Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 35: Blade in the shadow

At midnight, the moon is on the dome.

In the long house of the morning star forest dancers, Luca, sitting on the couch, looked up at the moonlight above his head, as if waiting for something.

The exhaustion caused by the long waiting made the bloodshot of the elf's pupils, and he became more and more doubtful whether he still had to wait.


Just as Luca was about to give up, an elf guard suddenly slammed open the door of the long house, rushed in panic, and awakened all the dancers in the room.

"Lord Luca, and everyone in the Morning Star Forest ... not good! Just now I ..."

"Calm down, don't panic." Luca, who was clear in his heart, first pressed the war dancers on both sides, and then looked at the guard gently: "Tell me slowly, what's wrong?"

"A guard was stunned and thrown into the woods outside the Wuyue Court, and was spotted by the war dancers on the night!" The young elf's face was still pale, and he didn't get any better:

"Not only that, when I just came under the Yunguan Tree, I found a shoe mark at the entrance-that style is definitely not an elf!"

"What ?!" Mild and honest Luca immediately showed a "surprised" expression: "You mean that a foreigner has mixed into the Wuyue Court, and it is likely to be on the Yunguan Tree ?!"

The pale guard looked at him and nodded with excitement.

"No matter what the other party wants to do, it should still be on the Yunguan Tree. We will mobilize all the war dancers in Wuyue Court to surround and attack this guy!"

"Your Morning Star Forest is the closest group of war dancers to Yun Guan Shu, so let me inform you first, and then I will notify others!"

"Wait!" Suddenly spotted Luca, he quickly reached out to stop him: "You mean ... we were the first one you notified?"


"Anyone knows besides us?"

"No, I'm worried that there is too much news, and it's easy to beat the snake." The young elf replied honestly.

Luca sighed in relief, glancing subconsciously at the cloud crown tree in the distance.

"You did a very good job, very good." Luca looked at the young elf calmly, and patted his shoulder: "In this way, don't notify other settled war dancers first, let the guards immediately block the Wuyue. The periphery of the court. "


"This is an alien, no matter what he wants to do in Wuyue Ting, it is impossible to stay in the settlement; he must run, so we must block the settlement as soon as possible so that he can't leave!" Luca said with a steal.

"The war dancers of our Morning Star Forest will encircle him, and the rest of the guards will be blocked on the periphery-make sure nothing is wrong!"

"Okay, let me go now!"

The latter nodded vigorously and glanced at Luca very gratefully: "Sorry, I used to make you feel bad when you came; I told the elders of Wuyue Ting, the eastern tribes that resisted the invasion of ogres We can never be a betrayal ... "

"go quickly!"

Lucca waved his hand and interrupted the word he wanted to say.

The young elf nodded again, and then turned away seriously.

"Lucca, we really want ..."

As soon as a war dancer came forward, Luca raised his hand and stopped; the middle-aged elf carefully closed the door, and then turned to look at the war dancers behind him: "Everyone put their weapons on and prepare for everything."

"Tonight, be careful!"


Folded sword?

Slightly frowning, Loren chewed the word that he had just heard, staring at the blade in the hands of the Azores.

What do you mean?

Is it similar ... some kind of power related to "shadow"?

Loren tried hard to recall every piece of the moment, the fragmented memory was turned into a frame by frame in his mind, showing all the details to him without reservation.

Middle ... in the moment when his long knife pierced ... the shadow of the blade seemed ...

... is gone?

"What the **** is going on ... right?"

The mild-mannered Middler walked with his sword, and said to himself with a light smile: "Maybe I continue to get entangled with this Azore elf, I can see this kind of warrior, which is completely different from the" Wizard ". The mystery of the way. "

The dark-haired wizard twitched his lips, and ignored him this time.

"There is a saying, called the unknown is the greatest fear ... But fear will also cause an unstoppable curiosity and curiosity." The Azore Elf stared at Loren's eyes, the corners of his mouth slightly curled:

"Sir Edward, your eyes tell me that you have actually seen through a part of my little trick, and ... I want to know more."

He didn't seem to be anxious to attack, but strolled around Loren in a leisurely court, and he was very interested in continuing his "self-talk":

"This is a very dangerous idea, because excessive curiosity will make people lose the vigilance of fear and fall into a more dangerous situation-just like this moment."

The next second, Midel held a knife in his right hand and ran across behind him, striking again without warning.

White light glance!


Loren instinctively slipped backwards, and the gray-blue sword mangled a knife that was swayed towards his neck. At the same time, he turned into an attack, and "Bright Silver" pierced the face of the Azores straight.

Smiling Middle did not shy away, his left hand rested against the end of the knife handle, and pierced into the black wizard's neck.

The moonlight spilling out of the window reflected on the two at the same time.

Very "tacit understanding" The two chose to use this unprecedented move, no other care, take each other's lives!

Only the one who stabs the opponent first will have time to evade and dodge ... The end of the escape is to be passively beaten and slaughtered.

Win or lose, only on the sword ...


Xueliang's long knife brushed the black shoulder of the dark-haired wizard, and the stainless steel shoulder armor forged by the Silver Helmet dwarves shattered like a piece of paper.

The next moment, Loren, who was too late to dodge, was pressed against the neck by the blade, and the "bright silver" sword in his hand disappeared.

The black wizard, who was completely restrained, stared blankly into the eyes of the Azores.

Midel, who succeeded, was sullen. There was no hint of joy in his expression. Even the right hand holding the knife shook slightly, almost cutting Loren's throat.

"Sure enough ... you still hide." Middle didn't have the randomness just now, his wide pupils condensed, and then cold:

"Sir Edward, can you tell me, how do you see it?"

The expressionless black wizard raised his eyebrows and glanced at the shadow behind Middler.


"No, you are too anxious, Lord Middle." With a knife around his neck, Loren wouldn't want to shake his head: "The moment I stepped back, I couldn't wait to rush up until the last moment, both of us were in the moonlight Only when you do it. "

"So I thought about it ... Guess what I found?"

"I found that every time you shook your hands, you were standing in the moonlight;"

"I have to wonder whether the length of the" zigzag sword "is slightly related to the length of the shadow of the sword body-for example, the sword body and the moonlight are refracted at an angle to drag the shadow out of the three-step length. that moment……"

Middlel paused, the smile on the corner of his mouth became a little unnatural.

Feeling the blade on his neck, Loren could only sigh helplessly.

It is not difficult to perceive the secret of the "Folded Sword", but the difficulty is to see through the opponent's routine.

The reason why he kept talking to himself and chatteringly said that a lot of it was not to interfere with his judgment before he could take advantage of the opportunity to attack; but he had to cover up his movements and let him focus his attention on his blade and footsteps. on.

Only in this way, can he not realize that every time he "hands on", he stands in the moonlight and drags the shadow of the blade to the moment he is connected to himself.

If it was n’t the last time he was too eager to kill himself, I ’m afraid it ’s not so easy to find the flaw.

The shadow on the ground and the long knife in his hand are his weapons; secret, invisible, deadly.

In comparison, my own tricks seem to be almost every one, um, the kind of movement is particularly big.

This is really ... Who are you and who are the assassins?

"Awesome, I can see through the" zigzag sword "the first time I see it ... Although there are some errors in the bottom, but if you lose, you lose." Midel, who is still smiling, gradually became dignified:

"It is worthy of the emperor's emperor's front guard, who is willing to gamble to lose."

"Thank you so much, can you let me go?"

"Of course not. For you, killing the bottom is the most advantageous option in front of you. The same is true for the bottom." Middlel shook his head and replied unabashedly:

"What's more, the insight you just showed makes me have to doubt the information you got from me, it's far more than just a" shadow sword "."

After a moment of silence, the room was quiet.

"... You think too much." Loren smiled awkwardly but impolitely.

"Maybe, but is it always safe?" Smiling, Middlel's long knife on the neck of the dark-haired wizard was a little hard, and the thin blade of the cicada bit a little bit, tearing the flesh between the necks:

"Farewell, Honorable Edward, use this summer moon at the end of midsummer ... to send you a ride!"

Long sword down.


Just at the moment of the hit, the black-haired wizard suddenly pierced the sleeve sword under his left hand wrist, which was able to stop the blade.

Middlel looked startled.

Almost at the same time, the "bright silver" that fell into the right hand again burst out of the sword, and a cross from the bottom up.

The long knife was raised, and a spark blocked Jianmang's path; without any hesitation, Midel immediately slipped back and took three steps, evading the dark-haired wizard's sneak attack.

Just a little bit ... Loren sighed.

This is an opportunity for me to pay for my life.

At the same time, the Azore elves who had stepped back a few steps had rebuilt their long swords.

"Sure enough ... Your Excellency, you are not an honest person." Middlel raised his lips, whispered: "You have been holding the sword with your left hand, just to make me think that the sword must cooperate with the gloves of the left hand. use."

"Almost succeeded by you."

"Isn't it a little worse?" Loren smiled.

"Very well, so we don't have any secrets from each other." Middlel also smiled: "Let us just like a real warrior and knight, make a decisive life and death?"

"Okay, I have no opinion." Loren looked at him seriously, his expression sincere.

Upright ... I believe you are really crazy.

At the next moment, the two figures disappeared from each other's sight at the same time, leaving only the residual image.


With the sharp blade clashing, Jianmang slashed the long knife away.

"Come ---"

The long blade deflected, and with a spark of excitement, the sword mansions were swung aside, and Loren opened the door.


Suddenly turning around, Middlel held the knife handle in both hands, aligning the tip of the knife with the gap between the ribs and the elbows, and slammed it backwards.

The dark-haired wizard who couldn't dodge, took a hard knife with his right arm armor; the forged armor made of steel and the nitrated leather armor underneath were cut like butter under the blade.

The dangling Jianmang was too late to block.

It worked ... Middle's eyes flashed sharply.

But the next moment-the black-haired wizard who set up the "bright silver", and the Azores who raised their swords at the same time, stopped their actions at the same time.

The tip of the knife stopped at less than two inches from Loren's throat.

The two people facing each other, very "tacitly" turned their eyes to the window and the door.

"Some people, there are quite a few ... the breath is almost hidden, only the war dancers can hide so well." A smile appeared on the Azore's face: "It seems that you are not too lucky tonight, Edward Your Mightiness."

"Yeah, but how do I feel really lucky?" Loren also smiled, looking at the Azore's eyes meaningfully.

In just one second, Middlel immediately understood what he meant.

The Wuyue Court has a large area, so it is so quick and uniform that it can only be assembled from war dancers from the same settlement-while in Wuyue Court, the closest settlement to the Yunguan Tree in the center is ...

Morning Star Forest. UU Reading

"It turns out that ... no wonder you can mix into the Wuyue Court, not yet noticed." Middlel's expression thoughtfully: "Morning Star Forest and the settlements in the east ... Sure enough, they have already betrayed other settlements in the ancient wood forest, have you turned to the empire? ? "

"I didn't say that, but you were thinking that way." Loren smiled narrowly: "So the question is coming ... Would you like to gamble with me?"

"If not, then I can't escape tonight;"

"If it's really what you think, then ... Have you heard of the black prison in the Sky Dome?"

"No." Middlel shook his head.

"It's a good place, a single room, airtight, with dead bones, mice and a wide variety of worms; enjoy the cordial greetings and loose bone massage service of the interrogator all day and night; sick, but also Provide you with various forms of bloodletting therapy in various parts. "

Loren smiled: "Of course, if you don't want to gamble, I have other ways to ease our embarrassment at this moment ..."

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