Shaman from Afar

Vol 5 Chapter 147: Turning point

Only by using forces that are not part of the "material world" can we destroy or even control the entire world?

Consciousness still stayed in the shocked black-haired wizard, thinking about the meaning of this sentence.

So far, all the "powers" that Loren has encountered, without exception, are using the "power of the void" to deceive the material world-powerful and outrageously high-level curses, and the evil spirits can "make waves" to make No one can avoid this because of the power of people.

Even Master Harlemfan Azhamai's “reincarnation” law, which was so strong that he turned against the sky, transformed the body of the evil **** born from the void into creatures in the material world, but was only using the original power of the material world.

To put it more bluntly, these "anti-sky spells" and the world are similar to the relationship between software and systems-even if the water is burned and the flames are boiled, it just changes the appearance and still cannot jump out of the "world. ".

Purely using the example of "The Power of the Void", Loren has only seen two;

The first is the "dream world" and the weakened version of "spiritual palace", but this is actually a very inappropriate example, because the role of both is to completely cut off the external force of the void, and some "use one's spear to attack the other." "Shield" means.

Furthermore, it is the "Black Cross" Serel ... Although he does not know how he did it, but that kind of power is absolutely the power of the void.

However, using the power of the void to destroy and even control the entire world ...

How can it be done?

While the dark-haired wizard was still in a state of contemplation, Asriel, opposite the candlelight, spoke again, and the childish voice was low like it came from the deep valley:

"But before doing all this, the" Turin "wizard must also face a problem that he has to face."

"What's the problem?" Loren asked hurriedly, even forgetting to doubt whether the content was true.

"The wizard named 'Turin', all his achievements are based on the study of the void from the perspective of the material world-if he wants to completely control the power of the void, it means to abandon the power he already has. . "

The scarlet pupil reflects the candlelight, and the blond teenager is like a fireside storyteller, introducing the dark-haired wizard into a purely fictional story with a gentle tone:

"So he made a very bold plan, completely denying all his understanding of the power of the void, abandoning everything that exists objectively ... that is, himself."

"Erasing the wizard named 'Turin' from the material world, so as to 'transform' into an image in the void that cannot be accurately defined by any appearance of the material world, or even an image marked with a specific 'noun' . "

Loren was increasingly puzzled.

Abandon everything that exists objectively, and wipe yourself out of the material world ...

Unfinished appearance ...

Only images marked with specific "nouns" ...

What the hell?

The dark-haired wizard in the unknown can only tentatively ask based on his own impression: "So according to this plot ..." Turin "wizard, transform yourself into an evil spirit?"

"Yes, he turned himself into an evil spirit ... it may even be the first evil spirit." As expected from Loren's expression, Asrell's mouth was bent into a very elegant angle:

"Dear Loren, you can imagine what the power he uses looks like, but it ’s best not to know what it looks like-it ’s a power that does n’t belong to the physical world at all, let alone any objective existence. . "

"Because only by using forces that are absolutely not objective existence, it is possible to hold it firmly in control of the" Turin "wizard from a place beyond the reach of the physical world."

Loren frowned, "If his power is not something that exists objectively, it's thorough ... According to you, where the material world can't reach-the 'Turin' wizard doesn't even exist anymore, how can he control it? The whole world?"

"Of course, in a way that the physical world can never resist."

The blond teenager sitting on the chair is smiling, his delicate face looks so naive and simple:

"From a range that this world can't reach, in a way that it can't resist, destroy it completely, and finally obey."

Unreachable scope, irresistible way ... Lorren raised his eyebrows with interest: "For example-laws, beliefs, new concepts, doctrines ... or is it a collision of ideas?"

"Do you use faith to completely enslave all living things and make them willingly surrender; or from the ideological level to completely deny the existence of this world?"

The moonlight of midnight penetrated through the curtains into the dimly lit room; before darkening the darkness, the cheeks of the dark-haired wizard were stained with silver.

Asriel, who did not answer Loren's question, with a meaningful expression, once again slowed down her speech:

"This process can never be smooth, and it can even be called twists and turns-of course, this is also the need for the plot, otherwise the invincible text throughout the text is not too boring?"

"He wants to completely wipe himself out of the material world and deny his existence." Lorren gently speculated, holding his chin: "I guess ... the 'Turin' wizard of this time is quite weak?"

"And those who rebelled against him were also very keenly aware of this ... of course, it is not excluded that the wizard of 'Turin' told them in some way."

Asriel and the black-haired wizard looked at each other and continued to tell: "So, an unprecedented turmoil began."

"The kingdom that was so powerful in the past was weak and weak overnight; it was very weak in the face of the attacks of the rebellious people and dragons-it was defeated one after another on the battlefield."

"When exactly did it start, and who started it was no longer known; even their purpose began to become very vague, from fighting against a common enemy, the former king turned into a fight for interests, and began to appear among each other. The state of engagement. "

"The Elves of Yasul, the dwarves of the Cloud Ridge Kingdom, the centaurs of the Great Green Sea, the ogres, the trolls ... and of course humans, the Sacran, the Bain, the Arles, the Elman, and the Boy , Lotel ... "

"All kinds of ethnic groups, races, kingdoms, civilizations, heroes ... just like mushrooms, quickly grew crazy on the corpse of the dragon kingdom, and quickly occupied the vast territory of this dying country, and then ... entered the battle for the fight against each other Process. "

The blonde's voice was calm and calm, like narrating a fact he saw with his own eyes.

But the next second, Loren interrupted him by raising his hand.

"Two questions." The dark-haired wizard stared at those blood-colored eyes: "First of all, I have learned about the rise of dwarves and Bayerns. What you just said is too vague, even There is suspicion of deliberate inducement. "

"The Azores, the dwarves of Yunling, the centaurs, and many ancient kingdoms ... their rise and prosperity times are completely different, and some are even stronger and unified by the former body, not at the same time."

"The emergence of the Bain nation stems from the long-term oppression and slavery of the dwarves; in other words, as early as the dragon kingdom, the dwarves have entered full prosperity;"

"The rise of the Kingdom of Sackland is due to the plan of the Dragon Kingdom. Before that, according to Brandon de Salion, it was just a small state that was not as good as the slaves of the Dragon Kingdom."

Asriel shrugged with a laugh, his expression very indifferent.

"Second, about dragons ... I got a completely different story at Dragon King Tower."

"In the earliest days, the dragon kingdom had hunted dragons, but then they had surrendered-not only that, the royal family of the dragon kingdom also mastered the secrets of communicating with the dragons, and trained a large number of loyal dragons. knight."

"One of them is in front of us on the way to the Dragon King Tower."

"And ... what should I explain to the dragon queen Brunnhild who married Martha Desalien in the late war, and the twelve dragons she brought-according to the dragon tower The wizard said that the last royal family should have given up on restoring the kingdom and using the empire to continue their blood. "

"All this is very different from what you just said!"

Under Loren's cold gaze, Asriel not only did not immediately refute, but instead showed a very ambiguous smile, and drew his head across the table.

For a moment when Loren was still wondering, he only heard the young man's soft whisper:

"Dear Loren, from what moment did you start telling the story told by Asriel ..."

"... what is the truth?"

The pupils were condensed, and the expression of the black-haired wizard kept changing.

"But then again ... how can you be sure that the tomb-keeper in the dragon king tower, he believes in ... must be the truth of history?"

"Now that the 'Torino' wizard has insight into the future, why can't all this be arranged by him? Even the research on the 'Holy Cross' including the Dragon King Tower is a lie he specially woven out ? "

Frowning, Loren leaned back slightly on the back of the chair, avoiding the blond teenager's head that had reached the tip of his nose: "You mean ..."

"If there is any difference between a kind Asriel and everyone else, then it must be honest." The blond teenager blinked, and his soft lips seemed to tell how "sincere" he was:

"When everyone is lying, they are desperately telling others how sincere they are, and even they believe it to be true-only Asriel will always tell his audience in the most appropriate way ..."

"Everything I say, without exception, is a lie."

The dark-haired wizard stared blankly at the teenager and was completely shocked by the endless "truth".

"Speaking of lies, dear Lorraine." Asriel's expression changed again, looking at Lorren fascinatingly: "Have you ever found the one you want from Asriel's completely fictional story?" The truth? "

"You are pursuing tirelessly, the truth that you expect, but you cannot penetrate at a glance."

The truth I expected?

Loren was silent, immersed in this sentence, thinking about its meaning.

In this fictional story, what do I really care about, want to know and hope to exist.

Is it the truth of the history of the Dragon Kingdom?

No ... Asriel ’s story has proved the absurdity of the word, even if you ask more people to ask for more content, you can only get the truth of "standing on their stand", like the dragon king Tombkeeper in the tower.

Is the plan and purpose of the "Black Cross" Serel?

Maybe, but Loren does n’t really care-no matter what his purpose is, he will definitely start with the empire, with himself, and take away the only two holy grail of the nine stars in the world ... Knowing this What his purpose is less important.

Is the origin of the birth of the wizard?

Ain may be interested, but he will not, for the same reason as the first question.

What exactly is that?

Loren, like a whisper in a dream, with an unbelievable tone, trembling opening:

"With a mortal body, open the valve and become a **** ... how?"


The cold wind of midnight blew open the closed window, and the dark-haired wizard tightening his heart turned his eyes almost at the same time.

In addition to the cold biting, "Woo" cold wind, there is nothing ~ ~ Silent blonde teenager did not immediately answer Loren's question, slowly got up, put the napkin on his leg Okay, left his chair.

Closing the window gently, Asriel turned his back to the dark-haired wizard, and said with a slightly sharp voice:

"Then ... at most half the truth."

Half the truth?

Confused Loren raised his eyebrows without even noticing the change in Asriel's voice: "What is the other half?"

"The other half ..."

The blond teenager turned around, approaching gracefully; in the expression and gaze of the dark-haired wizard, his left hand held his shoulder, and his right hand opened against his chest.

Under the chest, there is a clearly tense heartbeat.

"It's a more practical and more obvious existence." In Loren's changing expression, Asriel's face was getting closer and closer, and finally he directly pressed his whole person on the back of the chair. :

"As long as dear Loren can calm down, it will be discovered soon-is not rational thinking, clear mind, is not the basic quality a wizard should have?"

"Hey ... hey ... hey, you, etc. I said what you are going to do, it should have nothing to do with what we just talked about ..."

At the next moment, the dark-haired wizard looked black.

My mouth seems to be blocked ...

Ok? !

Ten seconds later, Loren regained his vision, and his pupils shrank suddenly.

The "Asterel" pressed on himself somehow ... has become a long gray hair, and his figure is more petite than before.

Only those scarlet eyes are still the same.

"Ariel ... I wanted to do this a long time ago." Licking the corner of the lips, the pale girl smiled very ambiguously:

"Make a bad guy jealous and crazy."

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