘ valve ’.”

Loren's eyes flickered, speculating which of the two completely different "lines" is more likely ... or, they were all lies made by Asriel.

"After that, the" Turin "wizard found that his research results could not only bring him a brand-new world, a unique force, but also ... power." Asriel continued. , It will probably be true that the story he made up has something to say:

"Soon, he will have a group of followers, fanatically chasing and sharing the power he brings-the favor of the royal family and the noble class, so that the status of the wizard who was originally only in the servant class has risen, and the ancient kingdom is changing with each passing day. Rapid expansion in the cold land, from weak to small, with the possibility of dying and destroying the country at any time, has become an immortal power. "

"They built floating cities on glaciers, erected tall towers in barren grounds, built fortresses on top of the hills, and connected their palaces and cities with towering walls and tower bridges."

"The dragons above the glaciers began to be afraid of them by three points."

The candlelight on the dining table flickered slightly, making the blond boy's eyes increasingly confused.

"After that, it didn't take long for the 'Turin' wizard to overthrow the original royal family and establish his own dynasty; so he began to look away from the frozen earth."

"In that wild time, it is impossible for any kingdom to be a rival to this behemoth; as one king after another surrendered to the" Turin "wizard, the entire world began to be brought under his rule."

"The Azores, the Yunlings, the Four-hoofed, and ... humans. His country began to have ethnic groups with completely different languages, skin colors, and physical characteristics."

"For this reason, the" Turin "wizard is ecstatic."

"As for the 'new subjects' ... they are equally ecstatic that they can live in a powerful country and are protected by a powerful king; they have not yet realized what this new king has to do with past rulers the difference."

With a slow tone and a breathtaking power, Asriel raised his white right hand, and the green fingertips jumped the waltz on the candlelight:

"For the" Turin "wizard, his kingdom is not only his property, but also his laboratory and playground; each of his subjects is his guinea pig, and he can let him play with and slice Research, transform at will. "

"What he did was not only to destroy a kingdom, but also to easily tear apart their fragile civilization and arbitrarily knead them into the shape he likes;"

"Through the prosperity and destruction of small countries, seek the objective laws of the development of civilization;"

"Between the rise and fall of a certain species, discover the inevitable connection between nation and history, faith, and blood relationship;"

"Using the analogy of multiple standard civilization circles, to find and demonstrate the development and decline process from the general equivalent to the currency;"

"Achievement, success, national ruin, death, ups and downs, peaks and troughs-the fate of a person, or even thousands of souls, is tightly held in his palm by him all the time."

"Even if the civilization, beliefs and history of a certain country are completely destroyed, remade and shaped according to their own preferences and evolved into the shape they need, it is not difficult for the" Turin "wizard."

Midnight outside the window became deeper and deeper, and the candlelight leaped at the fingertips of the blonde boy, reflecting the shadow of the devil's dance on the wall.

"Naturally, the premise of being able to do all this is that the 'Witcher' Turin has a power that can never be resisted ... In fact, it is the same. In addition to the dragon can pose a certain threat to him, even if there are many ordinary people, It ’s just an army of sand and ants.

"Besides, after a long period of time and research, the power of the" Turin "wizard has long been different than before; he has a vision that ordinary people can't reach, and can" see "the future that ordinary people can't reach-history In his eyes, it may be more tedious than fairy tales, and you can easily guess the ending. "

"Of course, the people of this ancient kingdom still revolted, stood up with the dragon, and rebelled against the king who had been so cheered and loved by them, and gave them everything." With a soothing tone, Ariel's mouth flashed a trace "Glad" arc:

"Of course, this is because it can't go on without telling stories like this-even invincible essays, it can't just be all kinds of everyday things piled up with stalks and cold paragraphs."

The dark-haired wizard nodded slightly, thoughtfully.

The amount of information revealed in this "plot" was so great that he forgot to interrupt Asriel and heard it now without saying a word.

There is no doubt that there is quite a lot of nonsense in this piece of content-the "truth" in Asriel's mouth is always a lie in a vest, but there are some things that can be learned from before. , Mutually confirmed.

For example, the rapid rise of the Dragon Kingdom after being controlled by the wizard has been mentioned in the "Black Wizard" Serel and the "Last Wizard" of the Dragon King Tower;

The "rise" of the dwarf ... According to Serel, it is indeed a masterpiece created by the dragon kingdom;

The class confrontation of the "slave and slave owner" described by the dragon king tower wizard before seems to have misunderstood something.

But then again, for wizards, there is really no better way to rule than "slavery" in the world-for wizards who have opened "valves", and may even have more than one valve, Slaves who fail to master "knowledge" should not even be considered human beings.

So the civilians of the Dragon Kingdom are not slaves, but they are not as good as the slaves. The mice in the eyes of a group of wizards are at best animals and tools that speak human language.

As for the "Torino" wizard, of course, it is just the protagonist made out of Hu, perhaps like King Arthur, it is a multi-character or even a group, which is a "integrated product".

However, there are still holes in this story.

"According to the previous article, the power of this 'Turin' wizard has grown to the point where he can predict the future. History is just a simple and boring fairy tale to him ..." Loren asked with a frowning expression and a solemn expression:

"In this case, can't he predict that his people will unite with the dragon and start a rebellion?"

"Of course he guessed it-not only did he guess it, even his plans for every step, the strength and goals of each rebellion were all in his mind."

The scarlet eyes blinked, and Asrell said in the softest tone: "If he wants, he can tear the rebellious forces into pieces at any time, without exception."

"Even ... It only takes one thought, and the whole world will usher in an unprecedented end; from the glacier wasteland to the misty sea, land, and ocean. All the creatures in the sky dome disappear in an instant."

what? !

The dark-haired wizard's eyes widened in amazement.

"The whole world ..." A light trembling tone, with a hint of surprise: "He ... can he really do it?"

After a moment of contemplation, the blonde teenager's face showed a spoiled smile:

"Dear Loren, you can do it, but you haven't found it yourself."

Loren raised his eyebrows, puzzled.

"This is a very simple reasoning problem-after opening the first valve, you already have the power to shield a large area of ​​the void force, which can fall from the 20 meters of the sky without injury."

"Gently snap a finger, you can ignite monstrous flames ..." Asriel followed the temptation, her eyelashes twitched slightly:

"All this is just the power brought by the opening of the first valve; and the protagonist set in our story, but at least two to three‘ valve ’level wizards.”

"What level of power does he hold, is it really so unimaginable?"

The expression of the dark-haired wizard became more solemn.

"For example, let the world's temperature instantly drop below minus 60 degrees and turn into frozen frozen soil ..."

"Let all volcanoes erupt at the same time, and the lava tears the crust and spouts out of the fissures of the earth, so that the sky dome drops acid rain ..."

"Momentarily evaporate all water sources, and then dry the air to shield the sun ..."

"Move the crust, tear the continent into countless fragments, and then collide, separate, collide ..."

"In a flash, destroying everything ... is easy."

Even Asrell used the softest tone, the dark-haired wizard felt horrified.

"Since this ..." It took a full half a minute to calm himself, Loren asked hesitantly: "Why didn't he do this?"

"First of all, people who have mastered this level of power, will not easily use this power ... The sword of Damocles, only when it is suspended above the head, is powerful." Blond Young said in a young voice:

"Secondly ... using the power of this world to destroy this world is itself a paradox."


Loren froze for a few seconds.

"How do I describe it ... In a simple explanation, even if he tears the world apart and fragmented; the world still exists, and it will not disappear because of a new form of existence."

"What about the life of this world? Even if the earth is turned into frozen soil, and then the air is dried, the volcano erupts, the dark clouds cover the sun, and the crust tears, 365 days of the year are acid rain without days and nights ..."

"It doesn't take long, there will still be new species that adapt to this climate and new life will appear."

"In contrast, the" Torino "wizard who still exists as a material world, but it is difficult to immediately adapt to the world messed up by himself."

"You mean ... No matter how you change the appearance of this world, it is impossible to use the power of the physical world to" destroy "the physical world?" Loren's words revealed a very incredible tone:

"And even if all lives can be killed in an instant by destroying the living environment, the biosphere is still strong enough to complete self-recovery and give birth to species that can adapt to the new environment?"

"Change the appearance of the world ~ ~ and destroy the world are completely two concepts."

"The extinction of the flame may be the end of an era, but it is also the beginning of the next era; whether it is to continue the fire or extinguish it, it is just a reincarnation."

"Imagine the physical world as a chessboard. No matter how the pieces change the rules, they cannot have the power to overturn the chessboard." Asriel said lightly:

"Even if the wizard named 'Turin' can kill all those who can resist him in an instant, it will not be long before new species will be born, and new life will become his servant, experimenter, rebel ... cyclically, never end."

"So he discovered that it is absolutely impossible to destroy this world with the power of this world; at least under the limited rules, the cost is heavy, and the hope is extremely slim."

Asriel, who spoke slowly, described in plain tone:

"So, the‘ Torino ’wizard tried to destroy and enslave the whole world in another way, using a force that does not belong to this world at all.”

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