Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 33: Tsukishita

In the quiet and secluded hut, the cold moonlight passed through the window facing the bed, and the midsummer moon hanging above the sky was pure and lonely, and the posture of looking up was also fascinating.

The elf beside him was watching the moon, and the dark-haired wizard looked at the elf without looking sideways.

He only had a narrow black robe close to his body, his eyes were indifferent, his posture relaxed and his smile natural; it seemed that there was nothing more important than the moon appreciation at this moment.

"Yes, I was sent by the Supreme Emperor, His Majesty Eckhart II." Loren looked at him seriously, "but how do you know that I am an assassin, not just by being Was it sent to gather intelligence? "

Now that the other party has "misunderstood", the dark-haired wizard doesn't mind letting the other party continue to "misunderstand", especially if this situation is beneficial to him.

Middlel smiled.

"In that case, then we might as well take advantage of the annual moonlight and have a drink." He took a small bottle of deep-limbed mead from the side of the bed and poured one for himself and Loren: "Wait to finish The wine has been rewarded for a full month, and it is too late to decide whether to kill or not. "

"Oh, I almost forgot. What's your name?"

"Edward." The dark-haired sorcerer's face didn't change his color and his heart fluttered: "It's His Majesty the Empress, the faithful bodyguard."

At the same time, a night watchman who was heading to Poi suddenly had a cold back and sneezed inexplicably ...

"Your Majesty the Emperor ..." Middlel froze for a moment, then smiled: "It seems that your Excellency is not an ordinary person and can serve in front of the Supreme Emperor in the Sky Dome."

With that, his eyes glanced intentionally or unintentionally at the "caster" in Loren's left hand.

"What?" Loren raised his eyebrows in a pretentious manner, terrified.

He knows the night watchman? !

Although it is not a secret that the night watchman is at the top of the empire, he has not reached the point where he is well known-where did he get the intelligence from the Azores who arrived on the empire's coast at most six months ago?

Could it be that in the past six months, the forces of the Azores have penetrated into the empire ...

"I don't need to be so enemies, I'm just a little curious."

Middlewina smiled, lazily waved at Loren, took the wine lightly, and then screamed: "Not only did he send a duke to be an emissary, but also a trusted bodyguard around him-unexpectedly The emperor, will pay so much attention to my guests from afar? "

Loren didn't answer anything, thinking about how much the other party knew.

"The empire's mission has just arrived in the Morning Star Forest, and the Morning Dance Forest's war dancers arrived today, which means that as soon as tomorrow, the news of their arrival will spread throughout the Wuyue Court." Middleell continued to talk eloquently:

"So, if I died here tonight, there is no evidence to prove that it was the hands of the assassins of the empire-because they are still far in the Morning Star Forest, maybe ... I don't even know if I exist."

"By then, before the arrival of the embassy's missions, the wasteland forest, the morning star forest, the foggy moon court, and the elves of the ancient wood forest will first break out of disputes because of my death; no matter what the result is, it will only benefit the empire. , No harm. "

"His Majesty the Emperor of the Sky Dome ... It's a good calculation."

Loren's expression became more solemn.

"So ... Lord Edward, if you want to kill me, tonight is the best chance." Putting down the wine pot, Middlel turned to look at the dark-haired wizard:

"Of course, if His Majesty the Emperor still has the heart to blame my death on the Duke who sent him to negotiate, then this matter is another matter."

"You must leave enough clues, not too obvious, otherwise the Morning Star Forest will be suspected-that is the only ancient wood forest that has a relationship with the empire, a neutral attitude, and your emperor will want to win them."

"Well, let me think about it, is there any good way to blame the mission, without letting the elves aim the spear at the empire, and avoiding the morning star forest being suspected ... difficult, somewhat difficult."

Mumbling and shaking his head, Middel's face showed a thoughtful expression, as if he was really thinking for the dark-haired wizard how to use his death to fight for the empire's best interests.

Loren was no longer surprised.

He wanted to know now, what the Azores who "supposedly appeared only half a year ago" in front of him knew everything about the form, politics and power of the empire ...

How much did he know, and to what extent?

"From the beginning to the end, I never said that I would kill you." Silent for a moment, Loren said coldly: "Why do you bite, I will definitely kill you?"

Middlel chuckled.

"Sorry ... because in my opinion, only my death is the most profitable for the Sakran Empire." He looked back slowly, looking at the dark-haired wizard sincerely and very seriously:

"Other than that, I really can't imagine the second possibility."

Loren raised an eyebrow, and the two of them intersected.

"The knife is in my hand, kill or not, you don't mean." Loren said equally seriously: "I have to know your purpose before making a decision."

"Yes, but don't expect me to resist." Middlel still smiled. "Don't look at me as thin as a warrior, but also understand some swordsmanship."

I'm afraid it's not "understand" ... Lorren's eyes fell gently, glancing at the arm of the Azores.

The shape of the frame, the position of the weapon, the appearance of the palm and subconscious movements, and the calluses of the palm ... This elf is a standard swordsman, and I am probably a master.

This is not counting the void reaction in his body, it is more dazzling than the torch in the night.

"Maybe I can catch you alive, I always have confidence in myself."

The dark-haired wizard spoke softly.

Middled nodded noncommittally, as if thinking about it seriously.

"Indeed, this is also an option-but you must first make sure that I will not resist on this way, and secondly, it cannot be discovered by any elves in the Wuyue Court, and finally it must cross the ancient wood forest and most of the empire safely- Well, it's harder than the last one. "

"And what the empire can get is only one **** that doesn't know whether it's important to live or not, and is thrown to attract attention is still a mission critical ... the Azores."

"Kill me or catch me, which one do you choose?"

The dark-haired wizard had a stiff face, and his mouth twitched strongly.

This guy is really good at mobilizing other people's emotions and ideas-just like a guy named Rut Infinite.

No, it might be even more powerful.

The situation must be reversed and he cannot be led by his nose.

"It won't work, you know everything, I know too little-it's not fair." Loren took a deep breath: "You have to tell me first, what is the purpose of your coming to the ancient wood forest, Azore Elf What is the purpose of sending you so I can make a decision. "

"Then how do you know if I'm telling the truth ... is it better to be skeptical of the truth than a lie?"

"I said, I always have confidence in myself."

Middlel looked back and silently stared at Loren for a long time without saying a word.

In the end, he lowered his head slightly, a helpless grin appeared in the corner of his mouth.

"Sorry, but I can't say."

"Why can't it?" Loren asked in return: "After four days, we will all know."

After four days, the mission will formally arrive at the Wuyue Court; no matter what he wants to do, then the next step must be to the imperial mission, in order to unite the elves of the ancient wood forest.

"Because ... because tonight is the annual midsummer month." Middleell smiled. "It's so beautiful, do you have to dye it an unknown red?"

Loren snorted, squinted and glanced out of the window; this guy ... wouldn't he be deliberately delaying time to wait for reinforcements?

After confirming that no one was around, the dark-haired wizard relaxed.

"Just kidding is enough, okay?" Loren raised his eyes: "This year's midsummer festival is a month ago. The Shenlinbao is north. The midsummer moon is a few days later, but it has long passed.

"Now we are at the end of midsummer, the last full moon of Jixia."

The air was instantly quiet.

Middlel was surprised, and then smiled dumbly: "So that is it-Lord Edward, you have already taken out my lies from the beginning. Did you deliberately wait until this time to fight me? Powerful, powerful."

"Not strong enough." Loren looked at him with a blank expression: "Not enough to force you to tell the truth."

"I won't tell the truth ... because after listening, your first reaction must be to kill me." Middlel shook his head again, whispering: "Now, your sword is hesitating and hesitating; don't say, It's good for me. "

"How can you be so sure that I will kill you after you say it-you tell me that I will kill you once you say it, then shouldn't I kill you now?"

"No, you won't, because you don't know what the truth is; you will hesitate, because perhaps not killing me, keeping me or catching me alive is the more correct and profitable choice."

"Not to mention killing me, you do n’t know anything ... and you want to know."

Middlel summed it up with this sentence, slowly picked up the wine and sipped the mead, looking up at the moon in the sky.

This guy ... really ...

I really want to kill him now!

For a moment, he felt as if he had returned to when he had just left Lotel a few years ago and was flickered in the tavern to Ebden--when he was facing Ruth Infinite, It is exactly the same as facing the Azores now!

The same is good at manipulating people's minds, and also good at using words to confuse others ... And I like to play and threaten this set.

He decided that he didn't dare to move him easily, so he deliberately put on a posture that didn't enter the oil and salt. While consuming with himself, he used a bunch of nonsense that he didn't want to use. .

"Really not?"

"It's not that you don't say it, you can't say it." Middlel smiled still.

Loren sighed tiredly, he didn't want to continue to spend with this guy ... Prolonged too long, it was also bad for himself.

"Well, since you refused to say, then I will go." Loren got up and walked towards the door.

"I'm going back so soon?" Middlel, who was sitting alone in the moonlight, looked back with some surprise: "Even if it's not the Midsummer Moon, the moonlight will be beautiful tonight."

"Sorry, but I really have no mood to appreciate the moon." The dark-haired wizard replied coldly: "I am His Majesty's loyal guard, and must return to the Sky Dome Palace as soon as possible to report the situation."

A certain tired day in Boe, the night watchman who had just fallen asleep woke up from the dream again.

"Return without merit, don't you worry that the emperor will punish you?"

"This is not something you have to worry about--unless, you agree to tell me now, what is your purpose?"

"Sorry, although I am quite confident in my swordsmanship, I haven't had the habit of looking for death deliberately."

"Then I can only say goodbye ... Don't expect me to give up, I will get the information by other means."

The two looked at each other silently for a long time.

"Your Excellency, you ... really aren't ordinary guards." In the moonlight, Midel, who looked back, smiled: "I have a hunch that it won't take long for us to meet again."


Well, only this time you are really right ... four days later, I hope you will not be too surprised when you see me.

Nodded, Loren turned around and walked out of the door. The left hand placed in front of him had been holding another handle of "bright silver" hidden under his clothes, silently thinking about the distance between himself and the door and the people behind him. .

Three, two, one ...

Suddenly changed!


In the dead room, the gray-blue sword-mans collided with a white light.

I saw that Midel had got up in the blink of an eye, holding the bright red scabbard in his left hand, and the blade pulled out in the right hand and the "bright silver" split vertically in the air, forming a less symmetric cross shape.

The fire is splashing!

"Quick sword."

The frightened dark-haired wizard sullenly ~ ~ blurted out.

"It's not fast enough." Middlel still smiled, the Azores long knife in his right hand actually stabilized the "bright silver" swordman who was constantly splashing and exploding, and there was no slight shaking in his wrist:

"Otherwise, at that moment, you should be in a different place-it's me who underestimates you, Your Excellency."

Loren has an iron-green face and can suppress the "bright silver" sword with one hand. This is at least the level that a vow knight has!

"You can't judge whether it is more beneficial to kill me or let me go, so you decide to give up temporarily and continue to observe, but ..."

The horizontal Azore's long sword was like a moonlight gleaming, glowing a blue light under the night: "You didn't notice that your death is also good for me."

"The assassin of the empire, assassinated the messenger of the kingdom of Azores in Wuyueting, was killed on the spot ..."

"Also, better than this, can the elves of the entire ancient wood forest unite and be the reason for the enemy?"

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