Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 32: Where to go

As night fell, the meaning of the name "Mist Moon Court" was really revealed in front of the dark-haired wizard.

When the tide receded, the calm sea was filled with rolling droplets and waves; the silver moon hung in the air, and the midnight floating clouds dispersed was the tranquility and clearness of the quiet shadow.

The light water vapor in the daytime only evaporates at night, and turns into a girl's personal tulle, which is transparent but not exposed; the water mist condenses and does not disperse, bringing the floral fragrance and the leaf wind in the forest, and also enveloped it. In the air of Wuyue Court.

In the Wuyue Court surrounded by tree houses, there is no torch; but almost every "street" is separated by a distance, there is a tree gathered by fireflies; the faint light is like a star, embellishing this "tulle" Brilliant pearl jade.

A faint storm, scrolling the floral fragrance between the beads; the cloudless night, reflecting the bright moon with the silver falling.

This is what you can see in any town, fortress, or country. There is no need to outline the thrush and smudge the rouge. It looks like a natural beauty.


Looking at the deep sunken midnight, like the abyss of the coast, the dark-haired wizard felt the tranquility of the moment, and then slowly turned his eyes to the cloud crown tree in the center of the settlement.

Tomorrow morning, Luca will report the situation of the imperial mission to the elf elders gathered in Wuyueting from all directions in the ancient wood forest.

The fastest journey from Morning Star Forest to Wuyue Ting is four days, which means that you have four days to gather intelligence, understand the truth behind everything, and find the reason why the ancient wood forest elves are so united.

Luca made it clear that the elves of Morningstar Forest—or at least part of them—are very dissatisfied with the status quo today.

If he ca n’t stop it, the war will surely ignite in this ancient forest ... no matter who he is, he gathers the elves of the ancient wood forest together for surely for an important purpose.

The elves located in Xihui, the only direction of attack is only the East.

With a soft sigh, Loren jumped off the branch of the tree house and wandered the "street" of Wuyue Court.

You can't hear too much noise, and you can hardly see the figure-except the cloud crown tree in the center and some dense forests outside, there is not even a night watch guard in the settlement.

In such a large settlement, lax guarding is simply unreasonable.

That's right, this is already the end of the ancient wood forest. Except for the beasts and elves in the forest, there can be no "outsiders". Extra precautions are unnecessary, and they may not even think that they need to watch the night.

But it is convenient for myself.

The cold moonlight slanted at the exit of the alley, and the dark-haired wizard leaning against the wall lurked silently in the shadows, took a deep breath, and slowly closed his eyes.

High-order spell, spiritual vision.

The transparent and invisible ripples, like the drops of water dripping into the ancient well, spread to the entire Wuyue Court with him as the center.

After three years of hard work, this curse is as proficient as a black-haired wizard like eating and drinking.

The most important thing is to have a Dalton mentor, who is constantly helping to improve-while maintaining the original level as much as possible, while reducing the residual of the power of the void to the minimum.

This is not only to relieve the load caused by the spell itself, but also because the hunter and the night watch are different. The enemies they face are almost monsters corroded by the void; the too strong void reaction in their eyes is simply fighting the open fire. No difference.

Two war dancers with long spears walked through the alley, chatting and laughing from time to time;

In the tree house behind the wall, an elf mother was soothing her child who had just fallen asleep, next to her husband who had been busy at sea for a day. Tomorrow, he was too busy to fall into sleep.

On the cloud crown tree, the elf warriors guarding the settlement were immobile, and the left hand kept touching the oak pendant on the neck, and there was a trace of doting in the eyes;

Everything, everything is in sight, clearly audible.

The Wuyue Court, which was originally a beautiful picture, was instantly alive.

Ancient wood forest, the elves here, they really understand what they are going to do next, what is it?

Faintly recalling what Luka said when he came, the dark-haired wizard could not help shaking his head.

The next second, while the two dancers turned and walked into the alley, his figure had disappeared into the alley.

In the dim moonlight, the dark-haired wizard kept leaping along the branches-the settlement of the elves will never lack trees and large and small tree houses; Ladder.

In this way, he quickly traversed most of the Wuyue Court, approaching the cloud crown tree in the center.

As the distance shortened, the number of war dancers patrolling around finally began to increase;

The expressionless, dark-haired wizard kept his pace, one step at a time, his eyes closed and concentrated, leaning on the spiritual horizon to guide himself.

It's not like "seeing" or "hearing", but pure "feeling".

Walking through the alleys, strolling the streets, stepping over the eaves ... No elves and dancers noticed the figure of the dark-haired wizard.

Because they didn't see it or heard it.

Like a living "mime", the Wuyueting elves who "cooperate with the dark" wizards passed by him time and time again. In recent times, they are only two or three steps away.

But across a wall of trees, they made them unaware.

The dark-haired wizard stopped until he was near the cloud crown tree.

A war dancer standing in front blocked the only entrance.

The war dancer with a vigilant expression seemed to feel something faintly, staring at the alley in front of him from start to finish, not squinting.

Loren's face hiding in the alley didn't change color, his curled body stayed motionless, and the figure and the shadow of the tree branches above him completely fit together.

After half a minute, the war dancer shook his head and walked to another alley.

The dark-haired wizard remained still.

Sure enough ... In just ten seconds or so, the war dancer at the entrance has turned around and looked back like a hunter who smelled the prey.

After another full minute, the war dancer who finally dispelled the hesitation, hesitated for a moment, and then left with another returning war dancer who patrolled the alley.

Sure enough ... no matter how lax, you will remain absolutely vigilant in the most critical areas of the settlement; each guard in the direction of the entrance is not one but two, one patrol and one surveillance, and use turns to ensure that there is no unseen Blind spot.

But under the blessing of "spiritual vision", their every move is under Loren's gaze; walking carefully can avoid their range of sight.

Loren walking out of the alley, like a passerby strolling at night, walked into the Yunguan tree majesticly.

Climbing up the treetops gently, the words of Luca's previous words echoed in the mind of the dark-haired wizard.

"... Although the habits are different, Wuyue Ting is like the Morning Star Forest. At the top of the Yunguan Tree is the longhouse where the elders talk, and the second-lowest treehouse after it is the rest of the guests and temporary settlement. The place……"

"... the" Azoel Elf "in your mouth, whether or not he likes it or not, he must be there ..."

"... No matter what you want to find, there should be the place you want to go the most. If it goes well, maybe you can really solve the almost inevitable war in your eyes ..."

Slowly exhaling, Loren, who frowned slightly, came to the door of the tree house.

Through the gap between the door leaf and the door edge, you can see the layout inside.

The room is not large, but it is exquisite and not empty; there is a landscape painting painted on oak board on the wall facing the door, decorated with flowers and plants on both sides, with several pottery bottles, and the floor is not mud or The trunk, but the finely laid planks; a long-extinguished lampstand is placed on the small coffee table beside the bed.

Other than that, there is nothing superfluous.

On the bed, a thin, long figure was lying, lying on its side, exposing its back to the black-haired wizard, and faint snores could be heard faintly.

He slept soundly.

Loren raised his eyebrows and gently pressed the "bright silver" behind his waist.

That's right, the other party is now asleep-even if he is pretending to be asleep and full of vigilance, Loren has enough confidence to penetrate his chest the moment he gets up.

It's not difficult to be mentally or unintentionally.

As long as he kills himself, all things, contradictions and disputes can be turned into nothingness-the imperial mission is far in the morning star forest, and the elves of Wuyue Court cannot know who did it; even if conflicts will break out, the spearhead will only Will point to each other, not the empire.

No matter what the Kingdom of Azores, far away from the Misty Sea, is calculating, it will take at least one year.

His death, for the empire, can fight for himself for at least a year.

The only thing that knows the truth is the Morning Star Forest ... or Lucca alone; and for the safety of the Morning Star Forest and the entire eastern forest, he will never say anything.

Or, it is better to say that this is exactly what he expected.

The death of the Azores can give him a chance to change the united, ancient wood forest ideas and ideas; the war dancer who fights against the invading ogres all year round in the big tree wall, his goal must be to recapture the South The Yongyelin settlement, instead of going to the deep forest, provokes a war with the empire.

Killing him will not solve the problem, but at least it will be able to eliminate the problem temporarily for a year.

In a year's time, in terms of the current form of the empire, the dispute between Brandon and Connold had not been used for a year.

Brandon will control the political core of the Sky Dome at that time, and he and he will be able to complete the reform with great force, suppress the arrogance of the Holy Cross Church, concentrate all their strength, and prepare for the invasion of the Azores Kingdom Liaoer's next plan.

That's right, just kill him.

Just kill him ...


With a long sigh, the black-haired wizard frowned slightly, his eyes a little complicated.

Hold the "bright silver" left hand tightly and slowly release it.

It's not about giving up, but the information I have is too little.

"... If you can't make a decision based on your own will, you can't independently judge whether something is right or wrong, and you can't find the most favorable option for your position ... It can only be said that my apprentice is a loser ..."

Mentor Dalton's words were still in my ears.

Today's self is no longer the past self, and what you have to do is no longer limited to completing a certain task, or using violence to destroy the situation.

It's about clarifying the truth thoroughly, not blindly completing tasks ... because you are no longer someone's chess piece.

No longer used by Eckhart II, no longer used by anyone ... but with his own eyes to find out, to find the most beneficial choice for himself and the people behind him.

Before completely clarifying the truth, this elf ... must be alive.

The decision-making Loren slowly got up and walked carefully towards the treetops of the cloud crown tree.

However, just the moment he was about to leave the tree house ...

"Come all here, so late, where are you going?"

Hanmao handstand-!

Leisurely, still with a bit of lazy words in the ear of the black-haired wizard, but like a voice from hell!

Behind the door ... is the elf.

He has been awake? !

Was he aware of his actions, or did Luca lie and deliberately lure himself into suits? !

In the first half a second, countless possibilities flashed in the mind of the dark-haired wizard.

Half a second later, he turned around quietly and pushed open the door without expression.

The cold moonlight spilled in from the window, and he could vaguely see the "Azores elf" sitting lazily on the bed, looking at himself calmly.

On the right hand side, an Azore sword was lying quietly.

He looked very young, and at most resembled Luca; his dark brown hair was ponytailed, and a long black narrow-sleeved robe made him slightly thinner and more straight.

"I always have the habit of going to bed late, and it's hard to fall asleep." . "

"Then this unknown, obviously not a gentleman who is still posing as an elf; may I ask ... Is there such a suffocating view of Midsummer Night in your hometown?"

Silence, indescribable silence.

Inexplicably quiet ~ ~ The two people inside and outside looked at each other silently.

It wasn't until the dark-haired wizard walked into the house and gently seated in front of the bed of this "Azores elf" that this tranquility was broken.


"Why don't you accompany me to enjoy the moon? The annual Midsummer Moon is only intact tonight." The Azore's face showed a happy smile: "Oh, almost forgot, I It ’s Midel, Middle Leh ... Ah, just call me Midel. "

"So, Lord Middle." Loren coughed and cleared his throat, hesitating for a moment before saying:

"Are you ... crossing the misty sea and coming here from the king's court of the eagle king?"

"What about you?"

Smiling Middlel spoke slowly, looking up at the cold moon in the air, and the cold silver light splashed on his face:

"Are you on the orders of the emperor of the Sacran Empire to kill my assassin?"

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