Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 36: Moonlight


In the quiet and peaceful midnight, the earth-shattering roar suddenly burst at the top of the cloud crown tree.

The entire Wuyue Court was awakened by a sudden loud noise, and the elves from the entire ancient wood forest rose from their sleep in horror, and then looked panicly at a ray of black smoke not far away, from the cloud crown tree The top of the rose slightly.

It is like a long knife erected to divide the full moon in the night sky into two.

Outside the Yunguan tree, Luca, who had just arrived, would have to order the war dancers behind him, and he raised his head in amazement and was completely shocked.

"This, this fell to the ground ..."

Lucca's voice came with a shudder.

The dancers around the morning star forest war dancers were also rounded and dumbfounded; shaking their heads and wiping their eyes one by one, an unbelievable look.

"Lucca, is it ..."

A war dancer behind the middle-aged elf opened his mouth in amazement, and suddenly remembered what held Luca's shoulder.

Not far away, I have seen the startled war dancers in the Wuyue Court begin to gather together, rushing from all directions towards the Yunguan Tree side; in the settlement, there are cries of exclamation.

"Calm down, don't panic!"

Luca quickly recovered and stopped the elves behind him, screaming at the war dancers around him: "All the war dancers are divided into two teams, blocking the top of the cloud crown tree, don't let anyone go in and out-the rest follow me go!"


The dancers of Morning Star Forest naturally divided into two teams and acted; others covered Luca and rushed straight up in the direction of Yunguanshu explosion.

The closer you are, the thicker the smoke around you is, and the vision is gradually blurred. You can only barely see the shape of the tree house not far away, and nothing else.

There is no movement, no sound, and there is no sound of crying for help.

Luca's mood became uneasy as well.

Although he guessed that this guy, Loren, would definitely not be like a honest scout, honestly investigating and gathering intelligence, but such a large amount of movement was indeed beyond Luca's expectations.

Loren Turin, shouldn't he really ...


Nearing the tree house, Luca vaguely found a figure in the smoke.

He slapped silently on the shoulders of the side dancers, and the morning star forest elves who were pleased immediately spread out and hid around the tree house.

Luca didn't really see each other until he walked into the tree house—Middle, who was kneeling on the bed, turned his back to him, coughing in the dust and looking up at the moon above the head; the cicada-like Azores The knife was lying on the thigh, and for some reason, the scabbard was missing.

Luca, who could not help but raise his eyebrows, glanced around the room for another week, making sure that there was no second person except the Azores.


What about people?

The surroundings of Yunguan Tree have all been blocked by the war dancers of Morning Star Forest. If Loren leaves, it is impossible to avoid his sight; not to mention the outer guards have been alarmed, and the entire Wuyue Ting is solid, and he ca n’t escape. .

Could it be that ... he did not leave at all, but was hiding somewhere?

"Oh ... cough cough cough ... you, you are Lord Luca, the former war dancer leader of Morning Star Forest, right cough cough cough ..."

While coughing violently, Middlel turned his head to look at the middle-aged elf behind him, and smiled and asked: "I thought we would meet tomorrow, but I didn't expect ... cough cough cough ... this ... cough cough ... it was a surprise ! "

Luca, who looked serious, ignored the choking smoke and walked straight into the room while looking around.

Indeed, there was no second figure in the room except for Midel, and there was no place where it seemed to be able to hide people.

"Dear Lord Middle, we should have never met before, how do you know it is me?"

"Just like you know me-when you came, someone had told me your name is coughing ..."

Under Luca ’s gaze, Middler, with an expression of “I ’m fine, do n’t worry about me,” waved his hand, his face flushed as if he had coughed up his lungs:

"In addition, I saw the war dancers under your command; among the nearest footings to Yunguan Tree, the morning star forest dancers who arrived only yesterday were closest to the location of Yunguan Tree."

Luca frowned as he looked at the other person's calm appearance in the explosion and smoke.

"Sorry, do you have anything to ask?"

Middlel turned around, blushing and looking at Luca sincerely, as if the nearly collapsed tree house and soot had nothing to do with him.

"Now that you have spoken, please tell me, these ..." Frowning slightly, Lucayan waved his hands in front of his nose and mouth: "What the **** is going on?"

"Ah ... this ..."

Middlel smiled immediately, his eyes dodged awkwardly: "please listen to me to explain, this is the case ..."


Almost a quarter or two ...

"... Of course, if you do not want to gamble, I have other ways to ease our embarrassment at this moment ..."

At the same time as the words fell, Loren's hand conjured a crimson metal ball.

The Azore Elf glanced at it, and an inexplicable premonition came to his mind.

"This is an alchemy bomb. If you don't understand it, you can use it as a magic that you can use at any time." After calming down, Loren raised his mouth slightly:

"Simply put, it can make a loud noise and smoke, and I can escape while the smoke is in time, and you are responsible for staying and responding to the guards who came to inquire.

In this way, you can casually tell the elves who have come to what happened, and I have enough intelligence to report to your majesty, the sky dome, we are not disadvantaged ... This is called a win-win situation. "

Middlel shook his head, his expression still:

"No, it's not fair-I don't even know what this" alchemy bomb "is. What if you are holding a loyal attitude to the emperor and want to die with me?"

"I seem to be so loyal, do I still die?"

"..." Middle.

In the quiet tree house, both of them have gradually noticed that the dancers are gradually moving closer, blocking the sound nearby.

"You can only make a choice-whether we two make the decision ourselves, or wait for the elves outside to rush in and let them decide our life or death."

As Loren spoke, he shook his alchemy bomb gently.

"What's the difference?" Middlel asked rhetorically.

"An active voice, a passive voice." Loren smiled. "Of course, it is the general future voice."

"Is it?" Middlel snorted, and the long knife in his hand pressed lightly: "But I can kill you now, so I don't have to think about any initiative or passiveness."

Loren raised his eyebrows and smiled more happily: "Yes, but you only have time to stab a knife-maybe this alchemy bomb has a small switch on it, which can turn smoke into flames, and we both really died together. Now. "

"Aren't you not so faithful?"

"..." Loren Turin.

"I think there should be a third option." Middle said abruptly.

"The third kind?"

"Yes, it is the choice to turn the enemy into a friend." The Azore elf smiled gently: "Your Excellency, you are really capable. How can a good warrior like you be a small bodyguard?" In the Kingdom of Azores, real warriors can stand side by side with the King Eagle ... "

"Wait a minute!" Loren interrupted him with a weird expression:

"Do you want to draw me in?"

"No, it is to help you get what you really deserve." I saw Middles solemnly said: "Of course, you don't have to understand this, but what I said is sincere.

You may have noticed that, yes, I arrived in Sackland very early and knew a lot about the empire-but if you are willing to give up my deputy, everything will become smoother!

If all goes well, you will get far more than the emperor can give; and if you fail, you can also push all the blame on me, and use my head in exchange for the emperor's trust in you, how? ! "

The dark-haired wizard pondered for a moment ... Although there was nothing to say, Middlele believed he had moved him.

Sure enough, the warriors who live by swords are always proud and ambitious ...

"I think we have a fourth choice." Loren's voice suddenly interrupted Midel's contemplation.

"please say!"

"I think how could an excellent warrior like Yours, Middled, become a small misty moon court? In our Sakran Empire, real warriors can serve the Dragon King family under the Sky Vault ..."

With a narrow face, Loren repeated the words that the Azores had just said.

Even if Middle's temper is good, it is inevitable that the heart is cold, the blade in his hand is almost unable to control the strength, and penetrates Loren's throat

"You! Very good ... Almost got your act of action, Your Excellency."

However, when he looked up, he found that Loren's expression froze.

"Ding Dong--!"

A light voice broke the assassin's silence.

The stunned Middlel lowered his head, and saw that Loren's hand was empty, and that small metal ball fell to the ground.

It was then that he recalled that when he had just shaken, he seemed to accidentally "touch" the arm of the dark-haired wizard.

It turned out that, Edward ... He had lost the bargaining chips that would threaten me, so that I could ...

Without waiting for Middlel to laugh, he saw the metal ball on the ground suddenly start to vibrate and buzz.

Middlel raised his eyebrows, his face ignorant; but Loren thought vaguely of what Lucien once said.

"... Why is it called" Alchemy Bomb ", because it is extremely unstable! Not only can it be ignited to explode, but thrown out can explode; even if it is too late to throw, I want to die with the enemy, and blow it up as hard as I can!

"This thing, will it ..."

Middel, who frowned slightly, raised his head, and just wanted to ask Loren a few words, but found that his eyes were already empty; when he looked back, he saw the dark hair wizard's back and forth jumping out of the window ...

In the next second, Midel only felt a violent heat wave with terrible wind pressure, rushing towards himself!



Luca's expression is inexplicable ... what is the answer.

"Whether you believe it or not, that's the case anyway." Middlel replied with a bitter smile and sighed softly: "In the kingdom of Azores, my hometown, the wizards' magic and alchemy are still very new, so It will inevitably cause some curiosity. "

"The explosion and smoke just now were caused by my experimental error and hand slipping-if you are disturbed, please accept my sincere apologies."

"I know, I'll let you know in a minute." Lucca nodded, and said in a deep voice: "So ... there are no assassins, but your mistakes in the experiment caused the explosion just now. "

"Yes, that's it." Slightly nodded, and Midel looked at Luca calmly:

"It just slipped."

Luca nodded, indicating that I believed it.

Letters are ghosts.

He is a war dancer in Morning Star Forest. He has seen how herbs are made. He has also dealt with small wizards in the Ogre Wars. He also knows about alchemy.

But Luca did not deliberately break.

"Since there are no assassins, or mixed aliens in the settlement, then the blockade is not necessary." Luca nodded and pondered for a moment to decide: "But I will still leave a few war dancers just in case. One.

In addition, because of the movements here, the entire Wuyue Court was alarmed, and there were patrol guards everywhere ... So if there is nothing special, you must not leave, so as not to cause misunderstandings. "

"This is natural, your arrangement is very careful and careful, I must be honest ... cough cough cough ..."

Nodding, feeling that there was no need to continue, Luca looked at the growing movement outside and chose to turn away.

As soon as he was about to step away, the Azore elf suddenly shouted at him.

"Lord Luca ~ ~ You are the leader of the former war dancers in the Morning Star Forest settlement. Morning Star Forest should be the only settlement that has dealt with the Empire."

Lifting his eyes, Middlel gazed calmly at the back in front of him: "Excuse me ... do you know an Empire named" Edward "?"


Startled, Luca turned his head inexplicably, "What's wrong?"

The middle-aged elf's complexion couldn't be more natural.

"Oh, it's nothing." After confirming Luca's expression, Middlel smiled like a sigh of relief. "Just curious, just ask casually."

After he finished speaking, he raised his head again and solemnly straightened up to face Luca, bowing to salute:

"The war dancers in the Morning Star Forest really are the bloodline of the Azores elves in the entire ancient wood forest. They are the most warrior-like clan."

The Azores at this moment seemed to get an answer, breathing a sigh of relief.

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